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U" of Jktaml CWws In the Opm *w of the 11-tich Am4mt bV E. A. lieu=" No ~59 S~ 69-8!~ 338.V4 1)iff-dsion' Processes in Iron Allo S, i i I y b y 4. A. ~Xrishtal, 280 pp., SiAN 'Ibk, metallurgizdat,, 1963 RUSS A, *CP~V,l TrT 70-56631 sci/moch aan 7b 1 399,700 bbdpfti~ Cor Au cmimeal bar t. i'L. I Obrab6t" ;a on -the Struettwe of Allo~% 'W:Lth the Problem of Strength, m.. 19 pp. Waal t&Uov, No 1p 1955j, pp Vol 1,~, 2 ju~,62 ln~ Coop Trans lich-emic 5~r 207 Jill. 1956 of &-tal Failvve i per. I~k- U 0 v PP Coop Trans Schime ITY :2.17 L1.12s. i6w.,-&" /1-10 tali) , Phyeacs Jai 1.956~ by r. V11K I rS 7 it, I car,- nzai ~,*n t a 11 01"0--a 4*,QI-,fv British Iron atia- steel IMI IMO Possiltim lof the Cold-Shortwas Mweshold in Temper DE~rlttlisent,v by V. 1. Prmrlrln, R. 1. Kvasbnina. Ilu I= per, JleW I Obribotka Notallovp No 3.* 5 PP 17- Henry Brufthor No 3911 $2.9D Sep a CorTosion and weex PWaistance of VAM, St"l by 8, G. IMPUMOV, 14=141. per,, M&t&UqW*v3w I ObrabotkR s, ND 3v 1935t p 368b ftalstry 0.135 94~- --- a i 0 "t ~ on olmou at HIO br 0. F. Selyarmt M. 0. L4DsLnmkiY 77~1' SAL-& I Obrabotka Notanovip Vol pp Rn*4dw No 3711 $2.90 ion e L 4uss IA ZmPbY Wd 3ftt SDMJM Treatmeato Palt Ep and.lootherml Hardening of Steals Pevzverv Yu. M. Lakhtin, 44 pp. bk# Mhu)IgWwk4 I TermiaheisImp is 1955a pp Amic r-u;4075/v Sol MuAfttsu Feb 1957 =/dew IjZror Itho j~Fln~7, !'I r (, Tithaalmli 4 373' Aik,, 1.956 jo 17 $2.75 Propertieul o-' Boride and Ifil-Tide, by V. C2, TIM, 'E. V. Petrasla. Per Obrauotl'll Ma-l'al vol 1, [To 4., 19551 pp Brutchex Tr NO 3675 I The UXect or Alloying. ElammU on the Kinetics OP t 94tizatim of WhLte Met Irav, by . ~ j m. A. Russw~ P06 ~ Netk%U I Obrabatim Katau, NO UV Tr/345MRL562 W306 oZ j ~4 Soi nao 1'~f Tempering Upon Heasdneas Retention of slxi~'ksd Surfacw Laysiv,, - br G; F. Ivanov R Met 31xaaAla~p i Obrabotka Metallov, U33 1 yo IV NoI14, 19551 PP 4&51. BrutoMr No 3715 11 $3.45 j Sail Oatalo Jan. 17 Crestod by Lowlized Hardaming , Oomq Currents f by It 0 - F - Golovln: kith Bjo,-'Pro~ ID. A. i6irryloll~' Okwo Nct4UWv ft, 51 VhY goory Rmtchn 496 act Cbm oat xtriiilce bf Chuip in KlarostmcUire or mouus : 1. j GZA p~ Dar Ono.. `fInvolving High- 13 Te~p e Heating Under Tension and Vacuum), by Rio 10~~,, W,~ Om Ro I. Antipawa. WiIS~Mj i~o perp Mo%Uw i Cbrabotla Kotallov,, VOL 13 11 ft KOM7 Brufther Tr !W65 $5.90 i ~! 1 .1! Effedt oV esidual Stresses Upon the Fatigue ! I j Sttel of Shafts Carrying TLght Sleeves., by 1. V Kud*Vtoev, ff. M. saw-ina. RMStA.Ns per., HataUav i Clbrabotka Metallov, Vol it 190.- No 5-PiM J-10 metanuray HeM Bratcher Tr 3847 Rate i Oi D t vo act im ~f ~ Gib ftelon of som In bon4kss Anoymp intert N. P. Dooodlmi i obmbotka Drutober *1 MA $4,90 Jf 7f' For the Bftt 36 Tmatant cc lbtals I ;"I'm I 161: Ting " IW Be L *mwo RMWV~; Pat *0 1, oumbo" 6o 2w# 3m 14M. M goal nrft& gbomdsU7 av~ of Blectria-SWkSardsolng on Du~imbilitlj wA Fatlow Stmgthv by Q. P. IRU~O%wa i0a pal NotaUovedale I Ob"tbot3m Matqllov.,~! Ito 6. 