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A Study of the Thermal ftcaMosition cZ Pawdared SheLl* During the Procesis of ZU Aspid Reatingj, by M. A. _~~rxtw vi V. E. Unamus 4 pp. _k _yLo I RMUN# par# U Ak ftuk. &Mv Otdal Takh Nauk,, PP, lia.m. A" 52MCR A T r FT- 1~71*3 Sep 59 Vol 29 No 2 KARZHAIIIIIAO N. A. 'r luence of Pressure upon Rate of Aeduction of Ca-bon -Lnf Dioxide by Carbon. T)OKLADY A-KADF24II NAUH SSSR., vol 73, 1950, No 5,, pp 971-3; 1100 words, Brutcher No 2641, S ;", S-V c- x -The Preparaticn of p-Xylene From J)iisolmll-yleae, by V. 1. Kan A. M. Lcbedew,) 4 pp. ' Ir RUSSLqZ(j, per, Kbim i T-ekhno,. Topliv i Masel Voa IV;, No 10, 19X59, PP 31--34. ATS-21MWA Kar '02 Kn,;atkin, !).F. and other,;. LXTITAMION DNS HYDROCkRRURES A110MA-l-j- I QULS PAR LF CARBONATF ' :)E PROPYLENE (17viez-h- If h(mic aronlaticheskikh Ijglm,,~Iorodav Propilenkarbo- III mirom) (Tho Sepiratioij of Ar )matic Ilydrocarl-K)ns IN' with Propylene Cark)nate). I 1p. (foreip text in- Cluded) 1) refs. (".NRS-XII 7fi(i. OrdeT from ffll,. FTC or (NtS SI.60 TT-62-297,471 Vrans. in )-rench of Khimiy-i 'reklmologiva Topliv i Masel (99M,'TV)61, v.b, 'no.4, p.6-Q. Other translations are availaNe in German froni T1B $1. 30. 6p and in Englishn from ATS $7. 00 as ATS-59N51R 119bil 5p. DESCRIPMRS: 011y6rocarbon.i, Propenes, Carbona- tes, *Solvent extraction, Separation. 'I-l'-62-29747 Yirzhc,%,, V.1. Ka,;mkin, D.F. CNRS-V1 76(1 Centre Nati(~iifl de Li Recher- he "Ciendfique. Paris (Chf-rnJ.4rry--()rgaMc, TF.'v. 11, no. P) 00- 0 T. h.k.1 fte Effect of QWW and utrason-Canuiulm CampouMs an the ftte at ftftvVwtJcm of Arcmtic oyftecutauss by V. 1. JW";a at &I. HUSSMS, no pwo KbIa I Tomb Tbpuvas go 12, 19560 pp 29-32. Tech md Cc= #5.00 Sol - Chm -j-/ Aug 57 Effacts of Calcination ToWeraturs on the PTopertics of Hanihydrate Plastisrs, by J. Aakimir. CZEGI* per* Sillkstys Yol It 1961a pp 27-39. CSTRO/No S663 sci-rmgT July 63 110 31/~? _:~> 5 ;'0 - - Fish Physiology sAnd its laportance for the Fishing Industry, by G. S. Karzinkin, j9 PP. WSSINN, per, Ikhtiologicheskitia Konissiia AndeuH Sauk SSS11, Trudy Soveshchanii, No 8, 1953, lip 6-14. Fisheries Posearch Board of Canada St. Andarews, Nanaino and St. John Stations. Sci Feb 64 qhsk of %Idmblaloa In the Area of DcvaW- mmt, of Fish Ec-mcwW In NaIns of the Southern So" Of the OBBRt by 0. S. _pWzluk:Ln., A. Y. Kaxpavlab. RUBWNR perv -- D&Uolq;Uo go 3v 1955,, Vp 9-206 92098(m UM M? A-1391 Sol - Mal & YO& 801 Jul 6.1 4A3 'E9 AM TM - log UZ c61 MO MM *WIZ 4d '666T 'T 06 "%Mvk"TM TTlkv" lxbd elmom OM " NAMMICRM *V *1 tumnif" 'A *2 0IMT318TILZO Os 40 A IV&Zoqaww *A-6*40SOTM dPO I 1 1 A tftTTAaftu WdLw" .Wopmwm%, 30 Snxm sea so sub"a =WE 63- 23U4 Karziddn, G. S. BIOLOWCAL PRODILPICTIVITY OF WATER B=H& 1. Kardeldn, Q S. 1963. 