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X-Phth-alyil-Glutamic Acid ImIde. on a New Synthetic ':,roduc~ qit-h Properfjes) by W. (unz, fl. -Kellerl- Maclzt-ea,, 16 pp. GERIVii, per, Armeimittelfoi,schung, Val IC .?56, pp 426-430. im io-34-6i 7 .xhaust-fto Turbines and Tarbochareors Made by the .1 a ..Olzwarth Gasturbinen-MM ,O>y H. Keller. ,3mmo,, w=.. py 38-hoj 61-63.- 1952. B.I.C.E.R.A. Trans 52/T3., OT/35 ,sEur - Germony Scientific - Index Aeronouticsu PhOBPMt:LOInS WM Cbrc=tlng Rev Swface Treat- ment Wethods for AlrAdniumi and its JLUcWsp by H. Keller. ~. . :. j I G&RHO, per, Aluminium, Vca XXXIq No 1,, 1955 vp 4 -9. T.I.L. T-4531 3 Scl -~- Hiwra1a/*tau,, chmilluy Jan 1956 R!m~jmwrW for Diml=tlon of Toxicilthy of Basic w --- Bwmptommln Antibiotice. 2nd Hq~rxt. Partbzr T,;r,ci,v&Vx.4y.ii4 in A.6&-Uan to the ist 'U Keller GM-M., per. Axzn--Im4-ttsUo"eh, Vol V7., rel) 1956, pp 61-W. L133 S.L.A- 7.;~ Wj--3/19505 d Bel - VAMICLue Oct. 56 VM 62-18922 Xti~ CLEANING AND GRAIN REFINING FLUXES IN TV-H 1. Keller, H. ALUMINIUM FIJUNDRY (Reinigungs- und Kornfei- nuvizsmittcl In cler Aluminium -Giestierei Flux de Nettuy-i ~e et d' i'%ffinage en Fonderie d'Alumlalura). Aug 62'r231p. (foraign text includeo 15 refs. Order fr,,)rii SLA $2. 60 62-18R22 Trans. of .~Iuniitiium Suistse (Swit;,.erland) 1962, v. '2, no. 2, p. 75-8:3. DLSCRIPP.-)RS: *Aluminum, Foundries. *Fluxes (Fusion), Grains (Metalluro, Cleaning, Refineries, *Aluniinum alloyt;, Castings. Metals, 'I-T, v. 10, no. 1) Offwt .1 T1cbwc21 &-"t 61-12655 Keller., fi~ CORROSION OF STEELS IN HOT GASES. [1"] tp. I. Steel- -Corrosion Order from ATS $7. 30 ATS-60470 2. Cases - -Corrosive effects 3. Corrosion - -Measurement Trans. of Chem[ le) -Ing(enicurl -Techinik) (West I -Keller. H. Germany) 19(,0, v. 32, no. 9, p. 582-584. 11. ATS-6416147C Ill. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. (Nietallurgy- -Fet rous Metals, T`T. v. 5, no. 7) 11to Oamomeft IddKWAw of Taxialtv Cit-WAde S '4pwt 2s Am"aw I 0%41= 9WIMM"m P*Pwt 10 TwGw4An MA ~Z.Rllwiq OWS Vol 60 2%6# pp 61w(WO MO? IV. 909-60 UAW 60 368g478 Ta"%f 1MMUM of P4WWt 13 n and qptdns bv Ito 6 fouir 4 MIAT29 pwg a dnUAIMMAH& Val 50 Tb 4f 10.5ro Ipp r1oldw* nm --r, 3t-32w68 EL L 3GGvW7 r.xporlnsnts an the *&MUGU of Tcxudtw or TMk9U el-OftOM M ot&m. R-mpwb 3. ',U of S 1, 34 Paimalre and the Inriumm or Imi M1061we Asulp a % W vol 6s -WIN per# 1,10 30# M& pp W592. Iml 1119 L L '50 360#475 i wf -457 Yl MstcrUa Index