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plnmnmlo or tio Inaustrial Ratorprines of Socialist Countriess, 7 pp 0 IS-WASN'o pw., yo M IU NO 5.9 Iftr o2m ekm=:=:w 3965, iv- UO-113- JFF6 313& VWR Bean Aw 65 P3 4o 165 EcODOE'dc PrOiDlerlD Of 'Uio D~ivelop- ment Of N;T-ICILULLIV, try V, 1.1 pp. MBBIKIP PC-I... ~~rozy Rcollo-7~dki, Jlln 1965., pp. 3-13. JPW, 31r,-1 1.1mil Scoll oc,- '. u5 Ille Soanardes of RLLral Constr=tionp by M, Berun., 20 pp. RMUN, per.. Vftrany cliontm-Uku. wo 6., Jm -- lx)5.p pp - 0 OPUS 31697 USSR Econ sept 65 ;~l _,A 5 p ~ Y3 "I 12 W-I*t 63, 2-965P pp 31----3~7--- 32-133 Econ ~~L 65 i;r:)portdon.,--- of Pm,-TCUV,,~ aj-lt~ ~(YIPI-Oi C!, v )ice -m -JnLiori, 1~,, I>pv .0 6, MR7 32133 65 237,83t" lt A,~i A7-i iov x ',L ,he catf-onal Econorjy., lo ).7 ppe JA 19 per. 6) J - 1965, no 77--eB. JPI;~` 32133 65 VIC I t-he "'~jvplaii ~AL lop ha.r, ILAtiv 6 pIP. k4 I per,, J 1965v P[-) ek'~ 321'i1 65 2:. 1 Sci=tl-fi,c-SVmbnlc&I Cord).-MnM on P"ObIMS of L.-wrowlise the UtLUzatlaa Of ProIxetion CaWjtj*mj. by Ke P&LrDqZnAn., 6 pp. MWINIO pore rosy nomlm.Aki~, NO 1965, pp. 155 JPRS 317,93 UMB 19con Sept 65 236vo4g corlstr ction 11.)k Acc ill -Da, anC, V. KI-laslDvakiy, 13 pp. por, V22ros,.- c';.M"1;C_:1a_iC" 7v .1 196.5, R:) 3-12. JPYZ~"T 32310, 6 5 Economic P-rol."ImIls of PI-od IcI'.Lv* i, 'y akfid 'V &-lit 'i -- D. 1. of Ilryw rVOCIV101*- all; 1 D. Suvc:julov' lit pp. RUS31M, per, voprmv 140 7; JJL -L~~5, wr)- -13-22. JPW 3170 USSR Bean Sept 05 the PrLnclples for .^; . ':. An ices, by S. porv, 1-2 R;~!;~,IA 0 P03'p oro. I.- J 1 1965p pp 5B-66. JkF~-, 3231 65 A Confr-%~-jrce Rapit o~,, P'n.),' czio.- rny:a%~LWIU-5-an ano Gaitrol I:t, 'Achiilc lll'd~ A, E-xz- --Aor R xron, ("Eorl J - 1 1965, PP le JS-t~ 3231c' oc-, 6.5 -4343 o1., thr- by P. 5 ope 1 1965, pp 5~-1,56. JF~.- 32310 65 j,hiD of the "'i".nol-f-Lefire for Lbv) Plvopafmn 'vArk, 6 pp. ji.l.ZZIAls Wl'p v0=0SY 73, J~.-,l 1,?65p pp JRL, 32310 :icloll I C~, 65 j IA~ .,uy, PrGbler;m of k.ffjcicTrt org CapWil Repair of Cquipmmt,, by l,'- Vinolerad-ov, 3 vrr) - RUBJIIALTI ,, per,, Vqi?rLsX 111a),rimi."I , !,-c) Am- -21. 5 PP 3 JI)ILS 32,367. Econ Oct 65 Economic Problems Pertaining, to tile h-velopmusit of Animal itwA)andry I)Irectlowi of the Growth of icollujilic EII*cctivcjIcss in Ibliwal ifusbandrly, by I . Chepurnov, 13 pp. per, Voprosy ]:Kunomiki, :Io-scow, No 6, Aug 1965, pp 22-30. JPKS :52582 Sci - biol 4 Ned Sci NOV 65 291PS46 On the Portion of ExjpendAtL!1V-wS of llhbodled nnd Stumv. laftr in A&grei~ate Swial Product, by A. Koi-jag~, 14 pp. HWMAN, per ' Voprolly koio,;dIA, No A-ut,- 1)65.