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Sc! aence of Chloride lons on the Solution of A by A. V. Poweavp L. I. OumrIchp .~o per Mur Prik 12dmo Vol XXIX.. No 9. PP 1372-1376. uwof I r 19, s* 57 ghtbenate Soap for Protection of Povdered O=t Comosiono by A. V. H. ij, 2: pp. ,AD POrl Mu Prik MUmp Vol MM.. No 9p 0 pp 14351 1436, OamiltanU Dires-1 the ftm=m "DIXTicult Striypix4f Oath b z zimp I y~ A. 1. Levinp- A. V. Pomosou-,,, Verj Mir Prik KUzj Vol XKVI; No 12.. 9 gal iah4. dA DVA963 P . C-m M'ltants Bureau ~nt Lo chmist aw 55/ CTS/Du of Alumlns~a cocu"I lu an Electrolytic by A. I To. So 21"n v Ao,,146F w lp4r.. 2hilt Prik Kbini, Vol xxvit Ito 12j, OW3 bm tm'o - Chwistry Kar 55 1~7 I Xwesti Sion of the Comalon of Una In I, J~ ~j McU6 is Ompmed of ftl SuMrie Acid Dwilvitles by A 11. E. R. A's 1. Lowles, 8 pp. per, Zbw PrIk ShImi, Vol XM No 5.. 9 TO 734-T42. umvau 5911 X1 ~Ullf~ tn. at of -a IAMA* Addition of CrIlm!, 'fl- a-,%d Antimay on the Rlcctrodc!-Qslt-Lo.-, 10~' A. !. !&Via, A. 'v'*. 1.~- %, V. I. Taliche'ru per, Zhur Prik Kbim, 'Vol MKI, No 5181-588. 5 -u;7.Fw) btle del Ca I Corwultar-to Buxenu 59 rAQ by A. ly 'Mmri~-aahavdva- 1~~ktvo!;hlzl 3wl~.~Ich tro:! 2na "tQel lad (no rumber A., po 720 pp. rdR* SM. TOL 1Wp rigus~*, 2 tatMoso Vjb vardsi. !M of Mow pwftrf3 &B EL Ww Of ftdsr No. :26 33 p $2.90 ~i.lhe A% IW L.1.4.FMII pp 72'0-'7 USSR t~ 16f Aimonim halts Upon the Corrosion of videki by A. V.~ iiilsll. 3 Zb r Prik Kh Vol MV, RD 7. JulY 1951j, 3 Consultants Bureau voi 2h, JulY 1951 --e of na J-billties of LowerJxcr F1 tb eSP Power bz~, A4 V Pamoso 3 I)P. v Rv I> 1, Prij---. iwim, VOL XXXI.1 pp 11626-162,8. Sci 10 Aug rs c) EiiifLrIt Ce-tain MectrOlllsis Factors oil, tuh~,7 Darrent 'md Dim.,er-"'ItY Of SO]?---)er -iO-,'d-- A.V. ia-ynakova, P=oro.,:,W:ova-im -70 lentLon of Consolidation or. a ture by Now at the Introduotion Vomd-19 Dow Mato the Imolmom b~ L* N, Noteltallcov, D, V, Pomeo, w r9VOI, Ked Mms 21-22 -Us JIM 'fjpr In ~ ".Tjl~ V. Ovp I a,, 3~ 6IV, Is T 14311IDIO, U. 'F. T06 Q~ 6,~~ Oj f ths awmatrieal Rwmaeters of t2iu, 13~81: y2 r UPDU the Distribution of Ilectric Inergy t7 tusq",b6i2, Z&ur PrIk Mxba, Vol XXIII, No. 2, Feb 1951. Gonmatants 8tweau Ttan3lation Ro~,MKi others. !Spreading when flat rolling round Stahl: Ris ',en .931-43 (1'938) (CRL/T. 3928x) I H=t TMtmMt AftW- Critica =4- ~adr'EMP-002bm OUNIv by A. Paw. stow i Vol 40.9 Ho 38., 1: Uld vo ui~o Der* OAIW 4 (56r~ 395)'T03 %Mtu*i* After