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nve vr,',",ets blad R r -Jr th S., ption-,i in ' e neld -of Conji~',,-ntcc -IXY-TV -The lnf~!are-2 Srectrn id 7.11.Lactkvi LY of Vinyl a cetyl. i~! ri e ai, m,, by .4 - A., Petrov, Yu. I: F off G. Scm--nov,, 8 ko~ 3TAIII, Der, Yhw., Obahch Khlm:, Vol C consultan-16 Lurek,-':' Qhem hirl:ptig"Itic-1113 -in the Field of Thc Intcrccl.-ion c,~. LX) Of f hydi!iB. unrinr the Clcnditicnc co"* a L-St.1-y Reec tlonr by it ~ A, Pc'rov, 'itl Uffiryeva and G. I, Senurv~n,_-,v; 4 pp. 'Ilklp per,. Zbur Obaheb Khlm, Vol lao U7 5-1-178 1.957~ PP Cons%,-' tanta, B,.-ranu Sci Chem D I Sep Ij, inveaiieation in the Field of Conjugated ~i Bystd". LXXIL Rydropnation of Alkeolace- ~jle~46, by Kh. V4 Bmly", A. A. Petrov 4a* Y11. III P,orfir yeva) 6 pp. Ims Perp Zhur Ubsbch Khkn, Vol XXVII., No 2, 0571 11pp 365-016 341, Consultants Bwesu Sci - ithem ,A)l k Fov x'I ix, t~nr-,, �101d of -ay 1. Pore Vit 10 pp. TP'Nrs Z&V Obahch rthim, Vol x--'wj. go DO!' The Qr&-r of, Addition of Brcmine to Alkenylacetylenes, by A. A. Pe-6crv, Yu. 1. MjjUe pp. RUSSLU jt ice-m per, Dok Ak Muk S&SR, Vol CXII lid ;I c 1956, PP 839-&1- Coamaltants Bureau sai chem Dee 5, He$ tW~ Fidd 'of . Conjupted Spteft. LIL the S'*qq'm'os' of Rmdus Additiou to WOW A. A. Petrov,, Tu. I. PO 1 We ation. AUSSI lp iper- Zhur Obahch Mat Val XU.Uq Igo 11p 20 04 D 15M6 GowultNOW Dweau humistry Apr 5 CAB Lee After Rating HoUiiaLm Emd, by D4 Ppxo., J. F, Porgo, L? pp. I I I : I: a Porp Illimse Nalaleale, No 30, Tbuo 29, p6 I ~ 432.~ U33. . ;P % . i 19d Ater can', P-WPF30 (DC-4801) C t~ 6 Davelopmat of Agriiulture in the I:: Jan Pargea,, "Ma." .i'L~ " hsoblew Agrico:-A, Vol Xnj, So io., 90. 7mB 66u Feb ;61~1 Certaiin N'ekbanisuis ReE;ulating the Cbemical Activity of Illit 1(IXhon~~5~a of Neurons, by V. V. Por~rulalov, Ye. L. Doveclava, G. Skre-bitskly 19LES: BN -;'k I Konferelitsiya pc Iloprosam Tsitcl- i Gisl okhimil, Doklady, Dek-abrya 19/'0 f,,orln, loro, pp Ell 1 i,33 . JFIRS TO .1pinan tbO Or9mimtJAn of Works by Rationil p y M. A~A" pp. pwj,. Tyl I agsk2Ldm Smto!~g Arnqp DD IR) MoOrvp 19531, pp 'a-73, i='s I ar-818r) 1) ~rj -4 ms in the Theory m, u Dzsluga o~ "bl Rep-roduction Headaj by Q, V. Foilt-alluv., Per,. Radlotokh, To XV;: lio 9, 1960.7 indm: Mect.,Vnica Mmreotl Vol ral. zo ~60 ffei~oAyud&i pp PP lte. of Aortic Stenosis# by 1. G. PorJe,.