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Dd t mlx ItiOn of Perric lom by ilfeanr, c.?I, Od' P-41011103alicylic Acidp by 11. 1,,~,klilsjWt -Warclzinska r2f 1393-8~ An Pj-Lool, qu t s P DpDVJ 'ller, w , TrommusmIcz, H., TT-64-22093 ' afkd R i ski.11W. I .PopmIcz, M. I STwypO# EFFECT OF SOME CONDITIONS H. Celler, W. OF PR P~RA'&Nl OF NICKEL CATALYM ON 111. Treazcunuwicz, E. THEM U E ACTIVrrY, AND CATALMC IV. lomnowaid, W. STABI (Apt; I op V. ATS-961174P Order ATS $0.25 ATS-9611174P VI. Associated Technical Trans. of Cbemilmy) (Poland) 1963, Services, Inc., East Orange. N. T, [1.9w!2) no. 10, M-W. (Cbealowy; Tr. w. L2, no. 1) 0"%o of TomMkol 6~1~m lrhm-~ I psigjS ol PiAor Rolla, by Popp. 111FC3I at',Hltif If Btfthl uldsaup 15 Jul 1S~'3, -L)p P-74-, 2 7 5~.'6 Iron and Btei~l L4 %no uwb*r given) 44 A Biological Rld=tim In the UUivwsity DuVing th6 ~imoeatl Parlod, by lba PM,,v 151 pp. RUMMUMP r# UWtA do Clwap lb 9p 1962p pp 48-62. im 16154 Elur RUM 1.14.a Soc Nov Oe I !061 by (.T 1, Deilts,,hc Eisenb;~Ou, Voll !Kt No 9., Sci 1~~: jan. 62 OFJ~Ill Am THE nowat p TrU~ M' npscht It 4 , .(~i, w 320 oAstarwft~ WATER PURIFICATION FOR M, OF li SUPERCORD RAYGNI. wzsx~r~ bef der Hwaellmg .q). [3 )&y 631 [291p. 5 rds. 63-19432 rachurg und TeccUtechnik ;62, v. 13, m 10, p. 642-472. ~R", Cmdos% lwuctim 0,1"fater 'DndwartO. Pmlncadot4 Dw-an- d, 1')Isjx~sal, *&,imlarverigincerilig, t (PIU4, ovbit~& vwcow era TT, v. 10, n(x 11) 63- IM2.2 1. Popp, P. 20 All o Is Sc., 41 I ! , Jai II vem~, 1: s in Fluid Ifechanics in the Last Us by Simofll~ P22L), 8 pp. Ikl~d por., Gazota Metumatica Vol LXIXI, 196 '!it, pp IJPP-S 276S,,12 2720129 T of Acute Mood Lose by intra-artarial I Usio of Doftran Followed by Intravanom-, Blood fusion, by K. Nicolau, M. Yalondtanu C l~2 pp. ~bppe~ i perk &ob3.w,,Ur Gematol i PeraUvar4n fz~.orri,t VA Vs NO 8.9 1960, PP 32-34 pp Mir 61. 1 A1 S ~~4d 13, ie by 191 sot. Feb 13 Bleotamn-Mormwye %rgettl AP r,, PhysikOUGcbw Blattx,,r, Yol XVI., pp 203-27e. 0/163 z 7 Circm micro The 9cW and "PeCished Metal by E. RMb%- R. Pumaj. 5 pp. per,, Vol Mk8 195' Om" ii I? pp 35 AW Tr 24 14 .56 ew kW %Vm~Kv Ator niadum.X- te by 11. 