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ji AJWYOU Of the 14 Ble!', pp ionio'bak m" VOL L4 fv l R top 2660745 ................. .. .......... Jj. mb* l wAc A m ~h r Mr , o o, 0,~ B F oloyao y Vol E~ 3 & PP . 266,746 ~Cal 2 N 2"8748 and of mrAm 16 pp. pt 2660749 Tower it and,.Masts, by N. 1". Mellnikov, 3 pp. RUSSIANO 1) i1; 01aterialy-pu Iletal lichesk in CIA/FDD-X-5529 Sci Jan 6.15 MzteriW'o oj.' I'Scicntific Confercn(:es. I T/C, TISSR Soc Mar J)! li~~,Iutcri ally ~auchnykb Konfo--ciltsii, 7.1 - 1!"' I 1 1 6 IfteSomm of Almsh BunViness ti a Did lUchixOm Cdft*ns by - V.!z tv'sdrof ii U. Z. Yanoljygjmovav 10 pp. -, "I pp WIL - "I~rp A#V 65 :1 i 280,408 ~j 61-31213 THE 00 I SCIRN71FIC NFE &NCH ON INFEGnOUS I PL-480 AgT (61-31213) AN INVASIVE 11 i VS F F RM ANIMALS 11: National Science Foundation. 13) 5-7 MAR PRO~ =HDINGS, tr. by Washington, D. C. 1962, Cip. PL -480 Agr. Or l er from OTS, .75 61-31213 4 l ii h f 3 l 1 T as. of mono., ateria -1 Nauc no erenta Kon PD imalonnym! I kdvazi ym ZAbolevanlyam Sel'sko- lstvennykh ' hlvotny z Mosoow, 1957 199P. I. DE OF RIPTORS: :~V terina - ~ el a d-A r f f L I y medicine, *Sheep, 011 Counter- ucelloals la t z ect n o n n a tul i ures, Diag6of lit, Se~i r , , itlvkty, Cattle, Therapy. 0c t We, ImmuniiAl Ion, Tj p liold, Prepancy, Pneumo- Ma C f , to, Anthit 9, 91LO D l 6 gy, Mammary glands, a iol Ult t b Ii T f Iti = mation, rcu os ir Ion, MeatJ .47ood,:Sk v e r ercu u n, . orage. Decomposition, Fls h6s. *Protoziiwa~ Dissea 6 i. flichinococcus, Worms. (AIT culture- -Aki rho] Htis Widry, 77, v. 8, no. 6) (over) Scii tifi 41,~Drllii $;: Rh',-Blth. 2 lasis for Cortain .1ii1vicultural ~ blie Northorn Part of the Volo~,~da pp, ,,latvr4alzi--h, Ilaudwortu ()bosnovuii LosoMimillstvemivil t7mirivatii v as j!) ow. (Ts'll 'r1' ~tjS-50122 Agri .YWIL JLVIDJL UDUA* umust &A&, 0 1962, i31 M 9223165 - 2651,143 (VNI e ~ coves- . ct ~ATHRIAL O.F',.UNI' COTTON PROCUCTI, 1'5-21 OCT 571 10*c Order from $7.: ans. of mond. Mai ssii po Khlbpkovod ente. 15-2f O~ 57. RIPTX)~S: $c1cr ~~Cculture.i~ 01, -oils. qa see, Herbl.cl es, Pro%th, Tracu to, Mental lenary sees Ic"Ii; intr i I ectional meetings increase oi rt~fl p" (Agriculture-Olant I D IENTIFIG SESSION OF ~. HELD IN TASHKENT, 11705p. PL-480Agr. 60-51060 Aaly, Ob"edlnennoi Nauchr4l ru Sostoya'alveleya v g. Tash- ~shkent. 