- Opuscula Medica, Ito 2, 1957; SIR Tr 6-38 /7 G V SIA-Purnam Docifsjl by K. Ebtzoldy M; Pao ImIrML n. 1-twtablo vol 1W9 ;63o PP 215~2M- 13899 re P20 12- 0r pof'it:LOrl Of Unirle Practioe ILI jz~,,gc, y Are-Purnacec in Ajrj)?ica by 0. por~,Ort.,. uncl Einer", Vol LXVX-I" 1472-1473. ib 0'2~ftl RMCIPIM Of COAtrbUik, ths Frolmm &koala r;*wnaujj3r CUptv. V o 19ps pp 610- T110 Rule!6: p p scl?~ tho Three Temperatures, by C. Faclezza,, Nuovo Clmnto) Vol Mi. No 7, 1923 T31 rfr 4838 Luoft*~ ~2- qAA " AbAlle U40M w uml- moon WSKV.Pamum ac an V* O"woo N. emals. or$ -34W,A% ft*_.ZAdro-9.MA.R.;w ~,7 P?- MOW* 4M.#943 Un and BeeUts at lkellpAnaU X-RW -us In SOW RIO PdVMM* by 0. ~(~j yerl ForWnbrltte der a Vol rc~ xqwv P2 3~~f UA 61-34M Ab 3 9-/, X-tay StUdy He,rnLaas 1: 11~~dratc ky. G. t fi OT~:~ of the Processes of Deformation In Cellulose FlIaments. by 0, Porodj E. Treiber, 32 pp. r) Kolloid-ZeitschrlXt) Vol CXXI, 19;51Y pp I-P-0. j su 6o-10768 Vol IIIJ IR) 7 F4 ~eftnj-t!horj of t1u.- Roentgen in Connectirm W,th (1111i Va 4pplicatin fu All Tonizin- PRO 'ID11S., liy . V. cyro civ, 1U pp. MCIASSIFIED pti~ !uwr11%i,-11uaya, Tekkiaii;~,u, ho I., RTR SLUTO I J-9561 pp 20-23, c CQ1MC,- V Y~ixr~tau of Stnn1,,.,,rdn A~x 58 A by G~ 5 Rus~ Y p No 6.i 11959 Sci Oct QJ of Electric fields in a High-Freqjeucy i Diacharge by Means of an Electrozi Bew-u, Lutsev, A. G. Porolch-in, N M. Chistyakova.. A Nauk SSSR Ser Fiz, Vol XXIII, 'Y IZ pp lo26-io3o. Columbia Tech 15 e -e 0 Sh,I of Ce*lde and UtenotaUoiftl Phases Hal of Wormidlet Color Hiermosyp IW L. bait sl~lwd T.O. Pbrokbomo 5 pp. FR6 per-# Zwod Lab* va imj. No 9,0 i9ftp moil um" elilicuu of *I:ta'ls and XiwmDIB ror Ultra- i.g ~I IF I x ~roscopv, by S. It. Bnmbergh, zevp &J~d T. G. Porokhm, VP6 Rak Ak Sauk am,, va 73, w U65-U65. set MUKIM no %/Q822 Sao itric v= t me ic bbcroscope, by zavod Labs, 19%'* pp 336-340- ABC Tr- 2~57 'o LZA Alffd P*Icv 56 osimphy b Visible m4 ""It: lky L. P4, Zest"Woo 984, 301*467 BeMzlw of IbtsU iu the Spectrmi Region by'T. (Me Pumtbowtv MIMM m rai 2bw Wakh FUIO 1952s, Vol 220 go 20 PP 308-312 KNION 'Bel Na Idb ib 52/3n:2 s t~ Mttt~ LO M2 Alj~q'rption~~and dispersion of weak, induced waves of very lo'A" mid very~ high frequency under the influence of radiant heitit transfer IzN!:. Akad.NaukSSSR, Otdel. Teklin.Nauk, No. 12, 15-23 TG,~230-TI30, 0. 50, 60-21772 - English E u r a t o m I'! 