CrItIml OA& stmair tv A. Fmv. at" Uad BLVMO V03L h0p 0D 41p iilimalftt Tradmt After iftdUca Col& bm-NOw fteas '4v A. PbcV. 410 i~ws, stau UVA =awl 701 40p HD 42o lop, pp WA. 395;7D5 ID I jok or TIC "a IMUS IN WTAW IN 7W t9ill tW#~ W E, SIMELO A. FW9 W) M KAISM WIIJM 1' .1 R IXI LWlr im. tai Of Anw, sling of Cold Rolled Eiteel b3 Gil"W"hiN per Stahl und 131'Usen, Vol OMM 953 pp 133 himtcber Tr No 3087 't blin/Motaln and 1 -c-:;t b y llttt. 121rer ItIAL]"Ieln- -DIDM-~- T-;i; Vol of Dmvz Sim]. Ifirs, bj A. Pavlj~ W. kate&L- o'~ und Hlsen,, 1.996_v Vol XLM:Ev ~",Pj stau 11, ~S5.illlbl 1%: kq;~ BLA 59-2M,3 set Vol 2~~ V&4m* Re*bJhv&izmts aW AllMr tkko~ lrft*-MWdWAM PMMPUee of Steelo by pow* is vckl 7o, 195D,. pp uM - n739 Iran and SU*j Inst Jae 'p 22146 r aW Stlxa Imt (Irosvenor Gardena, IS sw I la i or, on vio vfect al' Rolung --,mod on, tha. -the Mchanical Propatics and the stil TLA Imaus In the CoM HoUtug of Steel Strip,, Bdiu&mna" tt' "MD. tam C.X ~ n Stahl uUsan, Vol MAIV, Vo 8. Apr 1954,, British Iron and Steel 10 (no amber givim) 0 E ng, 7 11 uw catm Put li bO~ L No 161hrt ks Pa w, zums v-ca Ito U.0 ki"Mr ft ft 3359 D" cu/m C& lueme Various Heat -Treatments and Alloy Idditioic 0 tbe Work4fardening ITOpertles of Steely k )y Ge?r1t, NjA,,s hs Anton ?~MTJ 21 J(p. qarj!~ stahl und Bisei4 Vol. LXX, go 25,9 95 Ab6!'-n74- &A 60-2M5 k~, I .pr 61 61-18858 Pomp. Anita and Niclich, Gcorg. '111Y-,'*1_bSS' & STIdiNGTI-I WITH TIME DUE 'ro -nui 1. Pomp, A. ANNE-AL.] 01' (Xii.-D-ROLLED STEEL STRIP FOR 11. Nlebch, G. OITMATIONS. 119611 1151p. (49 figE. I omillvd) 13 Order froin.5LA $1.4:0 61-18858 Trans. of*a'iscr-Wiihclm-Institut (Or Eiscriforrchung 1; [DusscIdotfjJ1 Mitte6ungen (Gerinany) 1940, v. 22, no. 8, p. I(NtII9. DI-SCRlrrOl Drawing (Machine proceRsing), hnnea.- Ing Rallit'ig ~nills. Mechanical properties, Ma~ufactu~ in mclkillf;. F 19 office A T&cWcvA lwvices -(Metallurgy- PerrotijMetals, TT, v. 7, no. 3) TIM Ob Gr8Pb6 Of Stee1A fca- Different AV6 Ue Streas" Taidag into Account tMolt sl sawn ?brj4 by Antq3k-PaM0-jbz 1 28 ! Apr Val xGlear4lilikelm-inist. fur FAsenfortich 4936o1 Irol xnn, is pp MA 59-2058.3 POMP A!. ZM- B.. I i teilunrl elili 11. V1. Institut Ei senf or schwir, 8 figlLros tables, '1500 words; 193~-' InflI-t6nc;'-n' of 1 Anneal ing Tempe atare upon Drawabillity rf Steel. IW re. Briitcl'e .1 rTrqhs, Order No. 229, S-':~.50 k insu-m*ion ad Properties of Steel Wire ln~reaveC$peads, b A. Pompa W,, Becker. !Per,, MitteAlungea Ko-W. Usenforeebangg so 16v 1930# pp 263-294. Unitchw Tr So 1683 $1.50 Liuaq !PON i~~ Mit 004 K. If. Riewl'bi-schungv Vol. 171, 16 a 2 Ublemp 2300 words; 193 5. lnfl'~enafi of VAti3rbI of Rdlls,, Rolling Speed,, Id~6 ~ of ~t#,, ~nd Preceding Cold Poming on the ~ colali iolling ~ of ftrip Steel. 