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: ! 11 ~ !!Il' 1. inv6is'La~ion of .-later-Hammer in a Pipe Loop I Witli' ~r:ap~iies, by I. V. Potapov. 1: i i il : i I I :_.I A 40 ai~, lent Ec l, 16. bi T. D~I-Yon) A ,L l RUST 11: tl" 17 U I E, j Tooret vC0 19) , No 3) . Sov Flip Flip C v- t, (NY-7133) ETHIOWHI,q STUDY OF THE SOCIALIST CULTURE AND LIFE OF PEOPLESOF THE USSR.. BY L. P. PZK2-v-,- ;1 11 A 27 P.P4 RUSS] Np PERp SOVETSKAYA ETHNOGRAFIYA., NO 2., 196i pp 'I 3,+ 19. 1 ipps A788 )CAW 62 2o6.i6i (SF-2W BAal 111PROBLEMS 114 THE ETH140GRAPHIC STUDY OF!s,;VIETjPEOPLES*, BY V. YU. KRUPYANISKAYA, L P POTAPOV L.-N. TERENTIYEVA) 14 pp. RUSS AN~~PER SOVETSKAYA ETNOGRAFIYA, NO 3; MAYI-IJUN L~k, PP 3-12. JPRS 124L2 FEG' 62 182, ~64 (vc-5981) Taa6l'af A''hao9vaphic Research ccf the Peoples, ,. 1, .11 of Siberid, in the Idght of the Tesz-hing Of 1 11 1 V. I ~Lwdm by L. F. ?o 28 pp. RU~ Inr, Sovet ttbwa~k) No 2; wax' Apr pp a-33- Ma 88,()8 USSR! me ~Ithesis Plasij;~ f a~jdriterion by 1,10 D. 1962 pp Sri Oct 62,1 of Discrete Correcting D~v~ces on the of Finite Contrc IL V 8 pp., Avtomat i Ttlemekb, Vol XXIII, No 4) 13-440. ISA 215,990 i!j ra4rler Gaeff lelents o-f Periodic Fawtiont; to Khol'okly'a H-Claases~ by pp RusfrW4 D& Ak Hwk SSSR, T.Fol pyi .567, AMe-A jun 62 61-16086 Pot, po" I1~~jK ON THE LNPMOXINI~TIONDF NON-PERIODICAL 1. P(xaixw, M. K- FUNC`Ild~S~ BY hio'M4S OF ALGEBRAIC POLY- NOMIAIA~ jjq6l.JJ2~11p. 9 refs. Order fr inOTS ar ~~I.A $2.60 61-16086 0 Trans.ol o awls, Vestnik. [Serlya 1: Matemattka, Mekhard I JUSSR)~ 1~60 fy. 151 no. 4, p. 14- 25. k~ J DESCRIFTORS: 'FUnctions, NUrjlL'fiCM MhdN-11S. Polynomit'lls ,!ops polynon-dal approximat one (in term3 Fatapov d6ve of Lpl- 1,11) porms) ~for funcrions and their derivativeti. (Tranalai 60 A Offi- f T,chiccl S-1-3 1-~Jv. 6. no. 3) Int-V dtkt4-, I New Wthod of '2roducing 2d.ne ~Vthe Mae" of Ze FeAnt and Vamish visions of IrOastry., by A, K. 5 Vol 1.~,I-hrji 11. oil River Ll'.~ A pp. bko, &x&imniya yy Am L"th P11;59 ro3, gical Calculations lu the Regulations 1c F2 v for Varlable IzTILmt$-om1 Requixentnt zp b4; Trudy FerLvgo ftveohchunip po ppabj. 1946,0 e44 PP.- PP 3.39-:03. Hational Nruical Lab MMSIAe Road ",TO The Ma nd in the Development of Macbine Consir leti by N. 7 ip - Ekon astetal No 7, 14 Feb 1963, Ps pp 6., ACSI 1-2-;42 D 22294i.7- 519th MI Ba sai, Eaw Jul :R! M11, Di ections in Development of Machine Building, by, Poltapov. (Dc-8478) ROSIANJI~i np, Ekon Gazeta, No 7, 10 F4 19031 1 . qlae I.i,I !rend in the DevelQppy-mt of Machine 7 pp RU SMT np~~ Bkon GazeU., 140 7) 14 Feb 1963, 16,; i1 11, -pp :j 7~ (Ir-6501/89) w lc of the ttanwu7 pUmm of the by T. Poupwo FMV& p JM 9815 dWrWU ft4y all &M Auld" slid w In Com"tIon vitA L ChuseevOu V, al~ttftowdll V. potepw. 