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V% 0C 13 C C llllj~l 196o, pp 61 Ce-,I,rajjb,-yn, IN IM and others. I INTRQL 1. OF TM. COURSE OF LITOMATIC (P'l I . Alk-Nd reriw;- -PrtwJu-,iion 14-OH01 YSO; IN ALKYO 1'19611(911,. (5 fign 2. AlcalIC118--ch,:1111WI In~ittej) 9 refli, reactions .Z~dcr Irani LC or SLI ilIM-80, P1151.80 61 - 1055 8 J. Vegetall)e oils-Clictnical ~ ~ z;ns- Of I. Frlin~nenlve ~,T 4. Polymer solullons- no. Conductivity Gol'dberg, K - NI Al regular fluctv~l,,ioll of the elearic conductivity of the 11. G,-Tf,1ndb,!%n, N. M r acing masi~ 11) The -;,rocess of alcohul)-Ris of vs!getnble i- Is by Nlyaie,: nlic fleoiwls is emabllhed. A inezhod of o ' crl,nti-~Hin- tile OcohoNsiq proct-st; and of determining ' ~ If I mo-nell, V C lie h~ atinin-nent of cquIllbrium by t.ie fluc- (6-itif-m ol m, - k-mstanc e is develc vd aram is An a , . 1i pp I is automritic Control ind record- doscrlbt~d fur mminaot ' i~ng of the f1UCt% I 1jHO-1 Oi'the TnAMAnce In clit: alcollolyrW ,1,rvce&s. TI-e i,me of th e new method of t .,rol of thc IJ,roz-es~ of !jC0,twh-v1, jor v,~getable vils by polyatoillic Alcobols it po--t I jibb~ (1) to Jeterinine the optirnuin f ! f l T inument of faoj~ping proce."; (2) to shurten the time fic. o T., 1,. S-1c.. o ~HngInecrin";- -Chorni, ~al. IT, v. 5, no. 10) (over) -4 '53) Scienti fic-Tat"'Imical Con.f'crence in Yaroslavl o!,. the Paint ajnd Lacl4ucr Industry, by V. 14. Izyumov, 2 pp. RUSSIAI~, per akokrasochnyyc Materialy, Pri 4 6- 19b0, p JPRS 60 "3 i ihdi ci SC I m S Oct 6c;, Jl:. an~ A DANS LESAEVI~Tli Plgmentav~ w! 1"moki tov TsellyblcrLy v Lti (Effect of Pighients c Nitrocelliflode In La text Included) Srers. Order froinOTS, R' i ~ Trans. I Ikb (L) S DESCRIP'l *Photocbei Materials- Ic sovin, Z.A. N T "11UR LA DRSTRuarm INI VT tS~ N TES DE CELLULOSE At-NTS DE PEINTURFIS (VlIyanIe li~lcheskuyu Dertruktslyu Nitrn - Wki-asochrtykh Pokrytlyakh) i Photochemical Dentruction of quer Coating). 13)). (foreign CNRS-VI 569. 'C or CN'RS $1. 60 TT-62-28702 p.36-38. L .()cellulose. Decomposition, ,,;ments, C(atings, Varnis:,es. he,; TT, v. 11, no. 9) TT-62-28702 1. Plyplimi. A.I. ii. I(mcVn, Z.A. Ill. C, .-V 1 561) W. Centre Natiorol de In Recher- che ScientificILIC, Paris 016- 1 1.0-.0 S....... 11 LIvA FS C -, R R. I clellultise and I ,ropert ies).I ~N'RS-Vl 56,. d (i?rdcr from 01 Acrylic rL.;;! ion Ius' II.M. and Berlin, A.A. 8.~ A lkhSli DE NITROCELL1.1- ~ A FORMi-It Ims va.kls ~pllnicrm iZ Osn(Ne Nitro- 6 lkh Plenkoobrazuyushchikh Iraft Cop-Aymers of Nitro- On of their Vilm Forming n text includcd) 12refs. ETCjilor (MIS SI.60 TT-62-28700i ilv) I Niri'. I'M7 , Mcu'llimic-11 1'roliel-IR." Fil".. '17-02-28M) 1. Ra.-Ain, )'a.l-. 11, Livshit'.-Z' R.M. 111. Berlin. A.A. W. CNI(SAII -569 V. Centre N,itiona I dv h Rochur cht-Scivniffiqut" Rlrj~' S- - F'I till- Il'-s' ']Info V. 11, no. Particles and Drops in an by Yet V. Moiseyev, r1plo, Sci r)-- C' 62 I LakokrasocImyye Yaterialy i Ikh No 5) 1960~ PP 55-57- /FTD-TT..62-1830 Thix6~ropic Alkyd. Resins. Polyamdesl~hihich Structuralise by L", !;E.O~trownova, T. A. RUSSIAN, per, Lakokrasochnve Prinienenie~~ No 1, 1961, pp OTS TT~ 64-15900 1. Synthesis of the the Alkyd Resins, Amphitheatrova. 20 pp. Materialy i Ikh 23-29. 327,709 The C IMU and i (SP-1879) ontific Research awl Design the Lacquer and Pitat Industry ImentiLl Flantj by V. M. pI pail 2e* USSR. Ewa 166)528 S&P 61.1 J, Al: rlovskil,I[ a n d t. r s. :UNOL.OGY F ULr*AhIARM PRODUMON. 