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040 Zffect of X-PQx and Desmol ot the T*uidsim luto 12=11ch's Assat" twor at Nice aud ftt Bwe Jknw In Vlt2vt by J. J"Lu"jq A. MlobaloWddo 1,; pp. POLM P*ro lmWO27,, V*l =j, NO h., 1969, =AN !ZZ24. m 69-LIW pipja a" 0 Mol & Nod Ml 14,9 Am=ia of Cantric Catwr) by L. Molaval E. lioeckt 10 pp. r,=M,, pex, Hmtworyp Vol Xllp go 4, 1962i. pp 224-234. !4 on 63-u4og PLJ& Sol - Biml & WL fti a LI'd ~ vac 63 7-17, Acinous Adenocarcionoma of the Salivary Gland, by Ludwika Sikorowa, POLISH, per, Nowotwory, Vol XII, 1962, pp 179-190. *Navy/NMS Sci - Biol & 4ed Dec 63 Treauum Otis CUT Whh X-RAM bi POLISH 075 Vol, ~=I. No I W. B %16 "Wworr PL-4 A 80 Sd - Blol IL Mod ik:i Aug 64 264^ Sci - Bid & Mod Scl Aug 64 264,302 Sel - BIOL & MW 5d Aug 64 264AM of PC OTS PL-490 Scl - Bid Mod SCI Nov 64 AWU From LY/Sadab 269,276 (2) Part V. The PrinclPl Materiale by the Balivay Administration. Chap Is Raw Marlale and JOrketz; Chap 11. Fw3z and Lubricants; Chap M. Products of the Sideruraical Industry; Chap IV* ;btalz and Son- rerrous llrcductoe Omp V. Timber and Cross Ties,, (See G-593 A 3-4). UNMMIFIED Fun translation. MAIJANs manm3o R=,Ione cuLgervizig.amoviglonamnti cede centrale, by Ce=o Anetriol, 1952. G-2j, GSUSA G-593-A 2 IlEur - Italy Econmic - Tranaportations fuels JU 53 CTS (3) ftrt VIIi PrOccd=eB for thO 'Purch"O WA P18cit'S of Sup;aie3. Cbap 1. Inatructiona Concermint: Us Primci,-Al Byatoms Followed Cor Making P=cbases; (4) Nrt V111. Chap 111. Acceptance Tleatuo 55 PP. t Full tranalatiou. r.luzzl't =Ua1" NO-zione Oul ogrvitto sEprovigionare6ti sede centrede. by Cabste Anatriulp 19521 (p 94). G-2,9 GEctrSA G-M-A 3-4 VOur - Italy Ecoamic - 7ftnaportationg rail 'S Jul 53 TL (1) Part Ilp The Supply Service in the Railvay Adninistration. Uhap 1. The Orpalzation ot SuppIleo in the State Railvays; Chap II, Supplies in the Case of Some Foreign PAilway Adminletrationj (oee G-593 A (3-4)a UNCIASSMED Aill translation. :ETALUN,$ manualj, Nozione oul servizio approyigiommenti, nede centrqlq~ by Cesare Anetrini., 1952. G-2., GSMA G-593-A 1 WE-ur - Itmly Econcoic - Tranopcrtationj rail.. supplies Jul 53 CrG Nt and Vogt, K. "'IONS ON AND EXPERIENCES WITtl TIJE OBSERAT TOM (TELETYPE ON MULTIPLEX EQUIPMENl) ON SHORT WAVE LINKS AT TIIE HADIO STATION FRA.NKFUHT ON ITIE N". [19021 8p. (rables figs. rcfh. oinitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-16945 Ttjn-~. of NI'Z [Nachm:h.entechnischc Zciuwhrift) (Wc.t Germany) [9~6 ly. 91 no. 2, p. 55-59. DESCRIPIORS. 'feleTypvsyszein~, 0Radiotvlvtypv systerns, 411a,iiii nawmrsion, *%litipleN (0118111is- sion, Errori,, WtAio.,iationh, Germany. 'llus paper is a rvport of ubsvrvatians on anJ vxpci - iences witti'MM V(jU1Pn1Ln( (teleprinter systvm k-m- ploving unit inultipl" nuod-ilaiton with error cou-tivii- ~drlon) li'L-'! in thv shori-wave radio finks at rhv kr%,-t Gcinijp. 