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jj-7 pilinj land Interpreting System for Use 4 ftdardj,ro&r4xs for the DESM Cowputer of Aca*y of !Scimcss USSR Conputer Con- by VO M. Klurochkin,, S2 pp. Sim t1ru hch US my lspollzmmlya . f,f I.: n I , ~fts Dlyst IftsMay M-2 RO, MDSOWS Is, IV I-S7. PM-Tr-62-1496 63 A Tralao the *r~i G. A.iT6r SIAR$Ibkj, dt tAG Patmation. and Mechanization Pivicesses in MWdm Building,, Wvi 35 pp. am IL T WMMWSG~40r-1959 j~p-5-2T. IM Tr Bul Aug 60 Autoiilatic~~! Programme Control Systems for maadnc 'rib:uls, by A. B. Yakhin, RUSSIAN, ~bk, ~ompleksjiaya di,M,~sliiiw~strocnii, 1959, RTS 2350 Way ;64 Avtomatizatsiya i Mckan pp 92-104. Linea, by Is. N. KusWdn- 2") RMISUIT., bl:., V DSIR LW jime ig6o Sol Aus 6(:) Emar Comprob-i mech4ldi RUSSI~N~ Mekhanizi ivo Autmation and ~kcbanftatioa in E~gineering. A Sympoatu., 99 pp. k,~! ~=2,WWqp vto p qi~u v Mashinostroyanii. Sbornik py -7 C-) ATIC MCL-520/III Sci &gr Aug ~o i . I It4poruss of the sftlpw%WdtG6 of the R*gUmg by Ve I* Sh*PVV*lo T pp SCI-Earth 434 IRO,v 0', *59277 ov Oh~ :00 Ax climatology lipi Source. o.~16ksnsYa'KUM&tOlO9iya (97 pages book) 513564.'"W' dall no- QP981-05 P ro 457 j M *3: Sep 1951. caq:)re E rlqivj,~ the j;i RJM~.r PmTer tr ine~ring 4 fwss:LAIT~ bk.);j 'Utilization of the Water Resoure Readetrems; Prosperets Connected With Develo_ment, by 1. M. Gusev, 63 PP- ipleksno a Is ollu 0 a -La Ou [p W Fekr a-= rv.L=wa L9=Aw,kf 013 �59 PP 8-83. 2 Vodnykh C&U No - Army Map Service (-:Oiq~ 'ien~ im Invostigations of Ltminescep,cc in tho (s, e a ~ b, iiia~,! $"cientiftc Expediti-ms,, by tag'Atim, tit. ~=U!Ls= Iss ladovan!Za Svel lbrya v,?lawJmoy Ek-,speatsii, y wrr 489 Of Na#' XS/NOO Tr 253 COWOSiTE PLANS FOR RAISING LABOR PRODUCTIVITY i BY KON$TANT11N YAKOVLEVICH MASLIY, 29 PP. RUSSIAN BKi KOMPLEKSNYYE PLANY POVYSHENIYA I p PROIZVODITELINOSTI TRUDA,, 19b1, PP 2-30. JPRS 17658 USSR ECON FEB 63 2237715 no 'oplex by A. X)., Gel im HDORIM~ bk.9 Ads of Tranm=mium zlomnt., A. 1. Makfino 208 b&0 4MA.-.ALFW" Vs Set,of Logical Elements of Electronic Computers OC-~'iI433 ) Ru,qd,,UV, brochwe., Konjp1eIW Logicbeskikh Elemen tovIlektronnykIi VycbislitelInykh Mashin,, DonePtsk; 1964~ '9! pp. *JPRS Elec Jun~65 CoWil~lk, ftlOVS and ConfonAga Ripping (Xatormtional. M=&~,As 60 AdveMad 14&themttcs anCt Pbysl co) j by A - 161ftrkUAlMloho 62 yp. ISOM. shm-PL A,Kmforwvyy-i r7a-o , ?~~prq muA=tm Publishus cmp. (rnaa) Sol )br 6e) 1,)426/70 TO 21 Jail Itations, Tiermal Electric POwer ArrangdIcIlt Qf by V - G. I-n3onovki Teplovyizi-l Elektricheskiluh RIJSSIA'-",I, I-A-11 1",0' );11, pp 2-7. Stsnts~:j,. DC nasf;ian "v70 AMU oj~' -'Aer'lla elec u . ~.