67 P,5 T /)C, C-/ 33koUD Sel) ec t, n of Types of' L i 't t Co r voyenno lj~ed 'Zimr, !'io Feb 1950, pp 53-57 1 p'7, -Lbe Xi2to rwtion Betweem Copper mA ~.n (jenmdm) by A. Xaj Pot=ldmt 3 PP- perk Fizilm Tverdogo Telap Vol 11i pp i846-iM. sov rbys- Solid MIR Vol 31) Ito 8 Soil R-900 (2587-D) AvIF"re In the PeoyU'a JWpAbUc of ChIwq by Ia. 33 PPS RMBWI Awmato Sol I Wwp lbonsptvo Kitapkov spjbXgdp No 340 *saw,$ 10,; pp 1-31. JM 731-D I ~Imaum 5 iza*-Ioa end, Dissociation of n-D2-InDe sz,;l jI.-r gonajje 'y monc~ merg etic Electrons, by V. K, Potapar; V. G,, i~ajlYa' N. N. 2a TwiitskJyj~ PLO - s Dok PO's Nauk SISSR, Vol CYXa, No P214 ) 6 15. CB Bel Au 60 and Cyclobutwose VI. p-Mitro#henyl- P-AmInophewiloyclopropetws., by H. Y&, io'vlins~l Yu. S. shaborov,, V, Ko Potapov, 4 pp. HUBST.01, per, Zhur obehah KbIzo Vol XXIX,, 1b 10, 1, 1~0919 3233-3236o omlemi Ste, cal Studies X17, Optica-Uy Act~.-ve Aryl B-111~~no~knyl Katones~ and Their Tautomerisra, by 161i;~Xov F. A. Tivfimov, lmppv'14.'~~per., Zhur (Toslicli IChim) Vol XXnI!., 1.1o 3p PPI653-659- CD Scj 7 ZA~r 64 1 trio Aftlyslig. oo=micatlau 1. quentUativ"o Dms mb&Uou of Bomialdeby6j by :31p~~Ovp A. P. Tevoliwvp V. 0. Avalgrmp 5 OP 1% SMA perp Zbz Awl Kbimp V*l XMI., No 1. 196, I?rjI 141, e ,'*Obcher~~ ImWptions. XIII, Rotatory Dispemicm Of I~rivaiivso ofa p-TWyletlW"Lmine and 2. Amindbut v by To Pabapmp V. H. Dmgyanarlzh,, 5 pp. ------------- RUSS Umhoh Oftit Vol a r$ , No 196,00. -1 187-ngl* IiJ ~tdreoclemical Investigations X11. 'Fautomerism, of the :Condensation Product of (-)-a- i~ i 11111 nylAhylamine and Acetoacetic Ester, by V. 1M. apov -F. A. Trofinlov, et al, 8 pp. 'Usslmll per, Zhur Obshch Khin, Vol XXXI, No 10, 1961, pjj 5344-3552. CB IS6 sci 04 62 II II ~e' em:Lcal Investigations. XI. Amides of optically t-711henylethylamine with Sifostituted Benzoic .1quipy, V. M* Dem'yanovich) 4 pp V. M. ~~o per) Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol X)CKI, No 9, P13056-3050. CB 214,609 !ROTATORY DIRSPERSIONS OF COMPNOUNDS OF THE CEDRANE lkRlh, BY V. M.,POTAPOV, M. 1. GORYAYEV, 4 pp. iRUSS~IAN PER DOK AK NAUK SSSR, VOL CXL, 1,10 1961, Pp' L341-1344. CB jscl~ )3''5 JUL 62 2o4 0 l'nvr?stlF-:, t. ion 2, VIII. The and thf,, qs- in th~ Visllbl~i faid n r- fT-tnn of thp Spat~-Ixiiai. by V. rl. 7 KhJM, IvIol ',%~Tt IiC,I "C per Zhur Obshch 1003-103D. !P A inve-stIg-ations. V1. Schiff Barjer, r, -r&'~; Opt-_~Ically Active O6-(p-Xy).y3.)