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6ati=-Of the Dynamic Wthod of Wasuring Appl~, Adasb ion of Vapors to the Ditermination of the q* i~ 6wi,66' Area of the Catalyv+n, by A. M. Rubin- Ih4,4iv,-V- A. Aranasyev, 10 pp. FRMWUSSI pper, z Ak Sauk SSSR, Otdal Xhim Nauk, i0 56s YP 1n4-1303- 19 Consultants Bureau P., 'D Chem 4TUn: .C~ 4C)rj, Dlutri ~ .I f Platinum In a Platinized Carbon (',at%l b,,j~ M,, Iflubinsbtein, ct al. It ii auk SSEZR Vol 1,',C(1; No 6, RU&SIA] 't ix., I' j21, D 1950, Pp 1(y,": io"I,.5- NrS RJ-1109 Sci Mm Apr 6o A B~ Y W' Pbase Compoeitionatd Adeorptiva PJV Vex tes! f Iron - Carbon Catolyatj, by S. M. al 'I i S=Dya A-I A-i Slinkins. A- M. flubinshtoin, 4 pp. RMMOI pjp:gi DOk Ak Hauk SMt Vol CXVIII3 No 3p 1050.-1, IP 59-4,15:29 Consultants Bureau Sol, Ow 11 Dio oz itil #%io Ul Act ty! 00 jau ~'v ) k ! Prossure Aypllea, In the Conwoucion golylbdem= OxW, ceslyst oa its Otrwtwep by 0. D. Sterliswo X. G. M, Minghtela; B. A. Noftnakys pp. Is Ah-Am* SMp Otdel Xhim Nautp 1953.0 PP 24-360 ch"Utry Aug CTS RUB N 'HUS". Ey S*j ed. z7 mar, of-Climatology by B. P., Alisov, B. I. Izvekov, T V,1HP016LO'vBkaia~ and '~ubinshtein; Lenirgrad/ MOSOCN9 .1 "atoeorlogical Piibl cations, 1?40y 1022 p. HQ.,J~ 1,irN her Sex-vice, A-2, Technical Research A i T ~.J~c xre &4 Propert1w of TiOp CkLt"tn lu t6 ~beir PolymMhism. by A. H. Riubiwhwyu,. G. RUM b. bo per, is Ak Dmik 0100 Otdej lads rim&,, VP IV-339- Ascoa Tech Sv RJ-58 c I~Mnlj try 4U-75 ($]L.60) A%* 54 7.) /oU Eff,e4.j a,~he StrUCtUral FfLCtDr on the catalytic eC66' 08~1 V p -6ion of Aleohole Varying :Ln Molecular we~i~kp b1'14. X. Rubinubtains N. A. Pribytkovap hill irmann lation. MWI ~bljmo per, Tz A Nauk, OtAel KhIm Nauk., 140 so. Jui Alkkg 1955A pp 770-772. CIA C 41476 CQuoultomts Bureau 7 chemistry ma~ CT8:'dex Dimon ikms or tbt-lRlmwmtary Crystal"Ites 16 TDl,~ Ity and Activity of: AIA CatmIYOU of ~,ewtlmos by A.M. Ildblushteinp erg., Noks Prlbytkmip a pp, Is AX Nauk Mmik Otdel Milm NoUkA_ 323-333. 1952. pp Omoultants Bureau Mar ~4 ON /DEX ,1,4z 2 -~~ and UO Mlboolft: It go IblMal of UoAhop abal*6 "A swim F. zo xa AqwMimp 6 a. Uutft I BWMMxp Vat II? ft 2# of Very Iligb Pressures on the Cata- )lytic Activity of Aluminum Oxide, by L. F. !Vedohobagin, L. K. Freidlin, A. H. Rubin- ~oh in s~ I. U. Numunmr, 10 0, peri It Ak WaWt SSSR, Otdel Xhim Na6i Ito 6 1951 Pp 8Q?