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-eel On Tatracalcius Alusinate and on Calcium Chloroalum,inate Hydrate# by M. Collopardi. ITALIAN# per AgoadeMla Masiongle dil Onarantmi. ]Londigoatip Vol 18/19,, 19 8v pp 291-301. NTC 72-10280-078 Apr 72 b"wUgdims of tJ* Bvo2utim ckf Alvwlw Maumpbnw ad t4wtr ReacUms to Ktawd Duts IV A. Odlets at &L lmfff a rpt, 114mal ftm2do w b-,U-ala 40-ja=1 Imp pp 155ol63,, XTC 71-14134-061-- Fab 72 L-+ V1. I i .:,ATION OF IIIE ELFC-rRIC STATE OF 111E CON-.V, OF A LONG CABLE Sl':] LCT TO INE V,-DIUC FRCDUCk:D BYA NEARDY POWER LINE. Ca! *ts t! v. 20. a. 2. 87-116. 1966. 4s 70-13480-D9C: ~ 1 8. 50. NIF 6. 10. .~vidgmcs for tha LnLarsctLon of No and C atom in Internal Friction StudiAss of Alloys* by G. Collette. 40&8 Aciod sci Vol 251, per$ Omptes 2 pp ~jly-ajui. *Nat our Stand TT 7J-3?h3 Sci-fttsrials Jul Y-) C L i-:_ 1z ilotwmUonal wwkwv i*ws=n FrawAm No, ;q VISWWO tF 'XWd C42AWttig 9 W. UA I JA 0 pwo Raw# 5 Sept 1969v pp 7-8. ins 4891? dAA-t'L~ ~ ot-~ wA,jta4 Pal am mm _-- tiom OR a NOW FIM Of AX=7=" P p 3 - lk Ventrlculw Im do by A* (b'214, b"# amm Me Vol 53P lWo WX 70-13434-Oft Wil bag &a sci/ b and a viov 'M O'L #' vtdj;aiu in uw krobouce 04 130WUt) LU4.6, by J. L41lin. lil.,L.i, wr J. uavf~ *:.Yb, ~01 00, IL04:0, cl iov AU=m Pm6wftm an 910 ling ~ W &a%. ramduwa bw J. 00mas TO amdu* IMONO Dwv susp S, Ims 63989T.C(A 'AJ BOOM Sept 69 Stolz e-I I Cmw BmbBvlor at @a NL-CgQb AUW- MW at tkv - Omi, woo-F bw J. MIUMOMNS pwj, sew at act 1%8,o 0 91-M. WL ibrOOMMIRZ) . r 11 ., II, Flob 70 4MO461 A=Iytj Aa ObdIM 00 UP Pb-d=)P tw J. L (b33-ono inn% VAP in A&C am c4ama'ab I (6106M4 AI=&=w !j CL ftmIG4 72 W. muvm J. L. Collin 3a%kv a" w MIN$41121" jam 67 t L On the Svolution of Rudimentary Kpiphysial Photaroooptore in Nagpios of the Pioa-Ploa Speoiesp by J. P. Collin. MIACH, per# Sociell do Alglogis at dl mom Fillalse, CONISU sandul djk SsagcLaa, Vol 160. 1966t pp 1876-1880 HTC 72-11938-06C June 72 RIF N t to matiaml Qmwn an state ftnenome , -. - tv Jam C*Ubo 13 FPO FWWC% Pwo D*W, 13 Jm 29699 yp 4-51 14 Jan 4, p ifos 470432 ~,f I f -4'. 1 U-somaipi LOW Feb 69 375001 ftw*ullo rinikoclal Difficultiosp by Jcmn .38 Colliap n ppo Max, np, 26 Vr 1966,, P- 3- JPM 35556 I ~) 6' j/ iI ///,/ i C- , L. Arrice-Senqpl mm JIM tk- 3Up653, ISC-T-722466) SUPERPLASTICITY OF ALPHA URANIUM WRING RECRYSTALLIZATION, AS RE%TALED BY ANISOTHERMAL CREEP. Collot Jean- Cizeron, Goorges. Translated fur Sandia Labs.X;~, N. Mex, from Comp. Ilend., Ser. C; 272; 520-3(1971), 7p. Dep. NTIS. metallurgy; translations 11F MN-25 P NSA Tb* Poft or MOUllat