~, VP.3.5-" - JFIG 33137 USSR Econ Dec 65 2 -) 2, 52-9 Tho 13asto Frimiple of a Social let Mocamra and Us Practical Applicutim., by Z. Atleap 19 yip- AMLO., per, VoDromy EkcRI-11ukIj, NO 3p Aug 19652 PP* ZF-T9* JPFG 323M USSR Ecm Nov 65 2r2p IW CartalL Queatiorw of Tinancial Piarning, by D. AlletWivordyan, I.--, pp. J , MM.UW., per, YMrcay elconaatki , --a U,, Aug 196% pp W-91. ipm 326o6 LSSR E c L) r. F] () v 6 5 zu, 5tj~ Um of Nomadc C~ftroetlcjp in UBSR Mwl=tilal Adminlatration, W r. Yevosw: 18 pp. S=UN, per, ~rdku. uo 80 Aur- 3~22roay aim= 1965.0 IWO 11 13B 1 JPES 32W USSR sci-n/m Oct 6!j aqo~, 363 Peaem,ch of the Institute of Economics an-a OrtAnization of IndustrI&I Praducticm of t4a Sibm-lan Department of t~ie Acadeer.V of' Sciences USSR, by Ye. LazutlUn, 6 pp. MWIM, per, YUEM L~a~iolhi Aug 1965, pp. 151-155. JPRS 32321 USSR Econ Nov 65 a92,187 90009 I - PrOdllctiOn COn- Me Econovdc IfficienCY Oj - _,~.nt;3stjon ill ITUIIstl-j,, j)y 1,. lierri and I. Milila, 19 pp. IUSSIM, per, Vaprosy 111--onoia-LILL, -No -9, sept 1965P pp- 3-15. JPHS 33010 IWR Econ Dec 65 2L)2.- 353 Methotlo-logical Pmblems of the Trmsfer of SovkhoaOn to n.&U SOIC-13'apport., tjy ii. YOT.:CV- yanw mid I. Marinko, 1) 1)1,. MBSIM, per' Vcrproay F-kancELUU., No 9, Sept .1965.t PP.23-34- JPRS 330" IMIR Econ Doc 6,5 aya, 4o2 0000000000006 Tie Practice of the Tmisfer of the Sovkhozes to M.,I.l Self-Siippoi-L, b:~ A.- lki(III-A ra-hd V. N&7.mrvnko, 11 pp. XMIM., per, YMEM li~zan cdki, No 9, Seept 1965., PP.35-41- JPRS 33o44 USSR &Cin mc 65 292, h433 Certain Problems in the RaUo~-Ml Miliza- tion or Saviet Labor Reso,irco(;, by V. Ifew- cheWco, 13 pp. IUWIU,, per, NO yw= _.7 Sept 1965Y pp. 54-61. JPX 3W7 LIL38R Econ Dee 65 a)-2,,530 g;txengtb4njmg Zoonc"c imeritivies in ?Rzsftp by Yap OrIAWP 12 pp. MWIM, %or, m3im gmEnwrll NO 90 Sep,** 1965., pp- 89-9T- jus IV-995 IMP, Bem Dee 65 292,---36 Vf~.tnl Probloon of MatOrif-I havIzatov &. F. Vocalkcv;, pp, per, 1965, pp 147-151 T"corl Reports at Comftrence on lmprovin~:-, Syste- ustic Organization and MmuWc7:ient Gf Social- kut Prodwtion, by A. Pevmc.,-, 10 pp. .2rovy Kkono..J,':i, Ro 9, RJSSIM,, per, Lo sept 1965, PP- 151-15b- JP35 33A4 MW Econ Dee 65 292.,494 NOW -- --- in Remaide Stimulution of ProdLwtUm., by B. &*bammklv, 22 pp. WBOW, Imr, L02EM Ekonaftiki, Via lo.. oct 1965, pp. 14-31. JPRS 33355 USSR lean Jan 66 294,M6 New Horms for Depreciation in USSR Induisti-j, by Ye. Ivanov, 12 pp. RUSSIM, per, Y22rogy BkOnO7111-_i, No 11.0, Oct 1965, PP- 32-41. JPHS 33600 USSR Econ jan 66 293,723 Urgent Problems of Analyniv and Planning oj~ SpecialIzation of Econaaic F*Ijona, by 14. Ippa, 15 pp No 10.1 O~ct MWVW,, per,, 3~2~ ~HIR-ac 1965, pp .42-53. JPFS 33600 USSR Bcon jan 66 293.,724 Ybichine BAlding Specialization ii.