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War Nerve Gases., by Xh%imir Barila,, pp. SMIM, per, Civilm Zastita., -No 1, Jan/Feb 1956P pp 2.. 3, Bncl_t~ IR 1392-57, AFow-3Al- AF nDOW6 Mw - Yugoslavia Militaxy Sci - Chemistry Jun 57 On Xnareaming the Working Life of Died Accumulatorn, by-1. 1. Kovals V. 1. UrIlenko. WOL WaSTAN, per., Yeat llaktra&wom, Vol W, Fo 4. ig5gp pp 6o-64. DSIR LW M 1420 (128. 6d.) . // -? op,~/f Apr 60 Z of the Conditions for the Oxidation of -ho:~phuru,,; IL ~hc Gau Phasc by Means u1: AtmEiphcric C~.-cygen,, by 1C. Yagvozdkin, piar, 21hur Piz Khija, Vol XIV, 1940.. pp 505- 'j12. SLI/R -2477 3ci Apt- Th-,~ Equilibriun of the System P20SH20o by K. I. Mi:,~,?uzdkin, Y. Rabinovich,, N. A. Barijeo. 12 pp. RUS3LXN, per, Zhig~Prlk KhIm, Vol Xiii, 19V, pp "x)-36. Sl.%/R-2595 Apr 59 E Zvestigation of the Condltims of Preyaring Used Yaosphotes# by No I-a Zagvozdking V. A. BarUko,, 14 pp. 9 ftw Pra mlims VOI XXP 1947P pp 502-5 r4, MA B-2615 Sci - Cb-em J%m 59 p:1 Ef,,icicnt S-0inG Dwrice Using M-n~,~riletdc Coves, by .L I Sh- I. Barillo, L. S. Gom) B. 1. nuzaaov) 7 PP- Safety in Mineral Cheftcal Products Laboratories and Plantes by F. Barillet 8 pp FRENCH, per, Ind Chimp pp 123-125p 1940. SIA 3323 Sci - Chem Aug 58 '~74 6 ~J' somaw., in -am tob"towum, tw MAMU at WAsnd Ynw**, DwUlots Ofto~i Imp Q5. ---------- Be Is A, Zr w Nkt,. fw .4 oft 0 Obiubtry Ala 36 M/610- 63-19374 BUUyaY, R. A, THE MORPHOLOGY AND ORIM OF 7M 1. Title., Mikulicz cells Nftk-LUCZ CELLS. [1%31 [14lp. fts. orrdtcW) 2. Tide: S~:tcronuL 47 refs. FASEB manuscript w. S 149-2. 1 . Barilyak-, It. A. Crder from OIS or SLA $1.60 63-19374 11. FASEB S-149-2 111. Fed-,ration of American 17rans. of Arldtiv Parologil (USSR) 1962, v. 24, Societies for W. 6, p. 41-47. LxPerimental Biology, Washington, D. C. I)FESCRUYIMS: Niorpholoff, Owis (Moloa). IV. Scripta Technica, Inc., %ustoi4cta teciuiques, Leubxytes, Phagocytosis, Washin~lon, D. C, DWIM081.9, '171soneg 010108y). '11te cytological method 1e very convenient for the ceDs of the sclewmatow gmuloma ,and for diagnosing the disease. Aocording to cywlo- cal investigations, W-ullcz ceUs am buZer Um ;reported In the 11teranze, they my atwin a diameter of 6041 or more. As a ride the nucleus of the lological Sciences- Patfiology, Tr, v. 10, no. 3) V Ofte ot Tack" SeMets (ever) (a-2900/27) EQUUMut for tbo GIMM luounq 3a 1~69? by A. -Barinov, 6 pp. RUSSUNjo perp Mookhaniks No 51 19601 pp 19-no ON T329 um Room I. . IS7 d1f ism 61 1~ # 13 (NY-3913) Investigation of the Iodide Process for Producing Zirconium, Employing Zirconium Carbide as Raw Hat6rial,, by A. 1. Yevatuyukhin., I. P._ja D.-D. Abanin., 7 PP- RUSSIANs bk., 14etallurgiya i Metallovedeniye Chit3tykh Metallov, No 1, 1959, Pp 78-83. JPIRS 5145 Sci - Min/metals Aug 6o (NY-3000) OpemUcal OmmwterJstU* odr Amataur Notlon- Plature CNMW"f by L. V. ~~ 7 pp. R=UN pPWP- Tekbmdb* Kin* A WavldeuUap No I, ]-gas pp 70-76. im lm% um 14 f, 7,0>f ftm av (a Apo TT-6h-32764 Field 12B, 15- Barinov, N. G.: litchav. V. S. THE OPTWIZATION OF THE CONTROL OF FOYICF-q IN WA R F I ~'l Z. 5 00t 6 5, 12P.jPRS-32264, Research Service, as TT-65-32754 I I - J-1.1 Order from USTI, SLA, or ETC; H"'.00o MF.P.50 %V..htngt... D. C. Tranii. of Morskol Sbornik (USSR) Y48 n8 p3l-7 1965. 