011i,c. (Aulnor) 62-16945 1. Title: TONI tguipry-It 1. Complus, M. 11. V(V, K. IN. Title: Tclet)pv.., r1.,.. Yho-r% IFF r1 01A.. 0 S-i... A Now Standing Wave Indicator for Di- electric Surface Wave-Guides, by G. Schulten.. GERMAN, per, NTZ, Vol 14, No 9, 1961, pp 445-448. NLL Ref: 9022.81 (2477) Sci-Elec Mar 69 377,001 ; -Ivr -1 - nt Systmit for Uzi,,?-rd ja by V. 'itentLni. 21 pp. Lr-,Il flux _xro tim-iladir. 'Dadj. Z. ~101 12, jo 10, pp 501-908. NjVv-~ 'LT P 12993 aL#,, 70 A Geomatrlu rntaxWelltation of ftm Resultm for the Calculation of Chuml., by ClaUde B. Shemnon, 10 pp. Mcbri-c~iteaU chiA ache aZOM, per,, ;~' No 1 1957 Vol X) P MA 60-180" Scl Vol IV$ NO 9 *r 62 Detxler. A. tnJ Ru9ch. E. hi MiFMIATICAL AIM *77ATISTICAL APPROACHF-1; TO LIFE SIFASURE-S. '.ND THEIR APPLICATION TO FLEMON TIBM. 20p 14refe OrJer from S L. A S t. 6 0 TT-64-16620 Trans. of NrM [Nschrlcb~eutechmlsche Zettxchrifti. (West Germany) 1959 Iv. 121 no, 12. p, 613-6 t B. 7T-64-t6620 pu'ch. i~" (En&Vertig-Flactrottic. TT. V. 12, no. 4) Radar Cross Section and Reflection Char- &CtOriStiC3 of Radar Reflectors and Fly- ing Targets. Part 1: Basic Relationships. by P. J. Wfuenzer. GERMAN, per, Neue Technische Zeit, No 4, 1964, pp 201-T617. (239)-68-438-GELL - MIT/Lin Lab Available from NTC June 69 383,244 Radar Cross Section and Reflections Chxr- acteristics of radar Reflectors and FLY- ing Targets. Part III: Ounilateral Re- flectors of Dielectric-Lens Type, by P. J. Muenzer. GERMAN, per, Neue Tachnische Zeit, No 6, 1964, pp 287-Tff. (240)-68-439-GELL - MIT/Lin Lab Available from NTC June 69 393.24S Radar Cross Section and Reflection Char- acteristics of radar Reflectors and fly- ing Targets. Part IV: Spherically Sym- metrical Dialectric Lenses, by P. J. Mounzer. GERMkU, per, Neue Technische Zeit, No 7, 1964, pp 349-350. (241)-68-440-GELL AvaiTable from NTC .111n0 60 IAN 7A6 Growth -,s -, F,:ctor Detel-LitAilk,' za of Tclccw:a:-'uIic,'.tiQ'~' 1474ctwor,~.s, by K. Ii. LrLbows'd, B. Hess. a, rlql:.Ii) pl~--) II.T. Z. ) Vol 1:1) Nu Ln-) l"'cl~) p1- (21-C25. G3 Sci .5.D i 70-~~M-06lt Winkel. K. zum: Scheer, K, E. 203 ESSENTLALS OF RENAL SCINTIGRAPHY WrM Ng - SALYRCAN R. Nuclear-Medizin. V. 2. p. 71-19. 1961. Figs., tables, rets. omitted. Order trom NTC as 70-13336-06R; HC S 7. 60, MP 13. 80. Catalysis and Stereospecific Polymerization, by Giulio Natta, 20pp FRENCH, per, Nucleus, Vol 4, 1963, No 2, pp 97-108 SLA 'rT-64-18133 Sci - Chein June 67 328,950 averimmmul .. ption arth* vy=mdc Process" In Nmr:bw BolUng Vatu Dowtws,, by j Mb- - A. XI md 0. Kam. 12 pp. GOVIROM Offiz amm" pwj, Nuel. ~~ fte. Can. Md Is (*Jzdab) Mm TT 7 M38 WAIMC JulY 70 Excitation of Nuclei by Electron3, by 11. R. Robl. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY DUTCH, per, tNIISI Phys. Vol 2. 19S6/19S7, pp 641-650. - NIIA TT F-12,317 Sci-Necl Sci Aug 69 388,726 LA-Cubit .. EXAM .I Apr 64 ~ 254,p 177 ftustology: Iftoplul ad nni- b7 P. V13al Ja X, Botems Mm" MW=o bko, Ymm oacublal IS45 (VIU) 0 p RA - it "" IL59-Ifts W* V 55W-t CoUdda Goosmfla as 5 BOB&&* 1939 (Botwo) p U7.0 220-221. ,oidO117 ftry Tr .12U/BD 246 071- Scientific - GeoplWalas ila 55 CNIUM NEW NATIONAL ORDERP PART 3o 9 PP. SPANICH, RPT, NUEVO ORDAN NACIONAL. NO. 3. ACS1 1-3092 ID 2214707 LA-ECUADOR MIL OCT 62 212 ~,ol )"~Fl Aluminum Corrouion In Wever-Cooled Reactore, by K. 11. Buob, E. Scheuker, 15 pp. GMM, per, Nuave Technik, Vol 111, 1961, pp 21,118-295. 90-5-~4 - Am Tr-48r Sci - Chem mar 62 /f0/, & -If 63-13128 FABRICATION OF SWAGE'D L102 MEL FLENJINTS. I EURAC-239 Quarterly re;A no. 6, 1 Oct-31 Dec 61. 1196211311P. Ordur from OTS or SL~ $A 60 UTRAEC-23A 11 EURAMINI(Relglunil Trans. of i rept. from Nuklvar-Chcrnic urK] -Wwl- lurgie G. m. b. I L, Wolfgang bei Ilanau arn Main (Wt,,it Germany) n.d. DESCRIFTORS: 'Rvaoor fucl clemunts, Fuel clernents, *Uranium :omrA)unkI,, *Divxidv~, Pumder Mi3allurgy, Forging, Rc,ittkw fuel cladtling. Reactor materials, Tests. NICITCd 11)) "vx-dally IMAdet aroi [on I V'ra I U~C 14 1 ~1 -11 -LICd IV YWkiCt WCFV W-W I Or S"JZID4 test- %Yh,,ti rywhing the L'02 j"Jur, the tsurn-tmt i9 Ow iunp~tvn vivoi,(alvs, can be diminished by ink:ivibing the hydr, gvn No% in the melting furnacc. V2A ILLix-s, (Nuclear M" ~ic- -Nuclear Engineering, 1-1 , Y. 9. 09k# M Tochkw Smices no. (over) 62-3206 HfunDelstein, P(sull, Hotmew, FiriedrIch) and odwro. I. Himmelatein. P. "ARATION] OP URANIUM AND M=D CAR- 11. lid-mm. P. AND UC-WED CERME75. CORROSION Ill. BURARC-124 PROCESSING AND PRMR7Y IESI . Quarterly IV. BURATOM (beloum) rept. no. 4. Apr-)me 61. 11963) Sp. order f. O'm or SLA St. 10 EURABC-124 Triads. of rept. from Nuklear-Cbwde md -MewHur- gic Q w. h H.. Woltyug bei Hanato a. M. (West Gennq) 31 July 61. OESCRWFORL- -U~von compoomdo, -Carbidm, oarophitc. ocemets, corfedw ldhitift, h - dw. Felifts. McIting, Blecaudea, Machining. Sow state physim. ne tests for the fabrkation ol urowum carbide from arooloon oxW and gropbite were cootlouv& 7be coo- stncdon of a senA-coridwom furwe to too the re- (NwJmr Pbysks and Nuclear Cbectitstry. Tr. v. 8, am 9) (am) 62 - 32, 1 t S Miba;-, rdedrich and I-1chmano, Bonihard. 111V ITOUY-MOIN OF S,-ACED OXIM FUEL i-*I,.E- L 11ofmalti, F4 MI"N't", Oklartcrl~- rvilt. lv~ 1. 1-30 July 60, ~)n 1-Myrrann, B Conint,,O!l (6 _,-RnA~ [19(21-Sp V(jJlAFC,, ,'ID-! 2 -144 IV. FURATONI flklou;; Order froci u I-'- .,,r SLA S 1. i(I MI'AP', V 110-! 444. !,-d Traii-, of lrc~in imdl Motal- H lb~l llaaau u 'I I U's Al~r i~- A0 Imm .. 1st, m. P,i"j jn~i 1-1 wparm. R.