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Wilhelm. TT-63-16iM GMLOGY OP PERNAMBUCO PHOSPHATE. 11963143p! 1. Kegel, W. 01P. ormitted) Fvvf.4 Order from SLA $4.60 Tr-63-16133 Tram. of [Minfeterlo dm Agricultirra. Dlvlsao de Geologis e Nflneralogis Boletim) (Brazil) 1955, no. 157. (Abstract available) DESCRIMRS: *Fxonomic geology. OPhosphates. *Brazil, StTatigrapby. Paleontology, Ceachernistry. 9MInerals, Geology. The phosphate deposit In the coastal region of Pernam- buco, Brazil, Ilea at the base of the Gramarne layers These form together wft the sLiperposed paleocenic Maria -Farinho -layers a calcareous layer I 1mck of 60-80m thickness. which was deposited on the Continental Shelf. The Gramame layers transgress (Earih Sciences - -Geology, 17, v. ]'I, n1,. ~,) (over) c Sennitization of TW With Nitrocellulose and Other Additives,, by W. Keglmrs, 15 PP. GOVZ "f- 0 NZ (ZZM, per, W"I'iVatoffe, No lo, 1963, pp 209-217. AM/FSTC/Iff-23-134T-71- June 72 w. ~e e~y L e- P~- Exomimticm of Vacum-Cut M-JMK aMrg"., by W. Sugler,, 8 pp. W Vol domowm I= OR G=UNO per,, AMkwivatorfes Vol 99 no 2. 1961, pp 27-30. AWVMC/BT-23-1339-71 Nov 71 Sam Considerations Sagwding the Proftetion of Cast TNT-= CWwgesjp by Werner Keg]-ew,, 9 pp. Gaysinfim tu am ORMO, per, XMIOsivatorge, voi. 8, No 1, ln6oj~ pp 1-4. AM/PSTC/ET-23-1-338-71 Feb 72 Improvvwnts in Itydraulic Clutches, by AdolpM Valentin Kegresse. 7 pp. MHICH4 patent no 927,421. US Dept of Couserce Patent W& ice sci Lib (gift) Sci - Rngr Apr 58 Wind Tunnel Hmsurements on the H&mcbol Missal "Zitterrodben" In Suboonic and Supersonic Valocitlea; Xmb2-WInd Tumul Hwauromuft *a the WIng of the Benscbel Misele "Utterrochen" In SuWoule &ad Supersonic Velocities,, by Walmr,, Kohl GERMAN, Part L)OHI!Sbe simbunigen und MittelLuarns, ft 31610 S.L.A. Tr Pool / V1, 4y/ 7 Scientif1c - Aeronautles CTS/bn 2be Syntbeels of Deft-Amlno-O~- buVic Acld/Dvt&-NffUdanlw-Wtbyl- p by D. M*brvic-srovet. MWO-CUMTIMp pWrj, P/967,, -caminp of Inter- unt4ona3 Conforenoo on Posceftl Uoes of7Atande Rwrgy MM at Oeseva 8-2D Aug 195% Vol 111. maternati Coof -- um crA 1-669.9.162 ,3- ~2 / j ~7- (OCA") XROL PMUM IN VC MM OF MMM~TV AM 001"Offs w 06 a lips PausHip P -no p1ma" mm" (MWp No I It to AN 1900 pp MOM. 1 im 1W.;l OW - POLANb VAN % SCS - DIN 20989&t 62-14997 Kehl,._R., Czyrs, J. C. , and Becache, A. s E Fopms oF F-xpF.RiNtFmrAL PRODUCTION OF 1. Kehl, R. MILK SECRETION IN RABBITS (Sur Quelques ~ 11. Czyra. J. C. Modalit6s du Declenchement Experimental de Is Siscre- Ill. Becache. A. tion Lactde chez la Lapine) tr. by M. B. L. Mar 62, 5p 3 refs, Or&,r fT-,)m SLA $L. 10 62-149S7 Trans. of Socliete del Blollogle et de sea FlUaleal. Cjomptesj Riendus Jes Seancee)(France) 1961, v. 155, no. 4. P. "A)-7 - - 1 1. DESCRIPTORS: 'Mammary glancts, *Milk. Secretion, Rabbits, Hormones, Drugs, *Serotonin, 'Reserptre. r -'w" .2' 3 -P~Vtilohqn-: 'Fr. V. S. no. n) ~ s.