350p 11. Scri Tockildca. bw-. Order trom Scrip" Tacbdcf~. lame 1000 Vermont Washington, D. Q Ave. . N. W. washtexton, D. C. Trara. of twidendfled RussUm mom. & IL d. DESCRWMRS: 6171shes, Pia1wrim. Pood, Fe"-& PrO&WOM ,6 (Blologied Sciences --Zoology, IT. v. 10. no, 12) Office of Technical Services Diolc-.sical Proluctivity of llate--.. Reservoirs, 'hy G. 6. Kar2irikin-- AI)Pro--c. 350 PP. IT LJSSLVI!, 1)1-.. Sci - 3iol -,~. NSF! j. .- " -HC&TnS) --j Jul 062 1 ftou KwAsomftt vohlou'p thke "Avia- M.. by a. 3 im. RDBUM, per,, j"awbLl ._ Tna"Wrt, p 62. A(MI H-6398 n) 2).44846 Ebir - ftou Oct 60 3 t&- mw-wFAuwmrm=13 1~ w RaMcml -**VWGW. S awra-mpoko Tudaydd I SAP ~Mmpv 23 PP. P=p Vol porp UM 6 1 d s pp 1i% A fta' DOC sd - LI*M liag 64 261%178 (BY-1856/5) The Gooft lbwlmuw IN m 1, N mri a and the Mwber Countries of CM Daring by Aleksandur Nasabw.. 11 VV- SI-AARIAN., joer,, VWubm Tarewlys, No 6.. 1961p PP 3-T- Me hm 6 7Y Ndgwia ftp &L .m"AwNlilk Will'Iff'IF Ia I ~~~ 6 w ull own, I spo ANALAWWWANC j Ahdbk& - I Nana* w 46 0 WOW , an two . mh -~& K 004179 I S&TRE ~ ii y - 2 3, U, "'~ "I . r1lbe Role of Oredit ia the Forldna of CTcrrt:in,',- Ca.pit.,a For Bulgarlan State Ldu3trlrl Fntc-.- pricea, by DiMitur Kasaboy, 12 pp. BUWARIAN kJ A per, Finami I Kradlt, So iwlt', pp 9a 5 Oct 59 7 . - w,~ -1 %I I . 11 1 m4ialilft ,;,, r. - 4 son Qa the tll(! Biewricr 4.,avcr 0" Selenium Rectifieraj, by I. Kasabov. BUMARM,, per, Izvestiya na BlIgarskata Aka,demiya na Naukite,, Otdelenie ,,.a rizik-o- Matemticheski i Tekhnicheski Nmtki: Ser�-ye. Fiziche-ka Vol VI, 1956, -op DSIR LW R'M 151' Sci - Phyr, oct 6o L mutooksol"I skm*WM Ot the Aili 33bd 4ba r4ammum. 1 ow!om-in Asc=bJ& &-.1t OaMmtp by & a. ARA 3 it* A * Am, supw ata I xwuto va wo no M9.4 ;rpb IN 210-M. cm fti Jai 6e NW.9787 The Histowbiamical Detectiou o:C Cilycogen in RrAtbo'-IGI T~,mrnnrs. by B. S. K(-.RRb'v.-I'I. RUSSIAIN$ liar, Voprosy Onko1j, Vo~. VI. Fct 2, pp PF Bel 'jet trY C- ASccxbI-- AxIld In gimau 'Pincenta ec 1~rtodOkOf PM90-a-'IICY~ b.Y 19~ S. KaZ-ab'yfm~ -~r . T Vol )DI - Akusherstvo I Ginell~ologiya., 2, 3-956, PP 3-5- PDD x-4671 mywsm omb=t at umm VULUS &sung at Mdn WMAB in MAW Woes by S. S. ambmt 4 pp. F43U tr nxgmo no PWO awl VAWW NO& A Vbl XLIP No 2a M W%- & ;V 5%moj. 0 Do 'r -sZA ad m 3baLolm .0 51 ~Vjz moxpk m6/&= i= Mir A MappiLt3 'MEOry Of Straight Ccu:caGuo ui' Arbitrary Blade Sectionz, bly E. '%Qsuhura. JARMSE ., Wr., Soc tkch Suars, Vsl ;Y-, 1954P pp 577-581. 