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11. A s of Piropl,aswsis in C4, Ae" by iIII evanva. 7 pp~ ~,~ per, Vetarijuiriya Vol 40, N o 7, L% 3, .64.,19287 /' ~' ~116n--~L-~c-t'-r, 303,797 Pre Forin b; varlm RUSS1q.0 40. of Vulammiraticm AcemUrstcrs in Pollo-t A S. Novikor, F. A - GO-111-Oglyp Z. G. 3 porp Kwxhuk lRoUmp go 9p 109., 37-- Res Assoc or Brit Rubber Maim Pgr Avall' Xe Dir 5.9 Llb f2l W-Eira ng Zinc by Itectifica:tiont b)r r V., ~r, apahin, he Go Pove"kaya, por, Tsvetilye Vol 11 1961j, 23-:26, PS A 62. 2099858 com~),Dulldr, of ilal~ ej- fluc 1-0it, Acids~ by A. M. I*bveri:!,-iriy, BlCthhiM, VO-1 d"I'XTV, :jqljq~ 77711' 601 'VU O,rerhaad Coannanj.ca~d-cn Lines Made of hob-o-cris-Cement, C., V. 1-31 JPPU9 70t) (RY -5207) ; lReinfarced-Coacrate Poles and Attach- 'With Tom-Over Walden Molds~ by 13. L. ~1310 ).1 6 . -..n. pp - ., part Vestnik Blryuzi, No 6~ igr,56. MRS 7067 /-5- e ~, 2 -5--;7 (NY-469~) Qmlity control in the Iftnufactu" Of -Cowr*U Poles and Supports . by MOWN 9 pp. RMIM~' per, VOSt STYSISL., IN 6 (243) 1960, 214. im 55V '40 ~c t An l6stiotion of t1w.. ~Perapautic affoct of the b1ml vithout ptabilif'or in certain blo~;'~1dis6.6"poo,'-Ny A."'L Blin-6va H. V. Anto'rlo"2 R. Aov~lgod 0. P. Yakov leva, P RWSXANI lilmo per, ProblazW Gematologii i ror4lllvaw~a ra-ovi, Val Ily VO 3o 1957~, pp Pergamon Press zti~as uA LAN, ~11-; se; mt~ Assowsment Of the: Efficacy of Ccrtaiu -mias (I.-rays, Tv"Clumnt of Chronic.~ LeWma -hin ftsenic, 'Ahallo , pp 'by So' la She-mallt 1). 81 Kullrlutnl~ .111, H. X. giseleva' D. p-P. er, ProblerV Gemtologly: Krcwt, lRv 1958) PP 26-30, A", A Co caj-ti~in IG..; 4,' Xii Pu~ vdlljljp~ ~ze Ass,.~rjsibmt of the Efficacy of bods of TreatTwnt of Ghronic JCUkflClntEIS dioactivu Phosphon's) Uretbane, by, S. 1. Sherman, n, L. 14* ROZOLuwm, A. 11. Klaeleva go) A# Do Vukulenkno 4 pp. Y2 Fe.el. rxovi, mblerW GemutdLogi W 2p 1958; PP 31-34. Pergamon Preso Aw~ Comit:'ratiye Rvaluati0i of the Itfects of Severed :Mqdi~! of in t~e Treatumit of Chronic WV66m* I. X-Ray Therapy ar Chronic Laukaemia~ #herman, D. S. KUzlmin, L. M. Rozanova, A. h. A. D. Wailenko., 6 pp. RUSSUN~;ibimo per, Problemy Gamatolog i Pereli- V1110-Ya NMI,, Vol Ili No 1p 2,957, pp 28-32. Pergamon lVess 5V tror RJR) -8, "o- ca-pacit"- -1 c k, ~ . . 1. of Tri 1>!,~, mams Of Turb-o-swou:o,.!J~, ,b-Y G. 14, POVCticli~, 17 P:-, lilo Pp JTPRG io452 77-64-13404 P04C 1 Z~ J,G. ALUES OF THE MAJOR HEMATOLOGIC 1. Povetkina, Z. 0. INDidES IN THE DOG. N9631 (10p] 12refe II. FASEB-S-376-3 FMEB!m&nuo0,1pt no. S 376-3. 