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A n Pi tabour via qu"l-lbdrostati Baum up too IMpODO Z Cris to 3 P- zhur To* Pit, Ica 1=, No 9, 94W r4pJApOb PAP Vol IV no GrchrLh of Metal Single Gryutels Under High O~ic Pressure, by L. F. Yereshchagin, Yu, 11. itil"61 A. Ya. Predbrazbeaskly, et al, 3 PP. 06SIO',:per DOk Ak Sauk 888R, Vol CXXXV, No 10 96' 45:47. VD 0., AIP Sor Fbjrs - Dok voi v. No 6 C~ 6i~i 1~c Rvill 19%, Xs ~.or ~the machantacti inw--tign-tica of Js il?r loreseurea Up to 30, 000 lcg/cm~-, by Was L F. VerealicliaC,,in, D. B. LiviGhits, 8 pp. I or,, Fribnry 1. Telch Fl-.'srcr, No ~N-85 Instnt Soc of Mar R ni N., I tMI PRES 1 A Unit' 0, etskonii 7j1p;! 21 .1 TILIJ r Order frc I'Coil~ Trans.! at %[urru 19561, V. itio. 1: A dN .1131111 tl!! !tlNxl, ition' of a u Itance mospher Tlwnt,~ met Ohm I of ;a slah $t C'ei f4clft~,11 asibi 0 thake d method Idse ot. ON 7HR DYNAMICcam- rANcE (o "eimtorykhowaiih wdyu Veshchestva). Mar 60 aft [D61R LLUJ M1797. ml$I. SO. ph$1.80 61-13125 cheskoy Fiztkil (USSR) -2666. makes possible the compres., to pressures of hundreds of at:- expertments 1wrforined by this tIn the case of rapid comprea- re take place in certain suh- rever0ble changes. It was not ond from graphite by this low rate of transition. Tr, v. 5, no. 12) 61-13125 1. Pressure- -Chemical effects 2. 110c,7 1.X-nmiflk- ctqn- pressicin 1 . RyablnLn, Yu. N. 11. TIL/T4830 III. DSIR LLU M. 1797 IV. Ministry at Aviation (Gt. Brit.) ~O M.MWO via ths of abinin, w. Lib Tr 5,7/432.4 Ryabinin, HE THIM ZIDE'; AT rermiches! avienlya .kh IRS: 7309. rder from rans., of Z 20 (no~ 1 be rate of ier to pri iospharb st W lial 006 kg/( n the tat 11peraturi red for eNtfibli %emi,stry $0. Lal Fii 1-36:1 'M~'4~ At - a d1nion3position !sAilie by 61~j and 13 atm&4 he. de dec (A :(C)NIPOSITION OP BARIUM [IF UP TO 45. ODO KC;/CM2 henlye Azida Barlyn pri g~cm2), 7 Jan 61 1101p. 6 refs 51) 1 61-11709 cheakoy Khimli (USSR) 1946. 1,366. tion was found to decrease 14 , ~W kg/cm2 pressure, in rate equal to that at ihe tempLrature of the azide ~Ma decomposition rate at P, lower by a factor of 58 C 1:1 Ir, pressure and the same endence of the temperature re- ,x inshion rates on the pressure 61 rr, v. 5, no. 7) 61-11769 1. Barium azide- - Decomposition 1. Ryabinin, Yu. N. 11. JPRS-7309 Ill. joint Publications Research Service, New York Me *f TetWtel Swvice% vw~ --it idla" or