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mm Lwo at the Zwo =A Extrms t#buU polsta, tbe! SIVSU Of awslan somb Whm They at bGX07 - .- Are f 1~bdimd In hollUide.. by -1h. 0. RooU tdMzdke, Val IMP No k# 19%.- pp Parpman Sol mpotrm .39 Correlatloo Function and Energy Spectrum Df Speec. si(pale i,'ith Strong Limitation in Tt.eir kplitud,?, OY YU. G. RoutIDNItuev. RUOIAR lier E.LektroevynzI, Vol X!, No I . , I /I: "I (~ -;;~ ,5 ~M Mincoln Lab S C.. Ucctron 8 ia'.~ Propbylaxis and Bradication of -Tiog 1.4 Svlnep by 1. A. lbstmrtseva. RUSSUNJI ver,, VeterinulA,, Val XXXV1,, No 2,, i lei, 3,959v !.PP 57-69- CrA lk~ oil Re x of Q-Yovw 1u Aplaultural Ininalm and MD"Ur" fW Its ItrMUgation, b7 1. A. mm~,, as per# VP 0-56. Ott 56!tTS Yetalmlyap Vol MIII; Be 7l CU 9W6554~ Froductl~w of VALIticalorod Docorative Cermics b" OlrgA6 Firing Witbout SMpn, by 1. 1. KitAyS&rp'ftk, pp. y, K. 1. !2ttoftef ffj&nm,~ Ders Steklo I Kox=lMp Vol XM; pp 1-3. Cmmultants Bureau ion I I J~ !ft U r Kizel Bedis Near Butuluk In Cbkalov i'Locirp ~y S. V, 8=1 dmtova,, A. it. rqzbovs, :~f; F~o Roo`tovts",,.,4 pp. ,,VSSTM) ~Perv Dok Ak NwA MM., Vol M=.. No ommItanto ba*au Bali. 0000byeles 58 66"117 i: alli Pvulalco of Livwloci- /~~- :jUn opeW- m ltcllnj~, Dvelb , 8 a Fabrics With Electric CxLrrent,, by E, Ros ray) R. M. Trukhtenberg. i !R09A HMS,IM., per, Tekatil Prom., Vbl XIXI No 4. 1959.0 pp 55-58. DSIR LW M. 980 (Inn) act - FJw 0v"6 6 oct 6o by :idiGlz~w ',N]T', i%bltU* Lt Mod,um R4enrimbla by CROWUN: Or.. C 3 Hictony w4 the 3ta,.~,Nta of A-unuir-ralo V. Roatow" VWJUM-Od~ Frobleal,, Vol Xj~ go 21 pp A-55- /6% loco Deo 59 JM-L-1964-D ahe I to of Arst lpvby in nLapoldng ceat4a T6bermaosIsj, by go CLzoic, S. ft4mcmik, I per$ Womidd Vajemilk,. Vol W*3, pp 36-42. oTs 63-11458/4 PL-480 Sol jam:(A g&.,524 I , Id Itw mwulw~ by G. pa** r. 1. jkQm=w* 12 S=iz AV dw-M-t" pr9uvoownk I Prom JPRS 13385 &A-mot . mar 164 2510637 Filogrwmc, Instruotion and Teacbinj: machinea F~, 11"IROstunovo Voy*nW Vestnik, No 49 1963, ACSI 1.1614-o ID 220W1 Sc. i At e 0 Clat sificati6,n., Bequirements,, ana Principles of i ConEtxluqtionl~ of Simplest Teachiqg Machines., by XX T. 3. 'Rost-tin i:yvy 16 pp. RUSSIAII-) pcr~ 1-4, Vyaahikh Ucheb Zaved 17 iZSO SSSU po i-,P-::aeiu Racuote-ich) vol a, .4o rp 397-304- M-0 23245 Sci r, eb Sk 249.,323 ElriilcipW. Ilrtmnds in the Comrersion of HiGher I 1 11 9cluactiortal Institutions to Pro[;rvimacl 7,--achinC, Jsirlz I'lealAIng Machines, by 1~1. I. Rostunov pl). 