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fW-400/15) Let Us Link Closelv Vith Life the Teaching of the Social Sciences In the Vuzeo,, by N. MM Ke r. I mA a.13 pp - HMIMI, per,, Kommist, No 6, Apr --tQ6-),, pp JM 8533 USSR 59.91? POI juat Q Meckwud a of Isopropylbenzme OjIfttIm in Weakly Alks3irm HOLUIOMs by S. D. rtw.'sins 6 pp. Ruasim, s Zhw pra M"s vul =To so 20 le& 1961a pp ca Sol J~m 63 2MR914. R The Activation Energy of the Reaction of Chain Growth During the O)ddation of Isotropylbenzene and I,I-Di~henylethane, by S. D. Kazlmin, R. V. Kucher, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshr-hKhim, Vol XXXI, No 10, 1961, pp 3171-3173, CB sci Sep 62 2-U,748 rw IL T 41 3 ma wig :1 """'t '"a E6 a as Ce E:mulsion Oxidation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons Under Pressure. II. Study of the Isopropylbenzene Oxidation Reaction by the Inhibition Method, b37 S. D. Kazlmi '-I. V. Kucher, 6 PP- km~~ RUSSIM, per, Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol II, No 3, igo"i, ,3p 422-428. CB Sci 201,772 fte posell(bility or B%mrssoiag 12ka Yield of NY ay rJapa m It RD in the MAItMt1OU of the Oxida- tU= of Cmol W F$droom ForceWe by R- V- MwUvj S. D. Muf~i*o V. D. IbIl'yevp 4 pp. Wooms yor; Dok Ak Sink SM, Va I Fp No 6s 1%0.p pp lyse-1351. (M Sci /W Alw 6l. Efreat 0j. A:L" i;z~ of the aw"Mes on the 2busal DoamWmlv;,-.% of Comm end than *dropa=id*o lu -,-, -,- a Hadiumj by a. V. x4oh" t a. D. mum"s ftmTM, rwi lollWA Zhurp ftl )i:,Z, go % 19570 pp 5W-596. COCUnUftAUft W: 9QU Sol - elh= J" 59 Tma, trua use at the Drumm Tnatskitintim "URS-4p"j, by If. B. 6aladn. Rmin't no pwp Neft mmjo Va. M=,g No IM., IW 33-* Toolmica w4 Cl-aammial Tr A top 0 /e to, I" ftmn*W4M8A Jln % ON/= v 3 61 7579 tarf-v /e 14 m SwOMOM ot MOO RPM" swass"a 016 w lww TA as all iks The Boron-%C'U--i.oririe Coefficient in Oil Field by T. 1. Xmzriinaj RIISMAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk S&SR# Vol I-WIly Ro 2y 1951P PP 301-303. ATS RJ-1035 ATs Q6jI8R Dept oT Int tv bur of Miutu Petroleum Exp--r Sta Lib Bartlesville,, Alftm, Sci - Chem Tr NO ' I Jul 59 "2 The Effect of' the Calorific Value and Moisture Content of Blast-Furnece Gas on the Hydraulic Conditions in Coke Ovens, by V. V. Kazmina, -D I . -P RMSSIAN, per, Koks i Khi-m, No '~, 1960. Coal Tar Research Association sep 60 61-18920 Kaznachel, B. Ya. and Zhogina, V. M. CONDITIONS OF GALVANIC DEPOSITION VS mAG- 1. Kaznachei, B. Ya. NETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF NICKEL COBALT 11. Zhogina, V. M. ALLAWS. 11961)2,,p. 10refe. Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 61-1892D Trans. of mono. Metallovedenie i Obrabotka Tovetnykh hietallov i Splavov: Sbornik Statel, 1957, p. 77-90. DESCRII'TORS: *Nickel, *Cobalt, *Alloys, *Electra- deposition. *Coatiqls. Magwtic properties, Thickness, Chlorides, Sulfates, *Electrolytes, Temperature, Density. Contamination. Additives. To obtain an electro deposited nickel-cobslt alloy with a coercive force of 200-3DO oersted and residual Induc- tion SM-6000 gauss. it was necessary that the nickel content in the alloy deposited by 15-34fo. To obtain an alloy with a nickel content of 15-34A train sulphate electrolyte. a ratio of nickel and colialt salt concentra- (Chernistry--Physiral. TT. v. 6, Do. 10) (over) Yar, /Fell 1961, u., vr A Fast Act-iiC, Electronic Instnment. Trmisfonrl-.1,1r, Con-U--,luous, 'r-1-0 Sanipled Data and Vice Vcrsa for .1 u Wide lljw,~d Cumi-.,nication Transm4Lt+--',iLr,- Pi:-Ise Code l'od---,l--Jl;-ions, by Yu. I. Ka:Lnancl IT. Kole sn~-, kova. .R~USL'ji, sl~- Teoriya IT Avtomn- sissten Jv,%7 SSSR, l-,CO, nn *711D Tf SC4 I I e c EJ- 21, ~2 C-oaxiW Looms ina PiKulm Uamdof anLVdcal Vsv4. at W. W.. Gukk4 by Y16 1. 4 P, u 5 ~ A I lka"'111 76.fgg Val 1.%o NO 0v 1 4, W 16 Dept of Navy Tr 4125AN%l Tr I(.W-a -.'8g a ul ftveguift COMPODGM8 fOr NMlU9Unr Wavw., by lug 10 Mumob""t HMMM, pers Uektrmvym, ft Uj, 1%0.. ]m W-53. am Tr F-Ima fti 176~, /?~/ act Q Mat 2 us OMIT ONLY WavemAde LIM MAMMU ad Squipwilt., by Yu. I- u pp. . Nazadmww 11 n I I In, vw, Inairtroavy"s, 1b Us~ 1000 pp "43- VB#AXA Tr Im. act - KLectran 1.1#16 04~ A PX ftp 6L WaTeOWWO With Law Ia""j, by 1b. I. p 10 pp. RWSrM,, per, Mdrtravvywo 0 so "o.. 100" PP 4T-52. 9 1. ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ ULWIA Tr 1202 Sol - HI"trm /to I -Z 5?o sep U Investfi.gTation of lialim! Waveguities, by Yu. N. Kazautaev, Yu. 1. riaznacheyev, V. V. Mariyukri, . -1-1-1-4r," 1 7 prp - RUSSM., perk Fadiotekh i Elektron, V61 IV, No 11, 1959., -pp 181-6-1820. pl, Sci .. 114, ~-O t.7 Apr 61 (DO-3343)- Work on Wave eade OoMonloatiOn., IXMj. by Yu. I. x"nuchty".. 5 so. Ru----- ) Vkw% Ak &a ~., so loy 19wo pp 66-71. jm-ujw-D Sol - mhw Fab 60 lloZ XW-7 Long-Range Cc=unication usiag Wove-Guides, by Y u. 1. --raL a acheyev , RUSSIM, per , Vest Ak Nauk SSSR., No 2., 1~60) pp 67-73. Interntl Phyo Index Vol II, No 9 Sci - ElectmAcs Aug 60 16Z9?, Mt Certain questlons of Long-Distance WA-,%,,guide Dy Yu. 1. RUS3TA7f., par, IR: ';vllotekh i Llcotrcn, llol 1958, -pp 731-q43. Oct 5D- p4Y --11-1 a Problem of Frontogenesis Dynamicsj 6v V. D. Kav,nache,;(~.,vA,_, 26 pp. RUSSIAN, p!r, Trudy Ak Nauk UzSSSp Ser Fiz-Mtemat. Nauk,. No 1, Tashkent, 195a, pp 47-63- ims 2843 SCI - rhy-i jul 6o fts PbOtOft Jbl&a= 84arom by Ve AlklMONWO 1. awkoUmj, 33 VP- a WWVAUUL wx am WMW, Vwp Aviat~176 I ... Kamonallkalp lb 2~ 1~63.