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( Dc-6onn Socialist Aecunulation aW. Unsumption in kulpria, by My& KbekdrMill, 97 pp I;JMARIM,, bk., Natrmpyaw I PotroUlade v WAlawUs py 8j, 14-22j, 23-29, 3D-32, *-31'.. 38-"o a-r, 7"3, 85-ftp 148-1560 161-175p 2ft-Ifts, I.Izm'11-201; 2D9-212. N&U. - Bulgaria JFREI 86.12 -? a )1640 ow'c Qhrald' Z h ~1" I i m o v i cKh. S TION 0 S TION OF I pos'rnlOR SEMICIRCULAI M CANAL IN MAN. (1963](7p] t4refs FASHO Menu- Ecript no.: S 1,57-7- Order from OTS, SLA, or E'W $ 1. 10 6-6)-24470 Trans. of Arkh1v Anstomil. Gistologil I R~brioiogll (U&tR) 1962. v. 42. no. 6. p. 84-87. D=RIPTORS: *Ear, Bone, Wed. Descriptions aro'givem of the position of the posterior smicircular canals in the pyramids of dw temporal bone an both sides of the owns skull amd also in differ- ent skull*. (Biological Sciences --Anatomy, 'IT. v. 11. no. 6) 2 T r-6j-24470 1. Khadzhiselimovick Kh. 11. 1 AREB-5-157-i Ill. f edcration of American Societies for Experi- mental 131010g), Washington, D. C. IV. Scripts Technica. Inc. Washingtm D. C. j U it 16161AW br*w (W-5254) ComusVtIon of Cftl in Masriajt by Bl. Khadshoyp Lb X0210ys 13 PP& ZMOARXAX,, per, ULmm Delo :1 Wftalwwlys, Vol XV, So 5.* 196O.P vp 394,h2e im et Uur - Dul~prta Econ ftr 63- Djutribution of Phase Wferences of Oscillations Among Thmo Signals FlmotuatljW in Unison in the Presence of Correlated Noise, by B.A,, Khadshyo 5 pp~ HUSSIANP Por, Radlot4& I Mektron, No 7t 1962~ AIRB Sel Feb 63 .~ .3 3.4 .1 ID I Casting Propexties and Selection of Pouriub MetbDd for &%b YormlAg Amions of the EM Trpe., by 1. M. Mofuts, 9 pp. HUS13M,p bk.* Sonemmwe DaptizbOU43M Uimm Pro!Eeftft, 1960p pp 41-46. 9670250 Yu.-Ma,10m/l Sci - BW Aug 6L Our Present Concepts of th,? Geology of the Central Arctic, by V. W. Saksp n. A. Belov, N. N. Lapina; The ice Age and Atlantis, by E. F. aa~emeister; Commentis on Ragemeister'B E-Y V. RFJ~e-r - A. Obruchev; 19 pp. RUSSIANO perm Prirodao Vol VIII 1955, pp 13-22p 92-96p 96. CIA D 358115-,:-~ Def Sci Imfo Sv DEB, Candu T-196 H Sci - Geophysics IOU ~ so It*&. --fAwAftemllbe in ft"A" i - Le - T No- - " br It. A* numms x6 *At x WW" pwo xt fts am ml SEMI I. U. ambMwat V" =."I ft 30,0 296L Mordw Alb 04 ftl mw 62 M4369 Foxib'dfigm 104-spectm of M86s, IEIIZ~Op Y90 ajA ngX*s by R. X. IlerjavLah, D, IL .,AM6v A. V. Swataawp 12 pp. HUSS=# Pers & At I" SOM �" "a. Vol as so 38 1956p pp Prj-wtL 0*3=&U 2*ch Tr Sol - pbrdae *4',1,, -0 .2 1- Apr 57 CUB B3W&jmGvtvj Study of AcuU-j%jse ReactIone. Pvrt 1. Cz-Heoctive ProUls., by L. N. )&o1, 4 pp. RUMM, per# Diol 1 Vad , Vol XEYT, No 10, lm, pp 3"0- - COVAMItPftG Bureau Sci - Med Jun 59 UOU 3% AwasuWand 1w vws Val ball Avg 65 rr-64-15271 O&Wdlb% L D6 mvid Borivor, N. K OWUMATON OF 7HE'LAWS IT WMCH MACMO I. nallmllik L KL Lrm DMMVED IN monsm PREDWATER PASS U. DMIDOW. X M. WW MW PRESMIS SMAAL 119641 112P) Orsts M. CE-Tftu-3224 C. L ltsm 3224. IV. Central Eketricity Ordor hm (YM SL& or K= 11. 