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4 A.7 a 'Avjuonia,, by Otto Ruff.~ Bm-ct Z Anorg U Allsam Obside, Vol CXCVII -398. S.L.A. Tr 919/1956 Cl? 62-16491 od Stat,, ir, K urt JUL Oltt I NITROSYL~IPLUORIII%`J 119621 1 lp. (figs. ornitted) 1. Ruff. 0. I ~l I ~ I ~ 11. Staut*.-r, K~ 14 reto. Ordvr.fr6mjSI"A $11'6 62-16 t8l rans of ?[6 tschdr ~ftllrj Anorglonlachel niernflej (Germany) 9M, Y.~4 ~P. oo-202. ESCIUPMRI *NK compounds, *Ox)lluorld.:t%, PhymIcal pro rties,t 1 to Ical Properties. h Chcmlstry~~ - I i6rgani,i, 'IT, v, 9, no, 2) 1 63-14304 otato srlnt~'j6kr. HWbarL IR EDUCTICINN 10 TmHiioi KJM. 23LRCOMM. AND 1. Ruff. 0. 7ffANWM lk n. Bdrtdnger. li. '9631121L mMM4 Cr&rfmm L St. to 63-1431)4 ar ant (ad] t rip 'I Awro C*xm&wh 1923. v. 129. cil lial 267-27S. DESCR ops'. compoods. OZImorAtun 6rn tanIU36 *DkwMn ot isto, SOMUM.-Cadum. Tr, 10, 4) mks of Ttcb*ji semkol i c .... ...... i 63-14131 BUNAVIOR N101[11 JM-- AINU TAMAtAJM--S-- 1. Ruff, 0. OXIDL~ IN T E, P111 ENCE3 OF CARBON TEMA- U. 11tomas, F. OILGIUI)d A 1) All, Emioi) mik nw. ANAimic MOMM AND TAN-rAujK 11963) 15p.111( fs.'ii Order froin ~IA $1..' 63-14i3l 'rran,,~. 4 icl ichrlix (It, Anorganisclic urxj Allgviii C11W 0 v~inany) 1926, v. 150, p. 21:1-225 'X106111comi-Mmis, 0'rant.-Lium 1: werinination, Odurides, Purifi iol, Lantin h1v analysis, Reduction cat it, TY, v. 10, no. 4) 7T-60-16766 Ruff. Otro kd Wa elm. Rsch"d RECKXnok OF t"ORGAP4C HAUDES. FT. S. THE 1. Ruff. 0. REIXCnON! Of' 71INCII)MUM TffMCHLORlDP- 11. wall-is. P- [17p) 6refi.] In. 7UJ*: Red-ilm ... Order frvi~.SLA $1. D 7T40-16766 Traam- ~ oCZ(tltmchxtft Mrl Amoillastwle toll p. 96-t1611 Owmia"..161TV"Ilk, Tr. Y. 12. rx. 7) .~IIIIIIIIIM J~.Lt V Q ~LUA tII Plastic Material .'rom Aluminum Ox (i. 15 to Ruff Wilhelm Goebel. Pt -,N USDA per Tic, StatQ coli,~-E;e JILUI (,1- 1441 KOM licklolf. (,It! CARION COMPOUNDS I. ow%,;Pol )INM ;:.1'a 11A)IMNIF.IIIANT %Vl'lll It. ol 11,41% .5- 1. X)KII ll;~!! WELL AS 11ANA- ~l ILORON111: ~LAL N F* tiol Crime, lor;iOd'. Ilian nol Jlwii 110621 12Alp. (f,%t vign eXt ilwlodil 1) N rds. Order fr4iiii s 6 2 - 14 4 15 v 06 A. 0 Clicitile (Get Ilia lly) I YV. 111 1). 245-215h, Ca r Im*i ~.otnrxmin&, Iihior i tint I mi, chlorldes, jl~,Nj Otinvs, I(Onc, 1"Itiorldes, Fluorine. (Unanmundco Ic 12 A6 MIA*,p by Otto IhdT., Rudolf Kelm, ex cint 1930.. Aam u Allms Clum;,-Va MC Tr 2632 the pballibluty Cd! rmvug Lower Tiodiw a) otu ftrr, Airredi ftaWs, 6 pg.