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-~)I, "'lc -~',.Wajmiuslon cf --YIA:~ Of Adel-LOBJUe IYip-hOSrAh-at'! "0 by L. P. N. Golubev, T4 Blofi:;, Vol V!, No I. -i',)61 Sci Action of Ultra-Viol--t Raddaticin ou Singl-e Fibre~~-, by R. G. Liudkovskaya, L. P.~ uz3h i,i, 7 D-0. I RUSSLAW. pp 40-4~. per, Biofizika, Vol V, No ij A* 1960, pp Sci Aug 60 Long Conservation of Unpaired Clectrcav: in theromolecules After Irradiation ~)f Prcj+'.P-in Solutions, by L. Kh. Yeidus, L. P. Xwazhin, 5 wt)~ RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Ikuk SSSR,, Vol. CXXk-V,. No 6; 1960o PP 1525-1527. AIP Sov fts - Dok Vol V, No 6 am sci Jun 61 by L. P. DOIL Ak SLUk SM., A-TaL C .1i C"VL 901~5905 jan 6r) embeds to awan vommod" at Imew solonefte ? 1w M* KRPWADO S* K"u% 9 w0 RUM04 pwo tommuliA I" al fftwMM* fio, 04 fto "M w- W.Wo in$ 4" t"J' t-- 14 ~ ~-4 -'~, i-~ , :~-j um Mu Fab 70 110199" Investigations in the F ield z)f Synthaai3 and Can- vei-sions of UD&a-1,-drated Creauosilic3n II. S5mthesis of ' Silicohydrocurbua5 of the Vinylacetylenc Series, by 1. A. Shiizhicv, III. F. Sbostakovskd.yo-L. A. Kayutenko, '3 pp. RUSSIM., peri Zhur Obsbeh Khims, Vol MX~ -No 72 195% V~ 2137-2138. CD Sci Ai.ig 60 Synthesis and Trwaformtlow of Uwaturatad q;,g=2tl4Accn CumVwndiv.. Commication 2. Syntbamis of Teritlary Tr1hydric I-Sllicon- Contalzing Alcolholz of dt~ Acetyleale Serlet6, by I.A. Shikh7*vg N.Y. abostakovsky, R.V, Xomxav, L.A. Kaluteako, 6 pp. M1511.71M, per, Iz Ak Mul SWRR, Oi;del kbi" Nm,~O, ft 9, L957t pp 1139-1140. Cowultacts Bureau Sci - Cbmn -2 t~7 may synthexte and-Reac*Aom of unntamuA GlYWIA., by 1. A* skuftwp L* A. zoyuutnw.. 4 pro ESUMs ywo Zs Ak M* 009 OWI Olm lkn*, so Si, Ws ipp 991-03. Oan3altmake 3(d - Cb= Wfiv 59 Dioulb*bm of Radb6cd" m and ks Emmetion Frm the Bodke of HORMY and IAK&Poiomwd AnlwaU4 by X. K. Makubevg 1. V. 1 7 pp. Ru&waq, pwILA Me Kimm' No 1, 1964, pp 50-55, JPRS26MB scl - B & m Doc 64 2690879 Continuour. Solar buission In the X-R&,y Region, by T.. V. K"achavsksys. G. S., Pran-Kholodnyi; 6 pp, RUSSIAN, per, Astrmn Zhur,, Vol =011, No 6, 1959p pp 1=-1027. Pmr Imst of Pbys Soviet Astrm-AJ Vol in, No 6 Bel jui 6o Profiles of the H endr-ce nLines in a Plus Wa. Spectmu, by 7 PP. ZMIAR.. per,, Ix XklumkW AsUmofic Obsery, Vol =I 1958.. py 80-85. c I Awr mmaorol soc AIP Ombridae Sw Cent4w Sci - Astron am 6o 7 7 go Nydzug= Spectrts of FUmaj, by T. V. Uzubovaboas., A. B. Sm=Wi., 2!5 pp. RMBIM., pw Iz Astrofiz Observo Val =p z6p pp Amer Mptaor*l Soc JW Cmbxtdip I** ftntor Scl - Astm gan 60 ef I~w M .' ~ ~, - - - -SOM16 ix ~Wq~ Iowa Rome loot"Ac the &Wvrpw Z~jj by T. T. CwrdYntsevs I. V. skudwyva", 13 pp IIUSSTAII. per, Goichft, So 3i set T'm 64 I pkvk4 -Cba=cM Ib0de 4 do BIL-5 R"Mrs by Ai.. I. LMn=WMYs, 0. 