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Ittestions ou th,.- Bank Control of Industrial Enterprises, by (;c.-a Denke, 13 pp. I i Szemle, Vol V111, per, L,21-11ZU-7 No 10, 1064, pp 353-863-0- JPRS 27726 Uur-llwi,gary ECOR Jan 6S 272,382 Developum= of the Population's Money Incom and U nditures In 19649 by 14szlo ImWel, 8 pp, IMMARIAN, por, Penstwi Szeele Nov 1964, No 111, PP 902-907. JPFLS 28272 EF-MuVary rcon Feb 65 ?74,042 First Observations an the Intradwtion of tas Cagtal Use CbaxWp Gaza AmbroWs 9 ppe MXGARM, per.. Pm%uwi Stools No 12a Doc 1964., pp gge-m. JPRG 2B307 n4hwary 1= mar 65 276.phO5 (M 99193) 4 pp. Wo* lz *Up# by Zot RRkaooMs 4uauw,t jo pw.. Per --moolbw lmm.-,Y~b lb 4,9 Wims Apr ' , gig, ......- 1.9p't vp OU/M V-9m . na - kuwala j1&4 . 490- "/ ~07 am - oat 96 C" TT-61-14133 Bourdon, B. -0 -1 (d - A/6-Ir / CORRESPONUNG POWS " PoirAs Correspondents). 1. Bourdoo. L 173p1 (foreign tnt Includeo refs. 11. Title: Visuml... Order fro. SLA $7.60 TT-6k-MM Trios. otmorA L.,P (Visual Perception-uTSp ce) INds, 19021 chap. 8, p. 2DS-233. .%too avmaAle fr(xn SLA $4.60 ~,,s M.y 49 (without forelp text). (Moi sic I %A ien:es --Physiology, 77, v, 1,4 mL 6) 0#1140 of T.Ch.1,61 5 skin Rffeat in S" ooo&mrtme amboMed In ciresw sious by Z. Topcb*j, 26 pp. NoMms Wo joll"* W" &9)1 "I is M71 " 0 AM Tr 3723 ftl a macu= a" " ?~/ S-410 Tbc Effzct of River CamUsation on Saviso- ti=,, by v,. Mosorql. mMkRla,v per,, I!priodlea Polytoohnica,, Vbl 11 NO 31P 195Ts PP 219-236- Dayb of Int US Bur of Roclamtion Tech Lila Dewar,, Colo. Imur - Hunpry Be= Jim 59 TT-62-26390 1, R[!,kl.lSvllo\ C%LCVL DES A&SPNIALAG M- PAR 1. V iyr 66, 1 AJUS-1 FMINi- A'SERRAG-1: (Konstrukdrin uDJ Be- 11. CNRS-XXV 419 rLchnung von SchrumpNert,imiungen) (Construction 111. Centre Natimil de U Recher- and Calc ulation of Clam~,Ing Joints). 27p. (Foreign che Scientitique, ilarls ,d). Irefs. CNR -XXV 41Q. text includc Order from (11S, ETC or CNRS 51.75 TT-b2-26390 Trans. in F mnch of Periodica Polytechnica. LpXJD=IrW,. jMaschiiih;'0fid3ld'wescnj (Hungary) 195S, v. 2, no. 3, p. 129-144. DESCRWORS~ lJoints, Structural furts, mc- chanical fascencrs, *Clamps. (Unjdn,~rmg, 'FF. v. 11, no. 7) C- Terney. K. and Ambrazy. A. A NEW PMSE-SENSMVE DETECM FOR AC BRIDGE& 11961)(30)IL l0refs. Order frorn SLA $2.60 6L-18917 Trans. d Palodics rblytochnice *imagery) 19S& Y. z AM 4. P. isrwr- - DEXIMOR& OPhasedetectors, Sensitivity. 0mac- tricbridges. Alternatingcurrent. Impedance. OscLlIa- tar eircWts. In many scientific and technical pcoblerns it is neces- sary to deternilas, the magnitude and direction cd On relative deviation of various InUH Ltnpaclanm. AC bridges with phase-sensitive datectws are usually w for this purpoes. 