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o xidation of Ethane and Propane by Certain 8 cien of Mycobacteriap by Ek. N. Bokova. IM, 1954 RUSSIANj~ b1mo par# Mikrobiplp Val XXIIIp pp~15-21~- Scientific - Biology Fuels Cit 73/Oct 1955 Assoc rech Sv RJ-192 ~14.40 in Fjltx~z~tcil in eL Ilactc, , 1. pp - i%lUS3T-AWjI bim.0 peri 64~j - Biology oct 3.956 U.N.'Idmc Sal Tr CcLit!.,T RT-4= Invattiga smpr46yt i, by E4 th OMMUlIK"Mus RUSSIms por, Marojiologiia.. No I 1954~ pp 49-S2, Dapt of Interior Q11301 C273 No 419 ms of the Abundanco of Bacteria in the Lake Dalnee. Irol rail FPD 1496) Interustionsi Consressi of XLeroblolo- t 8 Rome, by Too N, Hishustin, 1. D. 0 Tdr; usallwkly., U ppe RUSSIOD bim perp sUwobloi., Voi. m11., SCOV, 125-1280 CIA/FDD/U-6288 U~r Italy Dixec i . I, by Ycl, Y, tq: 41 Wallatiou Rautenif-h - a in. pqr lfllalnl4kz~awu vol xxxill tio 0. 195k) CIA 9 355W Sai Feb 1:2V[1-D) Filt,V61le Foms of Bacteria in the Air., by L. I. soints 0161 RMSUNO X sir,, MJ=biojo&yoj Vol XXIIIj, No 3,v i r% Moncovi, 119. pp-P-49Z25T.- US JPRS L-3453-D sci TO 5 9 Status uA the Pralem of Soil rp by Ya. P. Xhw4%kov. BA I-Belp TAX~ so per !!NLOY,~Ogjav Vol. XXIIIj, No 31 Assoc Tech 9v Tr RJ-5% $24.60 (special price) - ilol C2 a z 571. eller, I.A. and Y ur F B LUENCE DES EPGkh'l~ h-lih "WES SUR LES 1 NF )CESSUS N, ITCROBIO , UES DLJ 101- (influence . 11. Yuspe, F.H. n Ic Fertilizers i ' r orf in Mtcrobtolo~,Ical ProcesseS 1t. ('NRS-T[ SO ' ol h l ~. %7refa. O NRS-11 ~Q. - N lkll',11 :C W. er from 0 ETC ui ! CNRS $1.10 :7-62-2883 1 na, in Frenc~ of Mlki %oblologlya (USSR) 154, v. 2 3, 4, p.451-4,547 SCRIPTORSO SOlls, Mlcrcv~rsanhsms, rganic compyj-.-ds, 'niaqphorwt. i k riculture-Plati" Culd,fa-,ton, '17, v. 11, n,). . I 10ft"&DW 0 1f 300t 360MULOCO of fts *ad *11W ~A Wmi"Writ Of wudn Sal MIGIric6ex baltund In a HUmogbode Solu- tioi~4 tw pl"o tv N. V. yAghkmo Avon"* ]Pima NA4*4- ftj 0 --z .2~0-/ ObserVationglon the Rate of Multiplication of Micro- argmojqg~o lnl~ the Marive EnvironmaDt, by A. B. Krist; E. M. %it%ye6~0vich, 17 pp. MUSIAN per! Mikroblologlyaq Vol XXIlls 1954) PP 551. 