~ eve V.G. IEld booh~ lbr"- 1,101 -L,.,Ic nave jolic ~)Ieviwf;. T.D. Ji.f r,,:)ss'.tLle 15 JLI'-L lilLe 11C to intuct) 7 1 'if --.,I i;11 I- 7013~ 1~~O CondeDS0400 Electric Power 01 dni~g LkAts of the PVK-150+ W MW~an~ Ovy-200+640 7Mms'-sid Burning k 0.8 27-233. 44ft"Ll 196110 pTt Sc.t-Elect"ics and Electrical Engin 9217 N* 41 322 ;, 1 ;, I I I i: !k I I J Fi 11 ii i f, ~~ j) ~ Bors I In i ,f W ii p 7 ii Illy-003) rla-vor4mo by ItLkh. 0 meWim'skom Pftvds Ir. 7i am 3ml /16 fl a (0 .3 jr The ltoadftom the Sobering =Up Clinic, by!~F. Bogdanchikov, 3 pp. RUSSIAN$ !!per, Komsomolskaya Zhizh. No 17, Trans from the Soviet Press No 521 izin"65 ANOMY ACWWO I qh M", SELIM E 24 Sep 1964o 2680274 ILOOO/70 69 %be i Irm ku jo"t bw vasodavemvp nil ftofts S-go fta 640(swum at dnit pbw one TbD~611 69 "WORM ADAMS f . Undalwatior Lighimiagg, KotqwVsko" hkomyo 18 Nov. 1964. 013cillometry, by B. A. Lopatin,, ive P ~ Irm ; k . ,!~bl v 0 of tratotV on Ipbospbortw ompounda iblmd ot todal by 13. KaOeVv Vol M No 12., PP 29-3r-- co-op Mr &how 513 4su lon betmm tko &=AlAm ot ms- iand the ccapoastlwl of colostrum MA In ==a, by Ke ftrevwlova2 ler.. 1,4pv Vol =M) ISO 1957, 3FP 3-L- co-op Tr 04how 514 (160, Od.) Ieeding" Norins and itation Structure for Horses, yi G. iNja'gidov. RUSSIAN.', per, Konevodstvo, V01 XXVIII, No 1, 19~8. #lD NLL RTIS 2549 (loan) In oc~~ 1~ A* P116 soon Ij Feb 6~ (DCw2700/k) Lasseis In Ralotq; Breeding Rorsao., Ye. ebal4uts 4 I?p. wvodstv:Dj,f NO 9j pp 2.4. jM 6r),6 Illv4stigatRclu of Thermal Fieldn for Bodie~, cf Cyli iil~rlcrll. Syaawtry, by A. 3. Ap 13-ya Konferentskya Lenin ln~ pp 212$-22~111 UL 11. 21460 12 o 00! on t6iw WUW7 Doctrine, by qatplyA ol Sovatskoy Voyennoy 267,666 Surlface C'hemical Compounds wid Their R'olo i1i Aw-'arptkirl, by A. V. Kiselev., Kunforentsiya Pu Auisorlutsii Po s~iaslit!diennaya Zou Lcliiu i,!uskuvska,!7o Go,st'id.arst,vennogo Universitetia, iq (17K;-1955) 1957, 307. Jan 6 3 The blicroallmate of Irrigated lAu2ds., by G.P.Dubinskii I if (, N 1 Rwsu$j no; l&ohfft%ntglm DO Agmmatcorl,0911 i ~ 11 i b Agroki, immVaTogii Ulcrainakoi M MmterialA956., PP-169, 41CII latim -oil Itate of vaporization of liotal f. ~Ou: lindriatl Vossels Into a Vacuum m%l actsometric Investigation of 0*01 P,)Mssuns of Metals mid jUloys, 1.4 14 Lyubitovo 12. ppol 1, por,, Konforentsilla pq i Rhimid Osnoww Proizwxistva W . mskim t S: M57574 1%4, 35 56 a Fully Ionized Plasiua Across A, 1.