7bis paper descrilm a now tm of circuit for die oscilletar sod detector unit and gives some mamples d Its application. (Audwe) 61-11917 L TIsrany. K. IL Ambrozy, A. 185498 Tr. w. 6. sw 9) one* of T06660a Swwo" Morlu, F, ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETVEEN VISSCOSITY AND 1. Moritz. P. THE SURFACE TENSION OF LIQUIDS. li962119ip. (mWes orn Itted) 16 rds. Order frorn SLA $ 1. 10 62-18757 Trans. o( Perimlics, Polytechnics (Hungary) 1959. v. 3. p. 167-176.--- - DESCRIP'MRS: *Liquids. *Surface --ton. OVIscosity. 62-IV57 (Cbanistry- -Physical. 17, v. 9. mo. 7) Ow d TaImbd knim Na M of at Alr an as Camp- -A--A f4210) Popp br IN Of ~~ - IL NWIL pallodsm EXOUOK pwo Tca 5 ]b lo 1964 VP 25-3D. ;vh.]L i 511T NLL M'. ~b?-Z .~jj (5191) 84141mb 8Vt 69 3SMi,583 Title unknoim) by Z. A. Rogovin Hungarian) per) FeriodicA Im c Vol V) no 21, pp 65-87$ - *J'PPS for Picatinny Arsenal Mar 63 Gowral Notbod fbr Dat"Wa4all the fts mmture atebmtr of %mmistir CIrcultes b7 L. Dwsa4p mums pas ho" wilisonjos- Vol V1336 JM 19614v W 93-=- *ACM J-IM4 ID 22D4MO767 sci_zuwtr & Elect &a Iftr 67 cawxg)udoo 0 the stmom ad Nonad aw bons MCAMAN ~VW ;,-:t an Wj Vd No 2. Im. op liv ---- NAM TT Ir-9354 Jun 65 L-rx. GOVLIURMIT ONLY ON THE INDETERMINATE LINEAR EQUATION MIGNUSI LANGUAGE-IT COUNTRY-11 PERIODICU 01 MATHEMATICA SEPmwOCT 1902 VOL 18 PP 173-176 FSTC-HT-23-015lw73 Tho Strae&Are of rieulandite, by U. Ventriglia, 21 pp. I-u ITALM, pert t!E!c4 po 41 Mineralogla, Vol XM, 1955, pp 49-83. Axso Tech Be" 3=81 Sol -- Min/ftt cm 1, 9 jUn 59 BERTOLANIP M. Linnaeite. ahaloopyrrhoUne and blen4e- pyrrhotine structure in watelliforous mineralizations fror Corchia deposits. (Parmesan AppenInes). Perlodlco Miner. 31:287-306 (1962) (CRL/D. 865) Periodically Repeated Ignitions by Meana or shock Waves, 47 pp- UNCLASSIFUD GEPYAN, rpt, Feriodinche Wiederholte U Zabdunpu Durch Stoorwe n. u 36 pp. ATIC F-M-MO/ MU Scl - Electron Jun 59 no Palodic MOTM=ks of Imf. Croms by V. Pfeffw. 139 pp. ~~v DMNCMM 6w mosmwo p pp ]..*JLW. MM TT 76221,414 fti-BAN Do* 69 398, 479 Periodicity in Psychopathology (Neuro- and General Pathology), by E, Lerchenthal-Henninger, GMWAN, rpt, Periodizitaet in der Psychopathologie Neuro- und AlIgamainpatholoidt, 1960. NTC-71-12239-06E Nov 71 IRA Sr R-9541-1) 17 Jim, 68 Auw4ztwi6w miklowar cWloidonan in gruffier bahe ouf Xrw4veUenvcxtL:Au*gm BV.. A. 5ch&131gb From: Perze-lAe-Preadm Bd/411i-~~4,, 11r. 13 pp Wt-522 4 p0) German - eat for vds.- ?lease trmnlate ~W tAw 1 "y# 4m*I*-oV&wd- teditc4 dratt COPY aeooUble) a of "m I=Ogpwft I*Wav =Us pwo Pwdrldp vustl,, no ijp i9fts pp u- . *xm WL-IM/I *8ei - Goo0yi U :ul 61 wire ID-7-240. 