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The IM"Mom, at Um hoomme VMU Beat flow- ="Wimp am=$ now" mimmu. =a oDrlw at aws wowww" out Tr 3" act - 'Moullagp beftaullmo naval river, water A, 4601 Awallablt an low at Rommumb Center Ubrary i. fte bd2xo" of ft"d = ccou at C&TIP w 6640 %w r- amou NZL ftf: OM03 OW sovkmb ftw -- S, ~ 1\ AV To t ~ lmpDwlTjIS45. 40#769 1331A.JiS 193JU41al 10 33!40 '01 '.% '11 "1011VAII1111) ItIVId- IjI1,l!AiV) 'uopdlo~qv sp(K. .11;1.1il A ~'PullqKtulkl_-l U;)-,io.IIIN. :S110.14MIDSAU 't 'Ou f] OtIvILI.I.)t) J'oh~) -,41111ps 1o:1 :,q ill )JU11.1N 1.1 IMI)LI17 I lO "UVAJ. VA111 -1:9 M U10.1 I .1.-)P.lc) '(16 [Z96 I N'- 1! )0 11 - I IN V-11111) ',)NI.IJV A'A':1 ILLIM V-11111110-ANAU -11AN0.1.010 AO (,"111111AM ANAW-HAKI ONLIS'. .1. 63-105M FLORAN1,13: A NITROGEN FER-riuzi:R wi-ni LONG 1. I-itic: Fhwanid LASTING AC,rION (Floranid: cin Stickstofffilinger mil 1. J1111g, J. Langanhalict-idCr Wirkung). 119621151p. (fol-Cign tuxt inclUdUd). Order from SLA St. 10 63- 10500 Trans. froin SUddcuischer Erwerbsg5riner (Wc~t Germany) 1961, V. I.S. Do. 10. DESCIIII'MRS: *Niii-opn conilmnds, *Fertilizurs, Orea. Organic o.)mIN)tinds, &Oubilitv, AbsorpHon, A1dchVdCS. Chonical propct-ries, Ccrcals, Growth. Cult ivat ion, IT, v. If, u). 3) Office of Techitical Smice, ing' 9MA-v- -nNG 1,11-MOCEN CUMPOLTNIDS, t:S- PEaALLY CROTONVIDENE UREA. f19621181p. 10 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 63- 105 1 Q Trans. of Zfeitschrift] flir PflanzenurnMirfungj DUngung, Bodenkunde (West Germany) 1961, v. 04, no. 1, p. 39-47. DESCRIPTORS: *Nitrogen compounds, OUrca, Formaldehyde, *Fertilizers, Plants (Botany), Absorp- don (Biological). Besides die usual mineral nitrogen fQrtilizers which are available to Llie plants immediately or StILIVEIV after introduction into the Soil, it has been .11tempted for a long titne to find syndictic sul).stances x%hich release nitrogen slowly, that is in sliding raics that (Agriculture- -Plant CWrivarion, YF, v. 10, no. 3) (over) 63- 10519 1. CrOtl MN I idt'11U III t-:1 Title 1. 1011g, J. :.11CV D1 TftbW_A4 Sr1jCeS 1 63-10295 AiltzmT SUPPLY FROM PLAMC-C)DATED FERTILIZER GRANULES. 11962)16]p. CWer from SL-A $1. 10 63-102 Trans. of 7,eiqschrift) 4M Pflanmern9hrung, Dftrung, Bodenk-unde (West Germany) 1960, v. 91, no. 2, p. 122-130. DESCRIJYMRS: *Fertilizers. Nutrition, Particles. OPUstic coathx6s. 01\11troger. Potassium. Polyrl*b--r-, Vinyl radicals, C11orides, Absorption, FAters, Uren fornmId0i)-de resins, Calcium compounds, Anunonium radicals, Nitrues. The nutrient sui7ply of fertilizer granules, coated with plastic, was tc!