19-55-s--p-pOM Co-Ov Trano Seb Tr 250 N.M.) bim~anq'"pbgr and the Treatmat of Metals., 10 VOR Nor,, MqtM" &'I-!4Mb2W&56y 95 uc I to no 1, Nn MIS ATI Dir. CIA D 47(191 AF 71785o ras/wta"- F6 Sol - Xim i j %0 ~angzet'ItLe A! scheidungshaertung Einer Eisen-Chrom- it 11 ~ lickel-X6balt-Legierung by V. S. Tseitlin, 14. A. 1~ - - I Tilatov~a.! (uppubl tr) IUSSIAN'to GRRMN, per, Metalluv Obra Wt, No 1, 1956) pp iDu 642 Institut fuer Dokumentation Ubersetzunfrstiachweis Berlin, W. Unter den Linden 0' kpr 6o Imice of IrAuctice NW,,InS ca the ijila Oftin of Carbon Oftels, by I. N. X*.&UOV 001 MOU110TO SKU 1956p I ~1048 'I* antfigh IWO "s ""I Ud 33AD idt 41~. Ultrasonic Tibraticas on the Pre- UP I a Aati- Hardaning and Terpiring of Some as, 1~y It. A. Popftna-Abikeepya, G. Is pp MY 159 Ou'luffl No 1.0 195( 51, klenry Brutduw 4551 Theria~, and. Temper Brittleness of Ferritic (Pearlitic) Steei.all., byliF. B. Mikhailov-Mikheyev. RUSSIO., p~r, pp 2~-53- i Scl ftn/14et Mar 58 *t I Obrab %*tall. Ro 2, Feb 1956, Bi-utcber Tr 397'1 Oli tli~i ~%tU6 of Taqw BrIttlawas in Pew a by V. I. Proffarin, p mci~ porp qb=botlgL. !p *61 li't no 9s 0 3"98 5*1 - min t&u Apr 19,57 9:/d" ;Meos"Itchor, Tr No 3732 Rffect of sidual Austenite Obtained in TemporlIng oiithe Toughness and Form of Break in i, 11 1 Hlgb4 Tom"iivd Chrme-Nialml-Wilybdenuma Steelt by A,;; oul Slavimis 5 PP. M)BBIMO per,. WA,~Lj_0br& Metallov., Do 3v 1956p pp 151 "IC MM-2,32 SOL -lan/iotals MY 61 Deryllium OxIde for the Beryllium atlas at Steelv by V. A. Fulenovj, sle I, Obz#s~.jr N zm~ VP Vol 0 ill Yp Woteber Tr 3737 JrZ sci Minerals/Houls Aug 1956 $1.90 of the Capper4;hromLum-Zirconliux Ftiaj,,e RUWIO~'perjl, listal pp scl lllih/pjat~ JU-1 59 i Obra HeLdlj, No r 191AP All ATa IVL915 Role Of the Grain-Boundary Substance in -%-#he Hat Ortaking af [Austenitle) Welds, by V. A. Toropov. I lgtwuu Ioio mo per., YAUUovadenie i Obrabotka 14kaI3.6y, Vol 11.4 No 4s r9360 pp 45-50. Remy Brutcber Tr 3809 $5.90 - sci - i~qgias Febi 101 CTS Calor Iiii-ag ~f %ig-Turbine Bladea of Auotauitic Stee:~,, ~by V~ 1. Prosvirin, st al. RUSSIP'l pt~s Mg. Obrabqt~a MetAltm, Irol. 11, No 4. 19561 pp 50-56. Brutcher No 3W5 J= 57 CTS SultidislA. S of ChTomim StsdW.oss ate*lsp ty so pwd~;Vwdyj Ot at. RNSUNs, Pero KOUUOTeduip L obrabotka mstanov, Vol ....... Mxk Bratcher 37" 02.90 30i xlw$%wa t D. I34dbvSIt JSSLCLlqp ~*r). A II.? fib 6.. Redwticm on Irrm-roible and er Brittleness, by M. M. Shteinbergp A. V. Demakova. PP 26-35- 1957 &M#kax i, 0~.rab,otlm MotaUovi Henry Brutcher Tr No 3812 49-50 -L'Wreet. Ot Surince Hardaning by Heating With lin-inu Prequeney Currients on the Propertiea of the Worldng olls for C' old' Rolling,. UNClASSIFUD y S3ZAV,, ~er, jt*tall i Obrabotka 14etallov, no T5'1:j p, Co-op Tr Bch, Tr 780 3c.l. - Hin/metsilla ~ul 1956 G. 14. hl)lt,~ .Ruz IA E, 4p Vol III NO 7-o G-os Carburizing of Stoei., b,,, at al ~O Metallovedeniye i Irlo.; V No 3806 40 Dec jjic Annealing of Ttijli Sheet Irun, by E.Go Shitovskii. RUSSIM A.