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(NY-3134). Qlmd "lo of: uct of Cbservaticne According to 0 'Y4 of the lutsmatioval GeophyZICal sx~ yeawr 394 26 laoftz God, Ma vbdwL ro axodnyy C 7i ILM.p pp 3-20. JMS -2176 -11 ft:L - ~O 'h.' M 7 rob 60 5bird CO:afuence Of th! ROP rn 9 0 ZI t t L of CoLm#iea!bf the guropoan-AsIntic Ylo6lonj C 1. . vo ILOPI S ZTIOSIATI~ Mzldu=rcdn;u Cloo:61i-,, GtA, Dyml.- No 7p 1939Y pl? 21-2-4. la W-33-34). tabblutloas of the Courerance of 1.1spresentatlyes tho ilbountrIes of the Nuopeem-Asian. Region, icaw~ftap No 7; 1959.p pp 25-38. ]P~b 60~~ (Ijy 4of th;-- International yonx, 'by '1. 5 pp. 195 u 1, No Y 1; c Fel) i:,-h!:~ Ii*rcquc' cy of :7, C,2 ri by V. 64 A I JI cl 17 s-55 ccyrlt;)" ~11 for the LIr!Al,~puxCncy cornt'all -1-95"'. Di 'I:,] JJ.YlL_lj j RUSSI'Alq~ perj Mezli Gecifiz God, Info-oviats By-Li-', 110 B ~[ 5,159, 6)7-511 OTS Pe-" T:11,10561,2 0 IGY 22 Dev b0 ON THt-I IN THE I 19 PP. RUSSIAN, 5.. SC I - GFI MAR 63 ~ kTION OF THE F2 LAYER DISTURBANCE ATITUDES., BY A. S. 13ESPROZVANNAYAp 81~-92.- IZICHESKIY GODp JPRS 17835 223,986 i 14Y Infor6ation of the Borlet CMaittee of the TM' ibe F41fillwnt of the Program for Upper I lltmo4atere Rocket Research During the Main f8 IGY P,6riod (1957-1958)., 2!j pp. MOAN, per,. Hemb Geofft God,, Informat Byvll, 8, 1960P PP 7-15. JPRS 9222 C, Oeophys OnE t, T. A. Gusi .EcrrtOMC COR JREMEt4rSi(Elth kh lztneke~ll) tr. AmmkSi)~-T-R from Ois 6r S" of [Memh~unarod ters, Metl a( the'' rm a luncilo~s of obseriedlat thrai , V. D. KLATIOR FOR IONOSPHERIC -onnyi Korrelystor dlys lono- V:Valys Zillus. May 60 [7)N M; AD-252 324. 11.1o 61. 19022 Infor- 19M roo. 5, P. 43-40, i techniques, Olonospher% datk Rstistical function. istiescribedforussintheinves- 7beris and dimenslans d lono- a i"Ting analysis of the cor- thi~amplltudes of the reflected spaced points. 7he device )us I* a points of the function in vto 1with the tim the process is _06we, Tr, v. 66 M S) (aver) 61-19022 1. Wilt. T. A. 11 Gusev, V. DL 6 AmMatSoc-T-R-3W IV, Anwrican Motearoloocal Society, bostm Mass. V. Conala AF 19")6113 YL AD-252 324 190522 base of lr*Awea swou" Yi~nr!at t~iw G~-oi,l,-qrnetic Pol,~) by U. P. 1CO10:AjtGOv GL'(1 infoilmatuionnij Bjul~et~n, i TC) 6~ 761 ov -6ob"4) 8om~'e Dm~ta on the Frequency of Noctilucent Clouds inillthaVeatern Part of the UM Territory, by F. OTOMOTat 16 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Mashdmarodr4h Sb6ruIX Fbatey i Materialor, 7", 041 - 000ptwo V~v 61~ RES Goof lziche akly God, 1960p pp 5-1-1. 