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A~oout a (.Itxe of Mixed I~mors of the Uterine by G. Cotta, J. F. Wtin, Cl. Mileff., 9 pp. eRLNmi, per, Revue Francalse do gynecologic et voi xxxv:rl, 1942, pp 51-61. e,f in Kar 62 I Researches on Electron Opticsj, by N. Cottes 87 PP- FRWH, per, Ann Pays., Vol X, Ser Us 1938j, vp 333- SIA 57-3155 Sci Aug 58 al 'A06 / "I-/ ObMVIttlam UM on J%pst*-OVtlcvj b7 A. Cott--m.. H. xoutw,. 16 pp. ammi per, ca;pus Rawwo Val mat 1905.. v9 317-319s 349-3.qj Vol CXI j, 1906., pp 2DI-2D5. - AV MIL-Mr4k acci - phym A c%--t 6:? IF zurAoIA&dIpAowsphoro/t&dIo waves On the Propi- tation of Waves in the Ionoupherop by MaurLoo Cott@* 2 ppp UNCLASSIFIEDe r-IMECK, Compton Readus des Seame do likeademis des isolenoes, Vol CC=jS JWVJUU 1946. Ikvy Tr 138/*L 288 C May CTS ominogwo BOOM$$# covelff ad *rtsaltv ftm (Wwwo by L _. _ p 94 pp. MM,, pni, ADW Cbms 19580 Vol umv so 17M,o PP 532-539. MA "4M M - Md M 2, 12 J~a " 1~?, .2 37 iaQctlo" Leucopur-La in Cuts. Presence f4f Kcroorgantsir-s Similar to the Chlamydo2oace. Suaceptibilitj of rerrets *VA Wbi%e VIce., by A. Brion, A. Ba;truAl P. Cottereau, 7 pp. ?P-.-". , per, Coept Read Soc Diol, Vol CXLVIII, 1954, PP 355-358- MA 58-365. sci Jul 59 P,3 (1,6 7' Objtai" OKAWNS SIVU In FMOO&W 54 d has br jo cams 0 "0 FWKH. r6f. F8fiS NW- %I Vllv war IQ* mlvwpwp,,m~&. oept 9f sm Tr WZAK No IOS6 1- 1. S~dmsw / / ., MV " 300s748 WNW "SAUtEncs IN 7115 =OF *?go" TUMON Tie Salaodu In der '4 16 wl" Trans. C' (Auetris) 1961. V. It 1. 14 Oct- P- Won. "bvww-b-- DE50drrOP& *Mvr`m*m` 1W lop"ambam. KliftwfS. Bum quams. volunle. dc- px"dum Dimes,", -ndxdftdiw* MW maurV&S MW congramly U-d is Modat hlP= .6 &,.U .d vA OWNWI-4 GOOrts 6" W.W. W'. M, P, wbox balf big- Meedmw f ot *awl tookle offact ""Two M as = 01 tw coumborsdam of robcdol owsome at Voodoo 49, OW ptswn 6" d 1 ve"M 11% me, 8 No 62-2W32 F. &DJ G451,11. C. (4. HEMODIALYSIS IN ACUTE AND 1. Coltier. P. CHKONW Rl~NAI. INSUVFICIENCY (Sp9treaultale der It. GMI, C, 111modialyse bet Akuter und Chront*cher Nittealn- skillizienz). Aug 62. 8p, 8 refs. t.)rtk,, Irtun SLA $1. 10 62-MO32 Trans. (A lielvictiCal Medfical Acts (S-*jtzcrL&nM 1961. Sep, P. 1.47-591. IIFXKtP'[OfkS,. *Artiftcl4l kidney, ONephritis. Tberapy. Medical equipment. Me Is a report on the late results of 3DZ brnuxUly"re COndUMIJ J"IP& (he past 4 Y94ff 011 134 POUMU. AC- cutdirig to the madifted method of Alvoll. Or 43 padeMd with vute renal Insufficiency 15 IWO are still &live. i"he cau&e tit drath In the remaining 65T was Of aa n- trarenAl nature. Only 1 01 the Patients with "fore"I syndr(xne survived. Out of 8'? patients with chronic W" INvan (Biological Scicncca-Pathology. 