- ~; ---- Lilectron-microsoopic Lxaminatinia ol' zwiu'l Z-'Olutloaa of utill OTlioer Detergents, by li--hahr-Ln, -n. 1~~-,scb, 12 pp. GMAN., per, ibLUand Textilberichte, voi Yxtvi3:, 3.956,. pp 68D-468,,i ~ su 6o-:Lqcn-i Wa V, No 5 Jul 61 Treatment of Dyecontaminated Waste Waters Wlth Iron Contimied, by M. Kehran, 11. Danke. GZW.PJi. SLA per NC State Coller-e Jun 59 Treatment of Dyecontaminated '-daste I-on Continued, by M. H. Darih.-- GERAAli SLA per 'NC State College JtLll t-:; (Ny- 10) REPORT OF THE MEETING OF THE ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY SECTION OF THE ~XOGRAPHIC SGr-lETY OF THE GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLk", 2- SEPTEMBER 1960 TO I OCTOBER 1~6o, BY G. KEHRER, W. MENGE, 7 PP. GERMAN, PER, GEOGRAPHISCHE BERII--iTE, XUA~XMXd~XUR VOL V1, 140 L~~), FEB I;iDl, P EEUR - ;ERWIY GEOC JPR5 123,:)-- I -, 0-2 41 vbcmdn amd ft~ s"Wadw in I . 'M~i - bf mom of dw Elocalca Remm"W% by W~ft mane-paw Kehr"s 40M GEM^ pw, Z ftw Awd Vol LUV 1961, pp 168-179. AEC-Tr-6M7 scl-mu & ma Jun 64 260.498 ~L-asurements of WatA-r Circulation in a RigL-Frez3Ru-ea Boilerp by 0. R. Hartmann, 0. Kehrer, 14 pp. --v GERMEj, perp Ver Deut Ug Zp Val LWIm, No 48p 1932P PP 1173-1178- ATS 4OL2W Sci - Zngr Jul 59 Ora Ip 12 laorimption an Frhamazim,, by F. Kehmaym., E. Havao J, 10 pp. GMW,w per,, Bor Deutsch Ohm coms, voi nvi,, 1913y pp 342-34?a ,-e L /4 1 ~, " ", N3B T-i, 11-10 Soi - Chmadatry 'Al g-ly, Doe 56 CTS j Higb-Strength Bo.ItB in Steel ("Onatruction.. I)y HaM, KOhrMfA=.- . GERMAN, per,, - Indastrie-Anze:Lger, 18 Dec 1956, Cu-cp Tr Sch Tr 591 (22.0-0) sci - Engr ~7 /, ~ -~-, Jan 58 Design and Evaluation of High.-Strength Bolted Steel JoInts, by 3A=, Kehrmann. GERWI; r*.r, Industrie-Anzeiger, 15 Jan 1957. Co-op Tr Sch Tr 5W Q1.10.0) Scl - Fngr J7 d, 5~ls Jain 58 ponemuon and Cleave4p of 0 -fter=W-c( Audno AcIft; the OyathWe ot 3kdrwWlsuclue) by T. vielomd, IL cardsp IL Mwk,.p 17 s9. GNRMP -M. Chtm Ber.. Val Us No 99 1954P 1w 1w jcm m-ab-6o Be - mm /-~>~? 