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List of PUbj1Qwa Works avA In"ittlOnE or 1. A. OdIng; Uardoese and Ductility of Alloys Basea on Mol:ybdenum,, by 1. A. OdIng, luxxxX= Ye. U. 0 v JAM RMDJ, rpt, ImbI by AX awk SMs 15*6o vp DSM/31978/C? Bel f/ Al , 'I 74-a, Oct 58 -~j "r "D :'Inllocl orid(,,. ~md DJ-90 by R. B Chou,, Vol C.CLXY.V; Lmij A119 C par, 1-3) -4-e LIB -a,4 ,~c The State of Aggregation of Limineacent Organic Compounds in Polystyrente, by 1, 2, P9nij E. E,, Baroni, V, 140SboniXa, 8 vp. RW^QIM, per, Zhur Fiz Xhim, Vol XXXI., 1957s, PP 732-733. ABC Tj.-, TT-749 Sci - Mom SeP 58 7,11 7 1 a !Me Use of Mercuric aloride in orplic Syntheviss prepamtion of Carlb(XWI Compow-As., '.by G. B. NorWoftttolop As B9,111op G. Bwmlj 2 pp. ITAUMj. pwl G"z Cbew Italp Vol LXXVIXI., F. 301,, Nosol,z.gieal Independence of Diseases Resembling Hassian Spring-ftmer Eacepbalitiv, by 0. V, Baroian, pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Virusolog, Vol I1,, No 3, 1957., pp 184- Pergawn Institute ScX - Medleiue~ MAY 58 Action, of 12~erramvalu oa the Rauplmtlon of Soma Car= =4 Sm e Tiemms p by A. Crers., F. Dsrolip ~ Ip - - ITALIAN) per,, BoU Boa Xtal Blal Spar, Vol W/ .V,IX2 19530 I uml Scientific - t4dicins Dw~ 54 CM/M C~ C) / 6 )k1 Ifilitary-Scleatif la. Work In tbot Sob I A, by K. Byalyyj B. Barvoodu 4 pp. MWIASSIPM _0 RMSTOp up, Soyet Avlatmiya, lo A# 17 Am 1958.o P 3., Ewl'to IR-14ft-58t AYCIB-lM. AP U8,7AA6 Effacti,,mnas.,~ and Toltzerc.:~ d? Pantol3armalic, Dihydroebreptwycin In the Tmetm&, of Pulmonary ~TuberculQsiop bY Fwal Ircranp F- 3am-lv 7 PP- PRMHp PO- BWAiW HOpitSuzo Vol =Mllo- 110 51-52j 1957p PP 3;43Y 30~4. SLA 5P-15~25 9MMF DOLOMrM APPLArA71ON TO MM RMAMON OF DOLOWC=nM. [19631109P. U Mt. Orda- hori SLA $9. 10 63-16545 Trmi. of Rwue do IlaoUtur Frm=f du Peuvic [at AzrAlm d6s CombUstibles Uquidol 1960, V. 4, " 1. P. 3-M DBXRWMR& *Ddombe, CakIM GoodmuAgtry, &VA 91 xmxm% s"Oky, *9"B tmmbmry)l &~kd pwvkadon. Pozolov, ECOWMIC gsowu. 63-1&W I BIrm. 0. M. TW*: AppUeadon... --Sama_ H. SIMPLIFIED DETCRNi(NA71ON OF DORON IN PLANTS 1. Ticle- DinnEhrimide Willi k, C-DIAN-111RIMIDE-, [196ij lip, 1. Baron, H. Order from SLA $1.60 62-10102 Tre.nB, ot Zfeltschrift f0r] Anat[yUschal Cherntle) (Weat Germany) 1934, v. 143. p. 339-13481. DESCRIlyrORS: OBoron, Determination, Vlants, Sul- furic acid; Colors, Imides. Imines. 