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Economic Ties and Develorzient of Transportatlon in the CM Member Nations, by L. Cliertlcov-, 12 pp - RUSSIAN, per, V lraiki, 14.) 0,. I)P. 101-110. JPRS 37573 'USSR Econ oct 66 3-U9 22 0 IA!ICURGion of Imapectum of Ingtitute of LcorloTnics !;oienti-fic ,ork or.. Prinalples Of l'b3Atical Eoonornv of Socialls", by A. YereiAnp Dp. RIMIAN, por, Voprosy I'lCono'Alcl, 110 jur.0 196A. m,- 153-155. J?RS 3?752 "t"S.,3R 1,,con Oct T'I-Ae Application af Econorde -Mathematical Methods and Electronic Computers in Controllit4; Enter- prison, I)y K. Corfan andl A. A:Xiln, C) pp. [USSIAN, per, Vopropy Uwnqi~--.iki NQ 6, Jume 19,66, pp- 155-157- JPRS 37514-4 MISH Ecoll Oct 66 312,364 16-22. (larch 1966 3cjcmtjrjc l'-1-cminar on ftmblmnis of Utilization of Lcuno,dc- ~Iathekmatical t lethods and ':-',adals In Lonr-,.. iktWe National hconony FlIanning. 5 i)z). RUSSIAN, por, Voprt)S.V Elconc-dad, ::0 Jun 1 ->6. pp 9( JI)W'; 3779. us~ilz Eoon Oct 613 3 3 R2 PROIC Problemn Of VIC C0118tr-lctlon of nnrl Powor I'alance ';hcata, by 14. 5tyrikovicii mnd Ye. Shteyngauz, 19 pp. FUSSLUf., Iyar., Voprooy &konordki, N~)- 7, J111Y 1X6 Y TT- 3-13- JPKs 3,A66 USSR Econ 14, cm3 Collective Forms of Lubor Rmi!neration and MaterW Stimulation, by N. FAslom, I? lip. IMSSIAN, per, Voprovy Elkurtuiaiki, No. '(, JA.,wr 19W-, pp. 14-21. ,JlPi~s 335J1 USSR Soc Duc 66 --,$14,.Ll I Problems of Econowle Effectiveness of Automa- tion In Machine R-Alding Analyzed, by K. Bakis and G. Vasillyev, 12 pp. RUSSUM, per, Voprosy MwagaiLiki, No. '(, July PP- 31-40- 3343") E.Con Dec 6(-,, 3142 334 bleed for Increased Efficie.acy in the Use of the Pkichine and Tractor Pool in kriculturia-, by V. Grachev, 12 pp. MMIAN, per, Yo rosy Zkoncnahj, No. 7, JulY .2_ 19w, pp. 41-49. JPRS 33552 USSR Econ '--C 66 314,144 The Methodology of the Itneording, and Distriba- t.A:.)n ar the Nutiolu'll Incolao (A Foriwlation of the k4i teution, by J. Kondrachev, 1:3 pp. HUSSIM, per.. Yarosy Elconoi:Lki, Na. "(, JUy lgc,G, pp- 50-60, JPW5 jJ511 USSR Econ X-C 66 314,118 Price FDMIVIOn and the) Cviparlson of Afferent Vornions. of !,',mno!Ao oasurar., by A. j.~,Wyn, 16 pp. AUSSIA.I. por. Vopro_U _t::korbq-:-dld, Jul 1966, pp 61-70. JPRS 391?6) U'.3,: i r :1-0011 DOC Oil", 315.1053 SovL(-! Pt-oldewo of Accmailation in CEMA Countrien, by Mi. Uslyevich, 11 pp. HUSSIATI., per, Voprosy EkOlIOULLIU, No- 7, J,,LIY 1)GG, p- 71-31- jpiz 331.1og USSR Econ Dee 66 - 315.,()73 Price Fu=ation in tim Industry of European CEM CotAntrion, by 0. Tarnavtikiy.. 