- W.&31IZ AuwS u A31 m Chm, V91 C=, An Tr 2631 sci FI N- rs ~e 0140101 T",-% Conditiong for NrAdci anek Pr.2- POtto Rufft Linbeth Staub, 1.1 Vp. Tjoitschrif tCuer AnDrpanbsche und Vol CXCVIII.) '1931P PP 32-38. B.L.A. Tr gPl/1956 Maj;-ram of tile SYZ~tez~'t X11) GMMAR~ por) 14 Asors 'd 0"-I=) Vol Co. -pp S.L.A. 'it 922/1956 ivy 5 6"3 XPP Of pospe in IMe;b Altil' ude ?light, by V, S. ~~ 90fi 125 pp. Pair. ~Bdtwiften dout AMA Luftftutforsch, N6 qf';~iq4e~~-~Vv 18.4 SIA Tr 3202 set Aug I I ) i ArdIdv 29300~ Mw': Fa i 8 t4Wool 2500 waft*; Gn~to MMIAI In G&A I=* /~,' J ~/, ~. / Oraw go. IMI, 12.50 : TtlAsol'"tion at t1w X-4q- Spectrmeter a 1 iw4boller CoMt#Lr for the DLxwt ot the UU11 cc strmtwml V, sooloyr, we aw, T.r.,L. T.46M =Sri fj by 1.7 A.U=InLoa voizcxj 110 1950p britilsh Iron mrd 6t",'.L jrjd 610 NUQbJ 4v -,~,ppjfoiLtjo~ll~ 6f tbe Geiger-Counter P-vRv Spectromter 1-0 tlie Dlre&t Dete=lnation of Transformation Ratea .. .- 1 11 '#Pta~6,c Reaction Volocitiffs)., by Roaj~ _rj'ffric ;Lnd liix, Glwwi~ pqrl~ Z. 0 Ul XLIVI No 21 1953o Assoc Tech Ov Sci IlkWalm.0 Cbemd try sD) RECENT TIIE::M'E1 STEELS I ARC AND of the Stal the %rereit (4 figi. 0t Orde .r f~r o Trans. I of [no. 221 p (Unannoun DiTS11 1~-40M FLUIDIJY TESTS IN 0 OF jCI-IRdMIUM-MOLYBDEN1JM ANI'11wrnOff NICKEL IN BASIC N-11, Ail-Ill P URNAcii. Rcpt - no. 4 1: -ksaustxhuss ISteelworks Commitwel (of Itsclie ~i senblittenleute. (Feb 46111 p. (11 61r iftIt. A rt~ &L140, ph$3.30 60-18206 I ull~' Ili1sen (Germany) 1943, v. 63 1-442.11 60-182D6 1. Sreel--KIelting" 2. Nickel- -Meta I lurgica I effects 1. Ruff, W. 11 . Title: Verein... Of%-.f Td.." Se-k.a I ILL bi6 Rrprpe-) a& Us Wddaw MmmaLveA In to M-1 1 ~! aLe Alt "a wow of VAOA,w rs 'by No So Goltdbwgp X* SkUp No A. finfibVP a VFW -P 2M..& mp no IRS kkoew, Oft m5p sp lam" fts Md'hFatfts J L '4Lntif ic Conferecce on Problemo of ~bodies of Water t4tel"t Cotataraintation n by., I Sevu6v and ou Problaw of Pooll GIs i Saul No Sm, 3,948, pp 47-4-3. Def Sci Info Sv DRD Cauada (Unntmbered translation photostat available) ti~ic CIA 24114' -~B' 2' 51.01182 C ~Cl succcs 1111,65lems in the Domain of Establishment of Siv Z nes Of' ,~at 611Y Protection for Sources of *Water s Ipplyp 1, 1 Ruff el R ISSIAN r 0 plu an I I I s No Medgiz, Moscow., 1950. M.'G Tr Feb cts kc-axwilultions conccrabiL, the 0 On Of Kullidmi stor"I's nhe r raiffer. Mao por, Uip I-ludizinische Vol is 1 io in U~tcraal Lj~e (Atly a Sorvicep