Figures f or Flaming -L%fhe ~6teriul See6s of tba Constructi.ou Industry, by Aebim Renner, Heinz Keller, GERM.. perj Die MaterliLl -Wirt suhaf t Val V.,r--', No 200. Oct 1959, pp 11-13. JPM 7625 /Y Xgur - Germany ECOU Pab 61 ftII Cy 1104W NOV&W few Automatic kqw*Laing of tm IPMNWM ftils"Od " the Tmaod Hotel%* LaU by Odas genet 6 pe swisse at& ad" patimit so 185 005, ftpt cmw pstest gonce jam 66 302*737 (NY-6k5O) IVroving BUte Mhaaament or lihol sisal Trade, by Mirt Sernbater; Horst Kai I a .; 22 pp. ORFMAN, per, Der good*', Val X1, No 6, 1961, Im 250-256. JPRB 10296 Mkr - Gvnmy T=BI 73', Rcon rsov U "*%- Pbyai*UW of SkulAtal JIW:IA Blood Flovp WCh. J-.Oller, A. Looser, H, Reln., 57 PP- MWUp per.. Ultachrift fuer UalogLe, Vca XC.. No 32 193Ds pp 2W-298. us 4.344 fti - Waal= //X) 9 ) I/ am 60 '-lotigolisrz. Lith Particular Reference to its I Ly J. Veller. ri-t, .'uclidruckerai Lurslgs Lrben Ai-, 1938, The 49"tion Of the axiss-face or LOWWIMtid*"* by R. WaildsChaidt-L"U9 L, Soller, awkwo Wo bl2s!gb Z. Val 3099 19S7* pp 229-233. , bAm IT FW93" u0 $I GOVBPJudw USE ONVI sci-c2ma ApIr 66 2986811 Direct Observation of Ketal Surfaces by Means of Electrons Discbwlged by Ions,, by G. Hiollenstedt, M. ."SK.L, 13 PP - GEFWN2 r. Radex Rundschau., No 4/5, 1956, pp 153-&. Am Tr 2,363 Sci - Physics Aug 57 ?he RoU of the KIdw and of Angiotexasin in the OtinalaWom or the MODMI PhAftion of tbL- Adrewle., b7 J. D. R~nlv "py:.Aq. Kell r, 5 YMMM', yer,, Amtles dInaocrfno3ogjft, Vol XXII So 3., 3.962.. pp 344-3M. MIN LI-10-62 Sci - Med JaEL 63 i..uentitative X-kay Phase Analysis of Various Tyj~crs *as%, by P, Keller, M119W "er, Iterks. Korros., Vol 18, Uct 19670 T'rY 86 .978, USI 6623 3770792 Arr (.9 yy 4u&mtItatLvv X-Ray Tmm Aml~yzie of Various TypM of Awtv by P. No" "or GSA". per, 05TALAM imad Karresion Vol 13., 1967v pp 865-875. ZL TW.- 9M2.4 (67/386) i I ~ I,- z ", L d Sci-mw A-Stry July 68 -360.,927 Keller, R.. Dick, L., and Fidecaro. M. A VOMCE OF POLARIZED PROTONS: AcrUAL I .Keller, R. STATE OF CONSFRUCTION. tr. by B. Harvey. 11. Dick. L. Aug6O. 55p. 20re(s. M. Fidecaro, M. Order from OTS or SLA $5.60 UCRL Trans. 571 IV. UCRL Trans-571 V. CERN-bD-2 Trans. of C[entrel E[twopeen del R[echerchel V1. Lawrence Radiatlon LAb.. Njucleim,-1 (SWITICT-land) Rept. 60-2. 29 )an 60. U. of California. Berkeley DESCRIPTORS: *Proton acceleratom Accelerators. wCyclotrms. Construction. *Ion sources. *Protons. Polarization. Hydrogen. Dissociation, Atoms. 