Colams, 5 pp. Winw, per, pp. 63-0. JPW 33KA Af rice-horimeo Econ J%a by Jjft rrawlWo "i mms Jul 1965, Its-U&I CP moossuo Disoafts Pam Lbityo by Colocbi, 5 ypo IWJM,, 1,*rl RIONKLIts.0 No W, 16 Doe 1965s PP* ,AFW9* JPRB 33(A W-W, Itj pot lMfIG~ft4 St ftOll AddULOW Se Allgrift gloomtog by KLdW Colawa. a4 pp. "=m# rpto ms-ma. AND-"-Ir-69-25 SCL42at Oct Yi~ lonummor OOMM an ua-pgbm aawbal. ~f limatim or tw WAh" ftUmbtop Immom ftnumh #43 pipe XdKk #^ CRA it 3M AW MM 2r IW Hichel Colombie "490 64 - Notoglau am 6T olpsimmmont am l:/ - gnt ALUW40 IbW L OaU%Uw. FROM pw, Bev Iftt Val 66v jk3m 190, pq 4M-431- 4=1 70% Sa4laterials An 70 so" Propert," of aaudm-T=Ggteu stecut by L" Colomblw and R. L*wopw F~Us. pme FAwo VA. Y4m Md. Vol 65jo Var 1968 , pp ~~~ MI 6791 Sel4imterimls ftb 6,) 369p5W .joca ubsorvations on the it"lat t-,f L. ~;,jlombdor. ; porg L,~, ~ ,;;~)4. 61~:v CarWes in , A.,ih-,;Ivod iol 64, -ov 1967, pl, ~~I- "Or U - xo, ua o. intelleAuals cirevo ),&UQrdkl fV*Ull-'qv by AXV~" I lore$ olombdLnot 5 pr- npo llk 9. A- a 01 jul.~ CatftnUon to Us Anly of tbo lanamo of A aM N an the Amoptib&Uty to Orm* Fftv&Uon of - oftwwAftm Agal lagetsj bCr Fe CalmW and ITAUAY, r4r, ~A_LtLLI~ Voil 59, 2. 1967. pp n- 754 -4-~i 60LV ~~4*lst ~- 40 67 COLOMBO, U. and others. Beneficiation of iron ores by magnetizing reduction in a fluidised bed. Revue Ind.mine'r. 49:492-500 (1967) (CRL/T.4160x) //n The Productim of Pellets FrM Ashes of Pyrites* by U, Colowbo& G, Sirul FRMI to Pere Rev. IM4 Mineralop, Vol 48v 19666 MaW pp 339-397 BISI S270 Sci - Mat JUIY 67 ::c !.;." tZ,:~ .1"31r" P-P* A,I- c5 A~p P44 OL illll U. Cola ix), ot al. .,ujL, ov. LL:. :ijx3ralu, Vol 49, o 7, .L u247 al 39 4 s 176 lftoMiac' AaamatUD and AMAMI WMMMp by. il, colaw*. " 5joe naimi, ';w' C.Ds. aim, f4b Ax'Ai) ppjX)- *I= 5Z,5 ':. !3olxnard cal - *D*AAMIO Ln&~~J' cull., " t*rlm I w1rom- JM f.1 1,0= .-oio:'tAos of ~'hr=ltm-''un~*,aton ;'too2.s by - olcmblor, rzvoquo, .30.,. 0111 -lot* - '1=0 'ici*v 1,01 ~~T-j 6791- Tho Psoduium 0e polleft -Ovum P~rfttv asntum PMOOOS)# AWOL am. Val 4~lj Scl - I letbods SQUIIXoWt Jan 4 ftow in L BOMVJ* Qnftrnmt Jo W WAk- slung# DW.0 929M gpg!~~ Aft &oft 49 M Ti, 19bbs, 99 ESI-M99 9-26,6T-, ftb ri 40LOOI COLONNA,J,' and VERNET, D. Problems encountered in putting into operation underground gas storage in aquife: zones. ATGCongr.,1969. Pap.2 (GB 412/T452/GC/69 I )t I I t... i 1~ v( Cf C -- Premiers Assess Country's Developments by Peter Colotkam 11 pp. C7ECH, per,, Tvorbas Prague,, No la 3 Jan 73,, pp 3,, JvRS 5Wj27 Mar 73 ll~ DMUSiOD Of SOIL& in SOlidGe by A. Coloon. (I . I !e FP -;Kilt Part COMPtes Reo&n Acad `kL, Voi 93, 1481, pp lu?4-LJ?6. *Nat Bur Stand TT 70-57724 3CL-phy's 'A c C~ i ~ -- c ~ " Jul 7, 1 Comparative StuJy of ',ulphurisatlon of Powdered NAckel ond of Certain of Its Low-Pressure Compounds by Hiydro?en Sul- phide, vy J. C. Colson. FRENC111, per, Revue Niclel, ':o 4, 1Q67, op 18-25. 