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m Of P;n-im-tion in coi-,=U, G. ',-y9.ffe,, 35 pp. GMM_, per, Amalm der Pbysik, Vol l,' 192!'C~ W. 977-2-OC8. NP AM Tr 277 Q*-,C;;. - Elva oc"t 59 Vueory of Tortization in Colima.. jl,*Pwt)~ by 1. G. Jaffe., 50 pp& GEMAI-7, r, Annalan der rbyak, 'Vol XLII,, 1913s an 303-3 1.,.- )v v AW T-r 277 A Mt 59 Benzid,ine loothlocygmte (h-ftlno Diphenylyl Isotblocyau.ate) , by M. jaffe.. 6 pp. GXMAN, rp%j, Berichte 27j, Part 11, 189h.,JC, pp -155~-156i. crA/"D/X-l#r23 Sclen'tific - Chemlotx7 jul CTS Aotba Or *town* Imr md or ft-ow W* adf% Too 168M Dumb M'somialsm MARIgsk Vo&-Us 307-~Mv- ZWW53 ]VX ANg 666 MOW Experimental Biological Studies on the Nutritive Value of Sesame Cake Metal, by Werner JaIgg. SPANISH USDA per NC State College Jun 59 Nutritive Value of Sesame. -.,,I Mutual Comple- i i mentation of Corn and Sesame Proteins, by . t Werner Jaffe, * i SPANISH USDA per 1: NC State College Jun 59 qiaz., j*!;a:-;-i-cjjm--nt ar Hew", water by FrarztJkopal at-l oil, by U . Ehrenberg.. H~ JvLff ke, 5 pp. WaK par.0 Zoitseba-ift fur anEpwandU,, PWraikj Vol V, Wo 10a 1953s pp 375-376. S.L.A. Tr 43/i.9'rAS Scientific - Pbwsias 3 1 9 J- 7 A ~btaUlc Compound of Llectric Conductivity .by Jaffle , 20 pp. .lftll translation. Lithium and Amonis. and Galvsuo&zikXwUc Effect, t3MNW,, per. Z. Physik., Vol XCI j, 1939p PP 74 1-761. A E C S.r 1740 Scientific - Physice Dec 53 C2SJ= VarlOW WPM Or CbWWM Suffered ty Pam sobstances) 72Y J. Jatrnw. IS., pwj,~ Aaag--jg ft LL Vol - 3, 1948, pp LIS d3~- 7wi -S sci - Aug er 335-T34 :r-~ Sttai-IZ, cf Littor&l Drift UtllaZc; RadJoactiVe alracers, by P. Jaffryp R. Hours. FRaM., pars Cabiers Cue.EmoUsphl.quaal J-19,59, pp 475 -498 * 10 platee 1, CEal No 3YX696- A M- Oct ~q X/ Jban- MSTIGATION OF MGHER ORDER 77"- FORMATIO"S UY THERML ANALYM tr. by CWoqge R. I.C . Mar 61 129)p- Techdcal =xes PRL-TN-3B; AD-255 669. Order- fion OTS or SLA $Z 60 62-323U Trans. of Centre NladoW de b Recbwcbe Scleadnqm PuzU. )ourrAI des Recberdm (PMDM) 1947 iv- I I P. 153-163. DESCRIVMR&- *The=wxIyn8mIM,TemRer-ature, *Transforumdoms. Specific heat, Trans.ition tampeM- Mv. Co0jj'& *C2wo'dm Compounds. Oxides 60ww r I wounds, Sdbzm 09offim compounU Ammonlinn ra&c"- *BeryWum compounds, Patmve, INUrIthm Acetates. in bighe order trawdumadacw, latent heat is rot in- volved: Instead mpecfflc bM bxzmsm WI& (Phya"--Tb=vwdymmdm Tr, v. 9. mo, 3) (own) 62-323H 1- Ammy. J. U. FRL-TN-38 M. Febnwa Rommarch LAAm., Plcmdmy AreemL Dmff. PL Irv. AD-Z5 669 27598 (DC-590-7) Speech by Ccr:xade 14. J~~~ar~i' Represeiitin.~ Selenge --- f-t-he XIV Conga,ess c)f ti-if, T'TPRPI' ~'!; PI). MONTGOLIX.T. rip, Unen, 7 Jul !'