62, 1700 41~'o ,rfrorn hq$21.001, TTIS 4015 is. 0( 1 Ok asochq~e himerinly I Ikh Primnenle ' ' 25, ;R) 1961 lion, p' 20- , Pigmc~to, "Bleaching agents, Pro- CRIffORS- ion. ;ineerIn&--ChcmIca,I, 17. v. 9, no. 2) 62-34412 6 2 - 3 Vi~: 7 1. Title: UltraMaTine I. Gorlovaldl, I. A. It. TTIS-4015 111. Translation and Technical InfomtIon'ServiceB (Gt. Brit.) T-r 6 Office of Tacbmical Services SZOIAJJS UOIICLUJO)Ul 1031u43-1.1. Pu" t'Ollu("UVJ.L - Al 90ot-su-L '111 -V 'N 'UA.')LIOIUIIU)l * 11 "I v uIl'vwl 'ou g luoll:)npojj lolule'l, 9,7qt;l 4i VAs ;WOJAJIW~-ld aluauacul i"I I ki t 900+-SIJ-L d0 NOIJDn(]O*dd RILL N, MTIILI!.%S(M UILL UNV "JN-.1kios 'WI-11.')U Pula 'Y 'N 'VANDWO~4 :Iutj;)lev4) jo Vuuj.l IW-I) J-111.10 S-IIiSTNHVA ZIO :iwvouo MqN "'I --~ -iijintItri szo9z - 19 JProparatio'n ot Thixotropic Paints and the ID*torml~.&'iioni~of Their Physical w3d Mach- .11 aniculfzvpo~rtiesp by So 1, Ivanowo at al. C VAtOrialY Vol 1,1061 28-330 f GB/96 sci-ch~i July 43~ %P %A& a AIJUbol by Sptbetlo the PxoaWUon CC GyWt rumlUm 71 ' IL Do Doftpo at sit ]b 3# i9fts ISSAM2 /AP., 0 7,oP plyplitta, A. a nd ~1-1071'(X;HEMI(~ f% L 1: 'b .ING, 41TRA'rc ", I ' lie stablhtvl~ Of it"c I I Lt~ LOOOWDrds.!~ )rder frojn~,I, IS S9*1 rrans. of bikokraso LISSM 1961!~11-0~.. Wro. ;kADATION OF CELLULOSE Ik 3 on Effect of Stabillsers on Nitrate In Lacquers. 1961, T71S-4013 Materialy i wrORS- *Cat~ings, *Cellulose nitrates, rie- tion,:*VarnWi~s, Paints, Stability. :hlalcrials~ -Paints-, I-,I', v. 7, no. 6) 62-12332 1. Plyplina, A. 1. it. ntlL: Effect... Ill. T715-4013 IV. Translation and Technical Information Services (Gt. Brit. Office of Technical $~Icws Nikifor ow 1, N. arKJ Kovolenko, V, KI. N I! V:;lCi,Yulpl I,, IJANL COATINGS FOR METALS. 1. Nikiform. 1. N. 1911. 1 (A) wold 1, 11. Kovalenko, V. hl. Ordei blom Tf'~ $12. OD 17414011 Ill. 1-l'IS-4011 IV. Tranalation and Tt-chnical hl,l1L'd,'0y Nil Prl- information Services MC%~ajt;j(ij~Sll) 196 1. no.- 4, P. 13. 15. (Gt. Brit.) DESCHWI`01(s: i*hlelal cuetinget, Coatingot, Urethanefi. .metalm. opOyfirklirsi rr. v. t. no. 12) Office of Toth-itol $"Vice% B. 1200 WoMi Order 1' Trans. i)f (USSR) Of 12-00 qnye no. 4. P. DESCRIPT, ~outinga, Preparation (Materiarla-Finleic and others, 71-111 OPTIMUM PARAMSTIMS IiTING PROCESS. 1961, TTIS-4015 Materialy I Ikh Primcnenle TT, v, 7, no. 8) 62-12331 1. Shishmareva. L. B. 11. TTIS-4015 111. Translation aryJ Technical Infonnation ServiceB, Wt. Brit.) Office of T*chpical Services plivitr4. YU '4fkl Ott'*!-S. 10N OF 111E AGEING PRCCES; IN' r a. U A L KT n''4:) ~.,1tiyD-MFL-'0,UNE COATINan. Jun '-4. : f ~--- I i, NS Z 12 rans:ali:)n nrl ;_mOanc) "l ch. '17, S'. 12, no. Offic* .1 TlithnIM Sel.IE*S Edlinkii 17011= 'ANEOUS I ETRAVAL' )rder frorn .rans. of J. JSSR) 1961 and 17 T LE ls $1 ipska, N. WT1101) FOR THE SIMUI.- ATION OF DIVALINT AND 11114 11 FM LPAD. Aug 63. 60 TI*IS NS I 18 I lk.~i ~rirnenenlt .- --"-q raphicanalysis, *Lead, Lead .1. Corrosion Inhibition. Waterialso-Paints, '17, v. 10, no. 10) 63-22266 1. Edlinskii, 7. 11, Filipski, N. 111. TTIS NS- I 18 IV. Translation and Technical Inforniation Services (Gi. BrIL) Offim of Tecbskat Zerdm Ratnlka~p~ SyNTHE~SJS lop IfypROCARBON-PORMAMEHYDE 1 POLYMEkS IAND THEIR USE IN SURPACE COAT- INGS. Se062, 200D!words. Order fromTITIS $6.00 TTIS 40115 Trans. oi i~koicras"nye Materialy i Ikh Primenenic (USSR) 062; no. 17-20. 1 1 DESCRIPMRS: Pol~mers, *Plastic coatings, OFormalde4de, I lyldrocar bons, XvIenes. Naphthalenes, Naphtha, tatalysts'.1' Sulfuric acids. Waterials--Plastics, TT, v. 9. no. 2) 62-3400 1. Rarnikova, K. 1. 