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S-8581/64 Sele'dtionv FTom Protection MeaSUTes Within Radioa'ctiv~e Contamination Belts., for Population Concerning Civil Defense, by V. 'A Wedv6dev, 4 pp. RUSSL\N, mery Zashchity v Zonakh Radioaktivnogo ZarAzieniya, Naseleniyu 0 Grazlidanskoy Oborone, i964,~ JPRS/SF-33',l3/SPECIAL Sci L! Biol f, 1,4ed Sep~64 P r Pa ja~ 64 246,609 L B-9174-D 14 re 68 sd~c #ad od I ox of Sramd In opt wpmdtion ~hw lam flidd propwUes I tw 196' No 3 :289-3D6 26 p dAft "a ;or Wang and tM 1 ammm rmW oppy. DDmmwt be static Method of Studying Elastic Do- formatioivof Ico, by S. B. Ukhov. RUSS44N, j)er, mortiotnyye Issledovaniya, 'I No~310,11963.0 pp 3S4- 61. *ACSI iJ-63S6 OFSTC IIT - 2 3 - 59 8 - 6 8 Sci-ta~r S~i Mar i ; Astake OUProzen Soils to Trismial Compression, S. S:*~Vyal~vs 33 pp, SIAN rz .0 jperj,~,!Me lotme Issledoiradya No 4v 1964, 340-37,5. 1 WOMMMMOAO.W." Resistahce of Forzen Soils to Triaxial Com- pressioril, by, S. S. Vyalov. RUSSIAN) -pai, ller,-.lotny*ye Issled.ovani-ya, i1o 11, 190`4, PI-) 3110-375. *ACSI-J--800',i *r,STC .~H!V-23-1750-70 Sci-Ear Sci Feb 70 OVEDENIYE VOL II., No 1 Jan 1947 3 pp "The E~,418sification of Permafrost from the Standpoint ! l~ I of its, Format,ion" A. I. Dementyev D-3-7 0. Proj 16~1 SR 5 Feb 1951 14T63 MEMC t flrmt. ~~l ffYE VOL II, No ljy" Jan 1947 7 pp "The Stability of Permafrost Soil Under the Foundations of Bui,1 inpl~. V. G. Rerezantsev D-3-4:7i c;7' 7-7-- ST-72, Proj 16~2 U 1248. 1 SR 9 Feb 1 Q 5~ 14T64 7-T,RZL6,T6VrJ)I6I!IYE Vol II, No I Jan 1947 p 4 pp "The Dkergiihation of the Lower-Limits of Permafrost" V. A. Kudryavtst!v D-3-721 Bribj 16,ci,3 U 12119 ~ 5 F, 9 FIeb 1951 14T66 MU 'TIYE VOL II., No 1 jan 1947 pp "Formation of lee Plugs in the Drainage System of Aerodr'omcs nlo'car the Southern Boiundary of Permafrost Soil" A.1;I N. Tolstov D-3-69 Pf-oj 16M I U 1256 SR 9 Felb 11IT62 RM R-7193-D 2T june 66 XUQ of Lawge-6cale Hydratale Construction in =Ot~ of prmarrout and deep seasaml freezing in A. 0m; 11;11 wrif 0 AKO. BAUK SSW., MSCOW) 1959 (6 pp 7T- ssian 4: ~vt WS: mmlate "I low 1 camwe. ready copy - 16 copy may be t for ste-P *,' and return to JMI 1 copy Works!,,okt RUSSI~dl bk Perem~irt i M Ph Sci Aug 57 i~ k !: Mechanics of Bodies uf Variable Mass Meshcherskii, Raboty no Mekhanike tei sy, 2d Edit, 1952, 280 pp. *ATIC i s Perma o4 Soils and Their Regimes, r RUSSilaq, bk 14erzlotnye Pochyy i _Ikh Rezhivi, 1�64, 191 pp. `TT 67-59067 CFSTI Sci/e4r scli Fe~b ;70 