111. Federation of American Orde'r (torn OM ~SLA, or 13TC $1. LO Tr-64-1304 Societies for Expert- mental Biology, Trans.1 of *Fiziologicheskil Zhurnal SSSR, 1963, Washing D. C. 'i ton, V. 49. no. 3. p- .166-369. IV. Scripts Technics, Inc.. Washington. D. C. DESCRIPTORS:lMemstology, Dogs. Hemoglobin, Eryih6cytes,46odcoalulation. LAborstory animals. (j (Bioi 6~6~61 Scle coa- -Physiology, TT, v. It. no. 8) M" .1 in WLUR= OF UGHT CN 711~ R~~A~OM OF SOl AND C~ ON FMMFDW HYDROCOP411 Ngmr womem) at &~ souks at ,CUMM &am swuy for radca awaim 3 t6km% May 52. 7p ~af In teir PI-b"Macbmwe (WOK 1 p. = Tr, v. 12. u6 5) L F. IL 7Y. OwwoL.. OMWO Of ToebrA*M Rhltlh~mlc Zonation in Certain Granitoid Bodies, bk, m. ~~6ilaytis, 11 pp. jj i~ 1, RUSS 1 PUN peT, Iz Ak NaA SSSR, Ser Geolog, No ijJ '1961il AGI A 2100406 Sci Sep 62- Exl~~~ction of Perchlbric Acid vith Tributy! by N. S. Povitskii~ A. S. Solovkin, 5 PP- PST X :,per Zhur Neorgan Khim. Vol T17, No 1, pp~222-224. 7). i J PL.48o Witorwtas of Btrimp Hickell ;C ~~c and c a Mmtfon of 1~ ]1 .1 1 *Zmr, on th 111~tri' Ac-14 by ThLydUl FbcispMte (TBF)j ItO A Splaftin,, 1. S. Pcivitakiij, T-A pa Zbw ReM Dim; Vol IV No 91 Cleavor-lume Pmus Ltd. London Equi 6ritw Super ~ ; ] ic 901 Sol Feb 661 'NY-3949) tui;aratura of alena,er Bodies io a TOM kiy by A. S. PoAta 18 P. 1z V skikk Uohab UM Aviat Tt,Lb 35X* TMS T48o J.on I)y . F. !wahin!t,, F~ V. !~Ovits Turichin, v 12,inaritel T r0 1, 1959, hr',trtl qrc of Amer 1! IT Borides anA by the iirthod al. Nuel"r masuctic 0. To MarmbMwo V. A. Povitakly., 171 Ops iltperv Pomallovap mutallursust irf~, 4( 1962.o pp 26-340 CB rn -d Likeness iii Technical Mapotic HY4. wdyn I'l Ox% by I C Y" povkh 2 7 j7p,, RU Trudy toningrad, lis ~,m , Tokh GUR, Po.4 oklti4 No Wt 19610 pp 83-94,, j Sol (14 vp Mect on the Rate. or Re"tions in W-wbions., amirodrov a.. a. poob,~ 12 pp. zbm, ns Runs Vol uni: Ka Soi Tr Ccmft7 PI u's and Teehnique for IMeatron-Beam ~di* LWW WoftcU.. by 1). K. Dame"mko: No 1A., pm,# -v amat 9mk4t., BMZA U -doetron-licam 41 ~:ri2'1 rital Rusearch Into K E i 4inj~! I OPUS 'N'ith Laug-Focus Spherical U llypo llirt~ecti',is., by 0. K Nazaenkej, A, C. ii(MCIAT 411 per Aytowt 6varka,, 9,v ID61, 2 10 P-1-165 I ! ! 