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of Ukrodnian Tear. of 6 pp. tom, No 1, 264$037 M -.Di Zhembus, 2W. urg tGb6orud p p p 134~5.: 15R. L A~L 264t039 6 PP* Irom, Nc 5 pip. 264,042 thod of 7 VD. 2K043 tOUSd StDck de sec,dons w# 5 pp. 264sQ145 xrc ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - MptAHurgylh.the UkraiMan SSR,, b is P~& , W til I doiftotudt Prom, No 2, 4i 100 68 SSR, cic 64 268,283 Aut,'' ation,in Ferrous Metallurgy by K. A. Shumilov, 5 pp. idnian S~k I Gorwrud. Prom, No 2, ~46~4 Usea Naturq C',as )%~r and Oxygen-Enriched S. P, Sushon, 6 pp. Timm, No 29 19649 268,286 X%Ickodmg Chemi"I Compoid- Frm t Mixer Imo a Con- by.. K!S a4 5 pp. Nbrnor~l Prom,, No 20 C ~g 264,712 ad Tecludiml Conference sclenm~ P*-Xowu~*o, 5 pp. 64 267p245 ~Inproving Qu&Uty of Products Now raiuian MetallurgLeal ladustry, by 1, 0'acharanko# 5 pp. per, Hatallurgi is~ffa i Gornorud- lk~~v ahlennost', No 4, 1964, pp 3-5. J~SSR 1: coa 275,858 lity of Owt Irm Svelted at Ij ~ajj igical Plmts of the tlkraiae,, by C. ovskLys 5 pp. S per, Hatallurgichaskgja i Cornorud- a P sb1most', No 4, 1964, pp 6-8. 2753,859 jm~:ks in the Field of! Raising quality Rol e'd Stock, by V. A. Yashchankc, 5 pp. 96SIN par, MetallmEstichaskaya- i Gornorud- a Pi6twolklatmost 4 it 1964 pp 38-40. OP 275,860 i~ t of Quality of Semnle" and L,'Iectric- BIA 11pes 0 by S. 1. Borisov, 5 pp. J,N~~ per, ~,~tallurvj iskaya i Cornorud- P r"Vshlenaost', No 41 1964, pp 40-42. 6wth 6f Productim md Itterease of ilii ~of Refractories in the Ukrainian ~i : , ~i' Po I* TfteahkoVp VPP A* Sazhin, 5 pp. 4 $Sin betallyridchoskgya i Gornorud- ~ ~i per, ya P omyshIgalost' 14o 4,, July-Aup, 1964, us 214 r0 immt of the Technology of Under- U11 iixtraction In the Nikopoll Manganese 41 LW3, by P. G. Hasterov. 3 pp. SL per, NbtallurgLchiaskaya i Comorod- a khmushlennost' No 4,, Jul-Aug 1964, avevmO t and Pi-ocessing of ~ Scrap Metal in ion SSR.. by Ve No ShcIvepanskiy, 5 PP- ~AN$ 10'er, Ifetal Luracheasys i GoxmorudrAyu 6c;s R 27-2)- t'-j NO 5j, 1964P JPWI 25451 Rao Mar 65 275)493 Amor i ion4krap at the MetaUurgical Plants d~ cl 1i ,t e ian SSRj by A. ]RI. Gmesin,, 5 PP- Or.. MeLA~Uur cheek= i Gornor.,.d- ngs~~ in Pr*iioIao=oot!., No 5,, 3.964p pp 2)-31. JP~O ~2~4$1 I Rojoate in Metallurgical Icuits, Bevsmortows 5 P.Po per,, Icttallurvlchasla~ya i Qprnoru- i;wnyehl-c~;nnoat' Nio 6 ~Aev, 19(-4,,, p)-laI 65 VOL ok 4mmoing Fbel Consuirption in Iron by '~. Yc. Sidoroir and N, 1, "~.rrl~-koj pers t4ctnUurj-,lchoskaya i ("llimoru- Plo I'liev, Tqm7j voib 6,S 275,s N6 De of Hechardsatim of Labor in the LUI of Oletallurgical i'lants, by 0 -F 'ic-Idue0ca and V. A, Korsun, 6 pp. hlemwat' Po 6t 1964.t pp =9-21. 