1-17. v. 9. no. 9) (over) - - C,~,tA of by 71, 1961- 9200973 IXC-tr-5523 $3ci - Pill 63 atuay of the ZCm Praftmd IW XWOUM MVwt in Wstsr vopm, br X. _9?~ IS 0- y=xoao pw,, jaxnwi a& Odule PWMVOo va M, a Imit vp uw'-w. Sol MWx 62 /" /0.Z VOL VZ6 ND 3 I Usolof Dewcolcine ln Darmtolca, by G. B. cot,tpi.0 8, D. RandSIXOP 14 P'P. yn per, Dermtoloocs,, vol a, 1955., pi? 4m .4 . SU Tr 57-". Bel Am 58 4 J.- . Ptel 1* C~i of' =Lzagactic cr N-ra.. SiuLmt":~Q~:sj arul Gauaratior- 0: High- Grudit~nt K47wtIc Fields,, by A. Cotton and 6. Isal" 32 pp. - ?W.M) perp A= Hip (n)p va rkij, *-z". Sep.-D,-c I)-i2s pp 33k-j59. 7 &A Tr 57-2649 On the Nescurewnt of Magnetic Fieldrj by A. Cotton, G. I)Upouy M=p Cocptes Rendus du CaWes Intermtional d'Electricite (2m Sectim).. Repwt No 3.2,, 1932. Nat'l Ras Comoil Cansda TT 357 a/- 3cientific - Zlectricit;y 0 w Aug CT-GAM Cyclogentadlanyl wA Arena i"t4a Cwputw,14~; ;.)j G. Wilklosonj P. A. C2LtqA (Trwslat--d IntA) Russian PrW. IVA)rgo Cbem.p lp 1959)1 ZMIM, Parx UsPekh MOP 50 7) 19621 as 3cl it= 63 2033,806 Procedure for Making Refractory Metals in Powder From, by J. Boucard, P._Q_O~tW, 12 pp. BEIZIAN, Patent 535043, Appl, 21 Jan 1955, Limited Patent Accorded 15 Feb 1955, Pub. 21 Nov 1958, (Appl. in France 26 Jan 19510, 5pp- sLA 59-16364 scl / -2 6 " ~ IS OTS, Vol 111, No 6 Determiration of the AnSele of the internal Friction and 0: the Cohealon Of Soils In 81to bY Vienna a Dynamic DrIllings by Ao Couard, 10 pp. FMMH,, per, OenU CIvil, Tme 125., No 19480 PA72-474- SIA 33k 7 SCI 60 Determimtion of thO k4;1& Of Md*zul Fft*tUG SW of the Cdhoolm of Solls In Sitki b7 Nam of Draside Drilllngp Vol CM WWA No 2 kl2;r 474. a-LA. Tr Pool It* Uso of PAd:Loqodt in the Dm=stmtIon of tbo Antitbyroldler, Aa#viiW of 2blOuz*AU MA 2hioux,eas by A. IL WoLtMg at al IOFd 90M., pWr PA41.. Procaminp of Talery pwWwW Cmforwim on pwmW Umm of Ateu6 MmaW BOA at Omm 8-2D Aug 19".9 IW Absftwt only Bwelve& rnter"-u Oonr - UN eci - Maclear -wq*Lcs 4Z4, d 7j AVr 57 CTA 1-%9.9.162 US U" Of Ula in the stxw of the Distributiou of PWophuu In the ftm and Tooth., (AboUwt Only Rewived) by A. IL ftmim, et al. mignoMm. pwr P11'Q,, Proe"dium Of biter- natjcm-l Oonfbrwm on Peaeafti Uves of OATMI-MO&O baW Wd St OMIM WD Aug 19"s Mmtomsti Conf um 501 - NueXcar Pbysics -1'6, .4 9d AVr 57 cu 1-669.9.162 A ~M a Spectrcmter Study or Ion ftlaniou frum the Aluminum Silloatfts by J. BO&JIFISJOt, a. Coucbet, 4 pp. , Mrs C=Wt" ftvj&mp Vbl C=DCVlt 19531 PP A17-1419. AM VM-TmrA -583(L) sci - 19 J= 61 /S ~15 Lhz L j V- tv t c; r, ALI'., un liflose wLtlt I=d Calcvjr3 Tr,-,azr-.; 06 f L 8 J viol P, Mod 73 Uec 63 Tat L=t " Resolution In a (4 pble jutrumbat, t7 A. O=adbr- MOTAM37 RP.SM MMSO per,, Cahiers do PhySique. CIA 903U76 T31 how Sol . phys Doc $a 1) ~1'7# .n' ~ ;& unfects of Real Lostriments: TWr zaprossl= md their Effects* by ANW" C4fxWwo 22 pp. FRbUQI, per* Cabion 4o 519210 No. 26a 1944. pp SO-62. ialwwxr~A Itsic-710 Go", USE ONLY 3420470 WE Sci/Phy Fob 08 note on the NorpboloGy of Plawwftwa Durehui Vincl:e and Lip:; Observcd Under the Pbsie4ont.-ast ldcrozjcop% by Jean Cowlerto ClaWe CbLutel#.Ar, pp. n=a,, per, Bull Soc Path e=t, Vol XLV, 6# 1952# pp 740-M. 7 -0" r 14M Scientific - Medicine NOV 53 CTS measurement of Drag in Rarefied Gas at LA)w 5pceds, by tionri Coudoville 19 pp. FP,ENQi, rpt,, Mesures Z- dans Ie3 jaz karefies M PaiblG3 Messes. Dept of *Xwrn Mguages N.C. State Univ at Raleigh XApr V n4 3220001 U82d0fillm Of the D*VUW to Rooommond for better safety In the Exploitation of pe DistributUn Watms. tW J. CoudwMe. W=, rpt, Int as,& Conf, M thn max, so 0c I - ( ~ - (. - " (j t- j- - e // c Sci - 80P 67 140,2A ..ew Chemical Testa for Appoulle 01-ans., bV N. "Oufalikova, J. lenfaid. '=H, par, ftrmacia, Vol XKM, 1954, ,W)p 9- 13. CSIRO ~ I - Cbem .w 62 .2,-07, 131 Frequency-Band Amplifier Systems, by Louis M. Cmillard. FIMM Puteut No 710035~ ?Fla. - US Wpt of Cwwree Patent Office Set LibrW7 I (girt) SCL - Rugurrind *Y 58 4 .1 -416'/ Diffusion of Aw" 10aw Tkvuo WSW* widl do bm Being LMaUM In C02 SdOft K HIP Taq*MWes by A. BulbWA4 J. VMA at 84 IS on. FRENCH. rytt Inuls ia"a Trams Itau at je 0 -L"ID& E= JwrjLN*U-.'va* AEG-Tr-6144 Sd-tftd scl mar 6d 251,V7 1 -5- F-i THE SE-WF~, PEASAI,TS OF KORHC)GC;, LY SIRIALI WU L I ~A L'I ,4u Pp. P-Eil) LES CAMERS DIOUEE-44E,". f-..EVUF- DE I.-E&.-;%'AP~: I L, VUL X I V, .'0 53,, Jkjl-W) 1,1 Pp jpi~s A ;~Lk~ Lk'~ W --A -SHARA SO- by ? - "Ou c)c, BlhiPs at Sea., UNCIASS-IFILD dF. Vol 'eilzrtcli, Pcr, tnnalen xxv-11, NO 3, 19581 PP 163-1L'8- 0,-554jBuSbIp2 69" Gci - Ga,~~hyuico Jun 60 On the of Bt:ss--!l Functions Considereel as C*' Orler, b~; J. Coulont. T.."CL r, B,,., I'L ~;c L Math, Vol U, Pa ri. I, Hel,~ in TIL as: AJU CC/3WY) Increase of the Nrlod of a G%lywowter Througb a Coadenzer, by J. Ccul=b, 7 Pp. FIRWCH, pttr, Mesufts, Vol CLXXZX., 1952; pp 2:2-L-224. ABC SM-T-343 Scl - IUW Oct 61 / *71, ,P / 7 List 6o ?U6a'v;IQas of tAw Su-th'a ibpetic Field,, by J. rrillomb, '20 rp, YOM. Awriew Jkt"uv2 ft for Goop*sica Pas Dirl ASTIA 246 7 u Bel a. - &Wol" 7/7-'-40 3j *y 1956 y it(--w for Constractiou of Elect-v=lLp~;tic 3eismagmpho) by J. COUIOMb, G. Orenct) 43 pp. FRENCH, per, Aramles de Phoique, Vol III, No 11, 1935, pp 321-369. 