143/1,j US-3 PROKOF IEVA E. A., GONCHAROV V. V. A~j vestliation of diffusion of iron oxides in basic refractories I p 248-2519~ of "Metallurglya I metallo-vedenie" Nblishin House of the Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1958 Ni~4r-44~i-~ (See also ref. 11 743) - English E u r a. t o m PUK I Vva 5p'1940p Nei 21-1.2 time ft bh1voltm Plating upom wwr lb~mtih 40 TAM 3-6W IA.20 jk"etho4;dfor Photographing the Rocket Carrier I I ~fjthe~ Pird Artificial Earth Satellite by Means 8fdNarr6w riiin (35 M~M) Cameras, by F. M. 1. 1 A Porbshih, 2 pp. RUSST~rper Byu-Ueten' Stantsii Cpticheskogo '"iyu f, . deniya IsHk-usetvennykh Sputnikov Zemli, I 1 .11 11 o17, 1?59.9 NASA TT F-19 4ace Res r -~O j! Non-Sulphur Aacanisatioa of' Synthetic Rubbers. P.,JVUI~6isatioa of Butadiexte-Acrylonitrile Rubbei Using fatal Chlorideep by N. D. Zakharov, G. V. Po shipp 4 pp. AUSS 1~ perj, Kaucha i i~azlxa) Vol X11111., No 12; -li , I, .;L960.1, PP 14-2.7 - British Fbibber Manufactwes 6011 is of the Collagenase Substratle-Methyl f Carbobenzoxy-L Prolyl-L-Alanylglycyl- ej By K. T. Poroshin, V. G. Debabov, ~Rbs Sci I . Oct per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol )MI., No 9 3oo6-3009- CB 214t611 %.1hetics ana Chemistry of -,,-he Polycondensat"lon of E. Sit e'r: s61h:i-Ainino Ac---cl.-, and PeptIdes, Coinunica- i Folycondem. at-on of Gl~-c-,il~!:yc-lne E' Ulvrl t 2 K. T. Poroshin, Yu. I - Kb ui- i n 5 ter p --RU S 5 IAN per; Iz Ak, HaW~ SSS'-,P.: Otdel iaiim Naul:, 1T t6 i.00; pp 2215-12220. CB 1911 , 5-:)z") of Trip. -.mtidcr-. -Hyd Wityproline, aud Gl,c:ine~ by K. Tt Fcro~! PT Ol stp- .1 1. i ,,, Mrdrolyals of Cc:7tain IN- arid Tz,,-poptj.d= colli6d'inii~g IrProlina~ Irltrdracarprolina, wd Glye-inap by~~ 4 TIO ~~bm=hin, V. Ar Ohibimv; Vo G. D~ba-bav~ 5 PP. ll~ar, Biolsliim, Va )wr,,, it.) 4, 3,960~p pp 693- C B 6--n 3--)- a uto. (311i"ivine JO &4 Ti, 33d Mewdstry. of the F03~vcouaerg;dtioa of of -Amino AcUW and Riptides, Ca=;n'%aat!.on tel3ftie Cbpnmder o:r the Poiyeoudea2sation of byl Est-or sm the Pnisemee of Carbcxa Dicxide, Or th Yti. 1. Khwagin.. T., D. KozaranIx, ~u 3 -A u, L,. M .1lauk S38Rp Mol Yid auh., go 8. 2D Aay ~l k on Ell Size of the All=yl of a alycine E-nttely- sall~~ Of by T, D. I ~Kax!~9344: 3 pp. vo .19 %p I w set tuy 7. Ar". Otdel Min wult~ lin. W5- 5~-nth6kds of I Peptides Contai nj ng L-Prolene 6nd. Glypine 1~1 K. T. Poroshin, eit al. I by OSSTILRO perip Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otidel Khim N6 4p 1959P pp 736-738- DS TUR LLU M-1585 (loan) -5ci -~-C~= Oct; j-,'J ne'~ tes ~i., d Memical l4ature of the Polp a f., I.P. sers, pf et .-Amino Acids and oinl. :'olycoadermation of E,-'ers f.,..uQ, IT-Oilxboxyi.