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Kia.'U,T, -'. St tli I 1~lrii D! !7._~.n, vol. 55, or -i art, t -a -If; 1,0 Fr,)A,,c.-Li on an~i "ost of' ayc-an -lor KARWAT., E. vol 17, No 8. 1936 Technical E.,Cfectsj Present 'status, and 111iture ioogi- bilities of Co-Liercial Appl-ication of Oxyren Brutc',ier 61,.ek, KARWATs, E. Supply of oxygen for Metallurgical Trials. STAHL UPM EISENO Vol 70s 1950, No 80 PP 336; ~00 wordso Brutcher No 2549s $ /- 7S' KAR-.VAT, E. Stahl Und Eisen,, v01. 70,9 1950, no. 8.. pp. 3?6-130; 1 table., 4300 words. Heat Economy of Basic-Lined Bes!-emor Converter in the Blowing of Pig Iran with Gases oth.-r than tir. Rmtcher Trans, Order 'No. '~51~0, ~'7.55 , I ~ :.1 Causes of Zxplosions, and Measures for r1heir Prevention in Air-Fractionating Plants, by E- Karwat, 32 PP- Full translation. GMNLUN. AMC IP-T6-'77"' 14 amut 'Iftftlovents am od Ab"m in tho emu-m- tul" at Wv-scau GXMPU ow"MUM P24&.Ro by lxmxt.!~q~ Vp W. INS SM Vol LMO 1951s, Xcna Scat3a Zo 222 Aut 53 C= V 7R1 60-18222 Lirwat Ernst. THP-VLAN~INC OF LARGF-SCALR OXYGEN PLAMS 1. Oxygen-Production Itr. by R. gcwc)ll. Ijune 4911121p. (I fig. 5 tables 2. Chemical induqto omit1w). I . Karwat. F, Order from SLA nni$2. 40. phS3. 30 W- 18222 Abridged trans. of Stahl und Eisen (West Germany) 1948, v. 68 Ino. 25/261 P. 453-461. Mee *1 To"ej S.M-. (Unannounctill 61-20600 SAPM MEASURES IN THR LOW Kerwat, E. SEPARATION OP ACETYLRNE-ODNTAIMNG GAS MIXIVRES. 11-61] 3p. (1-20400 Order from SLA $1. 10 Trans. of [Linde Berichte aus Technik und Wissen- schaft 711%1, no~ 11, p, 40-41. OFSCRIPTORS: *Acetylem. "Onees, boxtures. Sep- oration. Temperature. Safety (Engineerkg-Cbemical. TT. v. 7, no. 3) Office of T*ci -lical SM-Aces 61-20176 Kalwat Ernst. ARN~iMVF WASURFS AGAINST IJYDR0- 1. Xqrwai. E. CARBONS IN Tl* AIR SITARATOR. 11961)113)p, 2 refs. ,)rder front SLA 41.60 61-20476 Trans. of (Llnd~~ Ocrichte aug Tucludl- vid Wissoll- achaft ?I WtO, no. 10. p. 12-16. 0 DESCRIPTIORS: Clicinicall engintri-Ing. Chemical lndu-qtry. *Saiczy, 'Ij),dz-(Y-ar)ons, A-et.,lence. Air. Selvartalon, (Engincering-Chemleal. TT. v. 7. no. 10) offi- f T.4~1 ul 5,f0t.% SePwsUon of Ryftvw It= Ookc"om fts in tore - PIVidmuou or =3 eyntheals a" a+ IW st"At a w * maw# P") TA Dwichte,, No rr.. 1964., pp 66-77- CIA/jPM Xx-16)so ND FORUM UFSM sci - Ew j)ac 64 269,,7T( ~!.XU4"u lof tho kA44018AC&I Lifecu oi :~,Cvvrv AswN*rs in IATgo kM"r-Qv&W Noi4or Part I., bygw-Mo*# 14 i+,, ALIX -JitHL-tv-361 "Is= of Conlirication by OMWAN, per, gr6mustaff-Chawle., Vol