77- 9174 Ozonwietera,, by Sh. A. Bezverkhniy,,. B. F. Rodi(mor, 53 PP. (Ireofizichealdy God ;,A-utc~- L Materialov) 'leiso, pp 81.-1.04. JPRS c,291 Sci 0,86phyls Ti T - - - on th Ie'!1'Natu.4-e of Noctilucent Clouds~ by I. A. Khvos~.tikov,ii International Geophysical Yeex, Collei Aim 1~f Articles, RUSSLqj., rpt, Mezhduriarodnyy G4pofizichesk:Ly God %qra:UL..Statey,,,~,,M%terialoN-, 1960~ W pp 112-u41~ *NASA Sci i I Sep.,61 (n -6o 54 NuOs 21a Problem of the Relation Beturteu clu 1 .4 preu-nut TiuTtiuatians of the Arctic Climate exid ("I J. r 0 u 1,~, - bi -~or, c~f the Ataospbare and Solar Acti.v-1ty, by L. 19.~ Paltaiak"s 13 PP. TNUS 8 WIibr.., Nezbouna-rodrWy Geof tzf.cheskiy Uod., ~ e . 1 1. - . .1. pp JPRS 9298 Jun 61, S-122/63 On thlo P,6~J,rjation of the F2 Layer Disturbance in I f the HJ,g. Lutituaie5, by A. S. Besprozvannaya. (ITY-7476) RUSSMIJI bk.!' Mezhdw-iarocln3T Geofizicheski-f. God, Sbarnik Statey v Raidel ProgramW IW, fil- IlaW?.- 19SSR, NO 5 1 i'l-960; pp 81-92. 7 3 5 Sci - (Ileophy 6 I Feb f53 n in Northern and IrAntral Parts of the 4 by P. L. Be=-ukov,. 17 pp. sbibage Cho, v we _M .4agich"M I sly& 1964p pp 41-51. is I'll ii5~-eoo (5WT) of ClImt1a Fronts over the of the Pwlftc OftWA4 by 90 6a 362s,.129 Otodl* cKf Deep SwIfle Oarm a Durim the Ii trMtiboal Geophplea TOW;, by N. S. WeVer. R M two 11 per, *lb osons 00,10 inforokis Rml,, NO so$ oeq$j" sow rasats at In t" owi*t adoe of U~ V#ow and Cmalft some vAring tbW= With ow aft at ftemes exid 'by* T PW# Xftb Wafts ftdo bfWagis mm P-905 us OW*T v= U= lono MOM' Iffestis"Im at lbb oob*oaw "zwywlp IW MWA asons 004 mdtnatg plat No 31i US WrT VO OW Blect,nm in lbtallogniphic 7 it me Promno 8 PPO oM PrwUotim of Faibwes in c Do a with stme u1 b H. A. Gavrilove 14 pp. .~y 1 rptIl i- Lamm mfou Be dank= o1". 1963* ULOwslam i I NT TI L PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS, '7~ S. KRYUCHKOVA, 205 12P. I VAN6,V, V RUSSIAN.p HANDBOOK., EZHDUNARODNYYE ORGAN 24.511' moscow 1962 PP 1-10., 76;& 167-191, 167-176: 21~-222 241.2 8!