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b RM;I&wp 00. scient] Umbrace of Hair., by A. U. Zubing I~a VaCLASSWICE) iis IR&SIS Jprm, Vol go IZ 9,0 19500 Oct Tr Center -Biology Ditid i~O!: ~" the Production C~tle in Usnufacturing ar (Itapid Production of Felt Boots) RuagiV, Lea Prom, No U, Movcov, .1950- MR . F.C060mic NOV 1951 m F llodwtion of CO-011VOC' x Weil" M., pu%.-c;uq Vulcanized itubbe-11- I p wro I. --C, by jk, D. :tl~iyonchkovskiyj et a. LW C'i L4-6 Promp Vol X:c) 110 91, ITI.-P Vp TME lAndingl Ubrary Unit M-71 Ap:~ Chn- t, i ,iit~l 101 a Of Rav Werial Rescmrmw for the r n i.nt1t, t Industrv, by B. A,. Zgtom. pe~ ; 110 10o 19,0519 27- 6e1 Ammis LO Ito 5212A6 b~j P 33. Owuni Wb So 52/2589 . i ~ 11 1 i~~ 1, i: ~ ~ : . ; tarki ~i* uu6tuv~x at 001%son Darins tia eatimini L. Zoid"o act *OR= Lib No 52/26o3 p collagoup Idde ers in th~! E% Scl. I'lusetn 52/2,553 A. 4% if 1, acn Omit- industry ni I~tbod at Utmetba Dark Tanning A.Vt; sit. 4t allow V. z0 zotovo VACUWIF M2. Vo 5# p 26.1 Bel Um Mb No 52/2736 25 &A,,d~, upro 16 ~he Utilisatiou of !Mnning Mterlalp by jl iss u1 ik ftEs, no 6,, 1952jp pp 17-18. I r7A.. Sci Amm Lib No 52/2590 36R ,.Onomici ~ingp mterialp UVro-mment USSR ic From ftlyptus IlWkj, o No TP IM.* im 20-Mii M lo .52m9], extract,, eurAil"Um bark FU ~U The i~ cti ~~of Vulcanizing and Accelemtiug As e,'r k. Blokbo S. A. Golubkovao 10 :Pi. i~,ASSIFM P. L Ve 14 1 Ax ~iier,, No VIT, 1952; ATIC-IF-TS-7956 scodosac ~1 T ~F tskU. 1S. *ad S. L ON! CW POWDERS BY DM ~ 11 1 6 v ~j S- ix;, SIA,, iw RIC $1. 10 Tr-66-16303 I S& ~ ~~ -- (USSR) 1952, rr, T. 14 =6 41) rr-64-16" 1. Voyutskil. & S. M Atimm & L 9"Wo of Tockukal ewvkw ot,tba pe pp" 1;~g Pirom No 1 6 7.- Moscow# SO G-:':!* -Sk 0-3770 ]USSR Be I~Mld Mar 55 CM IDSK ~ca~ 6n of the Conrltrwtion and 2volgat ling ~p IXa~hjw'e of the Salrtovekiy Plant U., Miss LUC ton Of'T!&vv4teS for Shoe Partsp by k s, mwe About staLadclrd a or ,ab it louse VW In FooWearp by i:b lit G* 9 ppp CID IL27%"6) MMLWIFIED Ii lue PJNUI No 1# 19541 m"COVI SIANO 4p G-2, amm G-4676 Mmicil Jun Ons B,, U E --alug th~ Firiol of Service o--" Shoc---, ~tllllc,-lln Now Retbod of Construc tinz libe aPs Zy~lup D. A. 1; Unayukt M. G. Gruver; ei's of the Pluality of the Techmolnf;iral OU SeWiM~S N. A. G=PmLylp It, N, Drcviloj, 10 #w per,, log Pr;%.* Ito 5,0 19154., Moscow,, 11 30-33 G-20 GEU$A G-4603 J" 55 CV, .414 -.11 0oving the Quelity 1!6 am P* thool.shoes, by M. 0. Lyubich; lng~Xethod:Of Putting Soles on Shoes,, A by;,Al '0 1.., Poll"bluero 1. A. P~rikhodcbenkoj, A* itezi Experience In Preparing Glove r Pipkins, by D. 7a., Rablzovicb,, UO FIgure mming Beale and cut j8des by A. 1. OgMeeoys 17 PPO Rw'tAw 66 Vorm, US ft=s No 6j mos pi 3'0*;'~ �6; 371 3 3CXO/V~ Q-;aj GMA GA63o i= 55 CTS rp ID .