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T r 17 U~ at ~Udl~ lieiialp~a ctftt~oleum &ad Uaseis, ito 4# p -56, lqe'v; J*tbod: of Conversion of Davoulon t" 10' N. A# 9 nd-24-j. Lavabep]52i Do WY gpioitauou~or Purnace uVei Durina C rl er or PSti;lgk=;or Botcond Baku, byN. A. rl It. ljlaij, a~d A 1. atooln UNC TASS37IED Ij Al. 5s ~ R r-014t 1947 - APIC-P-TS-M] 8064 j;l 1,4 Smltj~pf WfovAml4aAMphW,71 Diablarld" ip by S. a i Lava A.) T. Kirfoort RIMS. a= ftshch odma, Vol in 0 No n. 3:024': comuUmts smmau Soil .711 I;TT- -, Y.Isu oay~iminothionyl Cblorides, by A "-,heako V. Kursarov, pp. 11')er, Mur Obshch iaiJ,m, Vol XXXI, No IAN Pe, WO- CB 201, 898' J6 62 b~ I,!, Ru. iu~, 19~,-I ~j Pi) sc idi'a ~2 .axyliminosulf onyl Chloride:5. II., ~eilko, :1. Ya. Derkach, 5 PP - Zhur Obshch nin, Vol 'aXI, ',4o 61 1-1975. CB 201,899 III layi A~L&,s of N-Dianilidophosphinyl Ary- rdnottzifonic JkoidB, by Ba ye. inla a~ V. 15pp. A. V., Kiromno S 14~ 4per, Zhur Obahoh MUm. Vol XXX, No 6. c CB 6Z1 AUIlau. A,I; V*41 RLISS~I, 1960'1 a of li-Ary~sulfonyl.-.arrzori6iTiino&ulfonic C. S. Levohenko,.N. Ya, Darkach, rsainov#-&-pri. pert, Zhur Obahaki Ehim, Vol XXX, No S, I 1971 1975, CB At or P:ho4horas Dliodide, by E. S. Levchanko, YU nt,* A. V. Kirsanov# 6 pp. r M r Z r Obehah Kh1m, Vol, XXX, No 6, ,~I hu CB S' a Au 1- 61 j Re t Ions AolaWordaides ulth Phoophorm 3hil6i Wag !by E, S, Lovdmimo N, Ya.. Darkaoh,, 61 R, 2bw ObdIwh Vol Emn wo ipp OB ir Estcj~~,* lof ~r t1hiocarbamide-Ill I -Phoopho-vic licldr,, by ~X, ~fie Sheink=en B 5 PP MiSSU it Vhur Gbshch Khim, Vol XXIX., wo 4., . I , ~ ) I p I IV , 195 -1253. Concul-Crant~~ Burawu 117 Ell; il] ~b A~jt~'8 Ki L of phoiphorus DIIod:Lde and Triiodide, chdnko L. E. SheyWm=p A. V. 0v, 3~pp. Zhur Obahch Xhimi Vol XXIX, No Consultwits Bureau Adid Flucceldes of Arylaulfon=ido- Ph" i co r i ~p~ ids, b! A. V. Kirsiantor, E. S. PRO Mar i4, grp Zbur Obahchel Xhim, Vb pp consultants Btweau Be I 66~ Field 11H. 21D I I _e~'Lr jLetyShe 11'~I) 0j'a, E. N,; Ponomareva, 1-.-. A. NAPIMIEN-A.C Dj` NORTH CALICASIA AS POSSI ME ' t quis ~~ -~-r, FUEL: SUIIMARY OF DATA. 24 : la'i ", I.,t) AID-U-64-18; AD-623 241. Order, frbm t t -ri, sx4 4r R'T('; IIC$1.90. blFso.50 asAl)m-Gi3,4 1 i. I I ; 'I Partial 6 *mi, surflrla,.%.c-rrnono.Nefti',~vernogo Kavkaza.,M-66ow 1963 )3iG. 1. Aerospace 111formatiml I)JV.. Library of Congres. Washington, D. C. He-Cie Y.:in cit ~ 60spborus Pentachlorit)r! witb Diticiti Cbla 10en 18 n~ Diesters of ArylauLlfonemidopbospborle I*I ~ L ~ Acid lby It E. S. Levabenko I. N. Zbmurova, A. VI ~-jrs.u PP. RUSS* A I, pe Zhur Obsbah Ubim 'Vol XXIX, No l9j9. ;JIp22) --2266. CS sc-L Aug B16. x7lsulforWI Sulfurous Dilmides, by 9-;! Le*chenko ond A- V. Kimenov. 