402,475 J-286 60 PC -363.6) A~tq.hqlimy o119' Local Nationalitt-ea in the Chinese peop'l I's 11jv1public, by K. F. lloto,; 149 pp. f~ RUSSIANO.bk.0 A6' Natsional'naya Avtonomiya,v -Zpqjao es u -1959 _2X_ _t _ - ) p RIM WAS 22862 2440 069 S-46~/60 (DC-3936). Local Antl-air Defense of the Population Under Conditions":of Chemical) Atomic) and Bacterio- ; i I logical Attack~ by 0. F. Baraiwv., 279 pp. RUSSM) bkj, Naatnaya,,Fr9 ivoyo hna, t, Aq~" nava i'~e e ya v Usloviy&th iii6hakogo ObRF" N Kh __ 1% At4wiogo 9~50 pp 1-301. jpRs 3726 Sci - M04 Att~ 60 i" ~ r ox ." lotoplasiz and G-.caduail ExiAti-,tion, I.-ty Vo'zbuflidenie, 19,59, OTS 61 l'ip!-fUOlj PST Nu Ap 6?, T,. D0,11ouiri V-0 CUI']rDD -iv ;58j9 Go Awl of ft- ANOWISY Me state I A mm In no cumvp ftcoetv "a ~ttw am ,~=4 UO W.st=v ft~ftw Congo V2"tl WON 7(p., RAI 59 OC,2..; -I ~~) atatm Iluthorit, or em racyploss [3xcmvtole by L, RI, pp . 1;7p. t~sptlbUilkis' 1108cm, 191532 r" JM 577-1) e 11 ~ce and Role of Conteq)orary soil cieiu66 in Scionce and Life (Selected Works),, - ~~~Vc It I V. Dohichaeve 9 pp, 64 Up hIesto i Rollsovremennogo 6i* r2hiM 1~.Och edeniya v N;We oR;G;;ry"a3,m- VoIII 19499 L.Izb**my p S _y 7T 66-51117 sci sources Pf Useful Minerals, by S. A. Val~irome,cv. RUMIAN, mono, Mestorozhdeniya Polezznykh lsskopae- *IPST C i if, I i 11 I I I i I 'n ~ FMdt . i hm i I =so w a. ROO& & j*, ib=; ~:,p 13mivtso I i IN? N6.61 v aleuds~ try 'of ~ i . i Prcp6rtles~i of RLJS~Ikq, bj~, v I iezIldii Niriji., INOV 661 I-letallides, Metallochemical Elements, by 1. 1. Komilov, Anallidy i VzaimodcZstviZe A964p 179 pp. A NEWAETHO60F MANUFACTURING RODS MADE OF ltkY C614)OUNDS REFRk 1, , BY V. V. PENIKOVSKly: G. V. U'ASONOVt 6 pp. AIN~l RUSSi- PERi METALLOKERAMI K.1-YE-M-T-ERIALY bi-tKUl"LiSSEEDW !it~- AWYE - INFORMATSIONNYYE -WtE-R!'lALY, K! - ~,Ev 1959., PP 50" JPRS 17887 scl MAR,13m 224,,187 11 ~' i! L! -1 f Ir.-tal ?ailure under Cyclic Leet:kbicr, rer" -me-tanoveolen-le, Vol 11; TIT AS L IB -TB A* 5 Ou CoI&Mcwtum TsudemW it IbULls Dvrlng stwu6 aski; met"# bw 00 1* 3Pawdl3bWUsk&vpv. D*Bol.R./271)16 Ayr 1" RaUtt~o X "i-tim of the Aboms of eras AlLicys With OtLvmn PAwertier. e adloll iiast-ftelstamt AUap)., by A. Rmlotj bk~ No 0 gth ad. j on 60*:L6636 SOL 30 I v lie i-*vopartlos of o tbe, Action or and "'roasm-as, by '[~.A. pp. ~2talio 1, 1 i e 6if Mechanical Proper-tior, of Certain The Chanp Steelslo~o li6 the Action of flydxogen at Ugh Tonp~ tur6o and Proasumss by LA, Ulik-nant N. N 0 