106 ~ftq at 44 22 M44 Sd-phys Avg 64 262.921 Me Rtfaft or am Mm *Asia= Mm6er ara tho *Wdta& at tibe bdbftm C*ptm Cmm swump 1w 2. IL ftimAmms 0. IL - - 8 W, MBU=jl pow# At= Naawglv% Vol XIVp ft 29 1963* VP ILMEW-VZ CD ad XbQr (A 2990094 DetermInation of the Earth 0 s Albedo, by E. X. Whasybekovap V, M. Kazachevskiyy A. V. Kharitonovj 4 pp. RUSSIKff . per, Astron Zhur., Vol )COEM s No 1j, 1960o PP 131-134. AIF Sov Astron - AJ Vol IV;, No 1 Sel oct 6o Xazachkpw~ A.L. Klimov. V. A.. and Polyak. G. 1. USE OF A CALCULATING BOARD IN COMPUTING AN HLECTIUC SYSTEM WIT" DIRECT CURRENT TRANSKUS90N, tr. by A. A. Osipovich. 15 Sep 61 171p. 4 refs- Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-32771 Trans. of *ElekEricliestvo (USSR) 1960, no. 9, p. 11-14. 62-32771 1. Kazachkov. A. 1. It. Klimov. V. A. Ill. Polyak. G. 1. IV. Bonneville Power Administra tion, Portland. Ore. DESCRIPTORS: *Power, *Transmission lines, Direct current. Synthesis. Electrical engineering. (Enginevring-FIc-trical, TT, v. 10, no. 3) office of Tecb*.w Urexes ommu cou"Ut at BMWI amt4o in amai"Ulatue rumms IW IL A. SMOMMO Am RMWX, pgr,, gmh Dak Wssb Shk94, go 2v Mqj, pp W46. lm 167" act - *"I NLW*t Apr 60 // Y. - ?// Y Var"16al',46012 of Oxide Tzalusion Content .1)vrj.vZ ,iw---iL;uf3 L-):Uagea of Cpenhearth Steel. by -iii -61_1,o~,..",, Nauch Dolt Vysshikh Sb2ic) f i FjLT &.-- L, I ulio 2.., Apr/jua 1959, pip 43 47. HB 460, 5 amuenta t"= 0 - men - CaUsattan ~law 40d "*Ir Zonnme on the VaddvS at slaossca viltass bw L. T. 20 pp. RMSM, QtS t Ono lb 4,p 3,4M. rw--t NVAW%n no sets-6--ti! STARK2 B. V, CH=11CHEV' E. V. KILZACI-MOV.9 E. A. Diffusion of Elements in Liquid Iron. RIMIAN., Iz Ak Nauk SSSR., Otdel Tekh Nauk, No 1-1. 1951, 9 figures, 2 taMes, 1450 vorlb. Brutcher No 2840 $2*90 7746-l"m nom AID KamboMor. R. V. DZTZRUDIA'n(M Dn DMUCITAnOWS TMMM- 1. contre National as I& QUES IUPMTEZI PAR EM MrM DR D9382L. Redwrom ftwomqu. cx"45-om-amh orga-m-lat 'Parts (From* orthr boss CNN as CURB-"-G/R-400 Trask A tl 00 T p o IML Buropmon TrammIsUous C4oAm TT-W27958 ndd 21D Kawadbn R V DRT92NDIA DES SMIACITATIONS TWMM- 1. Centre National do Is QUES SUPPERTRES PAR UN PPTON DE DIESEL. Recherche Seteattfique, CNPJ;-SS-GM-46W; OTX-$-"-nS. Parts (France) Order from MRS an CNP.5-45-G/R-4520 Trans. to French of AvbxrobUnaya PromyshIftwat (tiSER) Y30 n7 p7-10 1964. 1-:uropean TrarislRtton!, Centre Of thO KAM 2UPwature or Mab-Speed Uter=l WOUsticti MWnsaj, by R. V. 3 PP. MMMY POWP I=WIt4kX' Tskho 110 50 IQ60p pp 25-27. 