'ILL Ref - 9022.4 (#;R/16R) S' c iI !s t *-!ar 4'n 377.020 1), '1 - 0 &,e I ~ Mb eAva i Ait- 21 A-Chi Zl:w ~7~ ;6k'sus 5 Q.- XKAUwAnU Iftn Apr 71 0 D"Naspoot and of Rdw none- pwt awfiande btr Ce Camneso% 14 pp, WHAN"He ywo bmwm Eggosub Loohm"tip Oct 19w0 pp 4&59. JM 47*156 X6-Rmmnla Loon I/1, /1 ~ I ~ - ~ , It, 11 ~c " / I Sol-fte Do* 6j( 3VF,h= colne"I Wma Apinst simpligue Daflaw CaMp% 4 bdood Cmbwnt 19 ppe UOVUK"UT uss ONLI ift4C4 pwo fAm do Ittm ftrUs bW 1968s pp 1600-161U. Cf. Jklits GUU 29., job (9 A. Combas The SO-Called PalYnofaCtes- TRDCH, per, ft= do Xicrovalsoutolocis Vol 79 19651, pp 205-218 Wc 72-13357--M Oct 72 -3wo-7 Ow. Proc-tim W, n rvcir~. FW-ve" uy cap-to 3 wv Joe ej lip -,V., IA AW.104- YrUCA~d~ VCP ~-kJ Titoughts on ttm Development of Canal Discharqe and water Level Regulation s7stazis' by G. CoTd)*S, Spp. F;*;!, pwr, La Houille blanche, no 1, 1968. .p. 45-ff-. *cr.-;,)TI TT 70-59009 !;Ci/moth stay 70 v -, ra r, ii ior t of % a t e vy ni.' es, nt -Lr urent 1; A-~ 71 C, - C c) F-,l b e s Anilysis of Pftsauro Surge in Sp*&Iaw Irrigation Ulystowl t7 G. 6 Fwa, per, wAlls Bland* Vol 21, lio 5, 1966. pp 641 ' *1" '"w 71 -15333-13a r= 12 A Mudy ,if Sme New Idow I m the Tboory n? Wffuslon,o by J. It. Cceim. FRERMI, per,, C. R. Acad Be-, 1h 2a . Ser B 17,670 pp OWDOMS TT 70-57-45 Avallable Fran VM rn om 6 es Sci,/Cben ftb 71 4(1-CltL-TrRn*-10G17-2) II(ADIULOGICAL RISKS RELATIVE 1'o HIE DjgrI(UlL"riON OF CONTANIINA'm GAS. gC-lorii'mt, M.; Gerard, It. loTranslated for Urdv. of C&Uformia Lawrancu Liverm)ru Lab., from report 11103/SPS. 291511. 24Dep. %TIS. ->olva; ikucl#j,Lr explumions 2T,-tG, ISC "I, ss.~ 0 Research and Utilixation of a Optimal TenVerature Pro- gm for the Detarodnation of the Diffusion CoeffWant of Uldr"an In Nit by P. Cmbette. TIMM,, pert C. R. Aced Sel.9 Vol 268, 1969v pp 677-680. MS TT 71-55263 Available MS Only P. C 0 rni e-+~ , June Tl -I :,.: . ~.", ~- :,:~,~ ~"p . I ~. I : . -.. j ,men Arowt :*ad Ar Tbara%b Qzwch Reargiudution Aw*m*4 by Jam Cadxlt4 29 pp. porp 0 MM at Z;so kIE" 14 Jum L9X* P 51 15 Jum 196G# P 5# J,6 J" LW9 pp 6-7. ,jefc, 45,94) jA Intm-&-or _4 36.