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(DC- 1878) THE C%HUNIST PARTY AND SOVIET SCIENCE, BY S . PAYLENKO$", 5 PP. i PER~ RUSSIAN MEDITSINSKIY RABOTNIK L 1962., : 31 JU JPRS USSR POL scl - mm SEP 6~ 15117 210.,118 liatiom S. Bal'sevicz- Agenty by J,'vqd_P4botL_lR Aug 1967, J-.i CSO-,;~E Me-d-ioline R. B~qevskiy 3 LW Out-!r Space., by If. Parin, (AP Sci Bi Apr 65 ?er Medit Rabotuilt, 1965- *,TPRS & Med Set i I 4. CSOI 18i73 i I -RUSS"TAN, lo-r,, i i Sci - 13i(A -Fa A-pr 65 i I iology, by F. Gorbmr. MeEit Rabotnik.. 1,o65- *JPRS Yed Sci (AP- 3; c s p~, cSui,~ - the Garment, of G:)n uerors of Outer. Sle'C'ep by V. Krichagin. rA7- RW~ SWI., per,, Medit Rabotnik, 1965. *JFRS Sci Biol & Med Sci APr 6 5 AL SES tic e16 RD~~ 4o"104, ii, 147s 6 pp Prof G. 11. Rubnev Ab p61 .14 31T63 M~hsll~STI No 3 mar 1948 IlPro' 6eti 'Inoculation Against Acute Enteric Infect c6s 0 7 pp i! Prof B. I. Blankov Proj 18 4902.1h U-194 !91; AR 21 1116r 49! Not blished PA ?20 libr'~ 4ry 46T64 74 J i current~ProbXaw In the Control Of Tuberculoois in tJxd QoMp~~by S. NOLUn.. 12 pp. wmuAv~ perO Ned Beistrap No 8s 1950.- PP 8-13- MA Tr R-808 sci - "Obe Jan 58 7i dorl~iende vt PWAJ4 Hedth Worters, by 7' Is I *' i~! - j . Y# - ip . S~atrl, Nd, 12g 1963t pp 3-5. lk ed '254;,708 Dee 61, Awtou of )Iwquito tarm, by P. P. RMSL480 p~rj- Md1t Mai IUAWOLstam,, 17 Pa& r4risii-v -1w.. Barfillyev, no -9-10., Sol Ned TI~3 r,6thiratilla crg' Antibodico Durina Rcucand RDtaro- Tmn-,qkJ6ntIsIjon cr the Sunj by U. 0. Mmhorenko, 3 pp I Af-4 Fu,32 r-mc j~odicbnii Miurnal,, Vol V, No- 1j, 1935., pp 4~D-;~Yjo c.TA/rDD/Y:-8q4 7,w2 (:J JuD 53 UTSIMY, I FT" !I -Ijj''~ 11, 116' train 11 i ; 1-l-,w. G. Wwh=~r vizi tMillatic 4ation on Demarvated Arca p by 6 lbdichnii Zhurnal Ak Ilaul-- UAM- no -AM 53 CPS/= Ile. C~ -7 ~ q?, The Z) Tte (~if tlie Higher Bervous Activity in Hypo.xip., 1),j~ N1. M. Sirotinin. I JEI C U S S IF IE- D 1-11uss:UM, Vol XX, Eo 1, Kiyiv, 6 i C. I'le d i C ine of complomtLt ox JAI the Procoos of the tic Dvv*lopmnt of Vertebrates.* by G. 16,0r9=, 7 PP- per., flhaduAl ghumL Ak Nauk URSR., Vol XXA No 4., IMw py N331 12-12-62 Fab 63 4 ?5 he M6~c~- of' ioxygen Deficiency on the Central ervom;;S~Stelt!,, by A. Kol Icklins, aya. CLABS P~~IEID USSVTI~ iner 11,1ed Zhur, Vol XKI, No I., "L,-,,,1. ScientLfiic -iMedicine 6 37 6'-, 0~:,, Lhe Problems -y;.en of Ox. 0):y,,-n 1.)efj.ciericy: b, P. D. Y Marc.au',,.. !,k?d Zhui,-) Vol XXI) Nio 2, 1~1'11. S c ie n 1: if ic 4- Iied --c -inc 7,77 on tN"~ i", by, M Russildi) lution of Adap-.ation to Hypoxit:) 4rotinin. UNCLASS IFMD er, Med Zhur, .101 )LXI 1~0 F 6,;6 c Sciea'A-fi - MQdicine The~ Exi)6rience of the Hii--b i"xiDedition I I - I - Of ,.he Institute 3f Clinical. Physi-,-Ic-~,- Iri. 0. BogumoletE~, Acade,;:-., of SOC tence$1 LA' Lhe Ukrainian b-, Prol* '-I. S,,.i-a ~ in in. LFI; LP, S IS IF DI, D RUSSL',11 1 -~er ].,',ed Zhur Vol X:,*,I . No 1, 1. AF 37t- Scientific 14edicine h-a, '-E,2-cperlence of t be R i..,h It'Mnt!i TI E'xpe(i i t i rm of Lbe Irlptitu-,,e of' Cl in icul Fh~,- -~lo f~ , I- ' Ac a de I; I y c,:1 I ..:)C -c- iices uf the W.