~aga~ 16 Olds by V. F. Aloksin, 14. A. A R= W~, Itonf. po Mike Plawy i Prob. .5r4 Ap I ~Vbzi J)p 35Z-35be NLI. l1q. 771~3. 7,tml 1966 (T-H-467) im of a Fully Ionized Plasma a ftpetic Field,, 'by V. F. m and N, A, Khitbuiak, 6 p. KaufaMtsi ia po Mike lens Lkjrikvllaomvkh Ter-- S%avwp S~W~w SSR,O 19630, pp 332-336. 0C41, i-11-467 2979692 IFTD TD~~J'R KONFEREUTIMA PO ISSLEDOVANIYAM V OPHASTI FIZIKI~PLA!i,MY I UPRAVLYAEITYKII REAKTSIY. !3D. NOVOSIBIRSK, P. 1 -24 iiu s, s 41 ~4 Borldem o' f I ition Xwtas &M Tbair MAotron- Re n4antseva.. -vv V. A. I~albajjms bk~ f 401 Ban i Yap ip, DA jAbomws 0011d"Wato 19A. 106-111. mmr 61-18321 dzbem A ~n, T~i,. RESBAA" i RROSION AT THE STATE I - Adzhemyan, Ts. A. IN 1OF A D CHEMISTRY, (1961)141). 11. Title: Conference... 24 iefm ED WSTRYa "9601, 184,'. $~ $7 1_1 , Order ~Urs:~ LA $1.60 61-1021 _60 6 cwrnz alb Mrans. 44.:Mono.~; onferentmiya Po K on Met Is (n 06. 2)001erea an too on Metals (no. Tr6dy, 4. 2. W66im/Leningrad, 1943, p. 2D5-21:5. H DESCRlftdRS; '*t~rroslon research, USSR. ReSAMV~h 'Lrri,,d~La in 1938-1940 at the State lura- tute of ~pkjled C:~~stry is reported, aiming at selectl Is 91for the equipment for the hasic chendc 'f' which research and design vork I or 18.1"61 carried at this institute. The work ccv- ii~ lutt' 4 of salts, mainly chlorides; (2) ereik- ( P - If and mixtures in production of a 1 sol (Metall !W, .--Car Oosion, Tr. . 7. Do. 1) (opfer) Office of Techolcal Services hr~,Wll I ~V. Trans. (a& 2) TrW, Y. The I and i sdd~ ent ti of UO nat" ACIDS ON METALS AND 41.10 61-18340 metallov %9Cr=mIIOIo:OOIKOhUtO4tiI$1(no. 2), ~,*/Lmdngrsd, 1943, p. 216-22,5. m alloys, Alloys, OMetals, Aclids. 'Corrosion Wilbitloo, *Sulfuric acid, *Nitric acid, Aronze. Silicon, Corrosion. mosion was tested of 38 fermw )ys in sulfuric acid, hydrochloric of vaying comicentrations at differ- n some cases also under presoures ic samples represent for the most Wly prdduced In the U. & & R. &W *ion. IT, v. 7. no. 2) (over) 1. Klinov, L Ya. If. Title: Conference ION I . I 'I " -4. -1 Dobro. !~1~In" N': CORRO,~10~' OF. REFINMES PR( SECONd OXICU F Order 66MIOTS. Cooden~ ~Itrans, Metall 1'~ (pi. 2)(1 no 2) 4 no. 2) ( p. 2Z7. fl. PRINCIPAL muwENT OF! USSING SULFUROUS OILS FROM A.DS. 119611 Op. SLA $1. 10 61-18320 ~ mDno. Konferentalys po Korrozil nterence on Corrosion of hietals 2, Musccm~Leningrad. 