4dow R. Mm a ale 8 lit& W~ lit W6 ky.1 ~x V61 No so Ims 'pp 198-M. AE"J, ~,44L-Tr-w 5dr, Bid mod roAgo 7,s,,~tud,~'LeEi and he' Idtudies and;Testo With CrystAd -F, Vidlet'iYlq,,Cclim (CVV) in Rog C holera,, by H. H- Po~pejj 27 pfp. li~46ri liche Woch,~Vol LXVI# 1953j pp 1-12. bUeotion and -Proceesing - From the Payst to P]by IKO 94 POMV. StsM md Risen., Val LWII~ 2 Aug 1 62 ~01 3003 1147 V77 Convbroion'And and Steel Works .. 0 ~! F oppe. by Processing Cuot JWAlysis in Iroa as a Guide to Fixtionalization., GIMM": Stobl =d Risen, VDI LXXV; 19 joke 1195 pp 633-60- RIBI 2355 Ga* il ilo:;il W,80 ,,Pro 431ilure StQfm ft,odueed Yram 'O'ba &P-t rsf tha Lr;~60'~Gim~s: and CcoIU4 Water D-* Open-Rearth G~,Wyklq, P,~Irs Stabl u RMSQU,, 30 Jill. 1953) DrItish Xroti and Stgal Xnd (110 Umbel, alvaa) f~9 ~` ' 1 The of Development of the Third Lening---ad PsychOllearililogical Hospital; by R. K. Poppe, 16 D PP - IRUSSUCT b',;,,, Vapi-osy Psilrdiiatrii 1 Nevrcpa'Lolarii 11 GO! ~7 s 6o-21174 OT PL-43c, Ap r6 ~i B'3 T21i i English GE best, chr Isoliert *NASA'TT (Se6~A. itle Unknown, by E. Poppel. pt, Inter und Intraindividuelle einer nisation Innerha n Gruppe, 1968, pp 267-274. F-12,152 abermehl for Meeting title) Feb,:69 :.I RUM.XM paopl~ a mud~ i Sol DOC O~O t0 the XhMUdV of the Action of tl'lllAgbt cc C42ulow, IW Prof Criataror *m"ut P 2. 2.0 ONON-2- P.P. publ by the Aaaftsy of thq Rumanian b] Ila# lasilrauab, Saisatifte Studlea C601 a? is vol n,,p no 1.4p 1.935p pp 257- RW ROD DMI TAb 3-156 of 14-7 MDV Rimtmns on U-231),, ory ifta tering P. Huber, et al, 29 ppo 041 p,i r loplvwUs ft-alm Acft,l vol. xx:yy. 508 "J/8; IL MIJ 63 -r,) -mE v,,Tyaiou,(,y or SrA,--'E. Ilil-I)BY OF PE.HCEFTUAL (T'.W:Tl- k 11,V-z' ((.INTPAPI')C)N OF BINCiCt''!.,NR Nsb wriRicM. lll,~CE PERCEMOIN 2 c zur i. M.2therriaLlache "'cizit'ih und hionokulAren Ernpirischen c a t~n rorn ~S'. 1~ TT-61-14372 7--ailm.' ('If Z!Ci f,:1 ri *'icnultc kfliokNical SO ArIfIl f[Uri PRvrh0ljVej u1ndl slimewrg 1: juncl. Aibc. I (Germany) 1911, Y. 58, p. 200-:lb2. -t'*h)-slo!cwy, TT. -,f. 12. no. 71 7r-61-1 437, roppelretler. y. 11 . TRIC: Mathril6allcai at. ritic: ~,xantiutlve ... itturt of zxplosive5) by 0, Tier, 7,01techruft 7f= l4a. of ittles Contrel, Diper S'Y-A Pitta,,) Tft~, Tr X52 M~ 9 iy-644o) 1111ENR~Y~S FOR COLLECTION O~PFU;1'05 FOR LO~-AL PIR BUD I~ BY A. POP -t 5 IR ~AN'l A i, PER, GAZETA F I HAW-ELOR, VOL C., imAy i ~62 PP I "S JPRS 1 ll-~2 ELIUR I RUkAN I A 6 2 24) 1 (DC-49)i5, Sks of the Local Pimcce Organs in the Invx-%st, ---nt F eldIt 8 pp- by A., Np,:, ~;)RUmNLAII, per., Finante