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k IV I -.-) -" VO commmicatioas F"ilities -- To the Senrice of Heavy Industry, by V. Ye. Barkov PP. RUSSIAN, per, Vestalk Svyuzi, No 8, 1956. JPPS 7065 Set Aug 61 / ~ /I q6 //, jul 11) Ulith S.,-Xq:~Ivn fl,"I P Full trunsla-tion. V.0 par,, Obahch na-Luz. 101,01 LV, 1"C' 1255-12C-2- CUI V, 42551 ,ox,y 56 CITS/dcu~ Reaction of Lead Titsuste-WWWts In alto by I. N. selyeor.. X. 'L.: shclomovich$ 0. V. Barkomp 4 Vp. RUSSWO Im pwo Zhtw Cbsbch Dig- Vol XXIVp No 2., ftb lg%s pp on V 1%278 Convat"U Burmu ftleutiM - Cbm"try CS 67/Ap 55 .#101 1wrestigation of Copolywization of Tbree-CaVonent System. n - the Three-Com- pollent system =FlaretiMctrlY%9- Acrylonitrile - Te-WaaUyl OrtboolUcate, by S. M. 2JAvukbin, M. V. Bar L P* Losovp ,.:!2M RUSSIM~ wo pwj, Zbw Obabeb Xhim, Vol XXVI., No 81 1956, pp 2247-M49-- Scl - Chem Conmatants Bureau Dm 57 Investigation of Copolymerization of 'Faree-Component Systew. 1. by S. 111. ZbivukUn. M. V. %rkovs, I. P. L-osev, 4 pp. RUSSIM) mo pexr.. Zbur (Ybshch Kh1m., Vol XXV1, No 8) 1556, PP 2,024-3-2246. Consultants 1hweau Sci - Chem q-4 / ~- ~c Dec 57 Fa&tiOn Trw&er in a RaXMPDQM Medim for tho Nonconw=atlve Case,, V. X. barkovt 5 pp. 31WIM., ~Pwf opt"m I Apaktros Vol Ix., No 30 1960., pp 3T&385. sop W Amer sai jan 61 Reaction of Sodium =d Pvlw~rltum Metatitanates With Sal-to in Heltap by M. L. --- lokbovich., 0. V. Buima 6 pp. IMSWj, so per., Zhu- Obsbah Mdm6 Vol XXTI., NO 50 fty 19569 pp ---- Conmatents Bareau sci - Cbenutry. All, 2 1 q *Y 57 Investigation of Copolperization of Three-Commneat sbutma. ur. CMaIVmerizmUon of the Systm Metbyl Met43acrylate - Acrylonitrile - Glycol zsters of ' 1,110thacrylle Acid, by S. M. ZbivulWn., M V. Bartovu, 1, P. Losev., 4 pp. RMUNI mo per,, Zbur Obabab Khira Vol XXVI, No ~956, pp 2250-n5k.-~=I-~ Consultanto Bweau Sci - Cbem C, I OV !lee 57 Rep"dttft In the DUalbUtim of Dam Sa~~ oa the WW of the MMet Cow of the BIWA Se4 elT ty M. Go Butm" - RUSSMN 9; Ok"W100 Vol Lmt . per, -lym mouna 1961, pp 123-14b. *Nan/oceawgrapble Tr 250 SCI-ES Mar 6s 61-15382 l3arkovskaya, M. 0. THE DISTRIBUrION OF FRAGMENTED MATERIAL Bcaches--USSR IN THE BEACH AREAS OF 'mE BLACK SEA 2. Beack-s --Geology (Zakawmernost! Raspredcleniya Oblomochnogo I .Barkovskaya, M. G. Materiala v Polose Plyazha Chernogo, Morya). Jan 61 11. RTS- 1561 [29)p.. 28 refs. RTS 1561. z Ill. Department of Scientific Order from LC or SLA mi$2.70, ph$4. 