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lo8O/63 1: crcequip'ment~'.Vor Radio Recording of Some Physiological zictions by P. Siuvatov- (IN-7944) SsItUill Tell, MeLlit pProm' SSSR., VDI TVII, No 10, 1,~'3, 62-64. *JPITI s i - Bicil S- Mcd Sci c 6 --------------- of f s on and I I I-N 11 "1, IM I ;t MediW Equipmma ni P, I *Y11.1 L lip 0: 70~ A 119630 pp 5-10. 23167 SCJ-% 'I 16 614 F PT 2488942 ForOft Stedo by 'G. S. KeyHr4 It SM. ma PrMY $56 &, Vol XVM, No 1. i i j I , f i J iki J' M6 6~ " . i I i i i. I i i 2800450 7~ T - - - - -- plortable"A"4vull(~1 UUramnic e. bj B I AWfi6 f*Ovi 0 Y Demidov# Ypt XVM, No 2. SM; a km 265s538 .ug S-3WA~ Disinwie ht for Measuring Skin I..bisturc, I.,bisturc Electrmtr I-IVA-6-100 m, by A. P. Z-ukina, V ICoivw,,ov. (AP.) - V5,9 RU.3-IAN per. Medit Promy 1964, pi 53-55. SCi - He'd aiir 64 Vol 'NIII, 1,To 2. *JPR3 C~KA Coordination Conference on Problems of Re'sewr'lich in the Field of Steroids, by ~L v Sokolova. (AP-d1g)(06 RjSS Meditsinskays Promyshlennost V)l XV1,.Ifo.Npo 4, 1964, pp 63) 64. S !ci :Biol/Med jun 64' i 1 - - - -7- - - - -I - - - I i I . . ! , I . z, . ! sea, In Pyod-action, k~l i ~ 7 P'Di. 1: XVIIII, 269,498 ~~O.c' . "'t. NO 5, 1-14yli 196 CertaAn-Pr Of Designs ,y A. S Pere ProrWshlenno.st' SSSR, Vol 18, )lems Concerned with the Devekopment )f Anesthesia Apparatuses. Repott (I). ~muter, pp 10-16 a Labomtory Mmtwftzmwtex to ~be Vqor Cmosutnftm of Neavotic io by RO .1. ounchoko't n ppo rx loomm. Illmobletpont 283,.= SQI~Q, Jig Alloys for WIdical Equipwant. by N Bm~i An, V. G. SbWcbxat4)v. 6 PPO PM Ab pe. -~ ~bdltsinskaya Pm%shlemost S.~~& No slp!~ 064i Op PIODOZ61166 FTD-7T,.b 65- i98 Sci/Materia iis Oct 661 3090498 S- "reparations Authorized for Use in I-Iledical ice% ~ ), by T. G. Soldatova. (SF 3247) 1: RMSIMp ~;per) Medit Prom) Vol. XVIII, No~ 5, I(AI)4, PI) 55-5'* Z) 9 1 1 1 ii S-101064 1~' Coiif6renc6 on Coordination of Pleais for scie4tifJ,c Research Work During 1964 in th6 kieU of Production of Drup. by A. 1 selivanov* OF 3247) R US S) -LA1 I ~~per., Medit Prom: Vol VIII, No 5, 1964., pp 64. *JPRS S c I -J1.