-,Lcd in a pot eWerinwnt. With large nitrophoska grwitiles. (10 to 15 nwo, the multiple tre.itment vilth a Elioran solution (n-dxed polymer of (A-riculturc-PInnt Cultiyarion, Tr. v. 10, no. 2) office of Tedmkol senices (over) CrotAMWUd=e 10durea oz a IfItToam= 10= FerLIliwr., bV J. Jlmge ,7 1961,1 V YU3=Hp par# PIWt and Wilp ljo 3.5 p 284-290. selo~ Feb 63 a , r, /,.5;7/p 0< Ptftft Ot 92ttiMt 84994,GrA the Catim/ Aften 3btic Sn fte Meet, 'Or K. Sebarrari J. a=5. ~I .0m, (tomes jot *taw) RM -5- ~~Vx/c- Bel - Avg 67 337-345 IM jobann; Muller van Blumenarca, "ans-Ottinar and others. USE OF NITROGEN FERTILVERS O!F SLOW AND SUSTAINED ACTION. (t9631 Sp. I ref. Order from OTS or SIA $1. 10 63-16253 Trans. of German patent 1,001,482, cl. 16,14, int( c). C 05 c, filed 4 Feb 59 (nadoe of appUcation and issuance of provisional parent, 12 May 60) issued 17 Nov 60, identical with provisional patent 1151, 976 lVa/16, by Badiscbe Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik A. G. DESCRIPTORS: Nitrogen, "FertilizLra, Otlrcm, Preparation, Absorption (Physiolo"), *AcctaldehydeB, Condensation reactions. The invention involves the use of crottinytidene diuren as nitrogen fertilizer o(LBIOW and sustained action, possibly in mixture with other fertilizers- (Autbor) (Aoculture-Plant Cuftivation. TT, V. 10, no. 9) 63-16253 1. Title: Crotonylidene di urea I Jung, J- 11 . Muller von Blumencron, It- -0. III Patent (Germany) 1 081 482 OWN d TachwCal 9ftVk" The iwsb as nmat mom of the am"* lbiodolto Gordtfs 1w Ko imeo c va V* me, PP, ikk IC-23% Sol-am" &A "T 67 hmeydarla !!armias f'or the iorriln If4~4cta on 41tmr"e 9 P-oro ,:)I, 2c, -,Ci-var lei The Reducum of "east, x aft& by Kt Junge GMMS WAs 3doorkmftwerfohm In der AMw=d%m Geqftsiks Leipsigs 196:10 pp 66-92o :,;:!, 1 , I I ACIC scl - Earth scl 4 Astm MW 63 ,Ia '? 15.2, 7he bimtbomtica ftvatwnt of Airlye lowftsys With an Z:,,p=alw of the Squuv Of SeGL-UMVI. MOTSUMS iu Spherical Hmmlev., by Xqga~l MAM,q bkj Die Beelmerjacbe behmndLmg der Airylechen loostanic Hit 31mr Ift"IcklIm ass lquadmto ear ACI~ Sol - Barth &-A Ast"A icn 64 M20yacpadle or Piwalcas, by 2. Norl Zuag. IMWNP P*r R=Mxcb der Yap2ko lib:Lnvn, 2956v pp E44V. AM 'A'a 1, 9 7 y jj-.A 0 Pilp relo 6 3 bmg Sri. -ME HARNKMC MEMBER OF FIRST ORDER VArM I lkv& K. MOSTASY, tr. by H. Tbr_. KUY 61 191P. U. MW TC-271 ACIC TC-271. 01. Awamnaled Mart and Order from CITS or SLA 11. 