560. CIA/M X-36og Sci - M0100 .Tul 50 Calculatiqn of the ftte of Grcwth of 6~Lter Ori overgrovn -I'llidest by N. D. d, 18 pp. RwSzwl, ~or* 'Vol 23t 19549 pp 5~ 0. ML 117 Dept of I,IMVY ScilB and Ad Sep 67 340j458 xffe6tiof Plant Fertilizers on the Processes of 11 ~ I 'i Itrogon F:L" ation and Experlment in Application of ~ 1 11 A" jgm ivl~ ?am Flshponds,, by -A. 0. Rodina aumil, kikrobiologiia, A/23, 19.54, pp 648-692. CIA ID 330 usm -00 Mar 56 Invaotigatioo of t4a Process of Rathakar., FMOM-ti6a bj4lw=rgpuiems rrom the Cwen of ou~- 1 arA ~Qtroloum- Sunring.ptrata of thc SOCODA ZWM,.! by 1. B. SM 1984vao 11URML RUSSWj pmi,,,# Mrobiolp Vol XXIV,, No 1,, 3-955v pp 3-13j kasoc Tecb.Sv RJ-285 ac i Biolwy Jaim 1054/CT~- 110 17 PIO. B6x Eaat Omnge,, N.J. Antag6ntati~ Properties of Fungi of Systemija Givos Differont Belonging to the Genus Panlalllliumj,,~ by A. G. Romankovaj, u. P. Kolirina. FORM per, Nikrobiol,, Vol XXIVp No Ip 1-5155j, 9P 73v ~4. dA D 372 92 Assoc Tech 8v RJ-295 sol Jan 106 CTAIWO 77 ?QOil BO 2711P Mat OraWj I J,~ A A Stud~' of the Action of AlboaWuizi and of Boae OLIIC~I: Antibi6t,ics (in Groulng Bacterial CtLLtvz'mj bY 'Yu- 0- I~ukrobiolj vol 140CEVv No 1,. 1955., RUSSXATIi mo perp pp 75-780 ASSOC Tech 8v Pi PO Bcat 271 Scientuic Biology., Chem'Dtty Feb 56 ZrfOCt OfIX-RAY IrA'Sdi&tton on the CanUnt of Gr*UPN 1z Y*ast, by H. D. Gal'toova. IM r. M11kroblol Vol I:UVj So 2t 1955P USDA Bel Ned Ail 58 FeriotUcity Yw%A In 14 RUSOMp ~'blj 1955p *116 ProWersticla and of Goa Formatim pid Cato*, by A. L. Ye rp IUWDIQ4~ Vol XXIV,# No 29 M D 197041 scientnu Niff Tr al 'q/ .00, vAr 56 =/w Several,Controversial Problems 'Relattng To the Role,Oi. Soilh~ Idero-organisms In Plant Nutrition '1 1 Rui)~nchik. by Lj. RUSSIAN, peep NMkrobiologiya., Vol XXIV, 1955, pp 2~�,".233-~ q8IRO ~,*Iltws and Uwlr We 1u Utwobloloocal 31~~sc Watwo by A. S. lWwwwvp 3k pp. 6~uffo lb3ioD nor- Iff Vol MINs, go 2# iff I ~~ IV 0 1.1% op 234-246. USSR B~J. wtucim, id va Zia= ow :=o Institutloms in the German Dwocratftc !,by Ye. N. Misbustins 13 pp. Ms''14M Dw, lobaloi I vol.xxlvp no P-P 4 *r/Apr 195% pp P.54-257. C7!; cu/solu-7659 3. USSR aft-Ot at ration an Aatiplicaltion and OxIdisiDg Act I OUIAMtobactu- &*oxydowep by.Z. 0. MIU- X. *Musbawa. Wr~ Nikrdlblol Val. Mvp M 3,v MY/ RM ON 5# pp 965 CIA D ,goM6 195 UODA Bimnf.;t.sh; of Nicmorguaisms in Bottom Sc(hr.:,,,~ntb oi* 11-abe Nwthunt. Caspian, by A. 1. Zbulkova., RUSS.Tat, mo, par, Mkrobiol., Vol. EM, Kio 3, 19r~), PP 3 -1-321;i'~ Assoc Tech Sv RJ 287 Po Box d*vl.,Tl Hazt Orange, FJ Fab 56 M, ~t tW of Citric Acid Production With the Aid I' ~ AspaMIllus MLger, by G. I. MEN J perj NOW9140a) VID1 XXIVP No 30 MV/ CIA D 9DDW78 USDA Bel *01 may .571 Mechent RUSSIM 19560 5 sell. Aug 58 orAction of