1958. !ic research, *Cotton, 'Plants, -oductiou. *Peet control, Us- rigation systems, Economics. ~rjcultural machinery. tioo and appearance Avity and effects on cottOn 4) (C vation. Tr, v. t. 60-51060 1. Pl--48f.Agr (60-51060) U. National scit:nce Founda - tion, Washington. D. C. om.. *I 7~64tftl serAc.s Used In timt Coal Udwtry rU9qMe- sly I (Owr'a'dqy~~I No IL"To US OM/X-L-1233 "Ti 63-11132 ,ER 'ME R LARMES IN 111E DIST111- 1. *ntle: Lens River CH DEVELA) OF PERMAFROST 1. Mel'nlkx)v. P. 1. SAND "iwt KS IN WE LENA RIVER H. "ntlc- Mezhduvedometven- 4 (0 7A yakh Rasprostraneniya I lift ... tlya I Gomykh Pbrod V Buselve 111. 'Title: Materials ... ny). IV. PL-480 Int (63-11132) enlyo ("I", Mojjej~W, 19,56). 1963, l3p. PI .-490 Int. l V. National Science Found&- $0.56~ 63- 111 12 r from ~t lion, Washingtm D. C. a. at ed y po Cbe U Me otoved. La"mi A on r ryo og wow, lV50, 102. rll~ t. DistributioN -S,11s. R &I survey. Mot ons 4'riiwry ot the jakutsk ASSR re- d kW In fieo Bata concerning the nature of if ieimils' V. I , no. 8) (over) afts 01 ltcb*W Serfic" I l t &1- 11133 Vel'mini PROBI'lEms 6rrpm~cn'ION RETWHO SUBSURFACH 1. Vcl'minn, N. A. CATERS A14D PERMA ,ORM ROCKS IN WE ARFA ~" I * IL M-4801nt(6,1-11133) , F 714E AL D CRY TALLINF. MAssir (voprosy [it. Mitional Science ~ImLmodeisM~ti Po"inzykb Vod I Mnagoletnemer-Ayieh Foundition, tbrod v Pre&Aikh A14ahkogo Kristallicheakogo %~ashlngtun, 1). C. Massiva). f9614, 5p.' I refs. PL-4W Im brder from!M $0, 6.1-1 t 1.11 Trans. of niov,6. ' 59, ~118-141. hlyu lmosc,641 DMRIPrORq-7 Verdiafrost, *Rock (Cocology). Water, :Oceology. fllOrolog~l (Earth Sci6c,6--Fxi Mi. IT. v. 10. no. Jj Dffkt Of lKbWt3l IWVkn ATA ON 11H, PRI~ ROZEN ZON S IN' '~ 1'. 0. 6 OL. 2. x r.; )j 462. 75p. 00 ~~Is. rder from NRCC rans. of reezing, cat tolur. PLES OF Inil-1- STUDY OF 1E EARTivs CRUST. 1955, ov. NI. flouson. AndV. TopcIly. Technical Trans. 1006. 0 NRc(- (: irdria)v l. Onnovarn Uchenlya o Merzlykh 1955, v. 2. 74p. ~S:j liarth, I'*11ormalrost, *Icv, *Soils. t' 6ititure. S Hydrology, Melting, E)ePth ~Jlljing. ~'J 6,velopi'm-m of massive fossil ice, b,. popo~~ 1. the dt-VOopmr, -at of t rece~sslon,oil,'thx: pw arth Sclea cql-'-Fru!~ mukarst ai*ays Indicative .:)f frost table. by S, P. 'TT. v. B. no. 11) (OvL:r) 62-17244 1. NRCC TI'- I CK16 11. NRCC C- i9-% Ill. VationnI Re-rvarch Council of Canada Melster.,J.~ A. cy. DATA ON11 1E PRUtIPLES FROZEN WMES IN VOL. 3 0. 361kov, 1%3 169p,iel it NRC DBR - 109. ', * Order frog' ~Icc Trans. of t rialy OF TH13 STUDY OF THE EARTH'S CRUST, 1956, Howson and V. Topchy. tra. Technical Trans. 