1 .1 :VJW. MT) 1 1)er,, Iz Vysshildi Ucheb Laved '.RriSSO =R ~O~ Plazdelu Radiotekh, Vol Vlj, I To 19,6 ':~ 74 0 l' ?.P 1 -377- JPRS 23245 :Pci 64 24 peb 9,321 . I Sd' fit Goosrsok Reft"Ch in RUDBW4 1 1" by ~ A..hWN6 10 Pp. Rdr,moulus - gwrlr_ 1905-m- 9"la 2=60-creaw% NMO 4o' 14-in'lig Ipp lia-ml. I.0 1" a JP'RIS 27 scl ~a scl Nov;64 268p247 1-1 1IN t1IF VOR Fit Al AIVO!;IjjI:;:I?' !'10:' !~P!1~ t-;,l rip. o-1 Omtra7l IPI- -h! I )t. on, 5~ck i et c Nationa ic X VuO, at lon C 2".4) 7 6 0 t (I L) y Yl .1S u `~Iur cbrillch ka7dmj Vol pp Convilt-n-rts Sci Ju I I t,:, !R IT' ~,S 1Tlinr, !,7,Hjr Obshch fn)JTq,, Iri .1. 7,7V "CIM of the hfacam Moracy j",fter by K. = fie E a Roffvdd. V-9178 i Isd-E.T1.1 (y,S, GOVEINMENT ONLY 1 27 4pS97 stemination Dibutylphoophorle, Mornbutylphosphoric-, ad Ph,)sphn~:~;i.- At-ids by Meano of Paper Chromatograpby, V V.-P Shved.iv', S.P. I~qqaqqvs 3 pp, UWIAII, per, 1,hur Anal Rhin, Vol. XR, No. 4, 1959, p 507-508, CB 60 RWISITAH PO ~ I jwtlm of Ifteroarvalwo an Petmlem Rydrocarbms, ~by M. Docialal H. Stwip A. hmMaon. a put$ WiXoo~ Mikxoblol,, WLI UP So 1,, 1957s, 1 .0 IWO 59 3 7 -1j37 " % b u -JO ~ The '0411imation 0 Container Ciro by tbo )?oIlsh statitt Rallt"sp by T. Rousak) 10 pp. PCIZIEp puirg Prteglad Kojejovy Przewozovy, Vol XT.T. mc 4. 196o4 pp ioi-io4, JM 7095 ET.ur - Poland scou / Y-~ s N,c 6o ON AM MOVIM 11M 000 POLISH MaTRY IN 1946499%, DTWMI i~pl ~~' . I Is ANtONINA !Tl to PP. rwirmoilpst VOL Xvi I/XXV1 I 17 14!"*M!& S. our"Ib.. ~r 11 . ,II I ~ . T , - - F T IP I I . I I; ~ 3 1 i 1: I i I, I I i I,i t II MAP i 91 1*410iia a $UxWa*w TtUrAMI AmOrmamuo ;i- *o'- 11 U mw;w4 Swami 1A) 11961.6'L QUN mAciIlqbY A~Q INSTRUMENT SEALING IN THE ~~HFJIICAL AND FOOD INDUSTRIES, BY JIRI ROZ --.KYDALEK,, KAREL SUBA, b PP. GGVV~NMENT USE ONLY CZE-,'H STROJIRENSKA VYROBA. NO PP JPRS 16o34 EEUF CZECH ECOI\ 140V 62 N6,015 i Mav=twnta for ixtermization ot cu;cLcity of Higbwayil, by M. Q. aotach,, IML . ...... I OWASO per$ StrUss mW Varkehr, no bj 1957,, pp 3135-402. sanha6W/ur Sci - ZMr reb 59 , r/, - -,/, z - ? DoterWimation of Farameters of Combined Linear cot-trol sy-stew.9 ly V. la. Rotach,, 5 pp RM'STAN, perp Avtomat i Telemakh, Vcl XXI, Ho 8, 19(Op pp we-lal ISA. Sol w:l 61 7 Con,4ictivi-. and Size o;-.' the ltonconrlictinC Y La~,u,r in tic Case of a Cylin-Iricul Modcl of the 111arUi :' 'n Application to Dat Varxiationo, by 1~1. M. Ploatanova P11. RUSIS~IAII, pcx, Gcomagnetiv.3 i Vol. III, 1,'c 51 10uj-,j p ;)Ut-~ I: AGU 264 2-, ity irom )bsta 7 PP~ IRUSSTAN., per., No 31 1963j, PP i Bel I ]may 64 of the Barth I a 111 g tkzdftKti conductiv- on Wt Variationx.. by N.M. Rotanava,, Go mm tizm i Aeronomiya 552-560. Let tf.~ Pre~,;rnxe AL. Conli_tiorr9 th ! R11 f I 1.1ot, pl.