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A Meth oa of CiAtivation of Lambl'iaj bD, IA, E. ~j, 01,~y Karapet;~an, 6 pp. " QFTICIAL US RUSSWT b1t., Lictodika K,.Ljlt~-vjj;ovaniya Lambiiy; Tsl toio~iyll,~~ 00 2, 1(11M) pp ciA/i,,Di) x-4..-,,c,5 sci I.W.-d Aug 02 0 MUM* W44i~~~m b7 *z AgOo-tr-4439 Sol gs I V~* 62 by T.1" Z". W*MWp bk~ 9 AssUm ibtiwt AN o*- 038 1-tthoaa oll Aua:~ysis by Flaw. Photowtl'y$ by ire i S. ri6luaktovo 10 Wt4mf4y Aucalza po fttowtrli cm r-C;L pjj~mj: 2j~l P.7 bbi. 6e Aml4y methods in AerobArodpamlco, by M. 1q.-! 8=111povo 395 pp,, P*rt I. M M IMj tOLp/WtoR?,*WXq N' AeroSl&rO&ivamike.. pp 34-395- 967W37 Soi w Aaro -1:5- Table DJ~ContMts "Methods of Biochemical Investigation by V. Asat~~Yani RUSSIAN) bk,j~],Ietody Biokhimicheskikl~ Issledovaniy, II Moscow: 1956~ pp 467-472 TJV blathodd of Rmerical Solution of Boundary I I I~alue,jby V. Ye. ShamanGkiy. 4upsitu bX) Metody Chisionnogo Resheniya IiriEtircmNr, i. Zadach Na ets vm, Mi. 1: Lincynyyc kraycir3" Zadachi., Kiycv, Ali M:rainskoy SSR., Ino't Kibernatiki, 1963, 195 pp. *1111 mi-64-323 /Da:ta Proc 64 1! Meth6ds ftl~v a Detailed Ntudy of Seirimici t- by V, I II M, V, GzovsLivl. nt i,,I, 4' It-, I, RIJSSrkN hR Metody Detallnogo Imdieniya 1 2 7 t FTD-.Tr-62-2611 Sciw-flarth'~'Sci Astron Apt 63 Tr*l -.,r 7eb Ortobeft of InverUptim the ISach- or Ikoh1mg by 3. P.'Reiymkiyp ek F-P M/YW U-8532 Ir jr UkRi soi a C) nthes, s FeildS, Of 1!eter,-)C)r, f!ltl- c -ri the A. V, A. in, "C -cliell) Der Wyu ~0~ lfttirttmwms~ by liArI6 and DOW"W at ds fievejok r IV rill gwmg Aw-ww MWWjr iftWs CC MWftt=nta OSmebC-zqv a musv46t'Twm~vs., by 0. Is PftW*io IM PP. raw* xqor4avxw,kmy XA*j b)4 509 L939 pp 994-2531. -.07 !kd -,Osd OL I'lly Testink ilethods for Cncr,.- Filaments wid Filii6, by w Vi LA"rana wid A. V. c'.!otorina, ot al, WL, :.ictody Fizikumckhanidieskikit krolokoll Nit 196140, .552 pp. 1--O~HT-2 lifS 2 1-0 7 o:a r 7 (Ny~662o) Of PP! 3,m37-ltl Set oot 61 W:Ite Work During GlaciologiMl 4=6 of U030ow Uh-trtralty Department ~hy, by 1. R. Zeitov-P 10 PP - ~%to4y Geograf looledg 19601 17Z IPST-2104 ~ I I i i i .P 4, Testing of Metals., by A. M. (wf.662o) A"11c; Olcn~ cC fte Cartomtric Method in Soil Hrcsio~ Studlesp by Yes N. NftOla7evWmya., 8 14*tody GrogW lt;sl*d.. 1960., Oct: 10395 7 Zf 111 NY-662o) Land~capaj and Op"laUsed PIWx:Lco4eqpv&hIc&1 cavItQgrq&y In a Composite bqpcUtions, by V. A. Bus Ow.. 46too ClooSW reeled, 19% Py (Xt,: 63. (NY-662o', C Work on 'l*Xizzg axt Brv=tory of Fodder lAwda,, by V, G. lonovalemkol 9 X8aW Hatody Geograf Itisled, 1960., 1 1 P14, .... . ..... 