1 it Chi yu. Vikrtqldl~uv . ~ I I ii !I i i 1 of RtWiLow Detwmination, by K. L. P "p 7 pp - ~ _"aotwu I It M ftsteDlYs Vol VIIP No 3, 19WP AIN I q,515 lnt~raction of Uracill Rlboflavin, and ~~leic Hydri zid~ja PImts, by K. L. Povolotakaya JV. A. Q Wmfi~iBaskakovt I, V. xhoviiis-k~W)-6 ~RUSSW. per., Fiz Raijteaiy) Vol VII, no 1. 196o) iPP 7~'--80- ~I Amer Inet of Biol Sci Sci Mnt!,-ol for by Tial blaxi Per) Fill Ru,"ini-y. Pn 5. 29- P. - Artip'.ir just, CN~ -1.401 Rlbo 04 Sol mi i~ Rdlessed fms Pint Froteim loolsUd With Z. I. Zaytsm' K. L. Pavolottskapj, 2 pp. Ho paim, Dok A Nauk ssms ?bl cXV1110 No 2-1, 3j0,, -339. Aver Imt of Diol Sci chmistry Expe Reat vitamin il ficiency in Mats Iaduced by whit~l $,trantoclde,, by K. H. Ovchamv., K. L. Povalotakayn, 8 pp.! MMIAI blim per., Fiz, -Rasteaiy; Val IV., "Ito 2, 1957~ pp A=r lutr of Biol Sci sci I Lola Jan Eftle~ct f welded-Up Flakes on the Mkecbanical Pkqxpert:16s of Steel, by D. Ya. PovolotaUy, L11 ~b. 16' tsov'quy. Russia per, Iz 'Iyashilch Ucheb Zaved, C6 -~n tal: LTo 61 iq61t pp 129-133. HB ~?266 Met llyd.ro z and, Flakes Lm Smit Steel (Salocted Rixt"'IP by Dai vlotpk4j'. A~ Na Mwozov. RUSSIA bk)~ Vodarod i Z.okeny v 6tali~ 1,0,591 1 pp 5.1to i 1 9661825- 7 ATIC 14M 1573/1 Set - JR1 II/Mof I it,n 61,1: D, l'Y' . Rj R4SJAN, i9f.,31 No sci-J,04 Auji 513 I of Flake Formation in Steeig by Povolotskiy, im, 1z Vyssh Uchob Uvoct Charn ~.bt, pp 120-12B. p RR S657 /XO? Eft ect 0.1i ~wel-detl-ljp Flakes on the Yechanical Pr6p'ertJ-v.,'.q of -Stp-el; ~by D, Ya, PovolotAty, L Kot~,Bovuhiy, ,RMAIAN Tz Vysshil~b U--hf!b 7-qvnd, Cb6ln No 6, 1961, PP 129-133. 1-66 J a U~: 2, coateat and Fl-Wces in Reavy stacl oli6tioi1j, by D. Ye. povolotuklyp A. N. Tllorwov- fl. ti'l-liki,61 por, Tinuch DoX VyachOY Sh~,'Gkt;" Vi~t;'Al. pp J1 11 11 D Li,Tyi~j I J--O-hiot Rusis]:A-B, No id; Jkikgr 6 1 An G I - 3. "a ati ~f Hydrosen, emifinished Steel by sk.iy' ~~,er, Ir. Vyeshikh Ueheb Zaved, Charn Metal., 1946j, pp 79-83. RB 5139 Vix U I vat L T m1cit"; Od-O pp VC)ijro;jy -11rujoll Vol IT., I, bi 6,- fill a erolog~Fiil Ibvestigations in the Epidemic 11 ~l Parotitis, by Ya. L. Povolotskiy, 7 PP. A RUSSIAN p~ Zhur Mikrobiol EpIdemiol I Immobiol., VA Wsl~ No 1~# 19590 PP U7-123- PP scli seol6o i~f the fttr*)Aum lpdustry In Caatrat moil: nq 159P Irs locamleto No 17o 19581 )A-52. AT 1255(2T (N1-5531) Thp metically-Dwed Treatment of Chronic hV. Alco--oll;m~tn Connection With the Study of the Hig*':Ner a Activlt~, by Yu. A. Povarlaskiy., I, I i - ppal; HU U. Alko#olizm,, 1959. JPW 7947 sci A.pr the Higbon, Wmaro RCIICl ,,nt