4 3 4 Particle beams, Magnetic seWatlon, Laval nozzle&. Nozzle@, Effectiveness. 8-29-61 (Nuclear Mysics-Inomments. Tr, v. 7. no. 3) Of"" of Techeleel sw.1"I Kell!~t:, R. PR7ECT FOR A SOURCE OF POLARIZED IONS, ir. by.Mrs. AubreyKempner. 19jan60[401p. (174ecua- tionk; 20 figs. omitted). CEIRN 57--,X). Ord,!r from OTSor SLA 5.1.60 t'2-252~~' Trans. uf r-nono. Projet d'11ne Source d1oas Folarlte.~, Geneva. 1957. DESCRIM-ORS: *tons, *Polarization, 'lon qoutces, Magnetic si!pwaration. Lenses. Parricle trajectories. Arnplituie modulation. Oscillation, Cyclotrons, Atorn Ionization, Linear i ow -, Pi; accelerators. Contents: The principle of magnetic separation Tlie adiabatic lens Calculation of the trajectorlea (Nuclear 11hysics-Instruments, 77, v. S. no. 0)1 62- 252f,5 1. Keller, R. el It M. Forapean Organization for Nucluar~ Research W. 60-1551 t, cancelled F 42,2 4 4 h-20-62 0#4". .1 1.6'.-l 5-C., Calibration of -y -DooLmetern by Means of DjapkLmW Be&=., by Z. P. BiL10% R. F. KeUer, G. P. Ostrcmikhova, V. N. nichila, 5 PP. RUSSIO, per., lzmft4tel Tekh, No 12, 1959, ]PIP 47- 50 - rnstru Soc of Amer Sci / 3-~) / -5-1~, ~, oat 6o A Source of Polarized Prot~Dwi Actual State of Conoxtructions. by R. Keller, L, Dicks M. FJdecaro, .1) 6 pp FRFdf=, rpt, Una Source de Protom Folarlse-:l --Ftat Actuel de la Constxuctlon,, frcm CMN-60-2, 29 Jan 1960. ABC UMI -Truas - 57 sci - phys 9 mex 61 ,-I.ist 48 Practical Research Work on Savinr, anu or-. K Teeth, by 14, R. Kell r 21L pp. FIRM-CH, doc. Centre Techniguc d,i Bois - Scrvice des Recherches, Paris. Etude Technique -- docvr-r-:.,A- S.2p 1953- S L.-A, Tr No 3-lu/1955 ft-i - &igineering IhindwntO Rommardm m SaviAg" by R. Keller, 25 pp. 0 ==W to Rodmftn Sur 1e Beftop Coutre Techn:Lqn 4a I op a don Re- amd3e. ztmd3 "dwigm-Dmumt 31,0 Paris, Ppri-t IM S. L. A. Tr 619156 Bel - 3000wring :rr Au8 56 co/dox A aev 19lectrm Souroo and Its 1mv=vim aa an Ion Sourae, by R. Keller, 4 pp. GERM., per,, Tft1v Phys AcUj, Vol X)F-I; 1948, p 3.70. AEC UMM-Traw-579(L) gel - pigs - 19 jan 61 L-T-~4 ' /~7 bl- 12981 Keller, H., Schnelders, I., and Wenner, G. PROCESS FOR THE MANLIPAMURE OF MALKYL 1. Esters - -Productiori as-rERS OF ISO- AND/OR THREMTHAUC ACIL). 2. Tarephslic acid-Oictnica-1 11%11 Sp. reactions Order from ATS $11.45 ATS-9214-180 3. PhEhaltues-Synthes16 I. Kener, R. Trans. cC German potent appUc&Uou no. 1, 085,14b, II. Schneiders, J. filed 23 Dec 58, openud for public inspection and pub. 111. Weimer, G. 14 July 60. IV - Patent (Germany) 1 085 146 V. ATS-92144&G VI - Associated Technical Serv- ices. East Orange. N. (Cheinistry-Organic, Tr, v. 5. no. 10) The Dixect TI'awfo ILon of Raclear Euersy Dito M*~IcAl Power and its Applieatim to Very 1,0v Power Devlwap by R. !