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TT-63-26780 G.M and Slqmshkin, E.I. w N w%UEM~S DE GENERADORES DE SOLDN 1. Lasprzhak,G.M. DURA Y SU APLICACION A LA SOLDADURA CON 11. Slepushkin. E.I. GASES INERTES (Novye Skhemy Svarochnykh Gene- 111. CID 63-390 ratorov i lich Primenente dlya S varki v SashchiEnykh TV. Centro de fri(ormacOn Gazakh) (New Welding Generwor Diagrams and their i A li i W l 21 f v Documentacift, d id M cat on to Inert-Gar, e d s. ng). p. 4re g a r C :63-380. Order from OTS, ETC cir CID S4.60 TT-63-26780 Trans. in Sinnish of Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (USSR 1957, v.10, no.3, . -104. Trans. available from LC or SLA mi$2--f ph$3.30 32, Dec 59, 16p. DESCRIVI'ORS: 'welding, Controlled atmospheres. (~Ictallurgy, -f-r, v. 11, no. 11) i Selection of Rfstional Rectifier Cir--uit'~t7 for Arc 4eldlag, by G. H. Kas rZhaL, T. Yf - - aalL.1 - Rabinovicla. V. B. Sidorrkow~v, ~rm. R7LTSSL:LN, per, kvtomat Svarka, Voll LXXXIT.. IQO 3, 1960, PP 3-1.1.- gle MOCAriCal ard -teriatica U . Cbarac Of T"s VSK Weldlug Bwtltlwst by G. M. Uqrsbak.. I. U. lobluovicko V. Bt Bldmftpwp 10 pp. Rmam pw., *vtcmt evarkm., VEa LC=o No 4p 1960.. pp 64-7t. IRMIL Sci - Aaw 63. 7 CwputAtlua of the operating chamc-tAristics 9t, Teo-PbAse Be--VoWtorrs and TachowUr-Generatom, by G. 14, mop-m-hok.. R. 1. Mzpmhklno 18 pp. WNW., w0 pars Avtoftt, I Tele=Wis, Vol XVIJ, 30 9? 59P 3-956t PP 8U-827- CQnMUtAMU DI-MaU Sci - "in-octronics ~~ .3 q NOV 57 fvqv WMIM4.ing Contral-or circulte v -, -* " f or Ifeldlas Ir. sueld Lug "308j, by a, z- X I ~gre-,7 -";, 2. 1. UCP=ftxIQ. Ism Ikvtam avarks, so D63m LLU *bK4 'L1 Gs. ca.) Sol. - B-,w, 59 Lou oC tAw R92octim ur Vo:Ltw on Um Tormdual a of ILSO-EMw Ct=ont CoUactors With itrong Aatmttag OWr*nt4BV bY Q. M- MLspnftkv RMb*41,0 pwo No 9* 1VAO pp 3942. scl Yeb 61 2- 2hkbial PavowtAirs and Valms for Weiep or muterLgruoo of Two-Pbum MMulatme m6Ahims and Mmir DetanduWAm.0 by G. M. lwmae~"= X, 11 Misimabldins 3.9 Yp- IWWIM# m per., Avbam I Tammisho Vol was no 70 jai 195T0 PP 6*027-aT. Ommltm,-o Bureau Sol - pb":Les e9,3--2, Nov 57 J A New Method for Sepezation of Amin,,,) AclAs; by S. Przyleakij K. KAA="Lp 15 PP- GRMN,* per.0 Siochem Zj, Vol CCLJ=IX,, 1937s p 243 - SLA, Tr 57-291 sci - Chm Jul 57 A/ ~, ~/ ~ twwar) WHIMY 3W AT AORIQUML CIUM BY a WAIM rwomp Wiwi* wmwskx-t 8 PP. POLIMe MMV NUMNSKJA RMICTMv VOL VI I I a, HD 89 1$61 v PP RM9- im 1"48 MW - POLAND ECAM - No 62. 