8ci GeoVh Oat ~;6i (NY-M20) Typol6gical landsow Inmtipitl=s In R,4910M.. by W, A, Orm4vtoklyo 11 pp. HUSIDW, r4r.. Metody Geograf lj)sled$ 19600 2W(M.,; JPRS 10095 / 7 ZJf //,I (NY-6620) Geographic Work in SUte lt~rphlc Surveys, mikbaylovP 10 ]me RIMIAR, pe~, Notody Geop-af ImOmd, 1960, PP Sai aeqpt~m Oct 61, im 10095 Z/ (NY.662o) Vibo-Geographicc Obserwatioxis of Soviet, m4t0e. In FOreI45Q Co=trJ,es., by Ye. H. ~ft~ A. x wwak(wj, J.8 pp. MetWy Goopapt Isslad.. ig6oj, *3 , r~- Sol, Geodm loot (NY-6620) Rqxeltion&T loonmlo-ftograpblu popilation Study., by 1*~ ~I. dl~~vcbanidzap 13 pp. IMIMP mri Metody GeOVW Thaleds 1960) 34 JPFA 1OD95 / 7 a, /.z )=Jij~ltody Mlcx~cow? 1p 'j, J1.11 Y~ ble. If Contents, Methods of Testing -s1 by A. 1,. Altman, rolouta Produc 6 pp, i!~ 8SLO11 NIeLody Ispytani-a Ne'teprojuk'o Y Y "ningrad, I Ile RDB/TIB 112 ~UL?SR Chemistry A]F:;6 ~q~ Xt neopic Imstigation of the r~~ 0~ Pmvw Bodiee by tbe Replica edl -ked by M. U. Dattkidn., Al~ Frot-Oadings of tba 24 Ocn- 1.3 Aw 1956 A xt&4y Issled MI mazs Nethods~ f St~ tidying and Sniallitcis., Kmito,: 1,470 pp. RUSSIA' 1, bk~llc I spol oyani.) ca, z 3-3( Oct 66 S-146/~66 the Atmosphere !,.'itli Rochets by Aleksandy Aloksandrovich ody IsslodovaniX Atmosferv s Rahot i Sputnikov, 1966, SF-4261 6 308,433 I-aveatliptIng the Atmosphere ',;Ith SateUlteal, by A. A. Xmito T2 10-390 i i i i j sptk,i~rlc Sci i 67' " 3"1 34, 763 = . 1 i i Methods of Studying Carr4r-Rockets and I~y G.,'N. Nlikishev. RUSSIM, bk, Metody Raket~'~nositeley i K)smichDskikh ".JPRS, for MU7= Sci/Aerospace May 65 the Dynamics of space Devices, issledovaniya Dinamiki Apparatov. mestiouting Rosential Oils., r and I. PI In , 4-.-&A,w To 3m RrL=Adx pp 752. (On Loan) i i 1: A ug.6 i 287.,192 5 i j. of "is.0 kll - /00:5~--720 00 tw alp soot# of memoloule am VOL nab* I ft"L el"Lo th". *Ask N"* we $0 ul"-w (1;79) 4 pl"m ws"Awo left 6414b. W -:51F e Uc min t C~ ,in the field of Crude Oils and ,11roducts; Methods Determining the t Bulfw In Catalytic Cracking Prod- B. T. Abaveva, R. G. Aranyan; Deter- of Stability of Alvainosilicate Catalyet by 3. 