-818. AGsoc Tech Serv RT-129 i~ zn~ Al~ :58 ntpe"tic by RUSS Iqo .6 I-Lpr pez-Ues of CL203 - A120." C"t-"'Yats.' A. A. Slinkin pp. DA Ak Sauk SS.M, Vol cXXXII 1386-1389- CIB Of nt on A c kv t Y Tlau rol, Conn UI%31*11~' G Cbmical FropertUm of Wo Catal7sts. a- 2. AdSwptixm nqpartiei of Mixed RI$ftjs IW go R- SIND110Vp A,,..X& 6 ppa Is A IMk SM, OWeI Vdm Imt, IV 550-556. OmSataniW bnvm 61-16889 N. A. and oftm. Rubins tic h. A 1-:, Pr1E1y1KUV80 CATALV' ~ FOR SYNTHESIS OF GASOUNE FR01~4 I. Rubinshtein, A. hi. CARBO ONOX , AND HYDROGEN REQUIRING ll. Pribytkove. N. A. NO' m EKIPE AIURE REDUCTION. [196116P. 12 ~efm. Ordm It Orrs 0~ J :~I.A $ i. 10 61-168119 Tr4nd. f'~imdekiA Nauk MR. Otdelenle Kh1mi- che.eVlkl Nhi*. 17 leitlys, 1941, no. 1. p. 41-48. DESCRI ~~Rs: catalysts, Symbests. *GasoHne, Carbon oth~oundt, hionoxides Hydrogen, Reduction. Temoer tixi-". F61 Is'. Nickel. Cobalt. A ries o1 nlckq~l and cobalt catalysts for "healis of ga alolln~ ft, monoKide were In- I Y, 4en and carbon C~tl at, C ~:4 lyy different mcthods from dif - fre nt 11 n n I cHals.' Catalysts prqmred by d.,- S iii k' ' yanides in an atmosphere of by- (Ch I ir r iic', Tr, v. 6, no. 9) (over) of Platluum WIth DI-IIYlmilwf bj K.~ inobteins G. - V, Derbisher, 5 py I= per,, Xx Ak Nauk SMp Otdol Khtm Vauk ~NPOI~J'j Wi/Air 3.953s pp IM-2376 ConsmItants Bureau Scl~n, I cttmistry cm/m 7/ Depqn~Ohce:d the Voltage StandlLng Wave Ratio and in i~IF61&nced Aerial SWItch on the Distance Be twt~ltbi!~mpotroa sua the Dischargers, by B. 9 pp. RMS peep I Radlatekho Vol XV,p No 7, 196o, pp pp Sci Apr 61 77 Slkif t CrewLed by the In-out Proatcetor TIA~es Recallver in BI=' ~T~ iJ 5 PY - lifL'Slkll~ par, ftaotekh,, VOL xv, -'-f0 10, .101601 pp problem cif thwaveraging period in OMrs by R. S. Rubinstein.. lers Tr- GUV. jqnCiz. obeery. ~51 (1-39 M) Mateort Cli On .110 1ritozral Value O~ T'rjemal Losses DurinZ-, Hot Liq,,.,-4d 1 P~zmlij.iI3 Iml~~b A Stratilm, by L. 1. Rubinshteln. RUS."i ~N' l!"h Izvestlya Vysshikh Uchebnyk~, Gaz~AbSSR)II I:P,-~q, p41-8 'S LA 1~16t)i~i VLO3 Li IN 6'rgra ZI 59.: 6c) c:Us by (midatoian vith rlitric IdmB]SIZFP It V. BlIzova, VorArmara, Prix mrimt Vol I=: -?;o 12" CD EN ~~Iphite r,educing bacteria. 