14 p1). HUSISIAIN., per, Voprooy Mconom:Lki., No. -(, July 1966, pp. 32-93- iph's -m809 USSR Econ j)ec 66 315,671 Development of the EconmV of Socialist Countries, I)y 11. Alwaplyovp N. Stol)-x)v aml A. Toi-etron, 1.5 w) - FUSSIAN, per, Voprasy F-k-onactild, No. '(, July 196u, pp. 111-121- iph-S 39'3()~) USSR Rcon r,.qc 66 --:,)15.,672 Ropair of Hachinory anil 1:quixamit *,friflqn- 'my Conditions or Industry 1"anaea-zont. by A, Omarovshfty, 7 pp, A1jS,131AP,, per, Vopros Ellconordki. 7. Jul 1966, J.1"fis 1136 3 IUS~;Pt Econ .?,'o v 66 V-1 T-31 Economic organs for the mawgerient of K011010Z prixiiietionj, by I* Pinkimenk:)p 0 fil.). BVSSIAPI, per), Voprosy Elwnul-lcll rio. fp Jtily 1966, pp. 131-135- 35552 WSH Ecoll ., 'I L Dee G6 ~-.Ili45 Three liours At the Center of Scientific nical and Economic Facpertise, 6 pp. FUSSM, per, VoprosX Ekonoiniki, 1)- 7, JuJ,v 1Y)O, pp- 150-152- -TPkS 33511 USSR Neon D e c 6,,') 314,11) 'A, ~~ I'Fa Ink,., IM I f -1 ic 'Ou"isic, LL' A IT'Q'I - . r,)V AM ana Uy jp~:~LL' D-'c The PIroblem of a Criterion of' tho Opti-pri State of Econo-nic Growth. by A. I-lot-lAn. 15 PP- RUSSI.M,,per: V rosy Ekono"dkl, No 8. Aug 196 PP i~257- , JPRS 35302 USSRL F'Oon mov 66 313;,C)74 Problems of More Effective Use of Labor Revoarces Discussed, by 14. Sonin, 3.3 I-yp. RUSSIAN, per, VoRroal Ekonomlki,, A,q,, 1,,K)O., pp. 23-40. jpRs -13501 U 'Ill S R S ~)c Dee 66 314,ilo S . " .1 r' Ind,iota 7y Llroblcj:z of 1.. Gazallyev, ID I)P- Aii:7 per, Vc)i)rc)f3.v FILOIIUI J[11~s UICZiN, Coll -14)032 i)ec T)W NutlonAl-Econorlc ~)f' ~:--cnt c InLillstry in Siberial, by E. GDI-btinov and V. ox-lov, 14 pp. 10MIAN, lkar, Voprosy Ekono:niiki, Wo. .)', Auj,- ins u ISSC R 13. c c) n c b, b Irlitr FfTrjct:Lvotip-ns of Land NtelFmatic-ri in Areas of E.Xc('h8Hlvn t4olotu"! 111 7 by (;. ]Vcll, 15 PI) - RUSSIAN., per, VoLrosy EkonojaL, Po-,~L; No. 3, pp. 62-72 - jl-,f;13 39a'--b USSR Econ J an 6-'[ 316, olQ Internmtional Comparlsins of Valic Indices) by Ya. K-,jtkovi3kiy,, 13 pp. RUSSIM-1, per, VqPrOSY Ekonomikil Not 3, A,~~ 1)66, pp. 30-A. ipas 3,34)h USSR Econ vec 66 u41113 1) 3t4ate PlanTdnr, and FlconwLic Science. bY A. Klinski. 6 i)P- IZU!;SIA;4, per, VOT)rosV Flcono-illci. ,ND "t, &W IQ66' PP IT~-2-145- J P R 311302 USSI-il~ Econ "bv 0" -"' 13, '171 Problone of Scientific Orgmisation of Socialist Industrial ilana,~eriant. by 1'. Grigorgywv. 6 pp. RUSSIAN. per. vggrogx FjwnoT-Akd, ;~O 0", Aug 1966, pp. 148-15D. JPP,S Y)IO8 USSR Ewn jan 67 315. 067 J.f,onn_j,jc rArii-Iturn, _n A4, 'LlIation i avonlyayova, 7 PP- jZLT3:ijjAj~j. per. 'V'OT)r=o i-E.1cono-Al-do 06, pp. l51-1. E -on i~ov 66 3-13,621 pr(.)jjj.c-j,jj3 of L)ictribution of InLir~try Outlinod, i-y N. Nakmeov, PC) pp. EussVin, per, VoRruoy Elconirilki, NO. ), sept 1966, pp . 