80 61-15382 and Industrial Research (Gt. Brit.) Tranii. of Leningrad U. Vesinik (USSR) 1959 Iv. 141 no. 24, Seriya Gt~olDgii i Gcograffi, no. 4, p~ 11 - 35~ About 1500 samples of the beach material were iaken; many of thcsv were subjecteal to granulometric and mineralogical analysis. offit. f T-6ital Swvicws (Earth TY, v- -5, no. 8) (NY-6166) Economics and Financee of the Republic of Guinea, by.N. Barkovskiy, 16 pp. RU.SSIANj per, Den'gI i K"dit, No 9. 1960, pp 75-85. im 9100 NE/A - Guinea Ea on Apr 61 AmWeal Use of the Formation Of PbOS~ iobio Beterpoly Aoid. by M. 1. Zaboevas V. F.Barkovs~ly pp. 7 RUSSIC9 per.. Zhul Anal Kbim, Vol X7TTj No 8,, 1962j pp. 955-962 sei Sap 63 Use of Photoelectric Colorimeters with Optical (ompensation in a Differential Technique, by V. F. Barkovskiy, I. N. Vtorygina, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal Khim, Vol XVII, No 1, 1.96Z2, pp 39-42. CB Sci Oct 62 214,384 of Vazaaium and Chroa-LI-1-mi "by yllotcm.-~!tric Titration, by V. F. Bariwvsld~r, 6 pp. per) mur Anmi iaam,, vol xiii, iia 6j, pp Consul-Imits Bureau /10 7 6o The RollLng of SprIng Otrip with PamboliO PA960s, b7 ka~ - M., 1. Ldb=vj. V. 5 - ~~, -4 pp ,, Uatallt"s go 4s 1958P DP 20022e xw~m, ~r. cmaultanu awwu Sol - mn/mot Do* 58 77 4~0- Tr-64-14637 Barkow. P. LDMARMY TOLERANCES IN D=DAINATOIK 1. Barkw, P. CIRCUfTS ESPECIALLY IN BROADBAND AdCROWAVE F M KADlO LINK SYSTWAS. (19631(37PI l4raft Order from SLA $3.60 7T-64-14637 Traw. d IMM; Nuhrkboaschahwho 7AIt&cbAhl (We= Garmusy) 1932. v. 3. w. 2. p. 67-71. DEXROTORS: ODisaftdoetwo, OCtradta. Matbo- wdcd aulyvis, Broa(Umvi, Frequency modulation, *Wcrome emowlestlas system, Doelp, Radio Mmadcatias system, TT. v. 11. so. 9) VMWS of Twhokal 8~~.ft Dorlee -Cor Pivoting Plou Disks :!z Moueted Pivoted I)is4:-. Plow., by 6!9 Bruno Tkarlage2 A-Ifre,i. 4 pp, C-R-qkIAW AunlogesabL-rift Ims) imBha. US Dept of Goamerce Patent Off ice Bel Lib 22:xov 6o NewwExperience in the Treutmit of Ascites in I~or~jtgaiiaennoc Cirrhosis with goinfusian oi i',utw~cnic Ascitic Fluid, by !.;'. barlattuni, A. Alessandrini, 39 ppe ITALIAN, ),)or. Clin Ter. Vol 34, No 3, 1965, 210-226. Sci 'B&!, A ;, r TO Guiding Prineiples for Time and Cost W Documentation Work, by J. Iftthieu, B., Marlen, UNCL OEP,vAl, per,, ftnehung Beriebto Wirts-u. Varkebrsm H. -Rh. -vestf I no 6360 19589 a 54 PP- TIL 4966 Mur --East GermanY Scon ftp 59 7 1:% Tabia gr A=wjALUft;laatwy In, M7j bY Kajor BarlIms MW ::mxmw,o pers Tualsomt awl to Bepwt No IR-4-558 u9s. Air-Amme "Simbrat u Jan 105. CrA D 1t80 6 APAITIM