-ethy1.amina-, by PO. V.11,14' t~,pov, A. P. Terentlyal, R. I. Sarybfiyeva, RLS'S'IANI) er, Zhur Obsheb Khim, Vol XX-tX, No 19'5'5), PP''3139-3141. CB Sci S4 160 (x 19591 ib Romolop of TaWines by A - P M. Potapovs! V. M. Damsynovicb, 3 pp. ..... .......... ... .. pei~ Zhur CbahctL Mdm,, Vol XMo No 3,1 94911-4520 sci Apr 60 Consultants Bureau och-', ; ''I f~6M QYt* M. ~JR tayo, frjl-,~Ia "AV P.P!: 13; lical IrAv6stt SAL Las I 4atione. IV -QOAY ActivoZZW-Zolamylethylemine, by V. A. P. Tcmtlovo r, Zhur OlimbAb Kbim., Val XXVIII 93 12., 3-3327 il*fov Tvansporting Litter Patients :,'j,hip to Sh[p. by V. Iq,,. Potapov sl I mo per, Voyenno Med Zhur., No 9,, MISCO119 Sep 195"DO pp 544-55 LIS JPRS 2061..N ~ ~ 1~ i Ul ~ Di~r ""dea synthesis rwd bet'eiAwii66 of the Catfiguratim of Som Substi- tal. ap 1*tby1mdv9sq by A. P, Terentyev, IV.. M Olt 8 pp RMS, PNTTIIJ Zbw Obabcb Kh1m; Vol'MMI, No 92-IUV P ip Convulftntis Rveau Scl!im Chesil Aug 17 S" Investigations. 11-1, Scblff ptiw%.Uy:Activa v-C-rlenyletbyla-mirc-,. Braes f 0 .Terant'ev, V. M. ~Otmwv, 5 Pp. ",r, Zhur Obshch VoLt 1!~p~ pp u61--u.66. Consulteats Bwreau h and Sulfo~uic Acifu; of Acidopho"bic )WII Alkylsulfuric Acids as ReaGei 'Z4 for tbp Cleaypge Of Racenic Compounds, by A, P. Iverent-, ye* V. 11. Patapov, 4 pp. R Amo per, Zbur Obsbeb Vol X'Mj wo 4) Ap'~ 195k" PP 1-225-1P27. ConoUtants Bmeau s6il~~ Cb istry 0 7 F6bj 195" ~16 Aotive ct -;Pharyljxcjpylvm-dre, by V. M. r A. P. Terentlyev, 5 j?.P. Mur Obahch MtLn, ~roj ;:Xy,, Wo 20 196(,)7 CB ITT T11? oif Aliphatic Taurinev by the Leucka).'t DY V M. POt A. P. Terentyev; V. M. pp" Zhur Obshch 6 Kmm., Vol M., No 3., 10 Ox = ~Mmm- ~!`eels of How,logs of Taurine by the iRea2,tion) by Av P. Tem%ntyev2 V. N,, 1. . semiou, 4 pp. MRSIAN mo per) ZLlzr Obsbch lVaLmp Vol 110 10'. Ocit 19.11 pp 2934-2936. Ccmmltmats Bureau Sol - Mmmistry 58 Po'~! f~ln-v Matalasov, S. F .. and Malakhov, M."' PEPLATIbNAL DFNIANDS ON DESIGN CF I?RIi.QjT CA~S. (19621 6p. Or&r tom CY or SLA $ 1. 10 63-10761 Tram I 'of Zh6l~'eznodorozlinyi Transport (USSR), ISM fv.'441 no. 28-32. Mallroad cars, Design. Maintenance, Railroads. -,l,'raflsPort, 17, v. 1.0, no. 1) 63-10761 I Potapov, V. P. 11 Matalasov, S. F. III Malakhov. K. N. P.olk ,,Xlu, 'pov EFPECT Of,THE tD jtM # MEAKDOVe~. dr&-r froi~JATS A Trv~s. of Izvest[lyal Weti', I Gaz~(USSR) DESCRIPTORS: O,rn'cture (I ,wiechanics). (En~neerlng, , I ~ 'Ji j ~ 1 F. and Simmm' V. V. 0 AMOUNT OF POWER. SUPPUMD ~ON THE EFFICIENCY OF Rom (196117p. $9.65 ATS-04NUR Vysshikh Uchebluykh] 2&vedlenii 1. 