11. MS-4016 III. Translation and Technical Information Services Ot. Brit.) Cffkt td Teckakal Strvices Gube6slcll; A. THE RLEqrjOSTATXc CHAIRS., hbyjW. Z Orderl=07' $27 jo i I: Trans, of 1;:,'**r t,: 0".44-49. (IUJSMSR) 19 "~n DBISCRI R~z -Pains, PTQ tatl Mectroe Co. (Mitertals~-- ryanLkov. S. N. YING OF BEIMIVOOD 1. TTIS NS 70 OSprayn. OFundture, aintB, TIT. V. 10. no. 2) 63-17380 1. Title- Electrostatic spraying 1. Gubmaldl, V. A. 11. Serebryanikow, S. N. M. TM-NS-70 TV. Translation aDdTechnical Information Serview, (Gt. BdL) Olke of Teck*W Unkle Freldin, ki. THE EPPE'C' OF SUPPI.Y S6 I CES SPRAYM 11'0 PAII Order fr A IS $1 IR IIIGII-VOLTAGE CURRENIT C'ME ELECTROSTATIC 'S. May 6.1. 1 IM words. 00 TTIS NS 69 Trans, of 4&krmd& (USSR) 19,62, no. I" ~'' OElectric Pai Paints. (Materials- pocentird. Electric currenta. ri, *Sprays, Electrostatics, V. to, no, 2) 63-17379 1. Title: Electrostatic spraying 1. Freldin. M. M. 11. 77LS-NS-69 Ul. Translation and Technical Information Services, (CL BrIL) Offm d Tftbkd Seftes S. m5su~j'! 2., of lWrturas in Dipd4ailolpropawv by pp, j_.Pg;cqrkra"dwV Materialy i '-re-4 rrLux-menie.. -b U~-72- CIAIPM XX-14-22. No romifin Momm Sci Alol 4 Ned Sci SePt 63i USIB W*rnaX Um only ii. A. Al. and clillos. PREPAR N' ."'It N ( 11-1 ~i;RAFT COPOLYMERS BASED ON CELLUI Qlii FSTF~i-S AND ISOCYANATFS. 14 'Nlov 02 17.% Ordcr rroIll J11,11, T11S 40V1 (USS11) 1 962. no. 2. !p. 4-7. I 21(X) I., Tillu: Glaft C.)p'lhim Is 1. Slagonravova. A. A. 11 . TTIS-4010 III Trall~laliow, 'Ind TvChnical (Gt. prit. Office ol Technic3l Services ,311ic, 'IT. v. 9, no. 2) ANT SION PROTECTION OF M)BILE TANKS FOR PETROLEUM PRODUCTSj, BY M. V. L'(KOV., 1. D. INOid#SEV11"ET AL, 14 PPG RUSSIANp PLRI LAKOKRWASHOCHNYE. MATERIALY I lKH ERIM06fft.. 14 2., 1962.o PP 34--40. j. JPRS 1 T142 scl "fUELS MAR :63 223.,841 Okhrii TME U! IION 0 HARDE 13p. ~14 Order f Trans. (USSR) (Materfil kA L f III 'A RM G PR( i. EYI' OT,% and KoHD. V: L MT-3 APPARATUS FOR HVALtIA- ~ AND INVESI1GA,riy.N or Wt.: ESSES OF ORGANIC COATINGS. IS. W or M $1. 10 62-29004 4 noo G P. I 1kh i1rimentnie cwtinp, 011ardnos, date, Vacuum aMeratus. TT, -f. 10, no. 2~ 62-29004 1. Okhrlmenko, 1. S. 11. Kolin. V. L- 111. DT*C-15 IV. Danish Translations Centre. Roskilde ofte w Tacbm" Sgrvkn ~,-, -.-t -, ~ : -, - -~.- ... - ~ ;. I - - Bafbs~evl", T.; Itnup, Kh. V., arml Tondlova. N.!]D. J~ I ~ DETERMi TION , Ir MET14YLOL GROUPS AND POT(MALbMJYD9 tN MENOL-AND CRESOL- FORMALk') IJYDH RESINS, Oct 62, IODO words. Order fr~im 931.0.00 TTIS-40',!5 Trans. of L~kokratibchnye Muterialy It Ikh Mmeneniel (USSR) 11WZ*,'no.'2,1t 0. 52-54. DESCRW rd Hs: -nj thol- formaldehyde resins, Creosote', t~tlethyl Icals, Formaldehyde, Determl~ll on, R ins. 62-34400 1. Balbseva, S. T. 11. Smilga. Kh. V. III. Tomllove, N. D. IV. TTIS-402S V Translation and Technical Information Services (Gt. grit.) plastics. TT, v. 9. no. 2) Oft* al Todmical Unites ANUL'All FORnir PAINr INDUSTRY y 63, 2 ~ ~ %br Jer f ronli is 'ITIS NS 72 11 ! ms. of 1.111P kraSOC ~nye Materialy I lkh Primenente ;sR) ig6z,, no. 3. ! ~ SCRIPTORS: Orlgmbfits. Par0cles. *Paints, ustries. Plk'ln'ts, '1'r. v. 10. no. 7) 63-17382 1. MS-NS-72 11. TranBlation and Technicil Information Services, (Gt. BOL) Ofte Cd TKb*jg getTim Synthe~c Relltin Base Waterproof Coatings by P.1,11. Fadeyev] 1 1] 1 9 1. G, lZhigIM; et cad. RUSSIATI, per' Lakokrasoclmyyc Meerialy I Ikh PrimcilwAye,11111o 3, 19062) rP 50-51. Sci m/:'I imi 611. 