T.0 Man alic by B, V. Pavlor Yll, A. Povori 2 Pa TiqE Aiiiii 'No '25 JR-13 150271 kl~ 11-lel-r, OCI U6 QLzr or - e j:nvc:sti,,.,a-Lj*.or, 0-. -1,4 ~.'Urvouo j Ic tiVi tl by )P yu. A. Povorijj,~I-' RUSSIAB Kim., V, solle jcl J:C~ P I" I y PL-V10- a IT .1 k- 12 to?] of thel First art(i 114"atiorip b~ I Vol llklc bm 1311 i (;J MS,1~ Psi& IZI; NR plimacological 1'reparatims to Potentiate the Action of Insulin M" Tioammt, of Schizopimenia picoExperimrital St%Ldy,, by llovorins4yo ct al. ~A-Np per, Zhur Novrpatul*~~,ii i --- datirii it =1 S. S. 'Komkova. L 49-55-64, 13 65 ot of Varicnis Punctional Conditions of the Cortex on ft*obydrate Metabolism After S Phemamine and Sodium A:mytal, by Yu.. A. kiyp 21 pp. 1w Per, Zbur gavrq i Pqykhi imaui S. S. n.t Vol LVv No 1. Marscow) J~an 1955p pp b L6. CIA/r-I)D/U-7305 UbSR -NedkinEt,, pbysjology,o pbai Logy ;IcTS 72/sip 55 Psychalilaeri'l): pp - 4-152 - RUS"J~ONI De c' b', of Smoking) by Y. A. Povorinsky, Psychoterapy in The 3oviet Union CL% Lib. Rc 48o -L4 -;;'5 raw V. FovQLM VA "Nor 3n9436 xr4wwvuu7f V6 V* 175 -1 IA Pat CWMAI-590 ~c V. V. PROSP It ~CREASED CONTAINERIZAMN AND BE'TMR DISTRIBUMN OF COYMNER CENTR 'ES.1;[1963]~~p. Order fror~ OTS 0~ SLA $1. 10 63-14004 Trans 'iof Zhelezn6dorozhnyi Transport (USSR) f; 44,' no. 411p. 64-66. 1; DESCRTTORS: 00mminers, Railmadcars, Tarp, Handlb~, kiiilroadi, (' * , Logistics, The following toplc~'' analyzed: Distribution of i are I raUroad !freight container centres; Imprwed utilization of contafner-capa6l't' and, control of the container Y; v. 10, no. 7) ftchin6 port, ry'--Trrs 63-14004 1. PovorozhenW, V. V. Ina tm opegmumm flar nAm 2hemba and top 2ndum 311,a32 707, 6 6 (0 11 Pit PIkII-Sties f or FvAames end SavMozezy bi S. PI., ~Povw, 3 NO ...... . ....... RMIAWO,'~ Vol ThAp go i= 1951. 964 1,6 ?, 7 4,~P~ (HY-6232/2~ Results of Surgica Uteatuent of Bums, by Y~!i. povstyawy, 13- pp. ~Msl 9j, perp lftrurgiya, '101 :CMrll- No 31 9-t6. 0-9613 -pp JPRJI 96-18 On-664ti/5 lit Of Tissue Auepitmee car Dlre,q M. in 6-C s a Traimagimated on Irarioun T-13suea, by 1. 14yLkin., -br. Ta. Po-e!,-ymoy, 6 7-m- R ME SIPUT, Vjr,, Vest Wmirgiij, Vol LMV"-,,F VP 61 lc~ dp fo-83.1 JM 10141 I 111Wd 7J, 7 c6t., 61 H Ill (DC-1404) primaij," tw4l''Ical Trestmnt tor Barno by T. Ya. Povs---- 12 pp. Ary*v;~ no Y RWO P, m0 0 AkwFUS-1 Vol XMIIP No 91 r - , -17- Sep pp w imis /be-L-634 sc, dicile 5- (DC-24oo) JCURRENT~PRQBLEKS RELATING TO FREICK TARIFFS Oll~ i~E tkCH6SLOVAKK I MWMM STATE RAI LWAYS l ADJtHE4RINCIPLES OF THE K NEW TARIFF., BY KVE~OSLA~,'~POVYSIL, 7W. GOVERWENT USE ONLY CZECH~ PER~ PLANOVANE HOSPODARSTVIp VOL XV, No 6, 111,62 9, 0~6.5 41. JPRS 1470t ELUK - (,Itf~H ECON A~j 62 205,969 POVZ e On differential IJ ~! rAa ~f 4 equations of Sturm-Lionville type axis, '(9 PP ier, Ma-tematicheskiy Sbornik, 1940"' lo,651, PP 3-52 Sci~ Museum Idu No 1-2/1006 4/1 61 -1 15262 AKL SUMMFIC ODOPHRATION: W- 1. A)smner. A. D. ;W&LIM 6 ARAJIt~,il TO' 7ram!. If lufcvli,a~i DESCRUr SCIMOic, odudituir SaI3NMC LIMOM AM IME H. Title: Interutional NHCTED WnH ORGANIZM GDO - 1P rW'Y THE RFMLn OF RESRhRCH N boN"cnm wrm imi w,Y 1] 44p, or SLA Id. 60 61-15262 unarodnyl Goofiridbeskil God. bulfleten* (USSR) IPK no. 67-64.1 Cie~hysics, *Scicuffic researcit, uuIons. Research program 4 of ~~Iterutttoml scimtific unlws s of cAperstion aW c=dlmion In the t yr. - eocim.ll -rr. v. 9, to. 7) (Cr;(Ir) Off,- 0 TtAil3l ~41,cr~ Res Al~iti 'a of the Special Comnittee Por Vne Internt- tio 1! 1 ical Year ba 3. Ge, Phys AdopttO In 1954-1957, by A. D. Pav ir ~r., 11 pp. RUBISAll xreg per# Vmzbduna oduyy Geofizicheekiy !~odt-m-Infa'Irntaiannyy Byulletenl,, No 1956, pp 60-BB. Set r-eoplkysics e -~Idet-, ICY Coirinittee, b L- o v z,,i H 11 l62zhdunarc)dnyy Ceo-Jz z us~ 1--,reLr, per Inall iony~, Byull, MOscow. pp rAdu" at tbvmlo Ftsuctl(ml III a th "=u ew um wwm %mulm em &M h4bbimp IW At Jo ftrual 1, To U -*, iby X Vol, A-10 r xtWtasiml Operatore of a mass of markov pi V. Malov.,A. Vs. Pomer, 12 pp. per, ftcriss Verrataostey i yere Pr-ijmncr no lj~ 1958. lia 41ition In thet Kinot-lo gheory oi, a-,I,I El 1) a., TA 27 pp it"s t,,twa-;diahtDmki,,y Sbcjrnil~,, WO. r -6 AEC-t 63 44 53 DA-Wi von 2Apalkau irt UA Fluitle 1J',lvlr,) of. ;Wyat IA,-wm,,jj Val 19111, (ICA)); vw. gura" ser i-- "10' watiois, 01" tell afflaille Fhmut, a Im tbe I*ur#a WjLM'Ual.,j Vol WIT, 0 v qmUms of the Booond Und in PraWAms I frOll 4410A IV an luftdtdy Thin Screen by ul T, RUBWM Verp lk* AX Muk SWR, Va C=lp No 2p 4 sov :Eno% of Pbys Sov Fbys-DoMdy Vol Itip wo 4 6o . 1. li: 1! ~ I . a I 11 I'! ~ I I l ! Lon'of 4rbltxv47 Awatlow Jz Me= octl*nd of the 13"riLtor,, by "r, * , Sb VWL XXKn, so 74., 1094r. ". - 11 Soo bi 60 326P179 on t ~Q '1V4 of wave Pral%ptics In VwiQll[l-Cl'cua- ~~ 1, 1~~ pry t oot on! G. Ya. IwA&mrskly A.. Tm. PO rt 440011, 1 ol VI o 2 fts 0, POO zhur 19P LIO-179. A Aneir lost of Fbjw Sam, L%p - TeWh Pbjv Va IV Wa 