by B. Axtf:Lj, 5 pp. Dar Oalmitur So]Aatq No 3,9 1 ~65,0 bAl go 1 W R-125-61. AUSE I-LV40 ID a8613e Rdtaerlaul 9.6 A APP .41 Ll. Vol 101% KM 3-92-62 at= for the Orthopedic Tmatwnt 1 Y rract=ft) by R, Do Hartlnij, 0 pp. rp I;IVUtO ItGliaM 4i StgMtOID818) 61 pp im -112. Sc c% AW, ~ Ue~i~ of Wdative Metabolism In ts Tiesueep by A. Rurfop 26 pp, orp Anmal dells Facolte di Chirurain delle Univ,, degli Studi vca xLvnv wo 4,. 1956,, pr 343-362. KM Tr 7-3 ust one stwl MOW on- the 'Watt= at BoUg by P. V.- Burlmmk~#-Jk Sam" Muir$ Vbf I p 1b 30 Ob=dtMU RAI' "r -A h9v S-3 7 1 / - I,' e 1 M 19 Sc 'AIUMIMM 110"Xide Hydromol in 40 'Ijis 'ohol Solutions., by P. V. Ri-,fimaklT, I Avo per, KoUoid Zlrz~ Vol XVID'p No 1, 0-~-p c it-, 9o()0405 Con m-atants 'Burewa 13bf BelectU% ft the Wass of CiU Telephozwa a %be Falra IbItalkle for Hl&b-Freqwney by As Do lk ye" V. x0stymtej 10 pp. Ve$tMk MYRzis 110 5(rM)p 1963. am 21m9 Sept 43, 343,993 til=i SiO1111"Elromieters and EffelAs of Xg 9~,pc TO Ca it~ 15 ih a, I., COG hc, by )r b requenC. A - D. 431iNl~-~a V. rvost-yancts, 11) 1,3). RUSSIAtf i)ex Elelftrosvyttz') 1,o 4; 1961. A= Sci 17 2 lit;por f, ~ au Religious Obsermace in the LWU) (30 4 227 pp. OFFICTAL ME ONLY t )i" 00j, "r) AUa Pblitih uad Zoit,3-t-achichte, 6 B 6;161, Vol XII Xv J.6p 10 Apr Ic COMMIT Oc 17alWon T 0 G C to li e 3 of Jcrugiftce- in the Harlm Force (192.9-1929); an 30D Caseep 'by Relurich Rw v 3 PY - -Wep, der USLren Red. gg. ItAlk. vo y~ ~93~8 pp I.Ng'q Itrtial translation. 7 cxA/m x-673 Medicine medicine of Bealths Bethesda., Nd S.'ert Gan IlViWten An! Welding of '.rn:LTi fteet,~Istcei for Trwwformitrs and Dyramoz, 1*0 W. Rakidifuss. .. ............ per., Schweissen S:hneiden, Vol X, 55-58. BIBI 2a13 IM HOM IN LIGNITE STRIP-MINING# ii. Rumi 10 PP. By 01 E TEOINI Ki VOL XVI I IND I 223,PM DV :pp isideration of ths Capabilitiom aod ~ the Steam Catapult of,Jbr. Us. Karel 70 W, van der Rugp, UNCIASSVIED Wriz0hat Vol Ming no 4, 19580 Navy Tr 191.0/ONI 293 74, k robic Synergium of the Tyrothricin- it X=,, icob t sodAtion? by P. V. I?orrA MA ~j I al) Arch per 1e Bel Madj, Vol XCVn,, no 1., '19 pp 01~1()21, jum 0,11~tll .41fil 14(%.&tCInOF CmUlblotic D= 54 Cm 130=4 PAPUA No ft ox Sim% in rmt ~ 9"WeD &- a -- So I Ammo - -~--Iftmtup 3m M%,d6 A; w pAnm so no 5% emdal 24 F4b 55 F . .112 ~A-rt.