1960, Y. 3, no. 7. p. 35-41. *Drilla. Pawer, Effectivenests. "Rock, TT, v. 6, no. 4) 61-22247 1. Potapov, Yu. F. 11 - Sirnooov, V. V Ill. ATS-04N48R IV Associated Technical Servioes, Inc., East Orange, N. 00AW vju~qu Of s".0mm"tiva wav ql~", 1w YuQ G. lbupovj S. V. D* Ak 59XIL Wmv Vol amvo No Alt am I-We Dak Vbl Irp So Aprj, 61 S~mtbesls of SeU-Correcting Relay CI~Mdts, V Tti. 0. PbV S. V. YaWmwkiy, Big SIM, per, Dok Ak Nmuk SSM) Vol C=Vj ft 13., 1960.. pq 544-- A31! Sov :Pbvs Dok Vol go 5 AO 61 ll~ne !-11.116 J)y ':W12D. '6911o lllt~ 63. atheeis of Seelf.-Correeting Contact Networlal, G; Lot,_Wir.. S. V. Yalblonskiy, ~!~.per, DJk Ak Hauk, MuS Vol MODMT, No D1 pp 544~547- AutcmUon Express Vol IIIJ no 5 Al 3, 9--2-6 CYeb)h8M-1a*etY1eu,1A., by R - Vh A~ 7 ppf MMIMP rp Mar Oboh Khftt Vol Mj, 1937.. PP 353-356. STA 59-19U7 JIM Vol ~1017.p W5 A Sti 14Y of io D8bydXWmtLOU Relation of CYOliDh,6-. 'coaaarning the Tvcbniqm of the stwy)~, by A' 'A - FOUVOrLs 7 PP - ............ .... RUSS pc�'(:Zhur Obahch Wmp Vol XXIXP So 20 1959j, IQ31~~428. consultarits bureau Apr Pl' u~' trzi~ll on into Nmats of Mirbicidas and TI-mir iwrj~Ia: on k-kicapbor" up%alm, by Yu. V. Rekkitint 4 Fko P 3 pp'4 PAIIWRIYP Vol VIO k, 5, 19,59# Aur but of Biol Sol A qatiol~, of During Postenbryonic Lif e, by I10; P~111tap.CnA,-.5 pp. RussIAN p6r, DyA Eksper Piol 'I Med, Vol XL-TV, No 11, 1957?~'p I(!; IoLl". Consultants Bureau Sci MedicIine Jul 58 SOn of irw1ous Desvess of h sum lhbeb Zmdp TWi Vr4 346)v 196o. D e t' e MI. nattl)n of Solubility of "',paxingly Soluble Com- pounda Witb the Aid of Anisotropic RmUoactive Indice- tora~" Dy Korenman, P. P. Sheyanova, M, A. Potapo RUM- per, '-Zhur Obshch Main., Vol XM., No 1956 CLUL21 2U8. Consultants Burcau sci rbem De 57 (Sr-4816) Prooe L. V. From, #1 set - I Fab 63 ~Va ~POtrting of Fabrics an an Air ziuslApporatus W IU a WLnd Tonal, by tap;~ax 17 P9. Per,', Is. Vyaobikh Tjah*b "dived, To-kh Tekatil 1.,1 pp 40 -116, 15960 MS 7499 Potapl?v~ I . 11: COMPARITIVE A PR FSS(i R ~-.' I ', 0, ~'! Ordur i4-~ (r,! ~ )TI; Tr,-.-is. r(.kllllz) 19W, The c!,.ai~ th, ltrcii of the t2li prcss"i~ ,wach fTom th", tvcla,01;~~ I i~!Jjl L-r off I :ia,J of Ill sir~!I~;j u: OF TA I~ All"; L 'It I, A 1~ I N 0 TI 'I,' ~,l Pl JITS: 7499. 