- 90=-V PiD-a?-63-2 Set - AGM -2_q I - I V, it oct 63 -r ki2l O:r an instructor ftlott by r * ly, -T P. . ?. 104090ch -RMSIM, qw, V"t VOS Flots, Wo a', 1959.0 pp 42-b,6. 653WT .A220 Sai //; y 7-3 AVr 60 7 What are the Pros-nects for the Development o-f Astronavigation in the Next Few YP-r.~r,,), b,,,, V, Kazag~w,pkdy, et al. RUSSDLNp per., Tekiwika pp 7-8- CIA 654597 ATIC WL-303/11I sci-space res -'Ul 6^ u NJ Talecom 41-775 Ynterpls-netary Space ,Ships, by V. Kimnevskiy, 4 PP, Or U48042). -- HiSSIAli, np, Sovet Aviatsiya, No 282 1284o), 1 Dec 1.957,, P 2. C-7it 605-77ff ATIC F-TES-9389/111 sci - space Res Apr 58 6 / 17 7-?- / I Tab*=* Obwomg by UnUm Uumakis S PP* FIUM*pftp ftVW fit-M-8do' &w Tabmm Vol pr PP sti-Agri Jul 06 3061pS74 Coutelqxwar7 WtbCdo of ftwifaing Transients in A& Co Ilmoblueo; by It. Ta. lazwokLy. M. P. Kowtonko. --- wow, par# Is Ak XM* BMp Otdol Tokh Hauk,, Xwft I Avtomtv So 4,9 W9v lip 31-M. WL U. 3r.12 &d - EW 1j;yl Or-/J- Alpr 62 -3 n JI, H"W%ba for RO&CU6 the Empy Rm of Cars, r I by S. L. AI%WrMW6 1, G. Kaxmd:lyo 13 M RUSSIAN Perm. No 50 1"4p pp IIP~Aw. JPRS 25M u SM Soon Avg 64 265,312 From Xxperience in Assembling Heavy Hydraulic Pressesp bv L. E. Kazovskiy, (AP 65h372) RUSSIAR, per, Vest Masbinostroyp Vol Ij, 195% pp 53-55. r. ' '~' /'1 '2 ` '/ / ~~? ATIC F-m-8635/V , j / OV67 , w Scientific - Engineerind Nov 55 CTS Am"ablIng and Adjustwnt of V$dretulle Presses L~ Ya. NotamovakIrp 231s pp. (AF iCr-*W.3) RMSUS, bkp Xwtuh I Raladke Gidromlichask1kh Pr"Oov, bbecov, 1"6p 1% PP- M 636706 ATIC F-TS-91450 Set - zw Oct "Uetives C)f t;x0atims PoveritAA ~ o---" WW VOWMm $a$ addWit IW I- Nmo IL s&"116 s, WAM =US 4dftbb&P Va 64p r3b ownsmixo I I 36-:2UTi-, o -- - .=r-z If 00146" a Irsp W2005 Fab 70 Wnsaics of AntialiCrobial -IttW, c stilts, Ity i,)fwu ritzm~atus Y A r A 11 12, ;L aPero at of AutiWotici,_ '-,or va I(vo .".0 is, IV* Ivy 7-10* SLA IT--64-IWAI) k, JLfa 47 317v2.;7 an warow is no QoA-UWwA of m cbstlasob"940 asks" "Um""10 JAftW14 PWO at pp RoLdmAns 4, 17J;W% DO& ef - nob "a WWwwre 3W4" BCFO ftys" at PWAP ftAbor"s :~~s OW 14 AN068 3%60906 rim ww"sd IP -Ipwwwmwiw~ ago' at adlw~--v me wMar Cbmt- %him& mLoAd so$" sum"Ot ftodow Hoeft* or. 0 iA Mew L-.qmw oil n L. . VA my* bel VP obr-~" p"A at lww"m risk a" Auuts arlim 1-c-pe awams of Fw4ap M.Ldmow, mddolf amd !:i 3W69M CY0.0trm Remonswet by -,,,Y- III- 'mmkin. U.Ir-L ------- FMSIAN, perj, Vapakh Fix Naukj Vol LIX# So 3s i956o Vp 553-582. C*-W Tr dch 362 sate. pkws Dft 59 / 0.