1. Rabinovich; Colorimetric De- on of Molybdenum In the Production of by Z. V. Yeksler, V. A. &-lentsoval IAN i a Reftey i ~e uutov,, publ by Gostoptekbizdat., 1955, ,71V,ih9)s encl to n-14M,-56. CIA D 49729 3Z 10 0 AF 752004 W-fmr~, I; Ye.. SvIntsorou, ~L- G. CHANCE TIM VAF(W,S'AbSORRI GEL (WrAter I:u Razlichnikh flarmt by M. M rdn. Order fr or Trans. 66n h"0. Vyq _ O.,vt csnyk~ pkgd Saveslvd*nl ra 13-1 (Overnirtr ; 61-IS393 eydayn, R. Yu.. mW 1. Silicm gels- -Adwofffdve RPTION IWnfKRMS FOR properties ON FUJORINATEID SIUCA 2. Vapors-Ads"lon enlyt Pomy Izaterm Surbtall I - Neyrnark. 1. Ye. Itor1ruvarmylth Silikogelyalth) ad. 11. Sheyntayn, R. Yu. 61 110)p. 14 refs. RTS 1683. n Svitesovs. L. G. ml$1.60, 041.90 61-15393 V RTS- 1693 V. D"Bruncls of Sclewnc WA MW maledovardys &rubury L!! In&istriml Research WlstY TaT"L* Vto (0t. W.I.) 56 G.) Moscow. 19S8. 6093- sumbeevedowsoldlam 11, Tir. V. S. no. 10) IL IL od cows. V.. 1 FOR DRTRRMBOO noH ux Acs or IOROU3 KKM THE. St c 5 opromodya Uddowy Too OL JOY k& IRTS 1604 61 IkKoo 61-15716 or! mlSL70. brdw item 'Y-*-- ~TT. 61-15716 1. PWOO mawtall-offem area L pmdwg--autw* 1. Dwrgls. L V- 11. 7.skM"YWL % IL M. DAbW& IV. ytTS-1684 sdwdnc md Rourch ~j T_ 61-19098 METHODS! OF INVESTIGATION OF THE STRUC- 1. RIS-1603 TURE OF~~HIGHLY X)ISPERSED AND POROUS SUB- 11. Department of Scientific STANCES,'' 1~db 61 1p. 3 refs. RTS 1603. and Industrial Research Order f S or LA $3.60 61-19098 (Gt. Brit.) Partial tranal (concl~glons of articles only) of mono. M~I24LIsiLe4~vaniyA'*u Sysokodispersnykb: VT&Istykh -rerffrii~ Jury. ,M "ogo Sovshchanlya 13- 111 Yunya 56 G. 1958, p. 7-36, 47-94. 107-154). 3. 161-189. 20 251,271. 291-294. r~JJF - 136 and 203-213 are #Complete! t . (0 li,. 128 available 66p~ratcjv.! DESCRIPTORS: *X-ehys. Scattering aParousmate- rials, Electr6n micr I~scopy, *GLls, *Admorbents, Poroatty, Volume, &Urface area. Staflatical distribu- tion, Mokluliar sxru~ture, *Vapors, Coodeneatica. Hystere8ii, AdsorjXjix1, Measurement, Calorimeters, *Porous p0sii, Corr6sion, 'Metals. Coatings. offico G(T"Wcel S~ices (Chemjstry--Phya1cat,,.T-r, v. 6. nD. 12) (ever) ltle~thods 6f Investigating Plant Resistance to Pests, by P. G. Chasnokov, 105 pp. Russ I AN bk Ij,'ptQd -Issladmw a, -vosti .0 . -jx_ _951,qkcid ni, k Vre4jjejy=, 1953,, 9068484 OTS 61-51052 PL-480 Bi'ui Nov~62 PS~r ~3.30 215,299 (DO-1711) ids of!'Investigating the Dust and Smoke Content Hethc of the!Air,,~ by A. 1. Barahteyn, 33 PP. UBCIASSIFIED RMSIM, nonograph., Hetody Issleduvaniya Zapylennosti- i z&' "(erd~outi V60d-Wd""'I~ '257-2954 PP US JMS/W-L.