the Electrical Conduutivity o,L, on it lli,3h Peensttres., by FV. 11. Rymbinin, L. D Itop L. Fe VereahcWla., 4 pp. Rull erp txr Tekb Fito V01 )QCVnl,, 110 7., 19 2-1386. Pll) Amr Ins'(-, of Phys Gov I" - Tech Mys Vol 3.71.9 No 7 p",1 yn Y-g d co ity of Argon$ Under HiGh Adiabatic iip~eWsabti '6 C* Gi #1 by Yu. 1.11. k-WbWjWJL Ryabinin. -Rms Zhur Mwper i Ta w rir,,, vca xx.Tv. 1953 Ux Co ultalitf; Bureau TZ, .14.1he OUSM94* ftyalca V MS Oct I. of Alij so ~.1 scitlit i W~ Itr,ic 9xU* In tbo~ AdUbstic ComVession $p $.V T%le no Utiop A. M. Markovich,, p Dok Ak Nuk SM. VcQ M. _r#m 19blasl AVIC IP-0-83118 DW 5AI on/= C9 0 .3 f j(o NA ulat on for Oxygen Tanks by Yu. N. inj 10 pp 1107TAIg no per, Kielorod, No 3t 1944t pp 39-43. Bei Trans C!enter RT 3006 clenit4fic Engineering 56 h eic rt the abonical pmertieu of Ircn,, r0: ri lici D o ~e I q& Utmiou by a High Presimm Li%tii4) ~by I ff. M%yabialu.. Bt, I. BmeDeVp B. ROSS 2 H&W i metall.ovp Vol X1.1 i4 No 11 630-633. 967620 -62..i5D Sci ~ty e P! a6 (I L, Vereshe lb IN ssim 1 -Phys Brass at Superbigh Preasureal by L. D. Livehits, .- L. F. Tekh Fil, Vol XXVII, No 10) 1957 Amer Inst of Phys Sov fte-Teeb Pbys Vol Ilp No 10 3d9' 178 60 (6F-1048) Effect oPreseuxe on the Velocity of Thermal 1; 11 1 De~c ion of Explosive Substances, by Yu. N. ni~;! ~6 pp. KUM j~ er , Dok A Wauk SSSR, Vol LVIII) No 2, 1 .1 1947ip" 245-248. im 4030 ~7 Sici !~A cartat Defoxial Be '1-1~ Dato i 79 0 SM 61' em Associat6d With Groat Plaritic ' Meto-U at High Pressurey by v# L. F. Vereebalv4on., Yu N. D. Livshits. k iNokotorm Vop BallakUb Plast Or ~a ftl Vymok Davlsm4WEh,, 1960s Al 9670163 71 Ni -vi 1)."t ilim bi tbas MecheaAcal f,rGjcrt'crj o' Tfojjn lrroi3 Metals md Alloya in Hydraulically ?, xtfll i"Ing, tb,.mm at High FresrurL,., by B. T. llorcli 31, V. Ycrashchasin, Yu. PP 1. leiz mc!tp,.1jo,!~ vol ,r,,1, NO pp 247-253, 5. a rpreas ( u 0~1 iblnm~ mAt a 57 r Nitric Oxide by the Adiabatic ~bmblmtiblO MmtUMI;j by Ya. .17. I. I. Tim.. 4. pp. parj Dok A Nmk 8WRp Vol exii., pp 283- cmmltuats AMMI Cason ail, High TcMP=tur09, 'A"W" S V1. by Yu 28 RUM I if I r0 zhIIr Rkqwr I Tdoret j?jLv 0 Vol XXIII PP'5""515., C.1A .0 z, RT-JCA~o Odle Phy*:Lcs 'Tan The o Dli YU0 bl' 6164 1957 km cff Oerlvmp by A. 1. Likhter, 7 ltkqer Want Flsp Vol XXXni, AW TV 309 scl, Jun 5 k ~7 Or ;'n.ectrolytt- .0-kimi ci-Alirate mixed (WI3, by Ci. T',!Atreako, A. A. )!