Profiling Rumor Blales of FrweU Turbine$ by the ftmersfIed Method# by V, Vo barlits RUSSIANI, Pero, ISVOSI&LO VUZ gw*rjpdks go 110 1962, pp 113-130* OCFSTI TT 67*59002 V. V., a) a- Sci4%chs Etc Lair Nar 67 D"dp 49 &=Nr XA" Of FAVAdf TWUM Domeftu NOW4 br ve I* lout* xamwo PWO Im amma lonig" go r0 U*629 Pr U3-IM* =wx IT 67-0M Ano4ralA af a Unique =ed FJOW Turblne, by V. V. Bar4te.,-. NMIAH,, perj Iz VysabM Uaheb 7Aveds Energ i Avtmat,v No 5., lop pp 'o0-108. IML M- 3537 sci - mw ;2,:g /., 92.2- jun 62 14ain Characteristics of a Works Transport System for a Large Integrated Stool 11ofks to be Cmuzzructed in 1980. by C. Barlocco. Awck" A. Iliad 6 ' ITALIANO Tpts Paper Presented at the International Works Transport Conference# Paris,, MW 1963. RISI 3400 Sci - Engr Nov 63 A Standard of Density for Can Be Reprobcod Easily, Barloutaud,, 2 ppo fteml IkUtrous Wbich by None Coben,, Ro1W nu=o port c9upt" ROZAMS1, Vol &DMNM, 1954. pp 2413o 2414- ARC Tr 3195 Bei - Phys MaY 58 vl,K grj-,~' -LA, The Prospecte, for Further Increase In the Pro- ductlon of'Squipment for the Construction Ma- terlals mid the Construction Industriesa by K. M. BarlMev,, 9. (;. Poidgyakov, 13 pp. KV361"If pe,*, Straltel i Doratuoye Masht wo 6, MOBCOVY J~='1958,, pp 26-32. UB JM/DC-L-915 USSR reon A Study of Heat Transfer in a Circular Channel, by Kh, A, Barlybayev, S. V. Bukhmank 15 pp~ RUSSIAN, per, Iz A Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Seriya Energet, No 1 (19), 1961. pp 21-29~ 9668338 FrD-TT-62-1642 Sci-phys ap-r 63 :2 -13 1 4 3.), General and Specific Properties of Different Tylw or Mmtrdbowited Zim-Coatimp., by BsU- MrIV d Wrdra N~p 10 pp. -r Map pars Zo Vil 1940, PP 3 O.L.A. Tr W1956 4 " F'7 Scientifte - MI=Wals/Msta3z ~: I I 5-IFACIA31 Ion and MVrovewnta in the Caming T chnolqW of Most and Vwat/VegeUbje products. An 3hportant condition for moderatf= the Se"am, Errects by AOTO ftra"he FMIM,, per, kmmnmw L OvOAhdwu%lh4II lam Pmaaigow-tp VOI- 16P No- 9l, M3,P Py 33-34. GB/96 -S Sol - July 1967 334-710 Hydrogen Overvolt44p on Pbraw I= and Irm- Nickel Catbodes in FZeatmlj?uls of a SodUm Chloride Sobitims. by I. B, hU=obmfts L. A. 001tembevsk"as 15 PP- WSSM, perp Iz Vpsblkb Vabab Zwred 8=8 Mim I Mmtaasksp %khj, No 4P 1960., pp 699-706. 