(127 Pickllig' Wire toNake Shoe Ne Concerning the NO les Attached to Shoes by Hot V. D Zakatova, T. S. Maksimova, 10 pp 7101, loy I- t6); ;UNCLASSIFIED teg Prom, No 7j Mosl:owj 19541 PP 34)35P G-4585 Slide Industry of M'OeiGii%it~i f~ I UOUOA!,; by X1~6 ISTAII,:::p r 14gi 10-1 8 the Equipr.:.nt in Tanning Extract MD2henninov Prom., Vol Up No 5~ 19557 UKSI! 2971 iOrgmic~ Pyea ,~or Foly%,iuyl Cblorlile,, by A. Fiaareuko, Hmmil perp TApya Pmrphlennost, Vol xv., 1955.. pp 254- I UIM 31 GB 57 No 507 Sol - cb~=~try Peb, 58 New I or Disiaection of Itaw Rides IrXected :1 1t-s~d-Mmth Disease With r6o by 1. 1. luchin, ff. I. mat RUM? Per, Le mosts Vol XV s No 5., *Y i4~50 pp IA 9 3124 1110, Tew'oratu a Vulcanization of Rubber Articlesp P.j Piaarenko, et al. b, BWSVJt~l per* Legksp Pzvms Ao 9j. 195t* pp 18-22. Coop Truips Bab== Tr 221 kt~ C":Ltry, BuSLnecring 6iolwl 36 m L K ~l OF ~ ARTICLU P&twc)e kid6 bde". [1962] [61p. (forelp r kamb~ or ~s f1. 10 62-143W a. OV~Pxi*nyshlennost' RMR) Iv. T" P. m P. crials-cel" 10, no. 6) 62-14899 1. Ma=yakw, K K Me of Teckskid Serwims uy RJ1 NO 8,!~ !TZDDL Jul 6)7 the Process of M,:t.r,,-ctirgr T=Ans, Ertoorazlienskaya. .J PC gkaya Proinyshle.nnost, Vol 16, 956~ 1 22-424. 334, L 8 5 Basic t;rlemdu~of Scientific-Resewch Work in the Fur ! aud,18hee'okin Industries.. by A. M. Rolionov., 5 pp, UNCIMSIFIED RUSSIA& per,,# Leg Prom, No 10.# 1956v pp 18-20. A-CII H-6359 Z- USSR HCOD frul 60 ae :tbe Hor4was of Gold and 6Uvar 0", hio, lupp by N. P Ikidot'yov, P, lboobeelavovp 11111i- NO 3j, 195T.- r43W SIA 6o-ITT88 Adi 62 KovilidC,11 .0, 111MIRIC.7f ION OF HIGI I-CIUALITY GOLD AILIBY GLASS Olo ocherdif, Vv-sokoka~:hvstvennogo Zolotogo 11 11)'. (foreign mv incILICIC(l) 0 r(k- r f ri i01 S ol'i SLA 5 1. 00 0 2- 1 6.10f) Trairs. v. 1 71, . I . miscikli;1,616: -611~IS~I. 'RUh), *Gold, AtUltive.,. 62-16-106 1. Kovium!nko. G. A. Office of I ethnical Services ~, ',(' 1 1', V. 8, 110. Vanftb-ProteaUng Pr"w of ft"*# BMUN*i'W UK pr". lb pp IB-gl- Acel MAVol A ID glmft fleclucAw( bo, Wfiter Permeability Russiau Leatber by V. N. Semenova, 5 pp. UNCLASSIVIED 'AN.v Vcr~, Leg Prom. pp 26,~ 27 no 9., 3,957,, AC131 H-6375 B ID 2144835 all: 60 ContactAethod of Determining the Water Permeability .6f Ruseia'n Le~ther Bootes, by N. L., Zakatovas T. S. ~aksimor"p 101~'pp. UMLASSIFM ..perp.i Leg Proms, No 9s, 1957s, PP 29-31. ACSI u-6375 0 ID 2144835 UBSR ECOD Jul 60 Cale 'ins, V. rue ism Cheki r60 Theml Prcpcrti-es of Footwce--) by No lop :L957, pp 14-17- ACSI R-6Zrg mxl, ulcanization of Rubber I.ad V thp- Intic-mal Preimurc., 1-i2tho-1, b'" =IM Dobrovol3lzaya. MICL RUSSXAli, par. Leg Prom, No 1-2., 1957: PP DC,')'.