60 7T44-13271 Gmrwft loard. Lee" (EIBMW Tims. d Topkmwptike GM) 101% v. 10. am P. 12-IL M --CbwmM4 Tr. v. ii. w6 im Gcaeral Rules Governing the Solubility of Subat-aLi,- in Steam, by M. A. Styrikovich.. RUSSIAN, MQUO, ir"U;,;rI;LQUQvjrYe Prot cessy, Moscow, 1957, M) la-28. OSIR LTTj 14.796 O.oan) SLA 150-13635 sai Chem Aug 60 Ubse of RadloactLve lootapai ImstliPtl'W Solubilltr of &ate im Tap= of ULrjp Pairametwo, by U. A. stymvwlcbs I- xh. Kbaibullln,, L. X. V!-Aftlms RMZWP truU yew Bomb Tekh Kmf Prim.mm Raftaaktiv I ftmbil tz*tq?ov-i IzlmbmLl v gnoA_ j;j" I Mauke., 1957p V03. IV# Am Tr-42u6 sci - SW 24 reb 61 t4ul.Ubrim rhasia 014gram " tho 6yaw= 2.04-1- 0. HhZN-r-? 0 IMISOIA20 and ElO (quartm)- C, 6QrIkovic&, 1. IM.- da-&-Illm# 4 pp. t "Maftmw~ RMSI-1-31, thrrica-mo per, Dok A IWA SSSH, Vol CL-.~ No 5, ra.,,/jIug 19%, pp W-966. Convultrante Bureau sc! I- Cham Doc 57 of Iron In Fusei Zinc,. Allmll Metnl, And --,lina-2prth Met9l Chlort!es, by Koch&,-:,in, 6 T pi oer, Zhur Meorpnn Kh1m. Vol 1,. tio 11., iq~~6,, Khaidarov, A. A. and Novikov, A. P. . APPARATLIS FOR TUB AUTOMATIC DETERMINA- TION OF LEAD DI ORES AND CONCENTRATES (Pribor dlj-a Avtomaticheskogo Opredeleniya Soder- zbani)-a Svini sa %, Rudakh i Kontsentratakh) f19611 [ 3)T Wal-TCTI Spring 1.3h Trans. NT 849-, MIR LI-U M. 319e. Order from OTS oi SLA $1. 10 01-28129 Trans. from Bytilleten' Izobretenii (USSR) 191,0. no 7 (USSR deficription of an invention, author's attesta- tion, appl. 14 Sep .99 as 639757/22). "L ead. IX-termination, Autommic, *Orcs, Beta paiii0es. Gainnia rays An apparatu, is described for the autornatic detem. i - nation (if the Icad (ontent of oreH and concentrates b% means of a bridRv Ji-cuit measuring the gamma- (Metallurgy, r1", v- 6, no. 12) (over) 61-28129 I 1. Khaicbrov, A. A 11. Novikov. A. P. Ill. Patent Application (USSR) 6.38 757/22 IV. MIR NT-949 V . DSIR 1-1-LI K1. 319t VI. DLpartment oi S-cientifi, aiul Industrial Re-earch Offlc* of TocWcof S~icos 3hveatISstA*u of the PenstratUiS CovApament of ]Mectrom-ft,21ear M=ers by Daloyed Coincidence Mbtbod in Conjimetion With a Bodoscope, by G. B. 223distm.s Ae Ae e!Mqj&v, 6 pp. MISSIMj, w per,, Zbar Sksper I IbBoret Fis, Vol No,.=, Am .195T, PP 706-7-13- AMer Inst of Pby-g Sov :Phye-JffP Vol 'T., !;0 4 S^-i - Physica Jan 58 1018 ~ #avow Brick% A - ---- -- - 'No 1170 -17 Sd-C&M WE" 65 2749327 r 0~ dater weptwa LNO [AuutsbuWao porp i~4"i 1 n1LI NCH-201 324 Field 13J 1. British Ship Resmrch I Association, London Khalkin B. (England) 9ATHEMACAL "PRESENTATION OF THE CONDITICkIS WHEN A PROPELLER IS ENCOUNTERING ICE. 9 Apr 65. 