~~er , et al. MM.. p"r P/LIUp Proc"dUp of late=ational OMferenft on PeaceM Uses CX Atanic Energy Hels at Cemsvz 8-20 Aug 1955., Vol XV. 3htematl Conf UN Scl - Nuclear Fbysics c:TA 1-669.9.162 Contributim to the Stw~j;- 7r the CaustarI Which jP~~ Ovirmts In b"r: ZOM am ReUtive NebmtImso b7 Rdwwt*A-9i---:l 5 pp. nu=,v pwo smaiemu daias mm 21-md=d en=Qlo 53p AmmiAzImm elettroteenift Su3samp VemStap 1952p 40.0 JIM* go P14W we A Now 2r UM.)*aftlVs 582 Wr 55 a"Ina Rtfiwt of lomf Miners on Ibutomynthmis Qnd TIMSAMUM of po;bar Itaves, by T. Kener. (11mv. per. I Vol 71. No U/12, 1964. pp 71-667 CUM/50 7921 Bel - SOP 67 .4G,167 Investigations on Peptidases in the Healthy and Diseased Skin of Peorlatics, by J. M. Paschoudo W. KeLlarp D. Schnitilip 25 pp. GROM.. pert Arch klin exper 1)ermatbl,, Vol ccm, 1956, pp 2o3-216. Nm 6-18 Se i - Med .Tui 58 7) -36. lnrestiMtiaus on the Carbabwdrate -*nd Fat YOtabD- liE;m in Pbysical TAbor. IM:. The L,fluamc of DDBSeS of Olmose an the Walking Ketunmda s. by -W. K*Uar., N. Bohns 15 PP. perj Internat 7, AngOr VhYrAOI~ 70 3.958,. PP 3.07-U4- Nm Sci - Red Jun 5 9 Invest4ptions on Neutral Izatim and Becanlutination Inhibition of ParmyolloWKItle Irlms (Col U-Strain) With Sera of C"es of Zmespbalitts,, Awptic Keninotis and Poliomyelitis,, by W,'Keller, 0. Vivell,, 11 pp. GIRW.. reprint from KIftlacbe Wocbenschr, Tel 3=p So 43A4.. 4 Boy 1952,, py W15-1017- SIX 8clentific - FAdicine qo/,;L / CTS/D= Inve-stiptIona on the Carboti3dmtc =d Vat, Metabolism in Fbyalcal Labor. rZ. Chacdc=11 Chnnps in Vork Without ftlor ItV~cli-Aon k~f V, ~~pv 19 pp. ,, psr., intermat s Pbyzzlol, Vol "--I, &OM I v 1957.. PP 421-433. MM 5-5 Sel - Ned Jj= C9 V .0 ~/" , 'uaveul 43.r&ai;im'w on tb* Carbohydmtc- bard Vat in bavior of UAs Ucpirato.-,,, llfii~~ Pravious Ingestion nf -:%rsr.A' J~. suramo d. Zl=rmrwnn il, W~ pp. -3&NaNv per, Intarmat z Phy&lol, Vol 1957., PP h,0,0420. Du 5-4 1 .. Zed jllb 59 ttelatlonshtp ftttoon i sit-SIAllit-.: a :"xM0 *"I - "41tatVianird Ly ME, "GOAKI altfrl,~ `7~151, all VIC ,71minkmSe ot Wo:~Ien 7-23t"lor, Wasbtrr in a !Irw3t,plm ftcd2im, ty C. Blanken'lurf-, W. %5--~I)ev. 6760 C-c!