10 62-M629 bkmft Claw. St. IVAN. Wb- Trans. of Sumr*n OwdeLl~ Labos. YAUa%MJ& (Finlaro) 1955, w. 46. P. 51-97. DESCRWMP.S: -ftLeotW ftwry. -M IMMIFNIM. *Gravity. Earth maku. Calmodd fto tuics H s m h w or . . y p It to shomm how 8, mm cc first cman c" to S&vw to Won know I -, -1 , dot dispimcm0m of the gravity Comm nkm (Barth sebescam-Owdevy. Tr. W. 9. am IM me d god" swom The ii" PLC Geadeetidsou T"'di ol CL, 'jtak~Os),o,jla-; 46f ACIC 4 Tnke Cares of Your Body So You W.11.1 Be Abl-e to Be r.. GDod Construation Worker,, by Tung !'Cao-tang, PP* CMNIM., up, Jen-min Jih-paol 8 Apr 1960, p 9. JIM 6397 FE - ClAns Pmparatory Yaasure"s for Interpretailon Proce0ima,, M. qi ,~nL. GMUklip bL,,, Scbwerja-a~rfahran in der Angmfaudtan Geopbys:Lk, 1961, pp M-137. ACIC Sci - Emr-#,h Sci rov 62 S-3082 (DC-1933) Preservation of Live Cultures of Palthogenic Bacteria by Drying In a Vacum at D)w Tem4mr. atures (Lyoybilization),, by M. JUng.p 19 pp. UX:LASSIFIIM. CROATIMP mo per., RigUew,, Vol VM, No 4, Belgrade 1956, pp 250-267. W JMAM-M591 Sci - medicine 6 9, S p Super Long RwV Hadlo Im the DwAorter Wxro Bond or 2000 IV, by Um Jkmg, Nntor Lnqpr,, 8 pp. MM a Porp alowns Sol - AllectimiGN 61 L v lb 5v 19"9 ,q3rit Acel 11-7pi" ID MOMW (BI-9-96 358)- JW3". rAJST DISPERSON IN OPERATING MIM INJECTION MILL& 11962) 7p. (figs. omitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-18391 Trans. (I Viereinigung] der G[rosskesselbesitzer]. .Vittellungen (West Germany) 1961, no. 72, 1). 155-1.58. DESCRIVrORS: *Coal, Furticles, (~ovnbustion, Dis[ri- bution, *Gas flow, 'Furnaces. Injectors. 62-18391 Jung, R. -1be possibiliiic!; J a uniforin disEribUbOll Of thC dUSE- !ndcn air srrt,4ims going out from the mills to tile indi- vidtial Inu-ners ar,~ showii on some characteristh: t-xam- A ol' NIC :)Ies. 11w un.,ft,rin Jistribution az Cie 1x.--,1nmn ccpir-~,ustion path which is striven for in this v. One U 22) 7 7 3 9 31' "1 of tile basic- prvr,-(pisites for a favorable cow-s' "f co:r"bustim. i re - 'llicrufore the corresponding ral u for uxpu~j' !nt mill nrrangemeut and pudance of '1-F, v. 1), no. 4) (over) 011n, Srr,!,, "f!2IIIAtioll- in Differ-e-ut Co-rtllc~ll crud Vle~ ID.Portance of th-Z T., r Convulaivej Dtr-.ctp-rgas,- by G. Axtlalvlo S'Cioaliej Blo-~ se,;~ The Microphysiology of Gqktical Neurons an(~ Their Significance in the~--Functions of the and the Brain., by Richard iiua, Otto Creutzfeldt, Otto-Joachim Gruesser,, 36 pp. UNCL GERKU,, per,, Deutsche HW: Wochschr,, No 26; 28,, 1957P pp 1050-1059- ATIC MCL 137/11 Sci-Med jun 6o 74. A Monow Shaft as a Convwyor f Or Looot, Granular material., by R. J4m-- ajgU~",, perv wd don GebieU des ippnieumisens'p Vol MEV" No~ 2p He 23 Sm 1959;, -pp 37-43- =I 2558 mar 62 lis*4,* 125 3 A SAW 4W:MK MMUM MATIM To PLAMINQ Am O~WWOS IMWM~p BY WM TlM8wTWGv 2 41!