-in, by PP. Al".. j;mr. Triustria Allnileiitum% 1-11-A,1111e, Arl!l 11rt IV, , qc) I 1 1 1961, '3 L'J, m ii I Scq* More on Autombile SAVansica, by R. V. BoItedberg. MOTM,4i per,* Awto Prom,, no 5,, 1961.. pp &lo. MU 19325 ftl - 114P 19 Swpt 62 .2/a/ t of 113p Mmmnvlooi ln (bbalt Belt m thm Oontent of 21mur Odbalt and I Ckdebmsp IW A. lcuw3d.'# D. A?~tenbeijj_ 146H,p p4wp Acts Ardologics Ptawdeap nv~! aD 4,o x963. an 63~-WoT/Q~ FIASO jval 64 263oO92 .4~41,lt 01 IUI* kiU*tlC$ in EFFECT 0 ih rERR61AGNETIC A 'P. MIJ RUS$IAN'~ NO 7p i9 HEAT TREATMENT ON RESIUDAL STRESSES LAYERS, BY B. F. ROTENSHTEINI IT I ANU. PER, IiETALLOV I TERM OBI:LAB METALLOV, o, PP 15.16. scl - PHYS AuG 62 HB 5"4 2FTP015 jj6prod,uCiM ClImuitic Environmerfti,i Conaitiona in th~~ leborutory) by ~- Rotor. ,(MWM Ij. per, klefunk=-Ze ii. No 1) 1~64) illp 543 VDIA z-- /3 C, 7 - gel - ja or. 334520 Tk,o 'ition cf Frateatt" Layers on Alunduum &TA iLwm AlIcre tq Mvmdeal Mouns 11.9 by E. Rvabs to XAPIt 3.9 vp- ojvw~p wo rmGcb=piwtitvt* udi Problerant fur Iwo Sdambloob4md. mittatimpa, VI), Zia.* :L5960 pp :L?-gg. MA 59-IJUI 8411 a.%$ Vol ills so a #4 Yr " The Pr6paration of ProUntive bqera of Almium aad Altiduum' AUDys IW Madcal Uftion Ip by R. Raub,, -Roklini-, 13 pp. GERMO.ol per#' Fcr",=qpLwtl%vt wd Probleraxt fur f4ilmt"PAWMI &I I& stizah-Owid. Mttteiluagen, Val X:tlr :038,v pp 1-9. SIA 59-1-7132 set on I Vol III$ so 8 Apr 61 Xndium-Bearlng Silver Alloye, Ivy 2. Y1. i Omw, per, )Utt Forsch lust und Probiermts JkYolimtolle Staatl Roberen Facb&uthulo Schwab., Voll XI, JWo 2-3, 1.937, pp 1.3-19. rhe Po-Osibility of Transition oj' Chlorophyll c, T:, (311-dorophyll b in the Biosynthetic Proc(.,sr,, r. N, GcAnev, R. M. Rotfarb, A. A. Shlyk, per, Dok Ak Nault SSSR, Vol i*,'XXX,. ic i. c pp 66' .J-666. s:A 6o-i6wh TLIT Theci oqll~ I Mion o:? Porpivrinogen by T. Iro 004.1,1arl, 11. '1. 3 RMMAIV) pel'.0 Dolt V: JL959:. Sol Pob rrauk BSSR., Vol C'f:r,7T!, Fo Amer Imst of Blo). Sci ;7;77 Thf,i Syntho4is of (',hlorophyll U the Dark in Ani, npi2 by T N. godiaevj h. A. M134cr R. 1.I. flu.3sw1j, 3m''r* Piz ftstQniy;, p 59 vol. vil ITO 11 Axwr last of Biol Set The Poe I' Two Chloroybyll Components of Dioilyn exie(in thr- Process of Rejuvenation, by A. 16.11* Sblykv T, N, Oodnev, R. M. Hot;= and Ye. P'.1 vak~ovich.. i HM,ILWP tkiiiee-mo r., Dok Ak Nauk EISSR., Vol CXid':Ij ND 10 Ipp 13rto-1327- Conaultants Bureatt 0 ~4 7 Sci - C'hC,42 Mar 58 I kv 0 Oarlain -4 * MA " OWENWW IA -am* P"Wusa D:Wtk ft~lmvp 1W 30 30% 36 43-wo) Paron= last Pik lmiprov~ng the- QAinlity of Piroduction at the 14,c~ccAfl'~'OLI:nvrM.)prlbor" Plani*., by S. Rotfell.19 5 ~ I I;Pp iRlISSIAN19 np$ Vechogaa Moiskyo 30 Sep 19646 .10its zll.135 1) si, ~ Ft Renn 275$92,11 Coucerh #g