-:-,6!., P-P, 5. JPR3 Pol Jan 6~) (iiy-6238 - DeveloPing AnImal Hwbandry ana Iwraving Agri- cultural feaderehip in ~bngolla, by N. 52 pp. 2~9~1- MMOLrMp per, Sotelolist Khodco Aj Akhul, iqc 29 Jon 19a, pp 4.8. im 965o FE - mmgoiia &0n / Ang 61 jazdt4 ROIWM-CL INVES171GOLTIONS OF RhLAXAMON PHENMMA IN ALKALI-SIUCATE GLASSES (UntarsudiuDgen vou Relaxatioustracbeinungen an Alkali-Silftt- Glisern). E~trract from th=is, Frladrk% ScUler U., 61-10696 1. Glass-Tomparature factors 2. Glass-Visomity 3. Olass-Internal friction 1958. (19611 [30]N 27 refs. 1. Pott. R. order trccn SLA ml$2.6D, ph$4.8D 61-10696 11. FrIodrlcb Schiller U. (Bast Germany) TYans. of Glastacbnlacbe Bericbte (West Germany) 1960, v. 33, n& 1, p. 10-19. Measurements are made d dw temperance depwA- ence cc the interns' friction and of the elastic mr"us of A11-11-silicare glasses at tomperattwes banve= - IODOC- =0 the point of transformation. The Omits, alkali silicate* show two prom=ed nundma at damping. *heron the mixed aLUU ellicam show only one clear mart um. WbIch. however. Is wormoesly raised. lArM and temporattwo position Cj the Mavirm dgpftd Cv. tho mWell Contoot. MA once of T.Chwed Swwt-* cawse of the elastic moduba is likewise 4stermined MOM at th slass4%. U.:Iw- - =-, 7T. Y. t OMM (M-4736) AaLC73ltVrgl IW*stgouU# by Nioczys2av JWlak".. 9 pp.6 PM=p upp allVoU Drawp 20-24 ja !9601. p 3i aN 7422 zkw - Mord ftca "/SW/ ~169 Jan 61 On the Ketones of Low-Temperature Tar from Hard Coals, by Alfred Jagery Gunter Kattwinkel, 3 P- GERMAN, per, Partial trans, . Erdol und Kohle, 1956, Vol IX, No 7, pp 447-450. SI-A 59-20057 Sci Mar 60 Vol 2, No 11 vow --IV--so -$-- OEM wo ARM&SM ANO Pon 0 70-m ummp~ FSTC:301-TW192 ,ue - IAISC Jun W oh,.y W! X14 mo 136 19640 meow A ZVV JM asamrim =a IR-cm - Furnaceo. by M, von Ardenne, Go Japra GEMM, per, ftus Hutte, Vol VIII, No 19 19630 pp 2-5, SIM 3239 sti - Elearm Nov 63 1 2 04f 6 y q JWW. F. M. MCACT DETEMINATION OF SURFACE TEMON. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. AND BLBCIMICAL CONDUC- MVI-N OF LIQUIDS AT VERY HIGH THWERA- '17URES. [1963) 32p Ifigs owitted) ftefs Order from SLA $3.60 Tir-64-10121 M-ans. d Revjuej Gfinjifirale des) ScIleaces Pures et Appliqu6es] (Frawe) 1919, v. 30, p. 5-17. DESCRUTORS: *LiqWds, *Electrical comductance. Density. Surface temsim High temperature research, *Electrolytes, *Silicates. Mensurlog devices (Electrical mW electronic). Tr-64-10121 1. )&Wr. F. M. (Chemistry- -Physical. IT. v. 11. no. 5) emm d Tockkw vo C: mala vo'-'urm;- by A VOD ~4:he eye'lme H. i 1 -,: % Ee %-. 4 k.',o 1'-1j, 2.962; pp 479-85- ,lit, potn;~ ZSMSWj;vaKajtoGjpj;. W.Luj csMAo 6257 set - Ragr Got va 1.