113rut er Trans.#iOrder No. 423, Z2.90. 11 TIIR PRO, 7 yo aillizat u of High-Carbw 8toelj.~ by, Snpro'! IAS C Mitteiluagen K.-W. Inotitut Eisen- m P~ XVI mug#,;Vol _* 2,6 1934t PP 9-13. Bmtcher Tr 367 Price $1.00 I*brUent on r ate DrIvXg 61 Cafbon' steel Win With Taptu Caftide D by A* a&4 A. Koeb. 17 GM mlttellm~pu K. W4 Inotitut U6011foractUD& 920 193101 Brutcbtr Tr 1663 Scifop-thl Inv i xilo/met&14 43 P, P C Rd in '~,Exp6dviints with 14 ckell, Copper., g. i IBr 's'.Cl~d Steel. MITTEILIMEN, K.W, INSTITUT EISENFORSCHUNGP 11 voli20,'~iO8, Pp 43-53; 900-word abstract- B-,,u~herj No 561,o !P ~M~ ~;w IMEG'. Miittallun-en K.'W. A I f i pu.' r e900-viord I~qot Rulling Experiments - e Le I and a Plain Institut Eisenforschung, abstract; 1939, on Three Alloy Carbon Steel. IB tuer, Trans, Order No, 739, 81-00 Stahl 'hd Ef.. en, vol. 61.1 I cl 42 4700 words.; Sa2t E' aths jr6l the Patenting Of Steel. utche.~r Trans, Order No.lCig2l %~/-.70 vii~oil6hgen I.W. In',stitut 81 son fore ohung. V64~- u'l 6 figuren, 2 tables; 1400-mord abstract; R91i,inrg~tlxperimonts on Straig-~ht Carbon Steals and sili!6on Stools. ,jr-u ;6horlTranz., Order No. 1117, 41.70 S~alii 11rid Eisen, vol. 61., 4 f-les. 1900 words; H6 at Tra-homiusion an& Heat Loes in Forg--'ng. llrutcherijTrann. Order No. 1124, $2.35 ----------- A 022,p pp. 9177- bd Sisen, vole 70, 1:950p ?~Agurezv 3 tabless. 51M wards* i=nto with Alloy $tool Wire Under tef !'A MmItcher Trans Order No. 24W,, 3.1.40 tle titut Zisonforscliunr-,, vol. jil't 1 tablop 35)-krord abn tnnct; 1932. rp i.L i4t of Stedlo for rhcai or Ti,,binr,, ~ier,irawt Ord&'No. 127., ~71-75 TEIT N. Institu, ls~ Sci, -orsch "ol. :21; cLiar Ms, table, abstrac-~; 1cv- C -)a, 0 udy I~.ve Of 'Leels With and Z 11'4 i ~0- Prol b(I6,LVI CIP UJI(le 'r i114 A Order Iio. 1513 ll!StitU-' ll~-, and vol. 20, 3 ir e ul,~ tacl, 'Irder E-o. ','21,' Po~' A- OG.9 ,Creep St;, ngth of Steels at Temperatures Above 93600~ ~F, Brute! ~GZN K.-W, INSTTrUr EISEIFORSCHUNG; 11�34, PP 141-153; 3400-word condensation. No 939A Agi4~,'iof Lightmoage Low Carbon Steel 9heat. MTTTiI~4mi E. - W. INSTITUr EIISENFORSCHUND vol 15., 1933,~'Ip~ 26~6245; 3200 word abstraet. 