(R Lencling Lib,,cary Unit lll."j'( SZ1 Engirl Chem Apr 519 K lw~ K. chi^ IM: 10PITHE MATERML RSQtIIREh%INn FOR! HIIAMC TPRHAD AFMCLEM 21 Jan 63171p. I 1~ t. ioiW 07S 0,i MA $1. 10 63-IDWI : 11 1 11 ~ T". 4LeSMy*PrIDmysbleww'(LISSR) 1957 (w. 17100. 1 -.10;, Ucky, I pr~' ~'cs, Matbotmatical analysis. 63-10664 1. Kuleev, A. K. (Mkerl&lgL-TextjW. 7T, V. 9, DD. 11) I i 1. 1 gffkt at Tod*ol knim JDar*&Ing:~Un HUdwes of Gold and Silver fti~~ic &~tinp, by N. P P*Iot 'yov, 5 pp. XMIM, PWI, L*5 Pram, V01 XVII, 110 3, 1957, PP 434,44- SLA 601-17T88 Bel jim:6e -------------- ~se of Regula"d Heat Routine During StUdY of the ~armth-Pr6tecilng Qmlitles of Work Footwear,, by ruric krocbm*kov . ' LABSUW) MMIM,, 'pex.,~Iaa Prom, No 5., 19513.q pp 6-8. Am H-6371 A USSR ECOU jui 6o 17d Oll C(:)rltcn", pl) - ,It.hcr 0 by V, u C?A I I r r,] .519 wo Pro Aj~ -PP 13 ACSI Fl-u WSIR ju:L &3 //~j /~") / Entabhobing BaGIC DeGigns-of Special Clothing Wr 0 kera Heading Ompation, by L. A. MLASMM RMSIM, per, L%'From.,-No 5., 1958t pp 42j, 43- ACSI H-6311 B RoOD ~Ti 1. 63 i~ J 4 iclc onit'hoPse or the Ncv Types of Synthetic era e X':aitting Indulitry, by A. D. dvoditaleva, M. P. Dubrovskayaj B. Z. e 66 ~Pp asht! 7 '3 Lei NO 71 1958) L p6r, 1, 20--22. Acsi: yl6q3 60 rtuarallskad FwCullson f1m., lAtex coatlap In t0w, lhu~facture ckf OLUlathp by A. R. Zarinol=yap A!i. P. riamraww. U= 10.1pus per, jmi=a-.voi vmo wo 2's Dmm LW MIS 1021 7av6ds 59 Uflvsw.i of mobtum In Footvw lktarla" an The ft 0141UMS, by Yo. A. NDIMIMD POM ~b 30 Mo pp 30 A051 "MR n NUA%k 6o I UJI.J tozhiAh Iiiielly slpdn Vlbiitifl)'~ ~(1%11 171p, Order iir~in 07S 4 SL 11 ys~ P" Trans. ~o[~Lr V. na! DBSCRIFMRS. OTexii The dWation Mw rai'64 color of the 00006 WrM MIS AM OF 'IONS (Kraebenlye Tribe- MeWyern Lq,tru"*MW (foreign teu tocluds4 i $I. to 61-1451.9 nlysWennow'I (USSR) 1951L vs. *Dyeing. 'MrsaceiaL of tl~ iYI" proem w" re&wW by 41, dye *o:ke facresod by 40 to 5011~ Mw Milolsis uzdfom 61-14519 1. Kadyarsby. L. S. 172 3 IstertMe-Terd1eq. TT. v. 6. am 1) ............... -F -IFT prepai v 4-on. 'of EaRasions With The Aid of, Ultrasound, i by B. A=4401nkO, M. Y&. LiVS11ita., 4 ppe HUSESWI; perk legka Pma.. No 10 :L9620 pp 22-23- CIA/FM XX-11M No Foreign 01acem SCI Oct USIB rna4 Use Only 0 e ~it V.Iduntry of the Uladroj b:. I. V. 311 MSSLI~i., b4t) Lej~--,F- PimDrolavist' UkrVin3r, 1960 MRS 11323 Lirflat Industrzr ivIn (-2, l4ght; A11041~ Ill U33 v bli Logkiy~ qlavyl. 