XM 1955, pr, "Alo Dapt or m US Bur of Mimi) Central RWr Eft Pittsburo* ft. 1% 36e .501 - Cheap AM" e?71 7;? MY 59 ,-Iuwtrauttm am 0. dfts 11 ligalfte ftf 04fttmnv by a. ftK%ftvM& an mloym -~p A pp. on"m to FJNXM porp Cbm Lw%%eh., V,01 =as, 30 -90 Ims p 5m. Bnvrm emsaatlon CRA 6248D Bel i= " t3 o" Broker (CRUT 175 or; V6 CIVIC PC ol OL VO Wrared spwtra of czsu'~ %)y zwmx 0. vvu Barpaut 0. rwko Y. amilt R. Lutb*r. LMIASSIYIW) (;ZFWAN,Vor,. Dremst Cbwde., vol xXIT 11, 1957, PP 193-199. 1955t DSIR/323%/CT O*t FUTURE PLANS FOR UTILIZING CEMENTING METHODS IN ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLIES.9 BY LEON-!!~~Rwicz 6 pp. XPOLISH PER ljlWDOMDSCI ELELTROTECHNICZNEp NO 8p lqu, PP 2 jpRs xx 16445 EEUR - POLAND ECON , DEC x 62 217,234x The Drivow I's Role in TahicU IfUlUationt by A. V. .Rug&wp PmvLu 04xbodys AftamobLUIrp Imi, AMWIto pp 13-15. 525tb:ktr op, H.46h6 LWR ftou Sep 59 F ago" #f sibowim ails kut U spow Ew 00 .mu ailim"406 of thu fttunl mmube by 1, tufftAI4 InSIANO mp OL--..A- fte. lp~p Mso p 3. X" sbolf son 913162 gem 381o472 Projectiug and Organizing the Production of DrIllinq, Ifork,, by 1, D. Mir ,p IRUSSIM,q mo per, IReft Khoz Vol XXXIII, No 11, 1955., pip 1-10, A 0 40 7~0, Tech & Com Tr Dme Geone Vaelker 2135 Spruce at. PbiladelPhia 3. Pa. USSR Sai - Eagineering., fuels aeon Mar 1956 CTIS 00.00 Szj4at;icw yrm "Oil Industr"y of Rul"niv er~ .Z=Zocja prck,,)ISW of Its D&Vvllopmnt Under the cmditims or taw pwplo,o thmamtic By3to"'Y by I. D. Karyag~aj. RM PP- :L Mkoacal(--bomitlye Problemy riya Razlitlya v fti"i;vmkh warceAnO-DQQOXr&tl'2h**kO6U SLL"GY&J, 1958, pp 125-139, 141-18DI, 183--217, M-2300 -!43-2TT~ gft-L95, SL3-340- 17 7 712 JMur - Itumnla Be a - FUs" avA Poiar, Potrgaum Industry Rm 59 basic Problem of the OrSw1x&t1cma of the Drilling Industry for 011 WelUp by I. D. Waryagia. IUBSLANO per,, SeftiaWe KboSUdgtvqj Vol XXXIII, P o 2, 1955,, IV -1 Tech & Com Tr 2135 SWuce St, Phils. 3j Pawa Scienti.fic - Mud eeri" aw P&brolmn ma ow r Vmw- Biwa OMM4 lbw 6 pp. *650 p9 29 walup vrip Akol"ftro,269 ipps -VO5 USSR Itcon Jun 65 282g067 Eamadc TeVerstumm of Boiler Flue G"*s. by N" pe KWO918, I MWAN& per# gumtAmostroymiss Vol V1110 No Tio 1%2,v pp 20*32. NIL Of. 10n.09 1963 (29364) (LOW) (I-[ ~~. -., i ~, Sci - ftSr 31~ Nov 63 M -3352). Low Latitu&- Auror4 of 29-30 September 1957) by Z. V., KaryAgirap 16 pp. RUSSMI, pe.,.*, Iz Aztrofiz Inst, Ak Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Vol Vill, 1959, pp 68-78. JPRS 2485 Sci - Geopbya - Astrou F.