-t :tnar I. PRIT A it 01- 1 ~R AN I I 'M A',;) M I XF') l,. - i Fort! sr, j!" 1'. )F CI R V [,'rl~ M i FRO.10 ~ ~H A,,!' f )F, I Nc f(I MS17AN'('~ l-) ANl) llvm~ Jr),'~%' "A 1'11N J~ ~.?lv f uF n r xv rl~. V. 7. 'j- 1-Y V. C, I ll~a 1% Au~~ i)l ~AV 51- pol,vi;!, a jr I r:, Q) j 1 1 j 41 r, ~"j r i'i, VA 'I AND MIX I C.Q- P. IOFT'~' INIPROVI 'R T SN' _f 11, 1.~chmwlll B. \Nd INVE~IKMLJN F IIL EUPAT.C.6q jqc no, IV- UTT~TW (N-lgiun 1 14. 1 1 j fl! 1- 1.' 4 V. 171 1 2 1 - F; upt, r s, zi, I Aff (k'J A ~1. 10 -M I ~ k.1 U a CW.' 63-13079 lfttrAstolu, P.. Llebmwo. &. and Schdar, L- DWELOMIENr OF LIC-RASED UrANVJM CARD= 1. MMULVshk p. AND CERMET FABRIMION PROCESSES. Qwutorty 11. 1 Jobwoun L rq)r- 6. 1 Oct-31 Du-c 61, (m Contract BUR/C/W/62 a. 15. Sclitter, t. [19621 LOP. TV. EURABC-232 Order hvw UM or SLA $L 10 MWBC-= V. BURATOM okkiwn) Tian& of a ". from Nukear-Mmde und -MmHurglp.. Q im b, H/. WoUgog bet Lu an Miiw(woof-I Ot'Tmany) n, d.) DESCRWMRS: *Puel rods, Mrsabons =wpwwd% *Chrbides. *Cer--s. Pzo&xxkw* Carba% Chandad uslysia. ftrWm PeUtts, Chm"I robcdow% Udd Lng naterials, Graphk% &neldva Favoom tustim Ebart, kx4 Mechanical pawardes ft was sh"n ftt UC "MvIes tar am in outou awly- sLs inust be cuntninuted ander dried 1 P16 since the C- valwas obts, by hk Adr Ift W Tookikd Swim (Nuclear Ph*ca--MbCkaHngi om 12) 1 62-32022 Hoftem Friadrkh tod Liebmsm Bernhard. HOT SWAMO OF URANKIM OXWH FM ELE. MERM Quartftiy rWL m 1. 1 Avg-31 Oct 60. on 11. Lfeb"m B. Cmnv= 011-60.5-REIA. 11%21 10P. Supersedem, M. EURAEC-9 TID-136U. EURATOM (BC40um) Order hvm 07S or SLA $1. 10 EURAEC-9 TID-12445. superseded TML 06 rept. frm Nuklear-Owao und -himl- hu& 0. m. b. tL, WoUowg bei tkrau a, m. (west GortrAny) JIM). DESCRIPTOM- OPW almonts. Uradum oompourds, Oxides Powdom Productior4 Tom. Temperature b tbA Period under revim, gwa&Ug expertments were me& with the now powdema, various interwediate an- no*U%s were trI4 dw rs&xtion ot the swaghs don - WY was tmestiW4 bot-maging aparhmms were (Nuclear physics __Nuclear ads of Engineering, TT, v. 8, no. 9) various shapos were propere& (All ) (Soi also offi-I 62-32166) 62-3204 HdbguiN Firiedricb) and I(wnlhsxd~ rANIU, Ir"M;DM84 HOT SWAaNG OF U IM0 OWXMB FM HLB_ 1. Raft"M V. MMM. Quarterly rqc no, 3, Jon-Mar 61, an On- U. LWbwmnk & tract SUR/V/2D27161 & [19621 L54 M. WUM-60 Order fran UM or SLA $1.60 HWURMABC-60 ty. MUTOM odesm) Trans. ot rvix. fron Nuklear-Chowle und -&Gml- lurgle CL m b. H.. WAx bel Henam a. K (Wea Germany) 17 Pday 61. DESCRWMRS-. *Fuel elements, Uranium compounds Qddm Powders. Pro&wdoa. Toms, TwWwwAre Activities Consisted winly In hot-aw"ft to" ft dw 450 to 9000C tewhwature range The swegbg dad- das thus achieved were, socorv to 69 " pw4w u*4 from 4 to 7% above dww dAds@4 wd* aws- parablecondidwsbycold -gbg. M 0 a by walting ad Pt Ps am! (Nuclear PhywkMs._=0*" TT. 