2 saj. Pbom 07 ~7 /71 63-16313 and Steinle. M. a. OR MAWPACnIRW SMALL SCM 1. Pmell, T. C. (1%31 5p. 11. Swink, M. 11. lable fif SLA on loan 63-111313 M. Pass (Belgium) 609 MG A. ot Bq~l~n potent 609, &S0, levied 25 Oct 61 itty. USA, 28 Oct 60) by National Cash Reg2ster :MWTORS: *Nucleation, *Encapsulation, jHc liii6tlcm, Contab3ers. OrWWc sohems. Inventim Involves a mathad for matutfsaminS I CopoWes each baying a wall of a Wymeric m&- 1 vthlc~ jenr~ and remins a posilcle at liquid or solla nuclear substance characterimd by the stions!6tiolstlag to dassoirtag a bydrqftWc poly- t subkince is a liquid corpult: molvest; to adding i a ~ 46 so at a temporatme Wow thexi roacm iaiuiv'&~ substitutimS liquid mWUA* or soluble "104 TI&KICSt Tr' Y. i. 10,L no. 11) Nbe d yld*d knin of A, C, by'R. J~, .,~r nder o. Vol LYN, 19572 5'T-3032 58 k rops 'atil, c Synthesis of Ethyl-Alum- Ll liki 41ii a C wpounds, by A. G. Poxasantir, M-6 Vo V, s'! I i ON , ; u Zhurnal Prtktadnol Khimii, V61 3 :11.0 1960i pp.2612-14. NTC i(i 11~ 39-07A I c Ik,-- LIN MR 1-:1 uulvil,14 ING I K THE STUDY OF THE RURAL E~,ECTR I CL NE-IWRK, py K. M. POYARK-OV, 6 pp. .)Y 1,.,AUKI RU' AN !'PER, VESTNIK SEL I SKOKI-IMAYSTVDINC VOL VII;Ac III 1962o PP 135-139. JPRS 17730 ELECTRONI CEca FE% 63 223)C22 zaiion of s pect utili olar Energy, ~Poyarkovt 6pp. Imo perp VeDt Ak Nauk SSSRp No 12, P~i T9-8i. Oci Mus Lib DIO 55/1177 'C M-1 71M, ics 1955 28 x,, b.,lorat, 4) of the Depoult During Prospecting and by V. E. Poyarkov 52 PP. bhograph Otseulm Meiitorozhdeniy pri i Rnzvedkokb, No 15,, Momcam., 1955P PP 7-30m �4. CTAIFDD U-9104 Faulmniza Ve Sol :32-360 of ?mbber to Ubtal WM the Aid Pft&iaU of OA4aU= of Rwbberm by 13-ypo - par Mpxftk I Rosimap No P,, 1963.o wsk5 FT".1-63-831 Jug calem 64 1/ 3 8 ~-il UJI~iil 1,7 24 Up (x*- ln'u! i-na-z. iDn,~tl R-m-Paiia oi rc-:nvcj 1959- lily Uodm,42-7m Ora, Vol X'11-7.) !:,'o i. persta=a P'l-orm :10 e,7 W~ec, MemmUfm, by D. Smselp .11, pq 6 pwq Mjewldd Vjesniko, Lt CXV0 OD Tx 1963o PP 7Y5440. am 63-.u4o/T 263402 C~if f O~ii of the Aggregate State on the Reactions off ifrit" Recoil Atoms woth Hydrocarbons, by V'. V'.11 Paveev, An. N. Nesmeyanov, et al, 6 pp. 1R USSI 1, per, Radjgj" Vol IV, No 4, 1962, p 40 CD Sci A Pr 6, 255,023 jfffe',8t of Halogen-Containing Additives on ~ihc Aleact-ons of'Tritium Recoil Atonis With Beni'lene, by V. V. Pozdeev, An. x Nesn, avanov, ett 1RUSSIM, per; aa4iQW" Vol IV, No 4, 1962'$ C11 ci 255JI022