183v6" OMNIZATION OF OPERATIONS ON C014STRUCTION SITE OF PLOCK PETROCHEMICAL COMBINE.. BY ANIMEJ KASPRZYCKIv ZYGMUNT KLESOWSKIP 30 PP- X POLIStio PER, PRZEGLAD BWQ"NY I BUDOWNIOTWO, VOL XXXIV., NO 4/51 1962p PP 250-255- JPfts 15355 EEUR POLAND CON 04 w ENGR 62 'io-jo 04rol*rUA~& oL Trwaaxatuma" Lt W Volatiou tto lutsaw Tvansistwar . auui"af-". ~.tiwlowvl" 40cu 1 lit 41=M. Hrrorp Deviation,, Revisionism., Lk)gwtism., by Gazu Massaij 24 pp. - M~ ERMOM MO , I)Vrt TMSada3Xd S%WGIa, Vol, 13; If* 1 An 1A, pp 1-21 US j?RS/DC-29 C3D DC-5D/3 EEur - Hungary Pol Mar 58 ohm pia"m OV INWIM NUMM 00 HUM #a To WANAIMM6 w am wout j4 Pp. a . "NOW004 m wmip '14 Way va xcvlp I P-p- M' h "D W6 "m I v - 'a an Imb mm- Va. WA63 80626 (2065-1) Cur-W=t QUWWAMI or retrolem pmlwtion in oohs , U&W - 23 0. UMI. br !" kv=UMp pwo Iftmvmattl Lm*s, loo 6j, IrAp w !0-30-- US JM U614 Z&V w :.% H"6=7 .%M I ~,J~ ion 59 7f . MITH= Or 00MUIZIM INMI DATA ON I'MUTION MMIIHTYa. SY W VA* *AUAlrSIYVt* It FPO -.- - - NMI AN# PM# - - Aceslysloy nMILPATSI It NO Sit Iqa* PP 0 PAS 16724 um soc 3CI " WD DEC (9 2180%r.) SbuiccuftetOr Properties of Cuprous Oxide. I. NotbA ar Prepamuca W!Ltb Cozoldemtion of StablUty 0andlMomp by 0. &""It 10 pip. MM, per, Ann Physlkv Val 4 1952, yp 201-210. AW Tr 24M Asam Teab ,Bvp Tr 4w 3 3 Scl - Cbmautrys, PWDUW Ayr 56 -ZAAW;P-A" SMI--I.TIN(; IRON OKH IN '11M., ELIX.1,141C LOW- .%IIAI--l' PURNIACE. lOct 461 11h). 7 refx. Ord,-r ft..m.M.A miSi. X0. pI%$I- 80 60 - I RMS 'I't-ans. of %chwem-i Archiv flir Angewandle Wisgen- schah uixf 'I'vilmok. 1945, v. I I I imi. 31 p. 87-93 60- 18695 1. Ironoit-s- Mchnig 2. Eleciric ftiriupcc,~ Pt-Florolalm C. 1 l.ow "halt fullul, 1. Kaswii. ki A Ofll.. of Uchoicl sork.. lbv Px"atiktion Urtbads of XLectrou lacrosaW and lbeIr Resats in the rield of Vibin, P&nwebv bCr Fe Mainabeek, 1.7 3?P- ummm,p xwo MbIllalad TaztlUwmriehte* VOL M=Cg 1b 10, X938,v j9 554L. MA 8a v" IT# W; U 17M Kassenbeck, P. THE INFLUENCE OF CHENCAL AND PHYSICAL TREATMENTS ON THE SURFACE 0111 SOP VISC.'OSE RAYON FIBLRS. (1961)[201p. 3 refs. order from SLA $1.60 61-16796 Trans. of Annialeal ScileMillques) T-111-1 Belges. 1936 IV. 4. no. 1/31 p. 176-194. DESCRIPTORS: Mayon fibers, Microatructure, X-ray diffraction analysis, $Celluloee, &Wface properties, Fibers. Synthetic fibers. An examination of the ftne structure of viscose rayon fibers under the electron microscope showed at the surface of the fiber, an extremely fine membrane or "Cuticle-. 