208 333 The Influence of Chemical and Physic8l Conditions on W.ound Healing with Respect, in Particu:'.,ar, to the Local Effect of Penicillin, by H. larov. GER-1-10; per,, Arzneimittel-r-o-!S-t)1, Vol N't pp 78-84, 1955. ASL-TB-GB121 Sci - Chem 58 7aj The Influence of Chemical and Physical conditions on Wound Healing vith Respect, in PeLrtjcujw:,, to the Local Effect of Penicillin,. b,. H. Baron'. OMPIT; per, Arzoeimittel-Forsch, Vol V, rP 12-9-137, 1955. ~14 Stivites on the Adhesion of Dressliag Fabrics,, by 1~ BIESm. 0M408 per., Amnaimitt-alforschung., Vol V: 195-3p IV 237-241- ~ ASLn-GB19-) Sai Avg 58 ,~,J, ?!~ 7 The 11%xiblem of the Specific Rffect Itl WoUnd Trestmilrat,w by geim Baron, 9 ppo vc OEMN Aertzliche ranschur.- part 21., iii~xqw Lywv PPM-CRm. C I A/FVol scientific - *Glciw .Apparatus for Toatiug tAs Flow of R-ligmatra-I P,-Wwta, by R* Rualland., -j- Baran. UVCL FRMIj per; BttU Boo Froucalas Corwtqwp No 211 19531 Dr&t&#b auml (no laumbor Be i - ftgr Sol? 59 A.11 Nxtana&%ter * for Ifigh TewVmturea, %? J. 33arons UNCL IFMCH, per,, Bulletin de la Societe Francatse do Caramiques No 18$ 1953P Jan-Mars, PP 4-11- British Iron &u4 Steel Ind (no number given) Sep 59 a Thrce Teat* at Refractory Producta.Carried Out W-".I,h the SgOz% Furrz(:*,, by J. Baron. UICL ZIM ITALIU, per,, JA Wtallurgis Itallanap Vol XLVIIp 110 1, 1955, pp 7-11. British Iron and StAel IrA (no nwber g1bon) 13eq 59 171 The Al=lnm MY of the SO Dym-ftnbard AutomdbUop by J! ~~ FIMM,o per# Vol =.* No 3p 1954.. pp 183-194. *Utobw Tr . No 338X Soleatifte - minwau/wtau M/mm / 9115"1 64r I. Subsidence Test Under Load at gieh Tempmuz" Tor Refractory Materials In CxJAJ&ng Atwohe"jv J. Ba I-TWOR) Bal de No % 19 1-17. S.L.A. 40-V491 Scientific Cbemistry CTS/DEX 61-10437 Buron, K. BEB VENOM I'll BA,rM ENT. 119611 Sp. 1. Baron, K. Order from SLA $1.10 61-10437 Trans. of lFurtschritte der I'lierapie (Germany) 1935, %. 11, no. 5, 13. 293ff. I DE'SCRUYIDRS: *11ticumatism, 11wrapy, llnswcs, Medica) rescarch, Girmany, 611oc venom. Offi.. .0 T-61-1 S-1... (Unannounced) 4wwow or 2**wlw of. ww"~ ere in the Kau poolmmut by L 1. AET!p 4 pp. am ]=OUR$ aj, Top"" %*bwlosu purabow sovkh ma"Sup polmetvamp 1961. CrA nWX47% 62 TT-64-14063 Barm M. Y. THE PROBLEM OF COMPRESSED AIR SUPPLY TO 1. krbi4 K Y. 7HE CIRCUrr BREAKER& (1*41 24P 'Order from SLA $2.60 7T-64-14082 Tram. of W&A PrawAlse des Alearkins. bills" 1959 (wr. 71 Y. 9. iv. 97, p. 35-42. (Enumertas-Elaculad. 