~ Y--? V Atoudc Kiliorgy, by 4azl~fiyo Okano, 1.3 USE Wily JAPAJIT;'S'x.', ;,Qr, Fuji Electrical journal, '-'0 ,Sci-it', PAYS Oct 65 GovletJPlZ%o Military Science, by rxmTnzxrj, 7 pp, XMG= ,., mo per, Tairita Ilmdalo Uc 'I., Ilk= MSGIM, 73463 USIM ULlitary - Sclonce of vtw,, stratear . j L;i)ecificity of P-Glucosidece in J~rpez Lucteuso by ~oshio Kazumea Walmbayasbi, Kazutoni Hishizava, -;~TMQW , Res Rpta of the raculty of Textiles end Shimshu University. No 2. 19S2. -nn 102- Def Sci Inf Soc Th2J .-;.;n-Lij'ic - cbemistry CIA 2524820 7) man On the S013A of the &LI -P Timian wd Roft Wands, Yariana. i%WA I & U, by -KtLZ=i,p Tomiod Tana&. 'Ann!n___ _ _ JAPAM=p perp Jmrnal of the Bola=* of soil we "Murf.. va nv* NM 7-8,o 19W, PP 439-484, Dept Or lot do.0%, 09(90D) 003P no. 374 'o1 # 41 v2 9 f AEC-tr-4482(p.1634-45) Uncl. THE NUTRITIONAL STUDIES OF CROP PLANTS BY USING RADIOISOTOPES. PART 2. Zenzaburo Kazunishi, Hitoshi Nakada, Shigeyoshi Konishi, Kozi Asada, Yasuyuki Yamada, and Azuma Okuda. C-23 P NSA )j N-c by 19640 ZZ-Z59 ISS low VwAsaw u0 offiviost tw I. Mons IL SMOMI16 awmwno lm~ smaAmmom VbL C*v lb a I " 19;1o 1~ -T, " w ~C ,-, "; I " ,- / 1 11 , 1, 00141M 0 apto Jl6b TO k20905 Plopar CLi;:,:Li"t(-jg-rzpbj, Acids by Intahf%-, 9 TX~.r, K:i,,Lkilm :10 Ryoikl, C, IL ILI may Vol Paper mav"UVOP)w or 141d"Videq 0:? ratty Acids,, by Kazuo Satake, 9N*ulchlro Seki. JAPAMM, Pers KmPku no AY01kit PP 557-561. ACSIs n-2852, A set - Men may 59 g 9, --~ ') / mo&a 24mumb oil spouric Ileauteme cc j3rju*-Con&luJng DmbUmp IW lamia Takla%, Hirood awlal" 0 RIMOWM* lppwwp 'Pa 32,, Igam. pp V&3018- MC-10" ,/,~I Ek, I-Clion, sept 6-6 'P3j,&13 olf T`ikorrmnic Anionrv by pa-tx-r 3 JAPnk t'J.P~ ijxgi;~X Zasabi,, V-j _T~~,, I 1,-,o 12 L11, - ', - 1 1 Dec 19~53,, F? 1265~-1289. Scientific - Chomistry C,f *'Coii Ntiiw` U"IJ iibuCoSity On the Ah -41 4AP 110:LcaujAw Wei&%-Intrinsic Viscosity of Hlgb Pol3nwr Solutions (Polyatyrane r- Tc~` 1101.uZiona) by Uvalmm, Utuo, Ueda, .1b'aorU') 'T ifo 7, SIA 59-.10492 Bei Oct 59 VC.1i 2'. ro at,me Peculiarities of Water Selettons in One-vi-d .two-:Yrear-Old ZIm and &191'Ash OELk Sakdlngs.. '0,., I Dvoretsha,ya, 0. H. Kazuto. 11 pp. RUSSIM,, pero '.qiz Rasteniy, Vol V, No 4, 1958, PP 363-365. Amer Inst of Blol Scl Sci - MCI Ja 59 Awdolo 1w MANdo ........ No ~6 a, 03634% 6W4 :1 '. so 99 low, .1 -3 i A I . A& - -I,- - . JCL,-tz, .fj 0_1;~ L~ ~ ri, am an ifi min, now" qc -wowwww- --m - -- w a -6*4 . . . . . mi'iwodm as (*Xm) 9&300* tft ]A 19 436 ., rb 32 Aft so SO a .AIL - -~Zwl ,~, y ~"ta " Wa-~, -~ - mz-ft" OWN Amg 66 307087 WHIMM or rwriorlsIM6 #WE ovus BY V. A. Wwwo A, V, VA=Wr 4 PP. msl% mmo Ou AK WK UNti, VOL CxLs NO 3v 1961s 6M;". ca %L'62 204,356 On.the Capture Hypothesis of the Origin of Short -,Period Comte.? by S - K - Vsekbovyatskiyj 0. X. Babich, V. V. Kazyutins , 5 PP. ItUSSIM, lpert Aatron Zhur, Vckl XXXV, No 1958) VP 473- 478- Amr Imt of Phys Sov Astron - AJ Vol 11, No 3, Sci - Astron Jul 5.9 Kazutcmc Imahori 'Y -~ I . ~ --wccificity of R-Plucosldase in Irpex Lacteus) by Toshio :-,bayashi, Kaz*Twqsa Wakabayasbi,, Karattosi Vichizava., pp. ;PAWM3 , Bee Rpta of the Faculty of Textiles and -riculture, Shimehu University, No 2, 1952.. x)T) 102- Def Sci In-f Soc T42j J.-atific - Chemistry j ~ CIA 2524920 With a ,ec. br I~a. T. FL:ry3t, V. A~ Xchedliahvl).J., A. M. 8amarin, 22 -p-D, ~"-,rtidy Trint i4etul Lw,---nl. A A,, ive., Kut Pletq-Uaw~(). :Tiv Mir. 1tv-10-edov, Vo 5., 1960, 22-35~ Sci 1.5 Tilov c"I met.!". C, L Lij5jag ~Iord 'Reinforcement, by A, ot B. it. sokolov, 4 pp. -:2 ~AN Kauch'Llk i iezirna, loc. 1, 6-50. P,.-- t:i, 62- of" Dawo'.'racy and r Ul 3 C 13 1~ iZ. Jen -min JibL-pao, o o'l, '_Q~bc; , J-4760 (DC -.3010, ) - Big Manges In Living or the A-ps Tibetens, by Kle Sme, - " '', 3 PP CHIMM, per., Nin-tzu T8uw-ah.jah, So 7, PeiPiag, 1959" 9 13. JPIRS-W-D Fa - Chim Soc MOM 59 ./ a/ ~ _r"P j # 35 (DC -4012) Ten Years of Water Comervation Construction in Klathigu2- b Chlen X!O-Vienp 13 vP. FCn CMG& USE ON33= mp., Hain-hua Ah--pao, CKaa Boon oat 6o A Study on the Diffusion of C in Gamma- Iron by the ;'YWthod of Internal rriction, by T. ke, 8pp. C111WNSE,, Imr, Acta Ph"ica Sinica, 13 1957, pp. 409-cw. *CFSTI IV 70-5719S sci/allen. -T 11-1-~ c -lay 70 --- Internal Friction Peak Associated wita tne stress-Induced Diffusion of C in Low C Alloy AartenSite, by T. Ke. 9pp. perg Acta P-Xsica Sinica, 13 1957, 1,q). 69-7T.-"-- *CPSTI W 70-57193 Sci/claem I Y 44a 70 s -.L94/60 (rly-3803). Radioac,tivc, Jo.&ine in the Therapy. of Thyrotoxlucocs, by 1). Erlatzvi) T. 0. Zbvaaiya,, N. 14. K'ebadze, M. Gachicheelndze,, 7 PP- RUSSLUIlp parp Problemy EndokrJ-P- i Gor-T.Dnatcrapil, vol vi, No i,, ig6o, PP 102-105- im 2688 Sci Endlperinology NR Jun 60.) //7j 339 Coneerning the Mieroscopic Constituenta or Smallpox Lymnh, by F. Nober, 22 pp. .. Vwcaokis Arcii. tuint. "athol. !111-y3joi, GERMAN , par Vol YLII, 1868, ,io '112-1`18v STA 57-1542 Sai-Yedicine Mar 58 Madura Foot, by B. E. Frankenberg, 1. R. Neberdinskly, 6 pp. RUSSIAII, per, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol j Immunobiol., val xxx, No 7, 1959, PP 113-1-18. Pergamon Prese scl Aug 6o 1-2,~44YI17 T-17-63-20629 Keberle, H., Riess. W.. and Hoffman, K. ST'EREOSPECIFIC METABOLISM OF T'HE OPTICAL 1. Keberle, H. AN71WDES OF CY-.PHENYL- GC -ETHYL-GLUTARI- 11. Riess, W. MIDE (DORIDEN) (Uber den Stereospezifischen Metah- Ill. Hoffmann. K. alismus der Optischen Antipoden von X-Phenyl- T - Athylglutarimid (Dorlden)). Jun 63, 10p 7refs Order frQm:54A $1. 