14p, 3refs. BSRA-1931. Order from 3SRA: LS as SSRA-1931 I Tram. of SUclostruenle (USSR) v30 n3 p32 1964. "m Oj?tlftl hqpft-U" at fta marAth in aw 3-36 Region# by M. N. NU*Vws A. a # lallafto 3 ". RMIMO V"p COM" I gpd9tro., Val 1xv No lit 1960P VP ~*J*O- a" Sol Iftr 61 /,604/j S-;-~04 f Utural CimuUtlft Vaftr Nmateady C:ondLtl=al by L--Xi"XMWm OM lNunni, ver.0, thIft -a at 3ft",* vp 3041. ]X33 Uml no &No (35%. o6.) "I - amw /// 0 7X no (* 61-18038 Khaikin, M. C. and Papok, K. K. RAPID METHOD OF DETERNNA71ON OF TETRA- 1. Khaikin, hi. C. ETHYL LEAD IN LEADED GASOLINES. [19611 Sp. U. Pitx)k, K. K. 14 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1.10 61-1808 Trans. of Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khirnii (USSR) 1941. v. 14, p. 652-661. DESCRIPTORS: 'Gasoline, Chemical analysis, *I-oad compounds, Ethyl radicals, Determination. TT, v. 6, no, 7) Properties of lb~petpplasmti Wavcs in Bismath Single Ci-ystals: by M. S...]Omikin,,, L. A. Faltkovskiy, Ot 4, 9 pp - 11'UMIJU,T., per.. Zhur Eksper f Teoret -FiL, vol xLv, iio 6, 1963, PP 17o4-1710", Amer Inst of Phys sov Phys - JMT Vol XVIII, No 5 Sci Au~; A Self-Qwmching Ught N&tQr., bY S. F. ROdiOnOv, WalkUp A. 1. MML$Wbwwj. It pp. RUWUNg pw, Abor Bkolor I Tooret FIS Vol IMn,, no I# M*51, pp 223-M. C'JA C 40845 American Inot of Physics 51 Boat 55 at- lbw -York gas X. Y 'o Inveutigation of the Fermi "*ace in Lead by the Method of Cyclotron Resonance), by Mo S., Khaikinp R * T:o Minap 5 pp RUSSUN., per 22m, Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol KI , No 1., 1962, PP 35-41 AIP Sov Phys-JETP Vol xv., No 1 Sci Jul 62 214,672 mmeougMan of tAw Fand Barface ln Lood 14 , tjw civellotrw In sughcas V R, T* Mms, M6 0. .10 pp. Im"Wo pwo Zbw Xkow:L Tecrat Plz# Vol XKNP lb 5v 1963p IM 23*-IU6. Amw Mot or fts am fte - ism Vb6l p lb 14 ftl 2SO.,M Investigation of the Perid Surface in Tin by the Method of Cyclotron Resonance# by M. S. Khaikin., 6 pp RUSSIAN.. per., Zhu Eksper i Teoret Fiz,, Vol XLII., No 1,, 1962.. PP 27-34. AIP Bov Phys-JETP Vol XV., No 1 Sci jul 62 214,673 UmUsation of the Anieftropy of the Surftce Roxistum of Tft at Low Teqpwstwoo by m. s. ohnibl"Wr 3 PP, En==s, bim pwq Zbor Bkopw i Toorat pis Vol mmrl" Ib Is 29"t pp 11~0117. CIA c 645 Anwims Inst of Pbysics 5T lbot 55 at. DM York 22,9 N. T. 31, -Z 7 7- Lllriate Resistance of a Superconducting Tin at a F-,.,equ~ncy 'Of 9400 HopcyCless by U. S. Khaikino 4 pp. ,-a*" Vol IM='*.. No 3 JUAN. per,, Dok A N&A_4��B IS~52-s pv 517-520. N~7y Tr, 789/Mll JAO Phyatca Jul 5 3 CM Self-moutrausilm Ught Urter With Adjustable Red soundaryp by u. a. XUM xWtIkin., S. I. AboulImp 3 pp. MSSMV bl= pwp F-hur JUpr I t na Val I I I - JIT J, so 1.0 IMP pp 2"-"6. CIA C 40%5 Awrican Inst of Physics 57 Dist 55 St. Nrw 'fork 22v N. 1. PbYsIcs 343,sll- An Investigation of the Shape of One Croas Section of the Fermi Surface of Tin, by M. S. Kk9kin., 5 PP. RUSSUN, per, Zhur Zkoper i Teoret Fiz vol xi No 1, 1962, PP 59-65. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol xvi, No 1 Sci -?'0 $323 Jan 63 GYclotron Resonance arA Quantum Oaclllatiow of the Surface RwAstanae of Biamuth By M. S.-Khsikin, R. T. Kim pp RUSSIAN, per. Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLIII, No 6, 1962. pp 2073 Amer inst Of ft" saw Rws - JRTF Vol Xvi 11 KO 6 sei jul 63 Prolotron Resomme &W Quant3m OsaMatims of the Suruce Resistan" at Slamtb ar M. SL-P~ikft ww R. T. vim pp a RUSSUN~vr. Zber WWpW I Turot fts. Val XLIIIj No 60 pp 2063-203 Amr Zwt 0t pbp 3m Pbys . :RIP Vol xyl I. go 6 sa 14P Jull 63 Mfffacs &*Odeon of BViWroUnducting MIMS. by 34. S - Xba:Lkiup 7 vp RwasMort mhw xxxpw I 7"Givt PLZp Tati )=IV No pp 100-1m. AMOr lut of Phys Ow Pbsei w Jvd# Vol M (3h)0' No 6 Direct Measurement of the Momentum of Conductlon Xlectrons in a bletal, by M. S. Kha-Uin, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper J- Teoret Fiz) Vol XLI; 11o 6., 1961, PP 1773-1779. AIP Sov M-iyz - JET P Vol XIV, uo *.3 sci jui. 62 205.,080 62-12166 Derstuganov. G.. V. am others. THE-INNFLOPING PROPFRTMS OF SDME 4-AMM- 1. Khalkin, bL & S-PYRAZOLDNES AND TFIEIR DERIVATMM 119611 11. Dermpm,. G. V. lop. M. ATS-3BN56R Order ft A-M $13.60 A7S-.VIN36R W. Asswiated Technical Services, Inc.. Trans. of Vwwyoz;tnyil RastOramp, N. Kloobtotnolitutj Trtdy (USSR) 19M so. 37, p,i7-36 DESCItVTO]t&- *Andms, -Ppwwbwa, *Pyramlow dorivativem, *rWWP*Fl3SCcbvx%Ic*l*, Cbmuge" ftysicol pnvmjaa. (Muerials-ftowpopble. Tr. Y. 7. so. 3) of SUctrowguetic 'A?.ncrgl., bj% Prof. S. pij. W,.C'1=37M9 - ., -so per:-RIA! , So 8., I'JSSRv Aug Ic,5" r. P 5 8 - 6,21 AW P-M-74-87 - 3c --*I,,,utM"-Q - B lectranicaj, electricity a o 53 c;"3./= CIA 101r,-25 .1-adio Vevess, p by PxvC S. IMWUup 12 M UNMABBIF itull t1swilatim. AMZW,, per, NadW. no IL,, ISOJ2# pp 56-58. W-M. AM4PJn-7ft8 ties cawitimce and aductaftep %gr Pror S. Khaikin, 20 pk). Fall trauslatton. Runsm, per, 4gle, so 20 Iges pp 54-59. AM-F-0-7828 um i i scieutitu - Jmwtrnjd p rouo,, eloctromlgnetic, - --Is 1*6 A Now Hl&-Resolutim Radio Te1emucp.:,, by S. S. FOudk1a, N. L. Ka'A- kly. RUSSIAN per,, pribory i Tekh 9"per, No 2, 1959, pp 19:9. Internatl Phyales.1 Electronics as Vol. 11., No 2 Bel - Electronics Nov 59 Meahanics,, by S. E. Kbaillin. RUSSIANj, bk. Infosearch Was 242., Willesden Lane London. N, W. 10. Jun 59 E- Kaidanovskil. N. L- and otheri;. Khaiki TRE-LARGE RADIO TELESCOPE AT PULKOVO. tr by 1. L. ZygielbBum. 