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gwnftl 0OUftOtIVIIW Of T*Uar.L=,, by lb. I. Adxkbau*vj, 6- B- BNPMW# 16, A....-MUM*Yev., 3 py, NMUN.. per. D*k Ak Mak SMp Val CV p No 6, 1957.9 pp 953-955. Awn- 2mat of Ph" Boy MWD *D*kUW voi ii., so 6 Sol - PkWn:Lco ^1 58 1 ""~ X L. AbdmM"w. CL IL, mod gWk4w,, - ' ~r7 61-13308 7 1. 1. JL V 7m VAKUH OF ZEL~ M VACUUM i ' L SWkshm--Vaporimstim L Km"27"a. R. L (Clbl III Mai Ivv- a W *WW- U. Ab&dkpw. Q - -bmom4 m M. KWftm. A. A. Ox*xftmLCorXAmw*Lft*4Ln 61-LMI IV. I= LLU ,L 1923 NOW .m SF IMbMft "M N& 4 p. 4WI P6 3PAW TZ. v. S. =L 3) 0111co of To&" somcas Aerima color awtopwby lu cloological Ampying by M. N. Patnuievicho L. I. NuLk. ammummom HMIM.. per,, Save owl.. No 42, py 156-163,v 1955- Assm Teab Ov $16-95 Tr RJ-762 Ams 57 st"4y of tue 41*10sigol Functior usilk;, Several Rodleactivo Tedives 004 Its C111"Ical Apr1lestion 1. 111dy on th* % I an 43 Pr t-ots 140toballes note, "ti LghIM1104 Proteins, b!r Yawarm TqSMTOPIT, H*9%9k1 KAZtRtA. jApkRPF'f, list, R*410140to ell Tat Val 12, No -S, 14CTT-Fii'W:si7. k1c XSJ-Tr 11 Jul 1,1~ Freight Cars and Their Repairs, by iaz.i~-;~-Z--Fastern ', K. 46 pp. POLISH, bk, Wagony Towarowo i Ich V,tprawa, Char I., PP 11-13, 17, 24, 36, 40, Char VIII, PP 335, 341, 351, 367, 369, 373, 375, 401, 1951 525th ~ff Gp, H-4487 EEur - Poland Econ mar 60 Data an Szczecin-Swinoujscie Port. Complex, by KaZimierz Kcstrzewa, POLISHy nuy Zvcie Gospodareze, Vol XV, No 50, 1-1 Dec 196o, p D". *JPRS E-Eur - Poland Econ - Transpcrtation, Maritime 10 Feb 61 (UY -4309) Construction Prices After Ch&nges In Supp-.~y Frioee and Transportation R&beS, by Jan YaLzimierazak, 6 pp. POLM., parj, Imestyajo L Budo~mictvo., Vol X, xro 42 ig6o, pp 9-u. JMS 7o96 LPE'ur - Poland lcon Dec 60 of tho Fire Flf~itlmfz "d AatiOILS~p by WIod4imierz vp - POLTSE, per; T-f-7,eglad Pozarnficzy,. No 9'. KRV, 1961p pp 9-3-1. jim-9 1266-2, Mir - Poland miliT-axy Kq-,r 62 Chw ZoodowUm 0 alm m - Softatmaj, by W. Nobskv A. , 13 pp. C-- PKM.q pwp Vdasommas Vol T" 3b 10,0 19600 " qw-ft. M Mr-4164 oft jan 63 2wai" 6) ie :I.-, The D~-sign, Technology and Prope:-tics of Boron T - Propor'Itional counte:--, b,,r ri f iam-f de A. Kazirderoki-, 13 POLISH, per, NiLkleonika, Vol. IV, No 2, 1951)~ -Dr, 2Cl-2210. AEC-tr-4i5i Sci may 62 Lwd 11"Nalanw's ir, the Tatrlw-,-o :kAZA44A.F La LWO ~)y Cirtmict latin"ra, K17 .;~)Uuw mttl klil I-A)kis Ctirtntvx f4&~41qivzs ktc~lactwu :~"Uj 14 "CV A~c Oki -i,. .,.i -Jish Title