111C."W11111cl'oscopic struct m-a I charaCILTISI ]CS of wbich were established to a mAciently accurate n-Anner to permit a valid intez pretation of the modift - cat)ons at the surface and of the behavior of the fiber duAng the various physical and chemical treatments either during or after spinning. (Author) (Seee also 60-18410) (Materials- -Textiles, TT. v. 6, no. 5) 61-167" 1. Kassenbeck, P. 0ffjCW of 7"I'MIC.1 $,-ices S:Lli=t I)Igcbwbe ftoccus and t4ic Results Achieved in the Treatmit of 'Wool by WEB Process.. by F. Kasmimbeck. fifMM3, p"., Iwtitute Tdxtile &, France Bulletin, Vol 18, 30 3200 1964, 7-32 CSMO/90 6w9 ID. 1(~~QS.~CAldeCX Sci - Aug 67 335m,129 Turbo-charged IlUrbines with High CD,upression Ratio, by IP. Kasser, I.I. !.~auviL. GLRIWip pets btam D*Wvi blitt, Vol L1, //~ No 12, 1964, pp 78J-718. 14ILL 'Ref: 3774.5 (1808) K KCL-4'~~ sci-.'liecil vay 69 380,735 A Lighboight Thermal Drill for the Installation of Ablation Poles an Glaciers, by P, Kassor, RMIMv per, Cosofixica Pura e Applicada, Vol XLV. No 10 19600 pp 97-114, NZDIA Sci Feb 63 fta ftembw ow Um im~ I so 1*06&* *boo t We 3% fts - S&A IL *A JML *r THE IBM W 04TION OF SW&L OM Or nme I "I, COOITI&O AND IN rMIC male"s j~f By 46, mi~46 P; DON AN N" SSSMv VM CXXXVI* MMIA" He at 7d, AM 3GI OCT 61 go& d1aft ~m SOIJ30020vm Sbt*Mo I ~ a. S. XONJI-4, S. Is. .-.. ,, IDIA BW doth sirtbuwp mvOln-li 4. A. PASIGO Mo VWP yu sbw am In 1. M. fWabuffs Xwo 3b I,, 1999s, W 2164MV. a" .00 " Tr ? 9r f2 s-625/6o (NY-4703 Nmml Zlectrophormals,, cy 0. N. _&AMa-i 1 27 , W&U"j Pgr, 50TOt Md., V01 UIV.9 No 71 196( pp 95-103. JFRS 5.654 If -11/ / ~- Bel - Wd / oat 60 *4 'k, A // -4 Me 0-madutrutdrm at Ooyjper in. Blood Bar= 1D the Dwsal State and 1n the ftemence ct On*.aln Lesims In Vw Axe& of the bV G. U. 0816tp I. I. owl 00 so Ibmilli, 4 VD. RUDOMI perp D* Ak Nft* SSMtj, Vol (M=v No 3s 1960, pp 697-7W- AIIN Sol The Perm.-bility of the! Blood - Brain to PVntroftc~-d Icutoiboretic-Oly the 1-.gW Whmw Mmbnze.. by G. I.N. BI x BMW.. pwo Dak A Ikuk, Vol CXM, No 19% pp 725-- Amer 'Inot of Sio Sci Sai - Medicine AUg in Scas rdro;-;e,7e;;; of tli,-,. =..d Paripherfiil ffervaus Systewq b~f 1. L. Val-efoldq -1 !WSSX=,, parp B7ul Lksper Diol i lb-ci., ,rc-*i X-Lit', No 9, 19571 pp 47-51. Consultants JIL, 50 ExperimeaU an the Blood-Brain Barrierp -G. N. Xag;s A. M. VeInp B. 6 ~,* ~ f i6 - - RUSOIAN,, perp Dok A Sauk Bfflftp Vol CV.~ Ito 4v 1957j, pp 833-836- Amw Most of Biol Sci SC:L - %a WY 58 se of Naaal Rei'lex Therapj in Medical Practice, 'by Greshchankos G. N Wassilp 15 VP- WI^ pero r4in Nedp Vol XXXIII& No 9,9 1955y p 12-17. MA '59-1C-W sci - Wd SeP 59 Af 5? ~7 02 do IN" - - --- ~ =a Nid&40A" AOUVM 4c am a%" as onta vs~ 4a lw~ moouwv tv 00 16 *Mlaos 36 AV mmmme nmlffmt ~~dbaw I I ~. Y"413-ulx 9" fte a 2~1-a B-Inding