2m Sol - Apr 61 1~4 or , (,0/ '~ f ~ rom"s a. KAZACHK4DYAN T. Save,deksym Leboratorly&, vol. 9, 1 table, goo wordej 1940. courimtric Detendnation or wArAumn in Hisb M.bw ftods. Bmt4*er Tymm, Order No. :11.2D Phe"00030--imetric DR P "14 n 11 - of Pbmpbwum atd stucco in Iftwu MateU by S. 1. fasellecas 1. G. run trMialation. Val XMg USM* 10~7j, BMUXA pews lab AM Tr IM -atientifft ammur JbtWUr PtWeleam rManbWast asp !a Cmip"m t Operatiorza Experience with The HR-5 Resetor Ir, A. 1. LuiportRUI, 0. D. ItazachkmzklJ-,- 26 Do. RUBEIM., --pt, Conference on Operstiotyal jerlars Atc!aa -Thwee Reactors, Vienra, Jrun~~ 4-io) i963. jLNC--'k-,1---5890 80- - KLec Cot 63 12 // 0 1 13 )- .1 , 5-P-1830) The Future of Fast Reactors.. by A. T6, lanuualciv.,t 0. D. gazuokamvslr-',.v,, M. S. PLaM"Al 21 pp. - - '- -- - - --' -- RUMMO per.. &.-- Namradma, Val Xj* 1b 40 iiO-IX JIMS 12667 a" - jkb-,. Pbwx -fll,4 Mr 62 AWlt. MM-.D"'9--6 JR-9744i -D 17 SePt uo r,. vWosu o kriteri4iLkh efrektivnosti aes na bysti-ykh neitronah 1967 pp 1-14 am grapiis ( 17 pp) By: KAZACMOVMMv O.D. and MnW%', Z.V. RusMan - ast for vda: Please timaslate and type 1 copy oilly. 46 16 8W A6 116 Mm"Wwwo IL 1. Mysical O=aaterlstlas of a M-5 Peactor, by A. 14. 1AWpmwkiy, 0. D. cbkovskiy,, etc, 42 pp. RUSSIO., bk -61 Ammstvo po AtA=oY Knorg1l; ssml=W RomMoovo- m Bysta7kb I Prowzhutoobaykh ft--'O--MM-L'n VUmm &NOW= 'Yww 'o IPJ 3-.U Aug 19614 M 18/80. 9676W JPM-M-61 -5 Scl - Nualow Phys .2., 700, large-scale Awarimnt Of the Soviet Ualon ror the SelecUou or the )bet Sconamical TYpes of Nixaear pow amateram. by 0. D. Kazschkovskiy,$ 13 w. nano.. bIL9 No eL rp,*.y e-my 1959., 103-124. ABC Or -4Y! Sol, Rae Par /4jFj 0:!77 Apr &L FM 28834) '04coadtlm of Pathogole Xlexrbas in tbo gTbavu" Neu= vita -60imidermuou op vm varlabw1w or their. by N. A., mulms V. X. Emajo", OD per q= xmmua.. wawdol i lan3mallo no fit AbOws ADS 3955p P.9 43)14- aAApm v-qW Sol - memelm On 56 The Accuracy of the Electronic Dewpoint Hygrometer, by M. Kdzahaya, JAPARESEs per$ J Suc Instrum Tecbvol Japan, Vol 1, No 4, 1957, pp 199-202. TM Tr 4 84 5 Sc 1. - Rugr ? / '~ .. Mar 58 (SF-1891) An RiTerlmmt on Controlling Wmeatery ir. a Iea-ge City, by 0. ff. Kuliyms, A. ?._Uta, 6 pp. RIMIMP )wp mwoomaunselye mu*Manistam, Vol TV, so 4.