7T. Y. 12. am 2) 4'Actims d cokdablup am V&SWLW wtth RApes- ro ilm, hy Yo, M, sawltskiys V. Ism, RUS51ANy part Trud task Ast in A. A. SelAovg, Akad Ntui OSM r 1%3,' pq IS-146. . .Arf"- UV -ft 10219 V, ~OP-ON ISC i-Choll July 4s 3670420 The Structure and Proportion of Alloys atl the Niobium Coner of the Niobium-Vanadlux-Aluminum System. by V,, V. Baron, H, 1. Agafenoval, 10 pp. RwsiANg pare, TrWya A InstKituta Metallura Imani A. A. Baykovao VIII MatlalurgiYa getanovedeniYe FizIko4%iaich"kiya Metody Isslodmniya.-liditellim M SSSR. 1061. 967U01 FTD-IT-62-134 Mase Diagrm and ontedn PzqXwtJAs of AIlAp of the Hlob:Lua4UIqbdem=-%u)pten Systel~v by B. M. savitguys V. V. BUM# -at al. mwvz,v P=x _5~i Aw *A* am =,I Nbumovars I T"uvop NO 20 19Q,-p Vp U94U25. %w4gea 63 JilL(MI, V. V., Efilnov. Ya. v" aii. F.'. &J. SMUMURI: AND PROPERTIES OF ALLOYS IN THE VANADWM-TUNGSI'J-'*N SYSI'll-W. )an 6213~. 2 refs. Available In ARS journal, v. 32, no. 1, $3, 00 Trans. of AkRilemiya Nauk SSSR. Oidelfenicl Tckh- fniclipskIMI Mink. Izvcstiya: Metallurgiya iToplivo. .1960, no. 1, p. 70-74. DESCRIPTORS: *Vanadium alloys, *Tungsten alloys, Alloys, Plasticity, Microstructure, Hardness, -nnertics. Oxidation, Temperature. 62- . 2691 I - Baron, V. V. If- Efirnov, Yu. V III - savilskil, 1'. M. IV. Primary Sourcvs, New York V. American fUnket'Scciety, New York o C'. P1 P The Heebanieal Properties of Bilicou at Various TowWaturos, by R. U., Savlabklyp V. V. Baron,, 6 RMSUIP Pero Trudy Imst Metal UMI A. A. DayiLowas, NO 3# loop pp 291-194 - xSI ]1-&*3 ID SCI - CbAW Oct 60 mbduoloa prqpfttlss of auom at Ktramot ftftw-t- fts by & IL ftVltsklys T. a T. lwmo k PP& 4------- IDSMMO pwv ftuft Mb Ina uWaLlurg Uml A. A. IMIkon; No So 147A. OTS SD-510&T PLJM 62 197#669 ipsr 30 386 MavastIgatim luto RacrystalUzatUn ct Rtob~uu and IU Mopp by Te. U. S&VUW49 V. V. Dam: X. X. Iveamp A alp 11 pp. MM BM_qla, Mr. Mmzboner= nz n=) V()l # 110 .11,0 pp A45. %wa A= =r-148/3n Sai - Chem Apr 61. 700 maeom Effect of Cerium on the Pl"ticity of Vanadium., by Ye. M. Savitakiy, M, Baron,, 10 pp. WSSIAN, per, Is Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdal Tekh Nauk; lletall i Toplivot No 3) 1962y pp 1024069 sic Sci D et 1") 2 * .13 " 6-30 zThe Effect of Tempomtore on the Strength of BrItU4 Nista-ule subsu=eup br V, v9 ftrou) a. U. Gevuwmiyj 6 Fps RUSSUN, tbrice-w parp Dak Ak Asuk Vol XCIffs 19540 pp 269-2n-. ARC Tr 2494 Jul 1956 ,tion of the Structure and Phyrd-co- Cobalt., ftmcUu_Lli an,-, v~obivm: by E, M. ~*-V~, tski; _V. V. "Barrin, RUSSIAIR; lvk~ Tzudv lust Mpetp_l Nlet lhlletauoved Fiz iuAm A, A . Ba, A'etnov D.Inledov. No 5,, 1960,. pp )67-14c,,6 15tA - muntmetz-ai Chem I Mechanical