~~ ~ ; pro oilowbo" ousisom winfump NO as ml m . 100 00 n6# ~ i 6z67 ft = 04INA cm mV 62 219j,7ft 2he Pressure Drop In the Milet Zone of Pneumatic Transport Systmej, tw R. jmg. GFMMj, per# Yomcbmpg out dm Oebietm des Vol XM# lb 2# 190j. pp 50-56. WU 2246 Sol - aw sv U Av, CF, list no ';:C -13/6o Histt.-)Z,y of thc D-2volopmelit of ot. by F. Jung, 23 PP- Fm CITIC:uLl, U~-E 0,;,- C4f dn il-nJ3 urd Yuf ')!).d jPRS 3701 COPYRIGH T Beonmic J'autifications In the Arrangemats of lifydrm-l ectrIc Pow= Stationa j, by jUng- rLking-ku,, 330 P.P - mmnff,p pwa chim-chi Ym-chius no 6,, i962j, P 13- JPM 16066 0 - Chima aeon sov 62 TanIzIL-P-L-ve Valiws an Relation Bettmen Peasant Nars and Relig-ion bi CnJ=, by Jung Elbeng, = Lung Shonp.-y=p rb Ling-Iteiinx 10 pp. CHMME, zap,, Tlen-=in Jib-pmo, 17 Oct Y,60- AmConMup Hong EbUg Survey of China Wa3mW Presm, No 2370 2 Haw Mil Soc Dec 6o lzrlueum of Allm&U an the Pronarlon of Ca- asm I dicatu a, v0 so jkm-.- y K 1~ lzt V, V, st 1951v p9 9-13. We Cbm Tech Telegrapb NoWator; a fmonlttlmg leylog Cirmit WItbout CmtaatD for Carrler 71equency Telegmphyp by Z. Behr# 30 pp. Ternseb-Teehu"t. Vol XXIX,, No 2,t Peb 1940p pp 49-54. WA 57-1456 scl May 58 117Y fae ~ctrystallisatioa oi Or"tary Lrou. Loy 2, ~o 4U, L122, POT, iuhl aud Lisms Voi 4, It .,AL iwf LiUSA (5674) zz 7 7"~ July oj 'L~-41U 141 a2.! Dotwmn I;bko Marge and CoMooltion or Flu-- C-an With Cupola Furnaces of. Various Diameters., by 2. jungbluthp So ~Bruhl- per,, TechuiocLo. M-tteijunZen ~ampp.. Forqchun&~- ..;:.,--AChie,,' Yol Ils, pp 1-49 1939. Brutcher Tr Do 912 ChMed CastU*.t by P. Goeirens and-H. !~~ uth, 0 PP. L_ GEMMj, perj, Stabl u Rism,, Vol XLV., NO 28v 9 Ja l9A5ip p mo- A MA 97-3350 Sci Aug 56 f.2 i&~2 (a Coke RmIustlon by the Cq*lm lPtwmce~ by IR, jumb-I M-- lwl~ MUS imrs GIOJIMVI, TCQ ZWIp W~~# Ipp 2-6, Dept Cdr Int US aw of Maes C-tral Elver aim mtsep ?as Tr 949 sel - mw jugk 59 2r X S- 7 X .-0 The WficiencY Of 6 CqPas by G=Kwi, vwp cleamwelp VOL 12 Apr 3.956, pp M-Lft. WA of zat is sw or mmms contma a") Pitts-il Pao 2r It6o 4 -7 r Bel MW am 52 51 cupol~k IT I- Oiba~66hungs-Beribhte Ohte::~"Tr 140 17 JUEGBLUTH9 H. MULLER, He Heat and Corrosion Resistant Stee3s for Steam Boilers. KRUPPSCHE MONATSBEFTE, vol 12, 1931, pp 179-188; 4800 words. Brutcher No 947, JUNG31LUT';1, 11 iin 11A r7'echnisclie Mittellunren KruT,--, vol. 1 193?, Q f igurec, ')4DO worc~s Blast Volim, e, Coke Cliar&e, and %.'clt Lit, Rate wit'- rutc`,cr Trann Order No. "l1? cp) 'JUNGI~;jVTH, H. T. 14. H AI, Archiv EiF;enhu:~.eriwesen, vol. 12, 15 fi,:--ures, 51.