90799113, 9(YM-lg AW SOn -T - 36 5 Bei Aug 61 / e c (q (-) / /I coulwab, P. STACKING FAULTS IN FACE'CENTERFD CUBIC METALS AND ALLOYS. (19611 10p. Or&-r from ATS $13.75 ATS-051456F Trans. of Nlcl~Ljx I(Corroolon:Wustries)) (Prance) 1960 Iv. 351 no. 421, p. 336-343. IX-SCRIFTORS: *16etals, *Alloys. Crystal structure. C~yptzls. 62-12058 I - Title: Stacking fauk energies I. Coulm%b. P. It. ATS-05N56F III - AssoclatedTedudcal Services, Inc., East Orange. N. J. Wl~ Ftale. TT, Y. 7, no. 9) 1 T--1,-;,d 1-4.- th(~ F-Ith et do voll V~*! IT' SLA 59 -10319 vui 21, N.,:) I Antors&ogmWe ftlds~ fbr the Preform lad Self- Diffasim in the Orains of Ij g - 14 w i I A31la-ft* 9 by P. OMLIcob. .11 1f Wt Cnmmiwo Awd., Val 2h6v 195% VP 1209-M3. ON Ing TT P. Cou-c cy, 6 JulY 71 \Af Ralatioas o"N"m am"* gowwww sepaptiom of ImMitiso Md 3811-Mftei= LS fto bY P. goulamb. 2 pp, Pam,, per$ !Sts lkt Val ?1 19599 pp 691-693. *MS TT 70-57662 sci4kt Jul 70 ..-,%dio~ictive Disequilibrium and Isotopes of M .borivn in Geockwonology, by C. Coquema, i. Coulomb, et al. 16 pp. iWESSM, rpt, Proceedings of the Symposium on 1-v-tiag, 19-23 Noy 1962, 1963, 133-147. 9,a7230 AgC-Tr-6025 ,A - NUCI Bel A0 F, 3 74 A Practical Case of 14mitation In the Use of thr. Poters*n Coll# by V. Awns, 0. C*r111o,, I. L. Coultres, S. Yomoolop 28 pp. ITALIANp pari, &Uttmteaulca., Sept 5., 192% PP 589-594- MA 57-3377 DO F 9~7 AW 59 Z - j- I the now Automatic 21olophoue Optom 85-52: Basic Cir=Lt PrImIples, br No Lo 9RIMnip A ppe per# &);do jKtt*jj=Mwo Vbl XIO No 2j, 1952o pp gg-36. MA "-17%9 I" a // ~, /S:I~ ,?m 60 "I mo lb 5 r)y ;# k.vW-;Cl, vrt J"U~. "" -Ieu.,, %-,I ,J, IA., I I. 141-17a. Uf i'l, '44. li"Il H. Coumel C I - ,, ct i 4 7-1 1, 4/. u I I I H. Coumel 4 4 Cardlo-Vaccular Mantrestat1ma of Rickattelosou and Tbeir Eyoluttoo, by H, Bayloo# F. BUgb# Po GIzvud; ,a. comelf 12 ppo :!IXMH, per., Bull ot Mtn Boo Wd do* Bop de Parts, 4th Serles, Vol LXVIIIp So 1/2# 1952.. pp 67-72. mm ! 51clectIfIc - MGM* NOT 53 M 744 e~~ Intercommnal Associati= of n=iers for Water by L. L. H. Coumc, 17 :--p. VOM, perp R-~ter* The Hape, 1957.. PP 1-5. (CaU So ;TV 35,8019, 'h' AM WE - Vrance I= Nlxr 60 ont of Methods for Tool Making and lim Processe3 Uma at the S.H.C.A.B.O., y Golbartp J Coup%in) H. J. de KaroUev, 23 pp. por., la Technique Yodmt Vol XLVII) I %9~5; pp 282-288; M-295. = 568437 ATIC ?