nm,,~in, V. P. Teodorovi-ah. V. 1. DorYabbla, 23 pp- P"p ~"'Ot&-Uovedmiye, to 3, 1959, pp. if-116 ~po(ql U,,*>,SR Sci,-Epl r i Oct 66 313,1157 Me Vsi~I6f Aeous Atmopheres fcrr Beat Trfttawt of Sts ees,~i:Mj&-TaqMmture ft"ngth and TItanium by A. Ta. Isbob V. I. xachinakiyo 5 pp RUWWO par, WtftuOvedLeulej. Vol )a,, 196o., 25-25. (92D?962) A.C.S.I.L. Tr 1498 jui 6.9 vo.Lum%an by S, ~40 RUSsil, F, Met. .1 no. *CFSTI TT I 1 sci/phys Grain Boundary Diffusion in Fe, kshtein, et al. r, Metalloved. J. Term. Obrab, , 1957f pp. 2-1(F.- 0-57048 Tiat; at ~iftpxsta Allqring Mmomts on the Beat cf. MeWs, by P.& XW&Uov-MUrbwM- A ~k- )i6%U-,QaooM TarMas 1901 PP 135-176. AT= M 4M~l ~Qi - NO/Met 4un 61 63-18111 Ahrimiov;~ A. I)MMMAin(* 4 illit MWRATR OF MAGNH- 1. Abramor, G. A. SWU CHLOWF. 10631 119bL 6 rds. Ord" hvai' drs orl~A $1. to 63-18111 'Trans. of MokUur& jILeningred (LISSR) 1933. v. 8, M 3. p. f PESCRWMRS: D04**tloo, OMASD"dum COMPMAN, -L~desf~ ~ vLaborat6ry Mroaces, Dehydrators. H chj4rjw,.! OIL ydrates, (b=nlstry-~Fbymlca4l'7T, V. 10, 11) office of Tecwcmd Se"icel emwm,TliON HXMLS OF A1203, M90 XD M$C'21, .101 2#rob jr3n kftr triki or RTC $3.60 rr-6f - 10233 f 4i4wAvP*dl (Usslk) 1934 ly. 91 0. 4, p. 514',61. bmulk UM!, Tbo uKbitmakel ribemistry- Thysical, v. 11, no. 9) Tr-64-10235 I - Cus'kvv, V- M- Ur,tzov,!(; G. TRANSF61MATICII -t TERNARV~ SYM, AND MbEIN: DU THE PRCkItSING OF INCOOLFTE, QULNT REACTIM Ordev froAll, Ors ~M- 63-14290 TAW3NG PLACE IN TM 1. Urazov. G. G. 3OMPOWD OF SULPIRM H. Title: Theory... vM4D 3MIGIN ON TIC TIMMY (W ~ LEAD ORES BY TM UMMOD )A%-rtNG, AM) OF THE SUM- (1963116p. 19 refs. ~A $1.60 63 14290 1935, Y. 10. no. 3, p. '.ql"17. i~ DESCIMIF Qf~ S: -Oros (hictal wnram). Prowsaiq~. *IA.-d, *S~116jt, *(.IXktm, -masc faudicit. Trandartoa- tionr. Chvild6ll tckitimm (mo-1 I hif gy Xlollfcl~vowz mcwts. V. 10. no. 5) met id Ittbak3l Strms The Solubility of Magnesium ~ 4 Chlb~rllde 4,~tnd in Fusion s of "Potassium Chloride Chlor,lde Chlorides. by A. RUS N 1 AI I per, Metallurg, Vol 1935 p 8 7 - .9 .. p SLA 64 14900 May 67 325)028 in Magnesitmi Magnesium md Sodium 1, Zhurin. X, No 4, 101'K~012-NaCl,, by G. A. 4 1935s m&t&uurjE) vol x, xo 6., xM pp 82- Sci Tnws Center .. ~4* RT -176;L P. ELWrRICAL CON OF HIC1, &DO 24rab Order from 01rS, S1 Tram. IDA OdDik"=" as Tr-634806119 cow 7, - I ry.. (Chwdst, I ICTIVrrY OF FUSED MDMJRHS 02- 1190) Up Mp amIMM4, I or RM $3. 