1 7(X)6 6 3 .guuelevi, A. a fid others. ME LEAt'34ING 01 EPOXY COATINGS BY WINE IN 1. 9imeleva, V. A. STORAGE, cbNTAIr E115. 27 F eb 63, 1000 %kvrds, 11. TTIS-4027 9 refs, Ill. Translation find 'Jechni- Order fro~i '1711S k;00 T[IS-4027 cal Informallcm Services Wt. Brit. Trans. of iLLAD rasw1myc Materialy i M Priniencnl~.' (USSR) 192" DESCRIM'Ot -E ides, *Coatfnp, *Wines, Rorage, *Containers, (Chemlstr~-'Analytjrial, TT, v. 9. no. 10) Office of Technical Servicts melld* 'A o~ S. L 63-20489 ! ymenka. N. m. BeUY16 I- S., Lh*o. Sell I V,, &j%& K&mUAw, S. K. llao: Pcrocctlc acids PREPARA11O NOF] XY R-HSINS By DIRECT EPo)n- 1. onel-chenko, S. 1. Upo - DAMN OP. iP6-i CPU 3 BATED POLYMERS AND THEIIK U. Vidmim, N. G. ~ USH;AS - 01 MA'Ml"L- 11%31 10P (fto M. Bel$YB, 9. S. omkteO Wro me ! I : TV. Ltr&o. S. V. ' Order &co6 OTS ocr LA $ 1. 10 63-20499, V. Kovanko, S. K. S Tram i (Usslo~l no. O~ 15-19. DEMSC *Wco, Palynms. Rubber, Acetic is 'PlUdC (Mdtg~. 16 Hluddty' Facture t W" Y 6tNbHvbWoN)midatitjnorwgjj Md - Of PS& SM SMIX und SKq- 3CIA with pW kCod~: "I. oopanuW in the piom a cd ro- act6. Temp e visi k i3wo the qdmd omMdom for C TT' W. 1% no. 12) 63-17821 grinolal ~T. A. "d others. THE EF 400"NG RLITILE TUANIUM 1. Hrmolacya, T. A. xxom;[)E~ !VVITABILITY WITH UMBED 11. rr'LS-NS-103 OIL AND~ a . (igiss) 111. Translation and OnItir Ims $19.100 TTIS NS - 103 Technical Information Services (Gi. Brit.) [i lkhnImenentel (USSR)'l 2 no. p. 20-23. DBSCRIMIORS: rri~swumompwn&, simma&-a, OLI"ftd 0'1 tter`~ turu properties, PaInts. Wat (Materish Patnts, 10, no. 6) Onice at Tectokal Urvitu rr. Y. ! 63-17822 Yu~ ; Bobyren a~ and others. A RAPI THOpi !ME i"Oft THE DETERKUNATION OF 1. Bobyrenkyo, Yu. Ya. THE ralspa ION OMPOSITION Or THE TITANIUM 11. TMS-M-104 Translation and 111 119631 . . ' Order:fr~ 1 [ ro'-111lical S-~rvico- 2.00 TTIS NS - 104 (Ct. Brit.) Trans, ora Ll lkhPrlffv--neDlel bi~hnye Materisly (USSR) 1 -1 !I :7D0- %i . P. rc OT DESCRII Its: '11 a,mium compounds, 'Dioxides, -Pigmentme Distrit i tion, Paints. (Materials.-I-P Ints! TT, V. 10, no. 6) Offict of TedmicaJ Smices 63-17823 ~V. 7W IMET CIDETERNONATION OF THE 1. Malevyunyi, V. A. ALUM 'I id'ONT ' Xr IN THE TITANIUM 11. TTIS-NS-106 ri VIO)aDB ~.me '' [1963). M. Translation and Technical )rrBOipn1lC? 7$ Ordek TM $100 - rns Ns-m Services (Gt. Brit.) Tralls. of NIN'(! Miltelt 1 0 MPrirmnertiel' (MR) 119 no. pj 1r, 0 t-~ -'. CC: ~11 I . - , ~Ic DESCRIM runetricanalyals, OAluminum. OTitinlurk'Com 0' 0E)IMades, Pigments, Paints. (Materlal~--' Into, ~Vr, Y. 10. no. 6) Offite ol lecMics! Scrikes fit H TIMT AM DI PIGMEt Ordei f Trans. DESCM xfdes6 1 7M fliarocMync Ac- UDS:AND TITANIUM DIOXWE OF FILNG ()ONrADIM WESE- OD TM M 129 !!ye httjerW?~.Ioch primemMkI Vilms, Dwsdation, No- 4 02Jdm OZtw como= TT. v. 10. no, 12) 63-27M 1. PAMIMM, A. V. 11. 1 1 M-129 M. TransIaLion and Technical wbrmation Services P. Brit.) Wks of 7 Urric" I,,, V. G" rUDY OF THE 0 rrAMUMffi6ROXlhlJ RMC AQDj WIN~X, rder f rom 7' ~ 14.! IX, mns. 0"v *ximsoc6i TSSR) 1%3~ o. 1. otherr. MES OF SEED SOLS ANT) OFMINED BY ME SLIL- Mar 64 TM NIS 173~ P-lintlerialy i. llai Ptimenenie) I 7% Y. m 7r-64-12811 1. Comaz(A-8, V. C. n - 171~-NS- 17,9 M Timnslation and Technical Infomwtion Service,,, London (Enjlsm~) Office of Tochnieml S.,.Icos J Tr-64-12812 A. AudTnpnmlkw. A. A. MrFECT ALm. OORMEPS AS RWACE ACME 1. Cwpwv, M. A. AGENn 0 atvmm PRocEmm mir 64 n. Tnp=Uwv. A. A. order hv& Im 00 TM NIS 179 M. =-M-179 TV. Tronalsdon and Technical Tnma, cUi.Awmsidm 11 NWedaly I Dt Prlrn=wWc) Infmmotlon Services, LorOnn (Engliln-1) ftm c(L Tr-64-12813 b-vxmwc4 D. L., and 1. Eennolaeva, T. A. ATAsE TrrANtum DtoxmE U. AbrainGan. T). I.