3-14. JPM 3933) USSR Econ Jan 67 j16, 153 The Efficient &Tloywent of Specialig3ts' Personnel, by V. Konarov p L2 pp - IVLZLAN, par, Voprosy FIroroyAlL.L., No. ), Sept liP, 15-25- JPRS 39395 IISSR scoc Jan 67 316,loo The Intensification of &,,riciLlture and Itti !:-L'OnOrnic 1,fficiancY. bi I. Hazdalov, 17 prio por, Vqprom FkDnirrtlki, llo 9, ~~npt pp 35-45. J Pits 391132 LISSR Sc3, , -Agric 67 2 Vl~ il--ooosals for Improvinp 3ovkhDz ~Iwos iAccunfluds by P, I I pp. R1JL;.'AM, per, vogroa- okonomiki, jb 9, Sept 1966. pp. 46-55. J P ~ L; -,) 10 12 U-~SR soc jan 67 315,179- t1roblet-.m in Production ind CoopornUon in Counoll for ;~c-onoi-do ututd Assistance. by A. Aleksoyev mid lu. Sldi-yayov, 14 pp. 31A., por Voproay Elcom,ild, :-o Q, Mil 5e-at 19U6. pp. 'A-75- JAS 392~54 us";';R Econ Feb 67 lncroasin!~ tho i~fficicncy cf "AnciAl Production and of Capital Investrionts Under the Hm Rivo-Yonr Plan, t~v 0. 1Wmr-mov, 11) p!). RO~~JIAPI, por. Voprosy iI,'konc,T-LJ-II, iac) .,:;e,,)t 1966, up. 87-96. USSR Coll Feb 67 Perfecting the Pjam-&ng and- ;Ianagm, ont of the National Boonodals of the Atropenn OLVA Countries, by U. Gortsovich., 25 pp. RUSSIAO, IDer Vo rom EkDnoTAA, ;b 9, ~3cpt !966, p~.aFjcllo. JPRS 39 LK Jan 67 5) 09 5 jovlotm lixamino Their Fornif-i Prado irohlens. I~y ~;. Mabinsfitcyn, 1 PP. iluz;jlk per I Voprosj --konor'llki. .0 9. .-,Opt Boon Feb 07 315,'3'33 z I dical Men and Loonomists Driscums "'Wrzrnies U of :5oviet Public Health. by ;. W. 5 ptj,. RUSSIA31, per, VopmsV EkqnqTn!Lki, bb 9. 1.966. pp. W-VJ8. JPPO N294 USSR 8con Feb 67 315,173 Dc?vOIUPIT'9 the 71leOry Economic Cybernatiev, Yu. Chernpak, 5 Pl)- RUSSM, per, Voprop pp. 143-150. J11fis 39-370 U S.SR Econ Jan 0'r aW Applications of by Yu. Korclia,-~J.ri and Ekonwalki., No. ), 1~xk, 316,139 Development of Social Servivos and ilasic Pricor, Discummed by Council. by L. Sbytova and Savramtkaya, 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per. Vopzv= okoramuci, -"0 9, Sept 1966. pp 1 0.1.52. jprz,s 3914o USSR ECDn inn 67 315,081 New Publications Create Wfference Sources rur Economic Informntion Sullitac"v,, 5 PP- ~, by V. " RUSSIAN, per, Vqprosy Ekoauidki, Ku. 9, Sept 196('~, PP -152-154. JPBS 393j9 USSR Econ Jan 67 j16,,154 Sorac Msults of the Cheageover of a Group of Enterprises to the New System of Planning anil Ec()ncvl,ic 8 tim, dat loll,, by A. Kurijkly rintl Yc. Slastenko,, 23 pp. AMIAN., per, VoDroB-v DconoiAki., No. 10, Oct 1966, PP- 3-13- JPRS 39334 USSR Econ 6' an 'I J 17, 7-1 Better Use of Funds kiprovet; Kolirtioz and State Incomel by I. Sualov, 3,-- pp., JUSSLO, per,, Voprogy MEonqjaj!ib No. 10, Oct 1966s pp~ 48-566 JPF%S Dk52 USSR Econ Feb 67 317,149 Matii(xiological Problerx; of. lv~acro--conomic M)CAn.I.Ing, O.A.11ned, by 11. I*i,()vnl.