-.ro i I I! an SS;*~-~, ) b V. V. Turm~)v. UNCI.,A-7c-,d'-'T:.,,D R U-941"; L't Pe 1, Vol 11 ILIad ZjjUj- Sc 0 2567i) i Buie fteaOstical hvblm of TIAN= Thempyi, V. P ttUt 3 5 YP AIRMi bl" Pers 21mg M=~ Vol I ~ I ipp CIA/M/t-,7820 3 1,74 4 Koftciv~j, therapeutics apsilb tbi Witropu4h4*Ain Ccagposition in the ad 0i ibbb~im After the Action of Small Doses of 7abnins' an gibe Central Nuvwm SyBtmv by I. V. :i i ltsk-~y' 19 pp. AWW~ b*, pos ModlebuLy Myranl .j Vol Milo 1.4 Ki*Yr 19$3, pp C2, J~ C19MON-7821 adk. V. S. RGROUND INDRALAAC 8X`TRACT10N OF COAL j5h Nififtal Ca4l Dw rd Trans. A. S72/A. D. I of ml in Trans. '~o, '105 and 13DCR no' St. frm 6r SLA $1. 10 63-19222 MR) 1953~ ty. 71 no 2, P. to- 12. RUTORS- OllycimWic fracturtn& $Coal, Hydraulic ma, '8NU144mgmeeiring, Water, lets, ProcessirW, m1ws, H~ilrhtdfc relslcarch. Traosportat.10n. i i I 61-19222 1. jNj,,,hjk, V. 11. NCR-AS72/AB M . B%1 Truas-305 rV. B&I BBC It TR -51 V . Naticnal Coal Poird (GL Brit.) VI. Buremu of Mines, WISTAngton' D. C. neering, Tr.~Y. 9, tio. t:4 I affice M jvchi')l smices l' (FM 2 0, sin Metabolism zltr=zrom system I I ~by L V. SwitakLyp 18 ppe biiha pwj, B&SM&A jlavz~. Vol XK3=p --:f - 3j, v PP 7-1.7- f=f 3 63 alh/PM U-8255 3-~ o2 7~ nouro"Loloa in ibe amwwition of Periphaml Blood IW7 stl6~4--8nEleX StL=4AIanp by M. P. I it mwuftty 42UD vca ==,o 'I 3ip "pp crA/Om u.8e36 IBM I al - )Wtqinm~ neura"91010gy n INO 56 t mm bi 0 30 eo~p 35, 56 rk of a Tmwplanhol Xidney From the W Adqpbl=;, by M. 7. Yermakovp Yu. UX pal I-SedlebalZ QuLl Vol XX=p pp r=& CIA/FM U-8257 (IM g, at an the Ormah at malplent to It$ by L. 1. Kmvnwmidy.. 6 pp. jSrq VAUabniy 2bur.. Vol 1103.1 43 CTAM)D U-" 60:1 1.0*9, lWaraft 101W may :FM 25~73) MIS t of, Carbooh*3 on Mqilanta of tbo Cardidi 1*01~ Uncles., by M. F. Chalays, 000 pwp Nedigbnij 2 Vol =I., ClAftM/U-7fI29 ~~ato. a Dois by 09 SmaL ftondard of 2951o by 41,110 23 lif= um. 1k Am 2=0 TWL I=v No CZL/M U4275 3J-* a- J 7 L P Mtrown-proteilm Coopwitim of the its Aftw the boantsUan ot Skin ~r abulln9t by 1. V. Sayltakirs, 14 lip. lino odsolml gmom&,,vol mn ClAift/#-Tft 3 3 buntolov (NY-7029) lliqhyl~,,ds and Treatment of' Botulism,, b,,.f ff. ff. Sitnikova, a Tl~ 6 pp. ac3tm, per., V4 XX,' Ifo 6, 1961" Yp n-26. JPRS 13457 i - Ned 1 1.2, 1 (DC-3934). i L. D. Vas:l,lenko, 2 pp. j i RUSSIAN) per, Mcdit Zhur Uzbell-., No 1, 19030, pp -95 1 8,~, I i i i JPRS 3936 i USSR I I. Biog Sep 6Q i. i 11 I i_ i: (DC -39310 - I i S. - i Sof 1 v : ye , .1 p. I 1 : I JSSIAN, ~ r, W I ple 2dit Zhur Uzbek, No 1, 1960, pp %~. 