6 -5 6 Fab 61 Soviet Union as I Have Seen li~; Sb~ Ddwv'~' In Nortb Korea; A Visit to How China, by Kai Nktff4'- 44 pp. JAPAHM., UP# NM4atu MPPO, Aug 1956, -%,c1 to Deep No 5%,, Tokyo. Dept of State um '~z 5 a (0 0-2. Is - Obsual North Kor", BODWOO"I - Most, in, mdtm-e ZOWAONSO politiftl Jim " OTS E-EI-11-KC-i'll C. V. ST-424 C)vganic Georg and mhera, 17 yp - QXRMM, Perp AnrAklen der Chelmie, 1949, Vol Dixul: no 1/2, PP 110-r26. S!A 59-'LOO13 Sol Oct 59 Vol 2, NO Bacterial Stimulants Part IV,, by W. Keiderling, F. Wohler, 0. Weatphalp 34 pp GERMA,Np pers Arch Erptl PuthOl u pp 293-311. SIA 58-180 sci Jul 59 ~,-19153, 1?hwmLa Now Developments in ithe Struggle Against Silicasis, by F. KM Keienburg, GHRMM, per, Schlage.1 und ILI Eason, No 2, 19630 PP 89-90. IIISI 3515 Sci-Biol & Ned Sci Jan 64 .2 J..' f, a// 7 c Gidrollo _77 fa pp Vatvereal Apparatus for the l6wAurewat of Doformatlon at gtgb Tes"ratwesp by B. X. Ular. VXCL P"O OP4%W47.P Vol nP 1WO DSIR LW !L 1134 UOUR (Ulan) ll'if scow - ceramic itftsuies mar 6o of Chozisorptiim at Gas on ackol OxWo aid Its SoUd Solublows With Lithium Oxide., by 1. S., Kolor., L. M. Kutseva. UNCL RIMIAN, per# Is Ak Sauk 8891, Otdol Xhin lauk,, NO 51P 1959M VP 797-1805. DBIR LUJ U.1252 (loan) Sat - Mem mar 60 17 'ctivitY of Solid So.Lu4L-.ic)rls *~_C F- a-, id i-nc Clxidc-s, b5- II. P. 1%.eier, 7 pei-., Iz Al 11.1aul. c, Pl:' Sq7, LZ ci ay 195, 3~1,7 IMMIQWIWG%OGF TIC OMMOILITY OF ACTIVE sm, w INFFUNMA 13010C METHO. By N. P. %Lwt .A 16 1. me"WIT. XMIAMP Pas Iz AK I= Wills OTOM MIN "AV m is Im Pp rpmaL NLL wm:w" OCI a G"D4 OCT ~a 2AP752 61-275" Keier, N. P. NATIJRE OF TIM CHANGE IN HEAT AND ACTrVA- 1. Kejer, N. P. TION ENERGY OF ADSORPTION WITH INCREASING 11. DSIR LLU K 3180 SATLIRATION OF THE SURFACE. [1961] [121p.40 refs. [DSIR LLLIJ M. 3180. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 61-275" Trans. of Kinctika i Kataliz (LISSR) 1960, v. 1, no. 1, P. 83-94. DESCRIVI'ORS: *Ad_~orption, *Catalysts. Senuconduc- tors, Impurities, 'Gasvs, *Reaction kinetics. Gas adsorption on s~!nijconductor and metallic catalysts was studied h, an isotopic tracer method. Changes in heat and activ ation energy of adsorption arc discussed in t:ie light (if the electronic theory of chemisorption. It is concludi-I that inhomogcneity of the active surface is the inain reason for the change in heals and a ti a % (Chernistrv--Physical. -17, v. 6. no. 10) (over) OfR- f T.d-~ S-. Catalytic Decouiposition of HyOrazine Omr Nickel Sulfide and Its Solid Solutiono, by It. P, Ke.ler, Khmn Yu-Met., S. Z. Roginskiy, 6 pp. MWIU, per,, Dok Ak Nauk S.96H, Vol. CMIII., No 2, 1960j pp 413-416. jpRs, go66 Sci - Chem Apr 61 CbemlocWtion 10 m Pure md. Doped Nis., by Smmg Ta-mai., N. P. KeUw.. S. Z. Roginskly, 6 pp. RMIM., per,, Dok Ak NsukBM., Vol CXXXnI., No 3,, 1960., pp &1-Ah - cm sci /~(-? -,OZL Apr 61 117 z Effect of Interaction and Heterogeneity in the Active Surface on the law of Chamisorption on Nickel.. by N. P. Kei-ert~ 5 PP RMSTAN, per,, Is Ak Nauk SSSR# DWel Khim Nauk,, No 2. 