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Eloctrotherval A Sol I; Wq~Oxl*tur* Probe With Ccmpan- nation: 6y Dl~ p vaellisms, 6 pit. RV86ZA#jt! J*e~ll Not I Old, So 12, 1.957,, Pp ABC SCLoN20b sci JOB ~9 (DC-,~6o") ) Clj ]Color,ko-,r, by A. E- 21 -op. i I a., '~, - Yet i Gid, No 12, 195'i-') RIP ipit", 'J846 " 5 ,,~ 1010 ;~ Played by Changes la the INmpa*ture Field al tiw~~i~mpboro in thawoluuon or Jet Currents, by RLMIANO ry ftt I Olds, lb 1,9 1958., VP 22-27. 017 Air fto*oxvb and Develop 0oa A3wr lktwol Socq for Geopbys Raw DIr . JWTIA sop, !,Jy -Inll; cr 'It'd Y, Use of Tutra Bunn Ba RW3UW,,j per pp Sci 11kr 59 ioUtion Formulas ~'c Centeres by S. *t i GO, No 1,, ror Forecas-Itina V, 801OD11,1r, UziWad 1953,, JPRS 1351-N vegitlOt on Ade P4 ;tJol D o )blk 13si i - Geop*l r 59 the Physico4hemical Properties of Which Decom Ice Farming Nuclei., by PP. l t i Gid, No 1. lAningrad, 1958.. pp U; .. .. ....... JM 1351-8 (1958-zi) Ch#,4 terilOtics of tho Resultis of Wave Meter rvatiblks in!l ibe Oeeen,, by 01. V. Rzbeplivskiy,, rj, *t L Gido No 1. Leniagrad, 1958, JFM 1351,-N 59 tt,* ox Oca~togrqphic pp" M,B8W Aver i Mot I didp ,-p hTJ Method in Cjjm!Qt.).*Lo2~y,., I,,,. Vo 1; 5 19 of ~la Preheated Psychrometer, by L. 0, 3 1 BUBO er,l *t i Oid. No 1. Leniagrad, 1950, PP JM 1351-IR QUA, M I 59 Y79.1'7-4 if gram :016r~ Pro~lpooina Drift lee Observations., 'by 1. ASuriyPv, IRV SIAM, p~r~ Ygt~q I Old, So 1,, laningradj, 1958,p pp JM 1351--N lc - Geop as o 59 7&4 stepwavet (1958-M) -by Xh, M. P61%ji Met i Oldt go 1$ Iminigrads 10, JPR3 1351-8 Ge alp 4247 ~IIY-ln/ 58) tueorol6sric al Conference in Berlln, by M. I. Budyko. SSIAN~ per,,,Islet i Gid, No 1, Leningrad, *0 ,cj 65. H Sci - Ge6phys~Lcs 4247 ientifi'c lsesslon of the Tbilisi 141GI-a (Ficimitific search btate iiLteorological Institute, by G. 11. l,um.ladz J Ubb.LIUV 1"i0r, Mot i Gid, No 1, I/-,nJ.nUrad, 1'~`56) S6 p 4S JTRS ci Ge6piaysics I Milo of the x1scuonic Computer the Proposis of Nipan M=tkay Anciail*v 6f Alr TOwersturn, by Ob, A. Ts. IL MISMU6 Not 1 0 v No 2s 1958t PP 3-9- LC SIA 59-22197 (NY-1622) nosisliof Atmospheric Pressure by Means of the !il rica Fune"tio'ns of Influence, by P. N. Belov, ~O MAY per Met i Gid No 2, 1958, pp 10-16. *US JPRS i - Geophysics I LIO of Atmmpheric Predieure by Means of the r=ctiogs of UtImince, by P. N. Belov, ;pers Not I Olds Bb 2p 1958.0 Vp 10-169 W AIA 59-12198 kit" 97, seyevo arrelation Bt'~--Lween tl-b I the Tot'al O~diation., idity. Atmospheric Precipitations Z-vaporatiori and Absolute T C- 3IAN; Per) Yet i gid, *PL 14-30 OTI:; 6o-,17-lo,2~3 61 1 1 1 11 AD L*a0,10t4on of the ant Resiva in Soil DuAui*ut*, b.Y fi- V- SerOvQ, 13 Pe .2 *~~, HaUsortaco mA r)9-16424 khev, A. D. The Maxinum, llc)dLiles of Flood Dra intlize 14r 13 w ~ersheds bnd the Parameter.3 of their W-riab i-lity U~,,,Jer tlie 6--)ndi~icaw of the KrasuGdal%;l-,-iy Kruy. and 31-35- Hydrology, VC2. :-dy 61. 