~e 7a // Apr 6o J~ , X The Energy DistrIbution ln the Spectrum of ZodiacaOl Lisht.- by z- V. Ma-W-mp 5 PP. RMTAI per,, Aartron 2b, , Vol MVII, No 5 . ig6o.. py 882-&~ - AV Bar Astran - JW Vol ivy so 5 sai ~ 5Fr -2- v 3 jun 61 SPOCtVcPhOtMetrie SUldy or the Low-'~v~v:Ltude Aurora of 29-3D fttad)er 195T.. by Z ~ V. RUSSIMs, POOMblet, ftektrfLIIGM lnektrofoto- wtrlchwftp I ftdicl&&UlonqM IssledovaW PolpMWM My*ay I Sweelimlya Nocbjwgo Reba, sectl= Zvi, w0 W3,, 196,0,, pp 60-62-. JI?RS 3752 Sol - Geoph" Aug 61 E*t*rvdmti= of the Temperature of ttse Upper Atmoewhere mear4ing to the Port&t6gsal Bauds of ITydro3W1 SVfttrum., by H. K)2. Gaymlltaq, Z. V. RUSSIM, pmgkletj, 8oektr*:L'syV, M- ektrefcto- metridmmMV I M&o1dmUIowWp Issladovaulys POIYSraykh BlyaUiY I Sredumiya N - o8o Neboj Sectim IV., No 2/3, 1960., lop 63-6?. am e"2 5-, Aug 61 Luminescenee of Mycinin, by A.-V. KaryaLin and L.A. Chmutina., 5 pp. RUMIAN., per, Iz Ak Nauk SM,, Bar Fiz, Vol MWII, No 6, 1963, PIP 783-787. CTT sci jun 64 2a, 852 lh~ Mk ,, N11 'I - - --- dP4900- Bono at jkm asout" and the . at 46 wl"m 2wd 2.a **Mutoo 1w so To 0 x ]!R- a 4L T't 8 pp. RMM# VW# QMWdl4 Jb 10s X'Pft- --m- so d" Nw 60 WJ32 "on I& 'M4 a k "k . i i; i 8041*oft i I moll .1 00 too so IM *Is Hydrwj orw4po In Silicate Hinerels bv IAftw - ~111 4y0 by M, Ve Aktmwwv%. A. V. laryakins 5 pp. RUSSM, per, Govkbims No 6s, 19631. Seri," Tochmiza sci Apr 64 253&;~W The Uae of Diftured Aboorptim Sp.,ctra in Suayiris the F*Ositlsation of tba Photoozlilation of Orpoic Compounda by Onmix Derivativea, by A. tr. &a7atdn,, A. v. ambip, 6 pp. INJSSIP.Uj thrlco-w parp Dok PJc Eloak SM, Vol wo 4, Jz=/.-veb 1957., pp 686-691. coumatimts Barexu Sci - Cbemistry 9 3 Me 57 Oxy0an Quenching of the Fluoresciace of Antbraquinone Derivatives In Vaporous Statco by XX A. V. Karyakin, 21 pp. UNCLAW27MO I RMSIO., mo per. Zhur Fir. Ehim-, Vol 101911., Ho 11, Nov 1.949., pp 13~-2-BW-- Amelp F-Ts-8163-A USSR ScloutUic - Chralstry CIA 2307972 AT-TC 133837 Feb 54 CTS (=am) s - --.-' -I A' Id - in go Robot - I i br A66 To o A* =am% 33 w I unowt so VMS woft 1b 16 mm~v lbw 2904 w OF606 smAmi v4gm 4:WD %7 V4# 4 t /A ad 40 ard" as& spauNDWIP a NOW tbr lw*6tlgatlng repid M L"I TOMUOM; W A. T, KWrakla and V. 1. WDOW"ON 0b -9 FPV amuml. ywo swo Was lb 'as 29(a$ m 15u- ixf do od Avg 63 311.