-"-8753/n1 3 f 5`4/~ Process fbr Obtaluft an Accolsoo Sm Osseow mu*mo FM iktfxr vapm bbjl~ fic as x1octric Are, by C~V~ 3 pp o FRIM4 satent no 883 P937 - 06 Dolt of Omum Patent Off ice Sol Llb (01tt) act - soo=abg dl to., 02 (* y the Field ot Stael i 1W ~Uiww Todulik Vol D. -1 4 4 " erieince vith vacuum Stream L%egtsoing oAr r.XP Steelp by A. Tixp G. BWAOL W. CcuPetta) AC A. Sickbtrt* GERM,, per, Stahl und Eis*n, iol LXXIX, No 1959, p-p 472-477. Bnitcher 4605 Sci - 14in/Xet Jun 59 .." ."OvolojAmts in the Flold of ,Awl iaj~s Purt Is, by tit. Cgy At". Vol 130 or Vakww ToeuUp -1. LgAs pil A-A 4217 lun Ncv Puma tbteeaaa and PL-thuds or pre2mlation.. W V- CMVU. 13P- Pht( r.,1= umt 1 3 MA ac AMC Oct _QmW. Gomel. A-RMATION BETWEEN NITENUATION IN SPACE AND ATrENUATION IN 71ML 119621 * Order trwn SLA $1. 10 62-IV82 Trans. of Acad(entlel dem Scl [Parlel 0, - p Roo" (Francs) 1961. v. 2$3. m 13. p. 1324-1336 (pub. by Cauthlot-Villars at Cie.. hris~ OESCRIMM: Structures. *81asticity. Ymberniatkal anslysim. *Maradal poitmetty. Ammmmlm MW relpmee In w4m d " slaaft "Metwo vWeb Is sughly Viscous AM harmonically excited to din fre- quency of one of Its sommmated madev as mom I points or In several soom of Its bmimduy. 71* ammomm. tion In Space ot *Kb of the Components 4t the twead vibretWo cm be cmicuktad fran a bmlm* at do . aftemdom in dme of tM free response of do strumm when at least one of the opwo variables sepavues. (Author) WISM 1. 0W4", CL AZ4769!J OAmcbmales. 7T. v. 10.- m 9) Mm d to*mkd 1w*W ;.j)iwxrAtuq runctIonin- Extraction or tats With the 416 ce a Dy y. COUQUC_t,_ M, VOuvjjjjc.,, 4pp, FRPACR Patent 1.059-SIO. 2n, Var 1951- XA Apr 61 TOS' Vol III, no 12 /6A ).3 6Y-12MO catwak R. FARMAL UFFIROMAL EQUAMOM MKbods of Cmwna. R. 166mmical "Ics, Y. 2. 1961. 824p. a - TWO: Modob... Ordw tram IF $16. 00 M. btwodsw* PjblWhsrs, TrM. CC unid~Mgod Oarma c3am. V. 2. row.. Now yogit IL P.. a. 4. DRSCRWMRL, OwdwmAtio. oftyswo. oftrtw dffwotW awlaw. oweroKW s*mam. moor%, pAchowAda. rr, T. 7. m 3) ~ ad, bdad&nmLtbm Mathematiml Physics, by r,. (7~~uZ=to D. RUbert, 52 pp. 0--n-NAM, per,, J. Spinger Varlagp Vol I., No 4., 1931P pp L39-233- SEA Tr/'1444/56 Sci - Alwics //-1/- -217 Mr 57 C" Thn; Partial Differeme Eqwtions of Jkthemucal ,Mtj K, FrIodricbs, IL Lq% Pa.valeso by R. qDw -yo i1p. perp Hathemstische Annelen, Vol Co 1928,, pp 32-74. A.S.R.E. ftrv*U Ub Tr 719 Sci - ptWeles )br 57 CTS/dez RiemnnIc Method of lategmti=s by R. Courauts D. Rilbert. ................... A, GEMS., pary Methoden der Hathemtinchen Physik Vol 3:1.p Chap 5j, Oft 4# berl as SpriWrp 1937,p ~P 3n-31T. Air Eft aw I I Dffv CCONLOd Scicatlfic - Hatbamtics CM/DEZ / .3, s- ~7 EVOLUTION OF THE SPANISH AND RK PORTUGUESE