305 (NY-1622)0 iervations R,6-garding the Artificial Earth Satellite, F. V.! dblak6v, I hb LASSI, ;SIAN, i0 per, Met i Gidv No 29 3.958, P 42. ~~'JPRS N i G ACQUIrapy e., gaad Velocity WIth th-,q, Autinmille Recorder M-120 by D. rpm por, Mot I GO, No 2., 1958j. Vp 45, 46. Us JM/ar-L-4& Sol GIC00"Ics Jhn .5.9 05 (NY-1622)f gins the F~,essure Comb of a Radiosonde to Extend Range, by M. N. Akimov,,,' ic ASSIFIED ,IAN, m0 per Met i Gid No 2 p.19581 p 46. ~WUS JFRS IYY .3 Ge:ophysi~s IlmoVom Or Detexubbs DiYaricence and VortexQ.. by A'* 7 "rm Not I Old, No 2, 19580 pp 4&51. US JM/NI-L-464 Li~7 of Yeteorology and ILydrology f m, ILO aid,, go 2., 1953, PP 53-56. eel U8 c)e;Z3/fff-L-4G5 17 vy-162.2 Third'i All-tkicm Rydrological A@ MWI~w -pier, Kat got 0*00*100 Segaian,, by I* Ve Popov, 8 Vpe I Olds 310 2s 1958.9 pp 'i7-60. UB malxx-r.466 ite ED ;m IAN o (NY-1622) i Section on Metoorology and ~,i'bouncil of tbop0m, by I. Ye. V I" i L -C- Geophysics i i et i Gid, No 2, 1958p p 60. i(us JPRS 41Y - 7 4305 (NY-1622 nference ofl,the Young Spe-cialists of the Main ophysical Observatory, I,d 17 CLASSIFIED 6 SSIAN' :mo per, Met i Gid, No 2) 1958, p 61. *US JP1RS/-- -,I,' i Ge9physiics nic. the Of t~ulce Of 1*,,01.,I.%,il!ctiye I-roldons by b- A. I RUSISIM, Y, V~ot i 131d) 1 0 2 P 15 DSM, LT.Aj sc.J. (loo-Illy"I Oc t IUSSIA14 No 3, 19'58 ., per,j Met i Gid., I j 170-N nNpn of AUNKINI ass" aid lbeft I out 1w 3.0 uwmpvdo 1900 I X Alan, mw as. ad staft ftuftu On rm ~Y`va umt 1w P. I., Towmaeft U pp, pwo!mn I Ole Jb 3# Z"MW%dp 19A, go ins Ir L-499an 1740- N A-A.A- bad lot It"" Accolentim ARM at wtows of ftftftc ouv- tz, vapasurs U of ux.* A4_1 G*p ib So 100AW"s IMP 14TV, us Jim V& LJM-v up is* at the ftowmaus of me su- iuds at ftm Rio V"ff MA the two i v& "A "Od" hrma h "0 amro OPM i= ift L-*4 Bed - ciavooses 1740-11 statiolicaL Relatiou In the V;ger Layars of the kimoipharol,' by *. 8, KAulmr,, 5i pp. =810, p~r, Not i Olds No 3a 1958j, pp 34-36- UB JM Tr L-494-3 set - isaap~ysics Jan Vn~!Bua~', Polar Ligtts, by W. V. Koloblmv, 9 PRO ~NCL MIMp per,, Meteorologlym I Gidrologiya, no 3., IiI95B,,PP-50-58- Am: me-9875/f Set Ojeoi*w Toleccimi IC 040010 J'A 59 Litnatun ft Noteavbw aind ftdVolw Dulas 1957m (Cout i~*IIL Yr it pp. *t I Gtd#,-ft 30, Umiqpmd 64-676 Jan 59 174" odem odftlft of Ann% am "0 11"m %y K. pr. =SBZA X4 *41.4-q~~* 50.3p Lodar"s IM pp Sol 916 (NY-1740). iteorolo licall Commission of the Moscow Affiliate of the .9 i~ lographic~ Society of the USSR, by N. V. Kolobkov, ISSIAN,.io per, Met-I-Gid, NO, UiniWad, 1958, 69. -3- O~us/ 41 jMS i - GeophyBi~s 1740-1 stunt" 8 r In TM Opsfttlmg ftbeectlans of Tbe. a 3 ~ -L - - % - by 1. 