30 Jan 62 [601p. 22 refs. PIL Trwis. 25; NASA N62-10819. Order from OTS ar SLA $5.60 63- ME I Trnnis. from Astronomicheskays Ob6ervatoriya, Pulkovo. Izvestlys (USSR) 1960 [v. 21, no. 5(164j. Another trans. Is available from OTS or SLA $3. 60 as 61-16113 [1961] [34)p. DESCRIPTORS: *Telescopes. Radio equipment, Itadio astronomy, Design, Construction, Tests, Resolutim, Reflectors. Antennas. hilcrowave equipment. 'Me telescope consists of a range of flu reflectirig elements, whidi form a polyhedral surface tangential to Pn elliptic cone surface. The reflector transfomis the plane wave into !i cylindrical wave with a vertica- axis. (Astronomy, TF, v. 9. no. 5) ((Fver) 63-15081 1. Khaikin. & E. If. Kaidanovskii. N. L. IU. JPL Trans - 25 IV - NASA N62-10819 V. let Propulsion I-Ab., Calif. InsE. of Tech- Pasadena AIMMV14w. IMecUm AdBoUm of %Unpten tbated by a Higb-Dmsity Curreat Pulaej, by S. V. rabodov., U. Be walldo- U ]we F==' lwx, Zhur !Igm I i Tbomt pis 1954, Pp, -m-*M T35. -..A Vol =I$ A= Tr 26M Sol - Pbnics 00/0~ -~Z(o r Nov 56 ON Sam AmmIles in the Behavior of Metals Heated ty RIgh-Surige Pulses (excerptn),, by S. 7. labodavy S. M. K Z Malkin, 8 pp. RWTAN, per,, Zhur &*per i Tecret Pis, Vol XXYI, 1954,, pp 629-639. mic/sCL-T-245 'Tun 39 90 The Relations of the AllereW Test With Serological and Bacteriological Tests cc Brueellooic, by B. G. PPU-U*.. 5 pp. MML4N,, per,, Zhur KikrobicLI J~pielemiol Iw=)*iol, Vol XXX, No 8, 1959, PP 90-93. pp Scl Aug 6o 1"2a The Detection of latterlal AstAlpm in the.Plood of aBmeellosis ratleak, bY S. G. Miklme 3 PP. RMMW,, per Zbw Xlkreblol SpIdemlol 1 Mombablolp Vol mmp No 5s 1958* vp 56-59 Paromm Oel - Jftd Feb 59 Now Data on the Conditions of' Formation and Trani- formation of Sepmte Glywf -.e:n Fractions in the Brain,, by B. I. Khalldnev P 7' RUSUAN, per, Mckbim, Vol XIVII.. No 3# 19620, pp 412 - 42D CS Sa jq, y (,I " -? & a M 63 ~4!"Lly6i& Q13d COV"W"IbUt Of During Stl=lftica of Central IfervocE Systen, A. V. P P. MI. Poliskovu: , a lladin mIl UT"aslation. tbrice-=D per., Dok Ak ftu- S&SR., Val USISIA5 M "~J, no 4" 1-952V pp ?FRAT.-- - Medicine Aug 53 CTS/DW ey t*~ lisgia pr"*l CC KbrUww and 7, or bowto'w4tyriae RObers on the or l%dtUCt-XA**U3ir Weight, b.7 A. 13. J* T. V# Dorokldnap U. 1. :' WSW, bUm Vw, Z~Uold Ow-, V(a XV, lo 1, Consultants Bureau I.iontific Cbemlotr7 offlibmi 093S.4beiUator With Zwbmsivo CIrcuIt Damping, by A, Z. JC6slkovt 13 PP- MMUM, part FladlotekboMs Val XII; No Is J" 1957,p -pp 63-72. CIA 632532 Pur Ir-TS-9190/v Bel - fasetrw Oft 56 7 Awwl3ln-KtrpttA ForUllsm rrom o7pump tY A. ftlo&mtdwwv 3. A. Xbolkovo, D. 1. SmItiNds., 9 T"m mmaj, pw we= ad Ent Forullse", lb 2m, IM, pp W45. MA R-29L5 Bel ja 99 The Effective Dynamic Parameters fcr SulL.'