* 190P VP 39-42. JPRB 4705 sai - IW jul 61 Results of Experimut With Itydropiston Rodlear, Paxpe, by A. B. Naxak. RMIM bko pp 34-;6. Tech & Com Tr Hum Oeorge Voelker 2135 6-Vruce St. U38R set - amd *orb*,, fuels neon joar 1956 cis $w.00 nine Contour and C'mpleteness of Cmelfilt-all-li-o or S Coal Swim (Frm the Hesults of Oceniiws u~,) Sxpcrj&e-atv2 ~Ienerator No I at Usti=),, by V. M. Kusuk. RUNIMs pQrs Padtvamays Wo 2.. W-9, 1958j, pp 12-15. A,T,:Vt of rvtcrl-~~:, Du of Mras Central Exper Sta Pittsburej, F-'f,. - Scl - Emsr 71w Bubavlor of the Roof Euriza Gasif icavi'm -T-n a Horlzont4l luallued Chmml In a Thin Coal Oeam,, Prcm the Remabs cr OpenLng up Experl-mmvi-, creperator No. I at IASle4an&p -13Y V. N. k;uzak, Fodzumbys G"if UuLtaiyu Uglr,.y,. No 3r 1958t.. PP 1(-20. Dept of laUrior TW7, Z57, No 103 /0 Bcl - ftsr Nw 59 Inveatigation of Radieat Heat Tranufer in the Furnace of a Natural Gas-Pired boiler, by P. P. Xazakevich, C'~. &I. RUSSIM, per,, Teplqenergetlka, No 10, 1959,, Pp 34-38. DSIR LLU RM 1555 act - Zasr X oat 6o Omwm C=Bmvtl= and Dcdy V*Mtum Iz by q-.. ~ -It - .-:!v 4!#Qhf 6 P2 - auwrm.p perj, 714,5101 Zbur sms Uwat 1. M. seabsZomp Vol nyt No ho 1"98, pp kio-hik - IT Bel - NOW 59 3-~5-t:~7 v (26ft-N). as c3los"I pletwo at vw bl"a at"" of the Chro"a AaUom of ZowAsAft fbdk#4&~ 48 US 1w S. A. I IL SpIlm- Z,6 A. X. 1. lvmwwv IL A. ~N~~Sft Ids 10 PD. ~Zwp pwo gab" "NWLM V61 rx" lb go Xmi, set w I" i ;i i .i 1: il ". -.- I; -t-1 :;. I., ~~- - 9 im -,- .~-m I ; ~:903tmw on phabomby fw Toodw-re On C*okw by'i. 4 16"00 Y& lit' 551.11144, pareya L44band udv. (4 1%4, Immat4ptim of Nonlimar Procetums In An Optdmtlizing ConVAvaAer by V. V. Navalmvich ~Jf 13 pp. FOBWO.. bkp Trcdy KamVeradalva po Voprosm Tbori,ye i Primaskenip &FA&M'b"ftV4&uAvt=t4- chmadkh sistm,, 3,96o. 9676749-V ptws 26 May 62 c.,' d-t- Optimal Cortrol of ob.-sects in F'reuence of Pe-iturbations,. bY V. V, 'fux-kevich, U IS 3 Wi D.-ik AA'Z lb?lwe, SSLV%J, Vol uxx 1~ 1)61) pp 7 -,T8w., JPRS 9285 ort the Stobility of cmp a mazo as Non-Linmw 'E'Le-pubs In Idstribute6 "teow, by V. A. Bodner, V. V. m0web. MOSIM., per., Is Akmd Nmk OWL Tel& Vauk, fterget ' &*Omst.. ft h" Imp vp 12&325. Tn 4257 146 -71 sci - SW Sep 61 886ming the Wftat of mmerUa rce the ReUMMI atrol of u-th Wdimr ob3wUs IW V. V. Mnakgvlc!L,, pp DUN., per, D* Ak NWAj, Vol CZMXEp No 5a 29609 pa" zoom Autcmttm 2 va ills - PWO Ar/I 61 )n the ZzUNma Contra or Mmsrtia and ttotable )bJectiss bY V- V- SmmUevich, 2 vv- Famm vwt D* At map Yca, =31Iv so 4, 19W I, Pr 756-M- 30 m &U RWO mofta Joan 12 We" Sol - Ph" Vol in, no A ~';! " ( UM & Datber Swadron Comanded,ty V. gamachuks 5 pp. RMUNV mpq Smtskora Avlatelyso 30 Dee 19%p p 2. I'lool to in 1.376-57, Aipoix-3A-i. AF ll=.'j2 USSR ~Ol f, a .