- E M MYSIGO-TECHMCAL M. Anufrim, N. S. IV. TM-M-180 TM M 180 V. '.-I*A:V-,I;A'~i0!,~ An-I 111fornation ~k-rvi~ u", ye.. Loodon (FnglAnd) A 11 IT to:v OF ~~I V6 MiPRd I , ~ir 64 r M, $9. cc I I l~ orrice of 74-chnical st-IC04 W*a, K. aix .CTING ATER i;RIFICATION FILTERS isr Cog OSION PY MEANS OF PAW. 119641 fix)m $L 0( TTIS NS t66 of Lahk 90A iye Matterialy I 1kh Primenente) a~ CL t7m~S- 'ate Purification, OWaterfiltera, )% r 391on thhl D P.gints, *Protective trestmeme. Id 77-64-12528 1. zhuchkovs, N. K. U. TM-NS-166 M. Translation and Techical ftformsdon Services. London Kutpninili( M-Lw OF, I I MEASUldNG Order froni 1 Trans. of& (USSIO Mr. devices (E~64! Aging (hUterfA Q%lllterials'--~l OF PAMT COATINGS BY 1 :C RESETANCE. Sep 63. MS NS US i lkh Premenenfel nce (Electrlcal~ Measuring electronK *Coatings, trzkillu, Irr, v. 1% no. 12) 63-27764 1. Kutyauln. Q L U TM M-12B M: Translation and TedWcal Idomiatim Services (OL Brit.) ofts of leebwCaj le"Ices ft"Ick T, al~ from Tr li : CC LAM *Plpb ;AWCMr ACnVnT OF FIG&MM DMRMM710N. Sap 63. X); TM M I SD li ~ 6im Chemical 17T, V. 10. 12) 63-22766 1. Quwdch, T. N. U. TM M-130 M. Tmnaladon and TodWcal bdorynatim Sexvices (Gt. Brit.) ! 1 il ~ ~ rdit", A. & OIL-FORMAL.DEMB ~L Avg GL TM M 113 I MOS[orialy I kh Primsommis) h Wo cotilwo A" 0 emp PRIM, Colledds, Pladints, Q&terwS.'-PMntx. IT. v. 10. rxL 10) h I 63-22265 1. Kordow, A. S. U. ZUVUtmkU, A. EL M. TMNS-113 IV. Tra"dw &W To"cal Mumadam services (GL BrIL) Office of Itchoka unim ii and BW-nya, M wetskil, Nil. A. 63-22264 III, POSSIBiLITIES d17-11SING BrrmuN IN Sow- 1. Bod nya, M. D. ]ON PORM ~~1611 MANUPACTURE OF BLACK 11. Osovmkii, M. A. ~ ARNISIIM~, jog 63. Ii 111. TrIS NS- 112 rder frorn $101 TTIS NS 112 IV. Tranglation and rin.s. of Liik(ikrascpi~ Inyo Matlerialy i Ikh Primenenid Technical Information Service (GL Brit.) JS,91() 1963; MRIIYTO~51. -Bituroinous coatings, vVarnishes, MUIJ0118. Aaterials-~.;Pi lints, '1,~r, v. 10,.no. 10) ofte 01 THinkal S"vW$ 63-17824 I.Abutin,'' 1,L. ~I ' kD A AN IIAP 0 CATOR FOR THE PREPARA- 1. Labutin, A. L. ,nON !Fi 0'' UNIFORM THICKNESS. (19631. u. rns-Ns-107 Or&r r :1 ' 0 70 TTIS NS - 107 Ill. Translation and rmn TTIS j Technical Infornmion Tra"fis. kokrd ye Materialy Ii Ithill-ilm-11C111~1 'cervices (Gt. Brit.) 0, ~ (USSR) 19 DESCRIPTO S: *Fdths, Preparation, Thickness, Paints. (Materials --Paints TT, v. 10, no. 6) 63-22268 rokin, R and CAars. Irl'. 1. AuS63. 1. Sorokin, N1. F. drde r f rom ITIS $' 30. 1, 'MS NS 121 11. ITIS NS- 121 Ill. Translation and 'ruchnical Information r I'l Services (Gi. Brit.) II- luirroks: Elxm)~ plastics, *Finisivos mid f ing, matel"Jah'; -F v. 10, no, 10) Ofte of Ttc)Wtai knitts Korolev' 4VWI'IGA'i' MIE Pot i , rder from 1'i r(Ins, ofjju and ~Ieq~ilcvich, M. M. 1c; TuWl iiii.wrORMING ABILITY OF , -P -'i(YLATES. Aug 63. 41 N [IL US $21 (XI rrIS NS 12n Mtqj!