~ 2,77-9hy 325-333, 367-~4,95, 421.4 k. 428.4r)2. BY Z. P. B5HQfl;75TVENNY)~E 17-39., o2.41'1, JPRS 17794 ww INTERIt4TIONAL ECON MAR 63~ 2242124 J-11710 Inteniil-~I-Olml I Sc)ci,-Il Organf,.:~atuions, b-- V. Teresll:4:~ ria. (INY-7255) XUSSIAH~ b1till: Me -,-hCuuiarof3nyyc Obs'-IcheslivenriNrve- Ori,,,,ani ~Atsiil 1962, pp 1-10 L7-.3( l0-(-1-76 219-222) 241-243, 277-234~ (71 t 367-3)"').1i 11-02~~Jldl, 421-424) 11,2,3-4~)-2. *JPRS Vill! (FDD P-O W A,~"ad ~mpterr, From the Book: I nter- nat'~O al lettlements and Credit Relations ILL Ir WWI EreJkn Trade," by A. M. Smiinciv, 172 pp. Rug~.I]Alq, ~~t, Mezhduzaro fleschety i Kredit- nyyfp ~uoi~6eniya vo Vneshney Torgoyle SS,9R. IMPS&O-M 195'~ 07-9To U7-10i 1T4, e43-281- 11: 131 CIA/PDD/u-6470 Econ Forloign trade, USSR irAtOnati-onal settlement atd credit reilAtIons Materials c-to 11-ron~.,ilrUeo, by M, A. Geyda-11.1t, 0v: B, A. ;K-nellIxall: 7 !)P. SSIMI, b4c, M6zhilunaxIodnyl Sinl3o"'ium Do AW, Tr-16n;tO Uonju8atccl. Bond Syntljc~ by A, A. p0 -M-M-n T 1773~ fAn zhdua,~~( nr a ri ell! U.' 1 12..!, 61 u-n.4 Artionfe Gm J'X-1113) by It.. D. Adkzin, A- K. Ycoizovl-ovl!~) 7 pp. 1) D Ar. allpa~ 107 Tr-14470 ci oc 6a. by A. V. pot I'll.: M rl-,; ii Curd "I.Ir. MSR PIP ,oli rj .,c 61. c 6 plaaingo by R, V. DOWILLOIA-wr. H 3-OOG!, Vikhrorld, 0. and ,itbers. DEMW&ION 01: k)LY-6-CAPAOLACTAM BY MHANS OF VXCHANd'E' IdEACTIONS BE-11YEEN AMIDE HMS. 119621 5p.! (7 fip. c6iitted). Orde r fro,n LA S 1. IC, 62-115728 Trans. of 111411o. I'MWidunart-Onyi ~irnjxwtlm IX-) Makl'o i Avtoreferaty) v. 3, Moscow, 19W, p. *'-386 (In'tUrnational Symposium on MacromoleciAur Clm~ruistry, Moscow, 14- IS june (0). DESCRIPT01M *11olymers. 'Lactanis, Decornjvi~.ition. Exchangereactimui,l 'Amides, Chemical bonkl~. (Chernistry- -Organic. TY, v. 9. no. 4) 62-16728 1. %likhterle. 0. If. Title: International. Ill. Title: hincromolecular 0MCM of lukdest Semkes PoUntistj Mo" in nasUcdty Memy. by V .1 ~ X*a6,'dse, 6 pp. ~ p 1167-67 i ill sci-mit~ so 1 Jan 69" i N098D9 i 11 , ,I in RealimUm of an L-Madhim. lueo~ i V,~ X,Ilamt~q Zoo As Butakovo 6 Ipp. i" lirt-proational Otwrency and Oredit Relations of '~by A. M. SmIruov., the xtsmr BUSSXAR., ]DIII Nor-bdunarodam p9ditmve ottibehousis am, 251 f~63-.!- 4147 soon to :i~ 6o 23.9 pp. Va4vtw() I 1960~ pp 100-198p J'D On Ato~ilc afid Conventional Weayons), TalebsklY, 5 PP- RUSSIO., per, IdZA, Rose Jan' 1955,, Enc D 25 3. uk9sr., AW671156 by 114. 110 11 CL% On mic Conventional Wes,pons 0 by B. Ta kiYJII~ 5 PP- RUS61 jai Vo lp ;i I ~ , *, - mos ;ecro, Jan 1955, Onal to IR - CIA D 2562`03,1i AW671156 u8sk lit Ao 1955) USSR Sov B1,w Nil ju ope., 9 pp. UNCIASSIFIED z*zwurm%*wnava zbj6zn., No 3. Mar A'vcIm-IA1, AF 1183972 Pp. Fol Sep ~a OT4412) Maroarganimu lu the Bervice of Dgperls=sm., by I 0 #~ o4wil'o, 0 4 vp *mhd=&rodmyik Wall