5(5):443-55 (1946) (CSIRO/No. 10 We MLI V. X. lil ilussrAl IL958., Apr I'So 91tsm-l). by B. N. ~R.mblplh.tvin., 1~1?ribory i Makh EkspQr., No 41 T-astru Boc of Ar," C 1.0 Ulu PvOL)i,~w And ILL 0 o V, is *m t Old 13'S"911) V 0 1 Jail Vol The Ih~ vating Properties of Chromte Pigments, by I F6z Iel'd, F. 1. Rubinebtei V. V. Zhebrd~,, kiy,, 7 PP - RMSIAN pcx~~ Zhur Prik Mimp Vol XXXIii, No 61 196OP 1. ~1%1299. CB SCI I 61, 0 a oT tl I (~Il 6i" T~Oil~ier, I)y r, K ASlVV--:,'A7,Vj B. Pl. 3 v0, 'CUV., No 1)7 2 5 4, ~-~27 Inatni 9,,Ic of f"rcr scl OCT I I kL USE OF PRODUCTIVii-W AS=$ IN PMMIN13 ~ CF wMT10W (OIDONXIZED TRMS- UM)o IW H. K. GAIWINv G. SH. SWINO 49 PP.. SISIRSKIV NkTMTIICHESKIY ZlfA"v AJL/AW l9ap PP 481-499. JPAS SP IM 212p889 Rubinaht it, G. i I ON IME E' 1ENT AND AppucA,nUNS OF UNEAR P (5RAN INC; IN THE USSR (0 HazvItfi 1 Prim' ni I : i llrogrammirovanlya v \SSK) tr ' .1 A -hl Llni~l ogo by W, H. arhyw.a Moses Richardson. Rept. on I.ogistics ~,~tiarch I 'I., Contracts Nixir-761(05) anl 15'A Nonr. 185 21 1 1 11 60 [M)p, 38 refs. GWL1 Serial T-I,. 4,1~0; AD,247 723. Order froi M'S 4 $3.60 61-23702 LA Trans. of 61no. Win Inequalities and Related i I I ! Questions, oscow. 1459. p 403-420. DESCRIPTO S I !rations research. USSR. 41-ogim- lk tics, *Projr rii I 61tuiustrial research. Inequalities *Numcr.1co, nhl~ p6a procedures. I I I I Some $PC it 111dut-, 13~ 1) .11111ing questions arc consit cred whic, K i mohmis of linear program- ming have ~d 1: be useful for their analysis. A The eswnle, it the ~16 n~erjcal methods being exploited ii i (M&them3I1.Cj,1 TT~~ no. 7) (ove:r) 61-23702 I - Rubiashtein. G. Sh. 11. G~kLl- I - 124/60 Ill. George Washingtori, D. C IV . Gow1ract Nonr-761(US) V . Princeton U.. N VI. Gontract Nonr-1858(21) V11. AD-147 723 ofbc. of 7.0-col S--. GenO --al ~Xtre~i Zito) a* uss i p of the Problem Concerning the Ion Point of an Axia With a Convex Sh. Rubinahteyn, Nauk SSSR V01 WIL 1957P STA 59-18263 7) 4~'Ct of Orpnic SWphur Compounds on.of Dopmdta in Diewl .6-c-l- y 1. A. or aL ROSA 1,40 p"s T LOP.UV-. 14638- Xf DD 45. 1964 (1699) (On LAmn) I)y T, M. pp Hus's IN", pez 105 .1.1)','g, I U0 (NY-29001t~) ew Ins atter, 26.