-2 ,. ~ =PW 62-14957 GNS ES. I Nov 61, 7p. [footnotes 1. Ruggleri, P. de. allted] 22 i c, fq . . ! )rder iw'm 'I ~ A $1. k1 62-14957 ~ 1 ,'rans. of i1', , -1 'dizione Prati -Mac o it- a] (Italy) i9m, 1 16, no. N SKi.." 90. )ESCRIF rd C$ cIX ~ds, pl-cparation, 11'repundiols, Aethyl rJiclib l, ket-tit6s, Drugs. k descrivil:1 ' 1 1 1 givi'll jol the preparation of various It- , n(-thyI,1l-ugr -10 -vncH Jlnd 100-mc-thylpregnancH. al,;o oxvgcl, ' h:asc 1 iFx. -,i ill C:1~11, starting irom the cortv4- ,, )re x ndi g 1 1 16 - t:lk, (Author) .98 gicill ~i jljj~j I., nlict) 1()gy, '1'1*, v. B. 7) 04111ce *1 Tockalcol S~rAc*o 62-14qiR 411,. lily I "I'mm ' Rlivyierl. P. de AN ~1611" ME I l I C. It )N It .'4;) 1111:111 1 101\10I.O(N. f?' Nov 61 Ill. Gm,lolfi, C. 111i. IV. Tille: 16-Methyl Order fr"o ~1 n,I t os M ne q ... Partial 6a (p, 41-7f1j)of $1. ~(, 11 lao. 0/711p. W-70i. RI ~l )~M;- *.S.Ooids, *AtOrogois, "ref;tosterime. ' , - 1 1dic"11g. Synthesis. Ilo r 11 -o le Ill j1 11 111ou, Ifl~d luo Ow III(.1"Alalloll of IN and 16M. wollv'lld~111 Oel(~Ilsj And 11W1, 17-- l)IM1.01 ,, 4 residy lo the literature I , by routes al t hletky vo cowp)undfi. & FtC1 1( 4 Oj1f1gkJ- t (or I lit: im ratlo.i ai~(' 16 aAd 0 itt clarified. (Autivot) (Fee ats.,3 v. ?. no. i) of Ttcb*li unim R de iandolfl, C. and Chlaramonti, D. 62-14909 m I F fl~ DIARY AMINES FROM N-AM- I Rugglerl, P. de F mux) d f 51 A $U O ~ lwrERS. 31 Aug 61 (6 P. i 1,2-14909 11 Coandolfil C. 111 Chl tL D - s lrl, r er aramon . [Corid=;('' I Milo. j of CAizz(ctta I Chitn(tcal Itaqlant I (Italy) 19111, v. 91 ~ I I no. t/71 p. 065-01. i DESCRWi"ORS: A i Dines, Synthesis, 01mides. *Lsiera 11 Cheinicag, rViactim Metalation 1 A my his lo 1 doscribod for primary amines via 1 6 s(4 redlicti I 11 11.1-zinc anWpm of N-substituted Imido~en, is. *17he 'COUrse of the reaction and Its ad- Vanlagesirv dism: 1160. (Author) (Chei-rdstl6t -01yal Ic. TT, v. 8, no. 9) Ort ckluiminstee, Orthochromitos and Orthoferriten Of Earth Slownts, by A. Ruggiero, R. Fer t MA 574MO Abaiuminates, Orthochromites and Orthoferrites r 61 1 bare Earth Elements:, by Xf A. LuMiero R. the J, orris D. Friddman (viii appear later as SLA) ''LiMilat (~n of Soviet Riblicatirms, by M. T. en i", per) CoUeSe and Reima-reb Libraries? Vol J40 1999 pp 347-352. Library of Citclo~;icnl Suryey of Canadp- 47:1 oouuvow A CKr POIJ lah ow Mariae and Ito Use in so lNr,-Plt,,,R4"u* F. Gnm Vol MMp Spea No.. SIL.A. Tr Pool 141 302 0 Jf Re mem"! 