- the FAxatarn Regions of the UWII, b.y V. LOL~Iuov and V. Yevatigneyev, 11 pp. EMWIM, -per, YO 10, ~R!~m alwaOLAIA, 1Z Oct 1965, PP- 54-63- MIS 33465 USSR Econ jan 66 2~~4,335 Problem of Accumulation and Comsunptim in Kolkbozes, by G. Pamanchenko, 15 PP - FUSSIM, per, !~S2rqvy ekomwaki, No .1.0, Oct 1.965, PP- 06-97- JPRS 331361 USSR Econ Jan 66 295,103 Chemdealization of tiie nationai l3conmw, by I- hakUln, 9 pp- pE2M Er mat-Aki No 10, MMMM., per, Vo Oct 1965P PP- 153-157- - ' JPRS 3,3666 USSR Econ Jan 66 294,W6 11&e Branch Principle for Kru"~in,, Industry and Wclmicml Progreas, by (). 3IcIu-amCvv,, 12 1)1). RLISSLO, per, Voprosy ekonomild-, No 11, Nov 1965, PP- 3-13- JPM 34136 USSR Econ . reb 66 295,755 The DOM10POft of Direct Ec.4:)Mrdc Ties and XvWrMUW the DletribatUm of Via Mmiumm of Fxoductlm,p by Yu. JCbl&mnmnr, .12 pp. I nips= pfty immlim ekmmdki, No U., Nov 3-965, pp- 3-4-25- JM *a36 um 30(m Fwb 66 295,,756 Ways and Means for Fuxther Chemization of the Natiow3 ZemmW., by N. Fedorenko, 13. pp. RUSSIAN,, per.. YME~!y Ekonuudki, No U, Bov 1965, pp- 49-56- jrRs 31o69 LWR Bcon Feb 66 295,636 ftserven for Xncrensing tfie RL,-tl-ini Assets in the Chemical Inclusti-j, ayev, Z. Gkuneva and It. Penkolm, IUSBDV,I, per, Mi2U EkonQpiki, ]NOV 1965, PP- 5T-63- JPRS 31~9 UBSR Econ Feb 66 ou Fixed by I/. Boly- 10 pp. "No :1-1" 295) 037 Service Lives of Xwhines mid Depreciation lit &iricmlture, by V. AntorMikevlch, I() pp. MSBIU, per, Mamm FiLonooAkI, Igo IIP Nov 1965, p!p. 64-74. JPIRS 341-10 USSR Sci-Agriculture Feb 66 295,795 Economic Cooperation between the Socialist C" and Newly Independent Countries. by G. Prokhorov, 14 pp. FUSSIM, per, YOMSY Mto -No 11, flov 1!.)65, pp -82-89. MRS 34586 USSR Rcon mar 66 296,943 fkm PrObIftwo In tbO AppliCUUM Of MMVjC*jAtj- (MI Mtthodn in ths 19canomim mid Political Ecanow of SMIA118M., by I. Kotmr, 19 pp. HMMW, per, 20070W :11~' -no -U, mov .1965, pp - gg-.U:L. JPFG 33915 USSR Econ Feb 66 295,23B RvalunUan of the OveriLU Bf fectivem..va of CaPitna Mmv*stnmtsby Drant3es during the Planwd ftried., by A. VertinWUy, 10 pp. per, r uraLkij, NO 11., Nov M"x,r elwn -1965., PP- 139-144- oTPFS 33915 USSIR Eccm Feb 66 295,239 PlamAng of the Utilixation of Fixed Assets In Coniptruction,, by V. BalalLin,, 12 1q), mmliul" Per, Y2=Py E40 Air-i. no 120 D&C r965.