si Credit.. ifo is~6o, 37-1f~ ass M86 r Rumnia Jeon ~rui 6i k (TaPICE; C)f tjQ E-o-oal fnmnnd PbppDr: -11 Ail ta F:Wentclor) Vol X? UNO 15 Mlarq: Op 62-17589 .A.,~,I'onesc't~~ A. andothers. EXPERMIC' Y[ 4L INV~STIQMONS ON SOME 1. flopNr, A. INDIGENOOS ~OBAC(','M. 119621 7p. 11. lonescu, A. Order 'roj~~ K LH $8, 75 K-H 112491) 111. K-11-11249-b -s INY. KrL ge-HooKer Science Transi of lpdjL3tj-ia) Aliment[ara) ProdUCU Vegetale Librarv Associates, (Rumania) N.. it! p. 32S-330. Rx,trojt', Mid]. J)f.,SCRIrT6RS:. -Toli~Lo, -Chemical anal%.Sls. y -,~Iullvticifl, TT, v. 9, no. 10.) Ofli- f T.Ch~ical S.,~ic.s (Chernisti- j! by pinly Lupta de Vol JH-J, PO ipyn L.61o m. n c. -b" A ,'T DrugE Containing Mercury by Maans Of ic reaptan Rengent, by E, L, Pop Yoi L. Romn, et al., 9 pp, p- erp Famwia, Vol IXY NO 1) 1961; pp Popp ir josefi~ F 69 i7 GING EL.ECTRICM BY MEANS OF ~ St. HAMS 0LIQUIDS FLA)WMIG THROUGH 'd FW- . 119621161p. MAGNE I Or&r SLA $1. 10 62-18!At Trans: of n pateca 103,705, 26 June 18", pat. &cw,n ',,I May tog. DESCAIFFORS:IPIMMICRY. Produalon. liquid5, Pluld hots' Magile.tic HaW. '~earlcal, TT, v. 9, no. 7) 62-18301 I Poppcr, J. UPment (Gcrirany) 103 706 I'lifi Lx rne r and POTTER, Karl, . U on the Go~ro-sion oT Liffbt Metals by e n .00 sive.waters Ai-~61-11$~'V-i 231 194" CTS i::; C' t ---1L9 AEC 1!~'T'! 63 - I -1.-, 1;! IIIE IIREAI=V~74 OF ME UMIW,"A M. 'BY MWUREM-1-INT OF -IIE ELECTRiCAL R M''STANGE BUAMD4 THE PIEWN RING 10b ME ItYLINMR. 9 Mar 49, 16p. (fign. orrdtte(o i2 refa. 11 Ord6r jr~4n SIA $1.60 63-1429.1 1 1! '1 ~ A ftrtlfll~ trina. of C~mrrim langtwkge artlcle from unldcndri~d soarcI6. n. d. D =,R'ip ORS: 1 ~i~dcanw, PlIms, hlemquring jmcei(ti, luectrk,-W awl electronic), Bice-tric pove-mini, Jnc ReslntAi~6;(Electoc.d), Piston rings, Env An IjUifiIC tO MC-a-skm. Ole -:11NIrIcal ruslslw~ -3 d 6 rw-W! rfaeez~ of Oic p1ston .110 C~113~dui~, ii~ an 'r 1cm or flu! cmAlAtion of flit, Hivl- 10, nu. 1) Ore st-o-ri A~a IAI~Ims of the Cryst&Ulne Rooks in the L~ec~ t1be Iaww Cmuse of the Bwr& Rivw ftSIM) p by X. A. PqpmpiLo., ~8816woilWp~Duk A Mia SSSR) Vol go COMU3.tAmts baem p Studics, ion the Oralthim Orle la the Tissues of *i i6atlim ]During Ribe=atiou.. by Zofiz A J. Maerp 6 pp ~7 POLM,HI ~~,or) fiats Mochimics Folm, Uca., Vol ]X,# aAZL 63 OWN ad! X. r0 the fttritqUou of xm&a In pmxo dqpmlta la the 7 apt Mun Fp Is At ftak owti aw Gooriso Ib 6p 30, 100 n All.