1~06~1 F. n; Kai ser-RU.balm-Institit Fur Elselifor- 289 19-16s ~pp. 247-251; 14 fI M,-st 5 USI i 2M vards. , ,tIVIII ~ : ccn~'64 SWy of Ssat-Resisting Materiala tit BrutAkir mitans, Order No, 3860 112.21' k Dql~t~ gen K.W. Institi-vt Eisenforschung, vol'.11~20A 2 tables, 800-word abstract; Corhp~rattve Study of Hardness Penetration o~ !Cheat TreatinrT Chrominn.-!JoIllbdenum Steel. 13rA6her~l 'Prans., Order No. C"lcjl, ':Z1. 60 blUt6illimp-'en 19411~~ 'IN,0 130,-~-Ilro K. W. Institut Eisenforschuno, vol. 23, ci ib,p PP. 135-1,'-*,5; 9 figures, 3 tables, )stract translation. 0 MechanIca and heat Bru-.'-c,her, operties of malybdemwn-.11ree carburizing Ling steels, u s. Order No 1532, ~2.60 .X'Q1T1:' A. KRIS if., A.~ miit~-ijlungrr K. IV* Institut Eisfmforschinpj vol. 21?, no It", Acures, 6 tables, 8600 virords; 19,110 ~robi m ofil0reep Resistance of High Temperature Stren, th Steels at 600, 700, and 8000C. Brutcl~er Trans, Order Plo. 958, 4~2.80 KRISCH k. ARCM's vol 13, 1940 Deep-~ -ar n,~!tests on alloy stec.1 sheet -Ind strip by meth6ds! BrutcIPqr 119101 ~7.60 1w c qintl-il Anu c", I I rpicaling of.iCold RoUed Ldw !rzA- 11 (ccraclulka),p b'' mut-M,D MU und Risen,, Vol. MIUp Zo 14 p 53o Brutcher Tr No 336D zalelft: ric Vunlplcrtalo Jan 55 urs/ba vo. of Deer.) Di..Ll 'I ler I'rans.) I ji potp IfiA Tou Ar6i,~ jBise-vilrattenwegeny vol. 19., 23 f i-'ires) 1 table, 116o0 'W61-dq;Iil9-h8 Dilotbipp-trip Studies of Aiistenite Deco-,.,lr)o-,it--r)n in r FainiCt--~ Ran~`e of Low Alloy Steels and I.-echanical p ropnribies, After AustemperLng. 'Bm"cher T~ans., Order 111o. 21P,13 Poj~lr- HORS' 11 Jes, fj 4 ta- _Vol. S, t S e -0 , fiord,s~ 1912 - ~ojd Fin(I r.L of LOSS I order ';0- 13- 1111) Abi(?n and I ffifib'19OLLI.- STEELS. Al W. B. joli~.s Or-dor fror'll (Apr Trans. of:K 1: Dusswldoo. p. 13-36.i zicha, Nilhelm. 3'01- HIGH-STRENGTFI STRIP R PROPERTIES, tr. by ] 39p. (18 figs. omitud) 50 refs, 3.00, ph$6.30 60-18859 i ! -Wilic-Ini-Instittit fUr Hisenforschung, 2iIII'j'Igen (Gurmany) 1943, v. 26. no. 2, (Unanno4ald 1. Steel- -Proecssinc 2. Sheets- -Procussi Tig, 3. Tiih!~ Strip Stee4. 1. Pomp, A 11 ~ Nice a( Technical Somices Toatim,g of in Sheets with Deep-Draving-13prending !tr h Stobal, AuWn PcMj 7 p. OEM' jwjillffft ftimerigil-Imt fur Eisenforach J, I- i, Dwseid%!~~f.j 930m. Vol W.