'r. S. sw~.# T.AW.A 5-4- M 9) (aved 63-15001 Kroll. H.. ad. FABRICATION OF SWACED FUEL ELEMENT& 1. Kroll. Fl. Quarterly relpt. 6, 1 Apr-30 luoe 62, on It. EURABC-372 Contract 062-61-7 ROD. 119621 33p. Ill. European Atomic Energy Order from OTS or SLA $3.60 9URAEC-372 Community. Birus"Is Trans. of a rept. from Nukk*r:ChcmLq ty~d -Mewl- lur&-G~m. b. H. , Wolfgang bet Hansu a. M. (West Germany) a. d. OFSCRUrrORS.- OReactor ftat elemews. Pueletemests. OUranlum mnpounds. *Dioxide@. r metallurgy. Reactor fuel claddlog. MekJs& Vibration, Team. Tools. Mechanical working. Material forming. Topics include- UO malting (Pabrication of C powder); cladding nute;itel; ~;-wmpsctlng by vibritUou; aveging texts: and teas on the &waged fuel element (Nuclear rbysics-Nuciesit, (01t) ratio; density messuremews. twtallographle investigations, heat conductivity measurementsp. ($ee also EURAFC-323) MM"$-%--mdcm = 00 Ywop"w I AXAV/AW at BAWL S-A M" Ot - - - - r -An-qpawtfo SL VPG (mmus pws, R*Jow'-I~ =A am - - ! mm--l!r- 0 O."Oot D" a m 2,N-%U $A . no/*% '3 /.Z/ 6 ;V~ Oart 62 F.1sentlau of smal g A 3 Itith R013-ftWm, 1*, X. gm wismLelo K- j 12 pp, (;Bwmp yor-o -.A . Kumuadn),j Vol UP i9bit pp 71- navy Tir 356TAM 80T Sol - Chm Of4 2 74 so63 C 7;z The nirihhment of Uranium Isotopes in the Gas Centrifuge, by W. Groth, 12 pp. RULISTI, per, klukleonik~; voi 1, 1948, pp 68-73. AEC/IML-T/CA-103 Oct 59 of the Dil`us~on c' I IL i iii Wai-vc flll~ Paraffin 4tth ?III-I pp. yl Vol 1 P" 1 10; 3 Natural PixamtIvity In Water.. by H. Meter,, R. mmishart, U pp. 11 per, Ruklo=11., Vol Ip No 1,, 1958.. Vp 22,28, 90765~1&--. ACSIL U04 ayl sci - mw mys / 5.YJ-gp 7~O jwm 61 b- Li.,itmemr4i Schmdfl, 33 Pl. SC-I T-2971 Jam 60 on Moderation of VGI 1, 'No ~Cf:TT. In 7 17~ Eeacn=e AbsorpUon in Hatutgumm Systms by Go Xwwrt, 27 yp. GWW., Yerp ~ftnemn , YY 48-57- ~L Vol 1) 1958, ABC ARM-Tram -853 sci - x" fte 17 Mar 61 / -lV'/, 02 2110 51'ho 11,, MetllrYl of Solving the Neutron Trtmsport T?quat-o-.., -oy H. Kap9c.) 0. Blasser, 11 pp. GMWI) p-=-~ :-.1uhlacnik, Vol 1, No 2,'1958, pp 64-66. AEC NP-Tr-322 sci - Ruc Phys Apr 6o //~ 7~~ : 1 0 1 = Xenon in uimniurml and:~, rj,: L't PIT) - n'-"Llccailao Val 1, No 2, 2-s58, pp 67- A-i's ----'OL30G De c 59 Vol 2, r~r, 1e 12. 7a CEA-tr-A-93"' Uncl. LA DIFFUSION DANS L'OXYDE D'JRANIUM DU XENON-13-5 PROVENANT DE LA FISSION. (Diffusion in Uranium Oxide of Xe-133 Produced by Fission). F. Felix. Translated into F-:ench from Nukleonik 1: 66-7(1958). 6p. Fission Products; Reactor Fuels; Translations mc--~4' C--1,14 NP NSA Dep.(mc) N --3 REVISED CARD 0 C-0c'.. 'A"I'llholml. -112 ENK:Ch,'lV7h-T OF UTULNIUM ISOTIWHS IN THR 1. CAAS CUN t MMir-, tr. Ly a. kl&y. 069 IL ~t rat. 1GKL-rjCA-M;, ILL .~,.