1958), 50D pp. 6119 ;OTT ATIC YdIS-95 ShIlova, CHANCE IN THE I ALUM10hi THE INFLUI FRESHLY~,Il FOR MOAT Order from 1 Trans. i1 64 p. 123-132~ Awther t6n ph$33.30 ia! 0 A Ila 11 HAVICAL PROPERTIES OF ~IAGNESIUM ALLOYS UNDER DEFORAIA71ON IN THE STATE AND OF HIKATING AT WOOC. 119621. FRI Trans - 176 1 119591 Ltg~ if; av.414bla from LC or SLA mi$9.60, 197741 F -TS-9542. pt. I 119S91 j2331p. *M ium alloys' acoppcr alloys. oys, prqwties. *Deforma.- Z, llitaitifig. Temperature, *Alloys 63-12179 1. Title: Light alloys 1. ShHova. E. 1. 11. FRITrans-176 M. Fulmer Research Inst.. Ltd. (Gt. Brit.) Llurgy, tT, V. 0. no. Cffkt ol TiOnkal Strikes CHANGE IIN T14E MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ALLIMINUM- COPPER4AAGNt-SIUM ALLOYS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DEFOFkTIOWIN THE FRESHLY-HARDENED STATE AND OF HEATINd FOR'SHORT PERIODS AT 200o C-, BY E. 1. -SHILOVA. RUSSIAN.. BK; LEGKIE SPLAVY"AK NAUK., INST MET IMENI A. A. BA I KOVA ~K-0-11F 1111. . 11 ! s 1955, PP~ i23-432 'ioT 7o67 FULMER 176 SCI -~JIIN/Ivll 216,7o7 - I ~3 mkd Anoys. by MA PrQdwtlUn CC rowAry MOO& by the Chemical Harddhing PpWeosj, by L. Petrze'.1a, MSY,~.* I*tp LelyWoMaya 1wrerentalya chuese Boa &net soums S*i 0b= i-an CSO: 02181/72 W 2f,r March 1972 Sp C~i Medi 441 Kanto In the USSR. moscovi L4tArstvennyye Rasteni iSSSR,, 1958, PP 187- 189, 466-.,j Ad HOO Specia typo B DD not publish Orig,6.d Pi" one Lectul-613 !On Ci . I 1960" Sci - Mn-h Dee 61 i uto)Ae F -,.mctionG by V. A. Uspensk- LCY. Arcr Mata Soc Sol rip I/ 6 CP -T7- 6i-624~ I . I . i C-uu.r~~ ~~o 3*~~on the Theory of Weak Interactions, y L. Bil ~Okun y USSW? irpt.l."'. Lektsii po Teor*.Li Slabykh F I-Stvii 19 zaimo&. 60. 9, io~~S f or AEC 1 -62 Ol cture!l~p 4 6n the Theory of Weak Interactims, by I ;!I I B - Mun, i SSIAN~ !~rptp~A. Lektsii po TeorJA Slabykh t 61 .9tviJI, 1960. 0/ 4KTPRS for AEC ,Lw ~Oi 5 Olj,~ the Weak Interactions, by L. B. Okun, SIAN,;ilipt, Lektsii po Slabyin Vzaimodeistviyarn,, D. *,.JPRS for AEC 61 o I Lecturel 6 61n th Theory of Weak Interactions) by L. B.'Qk RUSSIAN~., i-pt,1!6. Lektsii po Teorli Slabykh i Vzaimo(le6 StVA; 19,01. ~oct 61 77 11,717, :7 F TRI-6241 1; Lecturl~i 7 n the Theory of We&IK Interactions) b.Y L. ll.%Okun,10~1 RUSSW Irpt ;7. Lektsii po Teoret Slabykh ~)l )11 Vzaimodeistvild' 1901 for AEC 74r - Sci Oct 61: T F-117 Tj- 1! RI-62-11~1 ecture; NO 6n the Theory of Wealt Interactions., by B., (Atin USSIAN,~rpt,!