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Temtoir ide Irfect of the GlobuUn Fraction of 9 c an car 64 Di6n Plamm on Chick llmbryoo and Timm cult by c~e Lusting, k-_9 Mote, B. Finzer, 29 SpAlaws per jAmloo del Inot Onwl, Vol VII.. 19.561 49' NM 7-rl-0 Sal Sep 60, 1 0 Olt Cmackle VUw cm Rmse 94erimeDtal "1u Vitro" tar Sacerdote.. B. ......... A* Be l%4WIp I ppe On )ZI1,41 HWUU dol lut *Ibran, Vol XVI, 3-3 A 7 a~ 7"Ill, coatent of Soviet Oftsoliness TM z 7 PP* part Report. 69W10 31f 966 1 ie t~c' ch~ Arbei 6 tsnormung im Mischinenbau. 195 No! N-1 c hidi Go I. Obraszov anslj6t Ifro the Russian edition: 1953 DsiR 658-5 Lending Lib UnIt G. 11690/0 feet ~O SpIlm Pbums on the Strain rdeA f ultic Stools Mile being Worked, A. F. Suba"My. pap rl, 1 Vp*bM Udkob Z*V*4 Cbern Mbtal, 2PI 17 1!*!tj~o f0v P(HRMIC Up 010 AllUmation I in 1. i Kkistry. by L. f4acholMle, 9 r 17 "ar ll?lr-~,79 t5 4 1.17 I;b !j ` 5 X~5.76 set ~if'fovvo,t Mrtbods 6f Cor"Wting the V4.k,bYI*.t4*,NikiforQvv V, Po Uthenkoo I't A NaAk'SSSR. sor Piz. Vol XXVI crr 2144,532 ng the No by M. A, IXLclddno pers lm Ak ) No 4, 196C Blmpe ixr Raergy Ban& Ira P, Bachankos Sauk SIM S= Fizi ; pp 3,W" - ON m m in 9 PP- / '?, I I*V*3s wd DMIA1 Distributiou ftt" in n"Ou q tAo U= o by He A* 1200ftp To Ps u Ak Im* ems fty ns* Vol xxzo god ot, AA,krljg~ k;Wl IxLuc ?a] I v Oprth cx) 1!~ intli lq~icnu ck 514mited ~ADUG of lt*aticAi Vild ki,,,Idity Wdeir tNis tli'i iact aii 1-illal PrMSUVOg, tri At V, -*-aWma.-IkOvj, N "Ovs, 10 Milo :0 Ke"o "Vemitst. ]-s:ibjdOvm&a u 0 OJEM I z0 odlak NO 20 1964; , 9 3Tjg53) 04 on of the OtablUty of FW,. Mter,2 biv,A TPDO V*m*ALt WA Z~rmod =1030 Ad, a Tekhs, No 2,t 2963;j pp hk-49. im go%3 eel jai& Ti St cl, !by isc~ lar~O Lai 'of CYlindrical and CODiCIkl 0k;:&JO ioms Sectlon., With.BiMUltaneOUb 4 q,mpression and External MDrmal P K I. Nushtarl, A. V. Sachenkov,, 15 pp. s Prik Hatemst I Hekb .9 Vol XVII P0, 7- 74. A NACAt Tm 1433 0 ,~~tjon m%nre., I, of No 6P 6ba3l Idth lM4ft*g 4W AttoMWd tV Aeso InAdo 17 Feb Str 0 ad h AnokhIn an Me gj~jtjeth tJ I" L, ftl*ov)&s Y~- .'SbmA33 sip ki 10 M ow am SA 'I - 4* lop pp 2D-ND. Birthday, by IA - SacbUwwava pp. N. sechowwas Ube E14 iri th pp.r i ~Efficiency of R Iron and Steel stal) iio 6, Concentrating Production Induatry, by ii. S. Sachko, 1962) PP 558-561. BISI 214,886 Oc DC-2452 anil Stma Sit rcwa&7 Proftaticn,, by hko 9 vv. 1:0* Lit' Fr4mutvo, 