1960., PP 1.88-194 CB /~- -? ~ ? sci Apr 63. 'Investigation of the Catalytic Properties of NIO-Base Solid Solutions,, by N. P. Keter., 1314 Z. Roginskly., 1. S. Sazonova, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Iz Ak Nauk SM, Ser Piz, Vol XXI, No 2, 1957) pp 184-191. Columbia Tech Sci - Physics May 58 lied, Elucidation of the Role of MfTerealu- AdscmTtion Contero in the Rydrogen6tion cC Acetylene Over Nickel. on 9. Imectiostion of ttw-- ximtses of the HydrogeWtion and Activated AdsorptUm ot Acetylaw at a McW Catalystj, by V. P. Eater.* 8 yp. Full tromiatton. RMSIAN# bim pers Iz Ak Hauk,SSSRp Otdal )a-im SaWk., No Ij Jan-ftb 1953# pp 48-57. CommQtants Bureau Scientiflo - ChodAtry Am 54 CM / 7,; Mw Qatalytic Activity of Orgmdo Folymrs. IV. Catalytic Activity of Chelate 1.3blymera iD the DecoopmItion of Bydrojpu Fe"idde. By N. P. Kelar and No Go T"ItskWaj It I~001 1-4, RWSUN# perp Kimetika i Kat^Uz, 0 Vol 117, ft 5, 1962.. IV 691-697 Ca sel Jun 63 _7 7- Study ocr the Ximtlcs of L.Uvated Adsorption of Oxm3en and 906ream In Carboas ContadvAlm Diffemnt Amo=ts of Mmnl lWaritleal, by N. P. Melar w3d N. M. am 43W. rfaU trmast4an" MMIUO tbrico-m PWO am Vol IM=v No 5p 1959a VP 723-IM. A 2mh Ow 2r W-92 ',6 Scientific - CbmaJ Uy Mar 53 CTS $6.150 (41.00) TT-65-Vi469 Field 7C I. ( (,ntrt, Nitional (k. I, liecherche Sclentifique. .~eij!,!;. - ~I ~, j F rance ~ CONDMONS DE RE.ACTION DE FABRICATION DE L'ACMF WI,FOII-IQUE 13E BENZENE ALCOYLE. C\'MS-G,'X-1777-, Org.102-W-t3L Order from CNItS as G/X-1777 Trans. in Fnnx-h fmm scidw to Sekkaj papn) 1958. TT-65~2FO69 FIOJd ?C KOJI. K. CONDITIONS DE REACT10N DE FABRICATION DIE VACIDE SULPONQUE DE DENZENE ALCOYLE. ChMS-WX-1777; OM182-Wtx. Order from CNRS as G/X-1777 Trans. in Frowb from Sd*o lo SebW (Japan) 105& 1. Contre Nabonal do Is Rocberche Sciandligm. Paris (Frawe) TT-45-28M Field 7B DK I L Contra Nanamai do is PlOchorebe Sc6mmWique. KOM, K. Parts (France) CONDITIONS DE REACTION POUR LA FAMWATM L.ACIDE PIRDSPHORIQUE. CNRS-G/X-ITTG: Org.182-00-tx. Order from CN*RS an G/X-ITTO Tram. In French of Sekko to Sekkal (Japan) m33 pIGM-9 295L A 6 (; r, 10' 7 TT-65-28068 Field 7B 1. Centre Notional de In Rmberche .1ictentifique. Keiji, K Parts (Francel CONDITIONS DE REACTION POUR LA FABRICATION DE L'ACIDE PHOSPHORIQUE. CNRS-G/X-1776; Org.282-80--bL