Lkdmok;rt,, by Uircidez ..azii,;.Lerz, t ior,, iizdawnictwa 1-w-aunikueji i Lar-z- noscio ',I(# 71a 1962# pp 3-18a '~U,sirl rr 67-som z~ci- Doe 66 Synthesis of the Amides of Pyrocathecol Phosphorous Acid, by 1. V. Kazimirchik, C. F. flebildi, 19 pl). RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshchey Kbim, 1966, No 7, pl-) 1226-1230. DC-12595 Oct 66 308,429 So 22e Wluence gf Seasoning and Plutialzing staaming on Pezmanent CbAkages in the mu;uwicai ana vr~yi3icai Properties of Beech-Wood,, by lamlmdermv S. Sobcmk. pmm, pers wimm, va an, :ao 4m *59si PP 5-22;. 920" IM 8,31 - rb" 4r 63 .,),-2 6, C - I.IethoCls of Reducing WeldinC Dafunnation~; in St.nacturcs xfflkx made of A*A. X& ~,aircv and A. Ya. Wl A-7-tonatu Svarha Britich W,----Idin~~- As3oc. Sci. 7Z, T earch in :) Diff,~rant I-Tcat Ti-mnsfer U-ien VJc:!Iclin,- .!, Al.'-5V AT-lo-l- Pla-bc~sv A.A. ll-.a,-dJbmL--crv I and A. Ya. :7c!dosf--Ia, 7 Z I Ier, Avtuomat Sva,-:Ia., -'o 2.ritish WcILln-- Ros. 7r ProcluCtlion Lo-,,i 7or-I-joils 71anI7.(~d pl) - pp A A Tiacbaque for Dwdftlm" Aud RMLIM WGIAO )bds bY Mu"-Arc Autanstle gd=&Wd An Prooem, by A. A. rjL%UdrCWp 'V- P- LOUVW~k:kT# T- V- Mfflshkoyp 3 PP- WNW, Ver, Avtcmt MOM, 0) U, 100., W51- WAti sap 61 Residual Welding Stresses Investigated by Means of Photoelastic Transducersy by A. A. K ov, A. Ya. Nedoseka, 7 PP- .-AzImir RUSSIM, per, Avtomat Svarka,, No 1., 190'2., PP 37-45- BWRA Sci Nov 62 216,495 The residual stresses and distortion which develop when the A 5V anoy ie welded By A A. 3 ~av, A. Ya. Nedoseka, RUSSIAN ,pare Otmat Svarka, No 109 1962g pj&1 BWRk Sol Aug 63 The Distr1bution of Arc! Neat Between the Flange aud Web of a T-joint Vftn Volding *by Submerged V. 1. TL Arc, by A., A. !LaMalmy -rashchenko, 5 pp. RMIM,, per, Avtcomt Svarlm,, No ID., 1960j pp 23-ZT. scl Sep 61 cyclabexem Compounds of Monowis. 11. Dicyt]-o- W- bqxyjjGew.jO.SarboGe'v by V. F. ftzind, r.ovav 2 pp RWSIARj, wD pwj, Zhw Obisbcb Mdnp Vol MI, NO Avg Mi. pp x6oiz6O3- CIA C k2156- COUNdUma Bweau Sci - Chentatry JUn 1956/1*x V. F. I... P=lova, 8 mp. 12 aval hmxn=tg.-, De-Aivativoo of Nomoses and Pol7lWdrw7l 3_0 Alcoholep by V. F. Ka3imiroval. 