~-abirjl ia. pp,, RUS-1.1 1~' 4i'1 Kolloid Zhur, 'Vol-, ID,,.t 0 ig6is Uhl's A PP 59-4)6 s0i Ma r ("'Iltmites 1 thJ tiver of Rate at Late Stdges of v.- IL we r; 1 only Z.A. abinina, J'~ pp. HU.55TiN i Diol I Med Vol LI, No Bpa Zkoper c,)61 PO,l L14 ill?. OB 199" jre Nariall OL..Llcuari, ~31 . ~:o Caused by OxtllozZiiacan , by Ilyn lo-dipip 5 ppe mm 's Oaf , r.. Byal =por Biul i I!Dd.- 'Vol XLU.~ . 1.0~- u); A UB Dell A L' Y on ta vftT~Hl& ft insures and High is *,' the Notbot at Ad~Oatlc Com- P yu. W. 'JIS 14 pp. WL pars Zhur I locrat Fits P so IMP AP 461-467- 6al Tism Center RT-1939 t phyalas 4793 55 MS/D= :i and otructural changea in the 1~ eal rate -fed a well-balanced diet ~afte be kept, cm a proteirt-deficient diet, byj~l 4 pp. por, ByU Rksper Bial i Ned, Vol 43; C, 1957 pp. U3-U7. CwWultants Btwwu ~Ccpawbg Electrolytoo on tho 14, asorption O:r SUver Salto ale U by Mixed ail ic Acia and Spqqatoxidna or Iron Im bY 0. ?. Dmtrenl-W, A. A. Ryabiaina, bi. per., MD11oid Zhvx,p Vol XV., go 1.. 2�~35- Consultants Bureau scictri-A ic hcaintry CTS/DM: bf Tmors of the WmAry Glpmdn In tbyl~ 3 PP- itkaper Blol I K4, 'Vol nVI, 90~ AM j lio Conoult-nto Burenu 1~7 ic, Tahomior tm~ AN't RAgahamUc% b.11na t yaP lpor) 11 so 60 or the Liver 4uring by L. V. Llozncr =d V. F., Sidaram., It p. Byul lksper Rio Xad~r 1959,, 5 IV 96-99 cis Choi ~w powilt vary-in RUSSIA No 1~ p Bel Pi~41eic Acid Content in Structural Com- ~! 6:r .64 Oaries of White FWts Jk-d Dicta I in -N~otuin Contentp by Z. A. Rpbinim, I par. lya Mwper Blol i Madp Vol XMIS 57P 102-1066 consultonts sweau k.d h.r."n't t; 1~1 of the Rhoologeal B-c-hLvIor of ttOX irvVIlk- ' by a Mquido b7 B. 1. v,li!r. 1611c."I I in p YU. 1. ftabintn,, ~~ vorda 95'r 55. -c1 'an 60 dtasm for Cerl=av by A. It b r No RYabijftp Lio P. Vereshehiagin, 131 &&per I ',[*ore Piz,, Vol 3s. wnSU h~wlll' 11 i Am Imt of Fbp v 64((33)f No 3 1-300 loal OVD&Wtivity Cd.' GM5 at Met bmifteop Inr A. S. Ommnhoj ft""O 9 ~-7,w OL-b-Al 1 41 fk&mvmA Of aVol xw lap I to r ~Wua 30ri;Ublate I= oyamic cuxqression of li. u. H'mkbhgg2 5 pp. rjzj, Vaa, XXVI, No 12j, TAN), zhur WaLh 66. r 61 .560 A-jwr Iasi-, Oe Plwj sav php-,Ttah Phys IP cc 57, (NY-4842) e le. ~l 0,!'Mpositiom of Bari'm Azide at I UP I ef;si 1 45.,000 IM/CF?j by Yu. W. Ryabinin, p p s61 "~'i ~, ~ 04v *ur ]pit Dim, Vol Jcx, 1946., 1363 3-166i ITM 4 7 61 A 115C tl ~xi Investigation of the Effect of