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P6 The S,cEIt e r -*t)g of Slow Neutrons in q Crystalline Lattice Russ per!J~hur~j& i Teoret F-4z Vol 8, 1938 AEC Tr Oct 49 CTS 2 M~tmt cvf Cancer Patients, rall $:YWO vrech. p VC& Mp go 12o lvl;.LO96 ~7111fp f4i OPT kAmolwn - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - th6 ftwLm Am annam of a lt~ Oltes J;3elo 11 tw A* A- PCMMU*4Mw 19 pp. Vol me An or:hft CmmftiWp by A. 'A, Pwarmteavj,8'no ftzlny D*JMDv I SodbBhcb=,Uj as po ftsodxomt lUmokp M Belo3TwpJwy OBMp U IV. 2 62 PTD-M6E,-5L 20 aall liectting by a supersonic Gap, --,Plc.**,T; by A. po p ~an t 3 ~ev 'TAN, perp '.~jj T11; USI la7.henerno--Fi.,,. R 19(b, I?j? '.,J9-46. J MI/All U at--Elm,~ Ft IkAvoil. T-1.377 pbys 62. Trea-64-'ht O~f ipmStatic Cancom ~Utb Siner-trol. tr. r'w'xo. 6'b'troltU . by A. B. Topchan,. _ A. A. pome 9070818 Ppe'vo 9 PP- R XAV nirgiya,, Vol W., VAT, PP 5-3-50- uss P6~;p md WM 7 -26 -6o Sci Md d Sep ~66 'ic of a Oem b~ a Reactive A. 11. Clwhyshev, A.. A. Pomerwtzv~-. i"r, Dit AL~ WuL, Val M. 729. pp Def 5:1 lul',z 6v Pimb Ile- !Pomers N ECO IX0 NDAE kleam E 1,:ir. 1). ~ an. ot firazitollogithealdl) Tr p. 06-133. (Biological V, L. hutashvilt N. V., ad CAL AND PAUNISTIC OUT-LINE OF "ASIA TICKS. OCCURRING IN TRANSCAU1, 11964) 30p 15refe, NAMRU Trans. 11 i~O'M, SLh, or Mt $2.60 TT-64-15614 Sbornj ik) (USSR) 1940, V. 12, no. 3) TT-64-15624 Pomerantzey. 8. 1. U. matmahvill, N. V. M. Lomkil, 3. V. IV, NAMRU-Tranw-51 V. Naval ModIc', Reamarch Unit No. 3. Calm X?5,r, r: icks of tlhe~ Family Ixodidw, by iAAN per Parasitolog o'bont Vol 10, 20-24. 1,110-37-65 (Un Loan) 2". 6. 5 h- Pull, sia, bw --. - ------ Yja I-AV 1~ 191, bl. Y;t'V" 11 It 62-2-5434 . ON )THE 1PICUM OF THE GEOID IN THE 1. Ponlerantwv. 1. 1. FERG&MAYA, .OBLAST'. 119621171p. ACIC RR-46. 11. ACIC RR-46 Order from OTS 6r'SLA $ 1. 10 62-25434 Ill. Aeronautical Chart and !~ 1~ I Trans. I i,of',. [Gosuaravennoe] Geograficheskoe Information Center, St. Louis, %jo. Cbshchestvo. Izvoctlya (USSR) 1896, v. 32, m 1, p.: 367137b7 ff ~66metric forms, Terrain, Deflection, DESCR RS: P R~ ' Geodesics, Astronomical FAffer tiIe tions, g6o~& Ealill.~!, I (Earth sclinkes-~- ~,odesy. TT, v. 9, no. 9) OKI= 01 lechxlt~ sen-icts 62-25436 and Sabanin, B. V. IPRBSB&Wa DAY Ag RONONGC AND GEODETIC 1. Pomerantsev, 1. 