~ for Determining the Composition of Rubizwhteyn, 0. A. Simonyan,, 14 p,,). riboroutroyeniye, Vo 10, 1959, ll~ bj erp JPFiS 2866 n thi a of,Eva~oration of Polycomponent 1e Solvezil by L. l. i~ Nonvolaft op u I I a-vo pers Dok Ak gailk NOp Vol KCI# 4,1 167. gar 132 to 4/,5 ------------ it n -to Cs of Rvaporstlon of Ideal Mltl-. o O,M~ st c d Mixt;Lrenp by L. 1. Rubimbteln. ftlill *ard R a 5016;1~;95~1~ Uon. :#ikce.mo per, Dok Ak Sauk SMp Vol %Cp IP 907- C', On %be a by L. ri y L tt 7.1 Sol. ar the 21. N. Varigin ProbliaLa, teyn, 6 pp. io-m perj, Dok A Isiuk SSSR,, Vol OX.Ul,, i 50-53. corwixitants BUM= 3 US-14 1 054 L. 1. RIJ61NS EIN The to heat A ases in injection of a hot liquid Into a Izvest. 'Vy sh,i is ~;Ucheb. Zaved. Neft' I Gaz (USSR), No. 9, U-M ATS-41M 9R 9. 40 - English Euratom A Codti~ct T~,,ermal Conduction Pvoblem, by L. 1. Rubin'sit I pp, RUSS ip, p2ir, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR, Vol CMV, no 4, [-.1p 8c. AIP Sov Phya Doh Vol vp No sci THEH. TINGIAND MELTING OF A SOLID BODY BY FRICT, N;J B L. 1. RUBINSHTEIN, 4 PP. RUSSI ~J~ PER, DQK AK NAUK SSSRI VOL CXLIIj NO 5, i 1962~1~01P 1061-1064. scl AUG 6~ HY S ! All? SOV PHYS - DOK VOL VII) NO 2 208 T?l ft (Inn -r. ws- 1, 5L The H `~ d t' bafy the Decay Constants of K40 Used bi 'Ar~' OMations. by M. M. Rubinshtein, o *~ va.' 'r-c! w6un. 6 pp. Rubs Isvestin Akad Monk SSSR, Seriya Geol, gi-cho k Vol 270, No 60 19620 pp 3-11. jayap AGI jInt:rnational Geology Remiew V 69. No SO , P~S '894 P M K I Al ti JB th ti 3260767 n tho 1-1 11od ")I-,taining T 1~4i Uhh- Absoluto Age uf fZocqcj by "U1 II -thod. y M., Rubinahteyn, at al. h ri:-, RW;SIAN er, itz Ak Wauk SSSR~ Ser Geolog, No Amer Gooloo Inst onhysilics MR: -A BMW I Ann 0 Jm PW.O Is Ak emj, Bair I W6 1 2= 6p VP "-2W9 # ft 43" 59, A ftwu0m to go awls ~Z QiAdo of OrobaMbe liutea& I. A Neu by~ Ins 0 hikors P. Imosipt I Ppe ~.j mD pap Zhur Obsbcb. Shiap Vol 111" p N6 I 156. V Comoultauts Bureau 8 at ii: Chemistry CM/M . - i t ~: ~,r a Rubins levlev, PARTIE Cti It U; P fAnillitic Apparatil Mer~CU ry CIIA Tr. Order fri Trans 11 WSSR) 11 DH ISCII LF An ;ippar of I 1j. ;; If tire Sum I analvtica Qw-mist R.i ?. LYTI I ikl' ava t azov - the' hv d( no. 11 )TS LncW i V. 24 S: ' V is d Iv CO-)4 lkistnikov, 1. V. , and ~ [XI DISPOSITIF SANS RE LP'S GAZ SOLIS VIDI-i C Ustanovkl dlya Vakuumnoi Rtutil (The Analytical I'art of tht- Lium Extraction of Gases Withnut "vinsky. I June 60 [191p. I ref. 1 (text in French). 61 - 15 7557 v(xlsk[ayal Laliforatoriyal 9. p. 1135-1141. uum apparattot *Gases. Se-parat:ion. tl-ilml by means of which thec(vilen IIii CO. arid, front the difference, nitrogen can lk, determined. 