~ 4/ / J/ 3~ j 63-16278 ]Mr. Herbert. (~MARTITATIVE DETERMINAMN OF ALLICDI IN 1. TUle- Allicin FRESH GARLIC. 119631 6p. (figs. amitu4 10 refs. 2. TItle: Garlic Order from SLA $1. 10 63-16278 1. Jager, K Trans. of Archiv der Pharmazie (West Gerrnany) 1955, v. 288. no. 3, p. 145-148. DFSCRIP`rORS-. *Quantitative analysis, Plants (Botany),, Colorimetric analysiti, Drugs, *Biological products. In order to determine the total sulfur content in fresh garlic, the fresh drult must be treated with cancentrawd nitric acid, in order to avoid losses of volatile sulfur compounds. Only thLn is the previously oxidized drug decomposed with sodium nitrate. FurthermoM a determination of theAllicin or Allun in fresh garlic is given, in which the pyroracernic acid formed in stolchiomerric amounts during the enzymatic decompoail (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT, v. 10. no. 9) wow IsdAw I (over) I The InMlewe of Hi& ?out= Plaitts on long Distance Lines,, by J. Tapr,, 59 pp. GERM.* per* KLektrotecb Zs vol mx,, 1 jay 1924.. pp 417-428. SA 57-1554 Sel V" 58 6 QuantItative Dateraluatlon of Alloy Ziewnts in Steel,p by X-Pay numencent SpectroWknal"iss by Krachter, J*gpr. GIRMNp per,, Arch Elmenbuttm iminp Vol XXUIIv Oct 1957, pp 633-639. Co-op Tr Bch Tr :No& 797 x Bel - masles /0 AVr 58 Colloid Cbwdmitry and Nistoebaidstry In the Problom Or Lms Damp AluWLzdva Pavaer,, by R. apr,, F. aSglwb.2 pp. GERM pwp Arab OeverbspaUt u Ormbobyg, Vol Xl'v TCAWII VPU7-1". BU Tr 2351 Sci - MWiciml Modstry 9//,0 8e-0 57 Conoia Chudetry anO Nistombe-Letry in tbo Problm or Lmg Dmp From AluaWma Ptxdwp by R. Jkpr, P, JNWA. 2 NY* aum sera Arch ommovath u OmrbdWgt Vcl X U S T9 .1, VP U7-3-30- SIA Tr 2351 sci - odiciml mWaLstry J-.22. 9"flo Sop 57 OF Electrical Determination of Boll OxWeting Wer Agftcultarel Hubinery,, br H. Jafpr. MUM., perp LancItectmiscbe Foracbung, Vol M., ND 6., 1977s vp 10-172. CSM 3931 Sci - Engr .Aug 62 -~e, /,~, -.2--11 moposumstilwo an p1mor-selat" 1pum" Atter fta Tom* of "k. raversew Nom haww"s Ton"U stms, bW 9. ROW, P. JAAMM damm. pow"o ma Am- - OEM, Val 22, Vo 3. iga. VP lot-ill. fmw,/I*r: C-445) p - -'T 14 C-7 lr'f / 13 Set - eept 07 339,973 2m4&-mMmdd= an 16-Alood Pledga AI%W NOW awe at bet awmww Omer mostsmo wwxw NMI% IW Ilba J%Pwij pobw iboftl& 31 M"s W ac C-Wp Apr 67 34,0(KL2 Intrinsic Bull Effect of U%B,, by G. Busch, 11. Jnggl,, orA R ~ K*rD 1p I pp. GMA3j Heiv. Mys. Acta,, Vol XXVIXI, 1955v p 452-453. UA 32U Sci Jul 56 ~ f 7-21 1 On Analogies Betwen the Action at Colloidal Silicic Acid and the Reactions ot I=uwe Bodies and Related Substances.. by K, Landste1mr., N. Jagic, 4 ppe IMIRW ,, per., Wien X11v Wocbtclzrs Vol MIR go 3, jan 10,, pp 63,, 64. MA Ir 2562 Bci - Chemistry ;P/, /02 0 Oet 57 .1 -9 4 Tag:te!E;kit 12 -P . ..,J J: COLIST) P,21", Nm-ip Rolnietwo, Vol XI; No - May 19D23 pp 2-6, JPRS .