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o1. oundari Layes in Radiating sad Absorbing Media., y Ap N pp - SS SSSR.. Obdel Takh Naukp UN.. x lz Ak Nauk U ekh i h, 1 2, 1960, pp 47-53. ARS Jouxual Vol XXXII j, so 7 SC:L ~B ep 62 A. X 13 1 ho an Opaque Uncl3r1myer,, by Witb 3 PP. Y Ak MuLk SSM Otdal Telch HaWt.., 3) 196op PP 141-143- ARS Journal Vol XXXIIs No 7 99.3 63-1230 Uff ' I 1HE EF ir bF( ON OF A RAMATING 1. Rtnnynskit. A. Is. 4=115% ~ ADDITIV E ON 00 N HgAT TRANSPEP, 11. International Chemical Q Oct 62 1 J ) lp I IS Engineering, New York Ordurit ~tt%'ICEL V. 2. W. 4, $15.00/year 1 ~ 1 Trsm . 0 i r1khOlsoll Meklianikil I ,, Tekh[v1c W F W) (USSR) 1962, no. 2, p. 50-S& DESCRIP TE AS: flow. Bbm boam, *Hem trawder Adffit" , ~ bases',lUttolon, Thermal conductivity, *Chenij li6gl kb rim (W~hm~ ni ,a ]Aer", mics, v. 9. no. 6) Oft* at TIC6*21 urwkes -toll 1140TAUtt 4-Y Vs, V. Is 4 llluiiu~ vmw. t~ 0" T 6 !vA 414 V, i4til-otm, A." i .41 ~H TRMI~SFER AT THE NOSE OF A BODY WASHED BY IA! ~J,' MEDIUM, BY A. N. RUMYNSIM', 12 PP. T ~G ANII,~LlpER, IZ AK NAUK) OT14 MEM I MASH) u PP 9'-101. ~)677)& FTD-TT-62-115 I Cil UL 62~ NO! 1!6 U.Ssk S.c I DEC A~LJRENDS IN MODERNIZATION, OF ~Ibt'4 AND ROAD MACHINERY, BY A. V. v 5 PP P, Ro STROITEL'NYYE I DOROZHNYYE MASHINY, ILIIVllx OCT L962, PP 3-4. JPRS 16~32 17,225 h 2 Cojsb~~ hw~sp tly 144 so i MAktrifikatWya oil go Sa#OkOP M3014rVetva, 14o 4. 1964, JM 27" L SSR-ac 65' -rha oa of tha Pfew Ganglion-Blocking !>ubstnnce 16t iIA4 q% the Orgoulism's Ructivity to ills" ~i L. R. C'.911ber,, 1. It, kindc 3 pp. i p 1~r, fiyul filtsper Bial iNed,, Vol Ulm 1t3 pp 58-60. 2 it) 26S0 kb -600 Inertia Crusher., by K. Mehawbr InsIttitute); Go in =-Union Refractory Institute); P. tevorko (Semiluki o No V. Koneteldy 'fraciory Pl=t)s 5 pp. Wsr"i per., Ogneupory., %) 9-10.. 1962., 394-402. Acta MetaUiwgica 4~ 64~1 7 wtiel&a ActUft of' lbdxoc7aulc Aoid Y~O= or vassau in *rlai ftrts, by D, F. 1. A.. hm&vlets - T. b a VOL SMS jb Im" vp PIC, w rima W I P -:Awtioa azd Uze of ltu"ctictdal by D, F. YQZikcW, V A. kvi PAYIpmdsim^~ 8 pp Mir $Umbiol lpldmCol i Tmm~iol. I XV11.4to ft 1957o pp &-69. 01 mad L t 91 Jwv Towra" el RIV%pr Life; PPO U*bW tar DanWo 26 am-e Ja i4,;55. AolwRoXq RUVOU Tr 6M R. Rundo 'Imto in 196L),, by CMIAT 6 116 6~~;Fcb 1962, pp 6-9. FDD Mm AM t avla Hcon -7 Jun 6.1;: 1,. 71 NATI( ~N -ITRIC ACI IN TOI ? i:CO. D )A )rder f rcgn, l7runs.~ o! Cl J* lian lat u DESCRIVI"CIM101%lalli ii OF MALIC ACID AND [1062]7p. -11 4056a K 'ge article from an mudmiti- id, 00tricacids, Wrobacco. istry liialytlcll~ v. 8, no. 10) 62-22695 1. flundshagen, ]I. 11. K-11-40.56-a Ill. Kresgu-IIMcr Sciencc Library Asswintes, Detroit, Nlich. Offi.. .1 T-L." S-1- Vesn()Nj~ 1196214 Vpj ~rder'fi K if rans. 53,1r#(~ V4, ~. 