10 TT-63-20629 Trans. of Archilves) Internatlionalea del Pharma- ~ codyn(amie et de Therapie I (Belgium) 196.3. v. 142, no. 1/2, p. 117-124. (Abatract available) DESCRIPTORS: *Doriden. *Metabolism, Absorption spectrum, Stereochemistry, Optical properties. In experiments in which racemic .-pheuyl-.-ethyl glu- tarimide (Wriden) was fed to dogs, it was possible to isolate four metabolites from the urine. 'I'he assump- tion that the metabolites, by virtue of their sEr-uctural formulae. belong together in pairs and are derived Od'" of I mi lenrt- ~Biologlcal Scic~nces--Phartrsacology. T-r. ~. 11. ~. 2) (over> 63- LOD14 W. aW odws. MW -0'F IMOLDGICALL N-DRAIXYLAMN 1. Xaberle, FL (Uber denMechamsmus dw Blok)gtm%M N.Damp. 11. Rtem, W. alkylle-g)- (Apr 63] 13p. 34 reft. Ord= ftvm SLA $i.6o 63-18014 Tmm of Archfiveal Interna4loudes dej I rharnummdynJan-de cc de Thernplel ~D~ 1963, v. 142. nAx 1/2, p. L25-14D. DENSCRU"MIS: *Esorkiem. Absorptim pa~, Drup, &=cttm. ftausdianbsM, MembdisM *Gumric mcida, OAlkykdon, *Hypwtico ard 8e&dvmj. The membolism of (h=mmvbttory and lenroumwy N-111CL ~ I tt\-I- a -Ph(-\ 1 - cL - ethyl- Outarimide was stWied i- i the dog. It %mr- found dm the two oydcal were e=reted in the urtrbe an two gluctmonklm Owh. ODe mcW)olke of ew:h andpode won mendned as a (Blologlc-d Sciemes-4bernacoLuff, IT, Y. 10, no- go's (OVC4 Reverses ixe Put Into Operation, by Kebin. RUSSLAJI". np, Izvestiya, 24 jun 1962. FBIS Jire USSR I-ii I 6 Jul 62 Can~sress Speech, by Keb.in. I I USSIAT", np, Prvv.'I-a, 23 Oct 1~~61. R FDIS 'iire U:~!,M% !-,ol ") Nov 1,)L,:,l So There i3e --.'o Bacl~.Tacr,~~ Oi,c.;, b, ~ebin. 11USS_Uj:,~ n.., I'milla, 28 Jul 1961. FBTS Jim USSE Pol. 2.6 61 ReDort to (7p-:)tj C,31 Plenum, by Kebin RUS:'~IAN;f np, Pravda, 16 Jan 1963. FBIS wire Behavior of a-Plienyl-a-k,thyl-Gl.utarimide L'n the ,v2[mal jd~od~,. 11. I-solation azid S!-ract-ir;11 ClarificatJon of the Metaoolltes of a-Pb"myl-a- by J. Kuuilt.-) 221 pli. GEERMUp par, Relvetica ChImica Acta, Vol XLJI, No 2, 1.959, nn 41.'