6 pp. I RUS: bur Obohdh XrLim. Vol XLUI, AN per z 1;62, 22--Z-2261. Lyl- and X-P0141- D024fttft" Of C&r- 4bobqbaKQ #AI4,j, by A. V. Klraawv, pers ftr M60h shims Vol in, ft go OW54590. ammiLanto Bureau S onyl, Sulfurous Imides, by E. S. Levchenko_, Tr-T anov 5 PP. TAN., ii dr., Zhur Obshch Khim,, Vol XXXII., No 1, CB zti6~ 216,167 rl in IllinolmlIZzile e'Li~ii.3 L; a r( Ah Sulfinyl Chl,:)ridxes and do (A ~Iimido) Sulfurous Diamides, by 1 EL S. vchenko. I. E. Sheinkman, 5 PP. RU Zhur Obsbch Kh:Lm, Vol XXXIII, SIAN~ per., Nb 1963, PP 3068-3072. CB ail 64 264,554 tie People by F. Levchenko, 4 pp. J, Religiyaj 110 3., 1961 PP 83--85. JPRS 4TO9 Levchll 61-18227 G.IJ HERMOd A r MI, PROPERTIES OP COMMESSED 1. Levchenko. G. T. YN PM ! THA I[Te '' '' namlIcheskle Svoism Szhatogo eta" M 1~ 66ijj~ .116 reks. 4r 1i or 'OTS SiA $1. 10 61-18227 " Trans. jbf hurna;ljl~ Mcheakol K hImli (USSR) 1944. V., Is 146i i i0l p."' S3-465. Another ti inslai~, 6 is available from SLA as RT- 1021. DESCRI ~RS- ;thaneB MermDchen-dstry, High , I r prea'sui~; eqel~ C 113quail~n, of state. The iu t y. hen pacitles at constant pressure tind v : t olum' e ' I , heat ontent,~ entropy, free energy, mixi- mun 1~ rl, nal energy were calculated for band ~ rnotba 0" Uhin t empcr,ature interval of from -10 to +20d I ~ a prei iures of from 10 to 1, 000 atm. MDIller dia ai" % citi'i here 6 m4ructed for methane. The values ofik. T-W-1 S.-i- ~y th6 4dthar Were correlated with calculated ind!e+' enti) L4,ta reported In the literature. (Chemi stry- -Physical, (Aut Tr. v. 6. no. 7) "Pr ~'b or ft' NIZUtroso 3:1. P-V-T 'y lira or f 466~1"l rly v DAR Aw me of Yeth"ne, Pal Fif; -'by 4bit i. vL its, z No P", Zhw ns lbus vo MA B-208 Sol (DC tllic otmixtures of Unwaturated Compounds, by Oil D 4: UNCLAW3733D LU '-er feot Ak Neuk twu" SSR., Vol XI, N6 ~06)~ PIAl m. Ata.2,jan 1954., pp 92-105 US JM/DC-L-246 Bali - hemit try Cli, otarmd of tbe lilue-Gaven ftt AUp c 'Lovaglumta eabU02~bj, ~ r by L. A. Levehenkor )qjcwbjojogUmp V31 m=p No 5., 1962., ca ibNACII QLA OF 8 1 rr-63-24526 "CrWH OF TM 17MnOID 1. Levchenko, M. N. UKM TH011j' ENALS INTm RmuiAnow n. FAsrB-S-435-2 16fi 1 1[19631 11ij); PASEB Manuacript JU. Federation of Anverican 43%L no.::Is 2 Societies for Experi- S1 7. Ordir -or ETC $1,160 TT-63-16326 mental 610100. Washington, D. C. oAq I yi Zbumal Tr~ ).1637. 