1. OPERAtI IN ~ ik UROPEAN RUSSIA (AND] THS 11. Saba" B. Y. TQ1 CO J 7 0GRAPHIC- GEODETIC OPERA- III. Title: Czmbct ... )M NS 0 T 71( HE S,i j OR OF KOL'SKI1 BAY FOR THE IV. ACIC RR-46 CONSTkUi~hW b F THE CITY 6F muftmiNsK. Y. Aeromudcal Chart and 11962) AC]d =111 RR-46. Information Center, 0TS a' Ord6i ~ 1 SLA $3.60 62-2543,6 St. Louis, Mo, k 1 Tram. W[CosuLUr siveanDel Geograficbeakoe Obo",utk li4 KIya (USSR) 1918, v. 54, no. 1, 3-14''an'd 121.d O. DMRIVI ORS: stronomics V*Msics, OTerruln. Coustr1kc on. Cra Ity. Acceleration, Triangulation, urban ire in, OC $tea. (Barth ~ci emxes- -~G eodesy, TT, v. 9. no. 9) Dffkt of Tedwksi Urvius '~M-pz,e of the Geo'd in the llf'ca~GaD31ic, I j Po mraritcey 1y On thel: structu.-i'e and Organization of (Acdj7ina, xas-~t-ifon.-as).o b, B. 1, 21 -P, RUSS'IA-N, D(.ir) Parasitological Syrr~porylu-tli, Zool. iu,;t Aced, Oci dsSR, Vol Ix., 19'8, 3-36. V .L~ - i -~ / -I BID 11-41L-61 sci Jan 01,21 Ai Erx 1.0.0gical and ftanif3tic! Outlirlp of aks O=mrring in Transcaucasia; lx,bdid.,j;a Ti 'hvl B. 1, PoMsrantzev, N. V. Mtkaqhvili, -;! .... ......... -.-. :I. V. 3.,VbtosfUyl 30 13P. la:~ t Nzz~,,]- aq~lt- vo-1, vu~ 194o, PP 100-433- im 11-45-61 I,lq ci d. ftl Oct by V. pp. stwid b4rmm3t, Vol xm=, 214,084 6 97)iYj 62 DC-8379 chkitacteri ties of the Spectra of mcgnetic Rel.'i"61b.c., 'of Protons of thEkk and r,- Forms of ,,~,-~e,ptjld.e Chains, by,D. N. Oliigorin poi) 97 L. V. Sualm. RUSSIAIII) peer, Vysokomelelmlywniye Soedinelli-ri-x Voi III, lNo 41 1961, 56o, -561. *JPRS SPIIICL4j, SA CLe~~, Jan ~2 NO S'AnIchoes and Their Application, by if 1-1.~ i~Pbmerantsev 23 pp - IMS44, per, Us-oeldii Fizicheskikh Nlauh, Nol LV,, NO 1) 1958, t)P 87--110- ABC-tr-5332 PL-480 J-~M b VI 261,43>~ (IqY-5230-N/RF2) N~wa'r" Rffects In the Interactico of Nacloor tl~i Mmmts WIth a Self-Oncillating System.. 1 1; 1 by 1q bi PoperaptUff, 28 pp. RUmm, lz VyoghM UchikbuM Za"dj, XVCSp so, aftwa. Alf.-haj Vol 111j, No:2j 1960. J?RS 7376 ixy J, mp Eel, atl, a Processes in the Interae'tion of Nualeax- D5~gn6tlq biguenta Vi-Wi an OualLlutor Loop, by W. M. RW3D5,$! mo perj, gh I Teoret FIZ 1 .1 1 :hw VCO. I mx~X No 3., 8~~P- pp 375-3;F6. Amer Imt of' Physics Soviet Pbyaica: Vol 11) No 3 Feb 57 10 c an-al di-zeticav of Nuclear bir Nj .... ........ z"wflo'l ~.ru:bj vcd, T31t c 'A lid Determ.~Ihatlon of thia Transverse Relaxation 1! 116e 0~1 clear Hugutic Hoonnts, by S. D. Qvpzdov*.,,N. 14. Pomrantzov,, A. P. Polyakova, RUWMN~ b1mo per., Yjhur Mmper i Tooret Piz,., ~0111XXVIIIt 1955p PP 584-588. CTA C 40837 Awrican tust of P*sice 57 fast 55 St. 3w 'fork 22 14 Y. jelentitic Physics llalvrCfl~ P.. t Idn of 11-1roton Magaetic Rescr~ance,. b- H~ Pamb sev~` 6 PT) PC I') Z I Ak E-Buk SSSR, Ser Fiz) Vol No 111:~ 11 .9 5 6PP 3,238-124.4. Jan