&-MS 0 1 A Promyshlennost' SSSR, Vain~Tien" of the Perspective Development of the edical~I~dustry in 1966-1970, by I. A. Antonov, PP 3-7 cc ,, /,Oc- Certain Problems Concerned with the Development of esigns:o~ Ane~sthesia Apparatuses, Report (II), by S. P6rlel Irrmiter, pp 7-14 Nril 0 ars eteriff of BipiogiciaTimus J 0~'Pr . R. 14xvwmn, Orm RAft tftom,~ VoliXVW,, No 641 ~ 26601 59 9 pp. 6. I Taft In lqporbe the the MMUCOI lggeaYo by I- P* 190 PlawmaAmm I 'jp Jul 3964,9 PP* 34o 1~60'27 KI Tissue in Modkods. of BloWcal 0 Vol XVMO 2630450 Ae ;0f;&) 33'-6" Widi improved L. A. W XVELit 267V451 =ini%tion 6f Penicillin in the Air of Manufacturing ts R. A. Matveyeva) N. S. Lamkh. (SF-3322) UU11j, e r., i4edit Promy SSSR, Vol XVIIII 110 7, PP 36-39~*: RS Bial ts I4ed Sti 64 64/64 Lference- iof Rt~presentatives of CMA Member Countries Coor( i~tion~lof Scientific Resewch Work in Field" of Ws Search for taititmor Preparations, V. A.,Ciiernov', T. S. Safonova. (SF-3322) ZIAN., i,per) Niadit Promy SSSMR, Val XVIII~ 140 7,, 04) pp~;6[~-63-.' )(JPRS 2 Biol & Sci 64 ')SR ion 3c. 64 for the i~m ment O~lf the Medical Industry A I ; SS ~ ~ by I.: W. Tanchenko 7 pp. MWt'Promf OW, No A. 19640 .per,,, ,2 270jO97 elected,~ tictes From Medical Industry SSSR. *RRx ~F- 33 10j 'USSIMI) per,, Imodit Promy SSSR, No 80 1964, pp SM; OR; $29-30;:'163-64. 1 *JPRS ci - Biol F, liled Sci opt 64 iro 0 of Surjical Technical Equipment, M .5 pp,. :' I ''! yp YIP per,, Medit iprcim-SSSR, No 9, 19640 I and Meld 273,,350 00963mbe the )IMMductwe Of outs by YU4, ?a IN)Rtm.* 6 vve IV* 040~po ou..o63 ot ftructural Pwto ot mmica t po A* KrWdwdwlv 1g PRO VP 0 & no gf)4..o6k i : I i~ qm- Adh and DirebUIV of 11, " ft] A I I ) % i by V* B* LIUAorp 5 IN* I I 1 1 *#16, , I ~ P: 1~ mastaqu .,;-v& P. I I I ! oftt ~ lgbk. ilb 0 iv~e tgff 0t c fb~W Plants as Possible [~~toe ,tjo~~o( 61*jdIm of Claylego Purpurae' i os&~Owoyo, *~ N. I*Ikovskaya, 5 pp. tProwSSSR.No9,1964, G, r. Uskova, 8 pp. no 9. 1964, 273,352 S 1199/64 81eiocte~ Articles From Russian Periodical i , MedicaliIndustry of the USSR. (NY-9461) RUSSIANi, per, Medit Prom S&3R, No 9, 1964, 1~4 pp 4"6; i., 4650 54, 55. JPRS Sci - bled INv6 64 I~asicl~!Vays of Inprovins die Tedmical MvL-1 V. v of Mdical Equipaint, by 11 Guilatilkav 10 pp. RusAmi, 0r, Haditainskaya Prpmyslilennost' SSGRs Wo Noir 64, pp 3-8. Rgs 266,*' ussal: i sci-~io dl~ ~%d Sci Fel)~ 65 275,198 Ti - - - - - - - lukro T~lx of the Medical Dquipment Industry in e EZ,P$R by N. F. UvetkDv, 7 pp. RUOIS AN r, l*d+tt&Ln9kaya- Ppomyshlennost' SSSR, IVVOJA~, V" 1:640 pp 8-13. JP*S! 1861 Usk gci-~ia 4 lied S ci 275,199 1 ' No A 0 jp: ~2' Ii of NeUcal Equipmnt, by It. A. ty 6 0 pp - $ or. Meditsinskaya PrMslilennost' SSSR, Rio, IV 64, pp 