1088; $ 'w NRCC-C-4,543 k Osnovam Ucbeniya o Merzl),kh 22W. T ""'I DESCRIP S: Opt Lithosp tb' ~Sollc he Geomc he M" I '~ r:,.' Voc Engincerin Itoll Stres Rea. lc ;it frost, *Sol] mechanics. -ezing. Plants (Botany). Wedges, ary, Compressive properties, belting. Foundation (Structixefi), Fquetione, Calorimetry, TT-64-1204 1. Meister. L. A. 11. NRCC-TT-1088 Ill. NRCC-C-45A3 IV. NRCC-DBR-109 V. National Research Council of Canada (FArth.Sci~n es-Pr6st, 17. v. 11, no. 5) (Dve-r) 99k# W IftbkAl Wvim R-7197-D 27 J%ine 66 rl~,O ViO Dom Construction in Permafrost S. TOW, ova Fm uchaiiia o *wzlykh zonakh WitAWil z v 6: 87-=.. ig&) 26 pp) e=c~ *arj Ajdaw*j estil for vda: snzlga~ an&il"e 1 camm ready copy. one copy may I I I cu4, ~irefti% 1 cow to JM- n nee. 71 na r,)%xo r,j In cy.! TIO nastf!-t?n Beker-W di sova, NEW ~OSSIIL HOM ornitted) IdIrdf6. Order frorn &S or i Trans. of 6sr y P 1959, no. 11 li57- DFSCRIPTOR.~'- -Pa Earth Sclmc~.$-- EHA. I. 1196111141p. (7 figs $1.60 61-28173 ntologli. Material%. fl!S~ 1) Geology, *Insects. TT. v. 7. no. 8) fl -28173 1. Title- Hornoptera 1. Beker-Mlgdlsuva. E. E. 11. TrantilationiB. New York Offic-I gen~qys-. itle: uthom 50urcet languagei Spacial U.:'S.ArmW Cold Regions Res.O& rhgowe I 1114kotorye opyty po isuicheniiu na prochnost' glinistykh gmntoy (E~perimsnta an the effects of freezing and subsequent thawing oh clay strength). Sousherinapg.P, At ?Sytovich.N.A. 71INktarialy po Laboratmenym Issledovaniiam 14rzXvich (~Mntcv 3t28G-288,1957. NOvian irliuctiona s Please trimelate 1 copy 62 24-RX) NIAITAL (!T~ FAUV1,N'X.,O(;Y AND STRATIGRA111Y. 1. 62 249W Or&r (it, o1 C.III I I i Trans. frOM 0101111. NIIJILL-rOly lit) Palmologn I StrattigrAh. $boI-IIfl4:St-1LVij MOSCM, MI. SInItif Icati-:111. M.-In !UtLII'V, 1. ftl p:01c.1 brollpl, 1-v V. V. SmIcr 111- N. 1). Icu, .,Aph%. 0 (~Itmevlt:ll by v. v. 1"i I th III Gkwk,.ty, 11 V. 9, It;). Mice of Itchmical Sentices i~lariA:s toS OF the 1151) of Lq(-, b,iircots oy p lit Parazity_ ryi) i~ztrcat uv. CIFISTI "TT L.~6=11~1047 sovie-.~ ies on State Secrets,, pp. VZWL HnsslAli. bkL Haterla1v k.2alWUAM9Lim pp A? 1255811 0~1 ~ixil 1 IReopmibility for Mlitary Crims l~. Cc"Att*61 by servicamm, It pp. ML 31 ^Avwvoj~ bk IM",ftly k Politicheakin Zanyatiyam,, AV L255a$7 Nail A*l 159 ~ro TIhi testIhS Of PiBton Rings Uinder Working conditio by E. A. Bukhod0l'skaYal 5 pp. *ter J-PaduavuM Koletzo WSW Olc Cbikoi90 953P pp 0~Muo. Sci Has Lib 'j5/2330 Engineering Snow'l Cover~, as ment, and its and Bxrds,~~by RUSSIM, p6r, SSSR. !Novaka 140 zly i ~ IV40; 4 pp I- 15Z. BOIZEAL INSTITUTE, LMVEI~SITYI,OF ALBERTA ECMCNTON, ALTA. Sci/.B 111m Jun 0 an Integral Factor of the Importance in the Ecology A. N. Formozov. 