(-v, .1,) pp. WSSIAN, per, Voprosy E'IconoiAki, Vo. 10, Oct 0?. G-3-6o. JPRS 3)37-0 u6sR Econ Jan 67 316, 13~)' Overal Automation of 1"mchic-U.on In tha Chwdml Industry. by M. Fodorovich. 9 pp. RU.531AN, por, VORTOS.V ;"kDnijdlcI, ',o 10, Oct 1966, pp 11-5-126. iviis 39434 U33K Econ mar 67 319,273 Proposal for Specializ-fA i'l-m-luction of "Allots myid Crnmtlon of Mmi T'Anistr~y, by A. (i inrov-,)(I.V. 9 PI). RU35IAII. per. VoDmsy Lkonomlld, "o ~0, Oct 1966, pp. 12(L:177 JPR6 N27? '~ar 67 3 32 cll DeteniAning the Effectivenesis of Capital Invect- ments in Land Dq.)rover-ent,, by Ye. Pctrava,, 5 pi) - EUSSIAN, per, Vuproa Lkunollki? No., 1.0, Oct 1966, pp. 143-150- JPRS 39652 USSR Econ Feb 67 -3 17, 15 0 'Pml)lel ir. of Price apocial Cimncll Oiscusses . vorration, by I,. OblolnnhaYaj, 0 pp. RUSSIAN, per,Voprois EkgnqLd.~b 10, Oct 1966, pp. 150-152. JPIS 39370 USSR Econ Jan t~j 316,14o r _ Row Planninl:, Norms Worked O~A, bly " - Ctas, (,. pp. jUSSIAN, per, Vupropy IQ~unor.:JIJ, Nio- 10, Oc t k)ub, PP- 152-155- JPFO 393'(() 17 5 L,-,, ~ 1, Econ jan 67 310', 1112 - The Introduction of Guarant--ed Wages on Kolldiozes, by M. Palladina and L. Grabennikova, .L'? pp. IUSSIAN, per, Voprosy FAr-onoanikil R). 11, Nov 1966, pp- 25-33. jpBs lm64 USSR Econ Apr 67 3? 1, 065 Pmblams of Improvinr Product (Aimlity lAncmemed b3r USSII Acitclany of .3clencos Comall. by Ye. Petrova, 13 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vopmsy Ekono Aki, No ILI, ~;ov 1%6' pp. 150, JPJU 10034 Mar 67 319~ 513 The !-,cono-iic Hases for Olfforoltiatio-i of ."aiios Ldneun-u-0, by N. RahkInn imri n. ;:ftrinshovqkr;yq, I ~ pp. RU'.-~SIA.!, oer, Voprosy Lkono,.-i:ll,.,:,.L !i0 Doe 1966, -P P 7-9 .Ipl~s 40034 lls~,;Itl Leon mar 67 329,519 Imp:mved Uao of Fixed Productive capital - An Lnportant Condition to Incmaned Prochiction Efficiency. by A. Kolosov, 1~ pp. RUSSIM. por, VoRroM EkonomlU, lb 12, Don ~L966, pp. 100-110. JPRs 3995B USSR Econ, Mar 67 3'~9,,4-70 JL P'mblens of 1~1'oononjic qybornotics. bY A. "illhaylov, '-'nr Voor'OBY Wn0pill'i, A, 147. j p 39 9 53 3 '9, 471 1-evel of Javolopment of Social Product-Lon and Ito Proportions Imalyzed,, by A. 10'(:)tldn, XT Irp. WSSIAN., per, V2Rrogy Eko omiki, No. 1, Jan I~X)7, pp. 15-23. jpm Wa3o USSR Soc July, 6T 329,651 Tho Prion of Tina In Powar Fw0mocrAng. l,', pp. W1631AN. par, Vopropy E)Qqjja7.rkcA. !b 11, 1967. ppe 29-wo Jllt~; 110975 USSR sci-miinc & Flecta-1cal Erk-:~r Jim 67 323.367 On the Scientific Justification of Proportiona In Boolul Reproduction,, by 1. Provcr, lit ppe RUSSIAN, per, Lo2rosy Ekonov~Lki, No. 1, 1~X;T, ppo 41-50- JPBS 'flop-8 USSR SOC J'Lme 67 323.,622 The Elaboration of flethodDl:)Cical Problune Pertalming to Economic Collaboration IloUreen Via Member Countrics of by A. Sokolov, 12 PP. RUSSM4. per. VqE!zvgX D-w nDd, ~',o 1, 1-c'767, pp,- 996-1050 JPR3 W78 5 USSR ):',oo-n Jun (Al 32-5,613 Thin EquaUsation of tho Levrls of the r;oom-do Development of the Socialist Countrioq. by 0. Fqbakov, 18 pp. RUSSINNI. per, ftrozy Ekono,-Ydki. "Jo 1. 