3 Sci - Et*;ineering may 1.956 At ol* b the urvAut b'y 9 f~,c,7'-!qr 1954~, AW u6x-;~, x4= 59 t UM of tLagLM J& n"ose by 41le i41. A* Me 4* Plot we :Pmpm7ucpo Nit,. NAIL. avrA L I ;:10p 67 rf fects; of chip IlivAmsivas on vie "rt-,i erries of Chil-4--oarde b:v Wo i(itabara, t . Y~asa,.i. JAFAEM4, ~,wr,, :t,%kuzat !a-Zo,, VnI V't. *kn fi, 19S50 pit V6.40. It Contact Charging of Ir-radlated PDlythylene, by S. KIttaka, A. K"&i. 'S L 0 ,.fP-PAM.,, per,, Oyo Butsurl,, Vol 3=, No 1, 396U, pp ZT-31. CSIRD sai - awe jun 61 ?07 11 63-17774 -&Md, J. owd NmWmui4 hL LARGE CRYSTALS OF C&W4-M* FROM CNC12 1. KANS' AND Nfk2SD4- 49P] 9p. U. Nobb"a. 16L Order from M $11.25 A75-73Q69j M. ATS-73Qb9j IV. Associewd Tidmical Tram. of to SeMal (Jtpw) 196,% no. 62, SWTLI~16 hr- I p. 21-26. ftK Ono@% IL J. DESCRWMR&- *CsWum convounds. *SuNams. OHydraim 00pawn. *Crymb. Syndads (Cbou*mtr* Chlorktes. Sodlwn comVoumis. (Physics--SoUd Stme, Tr, Y. 10. nD. 6) swxo d Tsck*d on uo , - ~ h 11 k 40.6alk-Soddko lbrmsh a by r.. S. V, Po Koss"& Pu . PWO.A==� J;M NO So A%*46 I;Itk?-. TO-TT-"- 62 !~F-l - pb" Plot, gis I.1, ..- 1, /, /"I" hio Lrik,.fl Cf !()rrAnG b.~ 13. 1-1. yj?~r, Zhur Pr1l; Khin~,, V,-, no 6, U331-%, Ju '1 '71 f.", L!, \JIM ICzi (BY-3865/4) C-Amtive Protein in the Differential DlegmIs of a lVomGlal Inferet and Stesocar4la, by Ch. L. Manalltsap 5 1p9. IMUN, Ver,, Samtokw Md., Vol MV, No l# 1960, Vp 63-65. JPBS IM47 sci - M" &n 61 Glycos" in the "I m - M llblrlll~~ hdatump Bad. lAver la low ftrm~ftwqp To a" Kwasum4r INNSK pop& *a Ak MEL %a 177j, lb 2, ftr IWO or WPM* CR y Aug 68 of the AdscrOlm of Cbt~cuv tz, t;.,i..N r % i. of the fta"Wim Jiuttrz.~4,,, 't -%. .6, 1 ~.,A!Tff WA I. as Owirlmar., D* Ak go* 00j, To& CV, go vp InvestJ,gation of the Process of Chemisorption of C02 by Solutions of MOR and MDR in a Packed Colwas by A. G. Kasarkin, et al. RUSSIAN, per., Trudy Mwkov Khin-ftkh Inst, No 24.. 1957o typ 389-". DSIR LLU H. 2267 Sci - Chem /,*/, -~' 7 '/ '~F oct 61 NX Hastery of Nautical Equilmment, by V. Kasatanov', 6 vp. RUSSIAN, n-p, Krasnaya Zvezda, No 214, 10 Sep 64, p 'I* JLPRS 272, J u S,01 It Mi I Jan 05 ZUK 2-71,607 Electrical Engineering, by A. Kasatkin M. Perekalin. RUSSIM, bk, 1956, ~ s E f P Lawrence and Wishart Ltd. 81 Chancery Lane London W.C.2. Apr 59 *ftwalu In fte"Wow m nal. FIM B"O *4M IV A, 0, Inagda. 00z"0 PWO SMBJU& va We so 70 sque pp 4ft-Wi, Ats Iwo"" Sol-"" Feb 69 3r.6797 *Elm Ot AmOft ldft A*142mr IN"% awriw a** * A* 00 zossuls, I~x Ip'~v TA 390 ft k =*Lbliv ATS JWAM Skd-pb" Feb 69 3M786 Study of Agitation by Mechanical Sttrrers i-n Gas-Liquid Systems, by A. G. Kasatkin, al~ RUSSUN.. per,, Trudy Mcskov Khim-Tekh lust krteni D. 1. Aeadeleeva, Vol XXIV, 1957, np IU. M. 2705 Sci - Chem ja-n 62 Investiption of VAws Trinsfor on Plates vAth Dimeted