JU~ pr~ol tati., Pressure Upon the Kechanical Ups of Preatziained Metals, by B. 1. I I I herd 3 P' In i i i mr F-Vereahchagin., Yu. N. Ryabinin, i Rus. pp r, 7.nvod L~b, Vol XXV, Tilo 6, 195?,. Sci Instru Soc of Amcr Thb~ In the Rematlone of Ozidattion 8w of"WtbAme at RLSh TmAjmwuturea and Prawas by 2u4lf No trab"# As Me Dak Ak Ila* SMO, Vol =rV,, No 0 U043"* 84 Tr Center W-368). 9 1CA wv~ comwetry 4ex The M 0 eaching in Reactions of Methama 'on 0 Dempponittan at High TeMera.- t~r~el ad Higb P"smeso by X Yu. N. i 0 Oi u - Apr, t I-Ivor CaUa m(O-Aldroato by ZO A, Rpbin 6 pp. sil p no per, 2~rll Roper Blol 1 Hi~dlt Zo 3 Jbr 1956 Vp 66-T1 - 0 s s ~l Commat=ta Burea Had 7 Amr Die ~p ]A~ ion in Hu r ro u ttenverken. 1955/56. 2v.) b,y, y &~aink~i. Trans"t.4 :)m the Russian editioni 1950. DSIR 658-5:669-03 1 Lending Lib Unit G. 11343/44 3 P P MS 63 SO tion of Low Intensity Kam I justablo Directional Reception Ryabinkino V,V. Inamenskii. PrikladaMa Goofi,zllav No )3 326v768 I N With the Method 19 pp. 31, 1961o 63-10283 PU ndZwmamsM4 V. V. It hHWRDW OF MULTVLE 1. Ryvbh** L A. WAVE& .5 Shai~ PRORYACTIM. 11962]16p, U. 7ANUMMMI, V. V. is rds: Ordet~ an 000 $1.60 63-10293 nons. of Lat IN' tlemmkbeskd I Guovd F fft=M " ti). T. , y ) 1957. V. IIII. P. !I form b Akedwalys N~Wc MR-1 In ijm Gedizilebakays] 195k DESCRIPr ysical prospoctln& *Sdsmic waves,"Re 10 qdr&Woth Mukipetb urmumts- on. I we" &nalyew. $104 lotion .5 (E" sa-.Qs--.se moogy. 7T. V. 10. rxx 2) son d Tedwkw SWk= SMIC PY ler 1~r(Aii ",ch, s or s 1;4~.v, mial-or'l-colms IN 119621 16p. IS refo. 1. ()0 10,1&1 t 106. ,"ebalic Fr M-jrixy. AnalyRiji. 1: 1: CC, V. 10, jv-~. 63-10,104 1. 11yaWrillm I- A. j i ink xmm rdenretatioll of DaUl Ob %be M* (Adjustable Diractional I' WtbrAo by L. A, flyabinkino Tu UWL Tvwv wwwwswwo non Vroobw smp no lop 19570 VP 108-1m. 1x32 uu RIB (12. um. 0a.) A L. at opbsesc I Methods te Surveying Petroleum ~6ii i ~L. *6 Soro;:Jn,,~Docent Ve 09 Urysonj, Vo A,41 Dolitakyot pp. bi Ti; to ioul;r MIAT audd by Min & Hit;ber Education USMj, ate; T;~ iPubl lJouse of PetrDleum and Mner'81 Fuel t, M buj,~~ ni 19500 ngred. 