96731(*5 Sai - MISM 4, ,15 reb 62 at 8, FOrcu6 V. by 1. B OL A14 -pp consuluats Buzeau 7, W-5503) I Conference ov the Strength of Polymrs and Polymric Materials,, by 0. M. Barmenev,, V. L. Amuloy, 8 pp. RUSSIAN., per., Plastlebeekiye Nmesyp No 8jp 1960j* pp 69-71. . JM T476 Sci - CW8 --7~7 mar 61 An Imp-rovocl YAtho& of Preparing 3.1 -Hydroxyyrogs by A. B. ba IMAIW o )L RUSSMO yoro Ned Prom swo Vol Zvi No 30 1961j, PP 39-40. AT$ AT-41" Sci .. Biol & Had SPA Dea 63 24)8& Theoretical and Expari-ma ntal Investiga !.-,I on of taquqncy- Dividor Kly3trona with Prellrqtnar~y Bunching, by 0. A. BarvterAcov S. A. Kornilov, pp. 10. RU53U-N, per, ladiotekh 1. BlektroWika~ No 61 1961- Sci April 62 0, -659) trz-) Th3 Piston Problem in Vapetohydroayna-ulica) by A. A- Barmin, V. V. Gc~govov, 9 pp. R-USBXAN; perp Dok Ak Rauk SSSR~ Vol CXKKrlp No 5,, 1 oct, 196o,, pp lo4l-lo43. JM 7767 'ILA, Sti - Phys Dia- 61 Ob &'Cr-tnarad detural aas PlpotLne Administration, by S,i. Bamin, si-4 I.M. Zhisslovs, 7 pp. journal, Gapva kIr shlennoov, .ya I RE Veoscm, No. 11, 19670 pp. 17-20. PRS 44,412 I-. - sc(/~! -1~1 1c, !;ci-Necht lmd.'Civil aad ~iariw L%kiserbv, F c b fA Oil Pumps M-8 wA Mh-Is by So I* Barmiup 52 pp. MMUN., Us Noicova 1940. SC I Tr center RT-i264 Scientific - Engineering / 71 LO)-~ mwwp A* At C V. Ao gbftmws "310 b l ftl 4. Rw ow 67 20madluaw"m of DWdk A. 0. A, 46 161001 AMd -- V. A. so* cma mw 36e.403 W 67 r-olarization of Cosmic-Ray ~~Mvonz, by V. V. BarrAn, V. P. Kariavets, B. V. Morozov~ 4 pp, RUsSIAN, per, &ur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol YXKIX,. mo 4 (1o), 1960, pp 986-990. AIP Sov Phyo - JRTP Vol X113 #0 Sci Jun 61 D An Investigation of the If -7A4&arge Exchange Scattering and the7-t p --.) ni-d(-y --7;>2/) React.ion in the i.SS-4.5 BeV/c Region, by V. V. Barmin A. G. Dolgolenk-o, et al, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Usper i Tooret Fiz, Vol XLVI, No 1, 1964, pp 14Z-147. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol XIX, No I Sci- 64 265,247 Moson Prod"otion in a Nuclear Couloyab Field, by 7, r, Ba-11111zi, Tu. S. Krestnikov, 5 pp. RUSSW~, per, Zhrjr Eksper i Nont Piz, Vol XLIII, xin 4, 1962, pp 1223~1230- Azar Xnat of Pb$m Sov Ph;-,,a - OPIP Vol Mg No 4 selt we2tigetion and Compensation of the Vagnatic Floldts iritontal Component in a Proton Synchrotron for Lall Tnduction Values. by VP V. Barmin, a, K, Byshova, M STAN, per, PrIbory Tekh SkaW, No 4, 1962, 22.3-228., Tsk .63 Aj!r~" Application of the Method of Second Differences for the Measurement of Multiple Scattering in a Prppene Rabble Chamber., by I. I. Penchinp V. V. Barmin, V. P. Kanayets, B. V. Morozov, 6 pp. RUSCIM; per Pribwy i Takh Eksper) ito 4j 1959s~pp 44-48. Iust Soc of Araer jul 6o C."COVAUS the Dow f *by v v #&"111* 11 PO "i me rpts 21 1"Litow of ragoi, M1494 sod 6**-Awmtql. Myolto 5 to .. aLtzes on itho P04amoul U24M. ec zo, -I IT, 2gsar4p me I". mgifiw~.