'llie olns mi the principle of fractionril Tl I., Tr. v. 6, no. 7) (over 61 - 1 ~7571 1. Rubinslitein. It. N. If. Postnikov. 1. V. Ill. leviev, A. 1'. W. Cl-A-ir-Rl)JO V. Commissariat a IT'nergic Alornique (Franco Offit. .1 I.Ch.1-1 S-i-. p 116 ?h bf mat rX twiftular Adisorption,, by A~ A. Its 54 tNWJ&Po 6 pp. I per, Dok Ak Xauk IMISRv Vol LIM j pp arm L-173-7-D 59 W pm% Ei LL t'li'a" fnl~, tl,,C. PCI~ce,41'LLC o All, in sc NEWS su! ,. c No sci c1, pductivity DetermInQUon of Seni- I C, "talv by, the "Wedge" keti,,Aid, ty t 4 pp~ ti; Dok Ak Nauk &9M, Vol CXXV, I pp 542.. Awr XrA t of ftyc Sov Physi DoklMy Vol IVr Uo 2 ~11~ i 1951 A Moth of A in the Re A41 A WS ~iwri r 60 wits for Bukaromml and for M*uritiois 1 to Wim Synthetlo Standards,, by 3 14,o lb 3# IV59v VP 308-310- Dwtru Ckmi of Awr Meth de Ei I.e. '61'4'ne Deter'rhina- by ];il I RUS 25 1A.: dde de Deteimination de 1'1-lydro~;ene dai-c, lt~t&Uiijue en Poudre, (Ri.'tpid Mlethod of on ot' Hydroien in Titamium Meto-1. Powder), JArmliteiii, N. G. Men&lina, 10 pp. XfRENCII, per) 'ZjEtvod Lab) Vol XXV) 19)~ -anr Reverse r, cilk 'rr-11-61 j,( Det~;qhn: t Dog De6 (is 1 13 (Daier'i, )a tij I,4 of facc'~ W ~.i ilic by It 110 Main 10 J)PO FMIC11 I Tcc-1)7330., '6 141mrae ~EC) Impmtes Orgwiiqws A La Surfav ques Par Le *thcde Spec trogra ph Lque. the Orpnic Txq~urltieo on the Bw,- Piecea by the 11 ctragraphic Wtliod), (Roubinstebirg N. G. Kari~cl, per) 74wiskaya lab.. Vol MI. Translation C&A-Tr-R370 an the V)Zetlctt of Difftnl= ox bCr 0, )t& PabasheUkIli R. Me .10 pps po~6 oft Tr (Mnter F04ft no= Ob"stry 'a 0) ? Ti:ll~ A;. Ji I L P=-tl of the Apparatus bhc ctv - on of Gaces Withcu'* !,Icrcur,-x b~, R. I ~~i I, V. PoDtDa,ov; A. P. Yevl,-,,., Pp 7 pp; RUM p-d ZeLvod TAb,, Vcl XXI.Vy No 9) 11 gq 51 8, Instru Soo of.Amer Apr meth(da of comutation to Up a. R. RWnebtein" V. 0. Karpol Vj~ Zwlm~ b yw It Ak Xm*p fWr FU Vol xlx., C;,~, 01 cm c 420Y.) ewiv*da Tecla Tr P3 ics ~pw 61-13764 Raw ~bt, eyn, $1 ~~A M*"S!E.S!AND 1 ORCHS IN THE CUMMC OF 1. Rubinnifteyn. S. A. META1.911 (I"11 111p. 11 refs. IDSIR LLUI M 2282. 