- polmnl - :1. 1 S, .;, 5 -i ~-,021 c,:~-(, 62 (NY-6430) The State Farm Dwring 1960/61 and Their Objectives for 1961/62,, by M. Je,~elskix 9 IT. POLISH, per., a Wawa ctvo,. Vol X, No 21., Nov lgft,, yp JPW 13364 EMw - Poland Eccm Apr 62 mwtt3r prob2sms in p bW )deawlaw Jagidsid. FOLnMs perp Dwe smulatma, VOL Xlt 110 3p 1 Feb 1962.4 vp Immo6o JW Sm 354' I'm= . POIA" Bom i..-&y 62 13?61 (Nr-&30) AgrIetature In Um ftrat Tow of the Present VIVw-vaor Plamp by HimemysLaw ~!!Omaglpqp JL6 ]v 0 PMJU.p pers, Nowe ft-qA* lb l2a 1961, pp 65-15-4. jpma loll AW - Palma 0'~z 4/0/,Z, am Nor 62 (i,'Y-0430) THE ROLE OF THE STATE MACH I NE STAT I ON'S 11-1 11 - 1 0 1 )65, 13Y I--'. JAGIELSKI,, L2 PP. POLISH, PER, NOWE ROLNICTW, VOL X, i;o 14, P,R3kPP 3-L). JPRS 121)4~'~" EEUR - POLAND ECON HAR b2 633 WWWM am epww ~ A Ift 3M 3NP It 3* law 0 Idmat lkm Alw SETEE (ITY-3743) The Role and Tasks of Agricultural Circles, by ZdziBlaw , Jan Kil-gezt p 21 pp - PCLTJ'jHt per., Chlopolm Drogay'rio 6.9 Warsaw, 20 Jan 1960.- PP 3-15. JPM 2889 EEU-I - Poland Econ jul 6o The Role and TasksL-df Agricultural Circles, by Zdislav Jagielski, Jan Kligert,___ POLISH, np, Chlopska Droga, No 6, Warsaw, 20 Jan 1960, pp 3-15. *JPRS FEur - Poland Econ - Agriculture mar 6o metweau;a cc &As= ca*cmto wIth Catim CIA~jp w It-*-JNO-t~!Ap ,--~, L 0 w ,R. fti-chm :305#515 aa 46 jagitacb, Robert. f*AVMT_JN11ON OF Tim CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND RF_';I9TA,.1CE OF CLASS, SURFACES (Under- s6kning av Clasytors Kemiska SarnmanFXtrning och Resistens) (Untersuchungen Uber die Chemiscbe Zusammenscuung und die Resistenz von Glasoberfltf- chen). f19621 1221p. (foreign text included) 12 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 62-18117 Trans. of Clasteknisk Tidskrift (Sweden) 1956, v. ; 1, no. 5, p. 1777 - 136. DESCRHYMPS: Surfaces. *Glass, Resistance, Chem- ical analysis, Liquids, Continuous media, Phatoengray- ing, Ion exchange, Poroaity. 1. jagitach. R. 12a 690770.1 17, v. 9, no. 4) Ofrmt d 7tebmictl Stm=ts .jNgtjSjb Rdxrrt. OW7WREAC710N OF ROCK SALT WrM ROAST- M GAS. 11963119p. (tip. omitted) 9 reft. Ordel froM SIA $1. 60 f3-1482) Mmms. ofmam FewwkrjIftT1lMpmd)j. Arvid Hedvall IGotbedwil 1948. p. 3D3-318. DESCRUIMRSt *Rock oak. *SoMum compounds. *Cbkwldm *Gumm *Sulfur compoundx6 *Oxide&. Temperature, OReaction kimics. Is tW absence of mmAsture. the reaction betwem modim clilwide amd roasting ps proceeds with the fornatics; od'sodlum wANne and chlortame at a constsm- lbww vskA.3ty if ft tewpormure and 9D2 r a - r , nPred in are maintained