J, methanol Synthesis in a Suspended Catalyst Bed., by r'lamtoev, I.P. Mukhlenav, 9 pp. ~'WBIAN, j*r, Zhur Prik Xhim, Viol XXXVTL, No 196 3.11 PTP 763- Jul 64 262,305 Tran~-if~r trom a Fluidized -Bed to i6 11 11 ;11 h,3at6zo,-.ch&;iqe surface 7-y ~0~ Triber, To No Ppwrantpev ppa 7 T~M,Iik p6r,, Zhur PrUc Kh1m, Vd M, No U, 1962, r"p" -112392 GB WOO Oxidation of OrIpmIc Wterlalss by A. ill lLeovilym V. V. PoserentimV.0 6 pp. 1R "i Mar PrIk Mda, Vol X=IIX No 4s ,e pp 946. CB z?LL T or Carbom Diadde vltb Coke mMe V ;N. Imboir and V. V. Famersatsev 8 Prik Map Val IWXp So 5 millh tontm ]Nnum Vol 24 1951 C limilxrlltl~:Il ion im 8ame N,, rtirati-voo, of lictcrocy.clic bl~-i)C~Llll ~ X~. IX. Callts Of Vu. 1% ;P, 2'I'Lln- Flr~ Vol XK C lsorl~ of 8 ingle and Fractlowa Actim of Fast Neut'lims on Mmmi Testes$ br N. I. NuzbdUn, m. D.: N- N- Kuzmbtema., 3 PP- M=7 W, Ak Nu* S8Mj, Vol XXXXVII; zrov'!'~ a ~31 WIP PP 43O.WWO AIP Soviet Pbysics Vol VIs No 3 "e:,~f Resistance of Animmas to Action of loAr'sing; ~ ..Pay ~tlon as a Result, of Previous X Irkalati6ii, by H. 1. Nuzhdlno M. D. Powreateew., N. 14f!.' Ku~6teova, 6 RUOM, y~er., Dok Ak ftuk 8=t,, Vol CJ=p No 6p 1 :1. 13'59-1361. AIP Sov Phys-D*lady Vol Vj, No I I '7Yc~~ 8*60 ~j (MY-5973) ge 1.11' RadiosensitiTi-ty of AnimaI3 as a Result 0j. Frev-IJOUS X-ray &L)Osure, by 11, 1. Nuzhdin, A 1, :D,:. Po*-ranfsev&,. 11. M. Kumet-sava, 21 pp. r, Tz Alt Hauk SM, Sor Blol, Vo 61 Pe Decl 1960, up 851-8a. JPRS ( 1:-~B 9 11 ijin 63- ~i Of Rridiatioa oii r. v RUSSIYO~~ pvr BiOf iz., Vol vj No 5, 1960, i~ .~ - p 63. 777, ,lion of the Azambur K ublh cc, I D6f crip D~ I 3%,.'stayi, I% Ya. POM gjj~&U-ta. PP- Uj"': per, Zhur 11 a o r,,,an K h i m, 7 o" S o FI,:- 48* Z eV. !of ki ... (11,'i a vol. Fe"J (ittiod Idae Ixodid Ticki., by B. I. Ponerantze-ir, 171 Pp. Russx~n, per. Arachnida, Vol IV, Ito 2, 1950. BIA Tr R-852 e') 6~t 0 Tun: 6 by 11,1,;.una al' ti--i-J uss" T~ U3.Lp of 3volution. of lxodoidea) by 1.. 17 ~.V- miss,T,,O., jvj~., Nruit Art Zool Inst Acad Scl U,,M; Vol 4k)lt.1q11-f~jp 5-18. Sci Sep 59 an 8-42 Ru c e Lr .7er Prospects and the World 9~rends rI4 in ler oduction Costs, by R. Poraerski, i4 p1, ----------- k POLISil, per, Nukleonika, Vol W., No 6) -1 8. i I 9o6134. 5 11 X~'Cllj,--,ec~ WOrl LL D, 'wdo-I j?O'I i(SH dti.irt i6 L of 'Na Powe., ach, ill row,~i- Tvzarnhzi or, hakleon;Lka; Yol. W 116 11,j, A13C Tr, -101,79 Datortaination of' Thalliizn iii ?fei~,,ui7-Arj't,imony Ores and their Procesved Producte By t.1 A. F6metun and T. IV Cherrina Pp. 5 10,51JAN, perp Zhur Anal Rhimp Irol. VII~ No 7p pp. c B All-.9 li'4-ae.ctr Dotemination of Boron in Rocko~ b-y MA. E.A. Pcemetun, 3 pp, n, )j" I) l0rc) peri znvc Inki-tvic Soe of Im-ar ELI, ftognso ana Present Moudencies in ii i-.jrbo tridlng and UtrLdiig, by J. Po _My., v I mt. Vol L%j, Mp~ pe III L963.