-;~rlal f Ikh Primenefflal )ESCRIPTORS: *Polyi1ster plastics, *Acrytic resins, Films, Pla'Oc coatA,gc;. (Xbwrjals:~-Jiti 17, V. 10, no. 10) 63-22267 1. Korolev, G. V. 11. Mogilevich, M. M. Ill. TrIS NS-120 IV. Translation anti Technical Information Services (Gt. Brit.) DMCS d Trjk*11 kffkn Gomm SYM" OF AM MIKS) TffA"O- or ~W-m Aug GL TM M 132 r,$= o orft j$-~Jg A -@Mel TrUL a[ IL L TM W-121 jr, Trumam" TGC%dCoa low d 7wMkcA Ur*n 4n , sisW,k Tbxvi%thalic Polyothers Old taifiiAg Electrically Lisulated b4) all Aatiii* Lisequen an the Biisis II ~ 111 e rp,its biil;4 So 10io)odorskaym. et al. jm~j ~j 't., r'O Lakakraso Mator. Ikh. Prim. NO 96 AL Ref: 0022,84B 1966 (1274) Dalch, ki IM Deriii4NA-MN cp THP- covEmG Powp-P. ~op V4ffT9'PIGMEN*tS. 1963, 14ODwords order ft= Ims $ls~ 00 71M m 156 !, 1 9 ~4kraso~blmy*-MatferWy I tkb PrinxmWal Tram, o(4A (LISSR) I loo. 3, P.'58-60. DESC RS: *n m, Colork *Finisbee and ftntsbin& CmalerlaIll Inniatalij, i-r, s.. u, no. io) Tr-64-L2360 1. Dalch. A. R. H. rM-NS-156 M. Trauslatim and Tochakma bd6mation Services. Loodm Mn&r4 Chupeerv.~~ A. USE OF SUkFACE, AC GRIMINd CiF CA160N hIEI)jA. 1'19~tj 1; Order froin tris t4 i ao Trans. ()f Alf no. (usSR) 19b d. DFSCRImwS: Osukfac black, GrIflours. IVE AGENTS M? TIIH BLACKS wrm %uyi) 17is NIS 167 Matteriaiv I lkh Primeneniel dve substances, *Carbcxi (Materials, Ty, 11o. 8) TT-64-U577 1. Chupeev. M. A. 11. nIS-NS-167 Ill. Translation and Technical Information Services, Lo"m (Eng-4 Office of Technic I Services SorokU4 N. and YRINFSIS 011.COPC 'MER ISTM ~ML )rder fmn) T-Its s,-,. mns. of Li4kmoct: LJS.SR) 1.963j~' 640~ 4.- p' Tr-U-12814 11mchIM E, L. ~VMERS OF ALLYL CLYCM 1. Sorol&4 M. F. W-MACRYLA-M. MAr 64. It. Mnchlm. E. L. Jo rm M-181 M. =-M-181 IV. Tmalation and Technical ~iyr Matlerialyl Uh Pilmenen1e) Idomadan Seryices, ... .. ....... "S --10. Larxion (England) v. 11, no. ii) Office of Technical Servicrs okK MMIS L.ATE 'ARA710 F COAI I 64 i, : , r f=n TTIS $ IL 00 I I a. of u6immx.,63, ov. L M. 3M OF GLYCWrL hMMo IN SOLVMM AND 7M KIS LMD ON nMhL TM M 182 &4~-d*-tp -Fdmmodsl 11, am 11) 1. Smidn M F. n . Xoebocw. L kt M, T=-M-1$2 IT. Tiondodw and Tochdcal 1, - km Sesvices, Lmlm abgu4 offits of 'r"hmlcol se"I"os milov, L I W?E THE D4G F, PIGMENIS. 119641 r ITIS NS t 68 ftmci~ $!1 00 a 01-1111=1 M. of Jadorkly-1-111thtfirimpoWi 5R) 1963 -2& 4 ;CRrr6":r MP110M. "Surface-active nmjk~I V. 110. TT-64-12526 1. Ermiloy, P. L U. TMNS-tdig M. Translation and TocWcal Inforinfltion Services, Lordm (En&r4 Office of Technical Services E VA -r from is. of L R) 19W 11 YC 46N OF HE COVERM POWER OF It REFRACrIVE INDEX AND TIM NIS 169 ye Matlerialy I lkh Primemplel R'-st Particle size, Refracdve -1als-'.Pid 'i"7' V. I I. 11o. 8) TT-64-12513 1. PA)byrenko, Yu. Ya. 11. I-M-NS-169 M. Translation and Tectiffical Information Services, London (Englar4 Office of Tech"Irml S-1.'s Laboeb. ml B, ~aw c 14M PROBLEIN't OF I TE SOUMOM frm irlits $18. Tram Of Isam (LIM 196,376 auk= IE HATME OF MANN L SUL - 1. tA*&14 X *r 64 U - GRUnbur, L L TTIS M 183 M. TTIS-M-ln IV. T=oolmkw aw Tecbftd 1 0 -notimServicm 24 26. offito of 'rechnIcal sarvicoo Kashevaro~o, Yu. i'llod Vanyushidne, V. 1. RAPID Mt,701) r~~R THE QUANTITAIIVE DE- ERMINA-nQN, OF IfirDROQUINONE IN POLYESrER- CRYLATES hi jApr 64) rder from S$7.0), TnS NS 189 T17-64-22015 1. Kashevarova, Yu. A. It. Vanyushkina, V. 1. t1l. rns-MS-189 IV. Translation and Technical . 1; Infortnatim Services, Yans. of 1~kp asoc~~ye Matlerfaly I 1kh Primenenle) JSSR) 1963i1 n6, 5, P.;~ 47. Lm&n (England) :hemjstry'-j'~naIyt"I. TT. Y. 12, no. 2) . i : DDbnatcyvp Y1 D. USL OF WE-mc wniOD FOR THE USPEMON !I A All oF =A Nmt Dioxivir- 1963, 1400"4=& order from I TM Ms Iss Trans. of i JUI PjjMCnC"i R) 19 3 m-L 5, pi! 52-55. R"'! *DioxWs, Mtanium compounds. optical ysic;I. CoIwIdIG6 Quantitative analysis. TT, v. 11, no. 10) TT-64-12259 1. Title- Turbidimetric mediod 1. DDImatorv, Yu. a U. =-NS-15.5 M. Tranulationt; and