87. i i i MRS 3886 i OR .09 SO !P 0 i i A. Akovby" 60th Birthday., by Kamzolova., arnove)~n~o jssTjkN,jper.,j Medit Zhur Uzbek, No 6. 196o, P 7 6 -'T 7 isci ~7 Mar 611~ 7 77, Oth Bifthday lof U. Kb. Khalmuratov, by D. S. Karimov., USSIAN, per.Vedit Z'hur Uzbek, No 6, 1960, PP 77-78. *JPRS c i Mar 61 1 IrI 4- 4. IlRafaifl~Sam~aovich Gershenovich,.," (Unsigned artici6) Russiaii, Per., Meditsinskiy Zhiumal Uzbelrdstana, No 8,!Tashl,-.dnt, Aud16o, pp 89-90 *JPRS May 611 Pablic Sculth ProblGm at, iail~ stq~~rme Soviet Uzbek JMBSLW~,, per., Hadit Zhur i960P 3.6. JPFM um 8046 (NY-6r, 503) the Fourth %ssion of MIR. 12 pp. Usbeklatam,, No 9, qe62 6 5 (ify-6503) 14.0doidosis A Rcview, by G~ Podgornlaya, 10 RUSSIM)~ par. Madit Zhur UzIDek, No 9, 1960; pp JPRS 9861 S~a l4ad lo pcdlutiap, of the jqtmospheric Air of the City of Waya for Ito ReJuction, by Sb, Yu, D. 19a. Nurullayev, 14 pp. Uzbc 41w -uk., -No 91 19601 b -ruRs r"3 2 Al:irt: 61 of WInk i ON., "r,, "I. : 4. *61 61 I f (BY-5902) W41081 Solowes, 4 PP- wd zkw unbox,, so ii)., oat ig6o JM 7525 ~ A . 3 /o/ ~ ~ ~ (144Y-6503) Preatoijig F~OW.(m, 9 at the Prevention of cqw~'4M tactuatio"I visewas in Mboji"16twlti~: ?Yv X. S. Zatrar, L. H. 10 "rp Mad Zhur Mbokp wid Control qhr,-*tar,, Ho 7p 1961) set Med Mr 60 Opps )q/17 ll'~OiIIC P91CUIRIritiCS Of 11CUIOT'rhagic Fcvcr in uzbcKisj,tan, by 1. K. PlusW)aYov. NUSSUV4, per, tiodit Zhur Llzbek, No 8, 19ol, pli 62-65. -14 2-76-66 (CM hovul) Ap r 6 6 U-2( 298,,~ (NY-6503) THE CLINICAL PICTURE OF SEPTIC-METASTATIC (SUB C'TE)~~FORMS OF BRUc3LLOSl6j BY V. M. A Y MADZkIDOVjl,7 PP. RUSSIAN, PI R, MED ZHUR UIBEK, NO 61~, PP 3~-37- JPRS 1411 SCI - JUN 62 199,923 ............. imm&M ....... (NY-6503) THE EffECT~IOF OXGYEN AND THIOUIRACIL ON THE DEVLOPMENT OF-RADIATIO14 SICKNESSIN 1 1, ANIMALS,* 61" T. G. MANKUS., 13. 1. KINEL', 3 PP. RUS 1.~A' p VL',Kp MLU ZHUR UZBEKp-Nc 7p 1961l S pp 0 5 JPRS 14117 scl -wl MED JUN 6;2 ~ i9%924 (NY-6503) CHANG S IN THE ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY OF THE CORTEX AND~~JOF THE XKRETICULAR FORMATION UPON STIMIULATIO114 OF ENTEROCEPTORS., 13Y A. I. KARAYEV, N,. A. MUSHKINA, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, MED ZHUR UZBEI(j NO -j~ 1-061~ PP 53~ 6 5 JPRS 14117 scl MEI)i JU14: d2 ~13 i 11 ~ i~ 4!'1 ~ . nr THEIREPLY11TO DOCENT OF INsflTi,UTEj,,CANDIDATE OF BY K.!A. OZLOV, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, (NY-6503) THE IRKUTSK AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGICAL SkrIlENCES, PIER~ MED ZHURP UZBEK, NO 71 L-611 PP 13~77- JPRS 14-117 SCI MED!, JUN.62 I (NY-6503) THE 2216 PARTH CONGRESS AND SCIE-NTIFIC RESEARCH WORK IN MEDliCINE IN UZBEKISTAN, BY E. I ) 23 PP. RUSSIM) PER) MED ZUR UBZBEK.9 NO 1) 1,)62) PP 3-13. JPRS 138)[24 SCI - MED MAY 62 1)7)332 R MY/ Bi La bl~:T-552-1 R-8757-1) 6 oct 67 itle: ~,tudf~s on the Transmission of Viralpappataci V~(Werllin Experimental CondItions, Y: 0 go'! nova rOM4. Wed. ?.h. Uzbek.