65 27 5) 3h 6 ?rodil4~on, al.~Llj Continuous C,,,stiill; 0', ooilcr I'l.-,to V. G, V-ot a ur;,,is., ie. ~ika i 19041 i,'u ocl J.;ily i.-7 )Usim, the micitility of stainless Steels LIST;n Earth 11.1orients, i~ by 'IN F. jInk,onectinyy. Mos, ivl. mr, Metal i Goniorud Prom, M~ .S 1~ I ~j 111) nst li-~-kh informat, It7o I,, 32p .339 sci II/ Welding Tmduoltion, by, V. A. Kis:Likp A. F. Troitak,.~-Y, Ot, e-I.P 59 pp,; KWIAjif bk~Ailetal- i,.Gory. Ob= Moscow. 19-59; 3160319, 322-1-3501 363-370. ~~td65* ATIC WL- 507/1 Jul 61 4197 ,,~Ot,vdlp~lvy ch~- Copper and Hickels, I)y A, A, bh,,' tktallurgiy;~ Iludi i Iiihelia, L)64, 520 OaPt Oil ~Iiti%lr VZ780 117a 6 7 ataila it 41 (Tea P arta 5 53. Pp p assun't ib"Sp wunur i Wtallovodaaip$ /V Vv'14 w, 6D sten Dlaltribd't'ion in Molten Iron, bit 'r. M. ruevp JAN bk ;MeUU giya i WtaUovadeaie.. 1958, AEG sp Tr,jm - Min/146t c t '00 r,stigation 6t the Distribat1ca melattl 14 th~l CMUMsatics a' Dt, SmImov) Aylav) SIMp.bkj NotaUurglyn 47-59i "at oct 6o ct AUoying Stwl, by V. M. i HatsUamadeniap 1958) Asc ap er-448 of Cer Dtlute SoIA'd Solutions, by M. E. JanftMiA~a., A. Zhukhovitaklyp ~RUSSIAI~ y~ bkj, Metallurgip i Matallovedeniej. 1958, ~pp 98-106* AM NP Tr -448 Sci - )Wme~ ~w oat 60 Study df Cuibon Diffrion in All,oyB Uning the ; 1 1. 0 Al.coative Uotope o1 al by P. L. Grazia, YU. A. I i lik"V., 0*1~ B. Fedorov, M. A. f5bumilov, SIMI ~bk) *tallurglya i Wtallovedeale) 19583 U9-129- AEC EP Tr-48 sci - 141illwt 27 Oct~~6b Tr f Z1.1 AL'k. -L.4 V4V" VA mpment O~ms of the Ferrite azWl Ferrite- I t .1~ steulto by S. D. Gertsrikwi., I. Ya. khtyarl 1941 Kumk, 1. 0. Watma., I MetaUovedenie.. 1958.. AM Np rr-"8 /0 0~ J? 0 6 I A itudy of Cbb&jt Diff uslou ,OYBP co,)~ 6. D-~~ GertsriMn., S. Mildanlenkov.. 81M; i)k, Mpr[~~Uurglya I 176 -la~, In Nickel - Molybdea= 1. Ya. Dakht7ar, Metalloredeuie) 1958) ABC NP V-446 oct 60 .t -- ~ 1! OW4y ui-1.Uii0A81ou az Zirconium i I oys With ni~~Wconlum B"e.. YU. a. O~dinj4. L. Or"inp A. Is. awl yaaov~o iWA in Certain by IS* V. Borisov) I. A~wtyukhin, V. EMIA14 bk, M,at&Uurgiy& I Metallovedenie, 1958, 196 AEC NP Tr-448 Sci - Hiii/mi 27 Oct 60 43~ Investigatl Ian of Iroa Diffusion, In Alloys 0 the Iroa - iChromium System, by A. Ya. nyayevi., SIAfig bk.. MetAilurglya 210-h8. ABC Min/mt Oct 60 i Matal1ovedenie., 1958, SP Tr-WO tlaetlice o, it AUoying On the StAte or Carbon la: , loys~ by Yu. F. Babikovs., P. L. Grazin., 4 010: ibk.0 2.16-247~1 oct 6o, allurglytL i Metallovedenie, 1958, AW M 1hr-"8 InvemittIsat4on of Diffusion of 3xon ractor,les, I.by R. A. Prokof 'evaj V. Oxides in Basic V. Goncharov) SIM., i bk XQt,&Uurgiya i UstaLLovedeniep 1958, Asc NP-Tr-448 27- -oqt,:,:6,0 '7 CYI n Investigation c*X the Diffusion Proceases oi I i I :rozx avA ~ Phro4l= in tba OxIdee -Alj~ --O:rjd3., AiClre% and NiAlgO48 by D. lpatov, ALrBSXW., jbk~ lbts2lurgiya I MetvXLov*edar-ie,, 1958:~ Pp 256 44. 