Order from CNRS as G/X-1776 Trans. in French of Sekko to Sekkal (Japan) n33 p1607-9 1958. S-tudlims on 0~~-damtive Metabol1w. of Mucose by Acctoobacter Mula num. Pt 11. The Presumptioa of the PaUMY of OIUGO" D%MUtiOns by Keiji Xbnaap Mimru Ameyamp TaUtow T=Mgwblp 20'PY- -k4w~ &U-IMS820 per Hibori Bogw1kage = KaiaUj, Vol Mp :L9560 pp 423~w. MA 59-156l6 Sci Dwa 59 Vol 2., No 5 7 Structure of' the Adduct of I., 1-Diphenyl- litbylene Witli Sodiun and JtE High Polymer, by Shinichi Ishte.e., Kozo Ifirottl Nei-ji Kuliq P JAPIOTTE-ZZ, per, Nihon Yagahu Vol. T:":C:~, Jan 6o V n- 1 2 , 110 StUdl" on WdUtiVe HatAbOILM of GlUcoua by Ae*Ubwter Miampamp Pt I, Oa tba ftmtioa of 2s,54ibstoglWonle Acid# by rAL;ll Kondos Minoru ALwyama, Ir JAPANIMF per Sihon %**Lkagaba Nalshi,, Vol XXXj, 1956, pp 4.19:G. mA 59-15615 sci Doe 5.9 Vol Rp Do 5 Seaworthiness Tests of Ships 'Ln Higb Xeiji Tahezawa, 3 PP. UNCIASO)IFIED jfiLFjuU,;-3R, paper,, Nov 1959.9 EDcl 3 to scl- Nc~ -Aokyo; 16 mar 196o. Sci Engr, Geophysics maj., Sr,rear, 'Conr-,ei2-zrat5.on :Li--t uranKsnars by A. S. lreLULL, 3 PP - R uss -s i A ~,-, ,- e r ,1--f5t. *maiEt, Vol T~-, N!7, 5 ~ i.960, pp 20-24, PERA Sel 15-5. ?d"i, jun. 61 Cree--, tilropurtius u~ Soit -~vluers, uy o,. t,,cii, 14!r, !,atall .o 11, l).37, 7.10-7-129 ALL/ Sf-Tr-(,J- IC13 Kell, Walter. KoJer, HLqA Schmidt, jUrgen, and VMJer, Hei=. PROCESS AND EQUIPMENT FOR T110 CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION OF AQUEOUS POLYMER DISPERSIONS. 11963) J16p) Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 63-20D55 Trans. o( Gem= patent 1. 137, 216. C 24333 lVd/39c, c1. 39 c 25/01, loternat'l c1. C 08 1, appl. 9 jLm 61. pub. 27 Sep 6Z by Coneortitun ftir Elektrocbemtfiche Industrie GmbH. 63-20055 1. Kell, W. 11. Kojer, H. Ill. Schmidt, J. IV. Winkler. H. V. Patent (Germany) 1 137 216 MSCRIPTORS: OPolymers, *Colloids. Produc Polyvinyl alcohol. Volymerization, Laboratoz~yovlq.tp- Ment, Operation. Stirrers. Points. Organic acidis, 43 Towers (Chemistry). (Engineering- -Chemical. TT. v. 10, no. 10) Offbct o: TecWcA St,"s KeiL A. and Merl, W. CONCERNING WEID AND NIATERIAl I OSS BEHAVIOR IN IN-1-1- WT-TING (-.ONI'AC'1'5 OF !;11 - VER GRAPHITF, [lQbIjQp. (WfjP~. mittcd) from Sl A SI. 1(I Trims. ~7-' IMetall (West G-r-manx I 05~. p. DESCRIPFORS- 'Silver. *Graphiie. Weldivg fluv,q~ Sinterm,,. Powdet metallurgy, Soldering. Nleasuic niCal. 