~~-, Anhydridcs of D, 1.0-Alanine arid, Gly~fl "a e jIg K. T. Porwhin, Yu. T. nurgi-n, Rus-131mil, Iz Ak- Wauk SS.1311,, Otdc-L, Vh-Jin 71,w1- 110 9., 1961"~ p 1687-1692. 3c i. X Ln "Uta C7~~ In the S the poaycundcnma-~`,ion r:,f b"y AN* Az r0il Ilo .1'.1 .Apr 60 OT AC M4 1~1 Sil im e lycondmsation of Esters of c(,-.Anino a I , 1, D. Ku2areako, X, B. Hoakova, T. It pp. )LA; Iperp Ix Ali Nauk S#~ OWel KbW &---.uk,, 1" 1.0pig, pp 13,1)4--137. CB ~61 and Chamistxy of th(~ Pol, con denzat*%' an o...' !*isrs 0~ cV~inc Acids. Commication 8. !Tfect at ~ XnW,! 1 e C-boterit on the Rate of Poly- I. . �grbamat cO`n6ansp~ ion of Glycine Aftyl Esterj by Yu. 1. T. D. Kozaremko, K. MISP,IMIp! per) Ir, AX Hauk 156611;lp Otdel K-him N&uk, 9;1 16 Jim. 1; 61.1 .Ut~'rs Peptides Cwtaining; L-I~roiine and 1! 1 , I I 91, 01,yci op by V, A. Shibnevi. T. D. Kozarenkoo Kh T. Fe oshin, 6 Pp Iz Ak Nauk SSSR,, Otdel Khin Nauk,, N~ 80 i06o, pp 15oo-i5o6. Cm 41 J-~Z/ 6., Hi QvAutl, 'dlones 6i Bat T o,,: 16; li Ocieatl ma~ 56 ativ6 Determination of 2.5-Piperazine- In the Products of the Folycondensati-00r, ~s of O-AmIno Acidst by K, T. Foroshia, Ozarenkoo Yu, 1. Xhu;rgin, pp. nalation." bim part lz Ak Hauk Otdel Khim Haukj I/Aug 1955P pp 773-77t. cjA c~ 4106 Concultants Bureaa It Chemistry ro/dex ll~-4-lcal~z hamistry of the of L~W Polycoadewation of Oycine Ethyl Z., 1(hurgim, -K. T. Poroohin, T. D. 4 r, I& Ak Miuk'SSSR, Otde.L nilm Eai:!-* 1951~j pi? J-74-178 Coniultuto Mareau Mmetids and Cbemistry of the Folycondewation of ~c Eater, by K. T. Porashin. T. D. KC It. 1. Xburgln.. 1) pp. WWWO per, Is A Mwk M3R.$ Otda Dim lft*, 'I ~8) .Aug 3956t PP 974-978- ConmItants Bamaa - Ch,muistry 57 1! 1 or atrains whA Blter3 by V. V. T., PM T. D. lamaranto, 6 pp. jj roam, pop Is a a* IN=# ftla Mn a lcw/Dic 193% pp LL]2-Ul7j OrAll W170, c0 Mai 3 'Zinediows Lu the ft4candenfttim 0!4. 0 Sl'..rtm GlyalM ZWL EgUrs by K. It. Ts V. lb=zuftp Va- L Kwrgftl lAmms) no Pax W&L Mal Bad A."t ammitooft Boom 5T1 on --M lation-of the Protelo-bblecule -CczE=nlc'a-- i it a AttavLkftMt~~ Of AminCo lol~io arA poOdde4 t Tj PwPlilklbl. 3 PP- 1,1MMURI, per, Is Ali Muk SSSR, 0-'A-(al, Khim lqauk I , 11 ij;lb~ 2j, [L90p pp I 23-6-23T- Comxultants Bureau slai Y. Madstry of the FolycqpOanmt!.= of 'A6ino d; 139,tara. Commicaticua .3, lfroct of Carbon Oki ths cmwojltdou cd., PolywrifisumtIon ctq ot 02yalm Stbyl 2sim, by T. D- Kow-a-m-kol Pc!.TabSn u, 1. Mmreo~ 6 Vp 100 UN~! par.* It Ak Xtbuk 8=1 Ct&l Mam NPA*,~ %3- 568 LA cb=UU7 of the P04cond=etiaa of ec=mlomtIom 6. mechwim of ttie Poi~~'~X~tlOn Of