-409 SCI -;'Medicine, Air sampling ;7j FDD oiU- bf Measuring Temperatures, by V. A. Sokolovt Meth 22 PP. n6sm bX ~'Ne ody parenlya Tomperatury;, Part. I. t l4mcow CIA/FDD/U-7756 USaR 3ci -.,4ngiooerlng Jan 56 cTs r 1~ I : 1 1 ft" ,foi i~E by Lj~4.!' J14 Ij .1 Bmiiii bk,* I . I'll AC81-4,17389' IM, .4023'ie udyLm Twk Armomt fttarl&U, -. 122 pp. ato4y p 19686 70 398.,152 4UI'iscow Nollp by a I Kartopifiroyanlya 1964. pp 1-5. 359p358 lpih6c~ f~)~ Studying Ocean Cunvnts by Aerial ,U3M bk[IV G. Wanoviche I VI b i" Owt2.q lauchwdya lissi Wrskikh Toch- s 12 niv.~ al -2 . oti. 1964. pp I IIPT ow-sjus sci-P. sci~t~ Oct 6 7 342pO32 Methdds~ of the Quantum 7heoxy of Magnetism.* by S.lj~ V. T~"Iikov, RUSSIM, bk'~ idetoqy Kvantovoy Tcorii Mapetizina, 1965,~~ 335 P~~ PCB sci-ph YS Nov 66 0 '1 J-~ejco)oas dr '14utntum Field Oicory in StEltisticL Phy'sics, by Nbrikos6v, A. A.) Gorhov, L. F. Ru ~ s- sima b6o)-,, 1-~o`ody YLvajitovo.1 Teorii Pol~a v Sto ,koi I?i-,,ike, MloscU,;) 19'2., U Sci Phy Feb (1-3 4r Doolli Nor 1A, ical Fethodo or m4astim tho ill by A,Y%xt VerohiSora... 132 pp. 140tod M~JgNkiolqjLk~hq lpaif - 0 196 j, 133 pp - im 32581, and, Am-LLNj.,,ir-i of Rave Eiements, 1 744 VI- D. 1. Ryabclii)coi , t-letady Opredelniya i p,. -e;rn lit- i5v;--ig csl,-92M5~8 4. ta, F:zi DDete :L012. of i6olecular Weights and Polydispersity of Pb rs, by S. R. Rafikov and S. A. Flavlovaj, et, al )o Jun 304.,142 ble ofX011te velopir,g) Ncw vers, by'A. is for Russian bk~ Kethods of Deepwater Routes on USSR Subbotin, 2 pp. SSIAlq, ~~b.k, MI "Osv I Ptety N- .A 7 JSSR "'con 4bv 62 h CIA/FDD XE1061 2170652 Rig 4S, of naahing WoMM Parts Using Abrasive I 1$ 11 by 6160. Lvr 'yo. MHWA~Wjj UK) tatw udt,~3~t"# SOL 16a JUA 61 -ow"''POLIV "OIYWML 1958o W-W3* 96U799- W- UM 66r/M ca r '"'" ~-7 a Us *Asr bftoft*il OmUtA=eo UD Slum) ps ftudd DW AMIR S-3m.- M-Al*- ~St' od of i6tin antiscore and anti wear prop6rtim~ of 1gb ; i 11 u ricants rushsh(jvl, K.M., Matveyevskiy, R.M. .~s bk:lm,btoq~ otsenki protivc)zadirnykh i p! 6tivoiznb'sn.~,kh svoystv smazoc!hnykh, 1969, 2 pgs J Negative by Phone 31 Mar 70 Follow-UP hodesl~(llevlation des Cours dleau en Fonctibon Conditi onB I! Physic o-Geographi que s, by A. G. stnan. SLMII, Ih, tto(3~y Otsenki Vodnyldi Miodov iia kt- si-Y1 i-Fi z iklo'ge o6raf icl'ie ski Idi U;loviyahh, 1(.