11A (USSR) 1962, Y.. 8, IV. ScriFts Tedudca. inc.. no. 3,!p 00 a Washinoon, D. C. Vail" sine* in'J"on 0:21, to I ratbits cauna an 1=2aft Jim 14col' blkcipod serum protein comes as a res~k'ef Al in'" nuely &RPM' find awmdw. Tbeiv 9 :li 6 a 'M 101 in thi A 3 to, 100 /a ratio. 7u, 'Amoi, 7T. v.L 11. no. 5) Dffkx W 7*dwksP Urvices va~ Uo souroea on 9.6 cm, one of TAscrete RaE b'. 1. DI kuztm:Ln., M., T. Lsvcb,enkot--R. 1. ',,Ioskova,, p iRl ~IAOO art Aotron Zhurt Vol XKKVIIP No 60 1960, !p 0.751! Al F sov Justron-AJ 6 Vol XV, NO scl ~jkl E~ CISES WERE SUCCESSFULo BY CISES E 'I 'Up 'S B INGI ~URSUFPLIES IN THE MOUNTAINSx BY LEV, ! 6kb '41:0pe L EV,,HENK ~ ~l 0 V~*R E ~Psl' I.PEIij TYL I SNABZHENIYE SOVETSKIKH ER RU ENNYKH SILv NO 12, ig6i, pp 42--46. U ACSI H.,6908-L I D 216A 59 JUL~~ 6i2 203,679 sp4i~--Alll stl~ ture and Peactivity. XIX. The h: s'lsl~ Amino~Derivatlvss of Bentophenone I ld'jllt~ 61.1 r6l.. 6tics of ~ Their Acyl2tion, by L. M. Z d F. Iovchenko, 4 pp. Zhur Obshch Kh:Lm, Vol. XXXI, No. pp M567. CB IOP91 INUar 6,:. St46ijC St t1ireand Reactivity.. XIV. Intemetion of IlAtibmi6 dro4ings Separated ~by One, Tvo and T~ # '~~ Ben' elDe-Nuelel ?ran the Data of Kinetic IInve :1 ti ions~~ofltbe Reactions of Aromatic Amines With* Chl'orlde,, by L. M. Litvinenko, ll!~ Le-ir B* X. Krasovttskiy, N. 1. n Ir zhur Obsbeh Kb:Lm,t Vol lmx., NO 10*1 pp~ -2729. Consultants Bureau 1o2 6" ~711q Aug it : I : i sdi l.: J~l 15 . i i i t Ii 'Lip 1 pp ~ i i - - -- Meter and Range PLnder., by S. P. i PP.1 I p Iz Ak Nault S&91tp Ser Geol,, No Ip -140. . of a Ccub.4Umed Vacclmticm Istaim Dqpw44n an 1 m,~m-dzstiouj ~ by F. A. Chart1mvas 3 33 A. Z4VQbW xp ~pw Zhur mkratiloll damlo3 I v NO 4p lloacowo Alir 10 1 pp 49 -53. CrA/FW fj-W3 owl, imammlqw awd Ros"LvItw- UZI. Ift riltemation r semip* jtr= oft Awftber ACCONIM 0 an of the the xtmu 4OWPIlurl chumides by U61 2. ~:Lo obsbab Ibb4 Tol XXIXo So 3* 9590i 0 Surmu -2-:07 pr CB Di. L.1 3. ~s or Some Nitro and Amiro Derivative:; Lmqhiictlmpe and Lltvinenho, N. F. Levche-,',.cj, Z.hur Obiihel. iihim. 33079-'031- CB /_2 q- b" ~~ All ~Irib on of the Reduction of Nitro Derivatives of Dl~,he ethane With Alkali Sulfides., by L. M. I I Ljt~*,~iieni' N.:F. Leve-heako, S. V. Taukerman, S.1 o, :4 RUB 1'or, Zhur Obsbch Xhim,p Vol XXIX, No 5�~ ippi 14704473.. 