1943, DESCRIPTORS: *fteflneries, *Industrial equimerr., Corroo6nJirihilAti6n. Petroleum, Otte, Corrosion, "Corro4ion rescAkh. Corr(w qo~ of the 0,rincl iml equipmew at the Ufa reiin- ery to . ~ ibed ind some methods of corrosion pro- tectI*suj*e9tedj6.n the basis of experimental work. 1'he crudd oil har~lled at this refinery usually contains (Metalluriy-Co6dalon, TT, v. 6, no. 10) Over) 61-18320 1. Title: Baku fields 1. Dobroshtan. N. I. H. Title: Conference... L? 7 2 Office *f Tec6leel 1,"too AIYAYdJ CORROSI F A'AGF; TANKS 01' CRACKM C= I GASOLI ~A121) CR'DC OIL FROM SECOND RAW FIEUDS. (I 116p:. ~Irefs. Order from S or . LA $1. 10 61-18339 Trans. of ~M~no. Koilf~rcntslya po Korrozil Mclallov' ,(no. 2) (Con!`6~cnce 6n Corro3ion of Metals (no. 2)). .,Trudy' -v. 1:2,1 Mosco~jlxnlngrad, 1943, p. 253-Z9. DESCRIF~ 4O.S. esto ,rasc tanks, Corrosion inhibition. *Corroaton refiearc4, Gaeoline, N-trolcum, Corrosion. Labornior tests 4 corroolve ororerties of Ishimbne 611 (un ''11y containing up to 3% sulfur) &ad cracked obline this oil wcre cirried out. Sam- ples of f; cimistructiaii of storage tanks for th'.00 011 u e~ wires of alurrdnurn. 2ine and lead used'( c tin It a steel Were suspended In (Meialltw" Corr Im TTO V. 6. no. 10) (over) 61-13339 1. Title: Bakuffelds 1. Alyovdins. L. A. U. Title: Conference QMCV of Tochweel S.M..* 1~ ltr Us o(WW: WNW the StIM of Uftmemdo oll Zammbw4 Lv C (;uftbO4 6Rp Pik i KIMC POKUP" at gala Nitrided a HIO K=04 by'lCid. Pwobu*gyat cook@* 14 HN - 280v446 Conf~irence. on General and Applied Problems of Theoreilca "I Astronomy,, RUSSIi bk, Lwljferentsiy~ po Obshchim i Prikladnypi ,Vg A, i ,,p:~6spm -re'bretictieskoy Astrononiii., Moscow, 1961 *PL-480 NASA Sci Jul 63 Mot'40 ~~f 6111~ibe Artificial Satellites., by Y. Koiai.., 17~ ~P- RLtS,*., rp~., Konf erentsiya po CrDshcbim i I I I Prikld oprosam Teorit Astron., Moscow, 1961, 1 1 1963.1 11~ ~ 1071, 8. 9696126 PriOjjarti4s of solutions of Organic Acids in Uquid Y ' the Surfaces of Solid Bodies. by drocar4ms on H i.-Uiv., 1 21 pp. RIJS8JMj Atax; bk, Konferontslya po "bornik, D F''i *" sillim, S o na Konferentsii, Moscow, ~9-112. 9667849 M-Tr-62-1195 ftr' 63 Now Lxporil mital. Data Cont,.eTnin,g External Frixtilolo, hK n, hf,, Tolsto, ,,(o P.,L, Keplan, -721 pp RUSSIAN, KonfereutLipt po Povevkiviost-viy~h 'na Ko,,Ifer-cn-t-,;4 1961, IA,".138., 9667849 sci-ohys Mar 63. FTD-17-62 -13 9; lnwra~r ~ JA Rspwi~'r Ivan mittlA . P. 01alroyonle po C14) tr. r71;T!!Ire(s or ETC $2.60 TT-63 23602 1-p4slym P.0-primeneftlys, Ramc, ~,Ibuah'f I at Itadlolsotopes In the Physical qep 60. Copenhagen, 6 - 17 ves in the Physical Science ~5-99 (IAEA Rept. RICC/315, IT-63-23602 1. VlwVradov, A. P. It. Title: Conference ... 