-3~ milluLry Am 57 Extremm Control of Objects wIth o~-, Ubstshlon Objects, by V. V. Kazelmvich; i't -nT,,- RWOLM.t per., Dak Ak Nauk SSW, Irol CV.Y-T:11., no 4, 1%0 p pp 756-- Sod AIP Say Pbys- Daklady Val V., UD JI&V 61 Bedwing the &Wluonm of MmerldA in Extram= of n-th OzGw Gbj*M;sp bW V. V. pp. AWIMj. perp D* Ak Hank 8016 Vbl =CM, NO 5f 196of Pp 1041-0 ArP L4v' PbW*- DoklMy Vol v 110 4 sai / , 4 41, /.,., 4 O-a Red=tlltm of the I-atluoace Contyol cd ()bjectg of the MM n1l" Order., by V. V, Rhmizevich, 6 pp. RUSSI", per, Dok Ak Nauk SSM, V01 M=Ill, No 5, Aug 1960.., "~ 1041-1044. JM 7538 sci - Phys Fab 61 3 Sopotem of Ixtrawl PASLLI&tlon and Some Methods of Iwprovlng 7beir Owlity and Stabilityj, by V. V. 16 pp. MOSIM, rpt, 7be Piveved1up of a Conference Held In lbscov,, March 1W# on Autawtic Control and CcMutlng Teebnlque, Moscow, 1958, pp 69-96- 9OTLU)i osi 6o.,? Sci - Zlectrou ERV 60 .2 CWFW Z-731 A NA Approxx-mate IRvestigatiOn Of Some Types of Strongly )iunlinear Autonomous SyStems, by V. V, Kazakevicll, UP9 92 PI), i.wsslm, bk,, kirtowatichoskoyo Upr-ivIeniyc i Vychislitellnogo Takhnika,, Gasudarstvennoye Jauchno.-Tekhnichaskoyo Iz Mash Literatury, No 5, Moscow, 1962, pp 36S-1,42, 968S480 Fri)-Tr-63-319 00 11.1k "I'llil, Arr, 14. J,u I Ul'UL2 -,ges and 1-1rodduct Qtmlity.2 by 6. Illin, V...Kazakin, G. Korbe,, E. TakovIev., per; Botalmlioticbeskly ITW, No 6; -.960s, pp 105-119. jiTiS %Z3 LJSR ~-eb 61 Theory of Ideal ~ 11 l of an JbMr~l ControUer,, by V. V, r*z-skwlc#o 10 pp. RussrAy, per* Avtomt j Toievoth, vol xxi, No 4, 1960, pp 4ft-505. im Sci Fab 61 /-4,f 2,~ J, 1 90--loss A*WXW a3d AnW"M stadtv 4c AIV or Acid in "at modu DWOOMMAOS w F, um -mlom, pws -,r lot .71- rpol 33 3S63 0 0 Ipp L A~A 2- Tim 60 3609W7 Lar"m of Auftung Nowum at the a*ramlly PIM344 (QAAGjW=v SnoWsolawL, ran I - 1w a. le - a 6 W. xvm.p Mao m - S obnxudnt Va XLt No 21 19as im 30-38L - --- Ain a" XWr 62 lVjj~., .20.-P, WicaMm of Mw In Mlu*i6 mM A. A. Dmtob# ot 04 T P- MUD4 pwo gum ]b AM-3319OR gm W 66 bw X A. 6a 1964 im 55-Q. Who 1679 PROBLEMS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IN THE BRATSK WATER RESERVOIR.. 13Y A.,KAZAX0V, 5 PP. MMIANp PER, RECJiNDY TRAtWORT, NO 4, 1962, PP A-36. ACSI 1.16&3 I D 2203Ml USSR ECON 13 AUG 62 206.,ZT8 -.~Xi"~Uu ou~teat i1i '--ttat-I ---I a O> Vtmxtiix~ Di TOOwului,icAl I'Actus::sq -1* ."Uh-DV Vt ale .*to, Z /7- ...Ict The Heat Resistant Deformable Magnesium Alloy :)y A. A, K.a'za'ko.vj et al. 4 PP RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnye Metally, No 5, 196c), pp 62-6~- Primary Soarce2 6ci Nov 60 / 5 _-2 , I qe-" I MEW SWAM Us OMMO Qnfto or op" asom soma at mums PMOUMO tw A. A. MmNAW, MMMP qw, arm To gma WlA Lb U, WAp A. A. lAzakov PAI jum or The Production of 1:25.,000 Ykal?a