-:--urreace of Coxsackie Virm infections in Germully., by Keller_acd 0. Vivelli-i 6 pp. M-J?MAN., KI. Wschr. pp j. Vol 29, Do 43/44, Gertrzny, CT-AATD X-650 /4 Medicine Institutes of Health, Betherda, Md- Xbl*"4rA~MWM MOM INV A. rAWW4 &IMAgo i =plw#Awvmvm& loftwso,.A9nw46 AMVORL*tt-MY MOW no 2C39A DL%c Triodep Its Ybaufacturee and AppUcatims, by R. Mume, J. Nal I rer. GM.W. per., Sienew Zeitachrift, Vol XMaI., No 1,, 1958, pp 17-25. 2U 15319 Sol - Aw Fab 63 44 ft. SF-1855 The N-4w &e-ineering Plan,- Ba3is of Scientific- Techniva Successes of Factories Affiliated with VVB Plastverarbeitung, by K. KeLIA3rhctfv R. Boehm, 7 pp, GEPYANs per, Plasto und Kautachuk, Vol 8, No 3.1, Nov 1961D PP 357-539. JPRS 12876 (SF-1855) The Naw Engineerb* Man: lk&sla or Soleatiflo-Twihnical &wmsims of Fwtorles Atfflfttod WIth ViM Plan bvcruiwltmg, IW K. 2 HaUerhoff, R. Boebm, 7 pp. GERM.. per., Plasto und KoWmft*, Vol Vin, No U, 1961L, Pr 357-539. JPRS 12876 GerAazW 1Z7, 6 J/ %on Mar 62 U lowe"Uption at the Zonuame or Friction an the Preload Teadom and Stafting No A of ftrew Jbiatt by 2.-]kU*rmmo R. C. nely" ORROX, per# - Ift 2,0 1955. ~f MU 2WO 901L - AW aw 62 /,OFz '0 ~1,6 uOt in Streingth of RK Bonds of b"m Filux With Minerals Enco=oxvd in Sails,, by V. Kel,lermm,, I. Tsiurupa. RUSSIM, per, Pockvovedenis, Vail ll 1962g pip 74-83. CSIRO/No S977 Sci-chem q q5~ July 63 Problem of the Strvogth of the Bond Between Iron Klas and Minerals found in Uie SoU, by V. V. X913 rmu and I* Go Twunq*j, P. 9 RUSSIANIt pert j, No 19 19620 pp. 74 - 83 Soripts Tedudca &d ji,61 . -/0 1 Aug 63 Si-rting Torques for Tightening Bolted JOilltu3j by R. Kellermann. H. Cb. Alein. K 10 ~ 110--) Werkstattstuechnj.,~ No 4) :960., 1-~? 2-92-195- IBISI 1787 Sci - Engr oct 6o at ommulmil far ),-Or V-YISY C&ayu*16 bY " K*Diftvtxbno ,!.. LaraAart. 0911iiLge rx iism RAM Im WWI Vt* 16 Iwo Phowgrewc Notbod for the StaiLy of the rbealltatlon and the Distribution of Rbdioactive Substances In the Orgudm., by C. P. PeUerin. n=H., PaPer P/376P ftwoodings of 3)mte=atlon&l OWerenoe on Peaceful Uwe of Atcoic Imrgy ftld at Gmeva 8-20 Aug 1955j. Vol X. APr 57 30ateruatl Om -- UN .4Z d, / -TI crA 1-669.9.162 ol-` Raw Coallz to be lklashed in " Tcl-.- C-,orap;a-rtnm;Dt Mixing Bunker, by G. Grosskraubach, pcx, G~ auf, Vol. 1961, pp 631-635~ Glkj,/T. 124.7 sci-'Fucls Oc t 6:S Teabdoal-5tdaftfic firoalstlin iAsantUl for r"p"as bw A341L Muenle 11 ppe ALOAMMe ape IMLA-Aw-44 1969s pp 3o 4. Ti=m 9 27 ob ~:Oj iiiw 6q. 3Slo4l6 .All -Union Conf erence on the "Ontrol of I-I'arasitic Diseases, by L. V. Bab"nko, 0. Buyanova., 0. 