~(')D words. The Aeltin6; ?rocess in tile Cu-)ola. Brutcher Trans Order N'o. 1002 $5 ~:i 9 o JUNGBLU'Tif, H. Archiv Eicenhuttem.,,esen, vol. 17, 1':)s. 1-2, 7, 13 forixalae, 2300 words; .19.".". Helationshio between Blaqt Pre--ure, 'Rlart, T)lwi--~, and Di-mensions of Gunr)1a. 3rutcher Tr,.--ins CTder I'llo. 10'72 $2.-10 0 '-].'A3LF,I Fl, F Techrisclae Ilitteil=4,en Krupp, Forschunl;s-Berichte, vol. 2, Titwes, 1 t.-,.ble, 1500 words; '9~9. Hc-,%r to Judc.:e t'he Opez-,-tin.:- Condttions of a "I'atchter 'r- c --7 lunge, C. PRUCESS FOR THE EXTENSVE REMOVAL OF ALKAU METAL SALTS FROM COAL. May 63. 700 words. Order from 711S TTIS NS 76 Trans. of Fast German patent 24.144, appl. 19 Oct 58, pub. 22 Oct 62. DESCRIFMRS: Material separation. Salts. 0AIkall metal compounds, *Coal. 63-17387 1. jumge. C. 11. Patent (East Germany) 24144 111. 7MSr-NS-76 IV. Translation and Technical Information Services (Gt. Brit.) (Miaterials- - Fuels. TT, v. 10. tit). 3) goo d Tab" UFAM The Groith CKr CoMeumt1on Nuael With Relstfte Ruaidityp by C. JWWI, IS pp. GMUIANp porp. Annalen der N~e Vol M~ No 3/6p 1950 2296-135. 1. t"-, -r0 1~ 14- AWRes &.md Dev Cammmad Scientif ic AstronmV cm/her / 316 maim -- ammilk w smial WM(Lq "ADIWX !=!to. 10WOMFOK OILY cm=L P004MMMIN6 VIOL Zo MAP-1, - a-- jpn 17w, SCI m ELVCTWMCS V fu 63 =1*271 tienal Lesims FoUoving Bloocl Tra=ftslon., DY JS Le F=Ck-B=tmop P. awlems'p 1.5 P.P- -Mmms pwx La P"W" )"i"18" Vol UMM.0 So 23., X%Oj. pp 86o-663. SIB 2 -13 -62 /,?/., 4b-1 ~3ci - Mod Apr 62 U-perlemen Wlth a ReftaLug RM ftir lbt PoLlIng Wire., by H.4DW& J. Xfttnr. OMMM,, per* Mahl mod &an.* Vol LA)MILI., 1962., pp 1512-152D. wim 3315 ft:L - WK Sept 63 -3,5~3' / v 19 LevA BottmlM Psooom W; the Oker Load-Coppor Yzt&UurgLoml Vo*oj, by.A~~~ Ot MI.- 7 3W- 4"~ OERM.. par,, RERM Vol vn., W%s yp 14 3- 1305 S.L.A. Tr *0*119% &d - NLIMMInfjbtLu 04,0,043 Oct 56 CTS IN uVeyaltiare and 21"-trm Donalty La a Watez Stabl3l%W Ilght Arep by Ge Jiwremsjl 20 pp. IMPAN- reri Z, ftsik, Vol C"Yjr--C-yv; 1052., PIP 21111 .A.0 Am 59 f2.L r - -;;"t- Vt~: VI 101 . - -t,,L6Ut! DLI HU11 Teas-ile Steelss, by A. Junger, 6 pp. 011 'V, 1941, GMU", -oar, Arch Elsenhuttermeneia, Vol X Vp 2D1 p 2M L~ ca Q6,r% 0 ir SIA 57-2W-9 Sci Aug 5B 7,61 inwepas or Sw-W-ter Cbrroalm Fatlow ROSIXtOMOO Ot - va tir. emrf*ce Preffiltm. aLtrifte, Ceft-saltenk g at. Smtr;iAM enlvmdjdr46 WA.-j~new, 4 pr - ?Vi Own; mltb lbra& AN610 GNk4bDfftW8dMVA ObWte~ Wnmmwjl6 va To 1"Ve pp WA 97-39W aft M .krchiv --liserhuttenwesenY vol. 15, 2 tab!