- PP- 35-43- JPW 35147 'USSR &,on ~hy 66 299.,-~'30 ytateg arAd Proportion of IDdustrial and Agricultural Developmnt, by I - Laptev, 5 py. IWWIM,, per., Yspamy mmnomiju. NO 12, Dec 3.965, yp. 44-54 - JP16 3"97 USSR Boon mar 66 296.,830 DevnIopuron't of Ptiblic Constuaption Fundu in Kollthozea, by A. Arlddpov, I'l pp. MJSSIM, per,, IloproDy Ekonomiki., N-) 12, Doc i,~)65, PP- 31-93. JPRS 35390 UB-1-1i Econ jun 66 3011893 On Appraising the Rconomde Effectiveneso of the Pbmlgn Tnule of the USSFI,, by 6 - ;Bm:Lrmv, I:T pp. IMSIM,, per.. voiPromy Ormnomika, no .12, Dec 1965, PP - j4 ~103 - JPRS 3h83B USELR Econ Apr 66 296,928 An Beonmic Enerimnt by Iftecow Motor Transport Organizations, by 11. l(olecUnova and P - Twoklys 7 PP - WWX", per, VoRrogy MWjv=JkA U3 22, Dec 1965., PP.143-1-47. JPRS 34920 USSR Econ Apr 66 299,043 The Problem of Appraising Labor in Kolkliozca.. by A - Avrmmava, 5 pl). RUSSIAN, per,, V2prosy Ekon=iltl, No 12, Dee 1965, pp. 147-149. JPFO .35390 USSR C, Oc .j JLUI bu 3011699 Px,Dcuxemnt of Kolkhoz and Bovkhoz Produc Lia, by L. Kasalrov, 11 pp. MWIM, per,, Voprosy 1-tkoncm=ik=i,, No 1,, Zan 1966, pp- 37-46- JPW 35391 USSR Econ jun 66 301,P907 Improving Arricultural Firancin,,,,, by K. C, Karpov and T. Mity-tislijUn, 14 pp. RMISIAN, per, Voprony Elconovilk-L. Nu ti, Jnzi -I~K)b,pp. 4'r-5j. JPRS 3539.1 USSR E Kcon Jun C,(') 301,993 Econwdc Efficiency of Corqtlax Proceasing of Wood,, by A. Zheludkov, 3.0 pp. YOWIM.. per., YO mikl No I Z= EkCM ==P .9 Jan 1966., pp. 59-65. X'Hs 35514 USSR fton May 66 304535 IrTzoving the Use of Forrcru3 MetalS,, by 149 Gorshunav and D. Popov.. 12 pp. ,RMU Zkonamiki.. No 10 Jan FWSIM,, per,, Lo 1966t, PP. 66-75- JPRS 35500 USSR Sci-)V)4 300: ]Q5 May 66 The Council of Economic Ritual Assistance and World Eoonom:Lco,, by nx. Bmlyayov,, 16 pp. MIWIM.. Imr,, K(Mroxy !ajki n 1966 0 .L Jo. no 1,, pp.76-85- JP-9S 35395 USSR Econ jun 66 301,852 Some Problem of Prewing and Uti)Ar.:Lrg Labor Resources in CIWA Countries, by M. Oelmova, 22 pp. EUSSIU, per, yopMay Eko xmW i Jan 1966,, pp. 105-112- L., No 1, JPIRS 35395 USSR Soc Jun 66 301,353 Problem in the Bank Fimlc.Lng Of Ind'.1fitrilkI 0 IgntelTrIoes., by K- AroalwbDv., .;p PPO MWIM, per.. VC)vj-m!z Eko lovdkl~, No 1, Jan 1966, PP- 113-117- JPW 35253- ulga Econ jday 66 300, oe? The Role of Capital Invest mntr, in the Recon- 11tiliction of 014DratiiV; Em-torprinen, by A. h)A)crg, 'I pp. IVSSLU., per., YaroU Elmnamiki No 1, Jan 1966, pp. 118-121. JPRS 35251 USSR &-on may 66 300.,028 A Conference on Urgent Problems of E-cono,,.dc Incentive for Technical Progress, by G. Anislynov and G. Gertuovicit, A pp. RUSSM, per, VonEqsy ekonorilki, No I., itill 1966, pp . 11Q -150. JPW 35153 USSR B,eon May 66 299,342, ON-$* ... so Researching the Problems of the World S!