constut; Le.. ft v*WFy of the pro: - ess Is determined by dm two of a pbase-boundary procesm and Is cot retarded by the reectim products. Tbe reaction velocity to a function of tbe g" com I- tion and the urmpersture. (Authow) 63-14820 1. )Wt~Cbl R. 11. HedvalL 1. A. (Engime-ring-ChemicaL TT, v. 10. no. 4) Ofts cg Tedmkji Stmon rr-"-22W J121twk Robn% 04 M REAM" OF ROCK SALT WnW ROAST- I UMUMAL IL = Cm 119") 19P 2: kli--loni- Old= tnm K-H S11.0 K-H-Im 0. Kxmp lkwkw ad== LEM" As=dMftk TzmaL d mm gqg_*-ft MbCL load=k=LI%16 P- am-Sm Amoo" isom in evdMb bm =A $L 40 7T-0-141PA 11"q 1006 0 8 et (Cbwdwry--ftVmkmL 7T. v. It, aL 11) InvestUPUMS an SW Dlfftwlon a,rA Ch4mical ChOW In SaJA ftbotautse Wing RmawtiLan as the mixators bw ftbwt &Otwhs 35 vp. allomp k3smal malows Davaralty at Goteborg., Vol V9 So no 2094 pp 3-47. A..*-*R*Z. awwou Tr 539 sci - awdstrys suctrachmalstry U~A AW 56 7 Most Sconomlaal OperstIng Cr2rOltions of Plate M11s, by .4. ingUrz. UICL i FQUM, per) ]Wtutkp Vol xlxp No 5s 1952, pp 168-rj*a. BrItlab Iron anti Steel W (no n=dmr given) Scl - M*r Sep 59 7a Tbe Rolling X132s or the Zapcrozhgtal iron Forkst by Z. JaMs r.. UW.U . . .... .... . . HUIMRMj, bkg VwqM*x&U es Kcbas:mti Lapok, BW^,pestp Ir? fm logo ipp 2"4.93. BritIA Iron and Steal Ind (Too w4mber civea) sat - Rnpo Sep 59 Iuvlst$4;w&&= Or t1w allftWin of 2-Ine and 14" A" AL- v. opm, I,. -jampoLe, 14 --op. P Mjjftjj~ VWO adxmbo4btlLU=k:L ZbCkMiko 00 4x 1963.* VP 345-3W- 00 63-.U'IW/11 P&Jft sci Jean 64 260..8% Experimental Problems in The Study of Diffusion in Polycrystals of the Syste=3 Al-Cu and AI-Ag, :by H. jagoftniki. ~GERMAN,, per, Z. Metallkde.,, Vol 40, 1949,, ;pp 296-305. '*NTIS/USDC/NBS TT 71-55055 ~Available NBS Only J-,g 0 cl ;L IQ 'I May 71 1q. Tt2 o 9 ;t- i tis k-I The gxm*u*im or Nip.& epft*U fts m m t my mA ed With by R. SaalfbI4 ML J*Apftlmidds 20 W. un am W tM33 Momims 10D 1090 V wv an m7m TV ul- AMOMC/W-2"3-71 w or- TA detexuLnetlan dlune otxucture IntermedUd2v iWpmlsmut I=* de I& deccepwitlan d gun splneLU 1% Al surnaturee en A"3P tri lio; Jagodginaldo GMW to FHMMj, I)erj, Z Vol CUP no 4P 6p IMP ps, fuer KrlBt&UargmplV,,, 3W-1*9- Feverse Tru=slatlon CEA-A-I.M sci jan 65, pmwutlm fts cattow ot lewdow ft stractu" d~ = motwIll WeAls by Z*,Jjwowosui He GmL%ftm6 28 ppo amm to Olow"Gor., va CZv No 3v 1958j, pp lgi--" 49 ftg~XMM 2nMWAtl= ftl Jkm " 61-14S60 Pgler. H. A NEW SZM MACH= FOR SMALL AND MEDRB I - Title: Sizing machine PLANrS. [196113p. (4 figs. (edtted). I. jugler, H Order from SIA ;1. 