--s, -.135') words; 1.0,41- Signilf-1-,ance of Yield Faint for the Fratigue of 1-Tic-h Tensile Steels. -rutcher rans, "',der 1-.o. !-'.1~2, ..' 1.70. 03e oi' Grader, r-s9W-rjT (14) and 16 rc~T (SN' th St,-Lc%.Iz? by S. V. Juager. '( yT. Streng perr., Svaxoeb Prolm, 3o 2. 1961, Py- ;~4-27, -7'c-'b 62 eP4 ,~p Jungers, J. C. and Couseemant, F. THY-11TFLUENCE OF ADsoRPTION ON THE COURSE OF C.A,rALYnC REAC.-MONS (I 'Ir-Ifluence d-- I 'Adsorp- tion sur I'Allore des Reacticynn Caralytiques). 1960 17p. 8 refs, Order from SLA $1.60 60-18656 Trans. of Centre National Lik- la Recherche Sclentifique, Paris. Colloques Internationawx (France) 19,50, no. 19(7) p. 73-78. DESCRIPTORS: *Catal"Iu, Adsorption, Ctwmlcal i-cactions,*Hydrogenation, 60-18656 Jungers, J. C. F. (Chemistry- -PhN-Hical, i-r, v. 8, no. I i) i4uan~~i=tlve- kv:irctica in HaterogencoLu Catulyssia, EehydrogemLiaa cf flecoadar~r Alcoho3.8 on Nickel, by Francois Mi-tea,juse,ph C Jukprao 3r, pp, INUMLp per, BLUI .5o-- ChIm Llt: F.-cm-cv,, Vo 8-9, 1958v rP 3.167-1174. SIA 59-1(f i66 C;cl f - chert Vol 2o No I quaUtit"ive Itmem" in mbbuqpnmw caulplo. mw Xafl=wo or go "Iftum an Vw Aa%LV:LIW *ad M at owma"" It 1w J. P. - -owl jo 9. &UP- ~ v I I I P" Swu am Cblxdqm do 72 0 p p WMA, W, cas.riLoo set - Chow //O:~, 0~2 ~- mw 60 ;;Iol fts RewtWty of Orytole Substaum In the Claiwiratims- by R. Pleeks, J. C. 0 DAU soc cbm se:% Vol LKF 1951P 331-We S.L.A. Tir 1159/1956 00 ficl - cbewastry "'0/05 out 56 en A. ONP~qlif:pf, Clalb3ft em Astaft= at vanth wA a SIMMUO AmmInd lw 0~ at Anmom gor as "0 041 -FAidmt 4c lbuml cm- iftmu YOU% IW a Val =13i*:~ LV*1 pawwwwrt INAMUS, so go swuu* owkos w 30-900 so. ,e-,-# Z, Ir4ls:4 0-2p ONK 0-3965 VSF"s Clotblfts %ZtU.D Flbws Aw " CWAM 63-10M Ownbokft, A.. and Bier, G. I~ Pofym~m iON Or ETIrs'LMI: AND PROPYLOM 1'. Ardhawmis, L Ix) AISAPHOUS OCPOLYMER17X-D SMES VMI 11. Got%M4 A. CATALYSTS %VMI VAHAMM Mall-ORM AND U1. NW, CL ALMMAR, HAVIC13' -4pwimatIM von Athylen Laid 11rq)y1mi -.u CopcAyinedeattat mit Katulysavmen atr; VwuvU,u,%oxycItIur%d uW Alumbiltuttialo7.enulky1mo. [1963)12-'))p. (foreigntewt incltdaKO 13 refs. (A-der front tLA $2.W 63-10948 7)runs. of Wakromlektilare Chende (ST4MW124 1962, v. SB, no. 1, p. 16-42. DlUntMWS: *Syndmk rubbew, *Myuhylme plastics. Olwjyknes, nvq-, poir-tutdom, Reactim kinetics. *'dAedm cudysts. OAlwnlown COIIV*tmdx. 11micauts. ABL71 radbea", IVwmdILwn ,Oxychlarklm, V-1yals. (KbmrjRI9--Ejuuxnm, IT, v. 1% m Oft d hd" I J-9-h-. J- J. ACLYM NXX)TOM KXWNM- fit"] sp ordw from K-H $1.00 K-H-&W Tra". d Nodffbbb TWKbfM IWW) OWMADO, p. 7T-64-12903 1: jtmprbm, J. J. 11 K-H-KW M, Kr"V-Hooker Sdence UbFU7 ABI"ttl. Dwicet, Mich. 4 Scjwam--TaidcDIW. Tr. v. 12. NO. 1) TombokO Idtil Clin C.I;tirl.; kFc.