1-116 National Political Prospects, by Juvenal Marcano, P,.5,Y 5PAMI511, dQcuraent, Perspectivas Politicas Nacionales, PP Z5-3U. _,4,--*JPRS/SF.3S07/SPECIAL LA - Nicaragua 11,01 13 Jan b5 The Atom and Gw=IUA Warfawre..9 PP. FRENCH, per, Psrqecd"s6'N6'9016 14 Nov 1964,0 pp 1-8. JPRS 28192 WE-France Mil Fab 63 2730054 Two Thousand PXCWb'Atomic Bombili 10 by J. Pergen4, PRENM P04 AispecdVes, No 910,o 27416i 1964* pp JPRS 28192 WE-France mu Feb 65 2730053 :fxc fo - DeiulopMllt 01' lluclca' Ellc-"Kv ENCII, b'~, d,-, D vt.-lopm,11it d~:- ~ rl I P 1. liucl.,:,~alrcy 1960. *AEC C,..i - liac phys Jan u0 Tta ca=utut hu-47 in s 5 FBMO part raroaGATO go 6, ftw 1938j. pp 59 I.,liat is the Current Status of African TTade Lhionism?, by Pascal Laurent, 28 pp. RU`Nlcil r, Perspectives Socialistes, No 63-69, Jan' 144',cvj~ - - JPRS 27704 Africa 1101 Jan 65 1-72,131 Polemic on the Force be Frappe, by Jean Guichard, 42 D 0 3 FRLNCII, p,-,rs tulp=Lixes Socialistes, No. 7U-71, Mar-Apr 1964, pp 4-29, JPRS 27,32U IVE-1-rance Pol Jan 65 271#469 The Left and Do Gaulle's Nuclear Striking Force, by Georges Gontcharoff, 32 pp. FRENCH, per, Perspettim-SocialLstes, No. 72-73, May-Jun 1964, pp 3-26. JPRS 27,320 WE-France POI-Mil Jan 65 271,470 Comment by French Socialist Organ on Togllattl*s Testament, by loan Guichard, 8 pp, FRENCH, por, Pegpeclives 2MI&XIstes No 78, Nov 1964, pp 2.7. MIS 28300 IIE-Frar= Pot Feb 65 274,034 USDA ww..Arc; The Movemmt of 14614d in the vow By: Gunter Langendorf R-7504-T) 7 seyt. 66 CqjIlwy "em From: Perspeklivy Zakladnebo Wskum Dreva Bratislava 3--6 Xn~ 1963 PP 265-M ( 8 pp ) Germu - eat for We: Translate and type I Camem ready copy (see I;Wpizxg instructions attached) Doc=eat my be cut. USIM wvr,--~73 R-T.". -1) 7 Sept. 66 The contaporary state and perVective of Umnial vow treatment By: M. Boicuc and othwa. From: PerepekUvy zaWadn 3.-6 XXX 1963 pp vysk= dreva Bratiolave 7 pp German - eut for vdo: Translate and type 1 camera ready copy. (See typing lastructions attached) DDmmwt can be cut. m-676 The long-tim aurobjuty of and the pers1wtiveo of research By: Fritz Walter r=m; p=Wcwuvy ZmXiaduabo 3--6 M., 1966: 2W-3D5 German - est for wds: B-7505-D 7 sopt. 66 glue and wood mterIals of these PrOblcm VPdam =W& Dr"161"a 9 pp Translate and type I comera ready WRY (see typing Instructions attaChad) Domment may be cut. USM rn.674 JR-7501-0 7 Sept. 66 Some remarks to the wood rheology vith Specan attention to steaming BY: W. Gillwald Plnn-. Perepeklivy zakladneho vyak= dreva Bratislava 3--6 XII,, 1963 PP QW--V5 9 Pp Gerrmn - est for vds: Translate and t* 1 readyc cM. (See typing instructions attached) Document eon be cut. T~cvclopuent o." 6hi-,ppiug end Port of Czepel, by Bsla G%oth~ Pere, -.Icchc Yn'V*,.,-Ick-,zng dot; "Mional und Vreihafent, Buillapect-Csepel, 1960, '13. ?OTM. I '-'-/?DD S= 28-18 Mir - Germany Scon - transportation XMIGHT (IDC-590) h.mmu at lktritim wd ft" or the Food MgWFt7Y 1u the ftiA pi".Tw Plmo py BOSOM soloWms 14 we oovmwn mg wx yffid4ry A CZM,f ~IKUOO - potm Czech -d or 62 TEV693 99 'Idag DOS ruea-yi Olp Ofw Guar 96-E-,6 odd eE96-1 e!Z I= to *gc4T Ix TOA 'V=DTM =ad -j" 'ESIUM mm an larsaw odd al lwaxM *SuM untoo Aq lemmowd TvoT%Tooj :Oww wr4 30 wonvu Iftm on UO lain Ayahuwa,, Vie Mogic Plant of UA Amazon Region$ by Gabriel del Castillo B., 11 pp. COVEEGNM U99 mu Mm, per., Peru iaiAmmft~ Vol X,, NOB. 24 and 251 1963, pp. W-96. JM OW 370 IA-Peru Soc SePt 65 239p432 Corkamist Youth and the Tenth h4tioual Stud4at Congress of Peru, 16 pp, WVEIMENr WL ONLY SPANISHO ap,, Peru Juvenil, 5 IWv 1964, pp 6-10. GUO: 569 LA-Im I'm Vol Feb 65 274.296 Scl - Blal & Mod Jul 64 262*nO On Us *W*DUV Or VA mrj fmm MMd by -alfta-~- in jm~n/c a" Nom loond to va 1w IN6 OUV4 re 3MM le 21,p Cie 35 W- nuwp psrp MIC.30 QdT. as ambAlAotaft- vu m3p-Mv IV -IBM, arA 21.65-17303 A359 lbd Aw 61 Tiblecommdogums in the ftoplo's Bopbllc of &Mmia., by 1. Popmp 4 pp. BUIWJLTAK,p per) so 7-88 1960. Wou Tr 1094 Sol - moctrwas AM 61 /,y 7. f77 (Iqy-5(m) Main Albanian Fishing Areas and Prospects for Develoymuts by 0. D. PoIjawy$ Nd. ruivi? Bashop 9 pp. mea r0 ALBANIANA W Peshqit a Sbpiyerisep 19580 pp 233-238. MCW - Albau&a loan jr4lz mar 61 (PM 22227) Five Ymn of the Litostroj MAnt (YUSN"VIA)a IV 2547-1952.9 72 pp. MOVE= -A velv" mowilwp Pat w UU. atroas LJOIJAMP 1"20 WT-720 MINMA""R Elhw-yuswlavis Econ - lv&wtrUa A 1, ?.; c" &/J= 55 v GMWN (-0" c ~Y~ I y ~, CSO: 01$51/72 V 1 .1 /Ot, -31 Aug. 1971 sp sar"W of South hmicals Osagnaw of 2 pw an# by PrOfe Dr, OU=thw KodLlw. M- M-amme -glegal Dwidda Oaths GM4, Vol's Iwo No. 20 v OF Speelal type D - do not pub2loh - TzensULtar's dmftp plus we eopy. on IL, O-wralphy "ap, ,",L. TiO IT-) Cenlkl Gtatn&U, by Dr (kri Bvnw, 4 pp. UNMMDM ammp Peterums Itittellumpn No -u3s 180j, w aal5p 1~ 4 1 0032230256 TA - ouatovva& Gaogmphie up 54 =)bu / e, - 5- 70 C, Fror.a Lake fiticaca to Lake Poono and ASalar tie Coinasav by Karl Troli~ IJf GER,MIN, per, Petematins Mitteilungen, Vol LXXIII, Xm ,~os 7, 8, 1927, pp 218-222. 1,I,- - ---- 'JPRS/DC-l029l/S-LI':CIAL LA-Geograptdc Feb 64 Re~earch Trins in the Central Andes fof South knerica, by Karl Troll. GEY,I-W-4, per, Petormanns Mitteilungen, Vol LxxIfv# Nos 331 4, 1928, pp 100-103. *JPRS/DC-1029l/SPECIAL LA-6cographic Fab 64 R-31/0i in the FaG4,'Qrr, AnduL of Bolivia, by Karl Troll, 1cr) FAcmx=s 11'0 7 ii J) 13 1 - 1,33 '~JPRS/'DC-l0332/SIIECLIL IAA - Lx)liviu Geo3raphic ~4 ar " K Ilie Northern Chac3 and the Nountainous Region of Chiquitos, W-+wtb-,y flelpauth Kanter ulum, per, Petermanns Ritteilungen, Vul