27 Oct 66 The- Usej~~Of 140topes in the StUdy Of AtoMic Mobility s .w In't4ratoi Me Interwtion in 141tals, by E. Z. Vintayltin, Pi~i L. QruzInj S. ff. Fedorov, RUSSIM~ bkFI.Het&Uurgiy& I Hatallovodonle, 1955, pp 274-,284. AM NP Tr.448 Sol -;xwmt 2T Oct 6o ~ I I i~lj~ 11 /,30) "2 9 Talluencelof AlMmlnum on the Tendency of el. to ~rcdl-l~ce a ~gtone-Like Fracture) by A. M. ysk,ovaj~ L.. ~V- Smirnov, V. D. Sadovskly., SlUt, ~bk,. Metallurgiya i Met&U.ovedenie, 1958, ITZ iw lives t ion by Radiography of Ca-,~bon Dict:,lbution n Ferroe.Uoys'o by A. G. MvIyalov, B. I. Bruk. p 3!6-33 ABC AP Tr-448 cl .- Min/Met 7 Oct 60 I I iQu&at,itlA~,lve!Svau&tlOa of Den&itlc lsesLvw.--- :=OWP~ Autoradlogmpby Without the Use of b~ M. F. LOU81nov., RUSSIM ,v bkp',,Nbtallurglys i YletaUovedenia., 1958,, pp Asc im Tr-448 Mn/),Iiet 27 oath 6o AppLllestioim of a Quantitative Autoradiography Notbod to *Ue Investigation of Microinhomogeneity of Magwalum,~ALLoys j by Z. A. Svi&erckaym Driialp HO S. Kadaner, RUSSIU,, bk~ Metallurgiya i Metallovedenle,, 1958, .pp AMP NP W4~8 met Sci Min/ Conaera t~o Possibillty of Aullboraftograoic cti~'g -of Nowmiformd*" Date in Ccooentratlons Ad~o'r,IpUvell OrISIA Of by V. 1. Arkborovs V. S. IL oto KI mn., A. N. 'llwf*Yevp RUSSIAk, bk vAtauarg*a :L motsiloveft"e'r 1958.1 Am V Tr-J48 sci - min/mot 27 Oct~:60 lo5ol 2 9~) lnvre~stigatlioa of Mixing and Vurfusional Processes in Welded 10ints of Two-Iayer Rolled Steal.. by B. X-!K s N. P. Kumuinovp IWSSXO bk) Wt&Uurg*s 1 MtuUovedenie.. 1958., ABC OF Tr-W Bei min/met 27 O~t 601 kJ: if Influeace of lAwt-leutroa Irradistlon of Recom- blmtl~ml of Efiectroas wA Boles In GermRaium Cryatalsp by V. 11 Vav~-'lovj. A. V. OPIU33Mp L. So Salrump x V. i4ev.. ,;MIWj bk.,~;WtaUurgiya I. MatsOLlovedeuie.. 1958) pp 4501.4~58. AM K? Tr-W sai - Vnhs~t 27 Oct 60* Invest ioulof the Ni Fe Neatrcm~ D' luetion Wrtbadv Litvin,p to U41 Pazeyp Yuo Go. RUSSUR bk.. MataUurgiya pp 459:740 Suparlattice by the by B. 0. Lyimbabankop D. Abovip I Metm3lovedenle) 1958) AW M? TrA48 Sol - min/Not 27 09ti: 60 'i at Mitt Nwtrw VrAMtJAu on the itla WMfor=tlons, by 0. P. Mmkoimva,, A- mmia UP MetaUarsiya I IbIWLUove4anlo,, 1958j. pp ABC OP Tr-W g7 oct W -2 P I / Jj Mcporlmnto on tbgk Use of Tritium for the DeteMjw~jon of an Hydmpn 1n Met&Uo by mi*uw V. K - Boyarshinov, RUSSIAN bke MOLUarglys I WitaUovedeais pp h89398. ABC NP Tr-448 Sol min/not 27 O~t 60'~ I i I . 