Liquid Flowp by A.G, rmntk:Lno Ya.I, Dytnerskiys, Chfie"n Ping-bAns 5pp-o-- MISSIA.M., pero Zhur Prik Khiuo Vol XXIV., 11o 61, 1962, pp 1266-3-270. CD Set -2 3 '?, J- /,/ May 63 61-27574 Kasatkin. A. G., Popov, D. KC. and Aksel'rod, Yu. V. LKasatkin, A. C. HEAT TRANSFER MiROUGH THE SID13-1; OF A IL Popov, D. K SIMRAL TUBE UNDER MMLING CONDITIONS. [19611 IEL Aksel'rod, Yu. V. [51p. 4 refs. Warren Spring Lab. Trans MT gm; IV. DSIR NT-BM DMR LLU M.30M. V. DSIR LtJJ M.3030 Order f rnm OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-27574 VL Department of Scientific and Industrial Trans. of Khim[icheskayal Prom[yshlennust'l (USSR) Research (Gt. Brit. 11959, no. 7, p. 622-624. DESCRHYMRS: Sulfur compounds, Oxides. Absorption, *Bubbles, *Iielixes, 03pper tubing, *Heat transfer, Ammonlura radicals, Sulfiles. The heat transfer process was investigated by the absorption of sulphur trioxiCe by monohydrate (98% H2504X producing standard oleum, and by absorption of sulphur dioxide by a solution of ammonium sulphite- (Physics- -Thermodynamics, T7, v. 6, no. 9) (over) 61-13749 Kasatkin, A. C~ and others. INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF CHEMISORP- I - Kasatkin, A. G. TION OF CX)2 BY SOLUTIONS OF N40H AND KOH 11. CTRA TN-97 IN A PACKED COLUMN, tr. by G. R. Taylor. 111. DGIR LLU M.2267 21 June 601271p. 27 rds. CTRA Technical Note no. 97; IV - Coal Tar Research IDSIR LLUJ M 2267. Association (Q. Brit.) Order from 07S Or SLA $2.60 ft -13749 Trans. of Khirn[iko)-TechnollogichesHy) Instlitut) Moscow. Trudy (USSR) 1957 Iv. 221 no. 24. p. 389-404. DESCRIPTORS. *Absorption, Chemical reactions. 'Carbon dioxide, Scd1urn compounds, Potanshun com- pounds, *HydroFddes. The absorption of CX)2 by NaOH and KOH solutions in a packed column has bew investiptedL The concept of a coefficient of equivalence, representing the physico- chemical conditions for the occurrence of the mass offi-IT.A.ic.1 S-i... transfer process, Is Introduced. Maximun, efficiency of operation of the column In attained under emulsify- (0mrnistry-l'byalcal, TT. Y. 0, no. 5) (over) K"W&K A. 0. WNW. SIWF OF AGMATON NY IN GAS-UQU]ID SYFnDa Warren Spring Lab. lVans. AL 2705. Ordor from 07S or M.A $1.60 Trent. at XhirnQ-:#-r*kbv4ogidmkU Wtitug, Trudy. 1957 (v. 121 mc6 24, p. 41$-427. DRWAWrOM liven"s. V. V.. &w foont". M. N. KBCNAIWAL FMRI1R3 11961116p. 14 raft. HT 779; =A LLU 61-23511 "Now 61-22511 L K"adft A. M IL Kolarm, V. V. UL PWIMM. hL IL M DUR Kr-779 V. DUR LLU AL 27M VL Dep"Unew of odowme sad lud=WW Ramxvb TW hydrolynan" modolUng ommUtions for "IfflPff VOISC/ulz and system v4dk skyAlu lbyskw P MP Uss, In onbAWK am ocolditkoll of do qdd am f"d "17 Pe, Aw equal vg/McF vartof for Ow *I-"- ottrrors. ft-orloos are formulated tor cob:u- (Sw4boering-chotakal, 7T. v. 6. a& 8) (Over) Kjs&LLja_-A_c,.. xogan, S. Z.. ond TrUkhanov. V. C. EMIIKIC:Al. VI.UIMONS, OF FlAJILIBILIUM nl-l- TRIBLIMN FOR A SYSTEM. 