19. Ponomranko xmuxo~~ ~per Not 10149 No So lautuaMe IMe 69- 700 va im Tr L-491-0 um MAU Oct Jan 59 (NY-1740). tonferen6 on ihe Regional Synopticus of the Far East, ~b'y 0. J.~ lins"kiy, RUSSIAN,: mo per. Mmul Mgt I Old , No 3 , Leningrad , 1958, Ip 70.0 71 p AOUS MRS -A/ 5) Met I Gid.9 No h/, Apr 1958 CIA/FDD X-2986 - -19 -17 certain 06meteristita or Ataosphoric Ov~r the 4tarctoc, by 0. G, IlCrlchak,, 3 PP. rmmwp Vim, Not I Otdo No 4p 1958,p PP 3) 4a Doe ~o$ 1739-19 ProbILO' r1th prooposis of the Traj*ctoriee of Air .1 ~* a l~ 0 Paitiolesi lby A. 1. Sbaobko'ms 10 pp. RUNTAI;s, L*rp Not 1 G:id;, JFO 4b 1958,, pp 8-14, YJS JM Tr L-4,44-N set O"ll'"Ifte ar the cbAngc:; '91th Altillt),lo e- thT Of ALI, Tawaratwou Over th.:) I )icg%v-,.i of the UMI,, by j. F. s -23- tmolal per, Ket i QM., No 4 '19581 pp 21 w JFM Tr 59 ne emf3i,%t Of 07*10mbed to Cold Ecglorxj 'ry ve ?~o Uc", 4 pp. RESSUM, OA-,o Iftt I aidj, Ilo 4.4 1958,; pp 24, w im Tr Sod ocop4oica itm ~I~r oll;zivatiug the velocit~r of tbo moul. 1~1=rlllf, rv Ifta Vatoro by-r, P, Gaasaa:8 pp. 9p *t NO 't 1958o pp 30-34. W. ko Amer Wmr*l Soc AV Cm'bMV %s Owtor Me, 1~ 30 .10~ IMM iA Immiltural Meteorological Senrice of Col- la-ai#",-~ w4~m, SWto Farrua, ewd 15tat'--loins 'by u. D. Utepanov, 2 pp. 4 Not i Old, Iffo ~ 1958; p I:C). US JM/BY-4,-541 Bei ~10---oohyuioa D,-c Arixmnbp,~okiph 11-27,0 by D. Ya. guxaThokly., p I3uISIi:LUj O'er, Met i Old, No 4. 19581, pp 4.2-114. Bel acialph"dics U5 JM/NY-L-5'.0 stU4 o swiliet meteorology in Japan,, by "..Ic :1=11 A 4, 1958,9 pp 47-49w 0PerP met I Gid.0 No sci We 58 gandbcolc of 84ort-Ro-nee Weather F(~recastsp Vy jRtZ3jgIM.t I~ero Hat I Old& US Doo 58 go 4jp 1956j .. 5,3-r-6. JM/M-114-538 R-1739 Conference 4W the Chiefs of Agrlaultuml metea;rvdogri6al Stations,, by 0. Ir. Hadney., PP. to Not i Gido So ho :L958,, US 4MOT-1--531 Sol (~eop*ies Doe For~.itlouiiof :at Otream In the Atmospherm TSMer tba~~ Infludwe of the mountain Ramses in centrul ~ 1 Avft~ by A. Susarm, 17 pp. lomt% ploro, Not i Oido 195N US JM Sol 0000byako ^A 59 Do 5, LaningrgAp Tr L-603-11 7f 3.1V Ludtr ADw4m=t of the TurbixLent Navamonts i Wx,~!I~y A. 0. Ooz*M, V. V. lgmtam, MA.', No tonlugrodp 1958.0 i24� cm 6M54 Awr"oml fte for Mr AMA Uv~stlj~jmtlon of Therml Vextical Currents., by T$ Paxthovaklyo 3.0 Pp. HWPIW; perp Xet, i Oldp NO 5o Leaiagmd., 1958, us JPRR Tr L-6o4-ti Sol - 0imopbyoioo jh~ 59 qJ6 75.- tine zow Said the Ihm" ..&10 ~p. V. 5habiblalk0wa jimr, Viet i Old., lic, 5v U8 mw Tr L465-A Jan 7 2.812-19 EpparlOnce of the orpnization of Rydrcmteoro- io servicing of the Conatruatien of the Ryarooldictrid stations by L. N. lYdial, so Bo 9 pp- RU Balq,, perp Not I Oldji Nei 5p lantagm4a 19560 Vp 30 7 Xe~r lftwol4ards for the Atmoapllem-,. bY I- Na 7 Tvp. Itet J Gid.