717 n )ESCI tu I:~Cipr 'i Nicotine. ;cp&ratl(W)1~tt 'S Of-- DFNICOTIN17ATICIN K-11 3998-c (West Germany) 1929. Smokes, 011bbacco, 62-22694 1. Rundshagcn, If. 11. 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Hurge,, et a:1. rp Bre=tOrf -cham;l Vol NUIVp No 21-22-1,, pp'~' "30-3336 A" 254--GJ 3 73' tric Diculf1dono t' P RuaR. h: Had, JOurnal fuer Prottlacbe Chmie., IDI V111j. 190 .1/2, 19!9,, pp 44 -54. RIB in -15 9 70 StudleS 1 ba tbe Isolatim of Wividual Cmpcment-,,3 Obtaiial"'4 I fr6,,4 ~the Forartm Patty Acide Remating f r cc, t6. 6, Im of Panffln,, by F. Runge and lag 1119, 4ette u Selfenp Vol LVI;, ro 195,-, pp act ogy wid cheidstry i~! i,exaclac, ~Iiop6'aiadienc, by F. Raw_ie, ii. I~ciwix, et Gi., I& 10 .11119ti i lip 203-2U8, 141 h.7 71 4 7 &?S 041 TT-6- Field IM !24 0 Aunlre.I )hn CHWWA~ E RUHU 11 fROM BUN A. 7p, 6mfa. 1. Hunge. F. ordet from 5$].'1 as TT-65-10 U.John. It. TMDN. 1k (Past Mli 633 onvmlon of Acetylene With 7 ~Rwwx Rd M=Mli, 26 pp. xv (t hm. Tech*, Vol n1, 19511 yy 163-168- SLA Tr 5111-1956 AppliMiorn F;id" itAU bf vaftw WOW= to the 6f ODM'trimi Im OptUms by A. scwis~, V4. Row. rm cryi= USE MLY Pbpik,, No 35,q 3,911p grt W Xnk/AM If -962 Sol Es 8 frain r ... P OF ORGANOMETALLIC HWM. 21 Dec 48. ~1. 10 63-14MO Ceman tnow. , Studsart. I compounds, Organic 10. B& 3) 63-14.100 11. Organic m. PB-74281 DWI d Tltk*-m terful tall k1 t-I ~ a lit; - ;N,1 4t Lamle viol pip JU 3,.5 Sol Vol X 5-Trithlacyeldho=na), by =961p. Ze3d n-Revehi, Meter, Rmpel. 19, alow tUr PMMt"be Chadet 1959j, 16 3 -i T' lafftwNawaft of 001 War 1w It, &06,9 :i va MM* M4-Ub4b OF F. ftinft i4fter Total Sao.. O~u 0 tbO iDilVhysos of the log pps sci Jul 303v802 m ~x ct4* Of PulpvLxA (knd t1x? Quality ~)f Pnper, Poldorechum Tth Jum, 1963, pp L, 4011 2 1030 C ac. 3341159 T11 0 O;d R. (3 L: It PS SCA Au 1 f0et of Temperature in Producing 90'441182iical Hardwood Pulps, by U..i funkel, 11. Schanl~ach. 1310r, ilolxforschun~, Vol 7, No 1, 116t 399,476 of PUatice In Agrimlihme, by zL Jtac6 ),I P. Rmu., 4 pp. J* nut* und sout"hukr 403-hCrr ij: . I JNfi L1962 N Gf Zuvirc"aut&L ConditiQu on Ii;ft wulty of Cuttlup Tx*aWd 'by Siol-sroauxin, V. Varxilov.. L. V. 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Rca l~r!;o1c (17Y-6535) ,act or swe Complex Oompoundz of Salts w:Lth Vitmminti of the B Group 00 pleripbaral RjoW in ExperimenUa .on Slakwaa) by X. F. jkaovn.,-j9 pp- I' per., Fnmakol i !Dokaikoli, Vol XXIV.~ 1~,.-tr_Apr 3.961, pp 191-196. JM R633 A)d Alit" eli niiouj.