13-18. e--Z 275x200 lite! Probiletna of IncreasLng the EconomLc Effective- n~a of !the ProductLon of lkidLcal Equipment, by N I:, lov, 8 pp. R1'9 Mg~ Per, liedLtaLnskaya Promyslilennosti sssr,, No'~~ 1, 6v 64, pp 24-29. ji 4,36 Sa*-Uol~fi Had Sci wl~ 65 l~' 275,201 1 Opaidting Experience of the "Krasnogvardeyets" A~Sjciid ~6n of Madical Equipmat Enterprises, by 14 A 1u nshutin, 10 pp. r ya Promyslilemostt SSSR, r~JsAm Pe 0 Witsinska 14~ 11, 1 cxv 64, pp 30--35. JP113' 28( 36 S44io!~A Md Sci INO 5 275,207 %Q 081 Is,tathophona, by B. V. I.Ilarurlnyy, V. V. Pro RV. per, ),Witsiusk-aya- _uyshlennost Nio jllv~qcv 64, pp 60-63. TJ L 4iolls I*d Sci 65 1: 2759203 No I JPRB M ; t Neon Mw 65: I . I I T" ro 1*0bility of Wery Article of the Medicaa. p P! 6 - watemism P ohlennost I SSSR., r - PP - 3-5 - 1.4 . In *Oka L*vel of Sconmic, Woek in the hIL14"ticSX LAistry, by S. I. Maymind, 7 ~r!l )%ditsum-ft-M PrygrahlenDost' SM, 5012, c A pp. ld-w* I- 4 jamm Icon MY 65 279.,758 A ClOntinU0,481Y Operating Apparatus for the Extraction of Caffeine and Morphine from FJL~n~ Ma~6rial. Pt. 1. Extraction, Equilibrium Data' and Investigation Mass Transfer on Mode s ot Disk-and Screw Tupe! Diffusers, by; A. Me I~F%yash)wvich., Me D. ZuWshlyaeva. RUMIAN, ~~per, Mediteins~!o PnWoblennost 940A; Voi 18, No 12., 1964., pp 22-26. J~nel 66il 303P851 Tole -Fam6trodardlomrrapb TZK-1 on Universal Power.. ' ; .1 i; 7- by A. It.! Leb-6d Pki I RUSSIAjf,s~ per,411 Hedit Prm SWR~ No 12, 1964, pp 48, 49. *JPRS s - 15 1.,,1 On the Iiistory of Invention of tlic Radiosound for the betect ion of Foreign Bodies, by N. 11. Fedotov. CAI) I'lusslivi, p6r, Medit Prom SSSIZ, No 12, 1964, Im 52, 53. *.jPIZS Feb 65 ~lon of the Acadewl of FAidical Sciences pp ixt v,,O Mod Rabotp Vol XV, No 3A, 11 liaY 1952j, Sol Tr Center RT-1657 CW/D']&X MVIR Antibiotic AMnycin,, 2 pp. Vol XV., Do 560 1952., p 42T? Sci Tr Conter IrL-IC47 ,Tul 54 CTS conza~cii~e0 Ural Puthopbysiologists, by 0. Peai4Ov&0iy, 2 pp. RMSMI)l pore Mad Rabot, Vol XV, No 64, 3 Bal,Tr Center ra-1655 isciantific - iftdicins 7 77 stap Dcoe,i ArMtOXInj 2 pp. by RI n~: slstjl~ Mod ~4 9t,, Vol XV, go 65, 12 Au6 1952; p SO. Tr Center RT-1654 Boloutific Medicine C, CM/DEX 1 1, 1 t, i! (IPDD: n4oo) Scieniiflc:~AchLevemants Witb Respect to Influenta, : I i by Am ~Smorodintsev, 4 pp. RMOMP seadwk up.. Med Rabot.. So 4-8,, (1168)., Moscov., 16 jWi 53- CIA/FDD U--8021 Uss sai Medtoine,, influenza viruit vaccine Ural P6.,~I~hopkv 0 iolog lots Investigate Problems of ~Ialoay.. by'Xa. Vzharwkiy, 2 pp. ~Wgj pery jftd Rabg:~, Vol XVII, No 150 19 ftb ~1~54.