111. Title: Radioisotopes IV. Geological Survey, Denver. CrAo. Trans. of mobo. 1 8 oo~!t v v Flilches I opo , e ~Oni' ihe I cod, ie~66 j! ; , 81 Sclences mW din hmeading and In&s 1, Irv The repc with two ological (Parth 9 40 1 11 detem Inalce, SDIIds, Liquids, "eoIOq,i Nuclear Industrial applications. I i i ~ : a; 11 i umm rizes the results of studies made I I 401r embiles, dating; soolosictJ and are-hoe ~js wjjh1!C14. The advantages ind drawl-Kick- s L16 -Ge6lbgy, T1r. Y. H. no. 2) (over) Ofts at TecWLA SerAces w 4ind. WddlWo by Ke mu IK AL pt NITT V-374 i~ Y : 8n iltince 'the Problem of' Longevity Abs-tracts Confe 0 If Re~6rts,)Ot pp. RUSSI Mi0iograph., Konferents jap2 Frobleme Fe-Era 59~ JM; 3577 i 1 pI ~ I i 11 li I I OU PASOUVItY of the Streit Of OW)BUtusau --- DwIlutives, by Om 1~1 Faroom Ira- d- pmm6i~ft. S. P. Qb1n. 12 pp. VII iF Digital Cor-nputer and an E,-,Poritu-~nt (A Computer With Rodmod 1-3--yr=~b ilit 4-- a) btV. A:, R'sjorov: 179 pp. -~.p March 12-17,* 1958. T -.Ptr9IjS4 90721156 Rand Corp T-3.33 Certailh Pr~lem of Syrithesimftig Reliable AutaTets 1, 1 1 ~ of, Discret~ Actim, by Yu. G. Savdiemko. 6 pp. I 1 11, RLSSIM, *t, Kmfermtsiya po Tddrdcheskay pp 11.5-iZe, 384F300 jeps' 14 7h.~ PLICATI(* OF M~n AEROSOL METHOD FOR r)p ~E CONtlibll !OF AGE PEM IN THE CCU TVIAN'&SR (Prim le Aerozol'nogo Metoda ~,'by a Aml~,66ymi V editely&ffd v Latvilskol SSR) w 61) 9p. ta. P 11-490 Agr. der from 011 $0.150! 60-21101 ans. of M~n Kant entelya po Voprosam shchity RaU nit (naj! 1) 1956. Sbornik Trudov po shchite Rfl,stjWi, 1). ''1$3-160. SCRIPT S*' ln~m $Peat control, *Insecticides, 0' ' I lordan, DlYr, ze ea. Hexachlorocyclohexanes, .A.~ eroools I se erators. OCereals. Storage. V, no. 10) 60-21101 1. Title: Lindane 2. Tide: Latvian SSR 1. Uepa, 1. Zh. 11 . PL-480 Agr (60- 21101) 111. National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. IV. Title: Sbo-.-nik... Office .1 7-chnic.1 S-ic- RUSS Sci, - 11 MaY 56 ce 6 "The Road to Development of Soviet ical~j~achinery and Instrimentation." ~Konferentiya "Puti )Razvitiya Sovetakovo !Lon, Moscow, onice John W. Carr Unive".vaity of Michigan April 15, 1958 (see authors belcw) S. A. Lebedev M. R. Shura-Bura Itsyn Yu. Ya. Bavilevs2dy V. B. Ushakov a-str 4, -s',;3 Thazec Fmcout:4 =t tbodo or DN"1013eerd, of Goviet Mathq- -BuUdine cmA, w puti P ma PUK Fmft ;81 'Psylt ROBO(ms J2417 XRrOb JMb., IYP 5-137. crA/pm tr 596 7o2 -5 its., WJ*mttce,j amgIneering., conqutors .: ,I Confiahtrati~~ Statistics of Polymeric Chains, by M. V. iVp lke in, RUSS mor-ogra-ph, Konfiguratsionn ra Statistika Polim! r y1di Tsepei 1959) 406-Pi-,- Interscience Publishers, Inc. Sci Nov 6J~ if -7 7--7777' :6 if ~hitji ftbom*ip by Do to, Az'o=v.