1967, pp. 106-11.6. JPRS 40785 USSR E,co-n jun 67 32-5,614 Problems of Daveloprient of Production of Econorde Roglons, by L. Talepko and Ya. Feyll-in, 6 pp. IRUSSIAN,, per, V22ropZ Dkonon q No. 10 196,10 PP- 134-136. iu. JPHS 41023 USSR Econ june 67 :23..623 I-leamirort OutUned for Jrjt)mvLV: Plimln,, and Ecovionic 3ti-imilatlon of Const-miotion RUS51AH, oer, Voprosy 1967, P-0. JPAS 19) 37 lk~lsjt ',.'eon MSY 67 Econo-ftc-'Iathematical Methods and tho Thoory of Planning and Arkninistrat&on of tho Tlationil E.Conony, kv V. VoDconsldy, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, nor, Vo2ro '.lwnwil.."i, -~'o '3, "ar '957. Sly PP. I9!-57. jljl:z~; W2_62 eon J= 7 323. 0? 11 International EVend!Lta2,09 ,n,1 Cooperation PrOIXI: W,A Countries. by v. .~,hukov and Yu. Olvscvicll, 17 PP - Rus.33:4:! per, Vol!roU Elwnomikl, 1b 3, pp. 70-50. JPRS 41242 USSR Boon jun 67 Loonordo Holations Botween bictuitry wid Agricalturo In SOclalil3t COuntrIOS, bY V, Sttwoeb2brovakaya, 20 PP. IMSSIAI,,. per, Vol2rogX 1-3mm-did. ~lo 3. !'~ar I(Xi7. pp., 9(~- " W. JPRS 4-1242 USSR P "Oon Am () 7 Ilanio Olrootions of TochTAcKI llilor,,~rnw- In Kumponn CE-,A tilambar Caunta-Icin. by 1. Poy)ov. 16 pt). RUSSIAII. per. Xyq2zvU_rkonm Id, 1'~o ~, ~'ar `967, PP* jl:llw 4,;-~I?r USSR .:,;Oon Jun 67 FWmilAlitloo of UtilivArw, ObjOcti"IJ, alb- atuntlatnd F-Vabistiono in ;-"Ct)notni(- Annonrch. bY M. Virchaftko, (i. Mzanova,, flova-Aldrsk, 24- . rp HU30IIAN per 0 rosy Cloomnlki, !:,!o 3, For 196" PP: i~T711 7 USSR -'r , -on j ju 67 3~,! . 472 ktathenatical -iZoasming, in the sclance of EODnDMIN7, 14Y P. Itlaslov, 22 pp. ~-! _, :10 3. liar )967. por, a2mgj Lkonom~hl I)P. ]", I~V.. Jk'113 4",2162 USSR i!:co-n Jun 67 Intm-I-Innt Autonomous Finnucinp. in tho Conditions, by A* Aliodigin, 8 pp. RIMSIA". por, VoProsy Elmnw-Aki, Far ~9L)7, Pp. L -;,;Con Jun 7 4174 Problems of EcanamIc Forecustinr ,~: by A. Klin- aidyi, 7 pp - RMIM., per.. Voproey EkonotjMo Wx 196T, pp. '149-1529 JPRS 41437 USSR Econ ji.ay 6r 329,,749 .:cor)o;-iic Pmblms Portaining to lmc,)M)Valcnt Of tho .run-Uty of ProcMetion, by L. 3 pp. USSIAIN, par, VoRma hkcononiki, :'o 3, ;Yar 1957, PP. ',53-'55. j)--its '+.-!202 USSR Jun 67 32-9~ - 11-7 5 Results of the Economic ftfbm for 19,66 umd Cer- tain Plzvblam of Its Further Inplernertation, by A. KuroklX,, 15 pp- RMIM,v per, VOMBY RICODGMEUP no. 4.. Apr 1967P PR . 