$ No 5,, jenlmgre-d,. us ms Tr L-667-N Sol - G~Qvhyslcs ft~ 59 WOirks Of tb4 ROM b Xwtitutlfta of the *~ramftow*logical Samlee Daring 1957, ZABIO0 new. Not i Gidp Na 5,v LwUagmdo W JMI It- L-608-N 3d (19U-N) noj-i,,zo-~rta,. vexicity Divercenco Ln the by YClo:.Po TJo:ricwkovj 9 pp. EMSIAIJ,, p6tra Moteorplogin j Gijdrojn-Gj~mv ijo 6., ~ado 12,95 p pp 3-7. W J-lW L-630-111 Feb 59 Chvmacilb~ viritlea of win.1 Charq- Albitw~o OvIlar Eastara Antarctic C'Jfqorea~ by a ~~ N. G -ond!vp 9 ppe LcniLVmdl Pp 8-13- US JM L-631-H Feb 59 Oceanapo~hllql .'YLfox,=,h ion AvaiWble m the ~nuiian Ocum, I bv ANurcmftev, Rmwlo~ par. motcomlogi" I 014Lraogtys, No OP pp 14 -18 1658 C-B-LRa0e 4495 Sci Apr 60 (15al-10 The lllwloblc~ta of Orographic Cyclone Ocnesia., by V. l4viokhiii~ 9 "n, i Rms,vql~ P~rj Hateorologiyu i Gid=loglyal NO 6p Lentif~~, 195 ~sM~ U3 JM L-632-n Sci - Geopqa""Aca Feb 69 4~n 9"ItOall Ow fd *aeAr 49 oil f pre -t*,K4,4s#r*,X oil *N Aq ItIvemml pm P1,000sk ~Oqj jl~prvci~tion of :Parching Weather Over SmaU Terirttoil.es, by S. Smimovs. RM~SIANI,, per, Met i Gid, No 6, 1958, P 32. CSIM Tr 506~ Sel - Gi0ophys ,Jtwi 61 7 -7 j~ 0.911-FI) Comb-t,T)"' Rit4cuosoDdle With Electric Motor, by 3 - I - ~ 5 PP - RUSSIO, U'Par Ifieteorologiya i Gidroloagiya.. No 6, us JIW L.,633-1-1 FOID 5 9 Coucerrlil% liorml by, Yu., A* Shimbkcr RUSSMI lkt Sci - Oedpbp Sep 59 lawar corraleliona "0 Vactorej, . U pp. I Oidl, No 60, 11958s 55-58. lar tbw~ ftImUnc-Rtseareb. Inatitutiona of the iw*x~~00wl ftnift buIns 1957m, (coxlumlod)p aidraioet~av so 6p IM "52901 Sol - O*ovb~*Us - MetoDrolojW Nor 59 7S, 442 J sepalo~ of Oe Balautelfle CowcJLI of tho Main on Vaimltti of 4#1 by Yev. As Polyakoirep 4 pp. RWO *04MUOp I Cumlogi,7s) 15o 64-65. sci 060P "J lot xOt'sorolow lbr 50 (2201-1), OSOLU&Ums of the Altitude of the In with. AmptAc praceaves, by "M x Orlovat 10 pp. RWBr,,P!V&r, Not I No 7,, Lmnin_gmd., 1958., 10 PI P BaL Oeoo" j 7,-1 I*thod 15~:r ftl m-Utime the Height of Accent of PaUo~ukea ~'Uktng TAU AMMIAt the Rxength or at Idw Tesparatavo by V, P. AAUnov., no F9 14miwV., 10 pp. Wmuv~ POr Mt 1,04k) No 7.- 1-958., 'Pp !1-,-"7. wr 5.9 j (2201-D) PlvnLIm 0 by T. A. Bugkvovp 9 ppo MOURP p0j, Not i,,WAs, So 7. 1958, pp 26-30. JM 676-D sci 4001~.w 9r (2201-1)) th - 6 PPO of the Duawtrle 71*ld 31mr the the Katributlam of Bmt and Cold me Lu the ftap*spherep by Z. A. Pori, I*% i GM# ID 7# 1958P PP 32-344 err 61 -28211 heltava, N. N~. UG SOAKING 01' 1!1111' SOIL. AS INDEX Of-' 'IIIE' 1. Zhelcava, N. N. ' ISTURE Ril.SURVU; !(Nlesennec Promachivanie "Vlans-~064 11. Csllko livv kak 1'4m~a'tcl' V11agonpasov) tr. by M. Slade. Ill. ComiuowAt.-alth vciuntific and 51 f [101P. Ifor6ign iv-xi inclutivd) 3 refs: 1c,5110 In"Illsil-111 Im"'o-3101 ns. 5064. Otganizattori (Atistralia) er f rom 01-S'or S[.A! St. 14) 61-2K211 lls. of mQw-cliologil.a. i Gidrolti-pya (USSR) 195K. 7. 1). 35