119f 1141p. 13 ref-. Or.1--r fron, O'M or CLA $1.60 62-10,00 Trsn%. tit Klanik bt.-Nka% a Pro-ilyahlennoot* (M';R) Igho, o0. 6 lp. 411-492). 01A C'Rlrl QKS : *1 1(julds. *Ckwmicml quillbrsum. Lquationa. Phaste wtudie-. O.Solvent caraction. Or- Itanic 62-10469 1. KaRaWn. 11. Kspn. S. Z. Ill. Trukhanov. V. G. (( t.-rr , t t % - -; ic a i. r r. v. a. no. 4) of T&A".4 ow-ft" Kasaddn, A. G., Dytnerskii, Yu. I., and Umarov. & U. CALCUL D~S COLONNES AVHC PLATEAUX A TROUS L-r A GRILLES [K Raschatu Kolonn s Pro,vaI'nymI Tarelicami) [On the Computation of Columns with Running-Through Plates] tr. by Mebilk. 28 Oct 59 [271p. 32 refs. CEA Trans. no. R 7,' (text in French). Or~~ from OTS or SLA $2.60 61-23741 Trans. in French of lChimlicheskaya] N-owyshlfennust (USSR) 1958, no. 3. p. 38-45. DESCRUITORS: 017ractionatfor, ODistillation plants. Mixtures, SeparatioN Vapors, LIquIds. 61-23741 1. Kasatkin. A. G. U. Dytnerskii, Yu. 1. M. Urnarov, S. U. IV. CF-A-tr-R767 V. Commissariat itnergie Atomique (France) Offi-f (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 6. no. 6) Basle Promsoes azA EpIpmt ad" Choidwa TachmolMj, bV A. 0. lbfttidu. - MMUNy bkp,-QmavmM Pwotnawr I AVpamty XhJnIcbvoU7 T&kbmWqO4o IMP YP 1-79e. 31M =ML, Ft 331111vtdr T-14W Bel - ftgr .2//1 60:::~J- An& 62 36do WOMMMOM " 2%iftowt 4C WmmdmL Is low A. 46 MUMP-IIAO a a - l "Imnow I Awmamw aw _-- - am, 792 w mw Pt alftdr 5 a" a ;or OuWAx* for ApAl=tUw of CW;Mv in the Mmical W=U7gp -bw A. 0. "tkb~p -' 20 pp. RMIANS w pwo ILUI=vdp DID f 4,0 190,0 pp 1-10. ftl Tr Cim2ter 0.3m r7tr tj 1~4 XRSKUBCI - cbm"try 0o/ VOR Icon - Imustry Aug 1956 kamad in, A. G. , Kagan. S. Z.. and TM Ao-V .V. G. INVESIXATION OF THE mmcs OF THE Fx-1 "i-IC'N CO. "MPI OR- GANJ~' Sl,-)[.','F.N J'S. lu~- ~ 12j-. Order from ATS $12M ATS-S5Q6911 Trans. ot KItimficlmskaya] Pr" yshlennost'j (USSR) 1961, no. 3, p. 190-196. DESCRIFMRS: *Organic solvenn. "Solvent mrac - CIOD, StKdC$. *LAK2SM. 0- Ff 7:4 I Title: Caprolactarn I "satb.,- A. G. 11. Kagan, S. Z. Ill. Trukhanav, V. G. IV. AT!,-,W,*Qfj V. Associated Technical Services. Inc., East Grange, N. (Chernistry--Organdc, TT, v. 10, no. 6) office Co 7rdrical Scrvkel Empirical kkpations of F4uillb--.ium Mstribution for a Liquid-Liqaid System, by A. (3. Knoatkin, 8. - Kagan, V. G. TruRhanuvp 13 PP- '- - RUSSIAN! p". Xhim Prom, no 6., 19,60, pr CIA/FDD M-n16 NOT REL"BABLE r-0 FOREIGN 'NATIONALS Sci MEa- 652 ~F-;rz USIB j-HilkANAL USE