1 0 tdl: er "r opb;(Gicsp oleullp fuel ienv7 poix CIA 1002932 TI 1110 Or WORM DIHYDWPHD"TE AND THt alltICITY DMO OY K98, AUDMAWM* Le N$ 110, 3 p:' Va *A NAuK wRo (;oL am I p m0 60 Alp sov om 1= VOL VI I# No a AUG geOx i 0r1, fisuali2ing Soun" Emitted by a mosq, 0, L. N. Rya In, X. S. Alek!aan&rov, 3 HUI Np P,.ro Dok Ak Nmik SSSRp Vol CXXXI.X, N6 ~i~~ pp 485 AIP Sov Phys - Dok Vol V1x No 7 feb, TransWer Upi 96; ~~4"" Au'gI tunt of Pin Tranciator, by Yu, S. pp. Radiotekh i Bleittron, Vol V., No 2, -350. PP 61 bi n' Iyu. 61-12257 Dm POTENTIAL, FIELD AND 1. Serniconductors-Anslyals CURRE I URRF r 1AR0 R'CONCENTRATION IN niE 2. Electrons- -Motion REGIGN A Str bNG FIELD OP FUSED p-n 3. Electric fields- -Intensity )bNCTIO I S ~ kNDA li-STRUMIkE. 1. FORMULA- I .Ry&Mnkin, Yu. S. TION A~ D~ .4~L&=N OF THE PROBLEM. 119601 11. Title: Formulation... 12p; 7 r( to ' ~ 111. MDP R-122 Order4ram i -W MDF R-1:22 DF IV. Friedman. Morris D., Inc.. Went Newton. Mass. Trans. 1: CfltlyA VIyashlith) Uldwbnykhl z1a Iveden I FIz]k ~IJSSR) 1960. no. 1. p. 93-103. office of TOASIC01 1-ig.* (Ph Y~slc S ~ld S~& TT, v. 5, no. 4) v i if ;qulpm iinkin pp ~7 11 pal. ~1011 r t i =;,- L L--- -volLit?, Coweations in Rd by A. Y. ALlunin, Yo. 1. (AF ICU.9678). n-.1 3; ~i 19:56., 0~1 t a the Irca aW Steel Industry in the OR loan of Soviet Pcomr, by,ft"Inky. BOUXI I par, stals Nor 1957s py (,?61-964. Imam Tr 'Pan on; 4/0 tis~ I On' in G" calloi system I)i i's A. 4stiono, vicka, Go No Ryabbikovo ot 6 A aws v Iro Is -M USX PPk So 30 294*# pp 313-3260 PLO I " 71! iTb 66~ Sci. ~w ChI4. ~la 61 ~Ay 3246963 The'J~Ject~! f Chlorpromxazine on the Functional Ce~ro'bili 6~iical State of a Rabbit, by A. M. Ryabi Osk~~I,~, 12 pp. RUSSIj sip bk Trudy Instituta Vysshei NerRvnoi L)Cy~ -~'Ijvno~ Ser Fiziol, Vol 11f, 1958. 017S 61-31019 PL-480 Sci PST 540 215,2323 E: f c '11* 1: fi Phi"mamine on the Dioeicctrico4 Activit," of,itlit er(i:r6a Corte). and on t1w Higher 16c.-vous Arddad t, 01"' ~~nibbits in Normal ar,,,L1 litatrotic S'a'-cs, Activ: u U A,! 11, 3yalik 6vSkaya', 11 pp. OUSSL 1 Pat Tru(~y Instituta Vyc~,hcy :.Tcrv~ioy n 0t j. I Oc') Vol III, OTS 61-31012 Sci e.I PST ~1 LAA . . . . . . . The siolqo4a Chamtel-lotic ar amts of Rigbor Nervww Activrity A. m. ioreiwnfts~ 23 pp. R IA ipei ITrt* Imt Vyo&" Nemw&7~1 i Fil 1) V"j, pp 279-4?93. as 6D.W57 Sb 6.. FM Tgj 1169: **IOgmPw Investigation of the ca bT Caff*IM cm Rigbwre Nervous Activity by A - K. RyMiwmftya,, 44 pp. iLL I Int VY84bay Nam Deyat*l' owl no W6. ois 6o4aB59 PL h80 sell Ned go Pee Rpm" The St! 11CIture of Crystalliml Particles Of B. V. Sharov, 3 RMS ]?O." Ply. Hot I Aftllmed, Val VII, -NO: 3., '59.t! 360-362. Forgawn