- (NMAS 7) *AEC 7J, 13 Scl/Nuclear Sci W 66 Dvidancc for the W->e-q A!cayj by V. V. ;~a~l A. G. DDlgolenko, et al, 9 pp. RUSSLAT-T, per, Zhur Eksper i Tcoret Fiz, Vol XLV, iTo 6, 1963, 1).P 1879-1890. kier instof phys Sov Phys - = Vol XVIII) NO 5 Sci Aug 261Z -~,834 Search for the Decay t e-, bi V. V. Doleolcr~,:o, et al, 38 pp. 11USSIO." per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLV, iTo 6. 1063, pp 2032-. Ame.r Inst oT Phya .90V Phys - MIT Vol XVIII) ITO 5 Sci A'LI9 65:4 264;406 correlatlop,5 Of e-~, - Decays in a Rzopane Bubble Chadber, by V. V. Barmia,--V. P. D. V. ?Wrozov, I. I. perarli,-, 4 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Mur Eksper i Toorert Flz, Tol ZalVp 956, 3~-~ 9 30-1335 Amer Inat of PIVs, Sov Phys - JSVJ, 703, VII (34)t 110 4 Nov 58 (14Y-653Q/4) lilac Ijifluence of Whole-BWy X-Imudation on Pmtein w-d Water Mtsbolism in the BraJny by o. i;. Bamina 6 pp. _t:=~ wwa5m, per, ukminsidy Blokhim zhur, Vol =11: IM= No 2, 1961t PP 215-4219- jpm 9736 Sci --1,'--d 6 Fl~-oblemms of Breading Rorses for 2-Leat, bir I . I BamintjeV, 10 Li -rip RUESSM, par, !Zhivotnovodnt-~-3, No P.P L&24-. Lk D:.) r.; 61 L. The Important@ of Drst In Olberls, by Tu, P. Bumsinj 2. The Aupm Urotp by N. A. Ovondetskiy. RIMIAN,q bk,, Ucheryye ZsplLk~_, 1954; Pp 7-53. AMB Lib Tr Unit UISR QAlOS 1W 58 Oft a "P ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS TOUR THE TEKHNIONj BY MOSHE SARNAI, 4 pp. ..f HEBREW, NP, AL KAMISHMAR, VOL XX, NO 5810, 15 AUG ig6z, pp 4) 51 JPRS 15519 MIDDLE EAST - ISRAEL ECON OCT 62 2121876 P111RIAOU5 ~ Staundar d of Living D4.xring 'Whe Three-Year Plwi; by C--,Cror Barambas., Feroa-c Denen; IRENGMLAYI, per. Stat-!.-.ztkiLp--', Szemzlu~ Vol 0. 19052, PP Ra 583-6o8. JPP,9 15306 EE- E ULgary ~3con oct. 6 Effect of Sodbm Hexametayhosphate on the Oxidation of~Ascarbic Acia, $xM by 0. Ba=bei, C. Bierl., 3 YP- ITALIM, per, BoU goo-It .14 Blol Spero Vol Mo 1950;--Pr---&70.. 871. OrA/FW XX-234 BW PMrrASAM= TO FMMM NUMORUZ sai - Mmdstry 44- Atj Feb 1957 M/d= = ntzmmL usE cm The Nature of 'the Adsorption Hysteresis of Benzeue Vapors wd the Shape of the Pores In the Clay,, by G. V. Teltelshvilis D. 3. Bumblelmllij 7 pp. md1m, ver, Dok -A~~Iauk SM..'1955., Vol Clo No 4,1 Sel Tram Center RT-~3388 Scientific - Chemlstry Apr 56 Thorin: An Tntamting ChromogWo ASant