T, tind pleatto-zlestic Siwtv# by K.Beunevitz tObLAMVMCD lk Z* Val XLjp 19390 pp hi6-428. W Tr 1831 Scioitific Iftysicti Airll 54 CT6/lDEX . , 1: Ai'ter-RVeat by Beat Ikiffu3ion and OXfwi'M Wltb the Peirlcdic =. d Aperio- dic Vrocoim,, by )1, Rotger, Ql5k4M; -,p�rj Olas+,ech Der, V6.1 XMF 116 6, am ICI~1.41; pp tgg-2W. a ci 0~ LAST!q~ RELAXATI )H MAMA OP SIM- P~I: ANDIVIXEL) M.KAU SILICAM AND BORAX (Ub.-r (Up Msatinc6e Reloxatior Nverhaltes won Einfachevi vM Gemitchten Alkali -Silikater tod won lbrax). 11962) 123 p. (forelp text)wlth" 24 rdo. 0Z, from SLA $2,60 62-16139 Tre -w. 0 GlastechnJische) Berl cNe) (West Gerrmny) 19511. V. 31. no. 2,4, 54-60. DESCRtMRS: Borax, *Wrstcv Alkali metal cot - P"da. *iillcates, ~ 'Silicon coml our4a, Elasticity, Hysitrenip, Temperature, Mistim. Relazationtime. *oil op., b)"Mns, 6(vilcal sun 7100 Mtrovy px W_*0FKVd, eusti: byltef"111 MIALIMA *C". 81,64YU found 10 d* temper sture Few from -1W0 to PIN 3oft with Iltmum. sodfilm am PDMRIW" sili- cate e oW iielr mixon". 7btsedvationewriglesef 0A&ttr11al*--0erwAt9. TT. v. 11. no. 1) lover) S,I,Q~tbftis 0,'f Alke,,-diola Frw Tinlocig)b Bax6n Natcrocycleaj, by R. Kne-itt-r. G. llo~owaz~l 3 WHANI, perp Angnodta Cbe=a.. Vol 1=1, vo 4., :tq.6o;o 19 -139. SLA 60-:1.60,01k set 26 ~fty 62 ~2 voi v,~ zo OoubiA-Acttig Opposed aou;~ P. "dicia". MM% per,. W& Vol VP 5,43 Gb/3n Piston XrZinc, by L. 22, No :LO, :L961,, P . r T-h lc~ sci -~ Jul Of 335P025 4.1 oil fo Pardamentalm of AcH Copper Pla-Ung and of the CulatI.Or Prft,~ess, by Strauss,, RiAb. UNMASSIrIM MWJO per$ *talldberflache,, JJOIP 1957,s pp 281-285. Co-op Tr Sclwme Tr 871 (2-10-0) Bel gin/got ile Apr .27 Tm Boo niwtior of Fiscal Aotivitdes in Ccy,:, ti-es in CollectIvIzed Rayons, N. Var, Ilescup 11 pp. by A, _;~otb RU.WaAlfx I~er, P12azte at CredIt. No 10j, 196ij. pp 49-56. JM 134W No ~'n Ap r 02. -Imumtliof WIN$ In the Casting Of i AlUitioloml~bVtop by A. Potbo (IRWAS por,, Alu-3,Wm (Geraw Vol =11 no pp lbf: ah N Rc- *is 58 J,utarmal Cwtation Ragiao With Double-Acting i Plston~~and Laterml Slot ia Cylln&r, by Adolph pp. GIMIc 0%ten t No 830.9 585. us Dept of cmm-..rce Patent Offica Sol Lib 10, Jan 6-1 goozr~ Behavioar of Heav Water in Piles of the CZAp by Rothset Mqq$~ papir P/34~), Pmeeedimp of International Omw" C6 pft* dha VMS 'of mmi,3 murgy MJA at (JOKW" O~w Aus 1955,9 Val IX. Matenati PA)nf -- UN set - ftelewr Pbyelce /,,I J- Apr 57 CIA 1-669.s).i62 Parificaticai of Lbe ileavy W&tA)r of liaectors ELI atid IM2 b~ Ion Ecebwip Resinuj, by J. Cbencuard) E. FRum., cm 673A r9t, See 1V-IrIl.. 1957, pp 10-22. ABC Tr-4632 Sci - Memo mw u 8 MW~M, S'e'vort, SWA~o tiflo' Le a 14&opik-Douterim Mixtureop and sna~jOrdjnsxy-Water MUltmes by Meam we Spectrometerp by a. Chevcuu4j. C.R.A. ft 87, 1,951. SoL.A. Cbsidstry CM 68/kay 55 *7100twUe Port 11 OmpoorptIve 1~ 0A lkmal or& Brandied PAY*arylonl- ~ to Dmmvtnto amlwbtas ka, Id! IV. ~. Z, r~ /; c, i-o- .... ... )(16 i ~ee5l Owft-90 u TSKMUmbp 'V01 YMP 0 AS-150. ItnebW! Uporylonli*lle. Part 1,71. 