Ultrasonic Waves in~*,p by U 1, 2, Zl I p:Lwr. Upon perl, Nlkr*bloU,"-. Vol MV,, No 3t 371, ~!3fte- USDA Reviev by S. 1, Kuznetsov of Book by E. I i er "Petroleum Mlcrobiolo6y, an BL-erstech Iptroduction to Microbiological Petroleum Eoginie:ring% (1954) per, Mikrobiologlya,, Vol XXIV.. No 3s 1~55j, 382-384. Aseoc Tech Service RJ-290. ($5.40) Werabi AsoOdIations in Boils &md Methods of Their In4 t14,11 by Ye. N- Kisbustinp 3~ PP. .0 W"; perk Nikrobiologiya, VdL MY, SO 1.05, 4~ 14-T4~~5,.-- FWA-3180 Sci 0610phyiies~p Biology 12 10~~ 58 Intevilatim~a Conference on Antibiotics it Whrmi; by FS A. lMssl2'nikwg 15 pjp. RMUR .v bJ,WO pw, 14ilkr" yol =Vl Ild *AUS- 3.955.- PP 5M.~-505- - CIA/FVD U-M49 Sal 3dinitnei. microblo1mgy Oct OPDD 53)1 Bricr infcm~nmticn = th-- Rcaulto of 11R----aarch,c2~ Or~DA441cinal Activity of the Microbiol~idl'sncltori~ of tphe~Aca6lvv Of Sciancoo of the Arr.'anian SO Durl,4 1954,~' by H. It. Afrikyan., 4 pp. UWSTA~ b$Z'o per, Ujkrdbj61,,1'01 XXXV, No 4. Moacowp Jul/AZio3v pp 505P 5060 CTA/PDD U-W5O um Sol ~- ibdi~ine, mLerobiaogy, oat (-vm a Dicoartatim. by L. I. Kccnratn: 9 DP. blao Imrs Mrabiol" Vol MT.. No Moscaup CTA/FDD U-ffi5A. Redioine, microbiology I, uU at A=orsbilc JMctwIa as a* ost"tim4bMactim Mential of IV imp bw 1. L, maw4wns 2. 0. PWO. NLkm%40 Vol avp lb 50 ftS, Me 161b ft O/M*I. irk 3 of Frollf r-ration by Aoetolmatv-r ati s and s Oxidisirg Action on Sorbitol uboiydane in ~tatnlzg Vitamin B CoWlex., t7 din Ch~ k EM10" 116! pwj, ak"blell, Val XXIVm, No 5, 195% T,I*L. T 1*705 Sol --i R44gy S 56'M sp Stucly,~ of U6, Generic and Specifle Composition of 1 11 the *crofl,ora of the Rhizoaphere of Oak b,,, E.I. MJSSTAN, per) Mikrobiologiya., Vol XXIV., No 5) 1955) PP 50-L564 CSIRO Oct 02 stua cmi6as TWIM Iting the Crowth of Microorgania in J~h a,'' the Silt- Depwift in LWw Blvero7oj by mulo"i bl* XM, No 5" *550 Pp Asooc Tech Serv PJ-365 scumtif,C Am B-MVWW1 ip the Control of MOM Fuso Iftch Attack Vati~mi I ftvs~, im Papw aW on ftrdbowa by 8 G. RybabOrt,i-,. ~ 1: p VOL xm RUOSWJPWp XUWobi No 5, 1955, vp 061 Asso Tech 8v RJ-429 $6.40 lot PO Box 2T12 Fhat Oranm, H. J. Sal Avg, E;m9ama~Aspoete amd Pm-lodicity ln the DOve3jDPment of 001j, by So A* Samtsevich- Wkrob Vol IM& No 5s, 1955.9 PP Men Tech Serv, RJ-368 .56" / A'a AcIllic."'a- scic-n,:ou Of Vvirc- maul sul-li-Lx .