10 61-14560 Trans. of ZeituchrIft f1kr die Gesamte Tcull-Industric (Weat Germany) 1955, Y. 57. no. 1. p. 107-109. DESCRUTORS- *Texdks. Olnftstrial eqtdpment, Textile indimmy. p"oessing. (Materials- -TextileK, IT. v. 6. to. i-~-,comc-uxioal;ion Establiaij Czociii-l rielfare C -~! n t ern c I c c z-- Z ". Z::~ 13P. CRDPIVIUM4 ', par, SOCijalna PcAit-iha, Vol X-I, 3" T;Zsux - Yugoslavia rpps ic-,454 Soc wow j! - -lm ZFFJV.7 OF ZROM ICD As CARIM Di 1. )war&. M. DYBOM FDLYESMR VUZRS 70 R Raim. wrm Dom m5mm Dm. RmT!p.jo" In. ATS-simm Ordw &M ATS $9. 65 AT&-04N= IIV. AS9D9UftdTocbmlcftl sm"rass br-O Trm. et Tuffl (SpLts) Mi. w. 16, w. 3. just araw, N. lp. 109-111., MSCRVTORS: *&umAc &d&. *Dysin& Rwers. ft4mwo. *111bwa. Dy". 20 911 rl AT S-~ - (.*'Y - -3 loo 'aciUls-Textiles, IT, v. 7. no. 11) Biological bm&trwUo:-- of ftzti3;0 materWA a-4 tAw PooalbdUIW of PAVWVLia~,p bgr ;;L; "grovic. IM OMCIAL 90 ONN ytwxkuvua,v per# &gut& Val 62 iio MEWW368 Oct w 3672689 c no InnAmme of $&a9 on 00 almm Tiads 'by W. SogtodWS1, T. Do ftw$ 0~0 pwo m I at w3mmbrmo va ump No as Ipp jjjw. , Iror . 04*1,2.0. 431 Sal go 9101 11-40'r Z17 . ib :wt .6 FA Fam or 40. WN&AP& br A. Oaks* 8 GOOM6 MOOL PO" Mb abB.173. XA III aol4lMV awn 66 304P45L The Muxuromt of Papicl Roactims in Solution LVeing RotatIng DIsk XLectmia, by W. Vielatichp D. J61=.. 4 pp. mem, per,. z rwr Vol ixrrp No 1; 29,60, PP 4344- SrA 60-1&0~ ~24~p scl i= 62 Nautical GeoUaphy., by Lqiment Velkobo=2577773-s Cerny.. Stanialav_!js~ 11 pp. Uff,~SSIFIED bkp CZECH,x~=p Playebni Zemople., pp 118, 119, 120. Acsi H-6501 iD 21465o3 EE - Czecboolovakin Geog Jul 60 Bebaviour of ftat-Realsting Steele During Cr*ep Testing at 5oo-7ooo c - ftrt in, bwgwm. GEMN, per, Areb Bison-buttemmselil, Vol xxvilil Scl - zxgz Min/not Jan 58 Tr 593 on awtor AAUUM c; awamw latle" m by V, Stamwtt and JL Cf ~ aMa JL3 im. ,--j. ow- a Swo lhma* hapmUfts Vbl IMS 7 SIM 4STi". im 2r 57-im W- Am 58 6 q., f (P/ r (PW 26m) ObobiW Realm Swwd Oft PblveWber Spoxides, by abui, W. Sobahwp 27 pp. Comm$ mm pwj, plus" =A IDA*Acbnk ND 3 Oct 3-953s, vp 224-230 CUAMD U-8094 by U. J;)~Mr 2-.1 pp Etudes au speatrme de amse dans llultravidej, by P. 144U.J. ZohriWr, 12 pp. GERAN to FfM=j, per# Vakum Itchnik,, Vol X., No 5,v 1961, im 133-141- Remrw Tzwslatlan CU-A -1638 Doe 64 Ant-,--nnc,r~ 'by yc.r A ftW MInGIVIP in the fteld ckf Dwt fttraction by SoujA, by R. Jahn. GNOWs per, Rmlez Rwdscbea, No 7j, 1955j, PP 526-631. CSIRO .~r SCI - PAWS a- " -7'~Z~ :2-- jul 62 Radiation-resistant optical Glasses, by W. Jahn. GaRkOW, per Glostocbmischd, Borichte, Vol 3S, No It,$ 692, pp. 470-11. NTC 69-IOSSS-118 July 69 386,757 Jahn, W. [Iffi-XIMRPTION Pitorm(TIES OF RADIATION- W.SORBING CLASSES. [196)113p. ~[Order from ATS $16.95 ATS-59N55C, i ~Trans. of Atompraxis (West Germany) 1960, v. 6, w. 415, p. I - 9. DESCRIIII-ORS: 'Glass. Abt;orption' (Materials- -Ceramics, TT, v. 7, no. 10) 62- 12CY6 IV. 3. ATS-59N55G IIL AssDciiIIVd'lVCII)1I(-,Il Services, 111C., Fast Oiange, N. J. 2 0 3 Offico of TOCLAItel S~it.s DWMGA7MM OF WE MUM OF TRAXS- I J" W. LU7TANCII CURVBS OF X- AND aAb&U-UUtADI- U:ATS-6=W ATED GLASSE& 1196119p. M. AsmocUtad TecbnkW Ord= ftia ATS $17. 