ProportAos of Allpys of +he gaGacsjum - (.'ndm4tw System, by E. U. savitlw., Ve Ve Barcup pp. RUSSIANj, bimo per$, Iz Ak Sauk 6MRi, Otdel Ktdm I:10 3.0 V~Y/ Jun 1952j, pp 392-397. conmatants Bureau UISOR Edientific - Che=LGtx7 mar 54 mlbv. Al Xeltim Duo= udi 8~ hip"** ac sum= - 11 - - I -tum AUA)pp by So X* Bfflteklyt T, ve ~!m 10 ot BU=Wjp Wo U A Xw* SM# ObW Td& Nmk# IMAD I Wi"p So Is 1962v pp ng-IA* sai NOT 69 23bo479 --meture P-nd Propalties of by V. V. Bar2R) B. M. savito:ldyt 7 y-D - RUSSIMN., par, Zhur Neorgm Xhim, Vol W., No 1~, 10,61, pp 182-185. M B -r(9 gow6e2 Sel 0 eu 61 Structure and Propertiea of Mobium-Tin AUoljs, by M, 1. AgafcQaova, V. V.,Baron, E. M. Savitskiyr 7 PP- Wauk SSSR, Otdel Takh Nauk,, RUSSLO, per, iz Akr Metal i TorrliN'02 No 5, 1959) PP 138-141. 9092532 Mre A-158 Clci S oc t ft 7/ TYPE Of COW= WITH VERY MTHE CMMKTION OF *LA BARDNA OE tA 0. LOW COUT CONIM UM BOCA" CMp BY FUMICO %PANIM~ PiRy INMIERIA NIM HIDRAULICA IN HUI ig6o., pp w2. DIPT OF INTERIOR TC823 A358 ND 387 SCI m-ENOR 4 ",607 anc. C cre f f ill Saw- ntlda: tY z,66,, -T 114 Effects of Men Frequency and mtra-Righ-Frequancy Fields on the Couditioned Reflex Activity and Certaln Unconditlowd Functions ef An1=19 and Man, by V. A. Baroneako, X. F. Timof#val 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fiz Zhur S=, Im 1. 14. Sechanov, Val XLV., NoA. 1959) pp 203-20T- 1~ Forip= last Bei - Med Jul 59 CholecystokiWm In Clialml Pmetice with Duodeju)bll- Url BLxmding and Cholecystogmphy,, By koftmehelli aad Ei.Pieragnoli. IMUN., perp Glormle di Cl-Irkica Jkdicat Vol.39p BD,p'12p pp.1883-1891j3$560 SIA-M66-116Z7 14. Aig 66 P9p 332 um od'-V* im 65 ga*am 63-16022 Baroai, A. THE OXYHAUDES OF LM-). (1963112p. (flp. 1. Barool. A. omitteco 8 refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 63-16022 Trans. of Accademia Nazionale dat Uncel [Rome]. Class! dl Sclenze,Fisiche, Mmmadche e Naturall. Rezidl,wati (Italy) 1934, set. 6, Y. 20. p. 384-390. DBSCRIIITORS: OLead conVounds, *Oxyhalldes, *Crystal structure, Colors. Chlorides, Iodides, Bromides (Clicniistry-InOrPoic, rr, V. 10, MO. 11) W= if Tagww CC 'Mabetes" from Dithizaae: Metabolic,, Ocular) and .1stologic. Aspects, by U. But-turini, A. Grignolo, I PP. kV, per, Aiornale All Clinica Medica, dALL -34, ~01 X10 Pp 1253-1347.,(translatidh oi summary 1344)-- IQHe-,-PP-r3kr- 6 M Tr No 17 31 ) j ;L Z cientifte - Medicir,-.-. WAngnneme Oxideo, bY A- Beroni, 8 pp. 41 Y/ /I ITALIU., per, Gass Chia Its I,, Vol IMI-H-1 19-40; pp 478-483. 