28.38. JPFS 41532 UMR Nwr July 67 330,,005 jg)mg-Range F3jmq and PrecUctions for Capital Immetragnts,, by V. Krasovsklyp I'T pp- MOSIAW,, per, Y_GpMY McOnmIM, No* It, Apr 3,967., PP.- 48-59- JPHS 41532 USSR Boon July 67 330j,006 Beale Tzends In the App3lealAon of Economic and ftthamtleal Methods in HatAtrial wy-I Technical Szpp3.y Sy"M, by V. lagatJcLn, 3.6 pp. R=IM', per., L02mu Mmma=nLU., No. 4,, Apr 1967;, pp. 60-70 - JPRS 41532 UWIR Ewn iii1y 67 330jOCY7 Problem of the Application of MAhwwLtics in Economic Miaory, by A. Katamelinboygun and S. sbataun., 22 yp - BJWIMI,, per, VOTUXW ftoa=niki, Do* 4,, Apr 1967s. PP.98-106. ipw 41532 USSIR Scon July 67 330#008 Criterion of the Optlmm., by L. Yevatl(.;n,?yvva and Le IRUdforov,, 17 ype NMI"., pers, VqDrosV-EkomQ=LM..p No. 4. Apr 1967.. pp. lOrf-3-IB. JPHS 41532 USSR Icon July 67 330.,0D9 Soon=&* Harom wd tbo FooLl IvIusti-y., by Ya* primp"Oftv 6 PY4, wouso v *,.p ~,;Xr pvp 00. 396Tv Ivp A,9-4525- JIM 42220 USSR alcon F*Pt 67 3K>.,Ioc,3 A HIgh Standard of lAvIng Is the Historic Aohievanmt of the Soviet Pwpla, by 1'. MstinUv- sky, 17 pp. RUSSMiD per. YoErpal 12MOSQ1. No 5. 1,Ay .1967. op. 3-15. JPRS 42AW17 WSR Econ Sep 67 340.556 Quewuaw of (vts"m Vnftli;rl= sizo 'And HOOMMU FWtOM LISMIDDedp by A. PiTibstj, A pp. Etmeam so I All, Of p IIPVP UEMR Noon Atv~ (5-1 HatimMo2agical Proble of Natima Eco=Ac Forecestina, by A* Anchlelftta and E. Yershavp 3.4 Vp - HMIM per, Vopwomy Mwn Lkip No 5,, Ifiky 1967s pp 52 Ae JPMS 42432 USSR Be= SePt 67 3410110~ cc ftvdwuae uLftr ecatutsm" of -1-11doxmi &*lmXWt ldvU;,tcn of L4bbckrp IV VD, XwUkv 16 ppo mmmm,p vwa, Y-CIMM Hkq W_r.Ap lio.!a, 14v 3.967., PPO 65-740 Ons hpl" Uaw. so= Ompt 67 339owl ScImms of Bogro&wtlm and the lqputo-OutpUt T&Ue, by A- KatOp 16 pr- No 5j, WaY pu ~ Mo per, y 1967j, pp 87-3M- JPFG h2412 um locon SeTt 67 341.9h65 i V" of the swou"y lot ftmuillat comwUlAwo lhw 5,=* MAAV Twulfus,* M a), AWZNB,p saw* . 099J96, M- 5,,. iqihol 1901.- IV* 3AV-3",* ljpl~s lexq? VISIP, BMW js4t" (51P 33-ji, C63 im 4:.-12d ContmUlLmS Fro"tUm ot GOnftv&IL-ftAuNtaUl PrWmvtoo, UY.V I" Muwmbvrap 6 Ipp. Xama* TP - -, - -IMMAMO Xb- 5j, Aw 3,9670 VPO 3- 0 im 1"30 Uum soon Avg 67 J33,p" VAItw or obwtim"Go at lmdmmdm hatmTris" umder Vo New Cmfttlnm ot Plmmlma and tom-1 - C a P 3bmmwKvop by 04, Dadmov, 9 IWI. bd~~ AkMb wo "Wir May 4967P vp* JFW leP38 Uum now Aug 67 333P52) Dismosion on OptLrua Plwire~M -,,nd Imicin D"t9rMinAftOn. by L. Levabin, 3.5 pp. RUSZIAII, POP, VVODMSZ FIMMOrlijd. !,b 5, -oy 19079 pp* 14B-15-5, JPRS IQ201 USSIR Econ Sopt 67 377,885 ;Astlie-awtiomI.E.conomic !lotlx)evj and. Cb!!mutors im Bran-oh Plamrdng and Managemimt, by F, Gurvich, 6 pp, MUSSIAN, por, YREMM 13mrx-miki, '-k) .5, 'Mtkv 3.967, pp. 19?