1, ~ / %.V dj /40 A. I. The Use j~ of R#dioaotive Isotopes for the Production &~4 Investigation of Selenlv= Reetifyi~g Idementsv by N. V. Yurlev., RUSSIMi. bk,~~ ya i WtsUovedenle.. .1958j, pp AM NP Tr-W Bel -:MjU/ftjt ?,Op 27 (let 80 APP-lj~ tioallof TrItIm to Welding and adlography with ~Xltiuajo by B. I. Bmkl 0. 1. M jWwlayev., RUSSIU) bko YAt%Uurglp I W%mWAv*jwje.. 1958.0 . I i pp Sai -. bl~t 27 Oct 6o AIM JIP Tr-M8 UtUlatim P. lva~cbay'~., L. RUSSIU.p bk., *ta3 545-5~1- 127 Oct 66 Appamtus for stiotL of Two Alloys (P&59-Cw9Mtby I. Ivanov, Lurglys i MateM.ovedenie 1958,~ Am iqp Tr-W~8 ;2 cp C:~ /%env, Intro d~icjt ion,,Iby,V. S. Yamel'yancv, A. I. Yevsty~~U~dn) 2 pp. RUSSIAB~i perk ~li Met&Uoveder 1 11 1. CJ;L~s Jdj'~FlettMov, No 1) 1959., pp 5) 6. JRIS 2920 Sci - hliii/Mel oct 60 Inves,i g~tim~ of t1ie Electrolytic Production of Thoriw!ii)'~iby A1, - 1. Yevstyukhin., V. S. Yemel'yanov, G. A. 1A,!bnVyev) 311 PP- :per," Mqta1Liraj-va-i Meti e kaovedeniz. MetiO7 No 1., 1959., pi? 7-35. JFRS 29120 sc-5 1,1", nh,k~~t Oct. 00 Design;~'qt an ~!Electrolyzer With Av~toniatic Com- PactinL;,r ~!Cathydes for Electrolysis of Fused Thoriwa Salts, -r)y A. 1. Yevatuykhin, G. A. Leont'yev) 9 pp. RUSSIAN perk !Letallurgiya i bletallovedeniLe Chipt~kji_Rietiallov, Ho 1 1959) p 43- JIRS 2920 Sic - btin/mlk oct 6o~ An liq~rdj~ed ~etliod of Preparing Iodide Chromim and I~z,i Proj~rties, by V. S. Yewellyanov, A. I. Yevst~%ilthin;jD- D. Abanin, V. I. Statsenkol 23PP. hubb-uub 16~~J-yaj Metallovedeai~a aLLo Chtstyki-i 14ei v, No 1., 1959; pp 44-62. J:ms 2950 ScJ. Xln/h0t. Oct UO 13 (IqY - 3913) Production 6.r Ductile Hafnium by the Iodide Metho~,,' by S. Yemel'yanov., P. D. Bystrov, A. I. Yevstyukhin, 9 pp. RUSSIAJH t b'k:) Mets4ur" i. Met-Aljovedniye Chi 6 69, ,4Yk4,,.Mq,t~UOv ,No 1) 1959 PP 3- JFRS 5145 Sci -:14in/Metals Aug 6o 13. (NY-3913) Investigation of the Iodide Prcceiss for Producing Zircohium,;Spploying Zirconium Carbide as Raw NateAdl., by At I. Yevstuyukhin, I. P. Barinov, i ' n D. D.,Abanl~ 7 Py. RUS61~N, bk, Metallurgiya 1, XeteUovedenVe Chi~ j0 -j~ 1959,1 -83. pp 78 JPPS 514,5' Sci Min/Metals 102 .3,z Aug 160 L i . L - 3,--'! - 5 Conceux'lling the Method of Regeneration of Zirconixz: and Iciline i1xi the Iodide Refining Process, by P, J', A. A, Balm-hina pp. RUBSINN, b1t, Metallurgiya i M_-l;al_loved_-n:Lyc ClAs .