110 110 tV JM/904-1333 7 tinctl i of Calcim by Aso-Asobydrmw IN in the Preseaos Solv=Ul by F. P. Goitenloo, .4 so ckkkoa-7 iv, xvms 110 10.9 UM- per,, Zbw hua Abim,, Vol 1198-UD50 I CB Scl boo -f ~re lew 0 u la" on and Design of Radio Equipmenty by ~hkcyv Ye. K. Fydlip, 8 pp. i~ ~hkov 'r ~58 ibk.,~Raschet i konstruirovaniye radioap- ' 1957o 448 PP- Read, Lib Sm Sec Air Info DILvj, Lib Cong the Ile- try c V. Itc!artiorki) by Of 5 iv - sa( GriSor yav~l r~o n Al 60 j: air, Slol-,obleny its ive Interrelations of Antiaeus and Anti- CA st'T. Ithe ComplMut-lPimlition Reaction., by V. I. pp. WWO r# Zhw Mlkrotlol., Spiaemiol i Ol., Vol xxvms No 1.0 1957.9 pp 89-93. Forgwmil Press If (NY4*7193) of THE 3741DY OF MUMT13" AM erv, 1. smtmvoo IMM UNDLOGIOMIYE NOW IZUCHMIYA M BOLEDIEVP 19ft't 81 .. WT: J I i i, 9 (HIS76) Stools A Substitute for st.601 IMISNO =d lKbl$119T Type. by ciiiii V, I. Loyms, et al. 7 pp. Rmsi pm,r~ Notall i Tom Obrabotka Metall, N6 lil 30-33, 96M76 PP TT-62-1245 04 of gait*, rk-a-mce obamicti(xw" ~Wfw ft-ATIMU14Its grimpplAiip Vol tav; alb6 ilk -~~ruktiohen. 1956, by K. V. t 1 k bitei frol the Russian original. DsiR 624.0.12.4 Lending Lib Unit G. 12316 vapta I In r of the Tun$= Zone of the USSR* by V111 saalrln mom per, A-.*A so 3j, 19351 pp 139-143. ATIC Jr-M-W16 UM 099 0*01grok ~co Ttmdm zone Oran 54 cm Orpni Partia Propyl Sachs. MUM Paris., on Reactions of Industrial Interei3t - tion: Conversion of Propylene InLo and Propylene-Glycol, by A. P. Imie et Industriep Vol LXXXIII, 2359 - CIAjFDD XX-897 NOT REMASABLE TO FOIUUI,~' NX~IOWUS Sci'- Se ~6( pi USIB I em USE 014LY Impimm Crystals to uoiltm!;utim 0jutepts of Com-letry, '~'re 17 pp. 1%or ofhysU,, Vol Ult .~vq f0i" 271v432 awmeunillstLon Of mat"as RW go ambpp 96 IF'* It R*Vlks va mil't im vp UDi 1. 19 D*0 r Un gay ;6%* 4 A 12r. I u r "-S RODS Bl~ in SITMJW,C~ ~d Roi Available I loan (I Tran:s.. itscht'i Of V. 19, 'no 9 P. X! 4 OF INTERNAL srmscs m -n !r Nachwels Innerer Spannungle ). ( 1960) (131p. 21 refs. SLA 61-10262 ar Mmalikunde (Germany) 1927, 61-10262 1. Rods--Stresses --Stresses 2. Pipes I . Sachs, G. 01age of TDCLakul 1MVIC06 19M] 13 bWir!f ril TH ) 06 f4s ~ETE[t 6F movw WIRF- Itted) 4 rds. 40. Pot so 60-IM14 60-18444 1. Wire- -Measurement 2. Wire-Motion 1. Sachs. C. Trans., p. 465-4r, 11 ~l 4t a 959. V. 10. ML 9, Gemany) I ONko of To&mW swko. (m"nery ma V. S. rxL 4) q rment and plow