'ABOR 40 It Sci - Chem. Nov 58 , /Z (/ , , "6 Cobalt Ox1dem, by A. Baroni., 10 pp. 9 ITALW, V*r, Ga~z Cblm ItaIj Val LUX, 19hOo pp 488-4-00. AEC/SP 149 Sci - Chem sci Nov 58 74~1 -~q-f Am--,4zia of WIticompMent NVdrocarbm Mrburen. by i~. Saronio Omen, Perm Via=- Mmaibw Zoit=s (141en).- Vol Milo IS43; pp .156-300 Dept of Int W Sw of mime Petrolam Zxper St* Lib Bartlesville,, OkU. Ho 57 Y7 way 59 P3=tio Sciatinators for Rearoding MMELL Nout=m., by B. E. awmi D. V. Vlkt"ov.. a et &It RUSS=p rptp PraceedImp of the Confer- enoe m DW)IOW Maatz=Acpp B06rade, 15-M YAW Vap Vol Ip 1962P PP 131-138- 9069009 AW TP-5W1 Set - Niw MWe ;L17, 35~ Dw 62 Syi~cLheaie of Some D'erivatives of A Z-Pryazoline, by Eo E. Baroni, K. As Kovyrzina, Es Aa Anre- yeshoh"TI-5-p~p. AUSSIW~, pero Zhur ODahch Mims Vol W, No 61 1960, pp 2002-2007. CB Sai Aug 61 1,6 2,SW -5 Some Iodole Urivatimp by 1. E. Beromls, K. A. Kovyrzimj, h pp. RUSSUIs pwp Zhw Obahch lhl% lot IXII, go 11 1959P PP 3815-3817- CD Sai / J.2~j 7 Ir xov 6o Polystyrene -Base Plastiq SclatlUatorsp by E. A. Andreyeshawv# S. E Barov's K.~ A. KoWrzlm, 1. w ROXIMP 3 PP- RUSSIM,p perp Ix Ak Nauk SSM# Ser FUo Vol X)=# No I, 190m, pp 67-0- CoiwAbla Toob Sci - Phys MDX 59 a -9 J-,941 'tj ~ .8 Reeponse of the Orpnian md of Ito PwasIft-w to WAZ -V2erqp7, by V. Paroni, 8 pp. 0. 12U.&M, perp Lott-. C=tr* la P%vbs-rcnlOsi,-- Vol =M, no 10111,, Oct/d'ov -1953-p- &--!9-641. Eaa 57( PLO-stic Sci-ntilla-tors 'Cor RecordinC, Themal Neir'Urons, E. El. Daroni, D. V. Vilftorov, 1. M. Roam; e~tl all. RIESM11, jw~pers, Nucleex Electronics, Vol I; Procee~U,n-s of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics Sv ponsorcO. the TAM C-rakl- May I-r-20.. IqU2, 0 c T711C Pjj~o~- TIA f',) Co=ernIng p,p'-DIphmWIstI1bene.. by E. E. Bar=i, K. A. Kovyrziua,, 3 YY. MJ66MO, per, Onur Gbah& RI.Imp Vol XKX. NO 52 1960~ pp 1670-1672. 033 Bel YID& adlin. ct al.* Atwima Vol XVII, 10 (j sepamlon (t Tlmdumo Nultum and TaMdum by lAq4dd-Lftdd EXMVCdMv by W. Bavdue and W. GoldiaL GERMAN, rP4 B.SWMip w"mmom und T pp 1W1910 1968. OFTOIT-4-Z-837 I sci-chem tt), July 65 ~DC-3223) Iemate Control of Two Amplifying C4auuels Over Oae ~w ~Ionuecting Line,, by V. s. ppj~~, 4 pp. WSSIAX, per, Vestnik Svyazip NO 121 1960p pp 9k 10. jpRs U63 Oci ,5ay 61 33 GramLLaWn of A=onlum Nitrate vith Yhosphorite Meal, by "'P.A. Baawv. R=UN., per.. Zhur KbIm4nh skol ftmLR-ue=Stlp voi 16,, xo 6, 1939, pp 2-jU EZ P. 14 . IS /9 k C, ~,/O- c 5cl - Aug 67 336,,5;34 11'adiar-acti--, 1)", V. li. Baronov. NjSSIPd], i::ono6raph~ 1956, 2nu ed 34'? -P, i . P. -xAEC -2 ~Ipr U21 I EFFECT OF ENDOCRINAL ADAPTATION FACTOR AND COW-JEN- SATION IN THE GENESIS or CERTAIN PATHOLOCICAL STATES, BY Y. G. BARON X3 12 PP. ~L OV, RUSSIAN PER VEST AK MED NAUK SSSR, No 4, 19621 PP 38-44. 