~~ 2e9~ Oxygen Queucht* tt tlw Fluonacence of Autbra4uinone Darivativeo in Advarbod Statep ~y A. V. lanki_nA_ 21 ppp tMCUW MMSIU,t aD per zhur zis Msp Vol XXIIIJ, no ill. Nov 1949" pp 2.;45-Mb. Awe P-m-ft63-B um Scloutitic - ChamUtrY CIA 2307M ATIC 133837 Fob 0 CTS ftergy Tmnsfer of Sevaitizeo Fluorescence or Mixtures of Vapows at ozWaic cmpounasq by A- 3- Tfaregin, A. T. garyakin# 9 pp. MWIMP thrice-= DOk A& Sauk SSSRp Vol Xmis so 29 I;rp pp 269-M. sai kus Lit, 55/0463 Natl Bee IAb TT-546 Sci - Chemistry Zzotope Ewbon of Hydrqpn At=o of Chloraphy.U,, by V. IL M&tydr:Ln. A. V. Kar7"Inj, 4 pp. RMSVJv perv Dak Ak Nauk SWR., Vbi a6p NO 3.. 1961j, n 744-747. ADS Sol ;2 a o " Jv,.P~ &n 62 The Structure a 9-Aminoscridine According to Spectr&]L Data by YK A. V. Raryakin, A. V. Sbablya PPO R Russian,, per,, Dok, Ak Mauk MIR,, Vol CXVI,, No 6p 1957p pp 565,972 . Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Oct 58 THE STATE OF THE WATER IN 'rHE CHLOROPHYLL MOLECULE, BYX A. V. KARYAKIN, V. M. KUTYUTIN, 3PP. RUSSIAN, PER, DOK AK NAUK SSSR, VOL CXL, No 6, L961, PP 132L-1323, CB scl JUL62 2o4,36L 0jugen ir-Illucell quenchima Of the falq~~a-~_.sccncc aT a nu,-.!:,o3.- 0~, hamted ,jftorba~ -Oro Vol No 1, 1959, pp 3t,-." :~6 Colunbla. Techi 3cj. Hmr r.41 ~e ;,.,/ tx2-- . -~6,~7a . -L~ ad,q. aw aw as Ian OWN AV 61 3349" Meohanis2 of liberation of hellim from metamict sircons. by A. V._Agr Zp4EIn. pp. 3 WSSIAN, p*r. Gookbim. No S. 1962. Oftabow Soc Sat -j A/ 0 1 ---.f - -15-11, 11 Aug 63 mpatmi mmmuwtiaw at the state Ot WfAtOr In fm,lk - 1 1 -lip bW A. To NMMI~IN As r. 7 Im. 3LISM IWO Skatimiks'p va VIKo ]b 5j, lpwp vp %I. ;;w AM-2r-o3c" ftl . P" abi 63 60 I . #seems of Vapeurs and QuenchIM of the f2vf~ Adsorbates at Autbraquiacue DarLvativws by Vitrig OX140, by A, V, FArlaklup A. X. Torenins, Ya. 1. Nalouteboaurp-7-pro. RUSSIAN, per,. Dok Ak Bank SM# Vol Mn. so 2p 19h9,o pp 305-308. f fti lb Llb xo 5h/2go6 Scient1fic - Chonlrtry now 29s% cm smitind nuwesmwo in vapors at arpsic Compowdes, by A. N. TWeafte A. V. arpkft. 1UNCLASSIPM RMVX, Per, By Vol no No 51,105iv VP 550-555. ATIC F--,M-fth6 scloutific - mmlotry 3 ftb 54 CTS J270) 0 U-1"6 . so am Opened Who sm or latim"ba"My THP 0 j y L. I- XWOUst b L ymobdowaft so wt "O"Dwo Oct 19570 UNOWL~0 no Pwo 630 7 106~ -- .- um 3061 NSA* jxwet4ption of Idn' Wear In Omermelting MaductIOn PUMB"s bW 36, A- go%-tJlnp L. 1. "pT_Jdnj- As. A# yeltVabova.