yrDcesses in Ex by Liam 1, 99 Pv, Mtt Deutqch yater:Lm4rufungeano : l6 ig3i, p1p 67-69-P p SIA 57-9f 15 0 L-ruaion: alt. wl Be Of strove stitan as the 1 Of PAYMIUC iktfrlalf Subjetted lk=p by 0. Baeb)) Vs P. Neumaj Mteftift ftr matalumpet nVi, ;m NvAtbar Ir 3179 Mel? -NMI wommm M ost pp* 7 %,WWI OsAw fto '752t $2.,W tel sch.. . itTletalkikunde VOL 19 , 1927, DP. 35.2-357; f IT, 0 IS . 4 tabldd, 360c) words. I"ljjl, ! 't ion o fInternal 3tre~;:I-e* in i,arj and Tube i~rr tdic. vans, Ordar 110-1386 , ~4,50 . crit 1, 1 -~ I tih4;~ SWO-CIN4131 TheUry in the Li,~Iot (A: Th Lk 1 3 orh g~.%Ql and LitorAturt Lesedreit, by vol'Illichas Institut; t.~'X"'OriILwjjtQjjjQ ~'A'p C4 :,,I;-ctod Par-cri Or" P4VIII FIhr).IcR,=o I~t caor-Air Itesearch, i'25 341 Jill, 7 F 7 i i f ! I PC 1~ , anet ~tllc ECOofti=134, thiderdeveloped EZ I ~11 ea ~ by swh I I 11 # ~ J., 7qcie GOSPWV=7A), DO 11, 12 :L , s pp 14 7. PDD Sum 3119 161, 7f/ 1;t c p p :E IE F (SF- 1856) OF UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES IT E NEXT TWENTY YEARS, BY IGNACY pp. ER 'HANDEL ZAGRANICZNY, No 6.. i.(,)6ij, JPRS 12483 183, 1 Ob 71F717 177! Topproture Malts of Vegetation,. 17 NO Darp Plom Odar MaPot-An A, WO, WMI 5-35 M! I !-- 1. M~M . .. . , ... .. - 7 - ;, - - !: I 1 1 i:I I I I I[Jill i I ! abouft ice WAM4 L i ! I i I i i . , v4 wo 3wro I I , I , I t I Tr-61 -1" (ruin of 1A ocil SCi~'s -ft MwMEMMENA ON 'I. Sachs, M. OP ~ MffAtEME IMML IM. MeHei. RkgontUmUcho Lokoll - Wk!VMHoch-Gnkdjger 114*) 3rds Tr-61-1460 ofe's) ArcbIly) 4ur) 19DI. v. $7. p. 1-23. *VWot4 Aherbm^ TT, v. 11, DD, 3) 77-61-14M i;NING ~111 0 L 01JENMION IN TUB 1. Sachs, n LINATION 11tAD TO 111P SHOMM, U. McUu, (~z 1 1110 dle:~ 6h OrI44-inmg bel des Koptes en die' t~ 11 q 1~ 121pj~ 3refs er froin, .6011 7r-61-14M 1nmB. of(Alb ei V(1x Grade's A rct4tyl f(dr] adhWam(foAl' mib SY) t901, v. 5Z p. 387-401. r, Mclaml *V1s1m4 Afterhnages. S x ce pex~cxVti Oi~et logy [Cal scl~n 401M. TT, v. 11, no. 3) Office of 'riochnicat urocet 89- TT-61-14650 GATI 1C0 kNING THE OMC AND 1. Sche, ht I.pc jATI' W WCUNATIONS ABOUT U. McHer. 1. TV, IS (Uh r~uchuqvn Ober the kind I 'a schd. headon bet Ndpngcn um 196, imle A 'se).J'9611 129p) 2rda 6,m'StJIA ~~2. 60; U~j Pa)pChWI Tr-61-146!0 42 hrml ogle) 14VAI 41: 6 e Si ~'r$jsnb. AbLj 1, dychal e) (GemmM 1903, v. 31, 9. rf 01 1 6F.Ye. O&halrnology. motion. j Anpodon (Physiology), ScllleLs-~~IIYO~10308y, TT, V. 11, m 4) ON 00 WHOM (WrM OBSERVA- I m ON H ATED SM Oll OSJBM v MCH ~~A W31 RAUtrung der htfiavoi (I lebst safti, r the GamcblMe Grbew (ewbe6ci [M] 121p] 6rets rder fn(xn $Z 60 Am'd.