11. DSIR LLU M. 2282 Order grokii OaTrt 'SLA $1.60 61-13764 Trans. lot suchn ye Shkoly. Mashino- Mimi C-.Iyt i PrIbarwrMnlye (USSR) 1958, no. 4, P. 170-M. MSXCR Pl,,-,RS:! *sea. Plandeity, Thwry. emetale, ~S tows. MACMning. is revjewj=tL'ned an the followb4t %ftry Of ON topc beadear: (I comact stress" and forces on the I from S"ii; (2 Imustancy of volume condition dL;xing tkb*e farrOifim 01), ile chip Clemelia; (3) condition of equl" of th~l Chip ek-mills; (4) determining the forces *Z""Kress to of ciating; (3) filet NO I if o1 ICII 1.111 ng offa-f I.C61-1 S-i-. forces ind Strells ba: and (6) eumples of calculation. M Nis I~ery,- 4ndacturiA& TT, v. 6. no. 4) Imly U CC Operstl=ma Clrcles of AuUxmted cire ~r4- Morldwer b~ L. V. Mmdobin, I -A L Ye 4 ~'(b)j Stxesses and Porces in the Mitt or I to as, by S. A. RW)inahteyn. Twow Mwch Dok Shk Ser Rush i xn~-m zip 1~rib so 4 )L958m, pp i34-JL43# 170-1w. W;9-75- U81 600 Oct 814`03 (DC-2122) P~o 'lew in the Foyebology of Thought and an h 44161plea of Deteminitim, by S. L. 15 pp. InO per., Voproal FlIo5of No 5, Moscov, 101-113- U3 PRUS/DC.-L-8-99 s :L: f0dicine (DC-34-28) Uie D3 xidn"m amd the Pwicholosieca Theor" loapt, y 21 by S. L. fob!notep 57 pp. IWOU-) 9, ~ bkj Ps skaya Nmika v OBRo vol 1~ !~ 3.999."! JPM 21466 scl . ?be rol k Bli-. ~ 'day of S. L. flublachteya) RWSIAR ) Per AbologilIL) No ?fty /J-un 105r. Vopresy Ps ik3 ~-6. 4M 4971 -9 BIOS 3.;Z NOT 50, 7-7 1 er DD 3 7 9 4) I-I 10 The. ReA t ~ :Do& c e Practurea During Variow Staget, of Radiat ci ~ Sick heos, by Ta. G. Rubiashteyn, M. N. Nemkin Li ftishlysanikova, PP. RUSSLU j o MO Tfl ~ .0 Voyenno r -Med Zhur, No moscov) Jun 19V 1 pp 3-37- i US JPRS/W-L-518 sci t, ici aly, Of the OLTOV-160-11,10 UNK-1,50) Y& M.,,Rubinstdn 0 swig 0 06-34~mm kAo, 196,, (on 1wwo 1~ LL 22.0J L 144R 284.606 P~rarl Dell"j. F J f,'~ S T lZeIz-b 0'r, - Sci 22. lic ;ton by; I-)Pf .-~Itxrr~o ot~.Pl't V~ f Radio Waves aad Aritemv; Fe,.~~' cii. 14. Rabinnt-np,. 96 pp. Rasprastranentye Mdiovol.n 4 rx e ustroyatva, Lenlog-md ;il)roltoy Transypn-T-L, .1000, r!) 317--.'~'L" FIB, WL-959/1 175, .117a th cioice:. ensioas for the Exhaust 1nde er of a Turbine., by L. D. 14, ~Rublnshtein "Ussm; lper' PAek Stantati, No 4, 1959, 25~36J' OSIR LLU M-1999 (loan) scl 3n 1.2 0--t 601~ Measuring Clearances in Method for A !Jet 11 M. Rubimshteinj M. A lea) by Ya Ta'rb V. Ti%lbil py Teploenergetikap No 7Y 1958P 4!4. 1 DSIR UU M.929 (10M1) sorr Date on the Thermal Regime of U33R b Ye. S. Rubinshteyn, pp. 13U )'Ik.T IL-rp Fochvovedeniyu-, A 1]3,.) .2 0 1.