-)C0. *JPRS for Dep&rt of Interior 6--L' Processing Progrnms for vhchincs ~,ram Control Usinp, J.'loctronic by V. I. Skurikhlkn, V. G. bk,, I-letody Ppdl?,ot vki lafonaatsii uy,P~ aXpumpy 5 1-rogrW-Ma4l LQAJLI 9696512 u l*h 6-5 277v894 !t cuoic Lirors and 1114dr (;Drrecticais Oro'o t6aad Maddne Control. by a~ V. jipikp 17 pp. K'$lAll 1bkg Ket lhkdgotoirki Inforp, atsii a stli7kov! s P rammyik e m -t? Toll , L --, , jA)ravloniL .1p( fi 1'148-161. 9696512 -149 277pS95 mili mmustokul athose in x2chaulasm by ~I; bk i'ibtady FOS a6lp t XOV, ftkhaiZ~p so, Nmeaws 1957. t Ae"emia Preall Inc M Fifth A" New York 3p X.M. 1114.00 J1 no I Lin~tr Movement of a Gas, by L, 1. Unatea gedov.~ R=IAW'~, bko~leto4 Podobi ati v gmernor ,7 B~Pvn University set jp~ya PR! P- /S ftw 56 lad ~~Iethods of Similarity and Dimensiorml jAms*is in Mechanics, bj L. 1. Sedovp 5 P!)~, JjUW~Wi bko He~~ P-oddbiya I Raziae=Osti V l4Q6aAL-e.. 3rd revise.ci ed.,t P-2 oot 1954, sacil to Report No IR-1302-55, AA.,, Londonj 8 Ax%'! 1955. CU D 2W651 Al? 681050 sciolutific ag;ineerlAg ion 56 CTS/DEX rl~he v,6,(,j,jmf; ~6.r Similnrity and Dirensional 1-11 Imeabanics, by L. I, Bedov, 405 pp. "r-F Vr, 1-,Igj,~ ly Fodob ,a i Ituz=rno.,ti v -rake ~rd Edition, PP* loy el! 074t. stov US P"pAUS ct MstWd by A. V. Pr&Ve&dkoV.9 TU. S. livitykh P I ASO )Crp38%tV Methods of Pol-ent-'al in the by V. D. 1 " uq i 1~! i d-,7 o RUS I maio, Mx-stody Potent,;ial.a Jal of rwa6actl iIva Cazbon CA in tbe: Study CC ~ I I Itoapffliobia., ~by 0, V. Z&Umshy) 0. At Semlkbsto"p L. VOZ06 3r, ;bk motou . ...... ... hip AM Tr-W~ Cbmi Z Th6 Te'd SbornW h'60 Sci OL Jun 5! 6n of Klectric Dise4arges to Chemical Lp 6cessest poI1~~,Metoay Protsessy Xhimicheskoy Tekhnologi ~Rabdt Ak 'Naa "Otdbl Xhii 1,*.,auk,, -TT,6'1., 1955) *ATIC ;i;Electricity 62-2(8 o(t. RUSSMs, PV 152 IT. sci ecj r( i*i* CG 2 Railioclements, of 1,latural Radioakti-m-kh ME C 63-i45M IOES OF iCALOJ~ATM THB THWER OF 1. Doural'ter, A. IL S. 11101 tsip) Slifi ;~ I:m 0: 1 63-14506 t. of pt~o~ Metod vnl~ .,____y k*y. Aw"ft C*I*VdC~. Tr. T. 10. M. 10) Me of TocholeW larvkas a -or Do' In 't T ;%A 6b031 Arm, Ir.