-)cial- ist System, by I. Knebalov, 5 pp. BJWLAJR., per,, Voprosy Mconwdhi., No 1, Jan 1966, PP. 152-155- JPfV 3526o UBSE Econ ~~Y 66 300,032 Raiming, the Effectiveness of Capital Ir-rvest- monto rmd thc Scientific lfs:31.h-)da f,.)r Doter- mining It, by T. 10mcliaturiv, 15 p1). RUSSIU, per, Voprosy ckonoi;dki, Nj 2, Feb 11)66, PP. 3-16- JPRS 37--UTl USSR 'Econ 313,14-:) Sent 66 Some Q%wetions of a Ratloaal Placement and Speciallastlon of tbe M-miallsit Agriculture, by A. 116y1chav, 12 pp. MMIM., per,, Voprosy ekcmio 110 2, lPeb 1966# PP- JPR5 353n USSR Econ jun 66 -302,963 Economic Collaboration Emd Cooperation of Socialist Countrien., by 09 Pogomolevj, 16 pl). JUSSIAN, per, Yo nomna Fei) .1.~~'6, .Rmsy ~o PP, JPIV 35922 USSR Econ ii.m 66 an I-A:vOb)PtT4-,', P"Oduction, by F. 10 per, VJPr:)GY ckonorid!ij. USSR Ec -)n C, ~"-pt ).6 JT The Intenalf1cation of Ag,,:Iculture anij tile r6ftOOtiveneva of Fixed Aimietiv,, 1)y If. Linkun., and Sh* Humdovs 9 pp. WWIAM~ Per,, VOlau", ekolmmIJU No 2, Feb 1966.p PP- 125-130- JPRS 35811 UMB Sci-Agric-alture Jun 66 302067 The Development of Water &:!sourcev in Vic TOSM txnd. t4c-t Price for WaterY by 19. Fedonko, 5 AP- IUSSIM, per, Voprosy Zkowiaika No 2, Feb 1966, PP- 130-132- JP13S 35725 USSR Econ jun 66 301,944 All-Union Scientific Conference ,-in ';Ir--)blcrw of Formtian of the 1?,)pu-ltxtiDn and !38O Of Labor Resources in RC-C,10W of tjIC Far N,)rt~j, by L, Sbytova, 0 pp - RVSSIAN., per., Vopropy Lkinomild Nj 2) Feb 1966, PP- 150-153i JPRS 35964 USSR S,-)c jul 66 303,2064 The Unity of State Technical Poliwj, by Go Antimium, 16 17p, MSSL43, per, Vgxa-.)s uLi rio 3, mar -y Eku aom 1966, PP- 11-23- JPTS 36078 USSR rx~--)n Jul 66 3.34,~39-5 Stmetural Ch&agep3 in the Machine Buildir4,7 Indastry, 'by K. Vinogradov, 14 pp - RUSOXM., per,, V2Erojoy Ekonamiki, NO 3, Mar pp. 24-35- JPFtS 35786 LUC." R Econ Jun 66 302,833 bn0MV0'n0nt5 ~'1013rleEi In ~;Y.'3tf)-j Of !If-l'711tiorntion of I.,alvr In the Kolkhozer., 1-)y A. Y(-,i(-jllyinov, 14 pp. por, Vopros.v ~:.kono.,dld, :-ar pp. 63-7111 JPIL; U35it Soc o v 6 L 13,791 3 The C..'intempgrnry StMe of the C )natraction of Suc Laliwa irl I-NIX-OpOan C,)LLnt.rlc,-ci A' tilf-- Pe' JI)IC I P, Dameracy, by N. Stc)lpjv, 32 pp~ RUSSIAN, per, V.-)prosy EkoncLr~d~"-L N-) 3, Mar 196,13, ivEs 36o7o USSR Econ .T il (36 3*IJ4, 5 -)0 ForeiLM Ec~-)nomic Problems CapItriltrat D--vel-)jmumt, k)f by L. Zevin, 1~j pp. IUSSIAN,, per, V-),)rosy Ekuaccuhi 196L-), 34-).1. JPRS U,OISR E,con Jul C,,() if G~jc ldb~--rat,cj Non- C' Y-) '4, !-hr y)4, 5)1 Soviet Remponm to Westerm Views o-n "Price Fornation"., by A. N&Weyw., 19 pp - MMIAN,, per,, X%May Mw:2-2,n_ild-j- Na 3, i966j, pp- 92-loo- JPFB 35773 USSR Econ jim 66 302P896 The Econordc Effectiveness of Irrigated Agri- culti-we In European Member.