7bo Spq=J a thi we~~U~ Uo of Pbas hmn lormucbed lymea-Aoiatrodwo 120 Acry2le Initers, by Ift 50 opoctro~'s ROM ~~Ion. -Deuterlum Mixturea, and Heavy *ter Xx1twes by Wane oJ." a Mos p by Jo Qienouardj J. Gueron and E. w~, V~port O.B.A... No 87,0 1951. AEC Tr 1274 X6lear Phyoics *Tun 52 CTS DEX of Caut.40y Cx%mo ft r Awsw6ling :PmMricated wata in ~ tbc MOVIat MOO, UY ULb&Ll Pope, &im'd (Wk Bean 9 pt on Mkw., wAt; Pore Ariste Omtructillar al a lUtarialolor bnatruatti, iM*hMBt,, Jan 1959j, pp 23-28. =/FW &= 2203 59 '7 j s,.,-W- 'A I .ek~~ llklpo4d of Information Proasesing Rad I ItafRelation to Intellig*noap by 3*, loth 0 4's"Aff,j Perg ZallsebrIfA fuer gad AALUAndjs W~hgIO&LIp Vol lip 1964v pp 616-622 11TC1 72-12039-05J i Jun,;o 7 2 I~qatjclbutim -W the ftowletip und Co.,"rehnnsi.cr. (A~ KUkI Live, r Smoro ard Uni-Im. teml I. tb 0 S 66 rip. 61"rth 1, by r. -Pp, MIW.j per., rmakftirter Zoit fus-hr Pitt ~io.IcC, WO& L:Llj No 2 t 1938,s pp 16--j-196. Tin 1101.6 Traj ctor4o or Dean-Riding Fj)clmtil With Gas Jet R, Emnprp S. Rotho 22 pp. MCLASSIFED ltroulatlot F RE I P11 ZIS :mm=o no p(w. Zeltachrift Puer und Mmlk VOL Mj, No 40 SvitzerlaW .1 al ]i 2v 24 ;080 ATID F-M-7950 c .-It~rjtlf 1~ ft:ticop beam rUllag Tmkoto 2 CIA, 1023448 Feb 53 lf"C~qr. up~ctr . I 140tho !9''PP. J?-IWNCH,, and Spectrometry, by Ethienne pero~!~ J. Pk"13. Mwiumo Sao Vol X, 1~hqj PP AEC Tf 1705 C: ie n tif Ic ftyo Ic 13 CM/M 730 fl`~~rtcjea Awng Mor-ellit Viinc-r-IMIC72. C" p1birl Vex harulluuEpri vcib ZXXI=.. 1955) 323-3n.-, Dirra*"~, P*-U:wgmAW vith Unge DrlpplvSj FROM J. Oda Pmes, Vbl MMr I-9k9m, pp SCK'L Aws 59; Loch, I-. anti ~0iulz, A. 1APT110D FOR -ME D1 TE.IRMINATION OF 1*11F \wIsnw- CWTENT IN CASES (Fine hiethodfm zur Ft uc tit ifteitstwimmiriung i i Cave). 119621 lb)p. 4 refs. 01 &v~ frioni S1.4 $1. 10 62-20127 Tt ans. ()f Br-vvi'stoff -Chen It (Germany) 1919. v. 20. p. 01 SClUll'ORR *,Gasev;, 'I',loisture, N-terininadon, anglysts. After it cwitical conelderatt m of the current methods of rncleturt~ (letenknation of ;ases, a new method I a dr- eci-ttxt(l *hich ILq tulsed-,T1 ! t%-,icz it'll tittride: and watell~ resulting in the formation of 3rimonia. and %khIch maketil it possiblv to carry out sufficicitly acCurlittl! determinations b) titrallon. 