-R-B-9572/7 N~Jitl:iuls bt-- Calculating Nu !car R!.:-n 1-(-, G;o ectod Parts) , by G. I is, j~ bks 14,~tujv Rasclievj pi) ',-17, 64--66j, 196)1~ PCj'Mt-o, FT f '17-) - 6 1 S aj,--Eng~ .7 9A ftvblmo WP ReiW,'orced Ccucrat* Frame Da r, U6 ira ~;r Staiccaic Faglwis, by V, F. RuIckuy, 3. 0 RM 41110 xpt' I motodLyptUcheta ZIMU4 I Aa ftrUq%Wbe %g f(PS 1"14t 465 CaLiforaia Street Ban Frwel6co 4,,, C-04fornie. Sol. ... Geqp~qaics Nov 60 TH 13 / 2 .01 1095 14,rthod for lartlquabi Retsiatem; OP 1 Stracturee., by A. G. Nwmwp B - L l1rumPetma, 15, PP. BMIA110 rpt..; Metz4 RaseboU 7ANcay i Scporuzbz-miy Sci iqov 6o Ima Bell last 465 caufands ftract Son Yrancirwo 4,. Czaifoxmia TH AL 1.31, *p fof Flexible Structuxes-for Scic-mic pp. laosunp r3rbj, maw na moor Su-thqual-M ftg Res Inat 465 CaUfornia Streat Sci -100%physics am Fr=cie.--o Celiforn-I Nov:: 6110 m 1095 .131, 46 Mel Cods solvit'k"g the ProbItm of Struct- 44jrms' Cs an Blectrmic cowuterso c P- S- bi A,. I iezaikoV. R IM*Ibk Hatod Reshodga Zadach Stroit- 8 kh 11,4 ~"44 isbim-M-L T wnmrm 1 1964s 335 PPO NLLI Ra- -36109 ime 66! 301,463 si,,Al' ~ E MARI T Ru!ssI 1~ 1'~ ly SER W, ROSPECT5 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUB- t4~,'d fl P, k4NTEYFEL', 11 PP GAT 1014, BY P, R~ 1,1&0~y I REZUL TATY P0DV0Di,!YKH ISSLEDOV_ 3 li LP ;'~b PP 7-12. JPRS 21162 MI i -ASTRON 3113, A. !is!. sci-D p I" ID I!kCt,'tTUDY'~ OFl TIHE BOTTOM i,,EL I Er" 0. TH ~H.Et~k'AND SOME, PROULDAIS OF SUDIARINE -S1 'i 41-Ci LAL N:VE' T'G~TIONSJ, BY AP, A ~WLtll p mcf; bDY 'I RE&LITAtY PODVOM)"K~ 'SSLE- (IV) 11:,62, pp 45-62. v c, JPRS 211:62 $C rASTRON cqvL WI!Tl-.I RUSS I DOV~~ Skr,c I S~P~ 13 S-rt,i OF'i'THE: BOTTOM' OF 15HALLOW SEA WATER HE F AEIW*.IETHODSJ BY: V. V. SHARKOV, Z, I. I p REZULITA*FY PONODNIUll ISSLE- KTODY I VO x i V~ 1 (162 Pp 63.66. JPRS 2u62 H ~Cl ;ASTRON XRTT 343, ;~i-0 RV$sl DOMI SCJ E )lq THE SUR FACE OF T~E SEA BOTTOM FOR RPIOStS) D, YE. GERSHANOV I CH) ) PP %F, METODY I RESULITATY PODVODI,IYKH ISSLE- , 1962 IK I vi PP 10)--115. JPRS 21162 L Investigations PC4 60iig* by NO' K4,Lovap 26 pp. USS9! Vleni- CIA/FDD/U-&,)59 'OL01. 104ir On 71 taxlcology* CTS 67/Apr 55 _7 EVatems for the Autcmatic and: Aismtiic J4 obb.9 lyk G. P. Katys RMSUNi bkll I:Nhtbdbr I Motew Avtowtic i Aug 65 287..187 I 14pht&dB~Iof Measuring Velocities in sd;ymanics and Plasma Physics., by Xu4l E. Resterikhin and R.I. Solou- U.LW 4, 1 U~010.0 bk, Yjqto& Skorostgvkh Iz- erenikv Gazidyaamike i Fizike Fla Aa~ 66 Methods of Spectral Analysis., by V. L. Levshin. RUS.