[All I' Cmde's An-Mv 4arl I a Ose 1097 v. 44. pt 1, p 87-10C Willp, IV cm hudwi4 NJ OIC61cal R ices-Aysicloa TT, v. 11, no. Tr-61-1056 1. nde: Mkrq* 11. ssal, K Offloo of Tockakel lervlc*G Sachs, "M ~ I. 7.~ )N 'Jue: cf~(',' -S APPARENT NEARER I.OcAnONIJO TIM OF TWO VEMICAL11' )IS-I'MCII DIX 1 ill- ih AG1.13 (0her die Ursachen de~ Schdab::irci erst',v cii,- de,, Unteren vcmi Zwvi 11 Wern). 119611 [21i]p. 2 refs. ~ctf [AIbrLN-ht von ip Archfiv] ff(11.11(,~Aitfllil lifol(~tWj (Cm-many) 1890,'~. i(; Ino. 6 1 - I (11)"!Q 1. 1.1,11s. M. It I 61-10967 Sachs, hit pri FURTHII.R j if,%Mk, )N ITIL WESTION OF I. Title: MICI-tilia MICROPIA M-41m; I 61~nerkungcn zur htikroplef rage). I. .1-ichs, M. 711 ('welO ic~t included) 4 refs. Availabli- oi I ~n fr6i ~ ~I,A (I - 10967 Trans~ ll~f jlt~llt ~echt~j~ jcinj Graefe's Archliv] q0r] Oplitht6toi6g (CA!i niiny) 1898, v, 0, no. 35, p MSCI IPIICI By,~, Nlysiology, *Vistial tvrception. Office of Tecwcel tervicel Unann6 Ouuotuxv of )wUlAril" mact4v- Waite Lt&: hAnd UltrwxRmd, by c 16,F Vol XV, so 6, 296, go -------------- ~400:dde DetemimtJon by Chromeeetric it Sachs. by V per PMjMgAe Zo joright. Wd. Vol. 3/~C El 336-073 iI I 1 1 mmgav~~ ! 1 1: !I II iI li I I I li ''~ 11`11=7 C, I Deftrodustiom in I " ~l ! .'bor V. Bachop G. Drogemeler. Z., (( i -I p I )*~ 154 19BILLO Vp )nIaleffluents rMuonctifs a llaide ~m,um dions inorganiquco naturelas ~p4m. H. lAibaltz. to Ml=,, perl IL-zncncrgie., Vol W; X-10 pp 633-636. I*ve.ma Timmiziation CFA-A 1652- ffluenta radlowtirs a llaide dle- aw inonmiques naturala. n. Weebange ealum et de strontium sur llaartle de -Sad 1~ bQ14 R. IAiluxit-.' 12 pp. ~q Sci Jan. Mp I*r,, XU Xbruenergie., Vol IV, P7-:IOD- 921624 Reverae Tmialation CFA-A--1395 tit 3 Sok too by IPPO! C :1 4$0j 41 IA ---------------- FUNDAMMN ALS, FOR A RATIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF AGRC LT04L PRODUCTS 0 BY ROSEMARIE SACHSE NFI FED ANDERS., ET AL. A PP. GER4,N R S ZI LISTISCHE PLAWIRTSCHAFT, NO 11,.,NvI PP 28-34. JPRS i7o68 EEUR,- ECON JAN163 219..279 VVII, Work mn I I onsidd: A I dr the Cutting Tomv* Doveloped) I rx B., an d coil e 3 1 r I 1) Vc~-, )MUY t Pe 'w*rkzmugmmaUna 1930 , , a ITO 91 SrA 59-2o6(;o Bel ll~tajdng a Knot of 'O'cxibic IN '-'T )~Il' lllcb~! )4erp G. Sachsenroder, p! 4*. 