LXXIX, NOS 9, 100 1933. *JPRSIDC-10291/SPE-CIAL LA-Geographic Feb 64 (a ) The Sierra do La5 Minas in Guatemala (b) Southeastern Guatemala (a) & (b) by Franz Tcrn, cr. per, Ileternanns Gco6raphischc Nitteilungen, (a) Vo 85, No 11/12, v-Dec. 39, (b) Vol 86, No 9,---S~cp. MU,- MIPS CSO: KY-13603 1-309/67 1.4% Gcog (,U) -Aiie :sierra io- L-33 e-ib4;5 In *Lj ";:uuteastursi t'va-.z ltmor, itfcilullj~ef4, (3j, VC1 11/12, =77 -,' s - t lj4c. -11L, j 14: 67 321.S75 The Climto of the Vum Olactal Stage in Middle and Weft MUWO Acowdlog to the XmvestIgidims of Mm fteer, by Be go Wright . % yp - OMMN, per# Potemems Geopopb Mttel- lungmp vol. im x*., n Ifas 162. 5U 57-3M4 Bel 7. 1 , 4 94 ~ AUG 58 Strell in the Atlantic and on the West Coast of AfrLcaj by Prof.Otto Jessen, Pb#Dop 10 pp@ GIM", per, Petermanns GjMrghische Mitteil- ungen, Val. 95, First Quarterly. Gotha, Ge;Zny, 19519 pp. 7-16. Dept of Havy NOO tr 319 ScI/Earth Sci. and Oceanography Dee 67-Jan 63 351,525 (M a8393) SO WeA I a amInslywair GOOSMAU M"dsw~ 4 (C 0 -1 by T. fts"doar To 7W s 7 YPo G~ qp vwt nguguAnow, gems I a" Mh VP ms me. CIL/= V4W 3 t;o, A Graphic Representation of Arca and Population Figurcs, by Kurt h'ittliaucr. CEFLI-ILN, per, Ilctermanns-Goographischc Mittei- lun,gcii, Vol 100, No 3, 1956, p 225. JPRS CSO: DC-15042 1-384/67 Sci-Gcorg M 1 920 ar 07 3201 JWW MOM NW. =A MUM# IW Nalmt ImeW. 4~0 btLILp rei I I- I I --" w m Olt Jh 2p =*A~ - W" , 0 vp IVO-IAL C~Xouamlll A r.-- AM no mun ON aw 59 . 11 - /I . m -1 The internatlow" W. DiwAcpvwbyoa by Fmas &Smobap 4 pp. G=Uj, Pwo fttsmwm O-NAMbimbO EMU- unma- VOL pp - WOES PiT. AM Ub vwld wide ft" ~4)3~k Apr " A Nm Mdoom bg1mal AtUms, by S. lan4yW, OUMs bell 't v ~ B morgib4ag WtUlbom. VbI ens so 4, X. OBUNWO 1"5# p 3m. mu No &;I,, P-47. AM 72 - ChIm Goo mw w -1 The organization of aeographic Cartography in the Soviet Unibae by Dieter Bloch, - OdWffj. per$ Petenwm Oeopaphisoc M-ttqjjuDgQn) No 4.p 1958,p 4"750 Aaftbassy.. Bonn.. Deep so 619 DePtOf State Tr 46a7675 sci, ~ Z ~; 3, 2, J. Noy 60 Report Conceraing tka Progress md Remats -of ths 190 0=0 za"tim to the Ba"a-ml by IV Nlk*M= Be Ilditwo. r MOMMIS Vbl 01 pk?~p TO P An JR/A - Bahm 080 /X Za /v2 mw 60 z 62-303D3 Hem W. THE wroRy OF THE ISARITHM MAPS (Die 1. Title: Isarithm maps oesc-hicke der loorithmemicarte* 119631 IMP. 1.1Horn. W. 72 rob. Order from SLA $2.60 62-202D Trans. of hwrmam CcoMPhIscbeM%QlIWWM- 193p T- 103. 07-223-232. (Bast cermi" o . DFMRIFTORS: HistorY. %%P6. NATIPtIOR, Terrestrial magoodsm. Terrain. C40WPhY, Coophyalca. (Earth Sciences-Goography. TT, Y. 9. no. 9) Wks d TK6*11 ExPI-Orations In the Southern Mato Grosso Part LU* Him and His Forms or Ufo. by Or, Friedrich Kuehl rne 32 pp. GERMAN, per, PsUrmsms Gloewsche No 3, 1959o pp. JM 3?910 1A Econ oat 66 311.929 Recent Y-xljlorations in the Sahara, by Dz Seeinricb Schiffcre. Gmlilsilp Pull) Vol cr.'s 110 ;... 