C%t4LJt,,'IST PARTIES, BY PAUL COURBET, 4 pp. FRENCH, ;P, LE COWUNISTE, 140 c)3, JuN/JUL 1962, p 15. JPRS 15113 WEUR - SPAIN POL WEUR - PORTUGUAL POL OCT 62 212'~~ On a Gaza of BmorrbWc Perlewditla, by Courbin, Datopp Dnw*oats 9 pp. j, Boors JAo Ned do Boz*wkux at du Bud-ouest, Vol CxXxt No 8s A% 1953j, pp IWT-3-010. Nn Scientific - Hedicing 17 oun 56 am "W submrim ~ T=wa of xw~j, cdop by J. coubmt lopp. fo 1~,, vw.. * sm lwr vp 95200me ILA - Cdo ACOIS N&M IA - COU am ', /.1.P, a= " 7f 'jhw ricst"saW Coacavto Vesso" a; Man courbm, 5s Cl i4 Toca (DC-2827) I)y joca lAtio Gordil-ID Co=ciamvp 11 pp. beAmwti, uAc., AA% erupaMuCta aM pp 131-1139. JM L-i6-16-D llor2dWid: POI e? / MaY 59 ,~ ~ 17 Lectrophorealo and Immm Slectrophoratic Aaalysir, I -,, Agar, by J. Coure J. Uriel, 13 pp. ?I=M, per, Annales do B101WO ClWqUO, V01 XVI, 9 , 3-4) 1953., PP 181-]B9. NM 7-i4-6o .o A - Ned ~,--p 6o /'4?'j4'7Lfy ~:t~ *. vactine-iticm of Adolescents vind Ycung A&ats,, by .k. Cou.-mous Ii. mmt~ 11 pp. MEMMM-UWARMW per, Bev Tamj Vol A", No 11/12, pp 755-760. malk '1r Z189 ";4 - - 9-7/ . 4 - ale " j j / j:Qv q I Vj--cnn-n-icL;l i;,,havior or cran"um, uy j. i4-,xua~d, G. COL.I^CC.4) P.O. .VRXCI:,, 1957. AM MI 'Er-9 .9c.4 - An"'matals I .%,,nr t-*,4-j MY 7 -/,/ Couroy,_IL mbd Dow" J. F, TAWM OtU VE"M AGIDrr OF TOIAOM TAAS IN n= AMON 014 7M GROWnt OF KnA40NARY FMOKAFM 119621 L* Order fxom K-H U9-75 X-H 11363-a Traus. d hdidogle at BaciVe (From) 1961, Y. f, oo. 7/9. p. 825-UO. 62-17903 I. Courey. 13. D"Ie. P M. mda VMW IV. K-H-11363-c V. KreeWHookw Went LAbray Assoclata, DaralL he=. DMRlrrMS. Hydmcarbm&. OIU. *Diets* car- riars, OTubacm Growth. *Lunp. nUummW100*11- r 2-2) 2) 9 ? o n., Y. L no. 6p Ofkt. .1 7whs'co U- C.. v.-dv.o v saroloa in P,-Lmrv Infecationa-4 Djk~awjjj aii(I Pivgrhoslsp by P. C2N"j, 9 pp. FX-2:CH, ;zrj J. Vzl Ly=l Vol XM!p W 671, Doc 1949j "11) f. n, . 4',- . -;, L~ I - m A T*- 2 v I S(-,i - )~Sdlc=j 3 '9~7Z 57 ?be Pbaiw -of Tnwitlw Beftmou the ftnatorlma ma the patam to lbrk. The ROIA Of Post-sana- tarUa Amistam t by P.~ Cgia" 5 pp. YIDWII., per, Rev ftbarc,, Vol lXj, no 7-9, 1944-1945p pp 1~3-160. MA Tr 2790 C-ci - Madicina J-.J- rjoy 57 " 1-11'-7 --7 MuprovIAS the Properties of Lead by 311&t .AdWomona or Th wA cGdalum, by j. Cwarnotj 13 .,?R=N, par# Gauiv Civilp Vol A.M.. 114 Apr lc,128A 3 j'S - J fT. MA Tr 57 -2200 sf--i jw, r TT-63-20546 CammaL 1. and Pact. guru. anzpmttow Op Aumovm By COPPER I - Couroce. J. Cmmmustion do I'AboUnimn par to Ctdwe). 