96'782?-6 FTD-TT-62-963 - MED SC I 12 OCT 62 212,816 Transport and Distribution Df Compornato of ?%tallic Dblts in an Msetric Field# 'zy B. Baronowsldy,, 4 pp. RISSIO, per, Zhur Fix XhIm,, Vol XXVIIIw No % 1954a PP 1676s -1677- MA -59-15035 Sol - Phys Sep 59 Vol 2,, No 2 2he Unumee qf Cortieostwoids U~cn Sandow ftoes of ToLfluenzag by M, Teftedartja,, T.I~Bmrosj et al,, T PP. SEMO~Mff Vwp 11jewdd Vjem7dkp vol Li=,, No 4.0 196s,, pp i6-m. ms 63-U458/4 PL-480 Sol June 64 261.,521 Sclecting a Rational Method of PLuri-fying Zinc Electrolyte of Cobalt; by F. I. B 'QLQ&jtA1m=j Yu. S. press~ 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnye Metally, Vol II, No 21 lo6ij 1)1) 38-42. Prirmry Sources Sci jul 64 263,751 by A. D. P 1. Br-rot'.V.;Gkay-,., M~Z.IAAi, lxjxj B;Ra Tmatnoy I-Lsr~.urg Stc-a-~ral K"o rr RI.-P-5. ,,,B5 Rr4 a Teahnolouical The Hydromotollurgice-d Treatment of High Silica 'OLinc Concentratea, by A. D. Mayant3, P. I. ~qtqjt~- zkuya. RMSIM, perA Tavetnyye Metolly, Vol MI, NO 3, i956, pp h-Q*') 47. 091R LLU fuc-,~, sci - Min/Mot ,X.:~ g- oct 6o Use of Flocculantis for bettlits Pulp in the ProductLan of Ziw#, by Ao D. Hoputop F. 1. mm HMIAX,p prp Ts"tqv Wts Vol M=j, No 10, 19%j pp 4"7- WIN LW M I" (los. od.) SOL - xwmt mw 60 On the Productton of NaUUI* Germnium in a Cooden or Tubes On tAm ?m=pwMtl= of' Trichloride Germaniun With nmofttmted CvmWmd9v by R. Schwarz" 1. -Bar .44tdw. T G=Mp Vwj. AaW Onus ft V 2W-2" j Z Watuet"cho 2bo W60, pp Bei - Chem im 59 The Importance and Role of Subelinical and Inapparent Forms of Poliomyelitis and Their Significance in the Development of the 2~d Epidemic Process, by 0. V. Baroyan, I. Gailonskaya., 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur ~1ikrobio~, Epidemiol i Immundbioll Vol MI, No 11, 1960, PP 122-132. pp Sci 195,141 May 62 THE: PP48LB4 OF SCI ENT I F I CALLY SUNTANT I AT I NG THE DEGREE OF WID041OLOW CAL EFFECTIVOM OF VARIOA VACCI NOp BY 0. V. BARDYANO 12 PP. MWIANp PER VEST AK MED NAUKp VOL XVIIO W go i962p PP j;N MRS 16772 sri HO JAN 63 Wo55z U,se of I;he Chick Bmbrjo Aldolase Reaction in the D_Ilagno~As of Disease of Virus Origin- -Preliminary Cc=unicvtion,, by A. M. Ananikyan, 0. V. Baroyan, 6 