19 Consultants Bureen jJ1, 9D t t~ spitiali s o and Reattivity.. XV. Uteractlom , I I of is i 'tioO:L 'toode QMplap D"ild on Data of Immi t Bias I lumucs. or Riwticn of Awlso Dili 5am Ath powwwwabyl. cumsde L., )I. UtIduakao TO P. R= bw mattL mduv v4a =1, ft U'v 309 CB Bel 6D OV N S13i lies,is of. Some Nitro- and Amino Deriraltivea I TdL I ~ D'y L. bl. Lltvinetiko) L 3 pp. j"I irR M-0I pe;r., Zh= Obahch Kbital Vol XXVIII, Ito 1 8 2(" -Q048. CB em 59 I I i I I ~ i 1 vdgm~~~ om 0 1 In, Ai~ cilr " ,I., (Dc-6431) by an, on, ti. CIO sk3l N. P. U~ s3avWj~ VUaV~Jch Imn lWudey JPW 12DI9 62 of Reflectiou of Long Waves firom BaWw -b v. T. V. Bonchkov- y A. A. Dmltrt, S p pp,.y 1z Ak Nauk SSSR., Ser Geofiz, No 1, P60648. pp ScIL Has Lib 55/32T1 7 t (%o~byeics (DC -28OLI/16) ~e 8 onclusions,, and As)4.xRt4qns., by V. Lev'8~e m Aks~evskiy, 4 jXp R Tmi~ Krusava Zvezd.&., Vol XXXV I No 27 JM 3706 :60 e p ormi. of. Particle Sirx- of Blest Purnace Charge tili Ott! zation of fto F2cv., by V. B. Levchenko,, A. 61 G~- zk liftrb Ho I YAZ~ r Iz Vyoslhilrh Uohob 7oved, Chern K)ta.; jwc 19' 1; 30-37 im 5628 0 ~a;cplq le 0 ration of Oil arid Gas Fj eld3 in the P'Bchora C11-Gas Basirt, by V. A. Le'v~hl enko0 P7.p -'-Jj 6US 'I Ii, hefti i Gaza, Vol III, I eo 0g Lo IL, !a 59. 195,381 h ji i I I,W A 04~ i I I i I i lla~,II. ,5 1 I i I i . 1: i V, Cult Mau, ia Caftm DUmJAo ki Xul 1~ V* me zonbogRp 4 PP. D* AIL Nwk OBER$ VA-W.;I 6jo =74M. ommitsaft Bum= ~01 .91 ~Ot I 'via 1'.1y A. A. Zats., two rj Zhur Obshch XbImj, Vot Mal,, No 11, p 2 Cmvialtants Bureau Cbemistry My CTS/M o?i 6 I tm il~~4teft:tipn:iof !~"jldlue. 11. itci~Re"~iioim-~of A~Owlne In min Alkaline ,lam V.'! 1-6~Cbgnl[6, A. Zats. 4 pp. V. so *rpiZbur Obahch Khl=4 Vol MMt no 11, Consultnuts Bur*au I c Lenti wc chi~ist' ry bier CTS/mm lyt#~ mppost". oft ~Pldlse. 1. ?ho 6 Iditio In ani Acid R: 146 Zatsp .10 ...... Ati IRM Zbur.Clbsbeb KbILSO Vol XKUP No 7p M, pe r i p Consultafts Bureau USSEI 13~ciobt, ific~, -~Cbemlstry Feb 54 CTS ~ati of :Slow. Ilegative: ices In Single col- Ous .: tween Fast fiegatIvet Hydrogen and et V,-eu! and am Ybleau3jes, by ya. ~1, FOG0111 Z. IA=Imwpp 7 pp. 3~) DPW Verp MW ftoer I lboret Fiz., Vol XL., PP 23-M0 AV 80V Mrs Jm V03. XIII, no 1 C:61 io~ IFOJ q.sit-ton of Slow Tons Produced during the za'tion by Nogati" lono, by Ya. 14, A. G. Koval',-Yu. Z. tevabeako, et al, JJ ! L1 !V61 X sai; perp Zhur Rkaper i Teoret Fiz., X -555. No 3 (9), 1.960p PP 548 Al? Soviet Fkgra -JEW Vol XII, No 3 61 16d "i of see by Negative Ions., by Ya.11. Fogel*j, kova Y= ~ Leveborki, A pp. RUS~I~Nt~, ~r Zhur, Ekeper I Teor4t Piz, Vol 1 11 .1 11~j Mv[1,4 41960~ PP 1053-1060, AIP Sov PWO J NP Vol XI, No 4 S ML to seven-Year IDOM; ic Rildicine in tbe t 1~111(I C;C) fl, !nn LevchenkOVj, 9 pp. NO j,,d-ebrio-Yo&it Eksper 3 02 2 3 160 I-Twwr Transplaftation t1 ';%l Parts of the Na-wous 6wi As I Ii fJrerwt Ways, by Go -As OW P%4Apsees i -Nervasys Sistem., ms 6o_mMo PL4&) 1~44 IV7 3 161 Kwvam tuev~ :E. fAvchn'tc, Interuntiomal fi--ts ml Vol -X) go ef ~'t WN ,de,of the USSR DurlLng 1956 V. 