-160. JP113 Ilewl USSR Nwn Sept 67 3V-7.-Ei64 Optimal BIrAw for fttwTr:IwiDv by B. Lel)%*- hIMP 7 FPv IUMIAIj, yor., VgRro!Z Nkm='Lid No. 6v 1967o ppe 149-1529 - .0-P JPFB 42309 UWR Reon Sept 61 339.,330 1n PlAxadm: of YOUIV Sclentieftm bW Vo Kurebagirt, 6 ppe RMZM,, per, LCMEM Mcccow ki " no. 6, 1967, pp - '%-w - jims 4e3O9 usm Boon Sept 67 339*331 The i~;oanordr. deform and ?x-otlams of CApitsl Investn,ant bMcimay. by T. -~~Ivnclvstturov. 19 F(11!351ki, per, 7f Jild .19(,'('. -.)p 37-50. 42656 Cat 67 L*VOIOPmmt of short-TOM Cradit Oruier C;m-U- tiom of the 1"Conomic Refoxv, by Alas and 14 UsiUUn, 16 pp. per, Vp ropz kammm-LU., !"0 11, Jill 1967. pp 51-62. J PWS 42636 Ri6R on Oat 67 340,62-1 An Incrome in tho 6tability of Intambational 111MIuation speciansation, b.r 1u. Kormav, 16 pp. 1~0 , 110. per, amc-89A - 7 1967' pi) 73-83. ji-u: 4z6 1 56 USSR i4on oct 67 31,o,622 Ceitain A*Ivb3.mo of IlInging tho Econonic Develop-amt Levels of the Soi,,i&Ur,,t Countrien Closer J`ogsther. by Yu. I:vl3myvv, 14 pp. per. kgp-msy '.o 7, jul 196ri. 84-93. 42-,656 USSR Oat CIt 340,623 PopuUtUm Comm and the Ramcmde ClassifteatUm of %be PopulAtIono by V. Gum7m and V. KorcU- sin, n vpp MUMM, per, XMMW Mgw=lkl.., Ito 7.. JulY 1967P pp 117-123 & MRS h2544 um no= Oct 67 3h2j,815 Neonarde Problem Pertalnlzg; to t1ca *C ftOmmiser Fareann]. In the USSRO tw A* VlahzWelav and J 10 Ippe MMIM,, per,, YqWM FbMwW9.v 1967., pp 223-329- JFJO 425M USSR Been Oct 67 the ftgszwra- Muml Aream of - Mclwayw# No 7,, Ju1Y Capital Imestments and Ce;pital Im the USSR during the P"t Flft,y T. Khmhuturvv.. 22 pp. R=IM., per.. Vaprozy MEen Id 1967,, PP 3-17- JPFS 43161 Usm BOM Dee 67 Construction Years,. by No 3, Aug 346.,275 Problem of kqprovIng tha ftwmlM of the IktIonal Standard of IdvlAg3, by W. Daziyukoir, 13 pp. RMLWN,, per's VOWOMY =W 1967P VP 31-39p * No 8. Aug JPFO 43161 UBSR Boon Dec 67 346:276 The TXuampOrtstAcm Factor and biethotle of Accalffumg fbr It In PrIce Faimstion.. by B. Mmflrkll~j-, .13 3PP- No6 MBSUM., per YoXEM Zkoumd Aug 1967.t pp 4039. JPBS 43161 USSIR ftolk Dee 67 346.,278 1,19tWo of Improving the Flmolng of the Pumblising of AVdmatu2sl Produate# by A* Gritakov, 13 pp. RMIANO perg Itoproxy Owq-010~S.L, Igo 8, Aug 196'll, PP 30-59. J11W 43307 LWR ECM Dw 67 346,,742 methods for Impmving the Ajv=IM~ Level of the Use of Mtural Resources,, by 6* StrumiLin. 18 pp. RMSIAN, pert Vp pp 60-72. pro!M 1-3con d 0 11o 3 , Aug 1967, JPWJ 43507 WSR Ecan Doo 67 346,743 Certalm Tendencles In the DIstribution of Labor between the Soclu-11st vad tbr, Develop- IM Countries., by L. 24n-im., 32 pp. MWIM.9 per.. YcMMBy MM=lk:L, No 8, Aug .1967.v pl) 84-92. JPHS 431(A USSR Rom Dec 67 3vsnq