for itounra:Lnour, and High-Hountain Regions, by A. M. Danillcher, KawkOv, 8 pp. RUBSTAN., per, Geoaez i 'Cartog, Ne 196,", pp 10-20, AOU Sci jui 61 DETERMINING THE CHANGING WATER LEVEL IN THE ZONE OF THE UNSETTLED UNDER " TER REGIME OF THE PERM HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT, BY A. M. KAZAKOV. vcc I -. RUSSIAN, Pb~ RECHNOI TRANSFK)RT,/1959,, PP j4-36. ACSI 1-16 6 6i I D 220142 USSR ECON 14 AUG 62 zo6.,284 SquLlibrium System of Hydroxidets and Oxides of Iron in Solutions of Its ChInrides &Dd SuMtesp by A. V. Ka"loax, Ye. 1. Sokolovap A. 2. 'Faynshteyn, 36 pp. IMBBW per$, Trudy bastituta GetilcXdcheakikh Sauk Akadeiall Nauk 8qWv No 152p Geol.)glcal .3eries (no 1957,* pp 72-92. FM/1-3451 SCI Apr LIthology and the Proce3ses of Wea.therine, or the Phos', - phate -Ozems of the Zgoryevsk Clroup of ~Cen-:;itfs, by A. V. Kazakov, 48 pp. RWBIMp perg Trans Sci List Fertilizarn and Irxect,ofungicides USSRO 110 140j, 1938., -vP srA ri-336,u Sci Jul 59 Xquillbrim By@ of lydroKidin and Oxi6em of Iron la Solftlow of Its Cblwldm &ad Sulfttoss, by A. V. XMNLbcw, 2, 1. Odw3m&p A. S. Ift1mbtelop 36 pp. wim RWSUNO pw, Traft Imt1taft Gi Naukv A], Ibuk ~,p Goo a Sorlya, So pp Bel - Cbmj, Fbyo a" 59 Ou/mm X-343L The Syntem of Carbonate SquilibrLa (Dornrcr-Utc~. Mignealte)o hy A. V. Kazakov, et al. 'U--C~' RUSSIAN,, par, Trudy Inst Geol Naak Ak M-!z ~'301: No 152., b#6rjS,--rp No 64,, 1957, vrp 13-58. ATS RJ-18,16- Sci - Cxcopbcys Jim 60. apmd Of Solutdom Of Campomft Of FOUMIM, -gad Lmm of I%bn-al by Mlawsl AeMjby As Ve K-Smkovs 26 PP~ Is Renlot We* Owtow Lob Nboty Vbi ME, 1%3, PP 91-45- MA 11400 set &1 59 ij~ 6 a2 Conditions of tbg Tonation of Fluorite in Sedimatarjr Ro*U, V A. V. Usakovs B. 1. sokolam., 91 pp. MW,Ul,o per,, Dok Ak ftuk SOSRp Inst Geol Nauk,, Vol cxIv.. No 40j, 1950", pp 22-64. MA R-120e My 58 42 ~/,~ Tae System cao-p- -" in uw cimmtratim nelas . atift Pbosp"t* =A Arm mwlavat"4 A. V. Kamahm. 31 Ml- ;IM6UNp pers, Traft T Saftsh Vmpti. Minaml I pp m MAUAM TO YOM= "T-IONUZ aleat4fic - Cbaalwta7 -m4 x956 =lam .:Ac ISTER" mom, The Therml Properties and the Solubility of Kinemls., by A. V. Makov, 6 pp. RUBSIM., per,, Trudy Sovesch Eksp Mineralog i Petr 693 7.07., PP 129-135. SLA RI-42581 Sci Aug 58 The System of Carbonate gquiUbria (Dolmite , Ragwalte)p W A. V, -mu"Wo M. M. Tll&aeL,-m-ft, V. I. Plotid v 53 P- RMIAN, per, Imt Ak Book WUm,' Goa TrudY, Grol Ber, 110 &.p YP 13-%- ing-570% H T set 7060 Vol 21 No Chemical Nature of the Phospbste S-libatancee of Phospborltes and their Genesis, by A. v. xasakove 6p pp. RUSS33,p per,, Trwo Sci bmt of Fertl2lzere