'I~mhukp 240 pp. pp US JM3/DC-349 (DC-2700/57) 2lediall ion in'Poultry Raising on Kolkhozes 0 ozeimi by~M. 0. LevcbA. 5 PP. per, Ptitsevodetvo, Wo 10,, 1960p 6-9. JOB 13037 us a ~~~n. III Mudli ium or Uptake of Ldbelwd Aaiao txidii ~y at 0'': sp ~y Y.~ 1. lAvynnt, T. P. T-n-rebuk, I .. - .1-1- ----- C�r~ Orich, pp. niothim) Vol =lv, NO 211, lqrc~".v ~,- ri-T Cousultants rureau set 0~, ~bo I ', TI 01~, AR kc. T6 1 1 ICU RU55M, I?K~ USS;; Eto I OCT, FOR CUTTING PRODUCTION COST IN EJV~ BY V. LEVCHUKI 11 PP. PERy FlrLANSY SSSRj, NO 51 i962y PP 17-23. JPRS 15142 213,439 ~D 'he tl l~ Ch" itul:Lv, of Elaturidae, b,; Yuz 17. Ark 1.9.scl, 135-3.55, III ors of Labeled Astw Acids Into Protolne ~ I I I I (if De,~ I opit mk~ Bmbryo,, by V. N. OrekhovIch,, Ii. Levm t T. P. Ipvchuk-~Mw*htI",j 10 pp. p DiokbIaLlos Vol XIX,, So 5., 19540 pp! 6 1~, CIA 9018W~6 ITY atiuUm'Sp6atreomoteirs by V. IT. Syk-ov.. im' i Ado*,. VA.: tewdiki, V. S. GolrvL-" .n> 1.957 Azimr lrmt el. MV . , :.~ I mid it coillisean3c &,:C3 p=rli~_Qw T=U by 0 A.~ Lovdiladft, 1. A. Itrina.9 B16)dduly4p Vol XVIS No lf CB 61, 3'6, w-ation of B and Y - Cry-,tallins Ln cif7. 1. ~aiectxop~oresisp by K. F. Firfarova,' A,, dikova, , 2 pp. ~~dikov, khim, fi---) 4.o 1961,, pp 626-629. 1 31 pery Bio CB 621 Jill ~!~f fof I' thad of Prodlicing, alld Degrii ~~ oj~ )b GpdrjJ.().-,~ t n~ 04-1 Vitri-Mcation cupOcIty in of tp A& Itivesp ~y G. V. p, );Lai ~4 s riv 22hur Prik XhILm Vol XXVD.I., No 9., 1,9551.01,~ op -915. ciA c 425M Cimsultants Rureau 76 4. Sci~tthd P, Cbemiatt;j, awl ~s6 pt rzLvle L Of tbG ~~tr4l~~tlall of AlAmine In by Gi fr.~ MAIWO Ztjjj~4ftq 20 Ira xbftp Irb& mmnsl no eil c 49%7 1~0 t m cm of Nab see Oxides and SU)Sides in j3 and Their Separatipn From MmWneov i ~so I N.; F. Lovop A* B, Qwvvicho id, per' Zavad Laboratoriya., ~ol XXIv lo 9, 1959; -2-1035. omtober Tr 3762 Sci dWm M iri Aug 06 $3.4c) 11 -O-oratoriya, Vol. 37150 _2 1 "0 Al lic 00, . -1100 "or Ij iii Carbon Stecis. Ili ties of WODI vn,6 Afft'll-01. rALT, Proper Eat by M. jSyg%LL.- BmU de VInBtitut Terti.le 6 IVII, 1957,, PP ).9-35, CUMO 4,705 Y ~16 p ~60 's i~f a SpecUa Hetrac- ei tu~r M.N. So Me Levecque., 3 PP. ATIC F-M-6175 L =/0n L Iq 're I~ti ocochemical jact on tion I cil."V camolt j or mm, 6. ,J, `lc Teud.l qL;itutcz u I I'aw, , J:m=), 3s;l V6.1 8, IdC3, 84-00. 