3 4of the DODUAnobr Inatitato on the BaKof 13. to of im Omap by 9. P. Titkow, z a ty"j, IL M.,_"1ikO1fp L. T. 0--olino x: 13: h *101 R D* 8 piro# URCL am 13 Ito VMWI pers ByuU bb,~hanobr lusts No 6,9 195T, p1? h2-' 6. IRSID T 1178 185 Rue Presidont-flo0aoVelt GarmM-en-I&ya (S-et-0) Frawe yr Sol O~ip//Wmo A'ar S41 I IIJIVi,7 ....... . UHAN. 1. B ~Experimental investigation of the void frac i a bedlilo'''i the~tandomly picked spheres In a cylindrical 4111 Rep. 6.5i /IX, Warsaw (1964) (AAEC LIB/TRANS i 11 1! 11 ~ p Nitrogen-Carbou Monoodde Syutem Mug of Carbon lWaoxidep bY N. Zi=. MUM Z. Smieltunion Vol XU,, 0 i 380-403 Sv Ri-IB2 Assoc Tech $15-00 40 c - Chmintry 't 1955 Cauplete Set of RJ-.182# 183j, 184, 185: 2D X st] L-ilients on Sulid Nitrogen and Oxygen., by Lip 2'1 2 -PhYsiV-i Vol LXXVIt 1932., PP 360-36:~ 31A 1 -3479 .57 Sci 7-6 Apr 5V 117' Chr6i ~wo and Flavones., IV B - Ruhmm, pery Derichte dow Chmischen Oesel ta Vol. pp 912-924. f 54, CSIW/Bo 7607 u scl, Aug 51 335-603 RD iMal 62- 10571 PROPER ~K jl NIT WING OF HIGH SPEEI) STEEL 1. Iftenix-ek, A. TOOLS. 11 !1. (4 tables I I ig. ref s. omitted). Order froiii LA $1. 0 0 62-1657,1 Trans. ofi~ ,jalloix.!, fiNch,- (West Germany) 19,55, V. 9, .,i no. I P. i ~5 DESCRIMI OH i~-'~~ d i S - *'Fv I ;L hi ~i Istmi. Steel, 'Cutting ttx)ls, 1 'T 'N 'N 1 l id nr c i , l ac n ' 00 itr oo . itrogen, es s, s, licat (if, foi m it ion. It is lihoWl b cxatii revious difficulties us how the 11 i h b h d j ~ i p - l 4 h I A 1 I w t at t c::: t RK MC S MUSt II! SI)VC( C 1 g explaint.d.11 g)n lies in the false use of thc nitriding hipt: !as a!q j epch Imth and- -or annealing hath. The adva a, of L~l plarlding is full), realized only if the t(xA is ni idcd-~ ~r it has been hardened and 3n- (hictallurgy-4-vi-rou-, Mlvlals. ncal6cl in A n -ijtral~,t t ilt bath. It Is therefore always Tr. v6j,. npt.L) required t6a, 4 selia ait, n1triding bath he provided. (Author) l m of Elvthlrocytas 4g. iu~;en tit ri.*.v A va to ~Ilx, 1277 C tz P-~ tie -77 --- 10 59 V 77 219,4264 60, ,LMT^ &hibition W-i-tbJ.P- tb& by Rubl) . .............. . . Technikt DO 51 1959) UW.TA W-12/60 RUM, Karl~~ MERICAN 'rwus o BRITMI: FRAMIRE. AND iiE jwsuj.ai~G a.) C1,I)SIONS ON TEMNC. OF Itl'ITI.E FItACIIJRI-'- 27 Sep.55 [451p. 48 refs. Irder from Sl.~ $4, (AT 61-16301 ~~ i~ ~l rans. of At "ClOv fUr ilas] Hisenhilitenwesen (West ~crrnany) 10.11 ,, 25jJ.k-ji/Oct, p. 421-433. SCRIPT01US! IsEt.