-Countries of the Council of Economic MAtual Assistancla, by Yu. Shintyapin, 6 PP. RUSSIAN., per, Vol!rosy Zkonoinik-L, No 3., 1,hr ppi 114-118. rpns 3607(3 USSR Econ i'la , 00 -~04,592 Econorilets lAsousn Problr~.,in ijortainlm,. to thri L;so of -Lal-x3r lienources, by Y". Yllv';,J-tlkov ana ?I- Lacutin. 7 ?P. RUSSMI, por, Vourosy 1-kona"ll 3. ~Iar 1966, op. 7r&-T77- JAITIS Y~217 USSR Econ Mov 66 31- 3, T39 The Scientific Interscual Seminars on Agricultural Econoridca, by Yev Iazutkln., 9 pp. RMIAN, per, VqMsy elwirvomiki No 3, Mar 1966; pp. 143-i5l. JPRS 35671 USSR B4on jun 66 3131.,975 Uirections in Technical Progross in jbi-mr L~vwinoorlng and in Eloctrif'Leation Outlinod. knj v', "filonskiy. 15 I)P- RUSSIA1. per. VODMSY I;Iwno!dId, Apr 1,')o *6. PP. 73-23- JPRS 38273 Sci-Aectronics NOV 66 'I'askm IwAva-A in Vnc;.- -Durf.-I v_-- Gil~ InAastry, ily r-pe The Planning of Agricultuml ProductL3n and Cnai) Relationshipo,, by 14. Ter(-zit'y(-v, 13 pp. HUSSIAll, per, Vopmuy ckollomlltj N,l )1J# JP13S 3-7 322 USSR Be-Oll SeT)t 66 310,733 Certain Questions Related to the Economic Effectiveness of Irrigated FarridrlL, by G. Rua-kin, 14 pp. hUSSIM., per,, T)Lrasy ekonomd1d, N-) 4, Apr 1966, pp. 54-65. JPIS 37322 USSR i~con Sept (k 3-10,784 Mechanization Step Towards V. Rezrukov, RUSSIAN, per, pl) 66-72. JPR5 57365 USSR Econ Sept 66 of Planned Automation 11 pp. Voprosy Calculatlon5 -- A of Corqniting Systeras, by Ekonomik-i, No 4, 1966, 3110351 Y-ie Econoinic Result of Intrabrancii Specializa- (JOr, Of Pr,)ditctIm in CI-I'Mit t,-y YiA. Kf)nnnov, 15 j)1,. RUSSIA11j, PLIry Y-:)Pr,)G-y M.:inovAkip ii-. 4, Apr 19W, pp. 73--~33- JPRSI 3-02- t-V (,-, USSN Econ coept 66 30),6355 The P.icl-Rnv Material -)f ChMA Mamber- Canitrier, and Wayr, )f S lvirij~ It, by 1. DiLlbin- skly, III pp.: rNUSSTARP lx--I-v sy 11-pi, A.X-,c,, pp. 34-94. JPP%S 36722 USSR Fcon se!)t 66 30),C`;c~4 T'Intmcinj.~ Kxpenaiturcs t',,.)r Capital Irnrent- iticnLi3 and liepuir of Flxe,.. Cttpita.-I. )n S,)vIk- hozes, by A. PalCiowov, 8 pp. RTSSIAN, per, V2grosy ekonomil,d i"u 4. Ajar 19LA), pp. 12)-1-4- J-P",V, 51_~22 U~ZR Ecoll Sept 66 31-0, T32 Accolaration of Growth RaUs of Lal-sc)r P-roductivity Callod For In New Plvo--YoEx Plan. by Ye. Kapustin, 12 a .P RUSSIM per Vopros), Lkoromiki. 1966, P;9 3-iO- llp:is 133-P19 USSR ;,con K.ov 66 313.756 Foundation of Fliture llomt-ilmmr l'r,--in(?c,riTw anc-I Industry. by -1. mollnikov, '11. pp., R033D\11. per, Voprosy ElmnOT-A 5, 1 10 66) P.D. 11-17. J PRS '37501 U33i 1,;oon $opt 06 311,737 Tit,a Plmn and the Market ;inkior a S,~)clal.Lst E'cononq, by 1. Konnik, 15 1)1)- y R~oqoindltd, lij. I-,,, E~ fUSSIA14, per, Voprua I 19U6, PP- -L'I-30- 'wms -)3~3) USS R Econ .Dec 66 -,14*OL:"5 Reduction of Skilled Labor to Ample) Labor in Order to k"I'alcalate Expendit-mros. by Ya. Go-aberg, 14 pp. RUSSIANT, per, VoErosy 'Ekonomiki, -b ~'Jay 19(>()s PP. :31-4u. JPRS 33219 USSR. Soc j'-Iov 66 ..)