OMY AnalojW Between Processes of Energy,, Mmaso and Beat Transfer on Contact Plates by YU. 1. Dytnetrskiix A. G. RumOda, .5 pp. - r--mmum.. RMLU,, jAw,* Zhur PzIk ShImj Vol XXVj, No 12, 19WP xp 27M-2705. &d Nov 63 Go 2,*~ Dasign or Fackad ftmm fm l2kotdooryfton Omdltiam, bV 1. P. Blo%odrulk., As Go lamtkinp T* Vo MILAimrs 6 pp. R=8Mj pws, Is -Tysablkb Vdab Zwmd MAU L xwn %W&s VOL 119 IlD 61, 1950o IV apmawp&9%-9&. AM-731143B Bcd /*P 11 7 Vol IV., lb 9 Iftr &,, Induatrial Use of Downfal]. Plates for the Recovery of Gaseous Beazine Using Solar Oil, by Yu. I. Dytrierskiy, A. G. Keeatkinj, 3. V. Kochergin, 3 pp. RUSS.IM, per, Kcks i Khim, No 6, 196"L. -TRA k - Sci Dee 61 H*2d.-Up of Fat,&UM Dide fttractwo$ by A. G. Kanatkin and S. Z. b4pus p 8 WSSIANs pwo 2w Prik Odm4 Val XW, Igo 91p 19Us pp 19M - 1988 as SOL R.Of'o., -fw a Jul 63 (rw 19m) Notbods of Devel"Im the MM abadcal Indgetry and the Role of theVrals 1u Its by A. 0. Mustkinp 21 pp. Mount no per# - MR Z. a No at muccwt An 105. cupmtwphe ma !;-.on - Chemdcal 1=4untr7 7 qs~~ 2he usm WtAmmloodcal Rooket (Notearalogicheakays I= Raota SM)S, by A. M. Namtkinp 9 pp. R=IAN;v ty. A ftes mwt9oRv3cmdCbe!~W Rmketa SSSR. CIA/FM X-25W UWR Sol - R Aeroamucs 53S,942 RoCket In"Nt1g"100 Of the AtDDSPbal-s, by P, O~ AinklBa3mys, Z. A. D"7adavsklyp G, I, GOIY*bov, K~ 1, Isaim"i A. U. Ks"tkin., G-, A. liookin, W, B. Livsbltsv W Sbyidkovskiy, 19 pVc RUSSUN,, parp Ibt i Oldg. go 8, 1!67, PP 3-13. ABC SCL T-189 Bel - SW Fag Sep 58 17,3 ~ 9 6-,7, Reticular Substrwt*e of IWrrIte Graim end its Effect on the Ditonwtlon ond Failure of UngWwring Iron, by B.S. Knoatkin. ROSM38 perp Isve" An MIR ftn Met Topl, No IL959, Ipp 9-W (v -, - 4, ~,, (M/41/36P2 - Prl~ 7-7s Sci Jul 67 330,,043 Microstmeture Gr low-Carbon SteelY Dwmkci7od by Eloctroyollabing and Ejectrootehl", by D. S. ICA matkin. wq.sw~-, I 1%* ;j r,MSL%W, pim, Mt Zovod Lqb, Jul 1c,58, pp P42-F43. IT-m77 W-utehRr Bel - Thw Apr 59 -'li;L: 11 o ~, -1~: --- - L 1- -:es --~'or thc: Mechanised Weldin- I ti, 1-csis tant l2ai-U.T Steel., by L.S. NgaatLUuj A.K. 2Lai!--o" "d 7 A par., Avtoiaat S-Taka-) o ~IUSSDU Lp Lritisli Wcl~'dn-, ll.eF,. Ao---c. no AmahwAfm of BrItus FracUav Ja Btva.*t in Notched Beir Upact Dauding Tesip by B. S. 04 moxajp per# Piz metal I Hetlaiov;, Vol Vill v T 1959.0 pp 7 341 Oct 60 3 u1i 16 3 Report of' Deles~~atijii to Soviet Uniou 'flhich Studicd u to.-,.at ic ~11 il aldc d Arc ing ~ -4" ?L' :--ii - - Steelczo by B. S. KELr3atkin. rm. 3ECRIT:1. GMMAN, trip iTt, Bericht der Delegettion. dile studf.Lml Dar,-~%ztc=- tischen Staelile (Inter CO,) GaGE;chuts.. 