40 Tr-64-10458 ANIMPSA WR) 19M v. 10, available ftm 01M or SLA $1L 60 1 $4 and fwm SLA an RT-2143 dmatarids, *Sdb, *Sodium ~01 compoumb, opboadum a. Mactriw conauc"ca, TT, T. 11. M 8) w-64-ioM 1. Batubew, L P. n. RT-2145 Offilm ohnorvo 01 dIaMuctivity of "ed Mixturea of Li and It NX22,v bY K. P. Batuh(M.- 39 PP. I O~rj, Ket&33AWSp No 10,j, 1935j, PY 100-113- ............... *po- soloilk IfId!- Istry ~z Al Sal Itwo Center Yet, 55 am/m ic vat and Beat of Fueion of Saw 1',,110r, Ide-siand r1i on# by Y. S. Lyashenko,, RU43Ws ~sr.. Metallurg, Vol '.X*,, No 11m 1935P -9e Sci Tr Center BT-151 if Chemistry YO/ The!Ilect:kcal ConductiTity W the ruced Haw" #-.A1-fj; X AlF6-A12() "d the 3 1pual ,l1114 of t System rtl;F9-Al203-, by It. saltash;vt A. Zhurinp I IlUdsr' r,, Metallurg;, Vol Xp 12a 1935t P.P,6 -9A 13. Oci Tr Center HT-1518 ~edu 0, 0-0 Phoophorus Durlm the Smiting of Iron pr*$ po!'Ly~*Uup 32 pp. ~MOBUWO ver, ~,Mete Vol Xr, Ito 2., 1936,, pp MA R-3334 S41 Aug 59, F3. e~ Thert'dywAlc 1westiption of the Be- av or Of Phosphorus In the Smelting of igh~~usina Blest-Furnace Slags, by V. ~ MA"Ibailov, 8 pp. IRWiM,, per,, Malta ..V X1, No 2, 1936*~ PP 72 -78 01 EMA R -2417 Aug Chloride) Cc," n-uoricla on tbc Zl Vul IL lofitdmtt~ion of IIo=ctq.Uic incixt, 4-a-11A Yu, 'T,. Lu3mshevich-Da-vanx. 1R ill &J~i Hatalltwa.. Vol XI) No 5, 19~6 3,3 p Brtutchar Tr No 3354 f~ c M Aquas Dec 54 cs, X-Ray Determination of the ThermLl Coefficient of . I i Expansion ofl:ron Nitrades, by G. F. Kosolapov, 15 PP. 11 i RMSW,l per' MetaUurg, No 11, 1.9363 PP 79-86. 1 0 i July 72i i as for the Blectimaytic Production G. A. Abrswv# 19 pp. Vol X19 go l2v 1936a I i SIA R-2583 i 59 1 i I V V, f '.15~ 9 of Aluminum-Bilieclu-IrOn AUOJsP b~ 0. O.,lilorazoy'r A - V, Sbuhimp 2C pp R~Wlm 0! ~arj *taU v vol xn, vo 1937, I j -Ii. i, 27-41$ MA R-25M C.4 59 46 tion Of perryllum During the f1bipling Do'~6 I'' 'ngv of Magnesium ALloys, by L. Ya. SIVO -ion. t r1 WSS I Pezli pp 191 1.102 sciontlTic V4tal!M&M-, Vol Ili USSR,, 1937.p Tr 129,3 Co. Jun 52 CPS DEX ploid e bd Influence of Mold Wall Thickaese 'Upon boAd cation of Ingot, by A. Bezdonezhnikh. FTSS:W~ per, MetallurfuVol, XXII, Wo6, 1937. Drutcher Tr No 010 ienillic 14inerala/Mbbils $7.50 structbk6 CC Metals and Alloys Af ter Vacuum Beatingj, 1 1.,~ I . I - S by L. hPanov, TAN RUSS 1937,9 3i Pei, metanumm, vol nip No 6. pp 3 Brutcher 1.)r No 3304 Scien*ic Kin/metaia of Lithium-calcium Alloys, by G Mwi#*~ pp d'! 18 pp - Metallurg.; Vol Ma, No 8. 