-Sru fr= 0 LS or SLA ! t. 10 61-137J7 M J guhaor-Ilt ('West Ourawy) 195S. Y. 2) I too. p. 64-73. VZ7WRLMXS- *Urimi=. Swwu!m Madioactive Ls,A,;)es. Coarl!'"As. An,l.%u, lt,.jr Owinj%try, 1'r, V, h, 61-13737 Greb. W. Wt~L-QCA-103 LW. L U) M. 274V MW )rJurJam AtorWc R.;~;; A uthmily Brit.) ow.. .1 7.0-A A Now lArge Capacity CoutInuous Counter for lwpmved Determination of Grus RedUAMWItY In Wator AccordI4 to the Vapor Wrtbodp by Ban# Kiefer. Ruppr*cht Mmsbart, 10 IT,0 POLISH, per, Nuklocalk-, voi 1, lWp pp i0l4iC6. A=/31 TV 2 Scl - Electron A 59 gr j, YVS Cfttical Comments on the Estimation of Radioactive Contamination Based on Total Activity Measurements, by G. Hermann, H. Hauser, H. T. Riedel. 1~ POLISH, per, Nukleonik, Vol I., No 8, 1958, Pp 305-114. *AEC Sci Apr 60 Chemical Douimetry o:C Y- imd X-fts, by D. Bertram. GEMM, per, ~~&~k Vol 1, 110 9, 1958- OT7A 1226W Sci - Chem Jan 622 / ~ f , ~-'Yy - -imtioa of the Teiperature Increase of Then'la-i 1~: 41, 1-cutrons in the nel Elements of Yetcrogenecus R,L,ictors, by Albert HaUer, 12 pp. 9i? P /71 (All v AA6iGH, per) NuUeoniA. Vol 1, 195Q, pp i-12-i:14. ............ kw NP Tr-428 Suc Phy.-, Aug 60 1, Hl~,h Current Cenerator for Ion and Electtbt Peassip by T1. Frohlich, qE7U.'.AN ier Nukleonik, Vol 'I ,110 p T) -.1"*ATIC EE'tw - German EnFr 30 Par I'l C-581i 1. Carreat Clemrator for loe, &Ad Faectrom Beami, by H. Frohlich, .11 GMkip per.. MtUeoV"l 1) No 50 1909~ --;p 1P 1 ATM UM-M/I aci - ELeatm 017 ',.rc /) jui 61 A '0 / CEA-tr-A-938 Uncl. GENERATOR DE FAISCEAUX ELECTRONIQUES ET IONIQUES DE HAUTE INTENSITE. (Generator for Bunching Electrons and lons of High Intensity) H. Froelich. Translated into French from Nukleonik, 1: No. 5, 183-8(1959). 29p. ------------ Particle Physics; Translations MC-34 C-34 NP NSA Dep. (nx.-) 0 Filtre Ilectrostatique Pour la Separation des Aerosols Radioactife, by W. Riesler, W. Kern, Im FFMC TO GUM, per, Nukleonik, Vol I, No 5., 1959, pp 191-195. 9087617 Reverse Translation A-1002 jul 62 Abmt a Othmmk tVw t1w Sq "Imoul Detaulmum at the rim matomm In a Faactor SUwtmp by A. ZI"PAirl JV PP- OEM,, par,,- Nakloomalp VOL IN It I"s pp 295-305- AIC OM-TMM-631(L) Sol - " wy 61 2TAL /W"0) , J u T Criticall Commute on the ibtlmt:Lon of Radioactive ContamimtIm Dued on the Ymauremat of Total Activity* by G. Hwrmmo B. Ha=sr, B. J. PJAWWI.. 33 PP- M6U,, per.. ftaoonlk, Iftl 1,, 1959.. 99 P5-.314. AIC AM-Oft= -ftl fti - Ew fts A Mr 61 Meacurament of Low CC - arA 8 -Actlvities in Water, by Ao Dann ckerj Ho Klofer) Ro Munhart) 28 pps FMM', mrs Nuklwct3lk Vol I* 1959P IM 319-324- - j ABC UCM-2rom -5WL) &A - Ike Ph" /11-f -1-3 f 9 jan 61 List 46 The Absolute Staudardilation of Radloactlve Iaotopes UbIch Decay by Zlectron Capture, by D. H. Vincent, OMM) per, bUlemlk, Vol 1) 1999) Py 332-336. 