-Glasa Test Tube Stand by G D. 1w), v., M. Popugay'lo 17 TA14 mc perp Voyenno Med Zhur, 1.140 Moscow) Nov 1958 pp 76-77 US JPR3 12L-9--i The G0.1culation Of the sjAplest qnimnm Relay ~ystaiLv of tha Samd Orderi, by A. A,, Favlov, IJSSX~Ifig bk. Autwiatic Control Euid Computer q%-h4Aquas,, Part I., pp 4,19,44.1i HP.5h,-.*r, 1.960,, 91678830 1 F-I D-IWI-62- V, i 7 10 71pil Fr-11 U. K. 1POPALKOVRM. uti trophoresis in preparmg samples for an electrAn mica' 6scope Emptol dltlectrophor6se poux la pr6paration des fthantfflons I. desiAn4s' au microscope 6lectronique Zavoddkaya. Labo 25, No. 2, 238, fdvr. 1959 WtSW-j i337. !IA. 65 - French Euratom A Macl rophorccis, by Yu. K. Zs7od. I'Lab 'V'U-'L 'Q '6"#' . 'L;2 par. wi of R"Emstive *or ft"r muom, Vol 1(,163j, Oil PJRWAW Twit ilies p rlc..T TAY, sc: riufacturln,7~ 5004N the Single-Shaft I)EInign, by Le S. lia 11. !961~ Vp 24-2 WLL M, 3591 4~6.~~Sti ctural Invootigation of tile Crystals of t6~ I ~Ubi~~, ~Lswi of Peft" tamminecIV, per Parchlomte and ;.6 ~ Ui A= I iuml Vchlornte,, by ~4 Bultovska,, 14, A. Ponti. Kwi pp. PUSSI i. 2'.iwr Strakt Khin,, Vol Ilt No 60 1961, I)p A Sci 213P375 Aug i6i A J Iroblem of the Tranaf ormw-tion of Diazo 1. Me Reactionn of p-Ilitrodiazobenzene e ~beoi-,T of the ftructure of Diazo Cormolinets, ~y -A. -Koehits, X. V. Gracliev, 1.9 PP. (>graph Ill.. No 9 :1 Itivi the i7r~l no I act jull, iies of Beralmidazolo Serias. 11. Sipstan- Propekies of the Ai,.o Dyso Derivad from lumines, by B. A. Por-ai-Koshits, Cb. OvaldY , 5 IV - A.N, per., Zhur Obalidi Xhimt Vol )DM:11; 1958s P13 934-938- ConsulUnts FAireau chnm Din' Ines Of Be-lizimidazole 1. and! FAys-icochamicalApi-cipextjer, of Diumdnen,, by)~. A. Porsi-Kobbits., Ch. Fmnkovskiy, 6 pp. ROW, paro Mur Obahch Khl=,t Val xxvliip WO 1958, pp 528-933. CollsultanU Bureau Scil - Chem Jw~i 59 k A ~bla!~ awr SOWMW Sim the War by Ciwt 19W 37 pp 1; -3 45-47, De6 55 OTS Die "WiegEmituolw &=p Vckl I. Berlin, 19,94, :Wur PoLud 7/7 of. Otencdu gulatioa of the Ini. line Fishp by Andvm DrLbcm. A. Pora. Iforth Carcilim State College USA Tr BIA Tr 04 li"/1 7 rO- Biolou gowmamm Me Structuro of the Is morphovs Oldlne~tes of Wmru and z Troblem of the ftture. of the (n i'icA"l tobalt Compounds with- awiposition ri IV M. A. Poml-Kbahito.. L. 0. Ataymy-an, 11, 11-W ~.