Is No 60 pp opa 1*7.m aut - Rod MY 59 on 1 tbeiprevention of E I i Wenskirv 9w*riBa Attackp by bWor- 7 pp- no 8, 1958P pp 68-71. Rand Corp T-95 P/ Al, Z i . Operaitio n~ "Crossword" By A. GA LM i I i Rims'lan, Mo perp Mezhdunarodnaya Zhiznl , No 2, ln59, pp 102-112 USSRP UY-3 us Fbli+dcal. - International. affairs rSummaryj i i I 4 The DantLge of Biological and Chemical Weapons RUSSVLPI~, per,, Mezbdunarodnaya Zhizn' , No 11, 195% pp 61,165- i i 4-S"TC FLES-112 Article o~~ Coexistance, by A. '~'fdenskiy RUSSIM11, p6r, Mezlidunarodnava ;%izn, (International Affai)~s), jqo 1 call ATiisitions Library -,"f% i Nov 6o k~robl6logy Should Not Berre Death, RUM IAR ibeRL mrodn~,Lv~~izrj, Wo 3, 19-62., pp 178-80. Ac3i H-96i8 rD 2174752 i rat m ~,~.,4ristics of Vie Absorpticni og Radio Nit ves Vertical Sounding of the Donosphere 614:r Idiabud, by M. Shirnawdov,, 8 PCr, llezhuduvedommvennyy Geo 3.z- i(I w0 13,0 b Mft'4~60 5-2040 Jt6ii 66~ vc Dj 6, itt 6paco iavcsti~,,,azioa., 0v 14 Ve Go pur,, i,~uzJiquvudmts-tvejq!U 1;(~tlfizlch ~DiiiiLot, Vol XIIJS 19630 8 0 - , - -t-.!) Q 9196 715 64 7v'-I ET800 XlOmenta In Sonst AgriculUiv., by Ya Pfilvv,,149 pp. ML RussxAlul NOWAun"adayL sollshokhos. Lhur., Ro ~39%~ 'DO LW Tr Bul rob 3.96o Par "Cli (EF-1487) In North Kvrea~ by Yim Haeo RUSSIA;O, ps'Ir j MbsMumrodvV Sol okbkhoy, Zhur No 6, ~96o pp 3-12. FE Japan mar 61 (DC-2700/29). Uti-lizat Ion of Slopes for Vineyards and Orchards in the Moldavian SSR,, by P. ivanov., 13 PP. RUSSUN,! per) Mez nn Sel'skokhoz Zhur, N6 196o., PP'-'ii8-128. JPRS 3736 usm Ecou - Agric41twre AuZ 160 11~ sibis Ftu oc Btagarian MS., 'by T. GoorW-yav, r.. ~WWwM080--q sell l3lw3zhpzywstlA=nv"Y IIAN rin ipm ir-5665 61 (DO-2700/76) Use of Atiation in USSR Agriculture, by V. Nazarov, 5 pp. RUSSTAII,~per,~,YmWnarodw SeVskokh Zhur, Wo 1., 11961., i~P 130-133. JaS 8318 USSR /s-5- =0qdvppes9 ~ of the PrIncipal Types P , IS~ bYA4 BaranoV. 16 pp. 'WA Sell"jLZhur No 5. 196 1, N 24M A 253..442 oil ,.n*V,ccs oind Agriculturct by u S Mllplh,4~'Ipevl j*Z ~b Zbw!~ 77 usam n, A--A'')80 Sci Nirc, Agri 6~ R- W,7 Vol VIt n,df I#uid NitropnikertiUmrst by A 71t r.. h ~dl i)z,Alm No 1., 1963,, skokh z p- 254* 435 ~lti Problemoln the 'd h pr d''Ves ~ ud 1 mi m d RU4 W Mezh IAN,per, 19 4 0013-170" jp 244458 velopment of Irrigation by Shubladze, 8 pp. Bkokhoz Zhur, No 1, 257, 590 'mc 3 n, issi RUSSI 19611) t~nttenth Session of oil agriculture, 5 J, por p 3-i4. the Permanent Com- pp. Sellskokhoz 