184 pp. Materialy k Poznaniyu Fa Seriya. Otdel Zooloizichesk Envioron- of Mammals i Flo Vol 5, 329P192 planti a Pavi*i am me, set Jan 60 of South Kas"stsap by N. V. Hatertay k Posmayu rautw I Flory ek W4%,p . X*sk, 0-vo Ispyt Prlro0y: no 3 (U)s 191q# UO-1454, 1765 W 0.: and D~W' Wr &0W or dal trans'~~ V mw 1, -0 .111 P. ~10 aid. t cc: Aiwpluva lir-calers: ht~lloph,ip cas: Aphanlrx!!-a. do, M. N. MAMMALS JOP) nM xCrED PART (PorazitotaunA idW Stepil tr. by P. A. Kan - WtteQ. [CSIRO Travis. J 5415, $2.60 61-27450 4) d No, *Mammals, Ouce, vectars, THOvAuctoidea. Fulliilv i 61-27450 I. Title: Daurlu Steppes 1. Diblah, V. B. U. nubinin. M. N. Ill. Title. MaterUly po ... W. CSM07)mns-3415 V. Commonweekh Sclevelflic and tndustirW Researeb Orpulzatiou (Australia) (Biologics I Sciences - -Zoology. TT. v. 10. no. 7) ~i fte: J~Vqoo'l Of T**wp6x 51 POO WO P*s (NY-4137) - State wA Future J=S-Plaup Developoent ation in the Lover Amu-darlys Area., am 55W u8sk Be Tromportation .18 O~t 6q Ig oil WorV.IrN; Ps6i '09 On the Hoesbauer IN Juu ;I-6j, :L95 pp. y_,. Ripbocb%p Smachaniya PO Coneatint's Btmreau o.t Neut3XU on SIDW ooote Pl.,CcaodiW .~L2 D04,omber 1963.)# 292 yp. rGiou 0 Omfosbabanua go RMUNS. bko, a rl r2l M'wu?A' - -19 o d 'Alz I, E1,3;- 7- L~ - T7- - - I kA ILII &&o BUmtrmioup by ftgYW*V., 4T2 PP- bltj,~ ~Umu~ly v V&dlmaektrwlW,,,, 31 4liA 6a mat6 Id in Radio Electronics$ by At Gd! 4iy. S I pp. RUSSI Hateria!x V Radicelektranike 00 1963 1- 932 FTb- 5-060~1~1 MT Aug ~61 I 306v235 J~c ;jj'tjj mo , bj b'k -9' L6 -D u M* R SOO Sep -tole ~a~ Axi In tb* Otruggle Agalwt Religious by G. pnpcm., n pp. -K) WO, tils Not0;4z-lDl'--z i 0,11-Isizin, 1053, :~;j JM-916-D P,01~5i40,j. Atlm-IGM rjmm ~ "a"= ap~wjtw %^ um - RSWIUL by Vt Do Rvachavo -- - ~ - - -. ~ i 111i Pi 14 2%j443 use iio 11~6~ powder by Fishing, Uader Ices, by ~,G 6"rS ~G* 0* fit KiSelev* RL6 r. Hatedaly !LbaM2Uaistvq=ykh u Wi ;ud~R' 1L Serive PO: j Foreign Fisheries iWt 1,6 7 3380239 Ll 'kUb* W TotAl hortaJALUes of Cod of the as. 46i Stock In 19WI99;3o bY V- P. pp 10.0 %U~6&u 4f For4p nsh"Ies sal-B Deo 6~ 3469801 a: lxwd Ath the Use of Fidroscoustic u Puroo4alnue f(w ibrrim on the Sm by A. A. ft&wevp pp 265-1W. 0 DO r rior omwmuvla Flaberita 67 326,9850 *'Int the not in emwis, tw L% Iper) a Rybe leow. :Itmrn. 