1960Y RP 1-19- (CaU NO G1j F47) Eng Tr) AM NE/A - Ifrica Geo Oct 60 /.2 R -V e ~z T-40,)/49 '0 (- - ) - The D-welopment of the Geographic Sciences in the People's Republic of China, by Johannes F. Gellert, -f~' I I.- GMMAN, bai*etin, Petermanns Geograpbische ~Uttellangen, Ho 25-'--29. *JPRS FS Chl na 0 3 Jul' Thuuf~43 on tile WVQIQPOmt and Future 'Of t,tias-Czwmuj;raI,hy, by lierner boramp WiLAN, Irzr, Petur=m3 Guog!ghischc kittail- w1i.en Vol v-,, --o so, Iftir pe 219-235, Wvt o17 hitor IUOW~ ik64~, tiL ur/ Ccori;= i~eoj; Jan 67 316 '17oo C,%rto Pesults ,r tile ";Cviet coirnlex ~Ijinrcric ~-x,~,-,dtjtion 1956/5C, by h. I Or otc-mins Gco-rvif Lill -ct,. ilk Sc i. NZ D Fcl~ 03, 2h0 atidy Of ftu=t wymat in Rims wd Sm With tba AIA of lamims kes ad P&Aio-Actl" IsotoMp by INDOW AjbUlstDvs Vadim Doldymv, H&Uut ftloameier,, 30 pp. ammi PL4 Pmbommas 'a-xmdb4-ohs W --;Mo gubl~m, NO 3j, 19as 177 -ICAM NO. QLP A7. ) Anw ft ftrviw Scd - aeogbys 21 *7 62 k ewtx outim to fAw astwua Develmm I I of on .%aklsigY= Wo bW fts FAVs 17 We floobe WftW-- 3mms PWP --- !mom--p Fa nvp xg6lo- IV 9%* am 2v VWM 154 Sa - Opopbp wy 6e jilo$/I Om 8Wdy of Bedimat Mmmt In rivers and Ov" With the H64 of Imminaseent Dyes and I%dio-Actlvo Lmt~,, by NikoW Ajbulato7,l Vadlm Bol4mv,, HaImt GrIsawlers 21 pp, QWKUj, perp Pa:toxmm'- juttbQjjl%zkg=o 1961 so Up P47-)- % go-g6os AnW ftp Service Scl - Goopbgre 19~61 -9-J-7 a mey 62 Ago' a I a Pmunt-Day ftsp by Qwftr Bwebuto 13 pp. ammm, Patenams -Val Cv* No Do IW 53. (can lb. 41,FkTs as bus) A=W,Wp ftrilm Afklm - Aqpl QW9 14 ftt 62 STFtIJCTURE Of RURAL PROPERM AND POPULATION A CONTRIBUTION TO!THE POPULATIONAEOGWHY-Of MECKLENBERG., BY EGON WEBERf:GRE.lF6VALDp 63.ppo, GERMAN;, PERy PETERMAtM GEOGRAPHISICKE MITTEILUNGEN., VOL GVI) NO 4) 15 DEr. 19Q,,.PP 241452. JPRS 18550 WEUR-GERMANY WC) IDDW"HY 226.. ~~J3 APR 63 THER GERMAN SPITZBERGEN EXPMITIONX IN 19621 BY W. PKILLEWIZER. GERMANj PERj PgERNANNS-GEOGWAISCHE-MIT_Tj~l~Ut4GEN VOL CV11, NO 4, 15 DEC 1962, PP_2b6.----"-- ~ I ~- ~.v JPRS 18551 WEUR %- GERMANY SOC, De"WHY APR 63 226,499 A Now biethod for Large Scale Mapping of Relicig by Hans Richter. GEPWI Fare -Pete RM rMgwMAAP,. ~dtteil=Zeu, No 4,1962, pp 309-312. ACIC in EEUR - Germany 0 0 0 Gen NJ Jun 63 MORPHOLOGY AND DEVELOW-W OF KEGELKARST I N SOUTHERN CHINAAND NOTIHERN VIETNAM.. JANSILAR; 12 Pp. ~.,.Klls PETERMANNS GEOGRAPHISCHE MITTEILUNGENs VOL. CV11p NO 1., 19631 PP 14-19 JPRS 20830 FE-VIETNAM GEOG 341-596 The Administrative Division of the Rumanian People's Republic, by Walter Houbitschek, 10 pp. GERIIIAN, per, Peteniianns I Sche ~tirtf-iIIIII(IO Vol CV11, No 1, 1963, p-1) 5-48. (call No Gl 1147, Vol 107, Ao 1, Eng Tr) Arny Map Servic EL-ur - Rumania Soc J an 6 5 Proposal for the Use of a A'orld Grid Bearing Continuous Numerals and Based on Geographic Coordi:iates, by Horst Munnich, 4 pp. CIERMAN, per, Petennanns Geob.