- pp 215-235. AW-Miley Tr- 5W On loan only mr I I .11 ,Nair I~fti*AMN' bf.-Caft' W-daing and Pm- A of 2tea 4 ftrb*WLt~s t7 J. i i.. 17$ 1~ COUU11 a. Vorapa,, R. Le Rowr pwp CoWtee Rouftop Vol CM=3, 1950., i - A HeO T1=vbAmwnt for the Ummumnent of Hardneas, i~ ti i b y J ~i Foupy, Pi. Voul4p 12 pe M po i~ Rev MtMurglej I!Pgp Vol XKV1, gli IT'D 5 23 -247. UA 59-20853 sai A POMEY, Ratio4~~rel; minary Treatment of Machine Parts of Carburk* Stl, COMPTE~! iMlt., vol 22,-~., 19492 pp 96-7. A 3r~.ttclae"r:~ lo 23, T of tbo R011.1mg atd of Extra ylld Steel 6,heet~, 'by J. FMOYO rummard. UIQCL I't par.. lev Mts MY 1955, PP h-01,417. British Iroll arA Me-s) Ini (no nxv?l~er rytrin) ~MA!A&W* 2WWkmclft In MA M-6 IW aunm 327*529 6p. Order p- 62-22641 LOGRAFFICIE. USES OF HOT HARDIRLSS. (196:11 1. Potney, J. U. K-11-8963 K-H K-H 8%3 Ill. Kresge-Ifooker Sciewe Utrrary Associates, 01 ~i,fxn the 08 of the DetrMt, Mich. ie 6~6 Scie6ces SesqFwffl~0114/15% 44~7. ?Torts; *MFmlkVapq, Hard"a, Hot lt24261 0 I" d Is&" jet4iu 6vrmt tic U0011 Of Eat Hardiwasp by 't -!40z, J621, Civorge-q, 7 V, !'Y, LM 111 FF ve~.p Academie des Scierutetp Campt*B ROIMJ~01~ IgrpIT, Vol 0 Mvj no 17., A, a,424-14-27- SlAt 59-17-1317 e rob 60 Vol NO 91 (NY-6493/3) SO n Fro~ lems of Raral ConstrActiou in 19 ~1'11196, by Mlroa-Bxmiv=fktjL__6 pp $H, joer, Gospodarta Plemam, Vol )CVI No 11, 5k.56. JPAS 9~~6 im, Pit Jxmd li~;l 101 J4 1 IAGS I N' CONSTRUCTIM MATE'RIAL I I tAll AGE~' DI ES, 7N H I rkO[,' PU-1 I Al,!('-MSk I ~ 14 ~IENT AND REIAL pp. A Pd )L I Sl PER, GOSPODARK/A PALAIJOVIA,, 1W 1 'i 1 (~~02 PP 54-55. JPPINS tl[2 LLUN -j'()LAkD JUL 621 2 A: Is tntci,~inm -~.sor :L960-1965, by Mixon Pomian(maka, ff.; P qT OMPOUrIv-, I'lanToM., Vol XV, RO 5,. -IM -1391 51 61 (1 ~Tbm by* I Paij: lio 3 Phooring Proluction Wogzam ~ov 156o-1(165; jimi Paiiianowski, 8 pp. ~Mr , per, 'InVosty0je I Budomaictwo., Ifol X, 1960.- PP P-9-32. ipRE; 'To96 3~~ St-(Y Dod: 6r) Rugosh Coralt Cw'.11011A V. D. ~p ALWTMI~ pert,, 1951. 1 11 cuid StratigrapIxy of Middle and Uppor and Pemica De.Vositr, of' Dmctz B~uvirl, by 53 pp. lb:ru~T Vvesoyumn GeologWheskly I'ahtitujur MA 60-1,7500 Bel Apr Vol Ilet i *110 6! A'IV ,Z~ diistributice ft paper ohromatoptplW) IOU Md Ma by WELAssvnb I till IM Vol Us me 4* ftmoiro 346 OQW" *m 1.951 CTS D(:-lt432,,) lu"Wri and Trednivil Technical CtOw--s,, by 11. It. pp. Itestnum svyaziv 110 15-47, P 9. tT?RSQ f.692 (DC-4431) Reduct. on in Response Delay TJme at Automtio Lonso by N. H. Famicova 6 pp. fatsuJI, port Yestnik Svya&Lp No 3,, 1947.