.d PropaZation in lxliomogeneous Iledia, b-T !. 1.'. 'diall h3. L. A. Khalfin, 7 PP. lh:~~ RUS.Hk., per, JJ-.ust -Z.hur, Vol IV, ~.c 3, 1956, pp 2715-281. AIP SOV Rlys-FACCustics "Ol I-i" -o 3.95,546 62 Effective Dynamic Pwameters of Elastic Meals. -for the 11--opwpation of Plene Tm-a-.:.*~?r-r,3,?, Waves~ by T. M. jq!~ow~lch L. A lcualflnl Lu. nor, Tn ft pallh s9q-r.; P.P 615-6eo"' AGU SCI 1 liu,g 60 - The Effective Dynamic Parameters of Inhoutogeneow Elastic Mfidin for Karm Loneitudiml Wave Propagation.. by !. 11. Kbaikovi.q-h,,, L. A. Khalfln. UNCL HMSIANp per.. Iz Ak Nauk Ssa.R,, 6er Gcofiz, No 4p 1959p pp 595-510- ATS &--1813 Scl - GeoUbys jan Go ape wimews cc bmupwt cc NNW antwmww On W siauuoa,p 1w Ze A* bmu~3wo L. T. zbonwim It vMfini ns 10 VW ZOMAAS JM~W, Va 11. So - igg. Ruin 1119 *,3 Rbeological Properties of rjyce-c;j. Solutionn., by 1. A. Dumuekiy2 L. V. Millankor 6 pp. RUSSIM, per.. Kolloid Zhwr Vol XXII, No 3, 1060, pp 2T7-281. CB Sci ~ky 61 of the r,-:' forynati.)n in Aqueous Soluti.one of GI yccr'-'~' i. v t U ONOWAIVID OtAr Or the Mantle and Vlecom px*w!'~ - or opdmdft visa@" Dm-uw %be 11*01ft IW I. A. EON=' L. V. RMIM,v bUm pw NWUsid fbw.. Vol vn., so 6,, XW/Vft IMP VP ~rft 49"1.7- CIA *7W C.- MI 3. ommitsm" bar"m Sol - Cbndstv7 57, :661 d Aug 2956 sme Unk4mn OrSmic Smbistm=eu of Sea Water., by x. m.wxhailovi 8 pp. RUMrAN,, perp Dak Ak IbW. IV Vol cn-VII., no 5 0 t J.962j, pp .12W-lM3- (96W338) Mwy/'MM Tr SA 931 Sci - Ruth Sai & Astran ~7 Apr 63 ~~ -~) / 0 :> / -) 2 Useful Competition, by Yt ov 3 pp. RUSSLAN, per, Voyennyy Vestnik, No 4, 1962. ACSI 1-0424 D ID 2191530 Sci 18 Oct 62 213,589 The Op-exation of Dinding Wechanisrs Wilj!~ Sheaf B 1--parmt,we in Plwx Pullers, by G. k. NhRllis- RUSSIAN, perk Traktory i Sel 'kho-,,, Vol X'X'A'; *go 1, 1960, pp 19-22. NLL IRV, 2111 Migr .% , zov 62 &w . Ila MA& me go fts~ vvmb~d*i she 2"i-4,imam no, W 16; a. sms"'t wmmm~ $wr 8'r IaAx OR Avam) ,~~ 92-;? ~ 714--~ MW 6T 325#8-a Processinu, of, Tri i On in -'un- On aq~erience), !L)-.- z. c. i::- -.,e:L', Gcoclez AGU 32*1 2,b The Actual Accuracy of Measured jingles in ~iecwid-- and 11hird-Order TriangulEfLion "cmputed from, the v,rmrs of Closure of Tria-igles., by 't". 111. Khaimov. 5 pp,, -WA4k%*M"~ RUSSIAN, per, 1z Vyushikb Ucheb Zaved, Geod-ziya Aerofotoslyemka, No 4, 1962, PP. 713-82, AGU scl '; '~//' ";'foo jun 63 Mm PftctdLml Analysis of Triangulation Data by mat4mumtical Statistics JbtWdsp by Z.B. Mndwv.9 9PPI RUBBIU., per., Geodeziya i Aerofotoniemka., No 3v 1963, pp 37-52. Amer Geophysical Union Sol may 64 258,399 The Criteria of Regligible and ILIlowalble Errors, by Z. S. 1gaalRoy, 6 pp. RUSSIAR, per, Gcodezira i Aerofotosie!i~-:u, !