- 3 pp. MWIMP Pors OPOuP=7, Nd 3.o 1960p vy 123~,126& Sol Aug 61 Aeft HataXLurgUm 14PI ;// 11 864 Fr-0 KARYAIGN L. I., VASILIEVA K. F. Phase composition of deposits on silicon carbide products Composition de phase des dLspdts sur les produits en carbure de silicium Mineral. Sbornik, L'vovskoe Geolog. Obahchestvo, No. 11, W-94 U957) E-12501 - French E u r a t o m A Petrographic Investigation of the Influence of Iron Oxidoe, on Chrome Spinels During Heatiug, by L. 1. ara"Jet al. RM3SUN,, per., Ogneupory,, Vol XXI, No h,, 1956., pp 166-3A9. Co-ft Tmus Ech Tr 339 &1.126. Bc1 - Chmj WID/zoat d .2 (a May 57 (NY-4851)' space-Hocket Radio Facilities.. by L. L XarYakiu, 8 pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, Vestuft Ovissip So 3,, 1959. JPHS 5996 sci Peb 61 / 3 ~ , 2, -*5 / The Chmilre in and Reactiou OX Chrorlil-bu 61-1-~It:!'~. *'~-Ik'li magpcsicfcrrit,~, o~ fleatixigp by L. :i.'. El, Pyatilsop, D - Ya . Sukharevsky, 3 -)p RUSSIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk., Vol CIX, Vt~ -up 1009~ ~ 90148317 Sel - cha.-IL~'."ry Apr 60 e Strijc-ture and P-roperttes of the y-,3t.- 11. Reactions in Uie Solid PhLq-.,:~ ji,vj r-,~rivg III the Sy6t= %O-Zr02-SiC,-~ ULCL L- General Surm.Ew;-.r of luvestigmtiona, by il- B:!*-,=hn,OY, X=yr-lAr-, RUESTW Ofineapor- lc,,l 211. y lCan Aug 6,) Trauefox-elat Iota of Qwwts In the Fimsefte of a SM11 Quantity oZ Mineralisersy by to S* L# I, Ks rju I i Ek WSCE'ViR, thrice-mo par, Dak At Sauk Vol L.Xxns, No 1951, pp S87-%0- BMcher Tr 1190 scleattrit - MuCaUIRMetals CTS/bsx Price $4.20 (NV-5`17) I The luternatioml Ge VAysloul Year,, by L. 1. Karyakin.. i4 pp. . I.- . . ..... ..... -.- L. RVSSIAN,, per., Vestnik Snmzi,, No 7, 1957. JM 703D sli Jan 61 / 9 /'7 J -J-~ I I l~ on a. 1. 1 ~, L,, 1e 2 ~ 4b"AI4 ad Folssm ---Gftlworsmksls& ~ DWLAN MAMM IUVK smoo Vol us, "%v I* he : pp 795-7s XOO w9da. 9fttaw 0 263% $ -~, , I /~ /- '/ I f, Im am Aw SwrFAMUGMT FLIGnap W T,6 I~p PP4 1 1 wmimo Pat vw va nmas No It* 196L. nomm"61".11 um OL ja a AAA6 (M 2r PrepamtIon of PrecipItating Sqrum b30 the Actloo of Cortaln. Pbu - to the Central wer"m eyet"4 by V. T&. UKrr"a* 1. A. Tryni- k1map 7 pp. 11111 IT"Mo UD PWO 7mm Vol I=# No 3# molmovp kr 2W.. vfp r 4T* UA/M I-4M6 59 um act - Hedicinap Imm=btalogy Oct 56 Petrographic Investigation of Converter Slag Fc~r x mod Wring the Top-Blowing, of Metal With --jakin R. V. 1vanav. Oxygen., by L. L._Xar RUSSTAN, per, Ogneuqwory, Vol 111, No 10, 191,, 455. Bisj: 2a6 set - ftV Jun 61. bw P bobinols one W- VOL ve 4,, weR.9 AIM Tr 2279L J it ahodefty zu Mechanim of the Protective Action of Colored Lacque:~ Coatings, by V. A. lkrgino M. 1. KaX-yDkil3a, Z. YFI. Derestmova, 4 pp. RUSSW, per, Dok Ak Nquk SM, Vol M, Wo 5, 19~A; pp io65-io67. Conmdtants Bureau Sci - Chem 22/6/59 Guam K. --- I. qvp -..ism- berstarlyas Vol.. 6" 15 f igures, 170=0 wma 8; 1937- Use of x-ray Method for Testim HiO Speed Stoelc Brutabsr Tramv Order No. 909m, 61. 