Tcduilcal informatiati Scr%,ices, London (27ligland) Office of Technical Services Tr-f)4- 212S52 i:r.)IJ I., t "I.YP. C. 1'. COMO :"~N" ;""s ra AINI. H. CI 'I'nS W) 2214 fV, -!7pncliation cmd IVJ-, '171" 12. no~ 7) piplem- of A FJL%NMRM clumdum 4 M. A. MMM9 N. Yo DMVUBhevdmYat I ugamuftom WxgWaU I &h M 10 19"ll PP 37-440 vw7abu .i i i I I~i .I :1 :1 1i i i I ;I Ik hi 263.564 The li~~il~uelicc of the Dimension on th~ Durability of llol)rmcric by 111.41. i)yikovl, et al. RUSSI)tNj,~ Lak okras Factor Coatings, oclinye Haterialy per, I ii _ i RhAlrimenlexie No 1, 1964, pp 35-390 ITIS IqSI 2321 Ap r 6 7 323,144 lmpW,)vF,,4 Ewr oi--, HE OF 711H I. I-Arlin, 1A. 1. P 1101 ."1 ~XXDE FROM METALLIC I ( ~ ~ I N i Wo ro v, 1. N V~JILNACES. jmt 6,,.. 111 7MS - q_c - 2 15 IMS INS 215 Ill. Trans!Adon &M I-cclinical Information Trallo. ~.,l Mattrcrialy I lkh PrImemnlal Services. Londo" it H) X,, I, ju). 1. ji. 64-71. (EngLind) Mcmie, 17. 'o. i2, %Q, 71 0 5- GI, 1 -.1 c Ed kethod of 2ulilal'ic alld' ,tiCia.-I in. RLSillG alld PailItS, '0y Y.-. L !-Jh.-irina, Si. T. Baybayevc. RUSSM;, ~pu:.-, I4koki-azodinyu 1,0 P'.) G3 pa'?EN9-~. 1' 66 U- The Pr6ductlion on a Vinyl Acetate-Bury Acrylate Copolymer Suitable for the I'Ianufccture~ of Emulsion Paints, by I. S. Aveti~)ran, et al. RUSSIAN, IIE,11., Lakokrasodinye Haterialy i Ikh Primcnenic No 2, 1964, 1) 13-15. WIS NS 2351' Ap r 6 7 323 1,13 Tile Inf luence of Metal Oxide a on the I ~j :P61ymorphic Transformation of Anatase t' Ruti e 0, 1 , by G. V. Kleshchev, i j. .RUSSIM) per) Lakokrasoqbgre-Materialy i lih Priienenie, 1964, No 2, pp 21-23 MIS NS 226 323.,274 Sbi - Earth sciences ;Apr 67 ~lAteraO.tions Between Gationic Surfactants 'a~d Ru~tile Titanium Dioxide, by T. A. I ~ 1. Ermols~eva., !RUSSTAJI per: Lakokrasochnye I-Sateri2,1-4 t.:U. ill'lkh il~r'imenenie, 1964, No 21 pp 23-"' 323,272 s,ei -~:Earth sciences A-pr 67 Pxoft on cation of Cyclic Isomers ctA 11 ~ "I, ~ of by V. V. Narkov., ,a I , - , 14 A*j tduiwdlQ RUSS*# Lab* Not I ikh Prim, No 5p NLL l6ki 96~O... 49 (16) IP,-ptac on,of StobI and.Light Alloys with lip by G. Ya, TerloO 7 ~4t issieli* per, Lakokrasochna i-latorial i UJi JOAMA No S. 4,p Vp 53-36a 9699046 ~~avy/(xu orr t4o mo r 2960540 II II I U96i bf Adti-Corrosion and Anti-Youling ftinto "d on Coal Tar and its Mixtures I wjAh alb]. or, XPw Resiua . P.,P. 5. by~~Y6-D-'Jlitrmalyaute, A.K.Mromtsev RMTAN,tier. Lakakramo2~M klateri& i ikh grixpi6wul,~* loos 5,1964, pp*44-46* 969W Do$ of~xvyVIONI Tr No. 2057 M! Apr, ~6 ca tv JO.mbiaUVIL-or Of DL7 Laoquer/Psint lt~w PoUntlals Itedoon FlIM I , Pl*2dt lo'K. M. Fxeldin. moctric i ikh NO 6; 29M v pp ~tliods of Tasting 4itil-ouling Paints an-Goins Ships,, by VO N. Glotov, 11 p1j, # per, Laju*rvsochn,fo Material i All No 60 1964s pp 53,-41;6* 9699849 ,javy/UJI II)r No 205511) 11 0 ElIg 296s526 IWWO IW m~ lie TnytLinp TAWN6060 key LQM Wo INEMAJIMMM -- -10311a --...w7--- ~68 I 350j,541 'T C~~ ftrlow Of oacluatwo for HiGb-bc*wncy Ilk ~by A. S. Vdbll';yi6v,o 51 1J3 JIA: IK 19T,.- (,o pp. B-333 Rmd,o Lib Sv Sec AIX lnfb Div Ub ooqweso A-'OatbWo Ilubso by L. 1. Suablev, P-33 pp. !pa~~ 163 q.21 S/ MkWdeft" TAMSO by Yus Go *ad A* Do Utawke.9 231 py, ~68 347 491 oili 01111 . . II jr:ritn! ir clj~ I've. ac*nL\VA" f . 3 D~l I V! IL 3 3/9 59 by B I-M-IM1141ill DI. SOP-00,195 n tlx) ATinAweranry of t!,.a Rnvolut'.Ioa, b:cdy; 8 pp. !FW;LASSO,'!FD par., Leto atoF-,-. al VIII -!,Q Munic*r-.w Us JP-RB/DC,-L-73 ForoeA Vibr,a't,l,ono of a Sptem WVZ me Degree Of Fre,eftm :in thS Pmenft of Dry Friatim and wlu Arbltrwy ftelting Force, by A- N 3T 9 -D q,9'I Lstv4w PSR Zinaimu A Tabnisko a iio 4) 1956p pp 95-121. 