sW Chelatochrm Indicators by M. B. Jbbanton,, A. X Bumard., W. 0. Smad, 14 pp. FBI=- nm # Rev Univ Ind 9=tAmA",, vol n. 196o, pp 137,14C. AN JW-V -M sci - mm / 7 2, / e.?, Oct 61 Plant Laboratories in 1957p by M. I a Beds,, 1. J. Barnatskly# M. T. BuIsIdyp F. IN Siviridenko, N. -f---Nai~v and N. P. Zbetvins Jf pp. S FOSIAN, per, FAtaUwgp No 8p 1957p PP 1-4- Conaul taut& Bureau Sci - I" WIC7--/YAIt Sep 58 :I - #7 9 . / or~ 1; /a /OS Development of the PrOdUCtAW of OJWVD-CODV*rter ftOS1. ., by I. I. No A. Tereahcb*Ww,, 5 pp. EUSMM,, per, MtaUurg# No 5# 1963., pp 1-2. CM/M U-1431. No FaMiga Dies= 84:it - WK oat 63 U11M Intarwa Use ODU by 1~Mj ra-i4S, Glosviry of Mineral P,:mos,- by v 1.), Si, 0. B4.tidleyp A. C". Sarae!3. f;,~~ ~ I- ", ~j I CB 9 c i -14IN ,Y~~m 64 .~V4 9197 ~I'bt,-Tactorislwic lafran%d rrequerxiat; o-f Alkali lhlide Crystala, by R. Bmiling Barnes) TIV - per, ?-- f Pbysik, Vol LXXV, 19-q2, CIA/FDD/Z-113 6ciontific - Physics / %,51 762 Homologous Bone-Yzrrov Series Grafts in Irradiated Mice, by D. W. ff. Bamos C. E. Ford, J. F. Loutit, 7 OF FMCH., per., Sang, Val MM., No 7, 1959P PP 762-76~- NIH 10-23-6o Sci - Med Dee 60 lgg a Is / / .C' An Answer to the Work by Mr. Febrlet "on Unipolar Inductlon%:by S. J. Barnett, 5 pp. GERHO 0 -- IMIMS Per, Ann PlWaikO Vol XLVt 191.4. SIA 5T-208T bimy 58 4 g / 6 ez TT-64-12316 Baral, Mauro. DELATH FROM ACLITS CORONARY DWVPICI9NCY 1. laml, W. IN CHRONIC NrrROOLYCOL POISOMM Jim 64, n. Uteram Service. 3050words Associates. bound Brcoi6 Order from L.SA $30.75 N. J. Trans. of Accademis dai Fiziocrifics. Sim. Seziono Modice-Plaics. AtU (Italy) 1937 [ser. 131 v. 4. p. 221-230. (Bloknocal Sciences-PathAW. 7T. v. It. no. LI) Gravity Can Rovolutl=ize TWLecomunicatims, by Lucienpgaer.. 4 pp. FRWMp rQj, Ll rUmolpaut, Septa6er 2.6p 1960. UMIA Tr 1095 Sci - muset4voics j= 61 j 5 7 g ;;~," s-i6oo (DC-1919). Earth, Moon, Marn -- With the Sputniks of Tomorrow by Lucien Barnier ~,UNCLASSIDIED FRENCH d np, L'Humanite, No 136, Paris, 16 May 7. 1958) P 11. *us JPRS 5ci - Space Reacarch s-16oo Earth, Moon, Mars -- With the Sputniks of Tomorrow, by Lucien Barnier. MNCH, np, L'Humanite, No 136, Paris, 16 May 1958. by Alftbo -t,'blMWW* am vp 03. 69 1~0 L*"r4z,, 30 w0 Axlv* 31 i= 1969a 374IA9 (NY-10) COLOPIMEMC Aa SSAY FOR BACTERIAL TOXINS IN MEAT, BY RUTH BARNITZKI, 5 PP. OFFICIAL USE ONLY CZECHP PER, CESKOSLOVENSKA HYGIENA) VOL VI) 1,40 5, 1)61, PP 32L-324. JPRS 121A3 SC I - IAED FEB 62 160)663 Biologleal 'Erfects of Magnetic Pleldso by MWelaine F. AMAL._ pp 288 MUSIANS bk. *Plamm Press October 19a may S- 5 BarnscheiJt, ,~'offpng and ScliNdler, Max, I M7r,-T1-GNS FOR ASCERTAINING THE 017TIUAL DEWATHRING Mlz-Filnf-~S FOR DRYING CYLLNIDERS R:'~P`M- i 0 P-'AT-TRANSFER AND POV 11-i'l I In. (37 fivs. r f,,,, r.