~o 4, 1963, DI) 43-56- Amer Gco-.)hyL; Union Sci Aug 6 4 264,848 Me Use of Portable To-,iers of Second- and 'Phird-Order by -~'. S. Miairnov, 4 pp. in the Ob.;.3rva-Aon TrianpulaLion RUSISIA: -I- C)J, -T, per, Geodez i Ka---LoE:, --'o PP 17-2-1. AGU Jul 2o4 l O"j- Hydraulic Control of Machine Tools, by E. M. Khaimovich. RUSSIANS Bk, 600 pp. Pergamon Press Jan 64 The Determinntion of the Cmi,ositian of Green Chromic Bromide hy Method, by Yu. P. Nazprenko, pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Ktdm, Val I. No P, 195(-, pvc, 1758-1?6~-p ABC-Tr-wlg Sai q //0,, qp1b Apr ( 3 M&tv" Of W&rlg Tymt=ft Applled to Crushea Cm,. by Y. m*lnovft. ORFA"* Iftra Archler wenm- ALm - - Is Im u - /--- A A J.,v o (" s k y Bel . JUIY 1967 334-367 Z)wwimntal mearmemt at CrysteLuisatica Pmoure, bw T. Ta. ps!~mow-opllkav.. 6 pp. 13LIoikm, bk, B"t ML unwo Val U.- IM* pp 3.7-0.0 cu Qv 9a.56 299*.. a" m c,/,,,,-j AW 60 I/V .2 0-0, ,;'~ I ` t of a 1--emerature P-H! C;:! tfte D-aplx: i tly Di!i lbu '~- I on In by 'Y', Ya. lGmlmov-lllp-l'kov, V. Aim PN t7j.") I A Nq e r , Kn i a ta I lo gr a f iy aV 1 1 V 3-959, Amer !not ~)f Ph.%,z .30V Sci -- 'Tul 60 The GrowtA OwAltUm at crpmds iu cmtwt vith LUV* M�tILOIM* IW V- We Xb&AWW-ML,bff, 9 ppe R=Mp Us Ant Wlet*Ump va no IMo \ 26- 39j, = qs OU*56 20*16 .w a" Ob ck~,-j Age 60 // //, .2 0 *( 7 The Tberwaynamdon of CrystOlAzation Pro"=@ i bY V. Ta. xmuwy-uolokvv., u pp. fmowlt Us Rmt Asuuw ra n, im, a 16., cu $am 0 gal% 7-he Problam of the Structure of thc Caapiun, De- and the Connection :BA-tween the CaiinaiLm, aud the Trans-Caspian, by & E. Khain, 8 pp, MUSSMI, per, Geolog Neft,, Vol I!, No 9,A, 1958P PP 11-18. Rev of Rusaian Geology 59 lol S70 1/ DLnuence of the Raugbness of a Burlame rLIM on the Adhealon or a Lacquer Costing, ty I. I- WWI".. per, Zhur PrIk Xhim, Vol XXXIII, No T,, 1960., pp 1526-~i5gq. CB '6 Aug 61 of T, perg Zbur Prik Xhim,, Vol )=I No 11, 1-959, PP 21,73-2478 CB oct 6o KHAINp 1. L Influence of Different Additions in the Phosphating of Metals, ZHURNAL PRIKLADNOI XMMII, vol. 18, 1945, Nos 4-5, pp 264-9; 2900 words. Brutcher 14o 1868, S .3. 6, 0 0 Influence of the Surface '-,tatA-- of the Metal on the Composition of Phosphate Fil=, by T, 1. -rmairx 3 D-P- RLTSSIAN,. per., Zbur Prik Kbira, Vol MIV.. No 5~, 1961j, pp 1028-1030. CB Sci , /~/"a- Feb 62 Investigation of the Coup),sitlon of Phos*ate Film Farmed in-Presence or Nitrates., by I. I. Khodn., 3 PD. RUSSIAN, per, 2b= Mk Wx,$ Vol =M , No 7s, 1W, py 1492~lygA. Ca - 114-2 6,Y7 Sol jul 61 Promw of Phoaphatation of Steel. in -~.he ?ra- sance of Nitrato-q of Tri-ml.ent Mottlp are Nitric Acid (Part 117),, by 14., 1. I-Ch-e-in, pp 1 1. 