93 AT&43NM It- $CPS. Jar, N" On*^ x Trans. ct Zed"s Utal*dlmpn iW Fortmebitu der Tw-b*=t;= Opal (Vim Gwasay) 19A V. 1. W. 6. 199-211 . DESCEMI& OGImm X-ray Atmftttkm udy" O;Md usly" *Opftd &so. *X-ray% *G~& rays. Trunamossalm 191178 Oftyelco-opkw. 7T. V. 7. W-256" Jahn. W. SPECIAL TYPES OF GLASS FOR USE IN MA)TOPE 1. John. W. AND NUCLEAR RESEARCH LABDRATORIES. 119611 11. A73-62NM 12p. Ill. Associated Tecludcal Order from ATS SM. 90 A75-62NSSG Services. 1W., East Trans. of Techniache Mittellungen (West Germany) Oraw. N. j- MO. v. S3, no. 2. p. 92-911. v ,~T DESCRIPTORS: *Glass, 0-Muclear pbysics laboratories.1 Radlochemistry laboratories, Isotopes, Radlowd- Latioratories. 1 843N (Nuclear Phynics and Nuclear Chemistry. Tr, Y. 7. an" of Te"Cd no. 1) 1 Folytechuical Education In Geograp~hy., by Walter Jahn, 27 pp. UUMMIMM C7.2CH, 10-timu-yr yer., Zemapis ve Skole, Vol IV, Vo 10, Prague, Dec 1957. pp 377-391. US JPRS/DC-L-204 HE - Czech GCOS May 58 Jahn, W. .71413 EFFECT OF CERIUM, ARSENIC, AND AN-n- MONY ON T14E RADIATIVE, DISCOLORAMN OF CLASSES BY X- AND -j- RADIATION. 11961112p. Order from AIS $21. 40 A75-64N55G Trans. of mono. Beltrage zur Angewandten Glas- forschung, Stuttgart, 1959. p. 304-317. DESCRIPMRS: *11adiation effects, *Glass, Discolors- tion. Radiation damage, OCerlum, OAreenic. 'Antimony. 61-25699 1. Jahn. W. 11. ATS-64NSSG 111. Associated TecbniW Services, Inc., East Orange, N. 3 7 (Materials- -Ceramics, Tr, v. 7, no. 2) of taAaaw bw#W" )&hn. W. THE RADIOACTIVITY OF OPTICAL GLASSES CON- TAINING THORIUM. PT. 1. [1961] 10p. Order from ATS $17. 95 ATS-61N55G Trans. of Glas-Enmil-Keramo-Technik (West Germany) 1959, v. 10, no. 3. p. 82-87. DESCRUITORS:*013tical glass, *Radioactivity,'morimi Glass. sics- - Radi . -b I (Nuclear Phy 6. no. 12) 61-2570) 1. Jahn, W. U. ATS-61NS5G III. Associated Technical Service, Inc-, East Orange. N. PTS TT-65-14461 Field IlB Jahn. W. MULTI-COMPONENT SYSTEMS FOR'riiE SYNTHESIS OF 1. Title: New OPTICAL GLASSES. PT 3. NEW OPTICAL GLASSES BASED ON FLUORINE (Mehrstoffsysttime zurn Aufbau Opti- scher Glaeser. Tell Ill. Neuc Optische Glaeser ituf Fluorld- basis), 46p Iforeign text included) 5refs. Order from SLA: S4.60 its TT-65-14461 Trans. of Glastechni.,cho Berichte (W(!st Germany) v34 n3 1007-20 1961, NI H 6:~ h Clinical Ultra--entrifuge Studies. Second .'Report. Pathological Changes In the Serum Tatracentrifuge by X. Jahnko, W. Scholtan;, 37 PP - ........ GERM, per, Z Goo Exper Mod, Vol CXXII, 1953, pp 39-59. NIH 7-32 Bei - Ned Sep 5;a~ 7 g 1313 The Carrying-Capacdty of RD& IdWwa SUVIM as a lbattreas for ULne-SoVportmrss by R. Jabno - MOM., per., GIU*Mgp Vol OnVo ND 41/42., 1958p pp 1479-1495. CB= sai - Rog .z //.r A16plo / Avg 69 jobus, ". 0. LINEAR AND RADIAL FLOODINO OF STRATIFIED RESERVOIRS. Dan 64143p Order from A7S $29. 85 AlrS-6MV3G Tnm. of SrM zlefroch ift) (West clarmany) l9bl, V. ", m 12. P. 381-602. DLL9CRWMRS-. Hy&auIlc amumuhmm StrodStaphy. o" oawwvwy, wow b)NCUM Ponvamn Ishogry. Tr-M-12391 1. )am&. m 0. a. jas-aqma M. fie land TachWeM sftrv~ shat oralsk 4 (Hartb Beim=-Gooka. TT, V. It. mm 9) gap" 0 TOO~ omvmm 0") III-AUMUM . .... =Am= -- 016a JOK SAWN4 eft l-&&AAmmAft ~ Uwe is of I*. pr oo~ - , i I IM "al $Go O-OW-1 WA a 1"J" (NY-62451*' Czechoslovak NWahmIzation of fleplth Serviee Statistlest by BobunU IJ5 pp. WFICIAL UM CKLY C-ZMHp pw.. C"Wis Lakwu CoalWchj, Vol Cl, ft 12j. 24 Her 1961, PP 353-3ft- JEW low M - Ca Soc sep 61 State Babaldles for LI?G's to be Used Wfeatlvelyp by lkrl Jobrp Kurt ftomp 8 pp. ommj, per,, Dn*oaba rinumdrtachaft, ib i6j, Aug lg&, pp 16-18. JPRS 15ft6 ZMw - GormaW C;z M~ r4m Oct fe rs or pp,, UMLAS J. tit IOU -USA F D CE I Ir'Eu JahrjkQr1er,4fichaeI, Spaervig, Herman and otbers. PKOUESS FOR THE POLYMERIZATION OF a-OLEFINS. [19621 1111p. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-20445 Trans. of Belgian patent application 605,439, 26 June fil (priority of German patent application B 58,446, 2 July 60) by Badische Anifin- & Soda-Fabrik AG. DESCRIPTORS-. *Polymerization, *Ethylenes. Catalysts, Metalinrganic comlx)unds, Aluminum, Titanium, Alcohols, Polyethylene plastics. A process is claimed for the production of macro- molecular palyolleflins by polymeriting n-olefins, char- acterized in that ov* uses an polymerization catalyst a mixture con"titit'nit on the aie hand an organic com- pound of aluminum and on the other a reaction prcidtKi of titanium - IV chloride, W of alcohols or I phenols (Chemistry- -Organic, TT. v. 9, no. 11) (over) 62-2044.5 1. Title: Ziegler catal-vsts 1. jahrstorfer, M. It. Spacnig, If. Ill. Patent (Rclgitim) 605 439 Wks of TtA&M Swites (DC-2354 W-5000 SPASTEE On Certain Questions Dealing With the Reorganization cf Our Edixatic)rjal System, by Dr. FrEintisek Kahuda, CZECH, Tip- Ucitelske Voviny, Vol VIII, 1~,-) 2L;-'~O, Prague, 31 Jul 1c"58, PP 3, 4. *US JPRS EE - Czech Soc - Education D'>v 5 6 Reflectorlsea JbterW for Rced ftfeV Onrt) Spwlfiostlouj~ by P. aLu"m VICUBWOM Gums,, per,, "Outtftboas va up No as. 3-mil IP 411. DUW3X-PX/CT Jaw - cler"My Bova -Z 9,0 ftt 58