~~4 I , ~l 1 S OTIZ I 0c 1~ 4-m, CATALASE ACTIVITY IN Ca-TA.Di FOREST 'e V. R,.Ri~yj O.S. Teve~ov, Poch-vovedeniye, No 9, 19GO, pp 75-W. ADS -2 7 Ilib U fect of ludnazino and &,,W4)azine al Blood Ilictumo by M, F. P=wVa, AR13�41 iAR, per, Udwnyyc 4upisLi. Akad 19580 pp 129-139, Preparation Of VitA3Jldl3 P 194lated Fron Tia: eB Bl"A mwybology IU4 on sow Aspects or 1) x 1 401, ~Tiiisue Idodbandstryj by M. 79 Rwovv6s 9~: Le S. so G=wml 4 pp. Oirl WU Zoper 019L i *Aitp Vol XLIj Ommatmts bureau Ir 1 ; I ~ Me sM *4polm an the Kood ! ; ! i : ; ~ I ~ i 1 D/:3j li Ii .?~, X: . i 1- 1~ i . i I . I ~ 'i i 2z 1 i I i 'o 6 L 1 r.2 lov6~--6 ,4 /~l 1 Mo *-nI, . J. ku- 3W970 % ; E I Ct t Aminazino and Wpizim and Th6irlj~ i ition vith UrIbaMI and semb oN i ijihs Blood Picture# 17 M- F- ftuovao 4 pp RM iPOI Farukol i Tobilml, Vol XXIns 91; No 2,0 3-t 131-133- Sol Ayr i~,oNilt Cour-wids rin th,~ B10-a6i Md, Runove, 5 lwwakol i Tc;kEiikr,:L, Vol, XXII, Na, 4, 1959Y 13711. ~Q. CB 578-' ThelX&dt I~,of Certain Soporifics (Barbiturates) on~~ 1&61 P~.,Iplhexval Blood Picture During Norml and L6gicU conditions in Aniw-Up by M. F. pers Farmakol i Tokpikol Vol XVIII 116 Moricalvil Nov/D-OC-1-95W.-PR 39-Urs- CIA/LPDD/U-7414 us sci'~- mealija,ina, pharmeology CTB 73 001 i55 I I tio 4om-oo from Intestinal Obstrue- b, y~ D'. 14, Hunovskiy, A. R. Sheyngerta Voyanno Ned Zhur., MO per# I H i3cowp Nov 1958, PP 17-21 US J?R8 1249-1 ftsic It 'no for tho BtabilinWi4lo-a of Pricaa, by F~ it"t, :L* 4 pp. Harim RWat, 2!0 Sep 3.960.. P 3- aw 4405 V~ TWO a ECO13 Her 6~~, '111-5035) Itanifestoi Davoloppent ead i-*-mcacing, 22 pp. up,, Earian Rakjat., Vol X Uo 2664) p 31 Vol x, No 2665, 30 Aui3 1960? D Xwj~ 4 u& 61,1 MRS 576~5 DENDI,,RATI! TION OF NATIONAL DE-VELOPHENT) UY F. iiONTU~ ri~lw, 62 PP. I NDW~ES I A BOOKLET., PENDDIOWRASIAN PENM.GUNAti i~jOidiiIAC) 20 AUG 1961, PP 3-66. JPRS 14574 FE I NDO !I ESIA 06;. ti F.I;` 4ce, of the Cn~.alytilc Reduction of Mb dA en to Vydrocmbbom~UuinZ Cobalt-Tborlwj ftta tsjj~iI Do W. JerofeJeu.,A.-P. Ruatto.. A. A, 1101 W - - -.1--... . Wolk V P. Acto Physicochimics, Vol XIII# 1940, CIA/IPDD/X-n61 84en, hc~, 'Cheraistry ax, 6 i 'N1 Available in CIA Libmry as Obto State University C 27830 rmUat q of the Opeolfto Surface of a Oer 716%LCoadlUm's From &-Single at or Aft4ttan Rqulllbrpm, by A. X. 44iieln As A* BIIWd&ji Vp A. 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IONLY C L, PJ 4A nor !'Strasso wid Autobalm,, Vol 110 '.o 28, !:CPml ~-A tm(!Ill Iterniann. and 7r; m Lm iol) ii 0 11 111 JE TINGUOR C OLA$'l Qrde,r'froll~, C I's ol-IS Trags'. of el I111311 Oil c1. 39.b 0 1Weill Ray(!r,Akti,PA.1~C1h-'x~-.1 .8 In 00. ilrAi DI"SCRIP11, K ;1 -111;io nf Prepa!-arAoi , ~ I lam Ewvrs. Fb vi ~-rizi6i '-I)L)~~'ls' N A metb(A ill q-karilvd tinguishing 0 tic-dh halide'-cont it 1161 (Mate tah; 41 atcN, 'REPARATION or suix-Ex- d~.'