'Weldinr 'I'lle material-li,ss of silver-graphite contact, wx. d- termined accordiv%~! to [lie graphite content. A 6,iihlin~! of thc graphite conten I increases I lie m ate ri a I - 1, , , raic 10- w. 12- fold- 11c material can ako onIv Ix- us,j efficitnit1v in t%ell-congtructed rebounding-arm ing devivs. N,-i diiect ctmnection could tv-' ObSC1 -VdIlik' tween The material loqs and tht- plivsical projk~rtj..-s as (Metallurgy. TT. ~. i,. no. 5) (0 VC r ) llectxima Contwwte of Aloble Notas,, by A. Keil 0 10 pp. C,MWM., per* NbteLU* Val V1112 1954; pp 63.1-614. AW Tr-4360 sci - min/met Apr 6:L /W ~, 17 5, I Brid~p Tmwfer an OontacU NWL9'of Alloys witb fteriattLee, by As 011 amd C. L. Mayer., 22 pp. - MUM,, -parp Z. Nst"IMumbs Vta =Vt No Ij. Jon 1953, IT -2 4 -,21. - - - EaA 57-2537 Sci Aug 58 & 47 " Y s- / I*awarements on Shock Wayea in Water 1= With the High Spoel Spark Cu"m.. by A Keili, 31 pp. GEMM, per.. Dodmih-Nienbof, Jul 1946. SEA Tr 57-1592 801 - Fkwics Oct 57 J-w. -.4-1 7 Creap i?ro;.%;rttDs% oi loft our,, Vol 11., :io 5, 19.57, 74J-742. ,Z4-161 ~-,Ci/4~ ;ate rL; 1!~ !Ct 242 ElectrIc C"-'2ttict us e Subject -%f ReacrreL (-rxi rif va Internetiontil Rmchg,ngE. -~f Experience, b~, A. Koil. GERMN., per, Bull A-S-E-;Vol. 55, So 2, 1~~s PP 6-51 . MG/EM P Sci - Jul 6-f 33k, 1 L3 T, fir. "ro=dna" of Keelrode wid Contact Surfacen b-,.r Eloctrical Discharge* by AltKirt Kai-1, 16 pp. GERM., per.. Hetall,, Vol VI, No 21/22, 1952, pp 674- 79. S.L.A. -ir ioc)6/1956 Sci - Electricity v 0? a, & Y Spectral Analyals., by H. Buckle, A. Itc-11. GEMN p derv 14ikroscopiej, Vol IV (9110)s 1949,, PP 26B.. PU3=r Hernort!", InstItuto Tr v0 OT""i;;..7i Scientific -- MrAwa1s/*ta1o,, opectral,, awlynic (AIGAIS'Lop I IzAex Aeromuticus NoodeoftuaUve Fl= Testing of lkuo~baa Ikoft '. by A. Nall; XmPmqm9ww-mEw. I-laycz:, 10 .... .. Gm"S - z Mbtea I ka . Vol =MV, No 4, 1954, pp & 1 1132 S.'"*A. Tr lo%A956 aci - Hwaala/matala ~Z-4, d -!,4 6 Oct % ow - t)- I i.419 4 ACAI BLANNU% IN RioLL1N'G-1,d1_L!? .),I:! - J.'p. 0, j, ro- I ~A - I' , 1. ~,' w, pJ. 1 $1. 60 tLil, A- or ..mUnj:_ .11"IW; aid 'i, ild III L ~ i1,A'!I ~,? 1,~(141M' Cia., I,,Ili 1-varhijin ano it) perilin iW'xi u, (Machinery-hlac.iinc Pans, TY. v. 5, jkL 2) Detection of Thyroxamim ;La Tbyroid and Jy 0. Ullmann, B. Neil, P. Tasllui, 4 pp. C20M. per) Zeit faer FAturfore-chung, Vol X-i.12- No 121 1958o PP 820s 82L- IFIH IA-7 Sci - Mediaiw Dec 59 ftft%W ftltw fW lbbM YMA1&Uo,, by 2. X*U* IL Wman a, 3A fJ6 Q~f xwp Awb&w.-.Adlt*dmWmb* Z~dUdkftfto W, u=s 3b % 1"s w 1".ax. cwm int-am m M war Dzsm al ; / ?