'of morlor Aadjj~lmlfe serruv I e"lal naborive ii4kchll~ w 167 3*PM Sea Shore aW Resay ir Ivroatiotion Bection of the 6~eav6oapbjc Comission uDder the Prooldlam vf the ~ ~8. R A04ew of sciences 1952-1955 XX W&41- by A*, A. **senor, RUB$ mat*r" 80kWAL -pa, IT-VOwlyu M*,4w,4.Vodokbr=ILU)3chp 1957p pp can so Gal U47., V2. pp AN$ VI!'Aabi ity of lee Conditirms ill ";Orthwestern AIO anti by A. A. tabodev. q).t$ i4o-torialy Sosuii Vchcroz,.o -Sovet.'. )vaniy v 1962-19f~3g 141 to Tj 11 Eli s STU- ;,it 44 iiavy cc, opraph Tir 261 1: 6 5 Do lopment of Gonads bi Pink Salmon g Their Marine Perlf)d of Lifet by d,' 114. 0'r5ov. 0, F. Sak~n. 11 *S IM !per, Haterlax Sesm!z Uchene 0 INRU iD* Rend"tatom Issled v 4 Wildlife Service au f Comercial FisherLes 61 0 ro 67 1 Diittilib 'ion of the Young of Redfish in the Beir'l sl=d-spitsborpn A"a and in the i1 Pan of the Bansts Sea During Auiu6n-W ter Period 1964/1965. by To ~s i Be r. R. A, Cheremisina,, et al. RU~Si~M,* r. ~~ri!JX -SessiK Uchenog~ Ii I - tio P6~ r';O, pp U-35. * ~ 0 nterior Fishland,fildlife Service 8%11~aiu oi Cojoercial Fisherios F T. I and Ice ConcLiticus of the Barents by 1, 1. Borovoy'a. FiWi and lWildlife Ser*ice B u of Coumercial Fisheries 1 '~-6'70&0 7 T Sci-4!ar $ci Jx9l 7 Soveta 7 T lbej~ li6re 'it of Water Temperature in the B i S a for 1965-1970 0 by Y60 B. kovs a ST. materialx Sessi, Lkhenogo Sovet PI P44.0".., mu"Itstam ISSIM40VARVO No 60 19649 pp 00%47bo 11 *bei)ij,o.f ~,nterior Sor4ce Burda,u of~Pmwreisl Pisheries; ~7 7- - Jun 61, 1 The, 41ain~ ults of Scientific Investigation of Rolt pr by A, P. Aloksoyev, R to a Soj;siy Uchenoso Sovet . .11'a L PIN tat ro'Vaniv V 19fiAv- No fio R6 u Fish lied Wii0life service Bures~j of (;~uwrcial FishoTies : ! I 1i T- 0 May: 617 T actiidty in L94 ~RaCaMaigfi,'%Ce ~411 Sawrin. b R"I ~per# ~W4 Interior Ot i Ii sa4~Wlldlife Service P,Itweau 6f commercial FisherLes 7T-- 17 - J 67 Abundance of the Young of Cod and Haddock in them s Seas by A. So Barimankovag R~~130 AN ~dr materisk Sessilf Ucheno o Soveta PIN 4~ DO,' k4u,911tatam Issledovimly-v-1-964g, No 6,, 19664W'; 7-32, *D6pt of aterior Fish and, ildife Service suioau of'~Comerciol Fisherie.-s I K,; 47 19 Tnr PS .2109-TOS T -1 9*T-xeqsyd Tvp-zwmo:) jo nuaing 03TUG'S 0JTTPTM Ptm q5TJ 20T.103ul jo 3doaf Ono-sL dd "fil A RMS1 am' 9 !!.3Lln2QV od 0HRId -VIDA6� 611 ATC599 ATUPIN21"i Otod OWISgM ON OA Aq **TuV oqg ;o tqsmm mp UT 'I IPa Put 10110A jo uoT'4vTn3.tTo jo Apn-zc~ i0a sopu J1. - RfflD=~JXIjJ ~= i i lasomm p =*=a $Am 1 mvisipu i IOMMU vw WU i "T"" AT"m p ;ft i~ I oemcmnio M 'tooft *9 CS a L~6,cO' t of the Fishing :Industzy in the ~6 Five Years 1965-19709 by 9 N' 'ollskiy.,, Pero, materialy Sessiy Udienogp ~l bo !Irb* PP LI-ZUO ~~Pt 9F nterior L#h and'WiMlife Service "au 1.6f cmwtciai Fisheries FR 6T The in; IK Fi-;4 BCF;, ve Distribution of the Zooplankton n Part of the Dwris Straits, by matorialy sessiy U t lulut-ats-A FS-972 p I INN20 IIAbIrioc d Aidlife Service X1144 of Foreign Fisheries 3320950 , 11 ion of Stocks of Xtlwtic-Scandian the Degiming of 196S and Fishazy t~~ ~im 1966*119701, by L, G., Yudanov, is~liwrs materialy Sass: Ucheu2Ao Sovet I saguliltatan 6, WiMPT, 0 anzenor ~Wildlife Service Burbau of Commrcial Fisheries 9- 5 ~,el 6 6" WSR E t467 0,'~I'nfl,~'~ncc of Occanograph:Lc Cmditions on t~6,Rout i of Migration of Nairvagian Herring, Soveta V 1964g, 140 b, Iiam& Wildlife Sanice bp au7f ~,` Comercial Fisheries 57 7 T- 59,!~ 6 0 -BAM 67 I I U114 ft Currents in the Norwegian and Sur~ fL Gre" and �e"S by 1. P. Belyayeva. Rtl~IIAN 1: 14ateria!z Soveta , 0 Se3SiY Uchenogo PINK01 ~ o 6z,ulltatam Issledovan& v 1964g$ No 60 p 711 *Deot of,416terior Fish and Wildlife Service uur~a6 of~~oumercial Fisheries Sci-Sar Soi Ocean i1 1 May: 6,7 ~p , I T he P tri6u 'on ~4 114. RMIIM,o PiNKPO 7966vl pp ractical. Use of Statistical Dis- of P t Some OceanogiWhic Characteristics, rovo Irv ldate#aly_ Sess*y Uchenogo Soveta. v Fish a", I! i'ldlife Service Bur~a6 of bDmercial Fisheries i~I Ii , C ;,r7 ~5 .5'ci 616 0 7 sci4r.-,ar S~i 4 Ocean May: THE DEErVI OF iNTERNATIONAL CONTAM IN THE 'D OF BOGRAPHY AND PREPARATIONS FOR I UNAL GEOGRAPMCAL OONGRJESS (NO. -0) Wr NATIONAL commrNEE- OP SOVIET a ~m 64. i4p 109 tasoviat C6Dg"pb5-. Review and T 6. p. 71-83 Tam on aom ~ftterWv k IV S"emd Geograficim- kogo I ~ ; s ii~~ oi the Compmcal Society ik~. 4)) Lan*md, 1964. 1--, no. 7) TT-64-1254--6(P. 72-95) 1. 'ntle: Congresa ... 11. Americu Ceogra*cal society. New Ymt fwn I.c .7 71*7 Crill NO Gcl: MUM un Cont irol System for tile 2.6 1,.L-ter Tele- s cap ie, by N. S. Zhurkin, V. 14. KOnshin, 4 p RUSSIM, per, MateTialy Soveshchaniya, Astronomichcskli-y Sovet. Komissiya Pribo- rost!royeniya Novaya Tekinika v Astronoudi, 1961.1, pp 13-16. *FTD-17-66-38 SC1.11-lec Olarl!16-6 lCert4'din Principals of Construction of iDiscreet Systems of Control for Azimuthal ;Astronomical Instruments, by S. V. Korotkov, V. A'4 1~~,asnikov, et al. 20 1). RUSSIAN, per, Haterialy Soveshchaniya Astibliomicies'iy Sovet, JKOJA55i~,a Pribo- rosVroy niya Novaya