-ol Practure Mechanics), Test s H - 1 ('301 1. RUM. Karl offict of 106.icol Sw'.t.1 Is, 'IT. V. 11, no. J) rta& le Research on Cmdamed Tin n1= at 1 V~kry lov' T4vpmtures by W - RaU 14 pp QFA~HAMP Oro Z ruor Mplk., Vol CXMIII, NO 2., -135. 9011 tP07 ACCIL Tr 122D V-41 d 3~ isystentle Flarleso of Investiptiono on 'D imli olm In Cemat PUMtAo , bW S. RuU*nd,, , it at-Xalk-rlpo,, Vol Ixv No 3.- 10 103-IU 16 S.L.A. Tr UC/19% Ll Oic F I ft*Uftt la t1W Ow"at bWu8tz7 k 04o; Vol mo no lit w- BOWL Me I.M 57 I loll Ili RAA;sxy KlAn Clinkent by n 1 1 4 ty of pq~. Publuc4 27 pp, UIR,WVv pwr* Zement Kalk-Gilmlp Vol 16/529 No So P12. S, LAIJ IJT-6~1~, $6366 s Jun 1:471, 3279694 W-1518) lklutifttes Or OW109iWa Wencoo in the UM, by ozqy., Vol VlF ISO 11) XM 4504 UBM Soo Alp ............. J G*6U bW.R* Bel in the PeovU Is Dawcrucleat :2diF- pzsmsam_ 0"%W Vol. V, go 7, WA P, CU/rW U42M. e% (d) f DC I 8A.CaLl. sc~46,-e Inetitate!i in the Acnd-- ; I a 3 In UM by Edw=d lv. X41,) por, lh-rxglad 3i 59., Wamaw) pp 27-29. ,9 Geology., miscellemour'. 51 JM-L-1692-D 7f 62-19610 ~R B W 5-1 F E Tli OF MIX-MRES OF DIELEC- 1. Ruhle, F. TRIC Ll )s is 49, 12p. (figs. tAbles omitted) 7 refs. der fr St! L, $ 1. W 62-18610 rans. Ai I IV f(Url lelarotechnik (Gerrmny) 1941 7 35. no. 490-Z41. pp.SCRIPI-04's; ~Ltq~k~W, tMetectric properties. h ixtures, Efix;1rochenjistry. *Dielectrics. h easuremeni's breakdown mength of ndxtures of d electric ll~uidii are: rhvned, Studies were conducted, o i some saturnied hydt!6~a-rbonv, aronutic hydrocar - bms and their 6logeii &41vmtlves as well an various n Incra I off" Tbe teat I' were perfm. ed with 50 cycle, a C. (Authm ofte d I0Ck*jI Sorvicts -milltry-4b mical.,17T. Y. 9, no. 7) ', . I I I- i, - oL I i I [~~ ~, 1 I -'.I al m Omwp w to DOWW %I Wip DO % *W .! 1,~ i ('; I : li I / - 1 I' " I 1 9114920 Iga parld Colo of the Dea Ruhle. UCT, Jj)r)'DaupjOjI u Bautitch, Vol rif) 3f by( TUIP&WI (N-6430) is of Yom Neomendas in Jl~wt Rvwie, 26 pp. fwr Agvawkonmdkp Vol IV, 241-246. JM 13779 Me,' ~nrluenco of W4-out alreen Spaces on the i'le"I of Traffic Noise. Sound AbseTption by Aia%U)g TMII 4ud Rog- -too, lq F. J. Moister.. V.D.I. Zeit, Vol =n, No 30, 1955 pp W34*1- D98610HO/26937 57ff Apr OW/dex Ow. EWTAN I .~prepprntjvn of Pol~ ene in the #Ury Mefude Ugalas bmator I .61 ~540417, AMn-0.119 9* 3 the PleePOmtion OC 16596p7slooloo sEomm a 07 thyl=8 -4 9 0 -Tatrnlrjdx*opbthal A;- _Rubrcbmlep Obarlosen, 6 pp. Meat R 15324, M/12ib claso 12q; Grc 1956. 