~ cip c L ~' -1~i. - . . ~ '- hanko, 01 G. 6~1 F P RUSSIM!, Mir StriAt Wm, Vol, 1~ No pp 3F- 3 A Sci %w orl# Cww=dis. SX. fte N*Mty of U60, 014. IW 46, 1. vas _aw__ la". Vol ma noun 16it M2*Okf fti s Fraa 1, 5-AminouaOthol aad, Sonz -;' Ita. VA 11., Determimtion of tht Struc- the lsbw-fao DYes From 1,,5-,ka*'aOnaVal;bO ~Y"all. rramy-KrAhlts, B. A-11- E Ponvi-Koshits, V., Fer-6i&.3ln, 26 pp. r,~Sn paw Zhw, Obahch Mia, Vcl Wo 10,, -1~17P p 17~647157( - CTA cW331491 HIR ml Nis= IN Yle iluciel., by D'eal-th Ant -iasWits; yol 7111, No MAD, Ltd pp 1752-1757. CIAL CUM in the F1914 at TwAmwic C=Pwands 1916 0t 'Ilksrawwww and ArAetWMWA- 0; ~mw I vftb~ Ktramd1wMW2WUw aW A It. S. Dtmbwgg RU,3� Vol mcwt No lp PW!P OU 3133P. CamItewto Ekwom 861 lit 111 1. 1 1 AM 55 XXX,, Ite Tautown."ism of Di p N. 0. Lilpinar A. ~Parai w per., Zbur Obabeh Woj, Vol M, NO 8p ." i664.i6og, CIA C 42156. A 195 P: pp 13 In the Fiem of Toutmoric Col'TOmmlr:~ 12it7 of 144mpu Atr,= rof tho 'duo by A. X. romi-Kmhits, ON Cm x vp A arp Z-bur obshch xut-.; Vol zxxr., yv~ jux sy~tl tmii of Certain -Arowtic AmInes Having Trif luoro met ~jiG inge and 1weatigation of Their Posoible, bl~ati6 in Cold Dyeing,. by A. E. Poray4oahitaj. B. !A. ~ Poic-ay-Koshite, L. -8. Efroe,, K. 1. Krylova,$ D. A. LivabItaill. Yu. *rysuwakays, I. P. Aleksandrova, 1. 1E.~ Ulbanp PPO RUSSIAN per# Zhur Prik Dimp Vol XXVIIIp No 9; 1955 PP j~9169-975- CIA C 4251f ,77te Consultants Bux-eau c - Chemistry Sc Le~iti~ JUX'11:1~6A 4JOX 1=66 U# X~. inu bj ~i!E.' trax itsiin the Field of Tautomeric Coiqmunda. $tlon o,r P49my1net4r1pyrazolone vith Ketonen, ~L S. Dinaburg, 6 pp. 6tione per$ ZbLPkh2LE9n, Vol XXIV, Nd 4. Ara 19-11.p 35-641. CIA D 151X? p ConedItants Bureau 101~~f rY go Chemist A Inve ns an ric Ccqpo=ds. XVI. L& ~ tJae RrUWAa Atom ia the -Productq ot.'all t7 . Of PhwWlWtbylpyrssQlcw vith Ke 'A- E. POrai-KoWto, H. S. Dinaburg, 4 YP.: ruu,t ~Umo Zlwr Obahcd2 MiLm, Vol.XXIV, No 7.,!,: 12r-32~5. CIA a 41479 OcamAtauto Burmu 9 7T Gb='L8U7 Bel rlc Alw TWamlm of 004;-ki4w Of Xlvmzoiocwi_a AIR S. A. 1=?=# VP fail wit si~ pw Mar Ob"a zb!!s VOL Ems so 30 &L Stqdy' In TiOld of Taut=eria Compounds, by A . Fbra -Koshitsp N~ ly MaIlloval, 32 pp. ,"U SS 0 p j, 1e Ak Hauk SSM, Cltdel Xhim Hauk,. NO 51~ ~p 519-528.