* (4 2*.pp 3SI-41t 1962 ussla~- *~[ Est' for. wds.: lease tra~nsliite and type I camera ready copy, DCumeni 'can he cut, Please make cover as sample ttsche~,I T-5152-1 (SF-1875) tit Or THE STATIEWaRAL SCIEWIFIC #MAY TO INIE SOMICE OF HEALTH PROm 3 PPV lot Lot 13p, 194,810 isro") I "mum "LaIlt TO w 1* IL *ANN=* too tapir so V=16 0 1 W% QUEST lliEiCK 9-1-31 BR70-12-29 mparatilie dharactp-ristcs of some devices used to deltermLine microbial ai). - contamination hchenko'l C(tillp I Uzbekistanal, ,ss pei-.~ Meditsillmy Zhurna. ai -4, 1962, 16-18 pt 6 1711-7- -,7 "A EQUT~STJTR CHECK 31-12-4 12 rnpbrtallce (if the constituency of the nutrie e ri~~je medl,,-~, for the determination of' nrdcr,~bial ai pollution shcheiilco, uss per: Nl(:,ditsinskiy Zhurnal Uzbekistana, o 2, l5k 31 ~pg 48 76) Jr, Al) S-772-67 NY-3-3763 16 Jun 67 bistkbution and Content of Certain Protein Substanc6s in the Neurons of the Cortical &d. oflt~e E~in-Motor Analyzer of the Rabbit., byIM, S. 'Abdullakhodzhayeva, RWSiAN, ~e:r, Yieditsinskiy Zhurnal Uzb, No 1011 1963i, PP ',54 - 56. Jun 7 ~ 6i M%Mmb.mbdb..& at . I qpwwpw~ ftf%" pmbda UP. a. amm M, ot 00 lbruma fts or ! AWP~W _ 4t 00 *M% IW No 16 1 i ~ 11 I i 11 : p i am! i I i 1 333A0 A. SLOW ELEMMALlROCESSES IN '111S BRAIN. 1963. 3mP ~ ! ~ 'j~ ~ 1 S(4 Orderfroft~ elptaTit6c~lcl, bw-, 100OVermont Am, N. Wa4hilnow, 5, D. C. Trans. of Me~6nnve MektricImmkia.Protmej ~6066 &7UJ4 JkJ7VJ. lt%zr -lmuclml vel,cells, itou Ical Sciences-Nei , *BrWn, Cerebral effects. TT, v. 10, no. 12) 63-22696 1. Aladzhaloys, N. A. 11. Scripts Techtdcs. Inc., Washingm, D. C, office a ltcmkbl se'k., Slowd~eutrdns., by V. F. Turchin~ 305 P- I J~ H Russ mohos MqcUeqM NeitroM 1963 - jui 661 304.,492 scuoi amrs f theFr- ar-Emtani U;Slt,, by C'. F-l~ dmitc lig pp. lip! IMI-MM, W m~d~ Yuga Dallrego Vostcka U~SR, 1965141 117 TT s (A a n d i t vlaw megiis Ii 5 p ~i 4'; RUS IANr za 'd,yshc yshc ,yshc ,yshc Akadeir,Oii [Maux Naukl* Vol CPSTI,.TTI'68-50398 Sci IWI tluv: nesis and the Formation of the ac in Capificum, by E. M. 14utafyan Me asporogenez i obrazovanie 0 mp-shka u Pei, sa.--Izvestiya It ArmyansX01 5511. 