2 pp. run trMalation. RWSUNp m per,, ZbM MOO Q;411, Vol IM, No 4, 1954, pp 626-627. CU D LU347 Conmlt4wta Bur*au S(deatt"ta - Cbmdetry Cycl*he:qrlidoue-D-Xylose.. by V. P. Kazimirovz:,. K, It. Levitakayal 3 pp. RUSEMOp per., 22m, Obaihcb Kbim, Val XUj No 3, 196o, py M-T25. CM. Sel - Apr 61 ~ A,4a Cyclobexufte Compounds of MoMaes and PolYbYdric Alcohol*. ni. Dicyclohexylidevie- duatitol, by V. F. Natialrovas, 3 pp. RMSIUq pwo Zbw Mabab Odus Vol XMIs ido 4,9 1957., pp gh-9ft CoamaltanU Bureau Bel - cbem Aug 58 NotbWo Of "OtIM fW OWr*Wjm JP*tigtwg br , As ve, jl~~~jj Be 1. s"Im"Vam7a - RMUNo, m We Zsvcd Labe Vol Mv No 31, 1955, pp 345-3400 Rmtobw Tr 3796 Sol . mavAbtau $3.45 V'r, j-,Tu9r sop % CIS Trauvition From Uniform to PIttIwS Corrosion in Hi&-Teuparature Oxidation or a *ttal Under Cyclic Streses bL;- E. L. IL. V. Pgatchenkov.. 4 lop. RUSSIM -, 11arp zhur Prik Xhln,, Vc& XXXIII, No 1960., pp wi-&5. Sal CD Apr 61 Fatigue Strar4gtb of -Austenitic SteeU Exposed to Corrosive Gesvs at High Temperstur", 'by A~: V, Ryubcbeeko,, 8, L. XmIrdroystayma RMX" per ft~-M~T- lb-1pallor., 30 3, Jftr 1956, pp'6-106 Bratclwr Tr $5.60 Scl - an/not Jul 58 Wind System in the Lower Ionosphere,, by, B.S. UMP XuamirOvWdY., 8 NP- RURSIM, per., Geomagoetim i Asronoiniya, Vol M., No 3, 1963,, Pq 463-472. AGU sci YAY 04 258,4S8 Research on the Im-Ggular Structuro of tho lono- spbere above IrIcutsk during the IM By 9, S,_~#jjmgTqvsk , V, D. lokourov, pp- 9 4 RUSSIAN,, per,, Geomagnet i Aaron. Val I. No 5, 1961 AOU Sci C?'/'a / (~Cp ~/ Jun 63 Horizontal Drift of Ionization Inhoiuogencities in the Upper Ionosphere, 'by E. S. Maztairovslz~y, j:)p RUSSIAN, pq~r, Gcomagnetutrm i Acronou4ya, Vol M, No 5, 1963, lip )012-00?. AGU Sci 264', Drift of jmuU-Scale Irregularitieu in LiIL- Ionos&ereI4 According to Measurements ObtaineLL in lrlmtsk, by V. D. Kokourov., .3. s. Kazimirowkiy. RUSSVW~ bk.. IssledavcLulya Neod:aoxvInostei v IanoBferc., Part V,, No 4., 3-960., -pp 76-W. Amer Meteorol Soc T-RC-21 /Y 4), Sei - Geophys oct 61 (W-2T42). 2w ClAmitloatIft at Rmla Mme a by X J. Q~r pwo abowatIft Gow., Mb 30 pnonp Jew cc SWIG ft~ an W t mom mom* sm a andialft ct go" .. - I -IL "- L Va so* 29% ~ im ~j ;. . 0 Ift .-- lb~m on "17 eV ~-~ ,c ,-~j zj",rl a" ft JIW ow SY 326#555 --- - "RES 'Fampowum at as anmd ror "I* aw.-T.- v...Nhp;4t# Be Ze malkows 143!~ bkp ban m dimm Udw mu*"Oft Qye Art~~ NWOWP- '~ v 1"ll. = aml" MR mu Aqg 09 fff 7 f fz Streas Relief of SUinl"s Mrip by Temwing., by gszinczy. UNMABSIFAM MMISS.. pw.. jerdwnbareu J%m, so it 1958; PP 5-14. Brutd2er Tr I so I - min/not Aug 5d d / Pll/ " (Dc -4835) m%chinery BrIaLbited at the ftdapest Industrial Fail by PolaWj. Czachoolovalds. Yu"lavia., avd Rumania, bW Laxzlo~ Z"IMSY'v 5 V9. 