-) It ' ' 1 pp 84 -go. m 14, P_ a No JPRS 514r; Rrod6ction,and the Pbysical Metallurgy of Pure 1 1 HctaJ.a:!-- Part IV -- lavestigation of the Procc:3s of Ih(.~).i=IiRedvction of BeF2 With Magnesium, by A. 1, Yevstyukhin) 17 PP- ]RUSSLU; per,, Metal i Metall Chistykh Metall. No 1, 1959) PP ~1-10~-. JPRS 29CLL Sc i Mill/Mgt Jul (;0 j 13 OY-3913) Electmnogra-14iie and Kinetic Investigation of the Process of Midation of Zirconiwa and Certain Alloys on Its Base, by 1. 1. Kor,,)bkov, D. V. Ignatov., A..,I. Yevotyukhin, V.. S. Ycmel'yanov, 23 ppt. fh'WSIA]4,p bio Met' lur a i Mettl1ovedcaye ChiStYth keta.416v, No 1, i,9*59,, 'pp 144-161. im 51.67 Aug 6q A -0 Tir ij !.-O pp -0 -111YC 14-otall _Vgj~,,-j '119513 Ipp 140 Till A. ja C IND 1: 1959, JFRS 6'( 1.3 (IfY-3913) Constitutiofial Diagrem of Zirconium-Niobitm, by Yll. V. ~tychiWv: A. N. Rozancrv; 1). M. Skorcrv, 17 pp. b1cip Me" ~,XeUUovede4~r~q. AAA3.0y, No 1) 1959.- 179-191- . .... ... PP JPRB 5179 sci - Min/j,~tftls Ai% (10 f,).4 er of CarbOTI Oct, YU. A-11917~;J, ,y -pp a'00-212 47 Yin, 13 (,NY-3913) ~elf-DJM.aiod of Molybdenum and Diffusion of I ~ 1) ?ungste,h 4n XplAden=., by Ye, V, Borisov) P. L. truzin V.~'Iavlinovj G. B. Fedorov,, 8 pp. =10.. 1 bk $ MetaJIUMLYA i - ovedeniye ,,hjstyj&,!Xeiadio--Y-'- No 1. 1959; pp 213-218- .. . ..... ... t_ JPHS 5195 Sep 60 ~q 13 Dif f us fond in iBar.e,~ y RUBSIM, bkt iftistyihiget, JM 5195 (NY-3913) ffigb-Tempersture Allve on a Cobalt (Iruzin) 0. B. Yedorrov) 9 PP- 11-!q". i MqWXovedentye No 1., :L959.. pp 219-223. gee f he -Ph iobim, 54 (NY - 3913) sical Properties DwIng Deemposition e in an Moy of Zimonium With y Xu. 1P. Brahkay.. A.- N. Rozanov, PPO BSIM.# ~bk.. *rtaUurgiya I MetalLovedeniye 294-2309 9 PP JM 5195 Sci - ml~*/M&tals sep 6o 13, ~Effect Eirconi A. N. MBSLAJ noir, bk.. 1 P 1959 PrP JPRB 5195 Sci :14in*OU'lo Sep 60 W." -3913) Alloying on Young's Modulus of by': Yu. F. Bychkov., A. F. Klimov, D. M. SkDrov , 17 Iip. (NY-6171) ZTUI. 61 Metals.. by V na Metallograpby Of P"re 1 ',~ I. yovstyukbinp 31q VP - not JPM 9473 2- 2 I .11 ~ 1 111 "a solo of lu Pnperuooo 7 V, ~ 13 As 1, T"styVaAns, A:i 39 pp lo 2.4 xp~o# 2T-4~, Pa w6-soA b( TuMary -JWkMd bmunorm j ~Zlr~ m With NloWm am i~b Yuo~ Sycbkoo,, V. V. Vlamts, 21'M pwo Id"Auut I ChiKvkh No 3p Wffv--pp-U--950 Or 277,M InvistLitivA of the ftidation Kinetics of I do ;faium in the ToWerature Range From wo to: 'DC,, by A. 1. YwvstyWMnq 11:j I. Kir4kovq et Mll 13 pp. R=, IM~ bk, *talluzoya kNetallovadWmiM Vol I I I,* '9010 64-73. 