19 Y!iY 45,85, 12) ATIC jur, 6o Brittle ftilure of Lov-Carbon Steel Weldis., by B. 8 K"atklzk. RUBSIM.. per, Avtomat Svwica,, Vol XI.. Tio 11., 1958# pp 71-80. TjZ 4786 ftjL - KwKst IN, ,2 71 Apr 6o Y On the Mabsuim of BrIttla Fractum in Sta*lp by a. a. UmUlao OWL Man pro STVIfth PrOSSO 110 60 195sp pp;ml ion Lw on 142h OWW "M Ofts ties) act - )U40t /// ef,~7 ar 6o y E U. "u-~~L~t Uf Id e U, J~- j"..2 by B. S. Knoptkin A A. Roseoshimskiy. ilFLjSIPK, per: Avtomaticheskaya Sir"-ka, Vol X~ -rio Jal,-Feb 1-957., PP 31--'-"6. Navy 255,,O/r:tZS),4,.S 4,'n Sci - Rnp-~" R-71 6,j Carbon-Dioxide Shielded, Coastuanble-Metal Are Welding of Alloy SterJ.s,, by B. S. Kwatkin et al. -- RUSSIM, per, Avtomat Svarta, Vol IX, No 5, 1956, PP 19-21. RB 4890 Sci - Eng3r sep 6o / '~q 7 '-) 4"~- / The Fine Structure of the Tntercrystalline Tranoi- tion. 7ones of Old Steel, tV B. S,, Kasatkin,, 0. F DarovskV. h pp RUSSIAN, per# Pit Metal I Metallarip Vol VTTT~, No 6 1959, pp i&1-884 pp 11"71 scl- Fab 6: L -1/4Xermechanim of Brittle Falwre jr. qt-e,-, by B. a. Kasatkin., 16 pp. HMIM.. per,, Is Ak. Nm* SWR OtAel. Tekh Vauk, No 5s 19%.o PP 63-0- 966076~ ATic m-m-56VIII /7/ Ap r 61 ic-4-W429-m Fine- StractiLra- (Gran-iijar and It, on 04he li*F~ict Strangth qf" a - xrA 3 at, it I n loir c ta . D c3 MISHAP,, vpr, Avtcmt Srnrkn, No 2, 1-95~3,. ripi 20--~?(; D%'SIR LLJ M-590 wt 59 -11-ure loeehEuA.~-jo in Sp-e-c ono Wi-: i im I .. 1 . '. 'Y Under henWa4L by Impact, '). D. ", -C 73T 7 Ak Nauk S,")SR, 1-14-fii~l :? NLL RVS 16,21 9 341an-i Steel, Stor.1", by r. S. i-UJsSLIU;, uo!x: Avi-A,)mDt St=*UUVQ POCUlarlUes ot Brittle and Tough yMtft%00 Of St*A,, rjuwtklu, B. A. IGW"O=. RUSSI" 0IPWA, Is At Nouk MRp Otdol Ttkb Wank, No 5p 1916j, vp 151-153. N2 " Sol . HLB/Not Fft 6D / ot 7 LOCAL PLASTIC DEFORW%TION DURING BRITTLE DESTRUCTION OF COMMERCIAL IRON., BY B. S. KASATKIN11 19 PP. -1 RUSSIAN, PER, IZ AK ~IAUK SSSR, OTDEL TEKH l"AUK, METAL I TOPLIVOY No 1. ig6oj, PP LOe--116. 9678199 FTD-TT-62-519 SCI - MINERALS/METAL 11 OCT 62 212,363 pewmm SOCAO AmmAc Omtent IA WO Open swrtla at*"* IW D. S. Xbmtuuo 19 ]a?& FMIM w Pwo OWt a VOI XV34 No 7,, 1956s VP 6*:Q. MAW X-Swl S" - aft/ftw-bi wwmfv~ mm 19% dim/&= 61-19392 Kasatkin, B. S. THE NUCROMECHANISM OF BRITTLE FAILAJRE 1. Steel--Fracture IN ST7EEL (MilcromelthaniUnKhrUpitogo I . Kasatkin, B. S. Razrusheniya Stall). 3 Nov 60 11 81p. I I refs. 11 . MCL-567/1 MCL-567/1. III . Technical Information Order from LC or SLA mi$2.40, ph$3.30 61-19392 Center, Wright- Patterson AFB, Oluo Rough diah I rans. of Akademiya Nauk 'Mt. Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Naui. Izvestlys. 1958, no. 5. p. 63-68. 0$t" of T umces (Metallurgy-- Ferrous h4evals. IT, v. S. no. 9) Az j*,ai . w L i:a-Mo-d for the 2f the -00mentration of Ozone in a Ges Streq rtrii, by E. V.