70. TT-"-29264 Field IIF J~arvakbta. N. V.: Dubint:n. G. N. iETUDE AUX RAYONS X DE LA SURFACE rU 1. Centre N"ittonal de Ii FER ET DE VACIER APRES CHOMAGE DIPFUS10- Bechei che Sctentifique-, NAIRE PAR LA METHODF DES POUDRES. 18p. 5refs. CNRS-XVII-792- Order from ETC: $1.60 ap TT-65-29264 Trans. in French of FizW Metallov t Metall medettle (USM) v9 n6 p832-41 1960. For anotbar listing of thin journal see 'Tran! lated or Abstracted Publications,' In this issue. Also available from CNP.9 An CNRS-XVTJ-792. un""Iptim at ths Dgmftmw ot the otxuatom an& ProperUm of Om Migblm MOOS CK 00 VAMUM CC OpsfttlMoj, by Be to Remus A* As JMMAns so To smakin-si 93 ppe JUMMs bkv 2R* Zmloftm" zbwxwxoe III qpumwo X96op vp 95-34. 9613cm rwo-a-31 35 M 62 -wmin,- -, rc-n f:.nd S'"el A y F, .tion of the Surfeca ox" : Att..,-r Uhromiring by the Povder Rethod, by N. V. Xarvuddma G. W. Dublaln,, 9 AMSSI`51, par, Piz Metal i Metal-lov, Vol I-T., No 6, ig6i), pp 832-841. pp Sel ,Tun 61 i;-Ptay ,.Itudy of Domdwy rami. nvi4vmion MacryaftIllsation ftvanives ,;JILOY lklvrtb~a iN 9 pp, bko .P?Ttv 291W, (A) mom - ~"p -__, orwanw~mwfthorpno- ~ - - S- 021, ~ 7 . &~ 4FAmrma=mmwmpmp W M. -- as at m4 6 Ru wrr "Lldol '010"* No 29 M49 so.m. RS M- 28 5d - AWrU CbM Avg 64 2M. 750 61.-27589 Kar'yanova, Z. V. and Rabinovich, A. D. THE ROLE OF THE PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY I. Kar'yanova, Z- V. IN CHEMICAL PRODUCTION IN THE U.S.A. (Rol' 11. Rabinovich. A. D. Nefte),himicbeskot Prornyshelennosti v Khimicheskom Ill. MIR LLU M. 3004 Proizvodstve S Sh A). [ 19611 [81p. 7 refs. I MIR LLU I M. 3004. Order from OTS or SI-A $1 ~ 10 61-27589 Trans. of Khimiya i Tekhologiya Topliv i Masel (USSR) 1959 Iv. 41 no. 12, p. 60-63. DF-SCRIP'TORS: *Petroleum industry, *Cheimcal in- duStTy, *Chemicals, Production. (Engincering-Chemical, TT, v. 6, no. 9) offi".f Tc6ac.1 ix1peadence of CertaU PnWertlesi of Polystyram, pulyrathyl HathmrYlato and their Copolymer on the Molecular Weight, by 1, 1, iaryauchytmas, It, 1. 2hemiso 19 pp. WSSIAN, 1*r,, I!tlg Akade Na" lAtovsk2x S.1~1,'t zier. as M30 p 8.5-92. A VZC 69 Conference on the Manufacture of Titanium Slags., by 1. A. Karyazin., RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSRI Otdel Tekh Nauk., Metal! i Toplivo, No 2, 1962, pp 176. sic Sci Nov 02 216,475 Nffoct at Low Modva Omddboo and CaWws ftide an the PreperUea ot NlO-fttWl%= SLWj by j V. A. 5 pp 1. A. KW7Ngp - RUMM, per, Is Ak Sauk ftftl Takh Mauk meta I ToPlives we 3, 19600 vp 20-3k. 2"k D" 60 The Use of PolygluaLu " OjpwatLang m the l4vWv by Too Me ONO PP. BMWM,, per,, PMgmW Gowtologlys PWwl lkvw Vol n1., No 5.. 