-,,4,93 r,ONIBRINK, bl. and TRUTER, J.A. Article on rust Puceinia gramints) on Alzropyron distichum In the winter rainfall region in South Africa. S.Mr.J.agric.Sel. 7:577-80 (1964) (WAAD) 1--rLssivas of ,% JtAtimey in tise ~ovlet uviono, ConArisswi-Le iollochol'. rj~Lj.*'(;,p , cr, 1.,-v franc Inkusius. %ol 11, -A~ 4, 15flo-f -C sc U9 4 4 Hcarswi I c Power In tta Newly IM10yeadent Coum- Orion, bi Chrietign Cftell&-, 15 PP- F!1=1,, per, Caht*m BCMKL-d2uee o% smiam" Vol 3, No 1, Mar 00, pp JP115 3352) &I'rices.-Intm-Africa r1cm J&A 2-)3, j76 Jidy 72 ------ umwmwwmw~ CWVAA of Qfta ZD&WUIOS OULUM84 tv AVUI COMUAW9 AUarto famal, 9 0. pwo mob mmms 4 oft 19w9 pp to-n, Jklts 46*81o W'*Ok In4 CIT 4 Iftr ugr Doe 68 35%M33 Us A I o drosaaw ar an lb fer oes , maimed* vow no l6wnu- z1olt, tw 'r. J. am", a. 0. WAUWM CONW-P n R Tw ~ I M to Va 231%* 19601 2r so Now IM Jay 69 Photcdcrdtatlon luv*Mptlow of Atoode " by F. J. Cows,, 2B 9~1, per, Qmft ftr aturfam vo=3&, Sm SMIAL July 70 Burt cat Alos i.~, t.,.c Lamy t;A., L Fro tIL, t).47 v~v 1... 1. j. cmes. "'.. 0 ura, ~XiLaciriit my ~;~ttjrtOTSCIILU., ILIIS- I RELATION 11F.TAEEN SUILAIN 4, M ILIJE Sjj(,,j('j' Y 10 1.1 :,11A t)F OXIGEN. (to P~iulA e Silva, E." C, J - Betangur, G.; Lat ombe. P. 'I ranslatkd hN Atwuiv Ftit,.r* Commisbion Ittiscardi Es- t'Ablt-shmento Llic,t8 fbilghtit), From N.-r. Mot.; ,: No. 9. 7195-00 1), tq~. Dup. N us (U. S. Sales Ord)), wvtAllurk-y; trmislistioms LIF NtN-2~ N P NSA MY 71 14, i N~,.~ ivr)l "Pon" RA~77VPD ul ,l Appr 72 . . I - ~~ ~ -- ".- - J~ - ~,:~ 11 ,ontrol by WMOS _.trMgthMa tW ardr -*we 6 L4x. Tirame 10 Jam porg 2-3- klbwde .01 Atkx 6, 390.369- i 1: : 11 (o~;str,Actjov ot Vower ~-.tatiGn ~!,iiiu t:uiljiv,,$ rcrimtrl, by t.. rrk,,er. -cr. ',ucr;:ctic:i, VC1 lco 12, 190, er., i 7 7 vti 3 .,ctLr(,l'cr!(Az,., of st&it i,.;etq Ai.tisticui study c~f vie Factsim% (hvernhj~ the h.;j .4ct of lurLiuv iioturs ;iw; Altemtcs razors, I'y .). cmtwi'v et A. 11%, t-: 4:1 ~II erIRev. Vol 64, No 4, A~ril 190, "C I -~'at 1-I.Ay (bl' t t T - o LO: % all. 74-47 art, -)iarvist, nf" .1, , . - ,- , ~ f A "-- Journalists Review Military, Situation, by Gilbert Comte, PRIME e. np, Op 10, 4- PRS 55032" Le Monde, Paris, political 16 pp. 4 An 72, Fab 72 MUM ab Atur IU*.II?Zes Afriom OUUml ctmc. by Albert amtn. 6 poo . npq _ko prf ~qg arlsq 12 ov 1'j6':o# pp 1. 6o 4`3 Vol -A 11 A Al 01 E:t,r- 6,,, Y1,744 1,~2 ~AU SWA to be CrItima ftrlcdg tv Gilbwt CamUl 5 ppe k)4-,Cq# par# to ft MD3 matu"o parut Oct 1969V p IN JFKS 4m 1 1 o 1/1;1Id Int*r-&triftn Aff Vol D" 69 3969524 tv GlIbert Gamts. 7 pp. kliola;dl pore mmm klaw"m dtLtaft fQ&IMA AmrjmLjnm& hKes Jul 1 pp 85-91. ifici 48W CL Intm-African Aft Pal Aug 69 3099225