'Zhur, No 4,1 JPILS 27304 USS11, Econ Jan 65 271,S51 Overall Utilizatioll of tile Danube 1,,O'atcrs for tile 13011lefit Of tile cenul countrics.1 b)' B. UZU11OV, 12 PV. RUSSIXI, per, Muzlidwiarod Scilslculzhoz -Zhur, 4, 19641:, JP16 27304 USSF-11 Econ Jail (is 271,552 ttic of Radio Wave Absorption During i ounding of the Immphere Over Iby N, Shirmameduv,, 15 ppe 6r,, Mosk*rjWont py Geofizichesk _y v M40 pp 69-Ub. 6 7 320,722 cg coixt-rol by 00; A~ =1 owev. DtAoA Kar-4.rlr-.,.*k blg A lip Olt. 537 um ,rcr Irnaticual. Goophyalcel Year 13ibJAo:~ral.%-r c)-,' i lratq~ll irl -Wle Rusaian !4nGtlaL!-e 20r 1,-'111, o rpt stvcnW X z ... . ...... 01' ichav'" 4.17XW 140A 77 F-12' Probleins a4d Methods of the Absolute Phrotmetry of Noctilul'cent tlouds, by V. V. Sharonov, 24 pp. RUISSI-kN, bk,,Mezhduvedomstvennyy Komitet po Provedeniyu MG,Q 11 Rai~iel Pr6giiiii mi. miy, No 1, 15160, pp 124-140. AID Report T-64-7 Sci -Earth Sci & Astron mar 6,4" Gig4iFicaqae and Px-ospects for- Developmcnt of Iutei*olldwz Production Tien; by D. V. vslwl~yp pp- Ex ~MSIM, per) Mazhkolkhoz;Dgm Froiz svyc-i 1960 pp ~,-44. JM 102Z? WO BUZ Oct 63. by X. 19600 WSR Boon so (NY-6587/b) Int-orkol Ich z Production Units, kovp U pp. M*xhkolkhozaM_h,-oJU& Svyazi; Y' 7 I I n7stalllm Corraelce mA Comsion of ' Om I~r Strms, by I. A. Levin. i I Itat&MIll lz~yiij Ov v =PS=wSb= llockois,i and !Diycc:t Reaction Engines. (Ilistory, Theoryol ajid!'Practico),p by 14. A. Ilyninp 29 pp. Jtussl)om" moloplMlawye Sobshchoniya, 1929, I)p 161cl-816 sci/Pr6) !Fuels Sept 6~ 357,451 Interplanetary Legeh~Ls andliFirst RUSSW, bX~`~ Vy,pusk ~ 1, Mi NTIS 1T 70-1 NASA T11 F-61 Commmications, Vol 1, No 1, Dreams3 Fantasies, by N. A. Rynin, 113 pp. Mezhplanetnyye~ Sodbshcheniya, Tom 1) chty_) Legen~ iPervyye Fantazi 119 iInterp tary flight in science ~Spacecisa 'RIJSSIAN.~bk. WeApIm NASA TT F 641 NTIS TT--~70-50122 and coummication. Vol 1, No 2: fiction, by N. A. Rynin. 183 pp. tnue soob8haheniua. Vol 2. No 2: apr 72 N. A. Rynin Interp~anetl flight and comwtication. Vol 2, No 4: ary Rockets. 212 pp. RUS,5.1;4, bk; MezhpUmetnys Soobithcheniya, 1929.,-Fp-j-ao pp 1-~67 1 NASA ?T F 643 TT70-50114 4 aug 72 !Inter-plaiietary flight and cornmmi,=tion. Vol, 2, No 5: Theory o~ rocket propuZsion, by N. A. Rynin. 66 pp. RUSSIAN,~bk, MezhpUmetnjqe agobahaheniya. Vol-2,, No 5: Teoriua r~eaktivnoao dvizheniua. 