11.- Russian,, perq Zhur Prik Khim,, VoI U111v No 129 1959,, pr 2662-2666 CB Sol ~iov 6o Phosphall,ation of Steels in the Prcsernco cf M41--rate-3 ~f -Mcn-vaIant. !,Letals., by L, T, Mr--An, 5 Irwr RUSBUN,, perj, Zhur PAk Xb1m, V-31 XXXII.. No 11,, .1959., PP 2463-2467 / ::, --;,/ / CD oat 6o M-ILM Khmin. S. S. , Front, A. V. and atim a. DEHYDRATION OF ISMOPYL ALCX*ML OVER 1. Khain, S. S. SOLID CATALYSTS. 119fl) So. 13 refs. U - F. A. V. Order frorn OTS or SLA $1. 10 M - 18344 Trans. of Zhurml Prikladnol KWmti (USSR) 1945. v. 18. p. 301-308. DESCRIPT'ORS: *Propanole, Dehydratim *Pro~yl ethers. Synthesis. *Alundmun compounds, OAlwns, Catalysis. Chemical reaction, Temperature. Pres- Mae. Velocity A catalyst was developed with which 25.9-29.4 mol-% yields of loopropyl ed~er can be dbtafned from Iso- pr6pil alcohol of 92-95% m4mratim wben calcu - lated'on the alcohol charged or 66.5-7& 0% on the alco1hol converted~ for a rate ol am ol 1. 16-5-70 1/kg catalyst per hour and a reaction temperavire of (Chemistry- -Physical, Tr, v. 6. no. 10) (over) offt.. f T~Wacml S~Ic.. in the Evolutim of the cruats Becent Contlumatal Regimsp by V. E. Xbolus I.Vw. MMMS per$ Nowww"Oe Obabehostyp Vb] 37;, J, No 1) pp 439o-449. 313 Arr 67 Qauh V. E. ABYSM FAULTS: THEIR MAIN CHARACrERISIIC3, PRIPCIPLES OF CLASSIFICA710N. AND 5IGNIFI- CANCE IN THE DEVELOPMEN17 OF THE EARTH'S CRUST (AN MMKICAL REVIEW). 119631 I$p Order from ATS $24.75 ATS-W71R Trans - ct Izvestlyk Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii Geolfoglyn] I Razvodka (USSR) 1963, Y. 6. no. 3. p. 13-29, TT-64-12060 I - Kbain, V - E If. ATS-W71R 111. Associated Technical Services, Inc.. East Orange. N. J. DESCR[PrORS: *Structural geoilogy. *Faukm (Geology), Lithosphere. Classification. Reviews. (Earth Sciences- -Gtx)logy, TT, v. 11. no. 3) Co Transverse Faults Contemporaneous With Sedminetation at the Central andWestern Boundaries of the Caucasus, and the Distribution of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Facies,, by V. Yes Khain., Me G. Loinize), 14 ppe RIMIAN., per., Iz Ak Nauk SSSR,, Ser Geol,, No 4, 1961. AGU Sci Sep 02 2100349 Self-Prqwlled Artillery 1n the Forcing of Rlv%,-mra I~y Tawks, by 0. Matuttaklyj, It pp. 1, UNC FuLl trmalatlan. RVOSWI Ver.9 TaMst,. 31a 10;, 1944, p 27. ID (MM 0-19,91-D (5) USSR Milttary fty 53 CTS 41~ An Investigation of the Rechanim of Vulconization at Rubber Using Radioactive aulpbnw* I., by B. X. Brealer, V. 1. Pryadilow Ve Us Maims% RUSSIAN# per,, Zhu T*m Piz# V036 mavo 310 40 Co tr Sch So 123 L87 .26. (L:L.24.) Scientific - Cbmdatry slul 55 CTS