~IAN*~ ij)t, Metody Svektrallnogo Anal'iza, An'aiysisilof L~i~iA~'s'"c-e-ne-e,-,S-ei,.t-io-n 5, pp 406-416. ChaOter ~18, 1962. 15006#5/ 9699971 Dept of Iqavy/OINI Tr 2073-n, Sci- Ap er 66 *ftl AbOyoU., Mot', ny IW-)) IV' ~2T Py, Ixetok -- -) Arimlign. I.k)soawj oft abd Yjms of LwVeatAon of Go=atric m I~ri Irk ~Aroraft OmstrucUam et by N.A. Dolmmir,,~ Mi Wil.4rz -~p tri kh twelde~. Y~i A. rMob 0 )TATI RLO MMOD. Ave., N. W.VW&sWhg' ftba. of i~ ~i*1.1 loscow, lc~~2 w1'0 ;~- AL THMNa. THE MONTE 332p lica, Inc., 1000 Vermont )a. S. D. C. 63-ZVj76 1. Shret&r. Yu. A. U. Script& Technics, Inc., wasvdtwm D. C. We ol lechoical Unicet Methodslin gk the Theory of by, 14. A.:Lavrentlyev, B. V. i 1, RUSSIAN,',bk) Metody Teorii P6remcnAogo, 2nd Ed., 1958, i 64 *r,TD-mT*r -26o sci-Myt; Jul 64 a Complex Variable, Shabat. Funktsiy Komplekenogo 678 PP. Of C -, * -, . D:.. f'!-c 2' L rd a n[L_ I 4e tt--) d To or I` D:i L,, %rl-k a 1, c, rj J A WO~ 10 9 xxte=jmum 6b1ponas of the pandly Isidam by Mactric Cu=eut,, by N. Nit ! vaiektozIgg" Ybrakikb Dapt of luterior on wk No 79 Sol. - BIOI 17 Vdb 61 i betczl~, !. S. and Zhlkm, N. P. COMPEMM MEMODS. VOL 1. 1962, approw- 447p~ Order from F? apprm $10. 00 1 : Trans. of mmxx (Metody Vychislmh, L 1. MWWN, 1959. 416* ------------------------ 4.4"J-44.'" DESCRIPTORS: OM~rnmtlcs. Tlextbooks. ONu- mwical:a*yslm, Errors. Polynomiale, Intqp-wo:l, ftwdc", LAW #*Wes meftd. Mmq. waftma~ Cie. Tr. v. 7. ma 8) 62-12735 1. Berezin. 1. S. n. zhikov, N. P. M. Perpmon Press, Inc., New York 201 1372 OMtq of Uckelcal Savicts C toy 10 1 Order f I PP, Awwr I I of no~~ S. Im 1 59, *6 2* Ical awlysfs.~ tions, Far* tions. Ttmiirj.~ 62-12736 VOL. 2. 1962. approx. 533p 1. Berazin. L & 112.50 11. zhow, N. P. I M. Pergamon Press, Im y Vychimleulf, t. 2. Wecow. New York 2 0 7 3 w1ce, Texd)wks, ONumer- Algebra, Differentlal equa- I "allow, Intwel sque- Tr. v' 7, no. 8) Office *1 T&C61cel SwAtes ,ondre AA A~~ 'ox$N*tion Process Relat" to Lep poipy d 1, at by L, Kb DaugaVets No 2, 1963, RUS$ A p~'r. t-lej2!!X YZchisleniy 21~ pl) Sci Sfall 5038714 7171 I Othi lim I o ld &SI a 1 for the lixtraction of a Acavy on Fiva tile cyclotrim Witki kal Variatbon of the FUipictic Vi by G, 14, Vyalov, ot al, 4 Xj)t* ~,btod Ygo!~% PUCJIL-11 Wak IOAOV iz Tsik,2ptrmia s 11111301 vmatsloi ']a E)IOTO --au L964 huv disc