Pin" Sci Jul, o s K i~itary and Hygienic Characteristicts of -Ho'A~ed Batbat by N.A~ R,.Fabko and R,I,,Demin, mo per Voyenno Ned Zhur, No 7~ I;c s, coif IJul 195A,, PP 70-72 US JPRS(NY) 870 :L Ile ine V 110 WOO N6W ~, or igo&." A We Wthod Or OWMI31aa Of in XW&oto1egm*7t by fix 9D. V. V; 1. RoLbtwp 12 pp. A I ,WjI Urf~ V~reWkh Wo Po RAZWU Radiotcbu*a~, Vol v 1963.0 vp 59-63. im 19943 'Bell Bas'. 23Tok2l rau ArLwAr. Cctjl. pvjt~ Into flov Bducatica Vol TV 11c) P TI'le it ect., :)f Polymers in the Physical Proocrtics o f i3~ d.p', U41,311 on the Yield of Agricultural Cropo, b y 11.~ ~k,-,Irtboxayuch, 10 pp. MJSST I re' Pochvove- dell -*Yc 11D 6 loc": Scripta Tcchnica Sci Aug ~.)J. 26 5) T/O na~' reviev c ~ 7in T ~k T ellecl' ic Welder's Manual, by N. G. Ryabokno', %--mmm"Ohm (;a, chinskiy, 10 pp. R (10.1 bk, Uchebnik Elektrosvarshchika, p ow 957Y 155 PP. 615 -917 615.927 Read, Lib Sv Sec Air Tnfo Div, Lib Cong sm Prd)e tot a svmvordc Vith & 1312MY ND=1103rM leldo by M P. Rysbob=e. PatM W 1653NO g en. let., Po ko iv IN Pas I um *to as the 'Pam at FwWre- aft of cbmiod Andy*"* Pro tl Filament L. V. Ga,-I 'c' .1 roch Tf Effect a- ~ . -6 Aftltgcn of M&Wls an 6urface 1"U i the Pmmos of Ilot Zlnc Costiv& by liiir~ i P~ on. oratoyanAu. i -r10 ~ WM. Ma. ZhUr., Viol. 28, No. 1, 1962, 711 **a alau Awltsom at matm" the 9"0" Vrwr%tfd%6%%-l Of ZLISC omtinp) ftativismMyl A-Z %mbm. w Vbl. 30., Ito. B., BB3-W6- R y 4 6 33T-384 IA P, 1'1~ Z T W k~ li~.; C, od I 1 0 1 '1 t Cl, I Ill. ";J .1 I dl H i vg of Polpwtbyl Wthadi-ilata (s of Ma ftolution as Affected by' Varylmg WmUwgtb,, the Qw~ (w a Ciltomarbutionp by M. 1. holm, iv 4d s Va I;. Mb 10.v 1.9519.- AM-0038 19 the V mted Or- n:; C y pc!l, Vol 9V!) r,47-0,9. ov 711.7 - -C, CO 61-15502 abov IL y )~TERN4NA* OF 11,H 50,J IMPULSE FLASH- 1. Voltage- -Meas urement )YER VOI.Tj~,C;_ ro(i C.S. Trans. Me: Flashover voltage 11110]1,. 11 refs 631; M2390. 1 1 . Ryabov. B. NJ. I ~der frorn L C i r1r S1,k, ph$1.80 61-151t~2 II. CE Trans-It,11 111. DSIR LLU hi.239U Of Zs. El ti 5SH) 1959, no. 9, p. 84-83. W. Central Electricity Genera- Ll;;o included! n't ans,~ ~Vlaullsble from PP $14.00. ting Board (Gt. Brit. i I a CSIculati. L110 kil 4*sar), nu of impulses lied to the! e4t objel c for the detern*dnatim of the e percent Im se-v gle with prodetermlned accu- C y, Is sho 014k. of 16ginecrlng-~ 1' 4 It .5. no. 10) i"Ti ,a fiinr~ if, CVJO~c of Feaah and Aplout of the sale tba gmtsoi SaUmical Gurdenp 71. OSUMI. by ail Y(A 211 pp Me Cm Camla C2323 Aug 3 7 / ~ Part: ttt6i I Phyal of the Mmeav ULISUry HospitAl iu he Twelfth International ConVeng of IMP 18W4, b7 G. 71. 