TekluAka v Astronomil, 19611 pp 60-79. ~ PF *17rD,-TF-66-38 fScilit-lect I I'llhotographic Method for Studying the :Erratic Nature of Stellar Images, by iI. N' Rozhnival Yu. A. Sabinino 7 1). I RUSSIM, per, Materi aly Soveshchaniya, Astronomiclieskiy Sovet, l(oniissiya Pribo- rosttoyeniya Novaya 'Feklinika v Astronondi 19614 pp 91-97. ~FTD~JT-66-38 sci-l.llys l I il-lar 66 CailleTIA With OPtical Compexisator for bseiving Artificial Eart.11i Satellites, b et al 7 p. g Kh~. N. PotterV J, J, USStAN, per, Materialy Soveshchaniya, Astro~oudcheskiy Sovet. Komissiya PT'I'l o- tosttoyeniya. Novaya Tekhnika v Astronomii 196 1,! pp 111-117. *F7D-TT-66-38 1; ci -Phys Har 66 1111~0-,inia of the Cult va or for T! Rn, r P. Grooennikov, 6 p1). iPAS per, IfIAtcria!y sovea'.~ichan~-t! ty Moscov, 195u, Nc) .1, OTS 0 - P' 1371 vo-14 Nc '1 .2 62-17189 Comm LMCAL CAUMC MUMDO 1. TUlc. Cawdc method OCH FOR' MG CH-MUCA BAU)al 7D 1. NI, L. P. MUM' 2) n. AIS-03P59R 4 OfOr $7 AM-M9)t Ul. ABsoclated Tachnical servim, he. Tram.: ~M so FAA Or"ge, N. 1960) rok. 1938 (pjb. P. 147-IL 171: DWCRWMPS: 006M cmvmwA~. Oxidw, DWddn.-*Sfllc= empoweds. (CbftWati~o TL Y'l 10, no. 8) Onks W IKh*al serTkas numckl6al Field,'by RUSSIAXi., lwmissii j~4 To'0 bl.,'p thod of Forecasting the Upper PrcsGurc 11. ryellskaya, P. K. Dush)dn. lutecialy Bove slichaiiiya Koordinats. isl I*tod-am-Ti--oGac)za Leningrad, 25-35- pp. *FTD-=XTT-63-710 PaperlijPre Luminie~cen 26 J~ne~ RUSSIAN., b~~, Lyumin6'sts-6tsii 1959) `~W Sci 1~ Jun 62 .m - 7 nted at the Seventh Conference on (9y Crystal Phosphors) Held in Moscow) July 1958) 3 pp. Materialy VII Sove.3hchaniya po (Kristallofosfory), Moskva) I (Table of Contents)., ~ iyulya 1958 9. pP. 9676930 A r/NRL 803 ~6qry of the Sense of Thuchi by B. G. on "Tw 8 3PP- An6bl 3 W.ww LdLVMIL*lt Pdb Corp. Saw York but 403 I I ~1 11 1 SON161heoietica PrCblSM of Me Mop in Touch,, by L. X411 vek~wo 10 pp. R*I~x riot., 6_twl4y Saredn~~& _~~Ps~lkhol~ogl 3V awl lAveriW. Pub Oorp. Nev York OWd So (0-200T I RefAAX R,60afflitAor IV Ye. N. sakoloyp -hit PW n smthobanlys p0 sd I MA~ fAb ~To IW US L&"Wj*t m,mo. av YM* -7 7 or (loavem 60-VA8T on of XLectramrogm" to the Stu4y of y F. V. Basins S. S. Bolas 15 py. 451.0 LdLvwlgft Ptib Corp. Bev York M* ~62 CO Ift No BY 21 lAi:ot 4kaw"s 60-2aft 21,66tro$hWolosiml ImpestliAtIon of Opwb., by L Ai IT 41to emsbzhoulya vo Psikiwlop 14vad*rt Pub Owq. Nov York Sol 111~ CIA TO 9L ub or dpmvn owd .1b 60-3)"7 . i i I ii i 11 I 1~ i I i i . I I U3511 I i i L-CO14 