1937., Sci Tr Coater RT-779 Scieptific Chemistry Zamotor In, M.L 63-22848 DtAGRAwoF sm~,T OF ALLOYS OF CALCIUM 1. Zamotorin. M. 1. VAnm LRHIM 11'9631 Sp (figii mnitted) Or*r froi6 K;-H $8. I 1 10 K-H SW b H. K-H-S866-b M. Kreage-Hooker Science ! 1~ Trans. of ZVI '~%[Levilagradj (USSR) 1938, v. 13, Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. no. 1, P. V=RVWkS-. *Lldhium alloM *Calcium alloys, AHoM Mitshurgy. (Nietallurgy- -,Ugbt a, Tr, v. 10. no. 12) low d lm*Mkd 1W*ft ,tsevo "' "P * I BUNO 'N 15-3.9-1 1 i i A - the Un It Hof k Hqwtion to Lwry Copper A.Uoyso, by Y.- V. ~~Amma''Vol Xillp Wa 3P 19381, SU lR-e55(j ~?dq"5, 'r 3- -6- lncr*amd Carbon CoWmat and Tijin or ~tervUlw Additloasj, by W. Tyezatkovp Audl=, ~lp lbtalUna-s-Vol X111j, Noe 7s 8,9 Drutcbmr Tr 635 70 MeMwzi in or, Hutectio Cryfullization of White cast l6niuffl iX. Bonin,, S. Rapoport. V~~Uwsf N 11(107)s 1938P pp 29-34- DOM lot* ,9c, Belp 61 bf tt~b Basto OpenAtearth Procesu by tibia lAwlysis of the Slag., by P. 0 v. it: ViIV- TAPIUr 17 PP. OLU IOSSTAI(j~.per~~ Matallurigp Vol XTII:,, Na 111.. 1938., pp MA H-33,110 set. AUG 59 Wall Thickness aa Solidification bf to Id A 4ua i-~~ 071tteel Ingotal by I. Omnatf ~!SIPAM 0 Ver, ilemallurg, Vol XXIX, No 10, 1938. Brutcher Tr No 754 ~.Ontiri 4n/lvleta Is go ox4es in Ircm-Retimins S3zato A. 'if~ M=Flovo JfssjA~ Til ~btaUurg, Vol XlVp No Is 1939s pe. may pr x3iqAa~ipe 6o)L 56 loi!?A Agivigi O:r d6rcooled Austenite -in High Speed Stcalp by iskLy. Vol XrV,, No It 1939. Bmtc-ber 11r Do 734 i~ min/atals $3.10 ft*tllll or= tu Sc, 4on of Hato.1ned Aust4rite. At Sifb-Zaro Vit~-.High-A fu VA. I B,~14,iev. !x.,, lfmtaUurg, Vol,XW..4- Xo. 3p Ukl~ rp Gi- 31; lUn/fttau BrAchar Tr No 724 0-10 St-,-dy o9 Tlt=V= Dlo;d Rediwticmp by Yes' A42jaWmp A, Kma-ro V, 6 pp. rull tv! moo So IMO Vp 23-25- ATic r-;m-8qL6/ni Doe lam Re,j:t!bn of Silicon and Aluminum, by M. pp per,, Noun Vol xiv~ no Ll-lu-rg i�39.6 OP 26-34--- ro SM R -225,2- 8011 L xn-A~'Cuclt r6f lJold Desip Utui Qualttv 0" Bot'07,- .4etallurg., Vol. Xup r-O %~~v Brutchor Tr Ct-,Icr 2., co t .1 l, A Specific ure and Spreading in the Hat Rolling of and U-8-A au Compared With Low-Carbon Steel (1010),!,~ by N. I. Byede-Shvete. RUSSIO Pe Aftallums ft 7P 1939, pp W-89. Sul 31 Sel sep 61 list 111~ ~~odwiion of Mgb-Quality Alumim= Alloys bj,lDlr4ct Reduction of or* (Illectrothemul luml~)j by L. N. Sergayev and B. I. Rim- 15 rp. R6SSXPAj per, Metallurgt Tol C=,, No 9j. .10398, 33-4k-.-- siA m.