1929 NAM UT F U 4 4, ~ NTIS 27-70-50115 apr 72 lnterplpi~'etaz4 Flight and Communication - Superaviation ery, by N. A. Fqnin, 231 pp. Superaviats INTIS TTf 70-50: WA TT O~-6451 Za 'rill "qui CM 0 C., o;:. 0 0'. Tnterplan'etary Flight and Commmication, N. A. F~~n, 106 pp. kWSTMO~ bk. Mezhplanet_Mre Soobahcheniya, NO 7 1931 NTIS TT10-50117 kMA TT P-646 by Vol III, 72 Interpla~etar~ Flight and Comwinication - Theory of y Space Fligbtjv~'by N. A. Fomin, 340 PP. me me odboMbeniYa - Teoriya_ RMIAN, ~bkj ' anelt 8 eskogo"Poleta., Vol _79,71932. Kosmich 1; 111 ~ No NM TT 70-50116 =A TT ir-647I Apr 72, interplanetary Flight and Coumunication - Astronavigation Theory, Ahnals', Bibliograpby2 by Y. A. Rynin, 236 pp. MMSIAH~ bk, Mezhplanetnye Sodbshchenip - Astronavi~ftts&a, Let2pis' i BibliojEafiya, Vol III) No % 1932. NTIS TT 70-50119 NMA TT r-,648 72 C.:01IR Tr 132 .All. Ele~.Axophotometer for Measwring, t'ne al3d PO-IAI"iZui'tiou of Light Scattered by Clom part-10-en Iby V. 1. Myukhkyuryv UNCIA9STP*!.'PD RU38 r t.. .,~,~zhvedo t p mfexemlmiya VoprppAt IA -Oblakov, Osadkov -10,56;~ T~RZ-Maq,.AMMichpqty~j 5th., L-?niDzxad, Sci .. Geophysics j~m 6o Wavy 2515MRL 790 w the Mothod of Xmsurlag the Spectrum of PartUs trgmU6n Ili C190* and ftp, by, A. E. Mikirov. *us Omakaws owdbDv I Mmarogo ldibWMm 1016t VP 197.03'". 60 Navy m6ilm 791 ")-,w.,ctrnl. Tnton:rlty of LIZIlt S ,k;c 6,dliby 11ca".4 Cloud Particlev, loy L. B. A. A. Morozhenakiy. UNCUSSIFIED FiUSSIAN, Lit, J.'eml edqcq ~:~pqnm p9 4-PY-4 . p Oblalcov.. Osadkov 1 Grozavozo j~ i4. 'f' j4.1 ;~.Icktrich,~.ptvqa' 0 ?16; 5tb.. Vavy 2517/IML 792 Sci ~un 6o ",230 wjthu" ~aa Electricity i I jmyanito~. RUSSIO)i blim uuacats for inveatigotiun U.L' Wile Clouds and PrecipItatious, by I. M. Voprosam'Ispledoy",ObIal hWbreataiyu po )r.)r &viakov" i Grozovogo 15 564 pp,1,59-163. Navy Tr 2578/NRL 7-93 Sci &igineeriAg., Geophysird iia 6o .SUr:lr)g the ChB3,ereS anA Dj. ti Fog aby V. A. Solovleir. UaClASSIFji,*:() Konf,erentaiya po Vpprosmto fimal-DiIii-v"i n"iya Oblako . v., Osudkov i Grozovogo "1056-'-'pp i~6--172 tavy ~'~18/11ML 7-75 9ci - Ge OjftsiILno jun 60 32 Palse b.letwureinient of tbe Spectrum of Ions in -Wie Atmospherc~ b~' ~y L. R. Tsvaag. Mr.-SLIM., blcp Vnzhevdqms"p~~" IiDnfereataiya po Voprosim Olbiiik6v Ceadkov i Gxozovop -'iAna-r9A) 1.556) pp Y3-174. thl)" 17L'~ Navy Tr 2579/Nn 794 Sci - PhyrACLI'l, jui 6o S~ieia- *SSIM ~! korabli' .1 RTIS TT I ItASA TT I I i~Flight and Communication. Spacecraft ~iouj by N, A. Fqnin, 180 pp. 6ftlanstas Boobohdfte". Koomicheakie . No 2.,