-3.757 On CrIteria of Uptimallty in t;ie Schedides of WaLlonal Econoi,dc Plruintn~;, by R. K'Itabild, EUSIUAN, per, Vjprasy Ekonu,dlci No- 5, MaY igL,)'6,, pp. 41-47- MRS USSR Econ i)cc 6-6 3-L4,(-63 Value arid Plarmed Prices., Ly M. I(oll_,anov, 16 pp. _I)roE;,y Ehonoullcl N' ). 1,), liny HUSSM, I)nr, V ) 1,)uo, pp. AIRS 334,39 USSR Econ I)-- c w --, 14.7 067 .,jays of ovorm-nini, jearonality An A!,,rictiltural LabDr. by ii. solovoyov, 9 pp. Mi5sIx",! -,)or. Voprosy EXona iki, ~-Io 5. .,:ay !96,6, pp. .11)IZS US5R ~;Ov P I lov 66 Improving Economic Cullnbox-ation in CPIA Co,in- trion,, by B. Lukiyglri and Yu Shlrya,,,rcv, 13 pp. JAMSIAN, per, Voprosy El,,otiomikl Nj 5, May 1,:)6(), pp. 31-69. JPR-9 3,1625 USSR Econ Oct bO 31-1, V'J~2 Gonoral Education Level of -,oricors Affoctc tho Recults of Their Lnbor. hv 1. ~nznl. 0 pl) RUSSIX.,l or sy t.'.k-onoj.!ci. 'lo 5. 'ay 1,96" 0 p I . _.,oprlo () , D'a - 1 3 1-1 Y-, JP116 312,19 u c tuov 66 313.755 Cortain Aspects of the PI-oblew, or Fomiing incentive Funds at Entexl)rises, by S. Slikurko, 16 pp. RMSSIAIN, per, Voprosy elcjnqiAki_, NO 6jP June lsk6, PP- 3-15- jPRs 37964 USSR Econ oct 66 312,577 Pnoblfurm of Perfectly4y tlic Planning and Managment )f Production, by V. Chei-ayavskly, 1) pp- FMSIA14,, per, Voprosy Ekonc!aiki,, No 6, June 1~Xk), pp. 16-2'7. jPRs V544 USSR Scon 0 c t G 6) 312,362 Dc tern, ining. tiie Wficient LDcation of Indxtr~,, t)y N. siiokin, 14 pp. EWSIAN, per, Voprusy Elconauilil, ND 6, Jane 1966~, pp. 2~`)-36. JPRS 37544 USSR I --'e o n Oet bb - u, 312 , 3' D Problem in the Economics of Agricultural ."Iellorrat-lon, by L. ilrapinskly, 14 pp. IM;SIANO per. I vy alcono-Ala. 1!0 0. .Mm Jun 1966. pp. 6 3-r2. j Ili,; - 37ml USSR Ecoll .1-) Oct (" 311,973 Brinijng tho itandard of Living of Vin xnrlcorm and Kolichozy Pombors Closer ToFether, by G. Sar)d.-yan, 13 pp. RUSSTILN, por. VoDrOBY Dcono!Aki '~,O Jun 19436, )~i3. 73-,m. JI, R;'~ 37738) U:;SR Ocon o c t 6 31, 1, 9 55 I%o Copital.-Intonnivansus oJ* Agricniltural Products. by P. Klemysliev, '.3 pp. RUSSIAN. por, VoRrogZ gkono-did ' 6, . _, -o Jun 1966. pp. M-91. JPRS 37,941 USSR JI,con Oct 66 311,979 The 23rd CPSU Congress and Problems. of FA.,onamic Coopeimtion fuzorq; Clio S---)cim-Uot Nations, by Yj. 8lAul3F.ov&.iy" .10 pp. - fWMIAN,, per, Vaprojw EULo omiki, No 0", June 1~k6p pp. 92-100. JPRS 37573 LISSR Rcoll oct 66 311,221