11'96341 11. pera. E. 17P1 (fmvlp to= Inchwea Ire Order &am SLA U. 10 TT-63-20546 Trans. of Academis des Sciam. Parts. Comptes Itsm&A (Praws) IM. v. 193. no. 25. p. 1299-1291 (VA. by GmuMer-Vilkre et Cts. Parts). OBSCRIPMS: *Copper. *Boadft. *Almdam. Elearolyels. Bitmodeposlum (CbWM~try--Pbyskml. rr. V. 11. no. 4) rr-6340545 rAWL106 J_ And Perot. Efughwi. CORCERNM SOW SPECIAL CEMENTA11ONS OF 1. 7106: Dtwahmnin ALV164tNUM AND DURAWMIN AMR A DOUBLZ 1. Cournot. J. ZLECTROLMC DEPOSff (Sur Que1ques Cbnmatjow 11. Perot. E. Spevisles de I'Alurninium cc du Durakitnin spras Doub3c r*VQ glearolytique). 119631 Igpl (fmvlp text Incluiled)'21reft Or4er trom SLA $1 10 Tr-63-20545 Trans. al Aca4emie des Sciences. Parts. Camptes Rendus (Prance) 1937, v. 154. no. 21. p, 1250-1252 (i ub. by Gauthier -Villare et Cie. Parts). Op. DESCAWMILS'. *AlunOnurn. 05oncling. ElmrQk?ni- tion. Metals. Alloys. Corrosion. Sea water. Protective treatments, lChernletry- -Physical. TT, Y. 11. no. 4) on Sm UUlizatliow of aftetrolytic Dei.'Oslts -)J% CaLmlum for Proteotbwg Wrais and Woy,8 j.tgaiwut Corrosion, by J. Clcurnot and J. B'=YN 3 pw. F'?ZnV'4 . p--ri Cocp4.,-:: .11c.c"Itnt Val C"MaYM10 17 Oct !?27P pp 773Y T,,"* 61.P Tr 57--2198 o J'al 5 I so O~Wmft at ft m& ft AUMP lvdfA Alg br J. om==%. ~4 PW# -1. INW NONIQ 1b f30 109, 0 2191,11M. - - if= TT 70-M" Araild" m wy -I ~- ~ " fl-" K, ;, I ki/W 84rt 70 CmentstLon of Cu wLth Al, by Jo Cournot. . C-Y Immue part CmPtes Roafts, 4cad SeLl, Vol 2W, v 1433, pp 125-126. *Not But Stand TIr 70-51726 SCL-Chas Jul T) - 1c, - c 111-4~ The Iefluance of Slight Additiona of Tin and Cadmium an the Properties of Lead,, by M. J. Cournot, 4 pp. FRENCH,, per,, Comptes Rendus, Vol CLXXKVIO No 13,, 14ar 1928, pp 867-869. SIA 57-903 May 58 , V6 g 4 i rr"wtom ad lit 9CffWWXV&VAT1%%C XM THE 111- 1. Comm", R. LATIOW OF DEMYCORTEWZRONZ AND U. Cakop. L A. PAOGWZAONB o4off" AwAgreh" sw we Ukdow do Is D'- motdols Ips twobO. jt963JZ18= - OVdW tMo SLA $ 1. 10 Tr-"-taus I , ~ (;I OJ Tm& cg Sodft6 do Biala& (at do am Filialms~ Cam Rudo do 56uj6w Ofraw* IfU ly, 1461 1~ MOZ DUCAMR& scmdoonuvid Apm, Dnqp. oftor"u-N. ah"P-W. "Wim" bwmom& OWAOW sclown-numeodow. Tr, V6 It, *a ,26:., (Xnn:ct-4= hatin= tho Adronal Coitax ard ro-n-unlil-y. loy R. l7ckirrler. M. Maleeaej M. t6mis , 3 pp - %ft ... M=,, jcur, J. Flomiolj, Val XLV., No 19 19,53., iin 3~;31-365- MA 2792 ecf. - Natt'.1w, - / -r ~ - j 4/ r,, 7 507 57 VAL To 39%0 mom *Wv 61 D96030mortleaffterme 1w R. Octinlarp 49 F"" ., e*),, Prawi4v&U EAdowJnW i Vol Xql~ 19%.. VP 54-57- SOLOA. Tr 32/1956 SCIMUM - "Wwams omdgw33 9Y9- Resoareb an %bo Mdatonce of Protein Precur m In Antibody Famuca. Vwk Vm With Taliat Tagged With Caton 14j, by P. Oms $.