ffp. RUSSIMMI, per, Vonrosy VirusologiY.. Vol W, ITO 3, 1 --afj ~30-335. Pergamon PrerF3 S c i jun 6o Practical'importance of the Spread of a, Vaccine strain of PoUcrqvlitie Virus amongst emtacts with Inoculated Persons, by 0. V. BaroMo lo No Clellon5kUat 7 Wo -------- per,. vopr virwol,- 532-539. The Dissemination of the Vaccine Strain of Influenza Virus Amongst Contacts With Vaccinated Persons, by 0. V. :La~,, V. M. Bolotovskiy, 4 pi). MIM& RUSSIM., per,, Voprosy Virasolog, Vol VI, No. 5, 1961., PP 567-590- PP aci oct 62 216,,1n Me Smallpox Outbreak in Moscow in 1959-196o, by 0. V. ~~P-n~ A. F. Serenko., 9 pp. Ruh-olwl) per) AZur ILlhrQblQl Bpldc=lol I ITM=QDIQI) vol =i , iio 4, 1961, 1)P 72-79- pp 13ci Oct 62 216,o63 -Tbe Spread o,L' the World Idluenu Pandemic In 1957,p by 0. V. Daroyan-0 13 PP- ............................... MUS, ver.. Zhur Mikmljiol EDidemiol f im=obioip voi vu, ?1c, 6,, 1958,9 PP 804. Pup= TAst.. Sci - Med mmr 59 Ow Pr*ltalma SomIts of Vkccln&tUn ApAust PbUGRYVUtle in, thd W04 by 0. T. Buwmp 20 pp. MXBTAN04femst Ak Ned ftuk BWj Vol ZMs No Ila pp 51-63. im L-669-N World Distribution of'plao During the Twentleth Century,, by 0, V. Bar"pl-7 pp. mss*,# per, Mw Mikroblol, IpjAmicl I Dmunobiolj Vol XXV p No 6) 1957p pp 130- 136. Pargum Infititaw Be t - Wd Jul 58 I L I ~~7 YaUi~-,, *"aver,, by 0. Lozinalmye, pp. SM, parp Voprogy Virutologiy,. Vol M, -,4o 1, Pergu=n Inot i - Had 59 .The PrObIts of Specifle Pr*VIWI&ids of the Most DWrtaint 71rus Bl""es, by 0. V. 10 pp. w RMIMp pwjp Vtwt Ak MofttvlnskM Nauk. S=O, Vol xvnis DD 5.. 1963- im M90 Sal .?1j .3 3 1? Aug 63 The rrmteation of Dampd Places in the 3n9=1 of Apiwatus by New= of an Adid-r"Istamt ftsu,, by G. A. BarqyauU =SVW,, per,, M31m Pm. 1958, No 5. VP 314- Awrm q Feb 6j) Vol 2, So 9 D6tactloa c;f We Vinw of 7i*k-Barqe ftcajdailtia by 7 - owd ZIOGUV*resls (PmUwlfuW wu commicatIM)p by V. C lwtovo 0. V. lograyisam 3 2MUX.. -imrt VNMy Vlrasabgyp Vol Mp No 4, lo."s pp 24-M portums l"t Gai - Vad P-07 59 Method Used in Con ation with Chlorine -AUm%; . Blectro~yvis According to the Amlgm 1-tthodp by P. H. Molin.. LJ.X. Barrs PP/ZIL -574- :tent no 140. S*L*ko Tr 103 No)3ur-Smeden SA~ Sclentifia - Obendstry Mili"tion by the Hatioml Yalarla Service, by Z* Da Sowu., F. BaMpti, SPAWSHO per., RayLaU Bmiletra de Mlariologid E Doencas Tropimis., Val VIZ. Xo 2# PP 26T-271- 1955 Soi - %ad 60 ~ , -- lw~ ...... ---- - - mozi . ~!!!' t! i "INOW -. 4V --- Aba-do- A 466 . 