-;~ [19621 6p. $1. it) 62-162.M it 1, 07 -1, 20 2. F 26669$ lVb/39i t' c1 C 08g, by Parhtnfabriken 14. ';W]. .3o Sp isti' awl. Put). icis, -14cat-resistant tx4pners, wbic materials, Polymers, i~ 110111LIC.S. PhONPhOrLl1; COM- flkling. the preparation of self-ex- Ayrnerization of unavaurated vrs with Ix)l vine rizable and 8, no, 10) (Ovel 62-16238 1. Title: Self-extinguishing plastics 1. ltuplwrt, It. 11. Schnell. [I. Ill. 011rden, L- IV. 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A 4. 10 62-iMM M ans. of e ilb berd" e (West Germany) 1955. v. 9, 51 p 708[ 7 D 11 RIVMR~ : E lectrb dating. OWastes (Industrial), i , ater suppli V, lamination, Sanitary engineering JA tal polsoni g. Neuti v lization. Englneering~` 1 6itat 1 0 "17. v. 9. no. 6) Ofts cd TeddtW Senim i-17076 111 Flelid4QL - ff ~ 11 P, i'k"'r S I ~ '. 1) . % , Mimil'un"ov, r THO S 11, Oxim s-,If~;au (,Rsl! IrALS WITH S,-..FCTI'r) l(ligq omil "i~ 24 refs. froill ~L M.10 It T-65-17066 14 A 65-$ 14 7 0 (3r"1200) OF I T, OF CWWI CATION l'MWI CES TO BE BY UKAL SOV1030 BY oux Q, FPO P MMWIST Om I, F im 13981 E( 1970* 4.1 tn.! oent~ of Catudas for. Wtoa Cuttugp wed&iuo IL Ao 9W.1k. t1m to= MY xlb5 kupprectu. ioTOELEC A 001 CALL kUM OXIDE Zr frwn: ns. of dil I v 47. W0,0PERMES OP )DUCED MTANIUM AND M- 4si. 1614 tell. ll$k' 0~~ 1.80 61-10M3 rvrl $ten haften (West Germany) 1,27-128. -Widl State. IT. V. 5. no, 9) 61-10863 1. Titanium oxide films - - Photoconductivity 2. Nloblum oidde nlms-- Photoconductivity I . Rupprectst, 00co elled"Ca swVIMS 62-16480 Ruprecht. 4 Olt NVEMA I IE E E Cr C , ; AL AND 1. Ruprecht, G. RI F L MOTOELE icAl] NI ;uNDumvrff OF -miN I , , FILAus C)F,: UM MIDE. 119621 lip. (figs. refs. xWttcd). J )rder.frot A $1.6 62-16480 rans. of Kritt 954, Y. ~13 Sol- Ur Mysik (West Gerniativ) M ~ )ESCkIrrC MI *T-hj' films 61ndium compounds, I Jxldes. Etc :ti I~ai cc) ldiicta~ce, Photoconductivity. %4e"1 sureple it i A elk rtcal conductiv ty were carried )ut on th ie[vn&-nce 11 t'-Cm r , Ited films of Indium oxide. its t6re and the influence of a urromclinj o: gen n phere at variable pressure 'er& invest gvZo. I w 15 ~-I e evit a observed relationships at " f 6 act dic te that x e ur ) o mp )II thCAjrfE 11 Al*~?, ti n o s n , yg -i 50L"" there seems to bc an .~. . V. 8, h6 I S-55~310 ~O 1 (INY-4572) ob ma 011the Pathogeue-wis 0J.' the Unoluatructed ; 1101i R~I Form irlocephalus in Childreny by B. N. KIOSW~ki~ !B, V. Lebedev, Rurin, 15 pp. ~111 i, Voprosy Neyrokhirurgiis Vol )OLIV., P Noi 0,'IPP 54-57- JPRS 56og sci Med, 010i Sc T 7 ' LI Phy6 6 pbo.a iml Analyfjia in the Nitric Acid Treat e kit 'C Fhosphaten; tbe Qimternary System 'L'