1959a 39-"- pay-morl Prose sel " Ned Tho ALWIstien of the Root Byvtem oZ Woody Plants to .11 FPI Solonutz, by S.. Yo. rar"Voi. per, Wk Ak Sauk SSM, Val CUM,, so 6, 1958) PY 1115-- Amer ll~lart of Biol Bei Sci - Biol Jul 59 Determination of Forces and YAseents of Forces of L:Lgbt Pressure Actlag Ulpm a Do4y as it moves in Cosmic BWe,. by A. A. Karymn., RUSOUN pers PrIk NAM+. I Oft, Vol Ml, 1,162, pp 86P7b. W.8A TT F-8.!jk20 Sel Apr 63 US GOV'T ONLY 12 ch, 11 wbWwVMa MmstiVatlan of the Products of cutw,"" ID all to P.G.1 " II ct laqpentamp by 00 Do 8bw2jWp A6. P.. 39IM'kmWaj, A. 6 ypo Russ= Vw# aw fta 19mas Vol =MV, go 4.* l9ft, ;; WI-933- Cm ftl /"/ / Q. 2, Mr 62 Chromtographic Analysis of Witures of C 5 Hydro- carbons., by A. A. Zbukhovitoklj,,, B. A. KazansIriy, A. I Karymova, P. S. Pavlova, 0. D. Sterligov, I. M: TMAub, 8 pp. RUSSIM,, per,, Zhur Anoll Xhim, Vol XIV, No 6, .1959, pp 72-1-720. CB fti Sep 60 J-3656 (DC-2101). Pan-Tyrkists and Pan-Islamists - The Worst Enemies of the Peoples of Central Asia, by T. Kary-Niyazov, A. Babakhodzhayev, ...... .... RUSSIAN, np, Pravda Vostok&, Tarhkent, 30 Jan 1954, 12 Feb 1954, p 2. us JPFIS USSR Central Asia Pol - Nationalism and loyalty j-3656 Pan-Tarkists and Pan-Islamists -- The Worst Enemies of the Peoples of Central Asia., by T. Irary-Niyazov., A. Babakhodzhayevp 10 pp. =SSIANp np Pravda Vostokay Tashkent, Uzbek SSI~, 30 Jan 1954, p 2. (DC - 60 41) M Tim Microscope, by c, x=yamv., - pp. B=IAN. Pr-r., SACL F0ljX:-e2'JA-,, No 2, , P --16. JM 13537 Sci - maim Aug 61 I FM (TDBDK-l ) Bi-66 -(,,,noo Request dup cbeck for info only Concerning the Construction of Input Tbits for Digital Correlators Ye N Karyebev Russian collection: Voesoyuzno3, Konferentsiay pc Avtomaticheskomu Kontrolyu i Metodam Flektricheskikh Tzmereniy. Novosibirsk. Truety nr 1, 1964, 158-160 A C - - - -I_ 1 - - - - asravbi Metbod of OMparsting Rpb~rip Carbon Xosomdft, WwWwasp md Mwetwe of Inert Owns# by No 1h 2 1, Ift*j, 0. V. SWM=mmp A. 0. I^tukhove A. Is Zu IL IL lklulnel, 8 990 UXs bbw per * 2ftw Anal MUmj Vol XIv go 2l NO/Apr IPA vp iowk- on 90m= of "I no 55 cammiunts vureau SOL - 02mlatvy .0% to-,J/- Clinical Char acte rizzation of Heidelberg Salmonellosts in Adults;~ by S, Ye-,, M, G, Kudryavtse,%,,, 13,, A,, Chukhlovin RUSSIAN, ma per, Voyenne Med Zhur. No 5, Mosc-ows May 19610 pp 6Z-64 17d., 4");;l US JPRS: e, e, P4/ Invibet1j,n Zion of t*ie lfatur* of Bmai~ 11hr f1'A8pbkt1Wr.iv9*'., by I.