1 J-9.36, 15 Nov g~ ~-nt s 4 l SLA On-I Mar 1 aa~ 0t etylene by incotk.Jete Combustion Wito i1' Witb oxygen) by H. Suchurc) 28 pp. c -Ing Tech,, Vol )MU., So 5p YAY 1954~ 0 2451~.25 MA 2826 T F 41 y, I to ml n I f0v the Atcurgto i k tot i. cr.-- c 113 "1' q, VV Ollydrol"On I sot %V by I YN I UmillsKtivityo bY lfdl IWN. 4 pro, ftw Phy$ik jala- _ _ 1 II)TVII p; t~c The D gaw of Chromi~m Deposits by the In- t0ll i W! soap by-I(. Sachtleben, 6 pp. tj!M A ,, 1)~ xt;rrosion u Metallachutz, Vo~ XTXs 1)4~ pp %L.A. W 578/1955 ;lxi~i et 5711 T'S/dex 11 ices of Lonpv-ity (Ijaport to the. Public 101 Kiev Bremch of the All.-Union H6 ti S~ 4OU or i;he SOC ety Of Pygjeniata, 20 jum! 1961), by 10 pp. zdraNookkamwniye) Vol XXI) r RU iro JL96; 'pp 53-59. JPREt 15291 -2- Bel. Me& 0 C t il" 'ev O *1 , 411 IL IL, 46 1"k 0 U-SL too dla L V*'!"' 6 IL48UeLl; 12 Jtu SLI 57-19,96- . 417MFIT~ 4 i m (W4010) VJWW ON WATHOle LIMI CAL jPMWJCU SY WAIN w no sm;k I a. Wa WL&S, Slsma* WL IV* 10 7v. ms 12W 1839,184 62-14880 ,kw.!i MANUF~A( - n j tr. or (,'RYSTALLINE OBJEMN BY 1. Sack, W. ERING AN 1 ) 1 A.-Viv FYING POWOEREO GLASS ' I 11W All 6 ?,11M PALIZIFIRS (Ileratellung talllnl~r 94; O-r dur1lb S nwrwgund Entgtasung von ~I`Ulycr: linte k ( I WOW von hiltivralloatort,n). 11 12-5)p. '~ if rit 1 ,4n 1,~X i whidt.,J) -1 r0m. r from SLJ 5. 60 62-14880 k of Inono Tr trllg Izi r Aniiewandten Chsim 111-120. tals. Suifal lnu- ii g. Inorganic substances, C 2) 2 6 6 4 vrs, Ji n In cvrtai" 11 1 re 1 ,- -t x- cangct4 all InDrganic glasitem I, 'r. ~;a ima tend to cry"tallize. 11W 1' ialF; mi 6m t~ arv s ~iric for the particular glami )Ositl6n. i till gl isIseli IIhich di~vitrify less readily, -Cc' at l 0M.. f T.".4-1 1-4- ics. fl, V. 8 no. 5) (over) 4ac i I rb I I ST 7 r) N -AM, I 1-):' 15, K N .1, 11 VITY OF IIN, ell I M A 1, ITE ITHO -t 1'ei t t;c tw r'$ cl~ I k 1,:f! ti TI Tlvr~v'rf~uc'm unj In Vitro). 1 9621 Tp'~ I -C C rJer, f ru n . 1.1 St. 1.0 03-10181 'I ranit. of I'a hlIogj at Micivb1iolwill] )ZIM! III L ESCRI'M ~I Sullt')IIIIILILIOs Simpitivity. it rcp14x':6cc s, AnIt6lij Is Mice. AnOblotics. 8 of 12 W '!Cj') :T LM It r 0 m; pOO'lop-nic for mice we.!rc "I :I I--ful -naz Ic tlx~rapy of ble s ~i If it pht. 0 tritc crib el~ilmlnl to Owr apy, In I I caizvs, t. f~-rap~ -a dicted accuratelv SucI:I!!iF1 r uld tv Pre thk W-.41* Ifi IlTro("l air tiensitivity triw.