4L - --- 11 -- -- . N I - --104maw* V, 0 rv~ 6 sm-swamw 1466 7he Retarfttlm of !the Corrosion of &WWI in water by ~ the AMU= of Oalta of Yma- wA Dibowla ' QrSmAe Acids., by N.K. Shmalm and V.P. B~"102 4 pp. R=IM; PW; -ZhW PZlk M31% Vbl XMI., NO 4., 1963P W-M7- CB Jul 64 262,,292 The BQM"Vy 86UOft COUS Rl" VMd Panuag by NaftO Barnft" P,s, .12 FR. SPAMISHs p0;#, La FtMt*ro Rai" COM At" Y- peamoo't ISS90 I No FU49, 9 7M. gcoince, Aud W 67 320s487 a 1L 1954, CoU at,. 51s, C35. AW Lib 1A - costa aewgvaphie CN.,.b Trophic Lesiona of the Feet Due to Acquired Pathology of the Cauda Equine (and the Medullary Conus), by L. Barraquer-Fe.*Te, V. Bosch-olives,, L. farrnquer-Bordas, 5 PP. SPILNISH, per, Medicine (~Iinica_ Vol vill, junr 19,52 PP'w_4_i._ NN Tr go 1130 3d) 79'/ Specific - Medicine, biology Trophic Lesions of the Feet Due to Acquired Patbology of the Cauda Equine (and the Wullary Cows)., by L Bamqaer-?~YTe, V. Bmch-ollvesv L., Barraquer-BDrdas, 5 PP. SPA-nISH, per, Medicine clinica (Barcelona)., XVIII, T=e ig~~,--'P'P- k6--41. - - '- - ~blde for Pouring AIUV Stee''lij by ff. Barret. . ........... PT=~a..'Aa TeeMiquo Haderne,, Vol XxIvo pp 617-622. Brutaber Tr 121 ,;Cientific - min/Metals alitiple 00herent RuU&tt= AnUed Part ns Emory., am, of Optlml Resawmee to "the6 - Le"l of Mercury. by J. P. avWil 37 pp. J Le Jauml to "Ique et I* Radbas I :LS*9.- IM 633-&6- 9M923 HUMMwi COILRU I-M-P-63-2 Mult4Aa Oohft",Mt Scattoorlqgof OptJ eel Resonswee -F e adlatim AnUed to the 44 Laval at VArcury. Part M-. =81 Eqwlm~nW suits, by J. P. tm~p as 28 -J9. FRMfM,, per# Le J=TAI do Pbyeiqw at 1e PadjAms, Vol Us No Tp 1959p pp 657-665. 92U924 -A=Wmml cak-jho Sal - Pbo Sep 63 MultiPle Coherent Smtterlug of Optical fte5mance ftdUticmi AppUed to the 6 -'P Level of Mer=7. Part 1. Theory., by J. P 23 pp. FROM, P". U Jawnal do Pholoe at la raw=., Vol x1jo No 5j 19592 pp 541-5w, 9=9a Rmmml 0WIRes Lang Ctr ft 63 -1 olommteble Bri4po, of tbo M Systno by zW col Mio Grande BAMO, I It 12 pp. SpAlM. perq Ejarcito# Val Up I[*. 121v Fob 1950. ]m am" r-sm vzur - Spain military - Bridges N(w IVA CT8 SeMlwCondWWl* Tho 8ftirl" Of M-ROIJILMEY 91. Gfillb ArwdO RMUEed 1.0 Intense Elo=c Fleldoo by Andre Barru& 9 PA FREN R& Vol CCLYj* 196-~o pp Tg~~, r-35-11 low-9191, AEC-UCRL-Tr-1202 (L) Sd-phys Jul 65 2840451 Excei-pts From RecombInatlon. Centers Created in G--rmni= by Put Neutrona, by Nguyea Van Doagy A - Barraud. 7"REINCH I ~ W . per, Jourml of Blectroaics,and Coutro- wo -(, 19 1959j pp 285-288. AEC SCL-T-349 Scl - slectxon 1~-5 am 61 ') ~33 r