132 178 No. 1p ppe 95-99. innia EM ~j bY VWL UP So 3, DSU &W X4143ho 8*1 ~,Aagr~ mtzdag low ~71 !!by L. D. Ianftu., E. Lifshitz , 2(6 imp ibk Makhanika, Fizmtgiz, 1958, ILtl *Pergiamon Inst my, ~.96 pp. by S. S. rllikhmenev 140 104, 1600ccrvl, 19610 9688663-V Noll 63' J A/ I Thd Meclitahicss of Aerosol-s~ by N. A. Fuks, pp. RUSMIT, blit, Melchanika Aerozoley, Adademy of Sciei)ces,i~USSR, Inst of Sci Info, 1955, PP 1- C: 5-j".1 3 IM US i',imy Cbemical Warfare Lal) Army Cbemical center, Md Cl,& Spccial Piiulication 1i-12 4, 7 /tj f-/ 4 7 - 7 ..... .. . .. 7 T Of 11.0 NY; 11611 o-45/63 Poi-dvardliand Table of Content; of Book IIi 11 l me6ani~s' of Gyroscopic Systems", by A., ~u* . Is"hlinskiy, /Omf RUSSIAN)~bk, Mekhanika, Giroskopicheskikh Sistem, I molsdov~ 119632 Pp 3-8, 48o-48:2. Bpi - Ph~r, Apr 63 coal tw; t~ 4am POW an WLtboA Sumarts at tba race, 6w by RM ol,par~' I0khmatistsip" vol Anp No lo 1958,p . .. ....... VP DSZR LW It. 140 (ball) sci *''WAS 6p P14PI A Pjd Ir ck~nized Method of Cleaning Fan Drifts in Coal m s,!1by X, A. Kanov. HUSSIM 0 pett NekMaizateigt Vol XIIIO xo 41 1959t 51, NOS A.1875 Aug (03,~ LJ.at NO 41,~ and AUtamation of Loading and Urdo o' so Collaction 6. materials frw~ once# 27 ppe RMS i~bk ~Wkhmixat4ya i Avtmatizatsiya Grdsod R&bDtb Sbon-Lik 6o 51-60 go Opvtov Mosom 1963, pp 1-18m, ACSI I- !iO 313D) UU, IW 6~ r m md Autoution of Huhine (WeeMne is by W6 A. BU=*stins 32 pp. & to;* v p IWO A A 1 i 11 BrAl up May, tr 1 i j PTO-Tr-w-UW6 01.2 ~ W~4iiz~sjiioft and Automation of Loading-Unload- iftj,~ W~rk 'd Wareboms in Railroad Transport,, vich, USH ONLY *khanixetsAyA i Aytomatizats*ya IMS I M PP ZJL-l-zbu* jn u"~ E66 U71 767 3W 0719 and Autowedon of Loading and Urdoading 65 27 12760957 :%sslan Q647 R-8177-D 11 Apr 67 64on ~,,tL=tion of Umliag-Unloading Work i Trwapart a. P. (43 PP) E~~zatkya i A:vtcmtlza-tsjyu Pogruzoahno .hho Rd'66t i Sklady Na Zheles. TransPorte 99217-W ~St i.~O!r wds: Lse translatle and type 1 uunera reacb, copy. Docuatnt be clljt~. ft~eWe Data HaadUng page and make covers 1~ t~.'cihed. (DC office pleaee xerox 3 copies lampl-ba; At xansl4ionl COAL 53. der from 97N. or ans. oflick" IPRODUC71ON PROCESSES D DUSTRY (Avtornatizatstya 6660Y v Ugoloo romys - i Trans. no. 261m; (DSIRhIeLnLU $1. 10 61-13279 ,~~R) 105f TZ-51-no. p, 9-10. i S: ecoal, *Mining engineering. *USSR, Production T'r, v. 6, no. 1) j j 61-13279 L M-V. Trans-2308 M DSIR LW M.53 IM Metropolitan- Vickers Electrical Co., Lid. (Gt. Brit. W~l das Cromse-I by G. S. Surenyan, A. G. flusslilla3 purr, Makhoaizata-* a i Avtom Prol--,., No 61 SLA 60-158~',5 oat 66 lip-.rv, G. F.. and okhers. N111" FINFIM I --- IN 1) 1. 1 S I `N - cIll..-i-mal i!,I'n:l Drill with a Single-no/zle 1,ner), (ttixt in 6 irtlmn'l. .dcr rills. ini 62-27012 1. Brichl-in. N. V. ZlIA'(1pov, (;, F. off". f (NY -~-00014) Tt:)~,iard Brcad Automation of Chemical Prodiic- . I i, tion, R~f iS' I Al Iper, Mekh I. Avtomat Proiz, No 5, Mftm, 1951i; P Pp Njplts w: Econ - i'technological; tndlistry Au~ 5 9