-,# ft 9, Vp 1.15-124. set Nmr Vol -3 1~1 191A 59-n477 007 f 0 s pp 1JU, 7i3l~ i; Gesent! on ~~6 Brigbt Ammling of Steel in an E-lectric b~. P=p amd X*atbwp UNUAMUM) StAi,~i Und Risenr V01 h9s 1929v No 37s, ripAcber Order Wo 2917 d Annesumal steel., furnace Ile 4""gaa of tha Hot Yield Point of Steel, by ftladAdh Korbarp A4= PaW) 6 ps Gowls 014 mitt Immer-vubda.-Imutut fur nmeAN bO Ou"eMw-f,,.WO) Vol Xnp lqo 12,1 pp 594*16 Bel met, vd AD I Temperbs of Quenched Mgh SpoM steclas Ig by J. Pappro G. 1~oralDeV- Ff INCH, per, aues do la IW R lo(110 1960, pp 329-U44. Ur Val LVU,, N M11A A 4 p 16 253,294 Thi Q~~ IMP Speed-SWdsp T7 plii:A by "J. 41-mw Fk1j4CH.,aer. liai~ &ImMmms do Is 255,155 r~&I"uc-ii.ijilan .-h F,6.. Si)c or !)y ~,~ . r. ~Iino Giuseppe pp. txnnt ~6.1 :9:15, P.i ',),:t 57~ bv ~,'Ontecatdni leta'JIGunarale pii~-r 1 1 Llaw !N*:L,,)r ItY AV-IiM IMAf,"It "nPlic ltii-a 1- 85 O~'t 56 - D 1161. P- 1~11)~ 4 C "76 og Xndl'i Iduai and CoLlwtive Cradit and Needed In Illader-Deviikloped Arwa L PO Runial 1166, No 30~ SLA 59-2(XL59 ty lt"Stributi4w Aqueous Elvarolyte oar wjic"4 to' filectrwiapotic tical, in cyllskirfe4l sysullas. I* 41 atti studos 8 by T. pompofski. PC cheado St Wa4do Vol Vill* chah ransilsy No 2729 Slagn~; tic Metho(I ott Chactiur, ithe Qaalitpy of h Tha-val !~?eatmeat of Begwing by d. s. "I I.I. M. N, Hlikheyonr, M. F. Paravathia., 'A. Ll inm,, 5 pp. par,, Zalro(I Lab, Vol zxv,- wo 41 lq~,;Iqr -u Soc of A--;-,ier Insti a a Juk 6o a stnis am a Buis cc vA~wtjc pire alysls$ by 0. S. 2mmUov, M. N. kuld=vp pqir, FIZ lbul I Notaacyp Val VIIII 959 176-M a0i Doc Econi~ ctric ' 'Aktyubiiutkl -- Flagship of the di Fleetj, by V. P. Potmkhin,, A. P. Ek)cbL-k &bMe Hhoz llo 11, BOV 1956, pp 6-11. K per, cu/mw sum 1268 44,272 An P 4-1 i ia, l' tn'~L u, J.' I 1A I j" 4:,-! :.*.; ov thc~ by "I"i I P-DE-'u3j RUSSIA], r; Vol I. lelesto.m Stbr-trin of Economic rjeogreptrbzr) S by ~41 pp, RMLAH) 1k) Zapaduaym Sibir, pp 52-59~ ACS1 11-933 1 iD 21,r9456 Cleog 11 )A 61i, 1kilto aria F 8 of the Ireat Sibartati Tearri-torial fm Comploxv by M. 1. Foump 13 PP- 1z Ak Ila" 888H, iWr Geograf, -49. v UP 38 Out I D ducti 4p USSR Bobo Mr 5 5 4.47 0 lLar6loping the Proftative Forces of Eastern Siberia by, A. Krotm, M. I. Pcmw~ G. D. Rihhter, 13 wsswi: par. h Ak lm* SMR,, Ser Geogmf , No .1, 959, pp Soviet Oeography Amer GmoMTh Boo Vol I,, No USSR AM 9~6 COW mV 61, A lof I te Antigpnlc C=Position of Dlphth;mla Tloko-L !Durlig the Pro'corois of PwiLrLeAtionp by 14, V. 1*0a.tdVoitl4a and A. N. Pomyankovicb~ 5 pp. pol ur -Miluvbiol RPIAMZLOI i 'Ummobiolp mt3.40 ltt~ 19580 pp 26-30. sci H d 5q Z /176 Pa4f ed ~~1~130rwd Scarlet Fever Toxin - X. Tho NecAv. 