- PP Ba 9- 4plas by loft (;2 -",]64: polli`ul~au fl-,J1 and Nail, C. IN POLYUBIA AND 1',1'- 1. Sit', M-NDIMMIJ.S. 11962) 171). Or dL:.-' I I)i i K -1-i 1. i I W!. I Tr i i (France) 1~5b "(0] C,~q 11C., 1 ~s t 3, .~f in e, i ~xk-x W C~2276S- ([,,iok j;ick I sk Ls - - 1),athok~,,y, '11, V. Pon 0 U-; i-iff.." Nlco-lli*~, TUST 1.4 POINLIRO-POLYDIPSIC RYN- 17121 ~,,Jl $2s.(x) K-11 107h4-d n1o, of F.Ithologle el tilologle (France) 1959, v. 6. Y-2. 9f P. ---ne, Exrretion. *T.,ilrot. a ix PattoNy. TT. v. P, no. 4) 1. Pommalau. 1-. Ill. Kreoge-flo-Acr Scirnce Library A-muclatco, Detroit. Mich. oft" to Tea." 1w,40" Tr-64-14521 I'C"I'ma,EPPECTS OF SOME 8zuLLrNs ON THE 1. Pommer, C. DE,VEL,OPM,ENT OP IRRITATION. 11. METHOD OF It. TItle: Method ... ?HARM ICAL TWINCI. 1106#1 flop] 1,5refs kv~ SLA 11. 10 TT-66-141121 Traxa. of sup khmiaWberl'al Are ly fUrl lxp- lpawcao Ad%j, ortisipj" in Planned Econonly, by Hans Joerc I I ''I Polilimer, 4, pp; What Is Espionage, 6 pp. C, GITM~N, T1,Y), Der Klare Blich I Nlo '410, 2u" Sep 66 pp 2 i 3 UC- 12 7 24 J-766/67, ~j Now 0 G as a factor aC ftcU stlmlatim in Ity" 3 im - amt Pao", ND BASMU MIS we Sol Press Vol I't no um f Ana I III il 1.-N nitron Trans:Fer During IN Ion i3onbardrient 90092 94 S~ alrated Zr Isotopes, by ve Volkov, L. PomoTski, et 11, .9 pp. "SIM, per,, lZliixr Eksper i T(,~()mt J'jz, Vol xup 4.~ !I igos, 8q.7-903. !j Ajwr IiL,,,t of 'Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol XVIII, NO 2569,062 q~'64eii*-on aad 7arce-Ifeatron Tralastee Reactions 1; ~, A Ma lftmbL~rdmcat of Alp Cut smail Th with 515ani jj14 11 11 .., b,~ V. V. Volkov., L, Pa sorald, 6 Tm. W, Zhur Eksper Z :j i Teoret Fiz, Vol t6l% 15-K-2s pp 865-42. Alp Vol ME., FO 3 60~ 63 2133o18-' lq~ Maceration of Eucou,,mia V. R mortse", arA F- I L-, T11.0 ;R;. Jk obiol Sci, Va 1 LX "T T AIR3 r--, n .,NJ- pow -i-a- C- and B. J kZ M.Lhroblal~ Vol XXVIII NO o, 6"Pilic IId aikl AlAahyda PoraAdon Durizg 1~~-o- . ~ A =bon 01.1 -.I= by ?cmk==rw flym-rmv.,m, by N, V~ omcrtsenj~ rp k All 5v ffa4, Vol CWX) pp ~917P Am?r I t (C Blo Zo! of PoWlirtlawia to Radlations "hy r:~. It, A,, 3 ~pp i~lliivslha.p- Per; lla'k 'AR vca. cx%-A-r~ w0 a." ~~b A2 Tka Use 9 PIP& Radloisotq?es for Rapid Determination c 11 Maj. by m. N. Meisel,, P~I thrice-mo per., Dok Ak Nauk SMI, Vol XCI; 631 Rp 953-955. Bel Tr Center RT-2415 Biology Dee 55 CM/Jxx The I 6ctilorities of Inactivation of' laiicro- orpxnismdb~ Means of Radiation by 1~-j ~N. T4 So Remeswre, R. D. Galtsova,, G. k.144e6~,ldevs, ff. A. Poimps~n^U,,o'vm, M~ Ht shalnovaj V. !Ale z! yeva,, 20 pp'' FILU twaOlation. RUS~~I6, !