(), Ic"- TJC~, atd Ann3snis of "Course of OSIMPIV Clu~a$o 0 by 19. P. Alisov, 0. A. Drozdov, Te R% Outem 33 Pp J, lip nwr. "f2.952j, 487 Pp. AM Phase 11 Aimi n Be ifl. Oeophysical lAbraW of Congrens fter of lost lbohmp Bwtwae23L Ocam mid b7 T- V- POkKNBkWo Ye. S. ftbin- AD IW# oral I olm ft 31 N=cowj CTAAMD U-85V srr, lee, sel 11 aeol lemp me~earojogy M, L , 7"d,. ~GS STEEL IN OXYGEN ONVERTERS, SMELT 1 0 G By:p. 50IR SKIY 1. 1. ENTIN PP. RUSSIAN 'PE IIMETA5LURGICHESKAYA I GORNORUDNAYA PROMY~H ENN ST13 NO 5, SEP-OCT 1962, PP 73-75. JPR~ 17143 USSR ECON SCI ZI!EqGR 11 JAN 46o 219 Th (ID Grenadoop by Col Viediatio Rubiop 1.9 54 no 143v APr GutnOp Hadricl. A- Hqj mush t ~.mnjtion T11 11 is of the ktypicol Form of &-teriosua by Cathetarization Of Itself# by Ps Dowhard, Dii #pkpp, 8 pp. ~19 :S c CT ;p6r, Arch d M1 du Coavr., Vol XLIV., PPi ~~5-557-, if lbaicine Aj~ 55 att ~elll L c DU im p IL 7 i95, !rf ion or th 0 Ductus Arterlosuso. rtmew or the Catheter Fr= MOW~y Artery to the Aorta Through Fft;t6uchard, V. ROjQ,.:R- Limn, Arch dL Ma du Coegj Vol =V0 Hadicine A~ gew~ ItthoO for tba PrepWMtlon of YlonobarLula hop Pbatel ty Vimlta Irfiazo Rubio. Prp AMUS acclema mayanau do ristas ;4AU:w 101 XXKIXs 1943t,pp 743-750. MA 6%,-iW9 r 0 2 7- -7 Mo1*bii(.,f'qum 1.611 icicle Heating 21ements for Te4e~'Slture--'~ IiUP to 17000C, by E.. Fitzer, 0. 11 1 11.1 pp. ,~jbsch MTKNOV, j pet, Euro-Ceramic, Vol VIII, Nio Broken Hil:L Proprietary CO Ltd (CR'~/T 276) ROV 51~ /Il : 4 4 .7. , . I -II ,F~ '4 ... 1 .1, I-. -,I I ,1 -M ib .rad; oritaticn. M. ~~!ftc Cathot the V=tuo Cardlacus With ica~Clinieal Findings. Prose-atatiGn 013j 5 of whm W Cyanosio. r the Existence of Inwrted ana to di~6613 ',-shunt p by R. Lima Lmoono r1iol V.I.Rubiop 37 pp. Ver, Arch-lust CapXiol. W;dcos "50 re VP 147 Nn Bmionti ic - Heaic ine C WCO 170/ 55 J %Ihej4t6fia~6mellt of Hori=taj, 77"Allev (Di a Second-6der .P~ , Rubis pin $p by ~B- M 6 pp. ~Verj Goodu i Kartog.. No 1, 1999~~Ppl AOU Le"Ctivation of Aviation Muturicl,, by Sligi, Ma~j I R. liuk 10, RU I~IAN Krasnaya Zvesda, 9 Dee 1955- r1p., CIA/FDJ) ssum 650 bit- DO MT Mr IN CTS em ot f1dovion Lines I.Pomed in Maving Ste We Opl~~j by 13 -PP. 8 iper., Astron Zhur., 'Vol XXXVIT, no 5, 1960, AIP Gov Astron - AT Vol Wo No 5 q ant'. (4u: Prof'i.'-.(~ 6 n''n Aso Russli Pp~ scil i Apr d a Interpretation of ErAssion-Linc a Wolf-RWt Spectra, by S. V. hablev, P~Ir, Astron Zhur, Vol Xj-=., b0 5., 1962, Amer Inst of F11qs Sov Astron - Ai Vol VI~ 140 5 q 254;14i Enisnion iliofiles Formed in Moving Stellar Envelopes II.1 Ou-thow at a Radial-ly Decreasing Speed, by Oy, 6 pp. RU6S~ p!'