% I, Karmkov, K. V. Grigary,61ta, pj) 96-1000 RUSSIAN., per,, Zhur Prik Khjmj Vol XXVI, No 1., Jan 1953, Pp ~6-100. Consultants :Bureau S-541'j (Aei,',( Y ). The Nev Is Not Taught According, to t-he Old Pethod, by V. Karmov, -.1 RWESIAI~y np, Izves,-,iya, 7 Aug 1959, No 19C, p L . * JPR.13 USSR Soc - Education Sep 59 (:z -.;069) - Tml,u.in& of Specialists in Aatantion,, bY V. P2, :Fusswo UPP Jz"sti7ft, No 186 (13U3) 7 Aug 19W, p 4. USSR E,;:w O~t 59 YUSMCTjVICH,O N. F.... KMZHAVINO V. A. "reparation of Oulfur from Oulfar Dioxide Journal of Chemical Industry,, Vol VIII, No 2, 19.'~l RU56IAN AE 'I T r CT6 Nov l?149 (21'49) '14", 14-1 -1 1 61-18139 Karzhavin, V. A., Lelbush, A. G. and others. CONTINUOUS CONVERSION OF GASES CONTAINING 1. Karzh2vin, V. A. METIMNE AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS. [19611 11. Lcibush. A. G. 8p. 12 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-18139 Trans. of [KhItnicheskaya Pronlyshlennost'l (US3R) 1934 [v. III no. 1. p. 34-39. DESCRIPTORS: *Wdrocarbons. Wethancs. Gases. Decomposition. Offic.0 T..h.ic.l S-i (Unannounced) Catalytic Synthesis of Rydroagdbmw Fx 00 and ff2j, by PjM*, _4 _j_129 MW:)SMO pwt lEtUrM XMXLI, Vol X71j, No 3# 1947a pp 327-352. Pal Trans Center ra.-J5;6~2 (L~- Scientific - Ctmemistx7 'I CTS /rm chamotte as &:catalyst and carrier for nickel catalysts for the ~ conversion of nothans to lordrogen and carbon d dioxide -- Zhur Khim. Proup 1933,o go 8,, 31-40. VOC S-394A Nickel or. fireclwf as a catalyst for conversion of methane-containin gases to bydrogenj carbon monoxide and other gases - Zhur Rhin Pi 1934, No 1. 34-38 VOC S-396 Nickel poisoning by sulfur and reaboration, of in the course of conversion of cracking gas ard miallar gases to bydrogen and carbon monoxide -- No 59, 1934,9 4543. zhvuror. "S- Ohromp D--vice for Automatically Meavuring the Coordinates ot Tracks of Chw-ged Particles on Bubble Ghwiber Photographm,, by Yu. A. Karzhavin, I. V. ChuvJ-Io, 0" P-0. MOSSLIU1, per, Pribory i Teldi :To 196)3, ir 54-60. ISA L;ci. May 64 2r,('), 014 Investigation --" the Process of the Combustion of Carbon in a Bedj, by N. A. Karrhavina. RUSSIAN, pery In A Sauk MR, Otdel Takh Nauk, No 7.. 1953p PP 90-991. DBIR LLU RTS 1509 Scl - phys sep 6o The Urlusaft ce Pr*"ijre an the ftte or ReAuction of Carbon Dia" try Cerbcm., by It. A. Kar"Y#m, 61 pp. x RM102 DOk Ak NAnk PM Vol '13P Do 5p 1950, pp 971-973. OCIL Maw= L170 110 51/3311 Sci - ChemistrYj