-n47 Aug 7o2, ~~7 THE, QUESTION OF RUNN114G BLAST-FURNIACES ON I RO3N 1 i-OKE' 13Y K. V. MESSERLE., - G - S GEFWSMCliUK. RUSSIAN) PER, METALLURGII., NO 10, 11, pp ~~21-27-;'' NLL M-3412 scl ENGR JUII ~162 ........... ..... ............. br~tioo libich Takes into AccoUnt SDwt:Lc I.1tiw~.is and M*ir MWximintal Itwesti- 6j~, by4. M. Faynborg. 1* No 10jeu., 1939., pp -05-umm Sol LmnlHat 19j", 917 i investisetums Of Form. ASfaMs 006 OtbOrN p 1940 perp,11metallurso Vol IV# Igo Dratcher Tr 1691 H16ct he ic Forroalminium.9 by M. S. jo 13 PP,. RM pe Ji Vol xv, NO is 19400 lipp 7-fli 704~ Sai Tr Center RT-2252 scien~ihc Physics CM 691J= 55 71t -~ 1 ., .I , i ~ i A.,& the:Am RW!n Traraftioup by Tt A. Lebadev. 1 1 ij ~ Astalluraq Vol 159 19409 pp 61-63. k",9 .Pero I i i Sci- I - I June 70 i~ i i [:~ I iaukhi NT- DAY WRO FiCE. ~ 8 P. I re from GB or E of Metrillurg ( UPTICIRS', "Wrot ;HT-IRON PFt0DUC*n0N M1VL- 675 , 51.55 61-17187 U) 1940, no.2, p. 16-20. it iron, 'Metallurgy, Steel, 61-17187 1. Karnaukhov. M.M. 11. MTVL-675 111. Stichting Moeilijk Toegankelifte Wetcnschap- pelifte Literatuur Office of Toc6icel Sorvic*s io-4-11~kleel por!o Me Vol xv, no 4,,, ig4o. Brutcher Tr No U70 se ~ntif ic 14in/o -Vanadium Steele w Subotitutea by 1. Bormtskiy, E. liadyukov. 50* OIL 0.30 lotion on the Dietribution of LLqWW WtLI # by V,! 0. oagell-,Torn I No S.z, ~Ok I I i i RM 1 9 I pp 142~. i p "9b"001 xv p No 9 1 1940 t Brubabar No 3485 $2.6o Y-.q d 15d Hudentug of High Alloy Chrome- ~iltuvl= Steel.. by A, Borrdi)m. Metauum, Vol vs, 170 10., 3.940. Bruteber 2t No 2.289 MuAutals $2.00 Ar (m High J'amperature strength "Cet 60 Content I g i .013, 2.9% W Steel# ty A. Bortdika,, .~~Mouliurc, Vol xv, Ila 10, 1,940. CIAOIFM/X-32 47 Brwitcher Tr No c $4.10 The am& iiws: Ocientd, Chromium Stainless by 1'. ITT ~ Berkov. per,, Vol 0%6"V: no ?.1-.,L2., IOW.10. T.- I-CY~ Ic ILI morals A& F,7.r, ---b)Vlsp %v 11. 1. Pwwvalm. 19440 PP Lw.14T. i Sol/*a Ded 60 ito hoali :?Or Yleltim!ovu Ard Refining so 59 matAnurig, Vol- III, No 1/2" 1949, Dept of Ift Us bus of Mines snatern Imp Sts College Pmrk, Mi. with Itthwaolaml rurifi Cal Q r -ait-lws- nnd D D b,,, V,, 1,q H. Di 24 p 19c RUSS r+Lt;0,-lursi%dat pp Cbsp LLA K A 57 The alodine process, a new protective 19, Toccs~ ior alticninum and Its alloys. Metall 5 , , -436 -TR-2379) 0.19- p.434 1951. (5p.) (AEC . i "T' Ovi.at A ~SSW' i,b:oy (~.ompos-itions. UNCL ~~k, If'letallurgi'y 1956. ~Say (from LLU Tr Bial Apr 60) *CB bff~ c fm the Open Hoarth Pro- RMW; m Pw:p lbtal2wgp Val 'It Mz lb it 19569 .............. pp SOL S" ax1hok Tr Y156 $2.0