9663131 FTD-IT-62-1288 O-H 4.4 iuh 63 Some Oropeities of Triple B-Solid Solutions of- 4un ilitli Zir6oi Niiobiuill' and Molybdenun, by ' Yu.;F,~ Dyclihov, V. V. Vlasov. RUSSIAN, b~k., Metallurgiya i Metalloved Chris Metallov 1,40 3.9~ 19011, pp 82-95. *FT0-14T-64-423 Sci Oct 64 Zono MvItIng of Niabium by the Arc Method, by A. i. Y~4~SVW(hin, V. V. HiWhnnov, et al. pp- 1: IIAN bkb jo* 63 ON3131 FrD-Tr-62-1298 A3AI Investikati of tho oxidation ginetics of Niobbim,, byl. N. Revyokims 1. 1. Korobkov, et #I I RWSIA.o* bk~ Metalluniya i Hotta lovedentye 0 "W~TC4- ff~&-U-a t n ~ ~ I ~ ~ 4tadsftt,p 143600w0 VO-1 -1114, PTD-IT-62-1288 scio IM~ 14 N Jun 61i L,iffuslm Mobility of Lithitm in Iron and ~"Is by N. M. ftskaravajulLy, V. S. Yeremyev. pp. (OPI bk# Mvtallu2j1ya It W6t&11ovs&miy9 OUS wstmw~ -sbomilk. - ~Jhcd- 14"cows Vol 1110 t- ~Yl pp 233-248. 9683131 M-TT-62-1788 J~n 6S pon Su.1%6ility of Metals to, Carbonl, by u, G,1!1GvdinP A. 1. Yovstyt&hinO at all I pp. RUSSIAN. bk,..AWq I,LWZV_!~ j~ Hetallovedenlye ..~h 140V Wench Rabot Po 146iii-im-ki Vol III,- pp 84-269. 9"3131 ffD-Tr-62-1288 .501-011,4 14 JOn 6$ On theJormadon of Scale With A 6 zr 02. NB2 05 Structure on'~Alloys of Zirconium With Niobium, by Yu.: IP. By 6hkov, V. A. Ivanov, et al. I RUSS IAN; b~,Aetallurgiya i Meta:llovedeniye Chistykii Meii~Ilov) No 4) 1963) pp 47-57. *FTD-nr-64-5o4 ROVIT USE ONLY Sci - ]&I Nov 64 11, 11 IdWi 414MMMIUM MOM b-Y G.- 13. FedOTOVo 4 OL pp tin 6dw aw~,nrdcal mewiwgy of Pure mAll*WsA, I* ltiruq*tdns et al, 162 pp. Ibel UO -Of the Self-Diffusion Parameters cow ii'm Of U by G. B. Federov. tallurg. L Netallav. Chist. r'0 He 0 40 M3; PF 091,9F 196S (AERE-Trans-1030) iua~ 3021p244 wiromAim'., Or sci-~, At ju! 68 Thermodpmude i-roportiea of hickel- rat tv 0, B. Federov. lio, 49 i963g pp ui)-im. 249 36!,657 , and )btiLUogmph,.r of Pure Metalsp No 5.0 V. S. Rmllyanove. and A. I. I bkp sec~t Dissociation Of ADlybdODIM! iom ij~ejosv by hiuallynnov,, et al. 4. per, Not i. I~ttalloved. lid, I-total. J""p 13ISII 4481 6S .h0flieriaotAynaiiac uvskii lim7iienerno tic] i iiy),,ii Rabot ~:o 4,, 19(' 1) p ri i Ily Apr 31 S i tidyv c r A~# 6ys of the !Rhdnium~ Carbon System, jig et 'rib , =1 ow; Cbl t & ' orn s r. y e 1.9163*~po 1491-1590 9226772 "~ 1 c- 4- 3 Sc 2730212 1;;t ~tdy: Diffusion of Carbm and ..'Olyb- 4?m 11,. Ukromium, by 11. 4 Gruzin, V. Mmskiy, ot al. $SIAI Imr, liksMal i Al,bta:L Chist tbtai h1pusl4oint. B63,0 pp 243-250. 9229971 (~I Own 4AW 66 294v.&)7 reonductor Research,, 91 pp. go i i USM: sci-ld/m . ,kug 66 3o3.,146 Lur. of ILM lietals, by A. jj. Zelikiatui Osail ; i auld ;jiToino ot als IZUS~Si bl 1-iotall!Wgiza Redkikh Wetallov, 19641 ~67 CPSTI ~~ 6 5?, 0 13 7 NASAIII F-210 .10V ~11~oi 3 13 0 f