- Sci 'Tr Center RT-1371 CT8/DI&X tsiomos, by P. Wrodovoldy, xvi Rabot It go 31s 894 Tr Center RT-1568. era/bxx (FDD In s 'itbe Scieutific Truthp by V. Troitskiyo M. "vokiy-,, 7 PP- ~10 somivk up., Mod Robats, Mbscov; 22 Feb 19559 p 3#. CIA/FDD/U-7262 USSA Sci MadiCitk 'CTS 55 a~Zoo Pailonkiyj, N. 01suf lyeiv,, Ve Ananlin Repcet, by~ the WSR Deleesition on an Epideniological doix~6i6n6ll OBld in Czachoslovelda ("Investigatiorm of Dls,~~6s Which Have Natural Reservoirst A Conference at irAisi6ntf) ?8 Fab MadMinskly Rabotnik, Vol 18$ No 20,, I-Nw 55.p p 4~ jcobvim Io6. p coi~6 ,,on of Radioactive Substances in Medicine in the USSR Rabotnik# Vol lfij, No 20, 1 mDrch 1955m 1.6 A Mir WR 777, ft of tho AcadeW of Aedical Scitmass US':Rp Moscow# np, c/ 1-717[' T- 9~2 Aar USSR Sid ~d4~'o vis AcadsmW of Nedical >Ciuncess, USS rel q Jug ;PF wpm of 'Us of bdical cionces USSR& DPO at 9t& was by To god up# molt, ---------- ------ A - aak~' The 0 1 Soviet I*dical Encyclopedia,, 1-2 dy Rabotnik., Vol 18,9 No 34, p 3, colwmw eceirt ~~rt WOrk cm TramplantAtiOU of Or~WW,, N. RUM RIBSTAN: Iftd 4,0 Vol Vniv No 40j, 3 4,r, Sol Tr outer RTO 3M Sol mkkuciiw 4L ism I*/CTs!;fv* 77 MSR Woft m tM Probim or shoek (The Problen of Shook ini Path~ op)Wsiology and at the Clinic),, Meditsb~,kiy!ftmbotnik, Vol 18, No 42,, 20 Mgr 550, p 2 V, 0~4khovi6h Thsli~&Ie~ of Protein", dait. A~~pbdkf Vol Us no 55,, ppma p ~co 1-6 5 JuIv 1955 k JL, X1110 duft",~ Go Do Boysogolawas A ;V:E~S~ Ttepblrt on the Treatment of Two CaPen of Radtation! Sickness (Paper pro-tented at the Geneva confej~enoi on the Peaceful Utilization of Atomic Energy Medjt-i*~kjy Rabotaiks, Vol 113p No 67., p 3j. columns 4-0 0~'), 16 Augivt 1955 (t A, s ep S. Gadmovich., t4ft 4accimG AgainRt Polyrewoonal Neuroinfectic F ?edit ''in-fty Rabotrdk, Vol 189 No 81o Oct 55, olump! 1.6 20 ft 14101 26 9T r of WAMMIdl Babowk NO 86- NO 97MM, 29 IkW 5W,::"41 pp. k n0$ Kid Rabot No 88-U16., 28 Ly XOT IMP LZOW mm Sol "840im CTA/JW Sve 831 33 33Y of "HoUtolnekLy Rabotaik" 1 Jan-3 Mau I Jaa-3 ROM Be at medicine Hai ~6 orxftm~ am 959 31(o Tra, . 112 t u d yViruses D-4,01AY"t Bluslikkovicho i HUBBIAP, a~mlvk np, in Cze-chwlovskial by *d*t Rabot, Moccow) 13 thin 1956, CIA/.FDD S= 117() Sci Med k I ne SIR 1'747