-,r, Astron Zhur, Vol XL., No 4, 19'3, PIP;I'61]3-6 b- Amer Inst of PhyB Sov Astrou AJ voi vii, vb 4 AW4 254)515 The Appr. mt ~;,Solution of the Tv"fer Equation for Mine P~Aosphare TaIdn Account of the Blan- etihg I 40t0 ~y so V. Rublevp a Ipp USSIA stron Mms Vol XWTII, No h, 1960.9 p 677~ 't; AIP Sav jistroa-AJ Vol :[Vs No Apr 61 oil the I ~ssi 111ty of Outflow of Hatt-or From Ei4mer. 6f Late Spectral Clawmes., by S. V. Rubley 12 RMS Astron Zhur, Vol XXMp No 1) 1959p 3118 yp 7 AIP Vol ai'v no I Sol, tra Oct (DC -2'1(YJ12). The Ne% *dc.."r of Labor Payrnat f or the wor,-,ern 'b K. RubLIeva, 10 pp. RUSSIAIII., per., I Ii v Bel Iskom Me) No 1, 1959, pp JMS -Ml -D USMI Ecoxi Jul 59' .... ......I....... TT-61-31601-3 (p. 68-73) N. 2 IRMINATION OF THE I.Aff 1. Title: Chloropbom OF ALLOW IN NATUR ABLU.CHLOROFROS CONCENT7tATION AL BASIN i WATER. 11 9M 1 Sp Ards 1. Rubloyso M. N. II. Public Hoobb Service. Order 0 0715 IODI&Tr-61-31601-3(p. 68-73) Wa&Mvfaa. D. C. Trans. mixio [~Mwtsmym owans v0doemor a: 7A y& I rahlowymi stodwrw vodatni. Pr*;~ Cabd)i; DOP&MMI Kootmentratall Vreft kb 31", rog. d. tf Mo c" * v M Typ. S , , , (Abomi; I I simbbla DR= 6 ~&Qlov, *Watw supplies, CCm- taminstio M~ m ' a ilodutzrial), olosocticuwa, Opboopbi n , imm , Taxiclsy, Chke abar atfacted tba orpodeple prVmWo v T orts ohows tbm 0.04 fg/o was the cabosaiij ad chkropboo *dw percop- Ition is water. Cb*cpboo lobiblod the promm ct of (1140podit Sanitation. TT. v. 11, no. 7) (eve.) FUU C"o .4 RWAM and A, C. VOI MMP ND 39 a bureau 41C nwasfts* edrat" mom bw V, spa moo lka Im lb 1:71kil Ilk Rea 1 14.. o Nitratoo and NitriiAs of the )(stale of I? ~Ot secoud, oxovpo Of 1). 1. Manweavon ro 10 in )bIts. ZVI. 10c"atigation of the To of the fiftratee of Gsslum,, Tb&Mum, d pe 1. Pmtoarkof V. V, Rubleva, 6 pp. tUs L md ahur Obah Vol XXV, No 2v 9 p GI& D 151348 ConmAtanto btweau sai 1 0 Atie 6vi 116 1 b 4; PP ROSS 1) pi) :6~ 44o. Sci i Sep of consumableeNozzle Electro-Slag A~, Wdk-o,, I, N. Itublevskiy et sat ffirtonot Svarkao No 9. 1961# BWRA 210g607 %,,,. J~n 641 of the cowidon or tbo r, on the Meldng 4a)d of Ham-Gage es, by D. A. DudkD, 1. M. RW)Icy~Mya. PA P, pcllrt AM"" sysA&M 122 OD 57-62. 261.089