-Liquor Witn'twYo ,"'DO Ij lit-~i (FDD the by asulon *? the sector or HicrobioloMr of Ot saismes Arwnirn W. Dffvcrt-m to r tba RMativewiss of Bao-bcritA. Y-extil- k. X. ftaftyant 7 F;I. I$ 0im we va xxv.. 4110 5., . IttgLiol 84/da 3,"5.p W 644--t"- Sol Wdiolm, Oat. ~6 UICTI*i0lov - rAv. CC~ i;jje) pp. no Inr doet 19550 VP 44 0 t~,~ ortance of S,O,stcmatism for the Of MIC"rrorpga)pisms, by V. I. Kudr;javta1r'v; 13 pp RUSS per vol XY.Ivy 11o 6~ IA.qt bimp skawalw- IN "Oscov, llovlp2c 1955F pp 1665-G-70. CIA/pj)D u-cr.-.17 Scl -Sedicim,, microbiology Nov 1956/crb and on-teduction Potential "PrOb'des by 1.!~L. Rabotnova, Vol =V, No 6. 2410 m 258.290 Verblnn N i, ACCUMAT17-ING YEIASTS ro MFDIUM %,,-rrH mcm A LKA LIN" ~ (Prymclienie Druzhzhei k Povyahennol G, tielkov,~trl. 1964,~Sp 6refii NRC.Techntcal Trani. 110.1 Order froti, ORC $0J!,0 NRG C-4112 Trans. of N11kroblukilyu (I-ISST) 1955, v. 24, no. 6, p. . .. .......... (Biological Sclenceal-4 -Microblology. 7T, v 11. no. I I I TT-64 -12807 1. Verbins, N. M. 11. NRC-rr-1109 11 - NFIC-C-47, 12 V. Natto;wl Research Cluncil of Canada. Onawa Office of TrthnivAl S-i- on oart"A MUM of utum3pol" #4d loor. 806~ 3011, i I -- Of #ArWUWm7t*tWp by a. V4 jw7ofto 17 PP. - i p A-lk twp 29 60 19", M --- ILIT64 -16-.,--0, V" x -~- vo v1sr, 39 or MA Y'/,, .41 ~s An ftsWWADvKtLa, tr I. A. Ma 9 kMV40--A Vol lwq No 69 p P-PMIAM6 Fc?KV.9W'7iA2 97 VML ALO 6 07d /7 OcAhe BrAN4, ~biM ttlftc ResseXab botitutions of the in the IUIA of Ifteroblaloal Val =7.0 No 6* 'Armly! f!. r or the alsounoblRe"Wah imututels peopuls avpdkuo In the Field of ,lei Vol 090 no 6j, ftylboo ttv a4& 57, am C%:m,NGl,--anco or, PT tlic- 3-955~ PP 751-t 75?. (WD 41scaftatlow, by L. 1. Fmarova, 6 Im. Defewo of Rusm'sp it 6., Nwacmr; fimpac 19 -0 pp MY 753. m ciA/PDD u4M um ; Sol Oct Biodyn Conife B.A. 6 RUSSIAN pp 49-51 0 C t of the Rhizosphere of Deciduous and Iree-plantings in the Forest Steppe by rich. per' :MLkrobiologiya, CSIRO Vol XXV., No i, 1950, Tt~ Viect of POtreftetive Aerobic Bmteria 'On thellitormmicu ot S+Ahyl In Sm Waters by S. NiJdtlm.. 6 pp. Miamis Hibvbiolo4rap Vol XXVO NO it Ass= TO& ev Tr oV= pj-Q6 CU/JPM X-2MO 57, JW r4p4al &W Vto-OboaftUT of ;lIftrimsts"Wo bw so Le Ubms 6 J?pq .$ *W*bW$ Vol 3=9 So lp IZ6v "~-330111 .