-,l 50 "'I.,j sci/ i. at-~xiabs (1.4, -rax. it 6p 1959,p 30- 0,pc-6 I WIGNS jUd&Lm RudDIf. EARIM-9MOXES AT WrAS" UDWOM f1963) 25p. 1. P=0GWM6 it. (tip. omirted) 12 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 63-16263 Trans. of Bergakadetnie (Went Geromr) 195% am 46 p. 121-13D. DESCRtrMBS. *Mining engtoverbeg. 013ortb. 0141 A Ics, DeformatioN Ruptvre. *Impact shock. Ol'btasslunk 6satts. Geology- in the main part of the article there are dewrOW numerous examplese'lear~elally f. the Stwhars; 7 atims, of earth-strolues. earth-Impacts =11 Sboda. - These examples inclutSe espLcially the events of this kind whdcb have been occurring wUb larresoft tm- quewy to reom yeare. The =Oft at I C1 1jeopDidoball. LjAw1g n. KriAgeraball =d RUlambler- stedt are mentioned only brieny, since they are already (Earth &Irwes- -Geology. TT. V. 106 M 5) (wed Pmxmo amA APPU.atm ror OMMMM @mAtIMS., %W ab,fm Am.-U-4-3 PPO Ge"Oft p&tv" 1b "as Room& Apr M6. 9 0~ 'DS) Nwrb Dv VVII&MI Zw- a6ulo - IW a cbm YAW 59 000 TO It 3b 5 g;~,191 THE FLOW OF GOODS IN DOMESTIC RIVER TRADE, BY S. .~gbwLj 10 PP. CROATIAN, PER, MEDJUNARODNI TRANSPORT,, VOL VIIIv No 8, 1962., PP 557-56o. JPRS 15919 EEUR-YGUOSLOVJ(IA ECON NOV 62 215,163 (DC-3994). The pacts of the Big lomp Forward Have Educated Me) by JUng I-jeal 3 PP. cums., np., jen-min Jib-pao, 13 Apr 1960, P 15- JPRS 3771 FE - China Econ sep 60 /,0? 4, ;7~7 R H., 2M ZwIcker. U. INV%N%i. -OP AUAWS OF 21RCONM W17H MOMM AM MN IN VIEW OF UM VM47ATIM AS SHEATHM MAIMRML IN WAMM-(=12D - NLICLZAR RRACTM: ON UIE EFFECT OF HYDRO- GM4 ON 7HE OMWnWnON AND WE MBWJI- ICAL ]PROPERM OF 22ROOMW AUAM W17H WORM AND 7IN CONTEM.S. rapt. 2 c-ammlog propmd 139. (M7-61-4 RDA. 11963]38p. 14rct& Oidw F - 07S or SIA SL60 EXMABC-353 7vow. ofaropL ft= - A.Qo Frw*A= a. K (Wm mqw. DEBCRwrm&. OLJ* maw OZArcaaWM dbm ftaum Wby% "u auum m=m hul Cla&lur& NMUW bim*gmkd PM" amoebm. lim =="F"Aod wow, PAN= mcumm ohr-uw - 7Tv. 10. no. 8) IWO* 63- IM - I I-XVids W. 9: KOM KL M. 2hrickers U. TV 7W= OD do... V: ELMAEC-= VI - IkTqPu AM* HWU Comusalty. InmwU A247866 5mw al Todad bnbu 11q Disonslon of LV*jdeam with a Hot Re1uhs oi WIMS by. 16 jmsko Gunwo p ors "I U!rs Vol Me pp 1873o1479 AM S61ps 1 -21,4, IWWuting Mill for ot &I IA20 Doc* 20,0 sci - Kat July 67 A Danish Revisionist Communist on the Moscow- Peiping Dispute, by bg , 4 pp. DANISH, np, SF, No 46, 16 Nov 1962, p 4. im i664o WEur - Denmark Pol Dec 62 The Bebaviour of Swe Light Mital Piston Alloys Under Cyclic Tbanal Btr"s, by X. LOW"n, B" Schulz., W. Jung-KOOMI&P 26 p. QIKQ# per., AlumWwp 1958v Vol :WWj, No Up pp 634 -"2. SLA !59-174W Bel Feb 60 Vol 2,, No 9 River --m-apportation in i.961,p by s. 0, .AU14Q~J, It J&O i T"Ir A%& pwt Nbounraftl mranmrts va vm,, No 6j 19621, FP 437-MO.