~i 94 CM/PMft-1137 A Sclent.fic Chemistry aMamild Derivativ6s. XI. Condeneation of IM 6r lim' Wnhy ide Witb DenzImIdtizole Derivativea,. L. Efr6sj. B. A. Pora -'Koubitsp B. 0. bewsipteinp 5 a no per, 4hur Obshch Rhin Vol XKIIIj. JSEM Oct 530 pp I.Q.1= C/4 Dist"Ost., 3.01 4- 5- Consultants Biweau 861 6atill, ic Chemistry Cm 64/-Tan 55 R" Amimo of Authmquiucue Series With 0 A. Kirmer., Yu. F-yelpai; B. A. Vk =i IGO pp T Pp. Ruawn Zhw Obehah Khim~ Vol M., No I. 196o.. pp CD sai Apr ~,I' e etwe''O the Prodaets of Alkali Treatment of it' 4~t Qaftte 131, of e Derivati"s., -by B. A. Cabs PO L. Musvich, 6 ppi Sep 15 fti - "bill .. ! ftb 50 wo,,.76r, MI Obahch Miftj, Vol )0=1 No M..7-24924 ppil p . j! Fu fear J~fraj Yell'! B. eril li ~ L959*'~~ PT, 3CI ;eP ~01 Light-Filters Absorbing Long-Wave and I Regions of the Spectrum, by E. A. J!p~Kbshitss 5 pp. ftw Prik Xhim, Val XXXIIp No 10p 0-2234. CB B. PmrmWc1!ANRYDi6E Z. W. I Kxk6lwies, tr.~ Partial tranlb,.~ J(p. 51-58) OtMijentel'T ch1(6kMjNauk. um 3, p. 4i'60' DESCRWMRS- OPhic reacidous, AQnes, Q1 and Efroo, A. K t~E FIELD OF FLUORENF- L 14:7-DIAMINOFLUORENE %TrH (EURRIMENTAL PAR7) IS Noy 50. 19p , - 4, or ETC $1. 60 Tr-61-28208 of Akadlemiyal Nauk SSSR. Izvestlya, 1938, anhydride, Condensation 61 AFluorems, Cbwdcal analysis. IITT, v. 11, w. 5) Tr-61-2BIU I. Porai-Kooldto, B. A. U. Efros, A. NL M. Tide. Cmdensatiom.. IV. National bwdnfts of Health, Bettrada, M(L Wict of Tocbmical Scrykes trh'6 uhloriwtion or KeteW, by B. A. -Koshitc L F.6-16s Fuu~ tr, lu3siAw 1 a per, Zbw ObWwh IMiao Vol UVII No 2., 10.5,6.., 742643*. ciA, qwW.~ c., Reel wo 64 Camultants Bureau sci chikBtry " 156 OS' D ec-, Isqk,t TlqruftUt B4b Ao 3K ppe -4 H* "1*0 in ]w Zbmr 0bobA Oda Vol xmo lb 30 d Ban= S" The 6 E;Cj bem Aug lem of Indicatior ChsWR, by 0. 1P. A Pcmi,-Koslitts, 4 pp. per, Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol MMIt no 4, Cousialtoots Bureau ~~l zz, IV" ImmaLs n. amettm or ftUNOM Acild IfIth Utpoolz Le at As P"-Vaute.p so swr uwmkjmb Val MIS 3a 1"K vt of Certain'! Derivatives of 2-Mathy-, Ilbe iold. I. ~Reactions of the Metbyl e 0 us 'ge by Bl~ A. Poray-Kophits., Kh. L. 44 ;~ ~~' Am' 1&~~10 pp. c r,' Zhut Ob6bch Rhim, Val MII, No 9jp ZP 1e953-, PP 15;8,3-lW- CIA D 151000 Consultanto Biwenu C, 5 6nlfi6~- Chemistry, 64/Jen 55 OLlig 7' syzi.thesL~ of Bezzimidazole Ccxpounda Containing the DIS"O(6 .6'aaroethyl) -Amino Group, by 0, F. Gi.n.