- pp a 1 6 Sci MW Llb No 56/2453 It; Y-4,11% 0~~ It cirvob oloMr of the La-,Zm7 of Olciawsa US-M. i ~% by 10 limmaj bi W. pers i Out Vol xxvt r-o I? W~~vnqo 'ar D--; scar tmtjonn., by L. T. XCZl&4.Uv~lj. ZJMXAN~I~blm perp I'M19MLLas Vol NO IV Win .7 4!w/Peb 1.9c.6, pp 2..,lv'pd.joF "Aim tji,:, dlcJzo,, microbiology Bacterlin Dei~ by V A!.: Tj~ RUSS 0 PC*, 1956 p &.,4, Sci - 1,101 oc t 6o ing the 11totopectin of Planta., Mikrobiologiya, Vol XXVI No 11 1 10"' - , , ~ --6~58. DSIR LLU 14-1768 (10m) u1, !,Aee~ Kalinenko' V 0 1, and Mcfedove, N. A. BACTERIAL ~*01)61\'G OF UNDERWATER PARTS OF SHIPS. [196f) 8p. ~&4 Eng. refH. 7 figs. omitted) 16 refs.: 1 ~ 1 Order fr6ml OTS SLA $1. 10 62-10553 Trans. iroj'p Mikrobloloidya (LISSR) 119561 v. 25, w. 2 1p. 1914941. DESCItirrOm. OIL-icterla, Aquatic animals. *Ships, *Foohng, Antifoul6ii coatings. *Patntti. The Problem of i1xilcorrelvion of bacteria and zoo- organisms 3r fouii~~,4 is explained by studying glasii tintitilwl ItIh toxic Min,to &M immersed In tanks of circulatI4 water, Ad In water of a sea harbor. All the imints utie'd tio% ii s!'Antl -corrosive and anti-biological coatings~nr t, rK)t tAllc for marine bacteria. In the firtit 24 hour microoz s fastened to tht- paintud sur- face, inr,,,on dvely y on It and cover Vic paint -.%,it h (Biologk;,41 ~ciencl~!,~,~~t9impmicrobiology. Tr. v. B. no. 6) (over) 62-10583 I. Kallnenko, V. 0. 11. Mcfecova. N. A. The FOAM lCusnetsov. IRUSSL451 r 0 lbr-Apr~ _15 sci - we'd Unr 58 City of "Radiosynthesist" by S. I. t Mikroblolq Vol IIVp No 2 pp, 195,4007 h-~oiffili USDA AEC 2884 SLA 57-2926 owl Tbe flci,le ce.Microbial Proceasen In the sponulneoui Heating of Stacked Coaly by No b.lZavaizina. RUNUM.. Vor, XXV., lw=.QbLQX pg4 So 11950' pp 200-M. Co-Op Trans Sch Tr 316 63-16125 CMRLALi ftRTu=Rs. (1963) 28p, 91 refs. 1. Rubeechik. t- I rder h-=!Olj5 or SLIA'$2.60 63-16125 raw. c( qoya (USSR) 1956. Y. 25, oD. 2. 231-242.:, BSCRWrORS:, Bactwu. Vertlums, BarwyndmAx, kmachactirom=c. Saw. micrdAokw. PIMMO Ufte d Todo" 1"m 10. 5) (TUD '12 cc DOftW by L it KOMI-cm.0 VOW,_ pwq alrowas, ira mo no e,, 0 Ni *67,woto "*74 I-ION 0-am C;~ Sol Axwoull O*tl fftrog&6 UstaboUsm of Penicillim Cbrycogema. Axtoratim or witragenam substamep im turso of hutailli= Ohrysogsnam in the ass'l of TermenUttan., by A. A. HeInikova 4~1 per, Ukrablologya? Vol UT, 1956, I me.~ IWiDW--,:T1893 lb~~ridimtim of roasts. 1. ~eLtz Bat"en M. vcbaY-wjc ", Cervrisito XI) ~a'ud Schizosacabaroj*cen by X. Pp Vol. no CTA 9035525 17 r t PADtV"n LIVing and Dmd by U. IL Mmil".uJimp -p~r, lUmblob lg~ 9:.