*.pt,, M. Mmebabosuft 7 pp. FRI=,, per, Bulletin as Is Smlet* do ChWe B101061que 349 Vol Us 19PP py 2070-1073. sclost1fic - CTS/M Fmtina DOUCU= a Tubucalosis by PbDto- 6 4 Pp. fIuoropvipIqp t7 B. Omwatj J. Couro=lt,, FFJNH. per, Rov Tubaral Vol XV) ,o 4/5, MAr 1951,. T-m 4D-46).. MA Tr Sol - Hoedicine IN= 57 ftttlao Wtoction of Thborculools by Photo- t7 B. ft"Immato jo QWJMAI 1; -,;; . ::or, nsv Zitom, Vol XV; To 4/% Mar IcAl. M, 459-461. . I .- XA Tr 2793 6cl - Wdialm 37,3-1 9-7~1 "ov 57 predictiur, o~ I;hC %"'Ul*'vcc in Dimtallic Pot-enLiomerric .t&rmjDatjc)rs bj ,*ftno of Polarizatim Ctmass '0,* J. Coursierp a pp. GgMj, per,, Aral,~A~m Chimica Ac,~ap Vol Xj So 3# 19%,, pp 265-272. SIA 59-10551 Se I - cbm 3" .2 Vo I Zffect of Cobalt-60 Ge=mL Radiation on Two 11-1-Ity Factors: the Pba~Doy-Uc Pover of Laucocytes and the Berm AnUbody Formations by 0. OwWq J. Cmv"pt. ..................... FEMM,. mer P/M., ProceeMaw of WOW COUfOZWAM an PeseeW Umm of Atomic MmwW HOA at amm 8.2D Aug 19"0 Val XI. Sci - ikelaw Fbwalax APr 57 3)mternatl OOuf -- Ull Igo clA i-669.9.16e Utilization of I I I In France in Mdleine and Dioloas by J. Onreapt. PS=., p"r P/3320 Proceadings of Matter-LtIowa Oonferwee cc Peeoeftl Uses of Atomic Bmwa Bald at Oweva 8-2D Aug 1955v Vol X. Sel - Nuclear VA"ies APr 57 Ictematl Oonf - W f jrf 9 CIA 1-4fig.162 Determination of Traces of Borou in MspUzej, Uranium and Bm7llium., by J. Coursier, at al. FTMMI.. paper P/3", Proeeedingm of T"tezn&tAcmRl Comfortm On Peam= Um of Atede DwaW Hold at Geneva 8-2D Aug 1955, Val YM. Intarnati 00af -- wi Scl - lbelear Pbyslas '9~, /'d / Apr 57 CTA 1-669.9-152 (DC-3COl) Fronch Co=jxds-t I.Wmt Savict Du-StUlaization v PP. Cormapa2dent Floporto Coarcrence , by Pierre ,nuxul np) ilibu=4tes, 5 jan 1962., P 3- JPW = 22319 vmur - E'.0-azm Pol Fab 62 /.po" V/.o -It4dy of ultralftic LjoewtouLmatim of Cort-or md ,ims,iq oy, Js"ium Cuurtault, Joan do xordellcou. F t 'L i.'e! i t I'll-pt ciao 17 A Nmj N"lar-tronic Program Contrcl Nsvi,,:c .,'or B4it~ - th ,*Ystus) by R. Cctirt~.-I, - a IPP-PM Am M. All--~s 1 26 pp. FRMH, Per,, Rey do I'Institut Truncais du .Petrole,, 1955, Val Xp Vo 5t PP 14874W. SIA 59-10814 SOL Roy 59 Vol 2l No 3 Court*L It. and beruslin. L AMICATION OF M OMVAL WMOD FOR n MUMMMON OF UUICATD40 ORRASE& IM 7p. 8 ro6. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-16457 7taas. of Roy(us do Vjla~jltugj FratKtale do) riurde st AnWas du Combustibles 1.194dool 1954. v. 9 no. 51 V. 2D2-213. [ 61-16457 1. courtaL R. U. Smoll% L MSCRIffORS. 00ressov. OLubricauts, Toot modw&. Microscopy, Mcrostructurc