2MMMot per., GOP,, Vol X11S No 9) 1960) pp 337-341- im 6549 13con Feb 61 91*400 Aft"Nsw stav *9 *Mbww FoTWA*LVA -5 JS 00 Sy*&" CO-Boo by Go A. Iftedyevo V. !Ko "moo"m IIWSIAMO .V* . AIL am* ftlew Sao S*g rikso 4wo 1 map me be "me IN a An FAT-4yaa S"." Jul 67 329,AU pai-atura WoUlbutic-ii iii a Clr-oulai- ~,Ivon Tom 4. PP- -- IV yu. N. HogoolovAjy, E;,R', lianin't'it, AILS'81AK, per., Koko i lKh1m;, Tic, 9~ Sai pr 63 'P-toblftw ot the ranoWonat Olagnowle aml Ttoatum* or T~ftie Ltww Inurlas Cauood by Um*ro Mtre-COMMawds, by L. ~4. Rialroka7a, 7 pp, 111;9!~ltl'146' P"o rwg ULboLUMlV&. Vol 9, 1~o In, Oce 1964, 37afts J)PIM 2409,51 !hir 2, 7 (- A'i; 2 9- - Approximtion of the Deflection of the Verticals Obser;red in the Gravitational Field of the Earth, by V. A. Kazinski, 7 Pp. RUSSIAN, per., Iz Ak Nauk SWr., Ber Geofiz., No 1, 1962, -PP 95-io4. Amer Geoplays Union Sci oct 62 2114)010 Interpretation of Gravitatiowl Fieldv Produced by Steepl,v Dipping Geologiml Bodies , by V, A, Kazin.,sky, 5 pp~ -- RMLU,, per., E& AK lbuk SM5 Ser Geofiz, No 4, 1961, vp 595-601. 6al AOU 17.!:1, -Yal Oct 61 The Calculatior. of the Gravitat:-onal Effects of Local Inhomogenei.ties in Rocks, by_y.. A, pp. WISSBIUX~ par, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Scr C-ofiz., No 3, 1.959, pp 1.226-IZ~jO. Amer Geopli,,,,s Union Sci Aug ( :-,0 Interpolation Grids, the Purpose and Principles of Their Construction in Geophysics and Geodesy, by V. A. K.azinskiX. 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geodeziya i Aero'Lotosiemka, No 2, 1963, pp 79-92. Sci Apr 64 2S6,OSS on the Addition of OgeS-U&Uons of' Tito GravImtric Pewtalma on a SUp., by V. A. KazInakly. RUSSM, per., Zz Ak Houk 8002 Be-m-, Oeograf I Geofiz. Vol VM, No 6r 1944., i;9 381-3%. A= Sol . Geopb" /T -7 ? OP Mar 62 The Balaming of an Elastic Structure of Gravitation Variomaterap by T-I.-A-J!!M"--"-'3 pp* RUSSIMp per# Is Ak Nauk SM# aler Georls,, go 1957k, py 5OD-M. Parlamon Dot Sci - GeopbWe Dec 58 MIGulatizz tba lmftume ar topographUm',-. ma~,-er, on mdau-0volao SmVitatimal a*"armO-:5tfj by V. A. ftsimldi~, 13 pp. Y=SUN,o per# Is At Mft SM, Bar Geofiz,, No 1y 1957.. pp 30-38 ftrpmm imutute Sol - Geophys Zia Solution of Geophysical and Geodetic Problems by the Successive Approximation Method, by V, A..Kazinskiy, 7 pp. RUSSIM, per, Ix Vysshikh Uchet, Zaved, 9M*11)t Geodezlya i Aerofaitoslyanks, Nei 2, 1962, pp 99-114. AGU Sci Mau 63 233,832 V11 4b, On the Intiattion of ths Accur*W of the Varbotril Method Of HS"UrIft the