~ In vvro'. U.3 INi a I Cri'macology, 1-17, V. 10. Ito. 1) (ovcr) 62-16077 N; I WO 9 c" THis w-msnNAL 1. Title: Mmaform BY il S MEWORM AND CHLOR- 1. Sackmam W. rip^ -HT7tx&C (G oalts 86ainflujoung der U. Kradolfar. F. Mtmfl I M' Und Chlortetrazyklin). I j?. 6ra iiiii a" [19621 from $1.6( 62-16077 6 .'rans.:, 0t i izre~ a) Modlizinischal W[ochenj- t, , , II c hrlif 1962., . 2! 2) p. 50-53. MRIPT .10pul *intestinal bacteria. Drugs, %calochdral ei tj~tc ao~! ui, *Auromycin, 4'rema - ycllnis.~ 0 lines r&4 6 t has 'bun hl b Iments in rats that altm- ions d th tinai ~w& Induced by chimoxa- I larly overgrowth of Intes- Inal Y*&$tam,,hcb*1'~ anted by simdtatwxw ad- Biological e$ macolo", IT, V. S. no. 6) (over) ()f of n a t,, clai o 1~'- fuer B-nittaxiol. (Abt, 1' Ul X,'~ VO. !o Xx: 0-442-61 YDT 2 . )Cd t he ~WA or 00 A-1~44aw Crystals in i2l mptim .11 1116 itm i t8. l! it' lfxogimital ;'Orta 1,4Y P, rarrmi".1,10 thur, fu'OV PhYlilki, ~bl At-It 1927. CIA/M XX-16$0 I l ei I on W3,161 lill Clio. m(Mly 271#4- i0ite .1 ! C) . 4 op Ls Solvonts. Solubility Deteminattion, 13 ~PP. Vbl LXXVIIIP 1912t S.L.A. Vol 70o, fl Aug 5 5 Hysteria, by J. 1. Sacon, 17 p-) IV's i ma, Med Argent. Val XXklIl, pt 1. 19A1, ST-A --1673 57 'UC Animal a Noma AnDmI T by Q Iwo i per, Revue Francalou d'Etudes Cliniquea rp NTE 1-16-w L I 17 --7 7-77 1 -1-71~ ~:7- ~.y ith COU14yCin of DYSJ)Opsia 3 0464aiciE' colit by, e'ro dl dicaA6 Vol XUXI, S, 0 111 Do 4504* 7 3171,S55 ' I tr salvblo CM of Wooa be. l YM FOUU, Vbljoxn, No 93 Skra4m frD6t ftvor to 4 x. 11 *I Use, Of PhowlelftUcetate in %bwiar of the Pymvemla,, by 1. 6s&., S. Fjoaca,, Wo AM Sm Lamb di Sal Xod e Diol.. 102# vp. 632. 31M O~ 2-131 101ne themm J CM of tamIn and Swe l3loonle Aminu laft of ;tZroy47a;taude AM to Olt tor by Stro ftecgUso by Saddwl Oct Nlbft Bafk1wobi P2 Z"abit Vol X1, M 10-1 S6~ r, tation of AwylMitrile With ry2atej, by (3huji A00., Oaf Kqw Vol ulil'o 14 .16110- SIA 6o.-18.15e 011,4 V&Ovyo ~10 7c w is by LY*; 6kUiWAIr-Mp Lim 1. 0 U2 tka A)a LiN POP, Utsu to lia-aim Vol 508 41 a 4:11' LOW ci by -Ce'lwasto plan v aud VIP imbe b; Nihon Kapku &P&bt,, Vol xLVZI,, 104, ~5t I TMAD 489 Ic Chemistry Tbol. 11~~ r M6-,Celhdooe~ Part viz. vy~ A P.J4 i Mon DpimiAmt Vol nVilp 1944s, pp TPAStf IB T 41,02 sclent; 4dri f.-JAwt Or Chlp Shrimbkv, by V. Sadchikoi fthtpmuftao NO - 10 1963, 2D 2w 6977 I all 35-T09 EN