71te particular wittue of this rt)(iiW, -Ahic i requires lent; time, Is Its (Clemtstry--An.illytitcal, T', v. 9, no. 7) (Dver) 62- 21)127 1. Moth. F. 11. ',ch-Az, A. Me of Tecbrical Sen;,ts Dentietry Pr6 'blame In the ALr Force, by P. Rothi 7 pp. MCLASSUPIM PCLU-H, *rp Wojokouy krzoglad Lotnics.y. 15f57, .IE .,.a 12' inci to ift-1609-58, AMIN-11"'.111 A? U67044 sci Bep 53 I ,".rzalac Tum-ora, 'by F. Roth 71 pp. CMA% r~il-yrp Z Elobaforach,, ViA 1957, pp 468. -/03. 1 N.M/Tr 11-8 i. ,c ci -~ Wd .1 Dec !rl ~-,5 1, 17 (,/ S by ilrowil-e .,b, MOO ; I I I i Tha JI-anatatir Astronomer and His Telescope, by Gunter [). Roth, IS2 pp. U'R~NLM Van I'lostrand. Dec 64 , 'F t, u UL tie S~yslcnn 0'r I-Id"tor Planets) b-Y G-xAcr D. Roth, 11 . 23 pp. GIEMN, Van NoBtrand sci -~Nax-Wi Sci F; Astron Sc-p 63 1~ ti .-~ I '~ ~' Ll - I v A flem M~tbod for the Determination of th Bindingj~NmterlAe Rqployed In Bituminous Apylication aul tbelr Tranefomation on by IF. R Hoth. , Strazeen u Tiallbau., Vol IVp GXRWW ~per, Rp 190-192. IWDCC-T14W Micro Ntsimination of Acety-1. Bmzoyl and C'm*tbyi3GroW;q by R, Kuhno H. Roth. GEMN , Demasche Cbwdsche &d 10 port Ge"111H*aft, IftiChtes Vol LMO No 20 1935. PP14 U?4-]~UO. C51"01 SOBS setmCb0a *y 63 0 :-tru Olorfrot.ria i)etermination of Vary 9=11 A~Oun~,s for f,,Iulpbur A by N;. ficlA. UOLASSFe-TID (IiMWI#jp por., MroobomSav W 110 36/37P 1951,. 75 *1 /7 fox. tt~jo lJoilairS, oy 11, E. Roth. Orclailh Ssil~ll Beoitzcr %Utoc-j.iu~~-cjj.. L3 ]RO :k'j.p Jx Crjri:~ '.maitizig Using EcTilIrmellt 'dith S.-athatic Resizi.9 &a Biracvi, lb-.f .-T - ~-iqr4. Metiurtilge du Cloc de la Detonation !u Moyen ao .1 Masllreur::.z d'ImpuL-Iiion M-icaniquecs! by J. F. i-iDth, F.UNCII, Conipt j,e:,,d Congre Int~-!rn C.-lim In, 195J. 11P 187-9191. *.JPRS for Picitinny A-"senal R-341-N ror k~aasuriug ExplosIve PovL-r ind 20toluation Shocko by J. F. Rotho 45 pp. &Pwsivstoo~pfej 1101 V,, 110 8p 1,'57,, r, p6.). -?6' 64?W7 PicAttinny Arsemll Tr ~O OTLI 3905 5 9 P-57 The~Practlcel Method for Calculating Important Explo-- a* 'Lve W4~j by Hoans of Tharzodym-Lmic and 14HUHMM yn~c Agrooewnta With the Taiown Values of H;rdrc~ compopitiqlaq Host of Formation and Deneity, by J. F. I Roth,120 pp. N11 for 'go. WAS2 , L'i A-V.2 'QX11Z�j2M&j P Vol,XM, 1940, rip 193-196p 22D-221., 243-245. S.L.A. Soiontific - Am The Explod' Prop yrties of Bycb-ocy&riic Acid, by Lothar 'dobleirpi J. Roth, 24 pp. Full trawi~tlon. GERMANY perk GhIxIkq=9GWD9j Ho 95t 979 Oct 1926, ?p 761, 78L S.L.A. 3 160 Ooientifio ' Chemistry Aug 55 ii~ Deb~Iwking Apparatus., by LudwLS Roth 5 PP-, GEW14,, Patent ]NO 939,288- Dept of Casme ce Patevt Off Ice S%.. t. Lib (G Lf t) ~ Sci -Bug 3-/j 41 j / Aus 5*1