~r tW 60 Vol X Xv , PM SY-226%, of the nwowmat xi=vmw Method asUag ~~- I&vUv cod D"d jpww~ 0 003, 0 by N. A. Kms:Ll'331kovp MA WaV64 9 pp. per., L*~~Vdl XXV., lb 3., pp 279- 01 OLO, 4; s! 2g, ND 5 Asma Tech Or I G.rowtl~i of Root Micro-Organisms in Imediate dontaA with Super-Phosphiate Granules, by K. Tlalviikova RUSSIM, per, W-krobiologiya, Vol. 25, No. 5 ,, 299-304 Q PP 9 (ISIRO/140- 5543 Sci Aug 01, litimet !I 14 l4dw Intopm ror the ft0y of the at the Prooess of PW&wticn of sulfttes aovodp by No Ve limmoys 5 pp. Pat jDlQWx6,XOl XXV,, No 3j, Aosm Tech Bv Tir 29M.38 3L~ at Om 5T On the Theory of Chemonutotrophys by Yu. I. Sorokin RUSS b1mo per,, Mikroblologiyup Vol XXV,, No 3) 195~p pp, 363-3T5- DSIR/30215/CT soil- Biology Odt 57 of ~;bo YelLat. 1:1. U.-Azining SacehamuVeam Gen,--viaLwe (ZZI lr-cc Schiituncit aiaxoWcos Ped)e tin-ough CoIntlation of nun.ym 4voi rgv, wo 41 1956, pp A 90 3 5 5 2.9 USDA .4iologir Feb 59 volp-M. k4]. tics in Trichoderw Porr.. Lui?; i by V. Bili~, 1.4 pp. RUSSW lper .0krobiolosiya,, Vol 2DCV,, No 4~ 19% SIA 59-1080i ivI" Stt)xUtlg Of (WAlasos arA fv~= Activity .i5 beuil.4fal Faators In Ph&p-,peojst=t uld alltivb AOtlnOM=ta StMUls., by A, !. Y40 X. RautMahtelno BSIM Vol )MV., 30 41 1956, 466-41104 99 "05 USDA 59 tZUA. D ie rldir-ation of leastv 111. The ObtaiWaig of H* ~,himea Car,.-.-#Ac;iao (M race) Eleb Izo and J ca~~ alwomes Pombs by Hems of Copulaticm lof the: rmizin-t4on Spores, by K. V. Kbollrov. Russligot rJ1 MUmb UUMS 'XI Pp 533 ~10 9035527 sci - Zioloa~ 'Feb 59 voi xxv, No 5p 1956,1 USDA. The Bela im Mi9i *Oerlov: ~Iou ~a Mfferent Souress I - Ano6niWas Aciftityo by mr-P ~Mlkrdbi2jngtM Tpl of RttmWn M. V. xxvp 1956y - mol, c*kn 62 all" Inf lue n6e of Ultmaonics Upon Bellizosaccharermyces ;I ~ Acldedevornt~o.. by M. P. Gauteriko,, L. V. Shtromberger., L. G. id~nileiokaya. RUSSIOli pep' Wkrabiologiya, Vol XXV, No 5.. 1956p pp 566~-%8. 9018806 USDA Scl Ned URY 58 . . ...... .. ....... HeterotArophiclxchange in Nitrifying lact'er,u.'~-p Ila. A. Zavarsin, 23,pp. M114 14ikrobiogiya,, Vol XXV, No 5p 1951~) per,..~ 'Do FDD/X-3175 6J - /S 117 *nd- the Pro"IAPM OT tit. T,, L, Fuban. Vol nw) L4 XI, i-allcrobi -9, '3' 5 5 3 usak f3c~, cb4allstry lpeb 59 Retioari of lysiology of the Acotobactor, Rasumqvtikeya~ M. S. Loltalanalasyc. RUSSIAII; per mlxrobiologiya., Vol XXVI no 1956., PO 727i41.- - NIB 115 sci -.Nod, ~101 58 by Z. G. 6o Moo-cow, Dec Confetebee 0~ the Ude of Rav Material Containing Pentoiaz'' W~!Yuo X. Xurasevich. RUSSLAR~ bipo pLT, Mikrobiol, Vol XXV, No 6. cj -06y TyV.