-aphische Mitteilun6un, Vol CVII' No 2, 1963, PP 116, 117. (Call No GI P47, vol 107, no 2, Tr) Army Map Service E'-Wr - Germany Gr2og Nov 0+ The Golets Terraces, by Hans Richter. GERMAN, per, Petermanns Geog Mitt, No 3, 1963, pp 183-192. ACSI J-6SIS FSTC-IIT-23-214-69 Sci-Ear Sci May 69 382,328 Atlas of the USSR, by W. Stams, 3 Pp. GER)MAIIII, per, Petemanns Geographlzche Mitteilungen) Vol CVII, No 3, 1963, pp 227-229. (Call No GI P47, vol 107, no 3, Ding Tr) Army Map Service USSR GeoS Nov 64 Survey of the Complex Development of Rural Economic Regions (Regions of Agricultural Producer Cooperatives) in the Form of a Program, by 'I DEMNOW 'J --,)' Gerhard Schmidt-Renner 1,5w GERMAN, per, Petermanns Geographisehe Nitteilungen, vol mi., No 4, 1963, pp 264-266. EE-Germany Geog., Econ mar 64 Remarks an a,N4m JU 013MLperup by Gunthw~ AM~Kjlnkd 3 hemeamlon. M G VH-- Am 4~ 19630 266, 2 7. WWm0IP47j#h..vd swAft7r; Army Map SuTift LA " POTU Geog Nov 64 269A83 News in Brief From the SoAet Unions by its Tauborts 4 pp, GMUMM, per, Petermmma Googmhiscl. A Uttoilune 1964 (Call 140 Cl P47 Vol 1080, 140 ~). Anor ',lap Service ELUT-Hol uct 65 29og244 IJYBOO~bm 0u Quwdm cc pqpuluw Sol " 0", "" in m5y , t4ftr 3 0 GEUMANO vws poewmmmo W. .0 1 a --I"& Ica as Via)-ok SCC idy 65 FQU"b AV A)" *0 cl the MR k *xMty ImC~mg 'by old A- U=Mo 13 GLMANg PW* ti~= -- fuj~~ 47~Nal m No ivi 4'-TM Map farv" FFAr.Gww&a .4*44sc July 6S RO-EquUm"t SW GrOSter PrOduction tat Turtis CencW Mald4j.W F RENCHO npo t; P=, 9 Sep 19% p 2. JPRS 26934 ME-Tunis ECDn Oct 64 267,935 vic-~iis~jio s of the S.N.C.F.T. of Sidi- Fathin I la4, I-C-Z 1) pp. FREXHA np, Le Petit Matin, 4 Nov 64, 1) 2. JPRS 27786 Africa-'runiaia I-'.con - - Jan 6S 272,366 TAINA Am in Uw Devaly Nit or the Nkrals strwtwot t7 v4 ve ftuuw w is me ft"4 SPAXISH9 per# bugle - Vol 4s go 2s Ja 19620 pp A-53o ACIEC TC-11281 Sa-Arth Sid Doc 67 W0660 63-UW77 BUC*, lACXL RAW OlVL EMULSION SEPAELAIM"METAN". 1. nda: hlemn =128ru $1. w 63-IOM TrwL 1924. v. 20, n% U, p. IW-189L DESCRV7%& VUa, *CoHoidlk SoparalM Peavicum. -Rcdualm. lim PmgbwedW-Cbemk4 TT, Y. LO, m 1) WA d locb*d RegulationD Cmring tM StorW of inriammab.,,t UquIds In IndustrUl PlanU In AustMo 14 p. C,Mi"j pary Petroleump 193IDp Val XM, Jo 15, pp 451-W. - MA 59-1" act Doe 59 Vol 2, So 6 lo -,.r ?.fl fto TeatiM of Lubrieuts, .12 V. C'mms pwt M"Ims M, Vol XM# No 21# yy 3-94 . MA "40367 64 No -60 VOL 2A, No 12 / to If a &149&