1!~dbn, voyanm W4 zhw!,o go. 11~, yx6cov, 89 us JM/JIY-289 Oz 61) i-=62 aid 131 ovskill. M. D.. 111sbM. I.; ullev. A. INDUM*,av,D H PMENT: SOVIET METAL- 3MG E 11TWENT b., 160. a Oct $5. 15P. IMM C SLA' r ETC: HC31.00. MF30.50 1. Title: Sorlet ... 11. Joint Publications ResearchService. Washington. 1). C, of 4 ei.'jo'd ..1'16 from 1965 Issues of Russian wx n 11 t~spslit ~ 11 ~ i4lb of Use of HLO-Froquency Fluorescent ~by M. S. rqabcw. Ally otekbn'kG,, Vol Vii.. No 2y per pp 11.9. 8W9 1 ~ ~,p --- yo 7 blOtin of ftomtelbuuq Vol 'n., No In. yp~ F-;- m 880T (DC-2800/10). Will aere Ike a Pimming Start, by N. Hyabov RUSS, n- Sovet Patriot) Moncow) 14 Oc L 1959 p 2 c Dec Dat~ blOjW or the WOOaMuee (Apodamw '~A tb8 PiDe VMS (FityMe Majori Thhoirt) t- b-m- am# by No. 10 Ryabove 001 ma -101(s 19401 igg. W Dept of Interior Tr X0 Z33 0 ac). ct"t I -i D" 54 ON 4, 1 it i t All A) e7 F1 L:lt 10 W!t. 777. 1 kili Ir C'q',)f 41 W;i cc by F, L 457, w59. USSXAi AM H-681a iD ei62ug All, Effect of IR. A. I ig6ip sci -Inch ion on the Permeability goen) by P. V. GaIld, Fiz-Khim Oanovy ftoiz Stali, IM 536o et or bovf P 1~~t~e Daccupultion USion We or sydro , pa in fteas, by R. A. 1.0 ?1 M841 i Urtialt TaLl ivo NO it 10 buteber Tr 4257' 714- ratwr a bij LIM A' by 14r&opn In SteaLs at High M. "Ltd. Po lkswinotal I noy 1,01 mrf-04~1 losladovanly'l AM um mill'i Glas Lub; ~csnts in Metallurgy, by L. K. Kovalev, 9v., 5 pp - R Steklo i Keramika, Vol XV, No 7, pp 19 CB S4 i~! 1w, lysicoeboxical Procassos of I ~Iys :of Silv&A4r Glass# by vai V4, A* I~rsb ~4 PPO OYA SOW i Keramikao Vol XVIII, pp co Au' 209#913 orww 3 Of T~tsalus Vith no Tortrachlorlds, by t' al, MAN SUN# palpf lt~,dy lot Uft&U &xmini A. A. Dayko"s I 1. 0i P3 -92, CO-Op Tr Bottome M 7f, An tomatic Photographic A*rr i temall f r Semiau . Ij~f g ~ Proo6el-814 Xge Pellicle Stacks, by D. M. Samoi I1~ 'ch A, SMimitakiy, S. A. Suldiov, V. D 11 A. V. Rulev W,)g , 5 PP. q I-peer Pribory i Telkh Ekaper, no It, ImriTAl 1959.': 15& lust SOC of Amer Scl Jul O'l C king of Sow OvAymetrical Vo 1,,, Vayserp Die )ihall6ili) by V, D,, gabgv 4 Pp PXB Dok Ak sauk MR.. Vol Mln No 5., Pe 195 9641 ~966. Jun tjg