-.burg., B6 :A$ Far I-Koahl-tas, M. 1. Krxylova, S, M. -XotvLreichik,. H16W,,J~er, Zhtw Obahch Xhim, Vol Uviiffl pp 411-41h., 1957i- 11 Assoc Tech Serv BqJ'-6R ScLi 1~, ChI6 A4 IMB :> Ard Propertles of SOM Benalmidaacle ~ut Rmtiom of o-Phenylenedl=ine With v. A4tftp by B. A. Pom$-Koshttrp 6 py, tr ZWa, CWho4;Qd% VEi Mi(p .11o 12.. 1955j')w 0,38-214P., CrA 5W,66.0 0 real 3 llwonsultwts Bureau -3 sq'ifigtific mmictry . Ax~; ~6 18, Mhed PrO ies Of Uouthines rrm M a Amlik" by B. A. Poray- A 3 pi~ lai mo porp Mir Obshch Xhis Vol XWp No 2p ,u 19~4 ~W- ff 57 flA D151M conoultants Bumau s ient~l C-heml try CM 67/Apr 55 LI Dyeli W161 -i3t I 1~lings. 11., by 0. 7- GilaSIMrS 6~4 jljt~~ A.~! Oora 40shitap 3 ppe Full, ~ramr,161-tlou, Vol XXIII, F. par. ZIaw Qbabch XhInp "Wh Apr 1~952 pp M 0- Cockesultmets Barmu Scion if ic rec 5 3 CTS 76, JAI ~bchj)1711m- of . the Pla20ti-VitiOn Reaction, by l l~& P~6 -Kosbot6 1.10 pp. lation. 1 Soveshe n1j_W-arillinkrapochnoi kh" 79T~ 1".06 334.4 (p pp rJ4 -(b. HIE C: t"O, n1.2 memistry cl I U b- Uty of the DUution lam to Aqueous Sol~ftons ~jof Dim Campmaft, Vy B. V. Passet, B. Por 4,, 14) RUB ear Zhur Prik Khft, Vol XXXIII,, No 21? MAN J~l ,6 IL966 pp 96. CB Sixu~tup' anA Tftaonutim a Diazo Cowimda. )A 4$,O~tral bmatigatiew of Some Aromatic Diazo C a' 6M. tv D* 14 PbraiAbBUts, B, V. Pasuatt 5 !'~I) WIS I r. Zhur Obsbah,, Vol XKX, No 1, 1960, Ipp'~: I'V Soi, j -Ili NINE The,! StrdetLm and Trmofo=at:Um of Diazo CaqxnuAs. ~~Quim~'Altativo MarsaftrisAitim of tJw Acid-Bue Pmp"eq of p-Nitxodimbmwme,, by B. A. Pomi- ]I. V. Pasowt., 3 PP. Zhur Oblobeh Milm.o Vol M, No 3p 1960o iv N17-fl".. Y 21 C: f pp ul-f CIA rR -,n) L85.* COll 13 U it' n t t7l- I F4 edi 1. lf,,chmllom t1cm of ftdm, SenzftiftnU Dorivativea and Of ftdrodamu AMA 1n Ods RewtLms, bv. W ROM a Oo F* alwbw*g# L. So )Mvap, wr I Oe -.q;D= Obahch Mdn; Vol XVU Uo 1.0) r Sci T-A~ -V-3WA 5,5 Insildw.: idaz~ n of O:r I ic m Gle Dc::'i1;'Mt'i1ref3. V. A'-r' oten c I c nz elas. yz t X! C! ell zimielsx6le naformt ric by L. S., NqUE Ff orm, -1108hits,' 8 pp. UPIMASS.13,11 join, Zhur Obshah Mnim) Vol NWLIIj, flo 4, 697-3D& 705. 953,1 pp Conaultants ~BuzcauL Tr un t if ic cherAntry :2, 111he Structural Motifs of the Crystals of Some ,iiocylanato Compounds of Divalent Nickel and ppc~'~ by M. A. Porai-Koshits, 9 pp- i"RUSSI'h, per., Zhur Struk-turnoi Khim, Vol IV, No 4, ;i1663$ p 584-593. CB i Sci un 2590857