61-19165 Dxiwv, V. ON DETERMD41NG IHE LENGTH5 OR INVAR 1. Wire--Measurement 24-METER WIRES BY DaERFERENCE MEMOD. 2. Inftxfcrometcrs-- Tri.ns. on Soviet Geodesy 1925-40. 17 Mar 61 [15]p. Applications 2 r4s. JPRS. R-H2-N/12. 3. 71de: Invar wires Order from LC or SLA mip,40v ph*3-30 61-19165 1. Barinav, V. 11. 71tic- Soviet ... Trims. of Gealezist (USSR) 1934 [v. 101 no. 3/4, IU. JPRS-R-112-N/12 Ix LB-26- IV. joint Publications Research ServU New York ofa~ of Te"Col Ume" (Usanniounced) Phe aistory of the Wgin and DevalopM41 Qf the . -..Laerin Method of Dwe Measurement In the USM, 1w r, A, BWUWVO .IT1381M,, per, Iz Ak Iv& Kaza)&,p Bar Goognd., No 2., L5~8j pp ". AM lc:L - Geopborn C~l I Jviy~ ~; 62 Neu Achievements in the Yield of Low Expusion "IN"" TM AUWJ by V. A. ]%rLu(*; 10 pp. RWS1AN,, per, Geadodatp go 11-12s, 193ki, PP 60-66- JM It-U2-1/44 Sci - FIng - Geodesy i?eb 61 Nirimiv, V, A. 'I'lil,UING, ""I kl~)F['IC, WOMING STANDARDS A, a16, F13 AN't 1 121 AT TI [E ALL- MHON ws-inum, ov MIJK~ IN 1915. Tralls. till Soviet GLwcsy I Q~5-40, Marol [111p. JP'MR-113-N/66. -S2.41 61-15947 d,r 'non 1-C, - q_~ m. -1. (USSR,~ !935 1- 11) -. 1:2, 61-15947 1. GoXICSics - -Ills h1lint'Wal hill 2. 11t1c: Invar rods I .Barinov, V. A. U. Title: Soviet 111- 1V. joint Publications RcsL-irch sc-cl, N_ Y-k 046-1 T.Akl S.M- (01alMOURL Vd~ 3-7-6.1 61-19294 Barinov, V. A STUDY OF, ITIE G. HEYDE CIRCULAR GIIADIJ- 1. Mwsurammit-bistrament., ATING MACHINE NO. 9559 IN TI-JE LENGnI MEAS- tion UREMENIT STANDARDS LABORATORY OF M-1- 2. Measurement- - Standards ALL UNION INSTITUTE OF METROLOGY AND 3. Title: Heyde graduating STANDARDIZATION, Trans. on Soviet Geodesy machine 1925-40. 24 Mar 61 [341p. 3 refs. JPRS: R-111-N/30. 1. Barinov, V. Order from LC or SLA mi$3.00, pli$6.30 61-19294 11. Title: Soviet ... Ill. IPRS-R-111-N/30 Trans. of Geodezist (USSR) 1933 [v. 9] no. 5/6, IV. joint Publications Research P. 74-95. Service, New York OIN c. f cA S.M- (Unannounced) D ORGANIZING CLOTHING REPAIR., BY YA. BARINOVI 3 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, TYL I SNABZHENIYE SOVETSKIKH VOORUZHENNYKH SIL: NO .i2t ig6ip PP 64-67. ACSI H-6go8-L ID 2166459 , scl 19 JUL 62 203.,684 'Me Influence of INintal and Frit Compositions an the Bloating of bmm I!nawls,, byr G. 1. BelyWv,, Yu. D. Darinov 5 PPS R.LbSIAH, per,, Steklo i Keramika,, Vol XIX, No 1,, 1962, pp 26-29. CB 'lay 64 260,,218 VMparation of Stm4;ht Vps tu the Printug at Textilerop by A. I. Berbova, L V. =Us 1=10o 12 pp. , , -RUSSIU# MO P6r, Mdjj~DM SO Ss 2.949p pp 22-e4o MW Tr qlc.g66 1. PoIrnwArlutisa and Rate oll hydrolyr.",P) ~.p " y , &A b z, ~,v A. p Vitt Zum., or IF, Ak wauk &,OR# C-td a 1 ,f4 F Consultanto rweau 3yuthesim of Vinyl 3sters of Isabutyric, Immlarle wA Caproia Acidsp 9,N. Rostovakyj A.N* SmArinavas A.L. 