~8. Lektsii po Teorii Slabykh zaimodelstvili 1961 9,,7 ol ;?,/6 t 61 ,eJPRS for AEC -62 9 on. the Theory of Weak Interactions, L. B:10 Okunli SIM lrpt)liq. Lekt8ii po Teorli Slabykb I 1. 11 961. 4,nj~ imod6istviL 1 *~PRS for AEC r ::JAI, 1-7! r! ~62 -if :tureli NOJO on the Theory of Weak Interactions, L. Oku~ ;SIAN' jrpt~1~10~ LekstiS. po Teorii Slabykh i~;i tvii, 1961. ~~249/,?$/61 t 61 Is 4KJPRS for AEC TRI-62111:171 Lecture Igo 11jon the Theory of Weak Interactions, by L. ~.!Okunlp RUSSIAN,Irpt)lll. LektE;ii po Teorii Slabykh I I i 11 Vzaimoda:Lstv#, 19o1. C?C~O/ *&~~S for AEC Y 9ci Oct 61 TRI -624 Lectur4 by L. B . RUSSIAN.. Vzaimo4e lo 12lon the Theory of Weak Okui~';, rpt.,~~12. Lektsii po Teorii Ls tvil 1 19061. o5Fl ?~IL interactions, Slabykh 05rm, S for AX TRi-62.; Lecture ~O 13,~on the Theory of Weak Interactions, by L - B. O'kitlin, .-RUSSIM11 rPtil'-13- Lektsii po Teorii Slabykh Vzaimodeigtvll, 1961. 8zl ~ -*~PRS for AEC Sci oct 61 Lactt?"~*a oi,~ Yht,)gratlon or the Equations of Moticai I ,:,,)r 'a BeaTly 801;Ld Body Aroand u Fixed Poimt, 'by V. V. 49 pp. V, b lektali po iste5rJxpvauiju.Uravaajj zp~d Alya Tela Okolo M Repoailz Iva pp. TOObk oTs 6o-21163 PL Im 100 J- 6 PST NO m Lectures'on ihe Calculus of'Variations, by N - I - Ak'luez~r. RUSSIANj~mon Lektsiy po Variatisionnomu Ischisleniyul, Moscow ~ 248 ~pp. 1955 available from BlaisdeU Pablishing Co. I Lt Division of Random House Inc. during ~961. 15 jun 62 Sci ; 111! I i I i : I 11. Z40 W" ~ 04, ~i i~ BN ii J~ ; I QW136IMM BtAtletillop bV vwvo rAk4rie xvl~prqvll I WIT IPDD 1'31~ ~3 54, Diol!alid 40 surface PIWG, by N.V. Shclauchkinp 78 VAW ftUn" kjftbll'Uikl 14DSCUWp bmm 1952 '0 91. CU/M/U-5287 54 LENINIST PRINCIPLES FOR CAME TIMINING, BY P. D.146ROZ6V, 57 PP. RUSSI BKI LENINSKIYE PRINTSIPY PODBORA, EtYMUI v %0100 1 IM121 I r% Utm!fTJ 1, 19591: PP 1-56. JPRc 17552 USSR POL FEB 63 221,0.-0 (PDD 261011.) lxa*~ Afi~cj P"pbbt on Lesivist PrIwIpUs on 8 Appratusi 54 ppo. RMSIA I*t, Lenins d frints rql~o 1955P ciA,tm it 6o6 Pol T" vs, COMMON -oct i61 i ~l Trhc, Stren~;thening of Sccialist liusslkk) bii" Leninsl*,i~e P. jrjcip:~ Raboti, noG~L);'Ai-Jpavqtr,-, MOSCOW, 15,513) PP CUrl'CTIt Soviet 711 ir Worhevs 1).f, tile "Antuc, Russl'%,~ b~t-,,, Leninskiye Princi-py I rst., ~rl_ 11OL" Lcscow Full. 11-cess Seuvic-, ivc~ 7 0 C o. ns d Oulrvc~jft Digest Of the Sovi---'L -ss, Vol VII, 310 22', pp LENINIPT,.PRINCIPLES FOR CADRE TRAINING, BY P- D- MqIROZO~., 57 PP. RUSSIA~401BKx~ILENINSKIYE PRINTSIPY