- L. A. t6to limth Cb.0 Plb. 2% C(Aumb" Ave a 16 MOO . iI t I ~ I mwl~~ ~ lAnd Txvmofw at Fxidght In RJLvvr 11 ~ 1 1 1 ~ I -i~ I !. IAa, To, S*dftm & N. P. Alskaqw, I GivIl & Mwr ErAp. 7~ critic of ,Sidg.Chain 11jeory in the Light of tho -.2-iL. Their t&l and Literatum Researcho by P. uhr.~ SachsO 21 pp. U3titUt E lie GERM 0, "t ~Qluifixlchlps I gerimente Theti rs of Paul Ehrlich# Vol Ile vp lected PVe 40 .. 4.Cancer Research# 1957,, pp 448-463. al '~,23 AEC/ORNL-,ITr-2,, c OV I!ET O~iSELECTING LABOR BY C%iPETITIVE ~ ~ETHPOD~'jfl BY VkbOLOD NIKOLAYEVICH SMIRNOVI 7 USS I A4 Bk, K~', RS V S9YfaKU"ZUDQV%j PRAVE., tNKU ~ENINGRA 1960) PP 1-112. JPRS 17302 ECON POL JIAN 220,921 RUS pp May k, if If o:r amill; 'by Erradlation Vol XYll.. i4o J-959., 105 ~U~ ic"d Fruit by 'fl Berries; by H. Jensen. on; nce7 ", xi' AU83gl1k; 1 2: ~~00:exnfea- Vol XV11" No 92 pp 3'06~~ C.S.E.R.O. 4!T10 may 6~6 HCAC,uaci,~4. Determination of Steriiizntion~(,M Cm(itiuijis for Products Packed in Glass ~ i ' Cqikaina:~rs, by H. Oldl Nielsen. SS I AN :per, Konserves, Vol-A, NO 102, C-SIRO/No 5831 scio'N Riol Mod Sci Mari 63 01) f 'A4*AMW.-RtV"pt!"o 'o Kanmftvlro I i Gomatzu amm ~kp ppo, 85~0 is 5 13/1~6 i Table l'of Contentsl !,RbSSIA'N'., bk, Konservirovaniya i Gomotransplent- asiy Tkaney, 1965 pp 144. S~c, i -,Mod Dec 65 COW ~~Troductlon of Dehydrated Meat., Not Requi by 0. A. Ivanova, 4 pp. R per.,Konserma i OvoshcheaushilInaya :,z va omi Pr 0l )6r., SLA !i9-19608 Sai OTs,,v6l Iii, No 6 J2 101", Sep betliW B2* ql~ ~ I nt &A Utte (MdoAW*s Ribis was 448*14,RsOo 1+399 Mabonlastlan au4 Auto- 9n 16 IM thignt %Uk of Workers iod DMWftsted Wt. 60 't be ieb i bt taw Niftitionel :"Orti" of 10~48 sMo ftm Cplok-bWlad Pro&co, = R. 1'~ U. 149LUWDV# To. I. zopoleve N*: 10 pp. t rl 9p 60 19590 19-22. ACSI H-5539 The Div orthe ommkift IWNSUT. Of the 6 123k6oo aw *no* 6o issivatiion of Tinplate for Protecting Food Cans gainstj,'Icirro--~'ion, by M. E. Prostakov, Uvin. ussimi per, Konserv i Ov6shch Pr2N, Vol XIV, No 11$ p 18-22,11959'. GB/96 ci un 63 orosity IOf Oc Tin Coating on '11A Tinplate, by P. Koc,) r in, et al. USSIMI, per, Xonservnaya i Ovoshchesushil'nay-a 0l XI Y" No n-, -nm'-M-22 GB/96 cl un 63 4w c 4ilor dioTackim of Timato Wbrdkcmir-h %yUstlowentyA Prz, pe M~tilts ki V. Spil'Muktila, E. N. i , . THEt#PgO OP1614M RAMMONS OF TIM MWIN,G. MES, V11GETABLES AND,. ,4, Azlruy-u'sk~'11d%kib~nJl-1& ]RUJITS SokbranymOnwSt ,roahaolys. ovwbchei I plodov) cr. by V' A. 40a""inji 119621 - cluLd).' (~&Ro] -hiiis. .1M (for4dp te"~ in Ord" U OTS or $1 