~ an Mt 63 Um z"MrAm us Mr Gear Testlx%g Stand wIth Otftut up to 1000 3. P. " Rotatioma speoft OrMAWD 2. P. M. 0 by K. N. CLSOLts, 10 p. OMWX%. pars, Vexvdn Doutedwr - 0 7-01%, M, Vol wiTT., So go pp 23 0 SIA ISO-U231 Sel Apr 6o ///, 57 7,i~ Vol Mi, No 3 x law inane 1. a Val. 2v 19IRs No. Us pp. 233-236; 8 flexres, 4 tsbbwo, A00 wcrft- Bousne"a" Zrfeet of Best Tn-t' mpm Adbmicn at PiWol WA But Chrad= lUt" and an ?&tips ft"ASLb Of SiGba MA MuvWmi Mated ftrts. &%Lchw Tramp Order No- W17s * 3-90- /-~ --, -- i The Ifesting the G~ut by tkot Rile=-C= Wthod.. by P.-KOLL 1. lkthlm. =M, MWM., per, Zo=ut4Qdk-Glv*-,, go 2,, 1-960. " 70-78. SM 1723 (IAO loss 000) Sol - uta/mot j~w 6o // 7i 12 14 ua~ Seri P Vol. t-'~a-nufact, ire of Blast Furwice from Kast lurnac,! L-rder Solub-Ic Tabletz., 111,3-Us FAmd the NoU; Wnaer Ylbblre., -~k ppt US ~f Cc--nnrce PaUmt iAL-f;Lw sai ljlb Nov t7&, El'absL'.-itu'ed an the Nitropen in the lm'dazoie Wemer Wbl,.c, lerlw',-ricn Pat-,~Mk, xic, ~69,939. Veivin, p 6 Cut-,'Axe Tools at, the 1961 Liaiir/Ag Srxr'Lng Fair, by G. Keil., A. Wolf, K. ff. Temyalhof GlMM,, per,, Pbrtiguaptechidk und P.-itrieb, Vol. XII No 50 1961;, yp 313- 318. JPRS 13137 ~*-TrarT -1/nv 62 (NY-5278) Now Departnaut M for Com*dluatlOn Of AutCmtiOnt by H. 0. Kail.) 6 pp. GMU, per.* Febwwtetechnik, Vol IX, No 8, 1960P pp 331Y 332. JPRS 7461 ZODU jan 61 Wi.'Ali Prentin-g-p ae-rha-rd Kell.., ?2 p*rj Chem Teco, Vol Vlxlf~, ipni -4-42. !Lk 59-1(~-,571 0 11~ i~ SO: VQI '?,. No I (BY-6450) Basic Problem In SettIng2rewr port Rates,, by XMrt Mrarize, , 891ML TAil, 20 pp. ORRMU, p-4r, Wirtsdhartawlesewchaft, 701 n 0 xD 1.1,, ig6i., pp i62e-1635. JPRS 13066 nur - 042wam Zwn Mar 62 In Meteorite!: 0 fo. frnm P"!r , L fuc, r Nat in, c r5 ol I v, r1U, p-p A X! Tr, 52`7', oy, SubsOil Stmilization for Load L:,/, j~. i,-,L~jj. GM!Mi,, Per., Brucke U Utrax-je N pp. 5,)-.244 1 Vol 1G., ' (i ~., 1~)~J, GD 93/RLC I;--A ill Sci - tv., g 67 336, 5~~- On the Structurd and Formation of Cyclones., by Dr. Karl Keil, " pp, (Arl 282100). UNCUSSIFIED GERM'I, per, 'Meteorological Rev-.Lewp 1950. AMC F-TS-7379 ~Pcientific- Geophysics 1,ay 11-:1 Light 144-nation an Contacta Frcjsu ,dloyu ~;itlh (~vex,-:- .utructure by Z Albert KXrX a& wwigsl iL W. WM"p per, Zeit getallkunde, Vol. XLIV, to 1~ 3,111 1953~ pp 22-z6. S.L.A. Tr 1OKir(/1956 )%':] I L, 0. V. ~11,,l -,nd 77isan, vol. 53, lnfl.ience of TTs--- of I -irr,.t L On llas~ -,I-ctric urnace. ! - - Fn.i%clher Trtins., Order :To. ZIP1, f-*P" NOOk bY C4 KGOAU. A4 j1p. V'Clat OFFIcul. USE omy GSRM I"we " v A% V.M~ A965o IPP Pllt~, '*I-T6s-%4 ic -to, If p C4:lf - . I 'I'll.'- =081- dq*lwpft6md= *'~ i IL-vw 00*0 "M - dbl. .1 1 c lifteope 1m, vdv]6 VAM 1 -- -W AL.A s- awe ......