PODBORA, RASSTANOVK I , I i 'Vb~~ ftAN iYA 'KADROV mc)s~xmi 1959':"~! OP i-560- JPRS 1-1552 USSR POL FEB 63 221169o (DC-5577) YArkl Lenin on a Letter From 0. V. Rualo ~k Le4u,skLy Ob,oraik, Val =Ml 19~9;; IM 451:4547 iPP43 E091 Sol 7/r S.tW f I dIlusions of Solutions in Anorals u A6 A* MwWayuk. d ~M~ iby RU~S-11* io Lim"Im Nauch Isslod Goal imsC IUEO SWVAU, Val Lv Hurt pp 11=29. ti,ir (S70) 3000612 C lol,e of macrosynoptic processes 9u fawwC ordihg to the classif ication of G. Ya". iengeim) 1891-19062, 'by M. S. B-DlOti.3~s!kaya, L. Y. Ryzakov, RM'SIA3111 per) Leningrad Arkt. i Antarkt. n-i ins.. 19611. lul (144,13 32: 3., q 0- Sci - 1.1!eteor, Cli Apr 67 L I Diull.let~e~ IqRC/Ru of Sweet Clover, by S.E. Korovin. per, LeniLiZrad Botanichesjji Sad. i Glavnogo BotanicLieskogo Sada.. Vol -52112 3-3 0 CR-206/62 Leningx~ad: Encyclopedic Directory Selected It Item ~6 RUSSIU) bk~ Leningraa: Entsiklopedichesl:iy . t i Spravochnik, 1957, 9-8o4. :~~/DC-830D USSR Biog 11 Dec "2 Cl: Pil ~e6fiz Scl Ap~ ~of the USSR., PT. 5- Eastern Scherbakova., by E. Ya. per.. Leningrad. Glav. observ., 196-11 PP NO (366 14) IlAelteol" Cli ;,i C'j1 3~- 3, 17 Goner,41. heo $obolev Spam anf Their Appl ication , I, I tb N i ary Problems for Partial Differontial r L. N. Slobodeckiy, IZUSSI'' pefi L"4ngradq, Cost PIWI, Imtv ITIt A, I I Ucen. Vol uxulit 19588 p p An V Soci Vol LMX, ~cr 2 316s,788 Jail ~7 02219/70 1. e6OL.JL 29 Apr 70 f jiad: ';,Short Address and Info flambock, 1968 ~Pp 15-18. source. laningrad: Kratkaa AAdmsnc>-Spravochnaya Knica,, pp 15-18. t"Mftl of Pftt4.Bag tO 4"d"Siot bjr 116 A. Basdon. ft I -1- i 68 i i; 396*803 i i I i 1~ Vari~tfq i ip iojh MysiCal Pzq)arties of U,Lj 0 Soils Undergoing Peclmation I *afi by 14 A. Vel'skaya. N IV --49-0L *MTS 11F-61 Wo 014 siechanj(c~l Me~~ns -for Breaking Lip Frozen Soils (Mekharfic'heskll c Sposoby Razrusheniia Merzlykh arunto grat~aia Stenogramma Lektsii), by 1. 1. Gaitpex"in. AN RUSSI "ellijig;adskii Nauchnoteklinicheskoi Seriia St-roitellnaia Promyslilunnust" Propagwi 19610 331 ci ug *PL-480 , r li cknes eas g Device Using Radioactive ;llbr 6olntrolling the Thickness of Fibas Isotopes d it Sli'e,~s k.,'terials in Their Manufacture by a n iu tnov~kiy. Ya. o, SIAN '~! pagan bory ar,tlLcningrad5kiy don, ~ bAe'n Pered 0 ! ovym Opytom. Seriya: ~.,lem:,nty Avtomatiki, No 1, 1964, 22 op. *SFCSI FY-1965 65 11 1 'A IN att P, !1W mi iui i 14, iL Wkh* W al Prablon In the libeory of 13 ppe 1 0 tel a r9 0. 7-2750 267 scl:.!~~Y.s ft~ 60 320x472 Lor to Takiiqg ji~lieu 4a Ws6miautics Pr, Int '~Uutur Space,, by N. ZAironova, I Ail 'Op lonin rad PruvdE. 