-er, Metallovedenie i Termiclies'nLyr, i V iELL~~ 5by ObrlibotIft', Ro 7 10 pp 10-15 15S Price, Sca - iia 67 335)C50 Thin Sheet Iron,, by *r, Metri'l Term Obra MetaUov, No 7. Kn 41 261jI34 fi,gimpa 0~ Tin-46acl Solders and of Jbinte 93de With Themp by A~. S. Wdvvdev, 11 pp. rQMLAN~ r Matal i Gbrabotka tistallov, Lie 7, 195,5, 011 3 11.1- 9.2101~,7;3 ABC-tr-5463 $an 63 On the Gaimew of Irreversible Temper Brittleneuo in btea4l by E. A. Stetsonkel. RU$slaj'~ mo par,, Maj%Uoyedo-gie i ObrubQtka UP NO 7,s 19%',p PP 35-38- Eenry Brutchor Tr 3613 sot - vanerala/moule; Feb 1957 CTS $3.75 Engineering flitrid*n~, ofiTitanium in AmDuia.. by A. 'So vv*chlp ftb I rp Yu. A. Zot ve Aalj Do T" !? Ms mo per., ta lovedem4m i Obrabotka -16~~ voi n, No 7. 1956, pp Remy Brutcher Tr 3814 $7.75 mea Leal Raituiv of TemTer Brittleness.. by N. V. I Tolstcguzcm. RussiA~I mo perp I Met&Uov i (Forabotka Metallov,, voi jtj'qxo'I!fl.. Henry Brutchor Tr 3854 sci n/geteas Aus 5? 1 Study, C~-' S Russ rAlf metaliov.9 Jan 58 rmabilitylof Tecbacal Iron In tho by G. N. Mekbed. -i~pers MeWlovedenie i botim I _.XA - A- - pp VIM Bruta~her Tr 3970 $4.80 2 Metals i-x4tIng 2-Tbineraturc. Of to, Yc.* A D r D. s. -r. 229 ------ _Z1 1~7 .9c! italf, eel ~ of Som AllcWing Elments ork the 1. Su.1816 ptibility of Steel to Tmiper Embrittlement., by i4s,',Lo'*emshteIn. RMTANq *o perp Met&llov I 01)mbotka Metallov, Vol ~1, 110': 9, 19 Ham7 Bmimher Tr 3855 46.80 metallurgy J-d, Gas C6rromiou of Austanite Steels at High utur "' by Ye. A. David o,.,s)caya LO ~me" i1 5 pp. How Mbtall I Obrabot Metallov.. No 10s ~ls 2rp,. 1956J' pp -~3 CIAA-357 sci - xiuj~et MILY $t CTOdex IGk~il~ Gm~,Ah Of Technical Titmiumi an Heating, by L. Sokolov. I 'I r"r 4 Jnn- PeT j - Q b ZOO 9 V 9 L kle- ta I I AV-# 9- vcd-~ laj, 1~6 10, 1 56., pp 3 -36 Henry B-rutdier Tr 3856 $3,30 ack K:bs,I/Ae-mlv,# wi&1lurgy; Cheu Auig 57 C/, V--Lz 7~ The ]3~fect" Of the Rate of D*f c=ztiom Upon tho PIOIPA~cit~ of gurdened Steel, by S. S. Shurakov, RUSSIMy per, lbtall I Obrab Mtellov, Vol X. 1 6 pp 51-63 95 Sci -iphy~ 1cm Feb DSIR/31216/Cni min/wt r 9-4(/ viola of Fatigua Under lb2perat-c-I by 1.1. 11 u. Jr. Dclynycr~ra. Rims,111,14'il pert, Matta). Cbra MetaD.07, 'Alto LIP I rip set jan 0) IIB 4719 Foim%tiarl TIM of the Martensite Ci7stal, by 1 N. Arski),t' 12 pp. 140 I.j 6 26--29. 1;5 AISC UM.-T-rwis-647(L) The 114#e 0~,Reversible Goldshtein. IUNCL RUSSIMq to FRENCH, per, ;956, pp~~3b-39- Temper Brittleness) by L. J. Metalloy i Obra Met, No 11, IRSID 916 185, Rue President-Roosevelt St. German-en-Laye (S-et-0), France Sintlim, a iiF*v sad =TicUmt. Agent for Cleo by A. T. Xalinft, 14. N. KMWRVakiY) A. tal. ZaAseva. RUSSIiN., sio per.. ib+..IIQUO&ni I ObmbDtka Met&Uc No ill.. Noi 1956 pp 40-494, Henry Brutcher No $89) sci r I Sep " c7tics tl-.(,. al t'- C,.t,?ncllea Grev Cl-,~~- 1 :~:~n A~,:J'I T, ~,Oyf optanurg"711 Factors Upon TeVer 'Brittle- a S~i M. saranov. per, ms So 112~ Moo; Sci wwmot an, J 58 me Ly~m) pp 4u-z5. Drutcber Tr 4013 $6.75 .07 Upon Mechanical Properties of Nrts, by Vs S. Borisov, F. N# SIAN ma p 12;, D~cj 19 ~,q Mete.11ovedenie i Cbrabotka Metallov, 0- Rrutchar Tr h0ho $4.80 ' 1Y A '3 5B The Process of Carbide Formation During Tempering of ~ I i Carboa'!S,tael,l by B. A. Apayev. RUSSW;pert~ Netal I Obrabotka lletallov,, No 1, 19,57., opp 2-1 Dept of Interior Bur of Mines SCI - Kin/** Apr Effe