-Napatkiu, 3 PP. per, 7-avnd Lab, Vol XXIII, NcN 4'r .pp We -4ug. Tzstru S-,c cf Amer sc r 6") PrWagmtIon ebamaterl"tics of .3IwtrOWw=tIc Wani i;i ~Icwlodic layaw-ed r-.Tuatuzaa,, Lt. 1. aLne-Myrsbavs, L. V. Xw4t=ns_32 pp. MSUN,P YWO Im"tt" VYSSIWMI 2AVe"nly wisco awl v0 a II IWAGIn Rmuotekbaftei Vol T-tj, so Ij, 1963., Vp 7T-82. ,T4m 199,43 Sel JM1 63 2 3 T Measurements of the Radial Admii-tance 0" AXial?-y Sym"trical Systems with Induattve 1431LU b--I L. V~ Kagatkin, PP. 7. Rus";L&N,. per HadLotekh i Uektronika,, uo 6y 1961. A U, 9 6 Ile 1110i S AprLi 62 &iplification of. Space-Charge Waves i;:; the Pas- sagre of Electron Beams Within IIeCia Wfith Induc- tive Susceptance, by L. V. Kasathill, 7 Pi). SLQ:, per, Rad_ioteh*i i Ele',.-Uron, I~o ,us ic,,6i. A-ME Sci 194 ID30 Automatllr.- I-Inp for Measurement of the Colef-ficlent ofl ReElection in the Gentimetar WaveBand, by L. V. Kasatkin., N. L. Pozen; 5 PP. RTEST-AN, per, Tz Vtrz., MVO Radiotekh, %r01. IV, No 3, ig6l. JTRS ].l r011 13ci 1111q, 4,14 Jri:--j 62 (FJ)K) 21V6) Oriented iftrums in Infants During the First low of Ufts by No 1. ro-stlef", No So Mirso7anta-p I* Po Zbokb1tval 9#3 w:"- RUSSUNp b1m pwp ONE 12M wervocy Natoli nostl Vol 111, So 2g omwowj, Mr/A;pr M3. pp Nvl~, IV, van Sol - Neftelne CWFWU-625r- Aunikiss,-N. L EARLY CONDMONED REFLEXES IN' -nlr rlill,r) IR~nnlr Unloviliye Reflekey Rebvnla~ 119611113)p. 14 refs. OrOcr from OTS or SLA St. 60 62-13788 Trane. of 7hurnal Vyv" Merynol Dryalet'nosti JUSSH) 1951, v. 2, no. ~. p. 572-5111. Anxher tranp. Is available from SLA as AT-2323. OFqf-RMTORS* 'Conditioned reflex. 01rdants. Gros ,;I ~ -~ 0.- 1 1 , 11 .1. .; 1, Auditory perCepItM Propi locrpion. Auditory and vlaval conditioned renames were on- lablIphe4 in 1-) info,,Is. TV auditory oonditlotied re- fl,x me firmly establiphed of the beginning of thie se-c~.j o,>w, ~f life. In &"her child. an altrinentary- ,3:jtr.lt,v rirl.ps w light did not "uIre the same of- (hr-,a,solel Scletwoo-Payhology. TT. v. k no. 21 fover) 62- t 3"1 1. Kastitkin. N. L D. RT-2323 Zmr4 Outogentsis of Reflex Activity Ln 4.;Iw by M. rb"tkia, 33 pp- BWOVJP per ~ Zbw V"mba Nonmay Dolatal laosti, Vol VUR No A# 195'ro PP 805-M- CIA 9047342 Im *r 60 (?DD 21395) Sourly Conditloned RefleXes in 11-a CIOAL' ~ by S. 1. Kasutkin.. 20 pp. RUSSIAM., bino per, Zhur V,Y;Bshey NenlrJOY, De, n-Orti, Vol 11, 110 Jul/,ntug PP 5W,7~81. CIA/F',D/u-6479 The Reaction of Acid Chlorides vith some Hydrofy- methyl CMpounft,, by .1. a. Nizueli,, N. K. Kssat- kip m~..Tso No Oelfer, 8 pp. RUSSIAN_. PERp Mur Obahch lbft, Vol 27, No 1, 1957P PP 189-M. fs ultants Bureau Bel - Mem Jun J*