Deflectione of P1=b Lima in the Gravitation Field of the Barth-CR WV, No 2p 46.9 131 On the Division of the Earth's Gravitation Field into ;ones-CR LHIp No 7s, 46, 6n The Influence of Difference in Amplitude and Phase an the Periods of Two Conjugate PendA&Iww--CR LIs, No 8j, 46., 577 3c 'IDOD,1 The -ast-oj-j- o.I,, lravitu-- rapers o--. ..C.'3 care- in -100:10,." Ir ot s Pwme&zra llca~ ~~qqut4Lia the Grcvi-l-Yt iv, RUSSIO., Pwp TTudar last, F-a;& !;~Sap Vol T-Ij No P.~ 194Tr yp la-lij.. Kazinakly, V. A. ASTATIZED GRAVIME-iER. Trans. on Soviet Geodes), 1925-40. 21 Apr 61 112]p. 2 refs. JPRS: R-118-N/5. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 61-194" Trans. of Geodezisi (USSR) 1940 ly. It] no. 2, p. 21-27. DESCRIPTOPS: *Gravity, Measurement, tnetrumen- tation. 61 - t 9499 1. Title- Asmr' gravirneter 1. Kazinskly. V. A. ll . Title: Soviet... Ill. JPRS-R-118-N/5 IV. jointPubUcstion Research Servim New York OM- .17 S- (Earth Science"- -Gtx-idesy. TT. v. t. no. 2) ILW,WtL(p&jm& ft= loft atacps Stlow t='UIwsjj F ~ V - lr.,!~ -1 tm Vol ap so IW4 99 x)63 3nO ,Sd. - 3 3 The Problem of the Physiological 'runction of a Catalase in the Human Organigm; N*tIce of the DiscoveryX of a Constitutional Asumaly "Anenzymis Catelavess" by Koozoo Xhziro,, Goroo Kikuchi, Heizoo Nakan, , Maseru Tombiya'., 12 pp. gERMO per, Chenisebe Berichte, Vol L=W, No 9-10, pp 886-891. NIR Scientific - Medicine CTS/bn -1147 The Mtraviolot Absorptim Spectra ojC Alkyli;rdnc-s of Aeetylacetone and B.IiydzvWaphthtldehydo, by L.A. Kazitsyna, X.B. Kuplot-skep, L, L, -Polstyanko 9 PPO-- -**--,,--.-,.,, nusl'jtl~,, per Zhur Obsbah Xhim, Vol. XM, do 1, 1961, PP 323-322-, CB ~ji /f J~l Mar 62 Tb&IU%mj, by L. A. K"itSYURP Double DIUSODUU SmIts Of 0. A. BmtoTt Z- 7- BmchiwvBklyj. 4 PPO RWsmN., pers Mar Obsbah Kbisv Ifol M.. No 3,, 196(),, 1)p 1008-im. CB Apr The lar*Md SPW%ft of F*rromms s On the Prftlem of the Matual Innumm at 8dwtItwuU in tbo Irerrowas NOUWQ3059 by L, A* mvitayosp S. T. LdkSbLU**X.A*jb-------- -m- . m Ii p "ro Da A No& Mo WI =1110 no go 2959p VP 3334%q Sol - (m" 1kr 60 (92"-N) ah""OuristAss of ftlU& NOWUmalea OWNP by Jo p"Sl4ftev$40P .30 nmossmat We IMUMIWS mod W. 143.1movalk4s 7 Pro PMJMO peri P"s ft*-,% 0"0 Em Kat"i"P LYWO VP 2&w - PWAV4 am mw 59 Alp' 41" daft 440 at ~4 IMS Ag ?