Insectofungicifts VM#, No 139p 1937j, pp 3-73- SIA R-2270 Sci Aug 58 17-) 131 / 09-~ WIM 111 'k- ; ~ woo i01*0101% More D:mtorv of Science for the Higher Sohc~o-'L-s, Oy -7 D. 3 PP- iWSSIAR. Dvj,~ Vestmik V~sshey Mkoly~ No 10: 'Lc)&). Interntl Arts & Sc-.L Press Soviet Education vol ra, No 6 USSR -3.5-) 7 Soc JIM -0 Q nEmirse in the AOL CLvAent of t-be Zridc-,3.ix~rm mne J~ydrotherml Mmatment cX Wbeat Grmina., 3 pero Dok A r"k SSM, Vol M)OM, so 6, -196D, pp 1438-1hho. PIBB Sci Fa 1) 0j. M. m O*M. Phys4olladool of oam otwwj, e pp. you lw and Biodbodcal by B. Do Mmakovj, wwwo UM per. MAIMS. %I =0 lb 98 0 Or/Apr 39%, 0 W M-W-' oxmIleau 3m-1 ~ P ftj -W N&Iuw IVA PJ J' ;o im 57 ON F-T*qPCrgbUm OW%MIZEUM at BoUd 7401 and the blms of aclem"lle a I= ob vwk in ibis Fleld., tv L !~!~ 0- X- 10 1 Mr., 13 iw. WMp Us wabotba s*llvo6 nnW n mcon a1vu I 061dwd" OWN% 29"S Im .5-aT. OSAMU% wo-W 157 61 Wk ow R"Oet Of z1orml Treatment of the ukrabduo Lignites Coals an the Yield mod OcnWooltIon of Low- I cut nal 1-41cm. Pra&wWp bW L I. Muokwo A. 1. 2"Whdoms 16. P. Nkladonkoo 30. RMIANp bkp 2touva. 2raft n wwwww A, gap an ]p M14kcan Topuvu L I I a] qd~~ IMONA4 Iwo 3W 98-U*- an ft.%11% fkd - Fools aw 61 POT 1(A Investigation of the Chemical Mature of Cracked Petroleum Aesiduums, by E. I. Kazak-ov, V. P. Kuzuetsova., 3 PP- RUSSIAN,, per., Zhur PrIk Kh1m,, Vol. XXXII,, No 10, 1959; pp 2342, 2343. CB Sci // -? 7, S,7d sep 6o The Tor ItIon or Post Componentes by N.J. 0 It vp. RMUMP =a so pwp mw it t Kbin- Vol =I- No 6,9 1953v VP 669- 1 v CowsolteoU Bureau Sct*UtMc - CbenlVtry CMIM 61-16957 Kazakov. E. L, Edel'shtein. N. G.. andChdais, A. F. CHENGCO-TECKNOLOGICAL INVES'IIGA-nON OF Bi-, 1. Kazakov, E. 1. TUM04OUS SRALES OF 7ME MANTUROV PIELDL IL Edel'shtein. N. G. [196115p. 2 refs. 111. Chegis, A. F. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-16957 Condensed trans. of Zhurnal Prikladmoi KhImil (USSR) 1943, v. 16. p- 72-77. DMRtVrOR&- Fuels, *Shales. ONtamens. Gasoline, Sulfur, Chemical analysis. USSR. TUree samples of shale from the Usal'e section of the Manturov deposit (Gor'kii and Ivanwo reqlons on the Volga) have been investigated. 7be first sample con- taIns 44% ash and has a calorific value of over 4. 000 cal. The yield and ciornposition of jArimery tar are ad- vantageous for its use as fuel and make it a suitable material for preparation of motor IwI Shales from (Materials- -Fuels. Tr. v. 6. no. 10) (over? Office of Technical S-icei IWIL Ili, I I l" ft i, A" ~ i"wai On ,*W- : IWOM 160 1 U-- 6 Ul t -Taj, po AW. ml%M-Vi N' r Aar '7'rik Dim, liu 9 a jv: I J, Com,ultants Y L'br--mistry