i~ NOV o6 1 1 i P. Base or the FW&W Industry of 7orm god V":Lp ammasm III!T an ftount NWISOMW a .47, tolrr t lap valawsm ftoolar4a camels mumms JR ils""tv"UNWO stvgo Dept air tntft*lw go Bw, of AW)AMUM TedmIgal UbrWy 94' 3-f so j'D low "M#, PO bG7ek- apt ct latftlLoir Dw.. at Umb I Lea LAMY file mrs COLONWM T~'~ Inciidence of Pneumokoniosis in blincs i of th,~ DD~qetz Coal Fields With Different Gdological Characteristics,, by E. E. Zinger. MMIAN, rpt., Materialy 13 Plenuma Respublihanskoy Ic6misoli PO Boribe s Silikozcm-) j:�6i-)- PP IUL RTS 2271 (loan c opy) Jul of the Third Scientific Conference on Infectibus and Invasive Diseases of Fam Animals (5-7 146~ch 1''95 7) 2 63 PP - RUSSYM, rpt.'Materialy 3-i-Rauchnoy Konferentsii po Infelv.,si i InvagpnMj~~bqle~~ap4yain 'M1-1-sY6kh-oz3raistve~imvkh Zhivot rkh, 1,057, o,M-7~13 ms 61-31pi:5 PL-480 Sci Med oct 62 214, 341 PST lq=dM,. ,Flp~~j P9N[Yping, Uy A. 0. Isechenko.. 15 pp. :RLrj-SrJiJl vpt I Mat. eria),y K III E: ye zdu U-cograf J 1'1~ on -4ap -,)bzh.. J61-All~ i~A 1960) T I ion ftftviv~Ls aa~ the T03dcQIW of Saftoactive ~wt xt otxoauums offeimp mimam.. and A. A. lat4wats I. :B. MR it," -I-, ~ It Rubwi KV We ABC Tr-.3T9k Sol Jftd 9, A" J~J: oi"i (UND8 UtEb IN THE ElJMINATION OF RAD10- C AC-ii N E. S'06sfANCE~S I N THE: ORGAIM11 SM BY A. A. R ~ OVSMYA~' L3 PP. ulw TER I ALY: PO TOKS I KOL031 I IJ~l IIAN "W LQ02 V'P 160-1 (T SHCHESTV RAY,,] OAf 7#14- L0 JPRS 21-11 SC~1.1 I OL'~ AND MED SCI OCT, -7 AFFECT I ON'S WITH LV M-'~IPYRNOLIDONE I tq R. 4 RADIO~CTIVE ISOTOPES BY A. A. mB lsl~`Y,Aj: ~6 PP* ljs~l k ER I ALY RD TOKS I KOM-i I I 44T I ICHESTV; 17U2, PF 170-L73- jPRS 2L',Il ICT 311 the ToxicolorlY of I"sOltlblc certa,in Pioblems in o 17110Aalm-2$12 and Uranium-2303 Compounds, bY Ile Kurlyandskaya, 10 pp. ~or, Matorialy po -T-964, pl) 3-9, 11S. nykh'Vcshdhcst~, N'o 4, JITS 27!')65 Sci-lliolflj,~~lcd 1 1 Jall ()Z) 271,051 1 1 ~ i I I i; ; i 1 i .200 - % as poomt Famau 0 so ~ 1~1~1 , of % !,~ 13 PP i wolwas xadii*i:jo~-v t7 No- -0 S~ili4i/-64- Table of Contents. (NY-9442 RUPSI& 014, Materialy po 'Lbksikologii Ra(lioa1~1-tivnym) No 4) 1964) pp 118. *JPRS Sci - Biol & Med Sci ~ov 64 Heat liaalst4tm of Matelo Under Vwnm,, bY R.N. RUSSWO bk~ %terialy V&Wunaykb Xloktropech~-y,, .......... 1959.- PP 9-31 IC bICL 723/1 Bel ": blin/mIlt Jun 61 V czi~,~ the Problem of Cornaa Trrmr,.~Ii~.ntr-- T. 1. YeroshcvaXiy,'4 pp. IAT4 ?6qter!a!x-LvcEmu o Perccadl,,a r, ciA/FDD/u-646i 1.1 Modiciria,, cornea trans plr-ntaticn