- JM 15476 MAW - w YUBDbIwAa Ewn oat 62 K -- o f.~~ ,~---A .. A A . - am a &boo aw*Aql pm to Pat spusm An ad$ v 16 Ano so jo inum, Mwo pwo am* VA no 20 am 19", pp W34mo max 0" "10-a% Doe 67 3%961A -il, I --.. -V- Determination of Whole Fat as Well as Determination and Calculatibn of Milk Fat in TAillc Cho ate by Hadhorn - R.jJungkunz, 21 pp. S) %ftwooft"WAW GEMMLT,, Metteilung .aus dem Gebietle der Lebensrrittel- zen untersuchmg, V61 XLI., No 112., 195',02 pp 137 155. MUrl r Q~.'T-279 A Sci - Chen Jan X952 CTS by Milan J~Ingm- an,, pe- L** NO 33, 1.6 Al).gp 19~5k p 13~ 1 133SE BE - Czechoalova'-ia Soviet Literary vLews on 20 Rml 58 What is the Situation In our Criticism? by Milan Jungmaunp 6 op. MWB,, yerAlteraml X&PL4., No 2, My 1958, I"kgue.. p 1 - us JM/J)C-L-679 RZ - Czechoslovakia POL 7"Op.0 /I? e IDC-6) pt%e prt of Seeing, by Milan Jungmann., 4 pp. CIT, np, TAterarni Roviny, Vol VII, Prague, ,.-At I!-, Jun 1956, p ?J. EY, - Czech -A-terature 58 Technical Develolment in rollroadl, :E;o jqj~2. Vacaav JUnSsn, CZEMj, Vez.- Ze2endml DVxmm a JtcIm:Um, 90 Is 296ep IV Ip 2v FM Stm 39M! BE= - CZeChOSI*VvJda N= / aw 62 ""'1W Rld MalY3ig Of G~irve iilormr.~Uqll, by m"r No 122,p V'415510-pp W-75. Ai~lx G6 3N*roving the Technical. Standards of Railroad Transportation In the Third Fivt-Year Plar, by 'r"Ilav Juagmam, CZBM, per., Zelezn:Lcni Dopmva a Teahniknj Yf, 4-t am. s 5 8 5 1 rRov 6o aaroxacoji ftpple and laterfenmw Voltape to Comertwoo by H. JuDipdahl ORWAN, pwro , Mijo Vol 5d, no 160 l9jT# pp H ~ 1,4 (,~ C- L cvl-lmectronics Ju4 63 340#959 A Metbod of c8la"StIng notardotial 2 -! 0 in a M~~~e law 2~wa with 16"IM78 Platm and FamorU = the PJ=idog or ftdi VIM TawAlo by Wlkkw JtenUp 2e Dye p nor liAll"'M M-A- 110 is, Vbl lxp unq No 3v i9fto in 299AU. 9W30 1 WPM3-312 Sol-Pb" SoO mos JMRA.WJ/'601..P Review of Others Ideas., 11 pp. Army Air Digest., Wojokowy Przegled Lotniczy., May/Jun 1948. POLISH -r /2.. NAD 324ou 44 o I , -10 0, Ildirmim m I --Art V02 9s, 29133 not ebmue" #ad IM sip umxlar Carmdca or A4urtedtle stem" Wratcber Tivas I%v $"9o ,A- ai b /f i.,lL 3==ip - 4ULU,n rgo 06 klo M- it I F F MWEM* 1932 RoLgh teqperleu" resistant cbromium st4mls. arutcww Aru 06go /~ - 14 6 t :~ SCWMS, M. : -Mowns, 0. : Not ShDrtm" of AustoidUc Maw, I ARCHN MIUTAjb - a Vol * 19.12-3; lb 12,0 pp 559462128w words, - Dratcher No 923o $ r4