A 410 10 62-23640 k 'I : ~i ~ cf',Konver v 0 . Idbutishik'nay,s] Trans. " '4~'] I ovash Pronify (OMR) 1961 [v. 16) no. 7, p. 22-24. DEWRIPrORS: OF)'". wv"ablos, Opotawds. Storigi4 lo~izmlon~! Radiation offects. (Food# TTj,j V. no. 6) 62-25W 1. Metlitskil, L V. u. Mukhtc, E. N. -SW Ill. CSIRO Trans IV Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research orgenivation (Australia) Office of Techweel Sem"A The Use ~r Sulid-Drawn Rectan6Aar Cans in the Canining I lndusti,~~yjil by V. Y. Lok-shin, et al. Koll�RXXq;a~~Z)S hChOSLIS Ili RUSS IM J, b e r. P Promslidniibst.,~ Vol XV1 , No 4, 19611 Z) GB/96 Sci Dec 62 iji owm~mtlm of sclutIlla 6 gr"X%ya I Ovaeb3basushn S t cril izing k,opevitilli." Conditions for Canned Foods ill n Hydro'static "Acrilizer lConserviiava i ovshsill PLotn" Vol XVI Nlo 9 p6l r.Q. CSJiZO/,':o 5729 S d. 6Tr Feb 0 (SP-1-878) i1of 06OMWes, by 0. M. AN, I Kawarr&Vw-LD"&- jo mo 9f soon Alpr im 13470 DevelOpmentiolf Botulism Microbe in for 61idre by N. N. Mazokhinet. RUSSIAN, pe Konserv. OvoshchT-1rom 1962,!]P 3. HEW NIH 6-75"66 (On Loan) Jan 67 Canned Foods Vol 17, No 1, 318,005 ACC4101 4; 3~ovZOODryJaS of SMIC Vegetables* by A. v# I~M~ pairLIMMMIWA i OwDshchesushilluays 04- V61 vil'o no so A9620 pp ji,14Y Davis ~S*utiflc Promoins fk&dules in 9) L rAstma" 41t &I. Ma"tip Val XVII# No 6j, M28 pp 36-38. July J31 441~Lftg1lof Food P"ductst 16"r Pt 11r, ri a No '1962-8 GB/96 IT T sc by vow 230#125 j tion cyr lrlawwa Rays olua, on the Speed of Ripening a"U 10-5ow-itrcial !Z%za ity of Tombiea5 by I P. r,6v,4 fakaya, E. V. Dorofeyevi~., etu, al) 10 PP. STAN, Oer,.&nservLaya L Ovosibehesushil Prcm, ~,,Uvos ill 1962 x ~ ACSI 1-42181 rD 2M650 PT 4ra o x1f Mari 6~3 Blt4tlonjj~e TiqAatop by IL Te. Pmulwu. glob ; 1, Nano Ovoob PXW!p jib up 1962,. , Per, ip mmmwm~ ion coptemporary State of the Problem of sti'I'mul, it and Canned Food Production, N. ~,jalzokhin a. w8SIANi; per, Konserv i Ovoshc1i Prom, No~ll, 1962, pp 36-39, 1(41~ NIU~1'2-65-66 (On Loan) JP12 S ~i (0913 17 Sci/B&X'~' Ai) 2, 6 6 Botulism by Vol 1.7, 298)488 -TI 7- 0 rilfteitionI'lof Canne Meats at L30 en gra e, B. L~I~ hau~enbaum, M. Ye. Valyavskaya, et al, 0 31541 SIM~ lper,liKonservnaya i Ovoshchesushil Prom, 12, 1'062, ~p 21) 22. Z*ACSI 1-8300 ID 22247,30 Sci - mix ph~~E ff 5 Mar'' 63 Food C enti ates of Corn Flour, by E. G. Gorun, E. T. ~~tri`eva, Jrldl- RUSSIAN.,~per~~ Konservn-qya i Ovorlichesushil Prom, No 33j,1962, I~p 6-8. i "OAACS ID 22276!;8 I q USSR Econ 8 148-T3 -N e. Vaptable Froserveti , by Vol, fmaermaya i OvosheMsuabil Prm, ADBI x-e337 6t