-vm o912864 )(ov/'* j 1956P pp USDA Sci - Chen (,a Oct 57 alp- jrKROSIOL,001YA ~nth l Kicroblology - b1ma ) y Vol Translation tmvs 2957 26 up . , to and including 2961, Vol. 30. Order from! National Tochnical InrormtIon servico Port Royal Road prtngft*ld, Virginia 22151 l 3.00 alngle INSU&S MIKROBIOLOGIYA COVER -~COVE~: AMER INST BIOLOGICAL SCIENCFS 19.57 NOS. 1 6 OTS 63-23153-10 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1958 NOS 1 6, OTS 63-23154-1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6 1959 NOS 1 6, OTS 63-23154-28/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1960 NOS. 1;:- 6, OTS 63-231S4-2]./1, 2, 3, 41 Sl 1961 NOS. I]':- 6p OTS 63 23154-30/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 6 The Bfj Azoto--~] Ye. X. Russw; biw6 Moscovi 1957'P Sci -.4bdicim Mar 50 Beta-WIAtore on tha Davaloymut d um and the Physiological Activity, by iva p 11 pp. UNCLOSIFIED parp Mkrybiq~o I pp 19-524. Us JPRB/NY-L-17 Cuitureiof A.~tjuomycetea No 111 Act. Luridue Nov. 6PI., Wkcb Forms the Anti-Virun Anti'biotic H. A. Kmail 'nikov, A. I. Koranyako, M. M, 1*6ketz L. X. Valediukayal I. H. Veselovi 12 pp. i RUSSUNr bitio per, 141krobialaid PL, Vol XXVIt No 5,, pp 558-564. US JPRB/I;Y-L-18 Sci - Wed Jdar 58 V cnrf'ei pp may p6,~,,r M-ikrobiolegiyas Vol nXIg rio 5; !nov of Diol 5ci -T-ki;~rslrjlotry and ot irl luduoti-jo OBIDLOOM 741 6roblology bimonthly) nslatlon beqLne with 1962, Vol. 31 time: ca. 0 months 0~8,er fromi Plenum Publishing Corporation 227 West 17th Str-et 11o1 York, N.Y. 10011 145.00, year 9 30-00 single Issues 11 1 15.00 single article reprints aad S 5.00 on oversea subscription single articles for 1962-63 k not, avallable vol.' 580 801 Wd ftr 59 (2260-N). r,Ua PropertUm of a Sucalyptus T. YIL, Pocub*.0 9 Mrablol Ak ftaik MRs Vol Up JM L-71&N tog- 6 slmw~ M. rr-64-11745 Shelved an remoLDGY Of PLAGUE BACILLUS. Avg 63 f L 91 p) ' AD-601 262 refs AILTrfts .~* 875-, AD-601 262. or f. "Or~ $3. 00 TT-64-11745 1. Tmanakil. V. M. 11. Title: Microbiology ... M. of wqoao~. mwxi"2~ I Chum (MicrobiolM of J t 111. AaL-Trans-875 se p.2- N ~ Pbgw) Mo". 1,19 p. 2 IV. AD- 601 262 V. Amy Biological Labs., Frederick, Md. VI. joint Publications Research Service, WaWngton. D. C. a0gical SO --M 1croblology, IT. v. 12. m 6) b~,S*-S* Alervvp P&-M* Chistyakove CXM Tr sciestOic 14"wo1w t4m I cm 4? ~i 5 ?UDG" o1 of Anluds (Wmem); Techolque of by N. 1. Romm. tee MOm4ftal tau -MbOrwy Sao: 0 -mot - vp UWA Tr 3.2."'t 4 f mar 56 cm/m