'Folkan,, 8. pp. RMSM, "r, It Ak Ikuk DM,, QW01 mm Wo Ut 195T,, Pp 13T9-1386. - cmaultantis Dwmu Bel - Chem Problems in Vinyl Ester Syntheags, by E,. N, Rosto,ovky,, A. H. BiLrinova, 6 pp. Full translation& RUSSIAN# so W# Zb;tw Prik -XhImp Vol MIly No 10, 1954p pp kP4 41473 Cowultants Bareau Scientific - Chemistry IZIJ V11/3 APr 56 CTS/dex 4eed. of P.-Type EmO Under VariouB Conditions of Prece-saing, by S., M. Samoylovieb, A. A. VIABOVs 0. P. Yo OVSkAYUm 2 PP9 MWW.. per., 2aur Swch i Prik FOtOgMf I lumtOVmf VCLI Vr no I., 19c0, PP 56p 579 cu/m xx-968 31:1 - c2mmistry ]Okr 61 ; AWITION OF THIMMA AM SGXMXM To UNBATMTED BXCWMHiLIC WAOMM, BY C. 0. KATATLY), L's Ke ma"W" PP. RUSSIAN* MsWK AX WX SSMp VOL cxLl, No 60, 19610 PP 13T3-137% I ca scl AUG 62 MP832 1~--temirtation of Silicic Acid in Al=inate Solixtions Containing Cnr=ium and Fvluorine,, by K. A. Vasil'ev and 0. D. Barinova, 9 pp. RUSSL411, per,Zavod Lab, Vol VIII, 1939, PP g16..92o. SLA R-2447 5CI Aug 58 d' .7 ~ P- ,'00-3 .. II .. 1,5_11 x I Carbon Dioxide UtIlizeldou analto R010 in Uftabolion of Madd Fend$ by S. A. 6 pp. MMIAN., per., 91kroblolosIps Vol UZI$ No Is AUS SCL-Blol & VAd ACIS ftw 63 (DC- 1873) ROLE'OF CARBON DIOXIDE IN THE PHYSIOLOGY OF MOLDS, BY S. A. BARINOVAI 15 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, IZ AK NAUK SSSR' SERIYA BIOLI NO 4, JUL/AUG 1961, pp 561-573. JPRS A903 SCI - CHEM AUG 62. 208,722 4droxylaudne and Uximes as Nitrogen Sources for AsPergillus nigary by S. A. Barinovat 5 pp. U&SIAN., pars, Mikrobiologiya, Vol x.UX2 No 5p 1960p pp 635-6h2. ADS Sci Jul 61 - - I / ~- 7" 5 - 10 I'sic mr-carbox-yl-ic kcid Cycde in Moldss bY Earin va,, 4 pp. RUSSIO, per, 'Mflcrobiolo.friya.~ Vol 'ff7xv No 1;. 10/60~ pp 21-27. Dec 60 Rfofee,t of Carbon Mcmide ca rs:t~laae -D1,m Redu&Uu by Hold PM28it by S. As, DwbMp 4 PP. ?.=Ws per, Xtkwbiol, va =vn, No i, i9op pp SOL - Biology 59 5w Vibmatiowl Spotra of Some RadD- ana Rzo-Derivitives of the Weea of Bicyclo (2.,2,1) Heptam and Bicyclo (2,,2..l) MTUm-2-,, by V.T. Panksamrm,, '7 Z.B. Bariwm e-t al, S pp. RMSIM, pw., Zhur Strukturnoi Dim, Vol IV, No 1, 1963j. pp 2Es-36. CB sci jun 64 261,390 ILI'Dm Prabl=s In the Docummntation of Holocular ppectni by Pachad Cardes by V. Ve Alokmaymp Z. B, Barluovap RNWHI. pers Zavatl Ldbj, Vol XMP Fo 7, 1963j. pp W-VJ5. 1S& 6c.t m S-4575 (DC-2157) -mvestigation, of Mecturical Phenomena in the I Cortical Terminals of Arialygore of Dogs During the Formation of Conditioned De enae Reflexes, by H. N. Lurlye, M. Ya. Barinovich, L. G. Trofimov# 11 RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Vysshey Nerv Deyatell imeni i. P. Favlova, voi vi, No 6, Moscov, Ncyv/Dee 1956s PP 863-871. US JPRS/DC-L-884 Sci - Medicine dl " f.?f v$ 4=tfjgb of tbg - -1 - - Fa - I do ActIvOk a of, ftente lomp by V. A. hwinwicho et al. MJMMs perp NMOW VAY Ve*tdkj No, 1, 19601 py 101-105. Dept of interior Tr NO 210 t wffi SOL % Jon 63 Acao=t of the Ooverning Body of the AU tkion Association of -----stay Micrdblologlsta and Thfectlanista Named after 1. 