- 1. 606 2 - 1 .11 h 7 3 ;L2 i i ~ y) JGW, v. 14, 62-14673 1. Title: Dawatering 1. Barmcheidt, V,'. J. Schldler, M. HeUxes, ~)*~ainconjensers, Velocity. lkirbu- lerce, V-,q~%. pressore, Machines. Construction. ~`or obtainlo~, ri~sults utili-mble directIv In Ux-, practice thc te %vas set up a steam-heated cylintL-r of diameter 1. :5 meters and width 3 meters. The condensation %ster in the cylinder forms at low velocities a aump and at (Machinery, Fabrications and Accessory Equipment, Offict ol TmWul Seoicei TI', V, 9, 1"0. ~) (aye r) Ova Tamer of RhoOlum - .106p by C,,; B, -~-Zentlne Raptblic Publicationx of the Hetiaittl at Atcmic Energy Chemical voi I: No 4j, 191)~,, -~p 29-41. ASM 1; Sci AUS 58 .About a Rh1O6 ls=er, by G. B. 2a~A pt-a. SFMMs papers P/UU9., Fmceedimp of Wermattoml Conferezwe on Peaceful Uses of Atmic Energy Hold at Gewva 8-20 Aug 1955s Vol VII. Intemati Coof -- = Sci - Nuclear 211781ce ciA 1-Mg.g.i62 ~F 02, /'s I . Vol An Isawr of nwi=4.1069 kW 00 B. Boro, wo, --Im=419pbWtv 9-ppe - -- . faro rn GPAn.W* PWs, FWA Om AUw)o ABC 'Ir 9N' ,*441 ,~ Oct o Chab%7 Tuo IkV raotop" of ft%boutm wA NiOdIvas by G. B. DAr*v P- b7p V- 841IM41mbwtv 13 ppe filroft , CAI SFAWN# per; NU Om fta fterglM(Diiim- AUw), sw quM$ Vla W-M# Vp 19 ........ . ...... SCL - Qwjdstry Pai~~r, P/1022, Pr"oceedings of International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Held in Geneva 3-20 Aug 1955, Vol VII. CIA 1-66q.9.162 Internatl Coaf --UN Italian Fruit Jutce lndustry~, by Dr Silvio Barccaap 30 pp. ITALIM., rpt, 3mternstional Citr= Fruit and 032 lhdustrids Fair.* State Desp 102,, RMP 30.. 31 Xar 1-957- Dept of State Tr 4121800- ligur - It4Qy Icon - Induatry Jim 57 aM41M X=tary UUts With Waterp by - - - H. Gr. Nexmte=o D. Be=i o MRWW,, per., 'Wdsta smdt= mutm$ Vol LVv No 5p im., pp 787-ft. AM 34)OW-B m iii, M - Hn Ap6p, ~1-f y a m= 62 (DO-4700) *)efecta In the S~rstem of Avudlng Bmms to "i4imers imd 2mbniaimis; by V. Ba nsklyp ;+ Mi 0 ---------------- ow IMBIAN, perp SOUIQIStlcbeskly 2Mdp No Ij, 1962) pq 125-M. JPFS 13695 tq,7-4F 14EY 62 =Uve hw for 94mrrisms, Ragineer- Ing and Tedhabal Pft%cmel.. md for Haployeas, by V. MrAN, Tmdo ";b NO 1, 1 Y27 JM 13310 WSR 10 1 04 fa BM Avr 62 tm aw WO Welding in an Argou Atmosphere Wi~b. a Consumable Electrode, byA. BarR~?