1, ~ , I- tlol~ VA ification of High Titre. Scarlet Fmvcr ur to:dn.~ -oy; V. Favioyt V. V. Akimamy A. N. pp h 1~ I RutjAa, ~,brv Zbur glkvobiol. Epidwaia I bumobiol) VOII~x Iflip No Uj 1.95'11, pp 320-124- ion vol!; 1, +-),c Mmry of Imextial Method of Aaaalerat-116aa of Motion of Airarafts, by CVVV.. 1.1 PIP. It V~tashikb Uchob Zaved WiSSO SNR priborout raymic Vol V1, No 5 .0)63o if~; 5, 1963, 58-9. 9p JFRS 23033 Sol (NY~-6499) i, d~ i~ Use al Neutralization CirclaiU ft Compemating I a of Dynmic Tmlxit Capacitx=e, by iau8 G P]PmW-,MA,- 5 PP. ftm:~,n, pr"T~ lz shlkh Uoheb Zaved - oerbi L Ra w~- Wo 4, JMS 1.1233 pr,(- (DC - 3330 k Labor Rem"Aieration Becomes Rational and Ener,~;y Bee M L-', Motp~ Sufficient by Von Ch-,*-h;-~Ien, Li i i I I - I It s sllb 2 pp. T I CHINE 'E, ab, Kian~,,si Jih-pao, 1.~) Jul p 2. JPRS -~LtO5 P, E Chiri-il Ecoi'. Carl uric s ")o ~u 0 Stat ic land 1~,navdc lerd, gasX Coq 3 pp RUSS= pe:t, Sci iiov 60 Maracteristics of Primary by V. G. Ponamerenko, S.V. Ellis i~olm i ijaim, No 4, 1962, CTPA 216,590 r,esiaent Votice I o Interview With Header I s Digest p writer., ~by 1. "10 Pome 6 pp. 4W. lUembassy, Qaitop SPAMR, Ewl to Desp 281 Fet 307'0.!"~ State TZ,4101392 iA 32 '1 Urrelation Mum Diam8ter Ration and Production i n' 4nc~a'rds Based on Awrican Stocks, by E~ Zulu, a, L. Pancen SPA1~10,11per,, Instituto Provincial Agropecuarioj, ;D~Jftgentina, 32M,, No 60 1961, ppl67-178. AttIg 163 CSIRO/No 618,8 CO~io'latic E0 Between Diamoter Ratiox and Production Based on Ameriemi StorAs. by L. Ponce. 1511 i or, Instituto Provincial Agropecuario, 6 .41 zat Argentina, )~IXK, No 6, 1961, ppl67-1.78. A u 6 3 oboy Lu au taftBulAl Poplutim a.. 0. Wdivia Rm 35~1 IV script.# 17 iv. sat 4q-6o Comparison of Improvements Ibde In Var-lo*ou :Contju~ous Stu Sillet Cogging Millm, by ~A per; Centre de DocumantatiGn Siderurgique LM Ok RjCimkilaire d tl:n-f Ormat ions Techniquest Vol XVIII, lqb io,!l ig6i, pp 2247-2262. A B151 3013 uvr ~i France 116on itst i62 corlyi .1 .-311gella Fi b re r a on Grau.ble, Cd 6 FIRENCII, p:-',~ lq;~",. 1~1 ~ cl 1~ of Ch6Liuergic and fte AM-mollic amidol Cellc, la of Fuel,!,. Dejatat!A, by P, F-cc-~',Qt AWh, Acta Neur et pp 63)-637- -Jfl r4. 7 7, Study of Various Continuous billet Mills by p6h;041ki. U'' NoIASSMM FMM.p~per~ Centre Doe Sider, Ciro Inform Techs 1956,1'~ Ito 1~; pp 2425-241Q. ~r A wDur rrmaxv Econi Ayr