60 IwI a; of Displacement of Mcchaniums With j, ~ by P. A. layWz#, 12 pp. Ts Vyseitkh Vabob Uved PrDmrostrorenxiya W6~,p PP 134-142. i i i 86L; 114i I ".9 // ~, 6 9 5~ I , S t 1 ~ 61-16616 ' Y A I B 1.:!V( . o olginan, u . , ' 1 O~" , ii ( YMPRIZA-11ON XIV. LOW IEM- I . Lo,cdev, S. V. ~ IIE RX 116. 1.1 li ~IRIZA-noN Of- ISOBUTENE. 11. Borginan, Yu. A. 1 f 1;611 . lo rf 1 ~ ~ S1. III. 'ritle: LA)w ... Oraer I fr. 11 OT SLA $1.10 61-1651t) .ins zi ~t, Obschchei Klmnh (USSR) 1935, v. 5, tx 1.) 1 -.. sc It J,olls,~, 11111crics, *11olplictization, Pol) trers, ol 111 11 lite. (mullan ~ oL i1ced) Blo~ 'o C osiiioa, U 114ticats with Severe I Injury i by r V. V. tAvedev. cc ar an Izi I ISSIA I E,Novro ~khfrr Vol :?6, Na 3. 1%.2. c oct 393,19S LIIEz, p WW 4 1 I IT OMM D&Wft Csxftc Atlifteld MicuLulw a Mawmstcd Pksure in ti R, Z. Amlr*Vo I ERNWO Val LXIVI, S61 - DW & Mod 6t 259,556 im0 OP Pan& wow-wag by 70 6 %as* Lau., -Slit. LEvil Ener,) A.i~ re i irati ~P on of uranium hexafluoride. I 'p 111C 4):225 -32 (1964) (AAEC LIB/TRANS dual wA the Univerbe, by A. C. B. 3-1 pp aussuj.. pvr..~ Astrm Zhur,, Vol XXXVI, No 6, 1 1.1111 ~195 1139-1140- Amr Iust of Pbyts Saviat Astran-AiT Vol M, No 6 J 60: Properties elf Water QMms va in f or WaMcq it ftCd Cump by 13. G.. MUSh Iran &tA steel TO 461 (SP-2U9) 10j, kso Of BtactWbotrys Tmdcosi(; xttlel, by r. G. ILevenberg, Nov tA pp. r, Votartnoir4y[4 Vol IMMo 38-'41. JM 19971 117.1 ~ 1 CY1 7p TAIT lz ju,~ 01 t Ij: fp~~;I'j C"I 11: ~ 3 - : 1. ( 1~ k 15- , 4i L Isotopes,., by N. G. Zaitsevs, M. Y&. ~w~z~:ietsb~u Yu. Leverib2jg , V. A. Kbalkin, 8 pp. 7; a: L Radiokblxolya,, VDI IIq 1960, pp 451 -457 ABC T---45!)8 15-2172--3 6t Uon Xnto;tbe Gratnimea of Developed Amasioris Wo Moct of the Caqo- *0 od' the Bamaitmetric :Wvolopieut Vpw,Om'm'n&mm - bV G. G. IN. 66i~wvakly. T. M. Waberg. 28 pp. th"kh Ikwb Pbtocmfp Vol IT# 19550 KA 20 FMI)w NATMU" Ow Z-Y O,,r7 quentIt tiv ~Om ~O'f -t1so; tograpbic rufact eye COI r Fhotogrmphjc~' 0 Materials by Yu. R.IGOI 1 OV6 ~j D. X~.Palobukb~m.' T. 11. Levenberg, HUSSLOI tb~- o-m par, Dok Ak Dauk S.S%SR., Vol LXXXX, No 1~ ~,ISR,!"';9'51.p'pp 73-76. I., C TA /PID.D /X - I A6 Dec 1953 OTS ulab 60 U-4 UC-1 Dmil~r vcv. n a r1 650- ki !ACID. THIRD REPORT 4 s I f,.' BY P. A. LEVENE, 'Wi A. ii 160BS 7 PP. :G li'IAN PRE, BER DEUT CHUI Gl---S, VOL XL I I, 1,-;Oc, I 1~03 NIH 8-1:3-62 k CH 213,72- 62 of,Chromium and Phosphovis gen 'lop 'D*IovI% oi: btee)., at al. NX, rpt., Piz-Khio 05novy PM 1 237-rA4. pp HD 15361 (NY*7172) ~'Ti 04t ~U~l LAK NONDTRAI.VLANTS lflj~ toloff* 1w f.. R. 7 IND& ;~mi NWM Oil= AMIVp NO 4jo 19(*t im 46. ob M4,636