50 61 - 11 ~27 1T,:iw.)I)Y 1.0y -Jw trarn ~4 the "al,ric so ain un-lvi atz .rlm~ havin 7 a fi) 411 so.;,ss: NIr tc~ -lie dia -ram of the iaor, W4 [Ot' 11 "lowiwA km t1w apTorituis foi ami ill thv %vind tunuel 1[,v --Io,"L t3 Ic lost on tLe 11"Im-a1w. for 0 VA- 'I T 6 1 -11 ~~27 j L Y it Ifil9s of tbi Ionospbare over Moscov during t'6 ~Msg~lp',tic-Tonosqheric Distwbances of November .11 : B.S. Shapiro) 9 pp. 1�66 , b~j V.I. Fot.~pq RilkAXII per Geouguetizm i Aeronamiya, Vol III) 11 J~ Pj no 1) 4,63; 63-72- YAY, 258)47i4 .Useiof the system Di-p-Cresyl Phosphate-CHC13 f6i', ~the Oepabration of Carrier-Free Zirconium-95 1~ I ~ I; by Idemis of bctraction$ by S. A. PQtApTra-j 8 pp. RUSS I per, Radiokbimiya: Vol III, No 4) !961 p1l)4 N AEC-tr-4r;8o FL-480 261)588 l i I h , 16 U i t - " b PD I'Jj ii I Sl Se Gadit The In. 19 D ~; z e'M of Combined I=mlwation With Live - -t~- 8 11stal R. So Iblechikj Ye.. P. 41 Go r. VyborOYp K* shvetd,, 3 Pp- ill pero Zhwmml blzlogiix Vol IM, 10., Wv 1958j, P SIR 30 71 of Ifigaer Ketones by Liquid-PiiaGc Df com ary Alcohols., by A. 11. Basbkii~ov, ~ ,IV. V. Khmzolkin Po' rin 4 pp. R IAN), perp Dok Ak Naub. SS*,.7)R, Vol C'Mij, tio use -961 13 consultwats aarea'a Ic,2 V 72Y /7 Au~ 160 a d"Olutirox, m-Actiou Colum, by H. 19. Atrays 4,. Lo a6~im, M. MOSTAIrp ~1*ro Zhw Prik.Khtm,, Vol M., No 1957, 41,00-IL03. p Consultants Bm*eau scl~! chv~ Oc tio P, arg n of 2ph~95-Trichloroaniline ilron, liontoxic T610maib of liexachlorocyclohexane, by D. F. Kutepov., A. Potashnik, Vo Vo Ra?,-unovskiy,, pp,, 11, IiISSIAW, per,, Mar Prik Vol. U.'(TV, Ao 2; 1961 inj~b 3611%-365. sc ti IN' by- D,,: pp 2 sci Sep 61, 1~hu F161d Of UZY1 L ~f wlt,~ Anilinz~; Fmili,6povj A. A, Potanshnilk,, 3 lgxr glashch aim,, Vol )LD,3 No 81 1960, 24t`~!" I z4 lirieB Dy 1,9XtjCj.orj P. Kutep A. por;. -2hur Rri-h vol Xx"ll, 1~0 o f) toe 'r- !Sjnxbhcpl;is of Diuraince of sm-, Nitz-o- mAp'e-K 111. Kholffi).Cvv,, 3 PP. per,, Vibur Obahch Xhim,, Vol rtV:C'Cl, No 682-684. ftnsultmta Bwrep,u Igcii 06706 ~ 0l ,l the c Of Cbal-Tar Blase 13,, 'r Bru I n 3-!~59,, LPT-278O.- 1,1:7,r 60 of Qu;!Unld-;Ue frtim Coat-T-m- Dwv1sp b'! 1,1~~4otnsbn;PpT, 4pp. XAHj-~~perj 2bu, Prik Rbimt Vol. XCMis No 11 10%'i pp~ M-226. Fe~ "61 J7 Al ockl of Distilled riai al of phtlialic 'by V E 41, 'PP., Ui~ ix~r, Moks I rOatit, 10 .0y, '-C-~ (~crvpoafmioa of Baseii in the MdUc Dil by M. M. PotashmMov, 4 pp. A Pxd svip~i) per,, 2hur Prik rhim, )MIIT, !.lo 6, CB 61.