- KWCHP per, Rev Gen Mae, Vol XLI, 1957, PP 302-306. -Am 488-Fj Sci - Electronics Aug 6o ,/,?& A2 y "I 4/ ,:47 t v# lacdc- t7 ?40 LOOM* , Dame A 1~p- " at ~4vy - ~41 tv X%r(-5 ~~Os,wr 4m1 ~. C ('~ , ~ 1.,w 67 3439753 Ocw ftsults of tko Activities of tha Formaut COMIOLPIOD SO up by the UsSR A0640my of Sciduced to Coabwb Silicomisp by A. A. SkatchlumlW# L I, BAM. MEL MBSUNp 7pro Ole I Batts No 5p 1950p vp 29-32. DSIR LW IL1002 (loan) Sol - tsba /// //Y me 6n 61-13009 - PREVEWri bm oF SILICOSIS AND ANTHRACOSIS IN 1. Particles'jAirborne)- Mlj',:ES, [1960173p, Trans. A. 1555/AB; M1415. Collecting methods Ord,!r from LC or SLA mJ$4.50, ph$12.30 61-13009 2. Silicosis--USSR I ,Baron. L. 1. Traiis. of unidentified Russian mono. chap.- 7. 11. NCH-AIS55/AB p. A94-357. Ill. DSIR LLU M.1415 IV. National Coal Board Methods and deylceB for the collection and analysis of (St. Brit.) dusts are described. (1ji::,11L)g1C4d Science,,- -ftbol(W. TF. Y. 5, floc 7) (SF-1029). Investigation of the Structure and P~ysicochemicsl Properties of Alloys of *naybdenum Disilicide With Nickel) Cobalt,, Vanadium and Nioblum, by Ye. M. Savitskiy) V. V. MD Baron, 10 pp. RUSSIAN per, r& Lt. Metall izoaml A. A. Baykw-1 j p No 196o, pp 156-i61. jpRs W46 Sci Chem -P 8, e p() J/ %olybdenum-silicon-vanadlum systemo by E. M~ Savitsklic V,, Vo Baron, 6 pp,, .1 62 RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Noorgan KhlMo NO 5v .19 t PP Cs sci :? s i) Apr 63 Prowrties oC VamAlums Cobmbl= and Zo:Lr I E. m. Bmlto]dYi 17 pp. Mloyss by V., V* Bum DMIM, =wftrqht Modki" YAUW I DAMp 1960: auipta In* mo-tr-4326 &d vex 62 / Af " 4, 3?, f Vol Vns No 3 strtlctuw4a AI=Imm Alloyap b7 Va Ve Damp Yeo Mo SAVUBMT, 9 PP mmms Md Val Vi. zt~ 1960s PP Ion HOL.,W-Vl. /6 J' ~07 Sol - ma/motal 1 sapt 61 Phase Diagruis on Properties of Alloys of Gallium and Tha-Mum, by Ye. M. Savituldy, V. V,, Baron, No A., Tyl)dnaj 1B ", T-11M. RUBSIM, I~er, Zhur Neorg&~Xbim, Vol III# No 3, Mar 1958) Py 763-77 ATIC I?JZS-9531/V Sci.- Chem Jul 59 (SF -2.029) Phase Diagram of the V-La &ystem,, by Ye. H. Savitakiyj V, Vt Baron, Yu. B. Yefimov, 13 PP, RUSSM, per., Dok Inatitut Motal iniani A. A. Baykova, No 5. 1960, vp 166-173. jpRs 044 Sci - xim/metals oct 6o ProperUes of Vanadium, Columbium and lNir .Uloys, by V. V. Baron, E.. M. Savitskiy, 19 pp. rpt RUSSIAN) pexj Rare l4etals awl Their Mols, Chap J) See 6~ 1960. 9077353 Asc ;Tr -4326 sci - min/met jun 61 /5-7 / 73 5--