1. Kellim., Ye. S. Leykina, Ye. P. RaZUWva.. S. 1. V%etwskaya, L. aalaya., N. K. Shipitainap 19 pp. BUSSIANj, per,, Hied Parazitol I Parazitar Bol, 'go 31. 1959,. pp 364-373. JM 234; Ge i - load YgLr 60 Limacefflx1fuge for dw SoWwration of Gas hUmures, for Example, Mbumes of Goomms lootopM by jobwom Lxm6 FrUW Frns Trans= Kdtim 6 pp. LXJTCHO Patent NO 1044330 17 Mar 1960. ABC-ORNL-Tr-265 r11 6// Sd-E;.w mar 6,5 274.,~29 Lol- P'thisibility ult o .; ~. 4,* . t SO rim" Cxvi CIO ijv ~ 'laccOlatna o)- 0 "Or ':,;A C,Ml `4at:' c! ,Dc-4485'1 Maopl Wurmls, by R. Kellmr,, 4 pp. RW4MWp bk., Zonarea loologioa a Plautelor Agricole In RM.- 1960s, PP 240-243. JM 6545 Mw - Rumanla - - 0/4 &0M /,> P/- 7 Tan 61 Circulatory Changes Under Apresolin-, and Their Significance for the Problem of Blood Pmasure Regulation, by A. Sebmids H. Kellner.. U pp. GMAH,, perp Gardiologial Vol IIIj 1953o PP 349- 358- SaL.A.. Tr 6W/1955 sci - medicine J-d / 02 5T Apr -1957 M/dex 0-316 (DC-1951) Study fo tb* Reactiao Kinetics of AgiM of Natural Rubber by lafrared Spectrogmphy. 1. Experi- mental Tecbmiques,, by V. ftlloe.. A. Tkac.. 14 pp. RMSIM, per, Cbenicke Zvesti, Vol VII, No 3/4,, W.- Bratialaval mw/Apr 1953a pp Int-139. uB jEss/Dc-L-623 sci - Chem Ebw - Czecboalamkia (DC-65965) De"lopmn't Trouft In the Comtruction of ffydro-Alternataro,, by Jan Kellner,. 3 pp. GOBFMWW MR OU C23CEi,, per, 11oktrotachnicky Obsor, Vol L, No 10, 1961, pp 545, 546. JPRS 129S9 Mar - Czmh &0n mar 6e PA"Lwh 1%cmtaY Owfl*d Out trr the BOU Maisopftr CompWj, by B. Fs 1111"1r.11 Golown Aorowmtlques ot spatwisO lb pp JA-M.5. an Tr no 3A= Aug 63 -vioi'tirr, iiich Heat Supj~l.y I 'T, 23 per, 11 Pali tikh V(A 24, 1.955. [iby !11"~ CytimmUc FaVilatim HatLAvai" aW W*rld- Wide sclentiric Vskroj4priKst6s, Vy am. A. K2~~ 23 vop 1MIMP part Ote Tochai;~,. ao J.0 VQL a-)v Jam 1%5j, pp 77m, atulbie'lam;W1,; So 2, Feb 19U5, pp :~-X Pic v- IM-43erzany ,a tb&,.MB9tjft of tjW hthWpoodool CI&XSM- anti= of the Ayemo )vowe and lonsigme in the Seat DOXITIM f3afto IW Ii, ?A'IAO Gli,ULU# part Afj" Arsh. Vckl 8# tic 2* 1960a PP 3)5-%L- fthwakNIIII U-4.6/ j&n 68 Y36 0r;30 srl-qEE ( N-Y - -.P`3 3 Preuent. and Future Productio)i of Heavy Forgingri in Poland , 'by Ludwik Kelm, It PP - MISR,, per, Hutnik, Vol WE, No 9, 1959) PP ~61J-5 JFRS 2389 EEur - Poland Econ - hletaUurgy Machanisn of Scattering by lanic Ir4mrities in r)ii1'03,,by 14 A. Lftmvap E. V.. Kellman,, et al, 4 pp. RUSSI.M. per, Fiz x rverdogo Tola, Vol IV,, No 1962,, 1)1-1. 