9 Mar. 61 AM SCL-~P-332 'ace a~ Metals Coll i'-Chlb%deal Phenomena on the Surf aud!~L'Aar6-tioa of Corrosion in &-Llt Solutiona. Pari 4:11. 11 Chemical and Pbase Composition of Iron Gorrodon [Producto in Solutione of Alkali Chlorides and.A 4arth Metals., by L. Lepin', Z. Oshis. RUSSUR 'per., ~qjrjaq ?Dfl Zinatnu Akr-d Vest: No U (76) 1 )-953 P f Navy Tr 1532/11RL ~ 634 Oct No ism Boading In the' Mad Welding of NOWA,; bys. s. Ainbi x1okm IATV u 10 Pgro LIW"ktQLMLZWt= Akadavlj4s_ ot ve t1'00(87) 19%, pp 113-2M. trutober Tr 3755 $9.90 tals Sep 561 m NO Allic' Inclusions -in Rinding Steel, LV 0 Be diu;nd LA773'Up tier, ~a Ugg kka q ijqs _dq Z.P .1954,' p-'P'. Brutcher'Tr Y#166 mjm'~~s go r sop 6 C(0.6.d- qhf-~mlcal Phenomena or.-i the BilrVate of VE:wAB ands! stion of Corrosion J.n Salt Sblutions. Par I , HUG., Chemical and Phase! Oc=Nsitinn of the Xrch. i&L,tioa ProductG In Solutiont; of' BAcarbonato anal tais4ium Carbouate, by Z. Oah' , L. Lopin'. LatviJue MR Lim No erplatv --,,m4-Ajm 7 M" (~`1155: ~p Navy Tr 1533/NRL 6V sci Cheat t 51 Investigation of the Back-ScAtterIng of Owmm- Radiati b,~A. Dabinskap, U. Ulmanis, 5 pp. 1-4 per,, ;#tvQ&p_j!UR-Zj=ta kEjami jes- 1!!~ItUi 4b 7 l(i2O).-- 1957.. PP 147-150. 9678i68 Njavv rr *4P44/mIr. aln sci - Ity's imov 62 Al 91, ~r 10 1, surfam covered kv U PSEL 2AM 41"awk" a33 lutr of sitneum" in by J. 8tradlAp by , = vo,- VF 112 63 1 rnterKH MA/JM U-1413 No ftx*IV nNam OALY bavloi,r Intepul Cums of a, aptem of t4ons Nw a $UwaUr Point In t-6a xqu ce OW DUMISLOUP bY Ibt x its 0 11 Re :L4 pp 'T VTII PM ZIMUU-N99Lvestis r,12-958~p; yp 107-m- Awr ftth Boo MOO 1 g 6 ii 3 no FemiO ke ork the "XibJect of tlx,- :Iiluratioll of ~,* I by RLLlur., PPO SsLail -~Or, Latvi~jtia PSR 7.1natnu Aliad ~Qc-io, i a 14,,, -14P ciA/FDD xx -7 13i0i Sci 63 only (ii 1:urationiii tur Gplecolugic Paticlits" by V. Lurusli, 7 isp. (AA/1-DI.) XX-1,129 o Fo ro n7xl.vn~aco or~, Pozn(ti.lUn- an CtioUncrgic by Taltvi."lac. 11"IT ri,.~ jllut,4 I`cmt rL iiO ~'~onAip Dinnom T~~i Mol I ~iL-a ,:ci c, W.M.I. t~fxroa Use Qtky The Dka~tion of the 0mceatration of Dm-W in 06am MUtUm by M!aw of Neutron Cud&=,, 1. Tume., 1. Kednis,, 1 2 pp- TU I A) ,w, "U, I ViAlss 40 -iol-1512 Mop pp 57-64. 9080666 J J AW Tr-4633 Sal xqaiudcn at the VIA" pumuca or!~c Partioloop br R. ItaterkoWftp loll =,, ~ jrs i OWN% 9v I'M# VP 119-ft. Series of J~U~m tboslo Reduction of Alryl- nyl- 441 mercQry morides Witb Triet*hfL 7 vestlmv$~165, gg,wlo 63! 0 OL Kitiv 01 In t6 F1016 of 5-nitra,-2-ftryl- Is It 1!1 OJIM Vijklo- 6itd 5-rdtro-2-ruryl.: ken es MUM of 0.2(raryl) Amvleln and mtbeoii of *tAin Vontanud Iflinn Aldehydes a ka*o, 1. VomUro, S. RMorjo 19 py ftiu& pot 3.66,p r6.v ~& 61 100 OT-9T- *IA/mW M1419 No Pomigi DLWjmm oft 0019 In 30actjcmo of Dtbylo=imim 4idr4o Wlth Purftral, and 2beIr Dwivatives.. by IV* A"WI :Oarg.dWm9ag M zimtou. vefftia A %jelo X0 ro"10 masom "ow" WXY ~WaxrdW C~ad Greeting to the Aeadeinor of Sciences latvlan~ MRp by E. KrauJa, 4 pp. IA!rVIU,p iparj~l tvilm 719~~-Mktpw Aka as Ve "j "Olt 96, 0 pp i-MB 13987 jun. 62 q (SP-18781 Dectsio'zOI.Adopted at Various Sessloaa of the Presiditp~ cf the Acadeqr of Sciencen latvian , I l~ 80) bY 3 pp. LATVIM Akade ia Ve'imtig No Jv 1 mi r_RS 1319aq .Tun 62 (SF-1373) by A. Lokenbakha, 7 I)P- TATVlkl,r, per, ve sti s !To (165) PP 137-142. Bioexu ic! JU 1 6,i jpqo- 14,46~-