~II b~~:. It M~ A of Fm Qminaldine From Coal Tar Bases itaWmikov. B 6 E. Yj:)pn ~ 3 pp. -53- Oka i Kbim'. No 101 1960, P-P 49 NNW) i~ lj~ii p y Set Zhrr Prik Rhin, Vol XWT~ Y*o Po lq~qr cit the DeMterlng of t Of Te~turc by M, W potmawimo go P. BoUter, c6a per? 2) 32P 1957P pp 41 - it awn Od *mi lAb 029 thelp-ne by, Pmet1mating MWd Tedb3dma Na]Pb ~&~6'~TMU(ft IW M. H. PoftobnikoWs 8 RUSSWp rO W., Koko t Xhimiya., rco 6, Jun 1956., %14�. 11 pp 7 Apr!A CIA/FDD X--2383 try 7 ;/A~x PO rAJ JIKOII~. !14. 1,~. T 11 solubi.1 ity of Napthalene in coal-tir oils. 4-PL-,es ia ZI lw Prik Khimj Vol )D:IV, 11c). ',',b l-)5" Russ I Consultants Bureau lransL-Aion lie od for Preparing Cup-ic 3ulpilide t, by Y'Lt. potasl2likuv, P.,D. per, 21hur Leor6all AIIIIL) ici Vi) ,P The D16 osis of 1311=16-0.e the Ab&Tr-trml e a by Means of UroLna#y With intra- Int'.-LAA.3#1 Injectioa of Sergosint by S. B. P(,)t shnillova, 4 pp. Rtrobm,! per, Vpprosy OnkoloE4i., Vol V,, No 3.0, 1~155~', 438-441. Pp Ali glw 4z Sur~icall 0,,oemtionz UsiaE,, the ITIM,66M.7 .!I By's 1;#m of the Reart-Lung A~~porvvt,lif)7 by T. Vl~ P _gt_8at=3 :?,. Ya. D'i-gtyarevo, Pp. W, S~JYJI, Gruduaya Ehirurgda, Val W.1 wo 1962, plo 1.02-17. i Rf-i U4A Effec~~bf ttrdytes 6n Formation =a Otabill-by Of. 'Be by M*nwhtn# V. I. YAI~ Boris K. as POUMaMTO P- Ime Rmslm~ mo~ zt= PrIk MAU V01 1991XITS N6 I't ~1109R 1955.0 FPST'S. = 1) I.Pav CoomlUmis Bureau JC Sateni CbemUtry 69/JAM 35 laveotlPti= cd' lamiur Sptens. 22. 00110iftl PtWtJjo3AO at the Ltqxdd-"i3 Al bY Ss 0. NDkMbJLZI.. K. 0. Potmktiev, 4 pp, All, bfmo per, Y.O.U01a Zlzro Vol XVMs Vo 20 Vp =4d8. CIA, 9WIM Ci Pael No 55 AZA ectj Certain Dispersed SD11d HoW Carbomtes ct ates on romi rormatIon and Stabilityp b~ So bl~*6krushinj,'K A IkSM=M=Msnerova, Pp Uxtil per Zhur kIrIX Kbim, Vol XXVIp Imik no 34 195~ j yp 143-147e S I i~- 6ntljAc -~Cbvmlmtry Consultanto Bureau 3, 7 r. a Schinid, W. rvt.. Mi AND SUP OF FrED STOCKS. AIR ST11 HNI, [11;6, 9p. (rctp. 7 h -,if. ounitted). 01~&i rran Silh ~1. 11) 61-16101 -r riril.~ of a (;k!rtnnn I, n3unge article from an mi- id mtkicd soupce, n.d. J M~:az;ucamna *Friction. Tenipcrature. if i)ftlcrintlai et, ParticlLs utations, If 6~!flm pirilde cilze is decluive for tho n1 p 1%:~'c 0101-". adlc6lon. With vcry fine grains, pi~iw: 6ally ro slid1n, to oAalred bt-caune only a lim- ,;,j It"I11ding ai0cce 1`3 available. ,c prcmrtleu (it thc V ILI, Mill ., ~ al havii It! tin Muence on adh;taion than th!~ m i t i cl~ ill-ze-buti~nore thin the other influ-cmial quantities. -r*nc 11L, cndoiQ of adhesion on the granularity In- (~"a11Li,1a1v-4dhcb1vca, IT. v. 7. no. 5) (o vr r) 61-16161 1. rozat. 1~. H. Schmid, W,