152-156. ALP sov Phys - ;;Olid -'Aate Vol IV* ,to 1 sci 2100499 iep 62 ACCOlWation of CbUTed PartILCUS by Timo- Pertafte MagmAlc Flelft By V. A. ankudinov and V. K.- loll Mn PP 6 RUSSIM, per T4ft Fis,, vol xxTns, so 11, 1962 pp 19-V Amw Lut of Pb" SOT Pbp . Teeb Plan Vol vM9 so I Eqft Jul 63 Notion at CbWVd P&rU&Uw Smi a IbAftm JAISMUD Fl*M tbiilkt Mmm~~ Unsod WIth Smp by V. A. AekAtuWl, V. X. OWMAp wt &I# 5 VP- H=SWp porp ZMw vallb ifix4o NIOL =mj, no xx it xgwp w av*o. AV Bow ItWa - Ukh R" Val vlxj, no I am= ftl 2D6x83D Avg 62 Ach-romatic ,,;uaclrupole Electron Len:::e-,, b-- V. Kel'nian Ya-vor) ppX. ., a ,., per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, 'lo*7 ZCKI, :*o -- 2, j1 27issiAl" PP 1439 -3-442. Al? Sov Ph,.-.:,- - J'(~:c:h Phz Vol VI; _-4o 12 Jul ~2 205,051 New Schemes for Mass Spectrometers, by V. IN. Kellman, 1. V. Rodnikova, 7 pp. P.USSIANI, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol. XXXII, :~*o 1, 19642, pp 269-278. Amer 1nst of Phys Sov Phys - Tech Phys Vol VII, No 3 Sci 213,662 Aug 62 rip. ka u -a ,;:OTd na . V. 1. 5: - . a, ',,bur '.L ~Zkf-)?YT- - r:p Vol VI*k", 1*:~) 1.2 Acceleration of Giarged Particles 1~y w. dUteruStb,,,G ta,,~,jnetic Field, Dy AWudioov, V, .:, 4:qIIAJanq, ot al,, 8 pp, iUSSIA24 per, Zhur Tekh idz, Vol 1, E)64, ,ov Phys 'k'c~`, Vol Ix. 19 -2 C; 7 Short Nsgzwtic Lens With DistrlbuW Windirg, by V. M. xelg"~~j B. P~' Pe"gudj, V. I. Skopinap 5 p. RTJSSIM,t per, Zhur Tekh Pts, Vol M=, So 10, 1959P pp lftg-1224. Amor Inst of P" our P178-Tech Ph" Vol PF, No lop 1960 sed //:~' -~ "Y-? .5/ May 60 The Motion uf Charged Particles in a Homogeneous Magnetic Field on Which Is Applied the Magnetic Field of a Linear -~~"rent and the blectric Field of a Cylindrical Condenserp by V. N. Kel'man, S. Ya. Yavoro 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekn Fiz, Vol XXIVp 1954, pp 1329-1332, AEC Tr 2254 Assoc Tech Serv Tr 55G6R 'Ov '4zeto USSR Sci - Physics The Aboorptim of Nitric Oxide by SulAwic $ AcIdo by K. M. W11n,j F. W. Kelman, and M. uapmokays, 5 pp. RMIM,, per,, Zhur Min Prcmo Vol XVI, No 42 19383, pp 25-27. SIIA R-2207 scl Aue 58 7~z )/:3 9- The Desorption of 31trogen Oxides from NItroay1mafuric Acid in su?furic Acid., by X. M. Mallyk., F. N. Kelmm, M. M. milo- vanova and M. M.'Uspertskays,, 12 pp. RUSSIMp per, Zhur Wm Pram, Vol XV.. no 1938j, pp 24-28. SLA B-2257 Sci Aug 58