6~LoAa Tr 1406/1956 ex Feb CM Uilcrijajti,m pro ,ss 'All 11 t! 143 rlwy Excreticmd 17-Xxtostewids Bek~~ lm~id After the Intemwicular Injection of O'llLa"a Testooterma Frapamtions., by pp. 'r) Am IndroarJLnol,, VO:L XVI,$ 1955o SLA Tr 57-2ya sai - Mae! Jui 57 (I?DD 8?26) Swce, a with Cortisone of a Case of Ptwtular Peoriusia trwi ir biesp by Be Huhrmamp 8 pp. GMMN wk Aerntliche Woobanachrift, Vol Xuo 47P 25 Ov 19550 PP 1083-1065. MOM U-8751 ESur rim 13Y 45F.- Set c PAC the Hydrosemt1im of 1= Piti-ch From 'iumilWus Coeas, by Cl._%4M~, H. Bottrop, 38 pp. PD -x'P no 1.P Dec 1944. SIA Tr 2055 1. 7 short ot tb Labodaw*llls I'lials of Un iams I* As fbW*4ov* abft'i l9wo ?--7 PPv ACCII., MCC GIM14~ Scie ti6h of Roavy Water by Counterm).-crent i by Haw Maartiu, 1,Irsktrochen, Vol L-TVp JN,) 7: 1950; AE C Tr IC-37 li~ic: Chamistry Sep 5---; C-?--; Rum sci Aug tion of Yellow Phosipborus witb/Water at ted T ratures aid Preseurej# byI. N. Wing He Ve HU18MUIV and A. V. Irrost, j, Zhur Prik Xhims- Vol VIv 1933p SLA R-2303 179 /c2 Benze Bel Nov ~hc Liberntion of the Benzine Ymm i I i~des # by Holf gftisgeri.- Juargen ilcp Chem Bar., Vol XCII',p 19591 pp 192-2012. CTA/PM..Y.X, 697 .R es i s A. ~4. Kabar. 11 w IS I sci Wice W,I~MlDg in Steel Sheet Proiuction, by Us l." A - Rm";.r" 1121 c rlv' 12 t ~i, pe~.,I~ Svaroch Prolz., rfu pp D4 British Weldim, Res Am3oc I ton of EYdrolytic Zzallibria Iti Solutions of~ I Of 1W BemfIW"oiUmte obt 11?, by(Clyl'.N Nwo, JRujT: u1 4 [AN ram i4rj Zhur Obipbch Mbliap Vol XVI# 1946p it -319 pp Ocl Mwi Ub 53/1553 Sal lt'ifil~ Cbeadetry CTSAU rnatioml Aqxcts of the Productivity sh Steel IndLwtrv) bV E. Ruist. PWJI.- &R-Amn eta Annaler, vol. 146) "MO.MT'."1962; Pp 405-53T PCI A4 9T 355-334 Scoe ri 62 Aug m-tiewl Aspects of the Productivity of gWel Industry.. by E. RaUt. ust by e= re%tj' A'= )e Jbmkontorete A=nlerp Vol 146.* go ~3037 -. 335o201 lad=. I-sj.-j DaVal j;V -J- T-j,~;-~ -~u 4. ,Z LI k' T I DOIT II-.-arrb Ot Hungarian UtLesj by Reno Ruism; 39 pp! leqr, Futdxujzi Firtasito., Vol VIII., h-m. -it 619P 337-355. J M-," 59-12 Egur Hung, ~vy BOT mkr on LLL ud; Teelmical lavevtiption of Con- Recoavtz~uctloa of Dwelling Housee, 12 pp. rw,, Usoar SpItIDIVer, Vol VTII, *at,, Mar 1958,, pp 103-105. US JM/bC-L-944 Msearches Lft BDd=img tJ2e Tim of Drcaa iVaing UW=Ive Ubdns Techniquee, by, "r, N.V. Vos. per., bkft Even.U.IL 1963., pp 945-946,95T 11T 93 3:35-715 J. IAYI -&4c-diPJI by E. 1-6 yp ftemll des TrWML= Chizia=E; dCI3 1962, VP 5-18- 9208813 f. IL - - m