1. AM A=-1032 Sci I e~ 41 5~ / 0 Aug 61 Resonwce Flux Measurements With Activation Probes) by Wolfgang Manner, Theso Springer, 15 pp- PMM,. per.. Nu~qjqqg.. Vol 1, 1959 P PP 337 -341. AEC Tr-4109 Sci - Nue Fbyo sep 60 la W, 944.2- 61-20509 K6chlo. K MEASUREMENTOF MiE TEWERATURE DEPEND- 1. Tltlr. Diphyl ENCE OF NEUTRON DIFFUSION IN WATER AND I. Kichle, M. DIPHYL BY THE PULSED SOURCE METVOD (Messung der Tempersturabhangigkelt der Neutronen- diffusion In Wasser und Diphyl mit der Impulemethode) [ 196111251p. (8 figs. 3 tables omitted) 28 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61-2030BI Trans. of NWLhWtk (West Germany) 1959. v. 2. no. 4 P. 131-139.- - DESCHIMURS: *Watvi. '[)qqiviiy1. *0xi(ki4. OThermal neutrons. *Diffusion, Neutron cross sections. Temperature. With the help of a pulsed neutron source, ttw absorp- tion cross section. diffusion coefficient, arA diffu- sion cooling coefficient for thermal neutrons are (Nuclear ftysice and Nuclear Chemistry. IT, Y. 7. 00ge of vochal'tel SWOM no. 8) (over With b; Frl-z Ph~ rott~ wagrierp 21 pp. C77r v0). 7, 1960, G-( 37: AW iT-4,6330 Sal ,;3 Au-9& tp 59 US-1 V. A. SHARPATYI, V. D. OREKHOV Radlolytic reduction of aqueowi sodium nitrate solutions saturated with hydrogen Nukleonlk, 4, 487-489 (1960). E. 1. du Pont do Nemours & co, Savan River Lab. English E u r a t o m The D=uslon or BWloacti,"i 80stame 7=u6b SaUds of Oramaw Striettmi, by Omdwzd Mms AUI,ed Scbatz, 29 pp. OEM, per,_ Mi No ep 1963.p pp 61 -T6. AM Isr-5039 sel - mm fts YAW 62 /?9(1/ ~7710 c a, 1,j- Lt ~e t~. f, in fttar,. a a aLd Watcar IA4,cr, by ~~aso 0-primpr., U SOP. =MAN., per 1, rQklsca= m., NO 3: 1961 Y:7P soi . Far 8 wr 63 Shielding Against High Energy Neutrons in a Relativistic Isochronous Cyclotron, by 11. G. 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ABC SCL-T-421 Sci - Nuc Phys Aug 62 List 61 2o6)093 ScCwtioa Y::tbod for the Gancral Lim= DI-11foreatial Equation Witb WIcation to th-. r*--P.tcw Rquation, by Rado3 Babi,ltcnv =a4umd Ke=o 27 PP- MRW, per,, M3k]*w4'c,, Vbl IT,, lb 1,, ?ab 496% pp 46-53- 1901 - 7;7 8 ye-- 63 1woovatieni Investigattans 9i kaacxivity Measurement on a Reactor 161ch Wlector Using a Pulsed Neutron Source, by A. Vrauda, 22 pp, GERMM, per, Nuklasanik.0 Vol IV 14 1962, pp 84o91. ABC-NP-Tr- 936 sci-MUCI Sci Jun 63 235s,049 D.fnpmics Of Boiling Water Reactors With Natural Circulation, by A. KirchenmRyer. GERMAN# perp Nuklonoik,, V-11 41 10/62, pp 122-137. NTC 72-10142-18K Apr 72 .. 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AF.C-Tir-6535 sci-cbm Apr 65 277o077 Calculation of the Streaming 1.fu'cct in a Ce,~ter Void chalulel ml-, z Reactor by '.'emns or a Fictitiotm lediut,. 'representution, by Jm ~Iaerkl, Cjj"Asl "CI.' .uk-leonik, Vol 6. 1964, iy 2~Ni-29'9. .,,C Ai't' Sci/:.'uclcar .1ci A,) r7 3209,692