18 Aqust,, IPA P100140466 123 151~4~ Tech 317,65S aww vaiv Lopop Tnas Ckb, U Jun IN40 p Jun W L,4L t,'>4 Pzt. ~10 1 ~Lmfilx*rad Plants Are StUl Operating at 1 1 Coit~deiaila Losses, 6 ppe I^ ~pq Jen~w*dstMLaj?rgvdav 16 Doc 9. ~ p .1p 29i. USO .corl 5 2769772 77- (DC-61-ID7) I lbbstry and Its Fmierves, by Ta. A. i !Yoo V, Musloy, 12k pp* I YO* R~i lm 19). an OT96 USSR ytochnic Iseningrul Pol. wititates, by V. 48. Spairnov,, 21 par,, Wningrad Politekli Inst 291,942 Was lof Antema Radstiat Pattenis w i t b I tInlio Hof a I'lolicaptars by N. b.i~ 6 ,~W,. a. 11 pp. RUSS~Z P, . Ing"d Skulovowaoouiy * M, Lea PP 7V-679 sti-N*1 S4 Jun 0 327s315 (NY-L-956). the IIW CC tooloondl by T. T. SUN* iet*p MIN"itsto 1957P ")also T.'.7 F'ormalaRs of forof a !by Lev Boxisadch %*bia. Set 30202206 kodOl of an li-lectronic.. Key- operatle'd 00muters A. M. Shatvaarl~ K~ 6"hi-xicovs 10 pp. ! j 4AISSlAjlq, !~~orv Kafedra slitel Mate6vitikii v :1 i ycj~kk"l Pror,14rbffA;L"OVhlYll7fl"j NO I.* AWes - - PP 1-100i FTT~-i~ !-67'36 p/Sleotri ErWr 3614,177 Sap bucirn to N)cQtl;jliz0 A. Ygdadmich, 45 or thiv k-.aicura Olis hU7 t x7535~5 'y 'Fol 2 363. pli 95-131* 0,09 Illiul i~j ~i~cl 'Sci Dovi foP tho Calculation zmncl 1.1o,01ol- ing, 0.4' lea'rons (Iforv.o Colls) I b7 Grnmovs"!-ayn RUS.O. IAMinErvd. "ji-liverail-ot. slitol I n :1 ut LOY 1.11"ltom I. a I tr. Vyaldslitell nyy "son, T 61 -9c1. '-'a. /14, o-.Mb d sop, Rvdroq~wb,D~s C,H2n-4 Containing a Double v Bonii~jacd'lnlt "to a Triple Bond,p by, I. Z" ova., 25 PP - rj Lenin U Uchen Zapiski, Vol XI.. No 2 3 yp 162-195- CFSTI! TT- -1 sci;~ Cheifi jul;(~ 305:824 at'ev Si V a d t 7T,63-19243 oka s V V n . p HE RATE OF SCALI l . . . y POO 7101N ON MrrALS I , Ipat'ey' V. V. RD A N nt o EMS OF SCALE poR. U. Sibirskaya. V. V. AMON 0 111 N At., WYS wrni c"Rowlium AT M. Title: On . . . IGH 'ailitz! Iii THE ATIAOSMERS OF IV. nde: stnicture . . . ATER (THE R RE AND -COMPOSr-' V. Title: K . . . [ON OF iE SCA PORMED) (Skoroet'Okalino- Y1. Title: Strukrura ' MeWl i zra"vani kh I Splavakh.- JK Kinetike V11 I MILL Trans-926 ! Splavakh Zhele= a Khromorn VM. Naval Research Lab.. .i vysoiA-. ... pera kh v Aunostm 11odyanop Washlngtm. D. C. Ira. U'ruialkni ) Sostll ~ obraxuyushchai .01MRaYD tr. , A. Plngell 4 063 (261 01refs. NRL Traw. no. 9Z rder from SLA,'! c r ETC $2.60 6, irtial tram MWe of LAftftw-44 U.. Lthtsye 1p1&k1,(US%) 1957, 2J7. p. ~-47. RS: *Stcelii ESCRIM *Chromium alloys, Scale, Ocor- ictallurgy,,,(:6i~W6 , TT. -. 11, no. U (over) 01fice 00 TecMfcal Str0ces