*& EAU"m A* A** ad TMVMffAo A* Nv Sab 0t on 4w M~ glmft Ve The scift I I Md the ft2foaft AWAN of AWWWphoblo compow4s Ze The Sultafttion tit at -Amty2fWm Zhur Obobob Kbift Tax X36 ft 3* 295D (Jan) v Ipp 187-189 Conml%uuW Due= Trmm~MAUca lurra-red Aboorption Speatra of Diazonium Double Ultst by 1. A. KiLsitaym, 0. A. Reutorr, Z. F. Buobkovskiye 2 pp* RUSSIAN, per, Zhur nz xhim, Vol X.IMIV, No 4, 1960, pp SbO-M. Cleaver Mme, Press Sci Feb 01 /. 0 0/ eo W/ .4 ,, caloulatus of tlw vxoqpmcieo 09' the xox~l vibratims -3r tb* cenua NO& in Monet-cmam COMPMAS contalal the AtwdA Omm4x*s by U. T. L*mhins L. A. ~, 6 VP. MOMM., pwp Zbw ftx-',to3-oW 1MdmU,, Vol M., No 5. 102,0 PF vs(i-552. ibv 6a5 Sel op ca 24 " -7 34 The Infrared Spectra of 113rdroxyphenyl Diafonium Compaimcls in the Region 2100-2300 Cm I by L. A. Ka B. S. Kbkot., 6 pp. N~~ts ~--j RUSSIM., per, Zhur Obahch Khim, Vol ii; No 7, 1963, pp 2238-2244. CB Sci Aug 64 264,567 Ultzodoloot Spectra of NothoMtmzenedlamonium Caorifts, br L. A. Kesitsym, 3, B. KIXOVP 5 PP- XM.TM# pwt Ebw MWbeb lbhd:io Vol Ir"IT., no 12., 19% PP V771-39ft. C31 B" oot 63 , P, 1/ 2-1 Ll 2 - 2~ Infrared Absorption Spectra of Double Salts of o- and m-Substituted Ary1diazonium Chlorides With Metal chlorides., by L-A--!S!Z~~ 0. A. Reutavi, 7 PP RUSSIAN., per.,--Zhur Cbshch Khimp Vol X)aI., No 9 1961,, PP 2950-2957. CB Sci Oct 62 2X14,6213 by ~~,-.zitsyria, .3,,V, Pasynkevich! 5 -1, oor. lz Ak Nauk ILIO'Sit, rdiim No 31 ;)P L,AR -4 53 U13 i eb Infrared Spectra of 141trogen Derivatives of Acetylacetones. by L. A. Kazitayna, N. B. Kupletalcaya, 5 pp, -- RUSSIAN, per. Zhur Obahch Khim, Vol XXXII, No 5, 1962, pp CB sci r23A y1z 7 Mar 63 Determination of the Nitrile Groirp by Means of Infrared Spectra Aminonitrile Hyd ,rochlorides. by L. A. Kazitwjm, B. V. Lokshin, 5 PP, RUSSIAN, per. Zhur Obehoh Khim, V-Dl XXXII, NO 5. 2.962, pp 1391-1394. CB mar 63 133 ? SYNTHESIS AND INVESTIGATIONOF THE STRUCTURE OF DOUBLE DIAZONIUM SALTS OF ALUMINUM HALIDES, BY L. A. KAZITSYNA, S. V. PASYNKEVICH, 3 PP. RUSSIAN) PER) DOK AK NAUK SSSR, VOL CXLI, NO 0 ig6i) pp 624-627. CB scl AU 52 205, (1; 14 L-if rared Absorption Spectra of Double Diazonium SaIts of Bismuth and Antimony Chlorideb~ by L. A. KazitsynE,.,, 0. A. Reia~ov, 5 m) - --------------- RUSSIU1, ?er, Zliur Obshch Rhim, Vol XXXI, :io 6, la6i, Ip w65-2o68. Sci 201,919 J~w 62 no 7mfr--"ca srectra e. Certain mid N. Neemeyanovp L. A, N=itayna, B, V~ -in, Vill chavokLVa) Loknh V., T)., r RUSSXMIO I;urr~, DQk Aa Hauk SSGGR, Vo-l- CM, Na 5j P-.l 10110, ,Tun 6o C(ppound by L, A, 2a)-:U-bsyw5., L. Polstyru*oj No B. KvQlet-SkeW4j T. Ignatovich) A. F. Torentlyev., 4 pp. RMSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Val CXXV, Ho 4, 1.9593 :,.