-(-425. SIA 59-.L56'il Sci - Chem Dec 59 a2 Vol- 2'. Nr~ 4 Constitutiony Action avA 1,Biolqlical Degradation of GlutarlmdNm (rAlwtltftion)j, trr F. 9MIS X. Roffmnn,, J. Kebrlxj, J. ?rLVW,, 25 pp. Ift"MmawAmmolaw GEWAS., pers, VerbwAl jkturforach Gas Dwel.. Vol =M,, 22 Sep 1956, pp 479-499. su Tr 57-685 SOL - Didlea; malaine 5'~.l ~ -r,3 sap 57 Behwriar ofr(-Plenyl-4K -F%byl-Gbxbar.Wde J-n -4'~hp AnJmal PA>d3r. 11. XBOUtJon and Structural C3.w-,:Lfica- tloa of tbf, Wtabolitze of v~ -Phenyl-K -Rtbe,-Glutatr:~- midej by T,. KebrIA, K. Schmidt et al~ 22 PP. GMWp pe-~.p Helvet Waica Acta.. Vol =1.. No 2p, 1959s PP 4,17-425- MA 59-15641 Oct 59 Vol n" No 4 7 WC--403-7) increase tho, ruabsr of ComtrUation Cadraft, W Kle.Cbso, 6 pp. CUMM, up,, Jbu-nlu M-peo., 6 Apr 1960, p 11. ims 6825 ?a - Mae. Boom yAr QL /,&/"2/ /-6~ I Spvtbools of UxJA*IIr smmdmddnsao Dwl"t:Lv4w with Arolpeft wo..M.9 bW Alp mmftwp 4T. Wavle i A. ftosto K. NOMW409 4 PIP - ONWAIt.per, SOMIAMmV Val XM, 15 Cat IM, VP 4004M. Bel Ad Biological Deeredation 311mriments. 11. Wological Dagradation ot Glutaria Acid Daides.. by J. Kebrle, KO sAwfmmn" 14 pp. URWtHp perp HeIv ChWea MU Acta,, (6- 4X%qU*. sa..A. Tr 1005/1956 s0i - 7U03.0ey :T Y, R C2 s - On the Steady Short-Period Variations of Earth Currents., by V. V. Xebuladze, 3 Pp RUSSIAN., per., Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 1, 1962, pp 86-89. Amer Geopbys Union Sci oct 62 214,o14 Direwwwo of so I 1 1, majouvity of arqOA4bo on iho HoommUS PJAUS by Yu. A6 MgpklUWo V- I- ROMISS 5 MP- FANMIM.,p POW nS 2VWAMqp Tolakp Ta Vp No IL2# 19631p A~ NOt CC TAYD My I" - a" state va Tv so 22 Sol Jul 6$4 26e.400 Invostigation of t1w Dopmdmce of the Galvanomailicti i;iiects in Grapkite an TeRiperature mid Pressure, by A. I. Likliter. V. V. KaclWip 7 i1p. WSSIXN., pe-r, Piz 'rwrflopc Telaj, Vol V, No 110 196Sp pp 2 2066-3074o Amer lust oi Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol Ve No 11 Sci Play 64 25809&) Galvemomagwtic Rrfects in Graphite and the Deformtion of the Electron Spectrum of araphit-,c UsWer ftawsure, R. Go ekhIpov., V. V. XechiAp 7pp RW-,S3:AN.p Ser,, Zhur Muper i Towet PI z, Vol XLIV., No 6# 1963j pp -11-964-1973. Amer Inet of Ph~rr, sav nwe - Jm'? Vol VUT., No 6 Sci ,> ~z < - P- Y - Jan Sit (a i -4 5 5-3 1',' The Irec-11-orcardiogram In Nywarditil Hyrtortroplay the beft Ififtntricle, by M. 1. NecUter., 13 P-Ar. RUSBIA.11;, I~nT, Klirk Had,, Vol 6; 1960, pp 53-60. JPW 5586 $ci .. Med Nov- 60 N Cbaracterititics of Visual Imagee Formed While Listening to Mixsic~ by G- N: Kechkhunsbvi1i,. 17 PP- RUSSLAM; bloo per., Voprosy Psilchol, Vol III, No 1, Moscow; 19,57. pp 116-124, US JPRS/NY--L-20 Sel - Medicine (psychology, poychintry) 6 // ;2 Al-j- 1=re*sijlg t1aa Rffcctjvmwcjs of Wage Fund Cont"I, by Alfred Keck, 8 :pp. crermMov GMWARp per, Dwtsche Fi=--wirtschuf-,,., "Jol XI, 11r, 8 1,R61 VP 233-236. (AID JPNI 98W "I ~ BMW . Ger"Aw lean 16 ~~ 01771 Aug 61