~~, Conference of the Acadew o' Sciences Of lih6 Wb'~IR on the Peaceful Umis of Atr-)m-.'(; Energy, 1-51411 Sessiorw of the Div of BIoIm,Ic&--,I Sci6n~ep III SS' 3 7,J Nquitanto T !I GPO 259 '0u t 1~5,E-, New Yc)>rqg H11. -;::p Cs 't "i Sr-i' uclium Physi v f or ;~~, o0 .J'Cj7j 0 :~Cxltjnailon or vItEIMI.P A, ' 'r by 1,1. Mn'!so lint, thrice. MO DO),. A% s No 4 r At _a !Z3, j7p` 953- ~'-It-/YDDAI -6491 m1orobio1cj., ~~ I ~, ~ i~ (~~ ti 255~,~) WriOtOr)r,~ and NU RWucing Fwwtions of the Yeast Cell by W. ~ fteel 1. A. POWDshchnikova 1 28 pp. RU~SWP,yr per, Trud3f Ustitute xlkrobiol,, go 2,, momcoO, 1~52 pp 51-63. crA/rw u-,p?64 3 31 scl~,~-~ Bioilpgyj, sterobloloff A M4 the in t-be do eductiOll (",a As. Id by T, Ruas r, Radiobir)JOgi3ra, Vol. ~-L 11c) ~2 pp ix Sci! b I Q'i loll bbidloatcal !Methad of D,-;tc m.Iri,nn- PY!" by M. V. 1-1-iriel I it'. it. F,~Wa lu "cilrd ~-va. UICLAWnUD R, Dtci~LL4tva, VOI XV11j, 110 5p )-9:-I' r,p 1-15971 Biology (2262-1). An. bAaml~,Lptua C=fersiwe of 'Rio Usw- %f- Rmih6p 1*00 It Ak ftuk 88SR3, 11~r mio No 29 Sol Mod Apr 59, 61-19942 A I., and Krymakova, Y,--. Ye 1. Pomosoy, A. V 111E BY CERTAIN SURFACE 11 . Levin, A. 1. ,\(;rlvl~ ~,\(JENrs (JN THE HLEMODEPOSMON OF ' Ill. KrymaWva, Ye. Ye. COMPAC'J7 BEAD IiRIDM AQUEOUS CHLORIDE SOLU- IV - RTS-1814 TIONS (Oijaniye IjkcKorykh Po~erkhnosktIvny1kh V. Department of ScierEific VeshchekvIna Elek~.roosizhdenlve Kompaktnogo Svintsa - , V 6 and Industrial Research iz KhlorL:tn) kh WnN I:h Rastvorov). Mity 1 171p. ~ (Gt. Brit.) 4 refs. " M 1814. Order fr6m' OTS ar! SU $ 1, 10 61-19942 Trans. ,)~F I,1-VVs1jv,,j1VvSShikh Ucl)ebjiy),b Zavedeniy. ' TSVLIIIaf~~ _~Ielalliu~kjy a (LISSR) 1959 fv, 21 no. 6. ' ,25,1 p. 121-1 M:51CR11fMdl(,;: 1.~bad, 'Electroduposition, 'Netting _;, a ageflt.i t 0 1ariz wi~i, Electrolyals, Solutions, r: ~iil I , In the 01 r ~1. tion of lead from chloride solutions, Offi~, 0 T.,h.i,;l S-r- surface! c tre a I.,IrIIts of any type have very little effect. ' (Chemi-4 --P ) .4aL TT, v . 6, no. 3) -copper Powder by A. V, Co 6sion of C rr, T,- ~tmo Pher ; I i 1:! 11 , 4 pp. 40 OSOV~ i a~d Al. I. LeIr in 'V01 xxiv, No 7) juiy 1951t I~j JS Zbg Prik Milliump 0 !23 Coliquitants Bureau Vol 24 july 1951 ic* enti, ic ChWstry q