-P P,0,7--~31.()z Sci jun 6o Study of tht Abearptice Spoct*R Of the 2,4. DialtropbMIbydrazones of earb~wW3- Compounds, by I.-C lkwovs, L. A. Xa&IUYM9 3'.. 1. ZwetalwYa; 18 pp. RUBBUNp pwt Zbw Obabeh Miet Vol XMIv No 3, 1957P PI"3. e;r cowultants Bureau Bei -* Chem Aug Abeor~ption 8-pectm of Tetraalkyltetrahydrofurandioii and Some a Their Deriv&tivec In the Ultraviolet and Visible Regions, by 1. K. KIM Karobitsyna, L.A. KAMit*YMN Yu. K. Yuryov, 6 pp. Full tr=zlatlon RUWTAN, mo per, Zhu Obahch Xhim, Vol XXV, No 7. 1955m, pp 139"1399. cM C 42051 Cortsultants Bureau 3 3 8-tentiric - Chemistry i"7 56 CM/dex wffl~rlavo 40 Poo ad AMMM6 Ls Aep lab of Ora SalfbastAom md falfwft &S& at * 11 *~ Of the ro Mw Obdwb KWx- %Q VU6 Be % 1%9 (Xw)# pp 4ft- All DeteralmUou of tb&, Location of Substituouts in Perrocene 00"ruaft by IW~mrwl Absorption Spectra* by A. W. YAOMPI&MVP L, A, Kesitsymo B. V. toksbin, 1, 1. wtsmlav 4 no RtMBIMp W# DOk A Ikuk 8M,, Vol CMI, No 3, IMj Pp 433- - Conwaltant,s Bu"su Sol - Chm Oct Ov Spa-eta-u e- Pyrilium Wts& by A, V,; :;c~:rrqtuwrvp L. As.Nazitayms, 11, K., NocheViovs M. 11. WAWLUYE~j MISSIAllp bimo per Iz AL MUL, SM.1 Mel Mirn M-41% 310 5; Sop-oct 1~48 PP 7t4-795- CM C yzff2~~ Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry 55 IIM Petrolon2m of the Mw4wsku titrats in the Bash- kirL platfors. by IL JL NBSOLD. TO" a omm Tr Am GemSe Toalkar as six"* St. Pbll&ftllhla 3, Pa. ; sci - 0*09hysics, fuels Mar 1956 CTS xq~ Effect of areas on t1w ph"Pholte Begim Of the Soil,q by U. Z9 K"ly-evb It pp. RMIAIJ$ porg Poch-wov"40060 NO h-p 1959P PP 36-39. AM set -mar 61 100,41 / Z., 4 1/- ti,i (BF-lBT6) A Renk and File Moobw of the Atheist AraW, by R. Araqw, V. Yol"mkbw., V Xa%l-orP 8 pp. RUSSIM,, per,, SmAm i P*lWya,, So 6, 1961, pp 82-84. JPBS 48R9 usm /0/(// 5// ow Ang 61 M-10) EpidomioloMr of Infectious Diseases in Czec-boslavakia, in 1960, by A. Kazrmr, j. Rudny, 10 pp. OFFICIAL WE WET- C'("FX,R, per, Ceskoslovenake Zdrevotnictiri-, Vol Ix, No 5, 1961, pp 291-2W . JTRS 13-772 Sci - Med jar, 6e" "Iroble 0!:~ Rms "iti) watikyl"nose I'l A.:> VVI X1.11to i4t) 7,9 1.4 64 Unglish Title UMmoun, by K, Kazaierski,, POP. OFFICIAL USE CINLY POLISH,, per roft!,, Vol XVI, No 6, 1964g pp 8 ithe FIrst 5 pwmgreq)hs cm1y), *Cr-STI - "' 66-57038 Sc-i-41ise Bob 66 AdtistAcs *f Polish FisheriLes 19616 zjy Ll ~-S"f OXIS'E, peV4, Prows 1 134, pp TT 66-57iso Ot