1. MacbvMwv,, for the Yem 1#k-i956y by P. G. _Barsmkl~r. RUSSIAN,, per, Zbur Nlkrcib:Lol I pidepiol L ig-56,-pp CIA D 9008D98 USDA USSR - EcOwYade Mar 57 CW/dax (FM P-7987) ' In the Bmaches oir the AM-Union 6clentific Society of 41demiologists, MiardbiolqglBto, aud Iafection- (plogists I=nI 1. 1. Reebaikov, by F. G. Bariarski.~, 25 pp. IIUSSW., no per, Zhur-Mikrobiol 4idetdol i Immuno- 11101, NO 8., x0sew., Aug 1-20-~3-20. cIA/k'DD u-8697 I ~ IS CSIR Cei - hiedirinc, microbial it,!& R CTS/I)M( 56 X-Phy lFluoreseme Spfttral Amlysis With a I clear Source of Primary RwHatlon,, by K. I. M Marbutt, 'P. L. BarinjArf 1. s . Smirnova, 4 JV IOMIANO Wo Dok Ak HwA 838R., Vol CXU,, No 2., lWj, pp 291-294. AIP Boy Phys-Doklay Vol V,, No 1 Sci Sep 60 Theory of X-Ray Ab -'s-- 4ectra, by E. Ye. Vaynd",M R. L. B&rind:iy, et adus I . . I TOM Fjs6 Vol XXV14 No 41, RU S6Mw 1954, pp 521- JPRS 23510 Sd-Mat & Met Mar 64 251,524 1 11! f at aw am am* Alkillitillib]Ltw ; Ja Um Accumary WmwoU or ftndtWftp by . V.~ To LFAM4440 3, Le aurJaways 3.5 IN. pw,v ftftfts lb 6j, 19Q. VNIXG lArM I i mM3 i I In P~~ AlUmUe - - - -I gift, t~sx , " 4 cwmtxwmr by L- 8- BWodftp J6 L- "qP91W 8 Jr. Imums, pwo ftd&fti, a 6,9 l9a. -- 1 -11 aft sci ym 62 226r:*O Determimtion of the Marge and Type of Bond of O=Jum in Compounds from the Lesorytion Spectra.p by E. 0. Na&dmkav, Re L. Barine: 7 PP- RUSSIM., pwj, Iz Ak Na* SM Piz,# Vol XXXV., No 4) 1960., . ,,2!.r Sci jun 61 CTT J 5- 7.; ;-- 'z S' intarpreetation of the K absorption spectra of sul.TVr in molemles and crystals in terms of the St,ark affect in excitons, by F&L. Parinakiy, B,A. Malyukov.. Upp. , Iz Alt 'mulc SSSRp Ser Fiz., Vol ~.Mj WSSWI. Ivr. No 3v 1962, pp 412-422. CrT Sci Mar 63 'a 3 Sma Principles In the Structue of the Badc X-Ray K-Aboorption Edge of Atme in Crystals of ARM' Hdides, by & Ye. Vayta&eM R. L. Badnddy, at &16 6 M RUSMN. W. Dok Ak Na* EMM-1 CV. No 6.1955. PP 1196-1199., JPRS 23510 Mar 64 251,526 Re" Eafts in Famout" ab"Ites) ft= NU"ft , of Ultrobasla AlkaUe Rodm#, by Lo t. BarMdsk# Re. Lo 9 VP Rt==# PWV Go*hl% No 4# X960 Bel Aug 69 06 214,646 Experimental jiJOWif Investigation and Calculation of' the L Absorption Spectra$/ of Noble Gases, by R. L. Barinskiy, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, 1z Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXV, No 8, pp 947-953. CTT Sci 214)556 Aug 62 ;11;3termination of the Effective Charges of Atoms in Complexes froa the X-Ray Absorption Spectras by Barinskiyo 8 ppo CB P,MSIAN,, pers Zhur StrWcturnoy J(him., Vol is No 2,p 1960j, pps 200-2069 7Z Sei ,sept 6,j- Y.'-x,gq Spectra and the KLwtronio Stractov or lborium in ThfI03)4 w4 TbOg;- by, R. L. BorlactIc IFUSSIMp bIw per; Is swnmv vol xxp No lo 1956; pp 133-135. Columbia Tech-JPr Apr Ms Avail Er 5 M 41e Collective luteraction of Electrons in CrystalG and Its Manifestation in the X-Ray Absprotion Spectra of Atoms in Polar Crystals, by R. L. L&~ski~ E. E. Vainshtelrj, 6 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Iz Als 'Haii'm W92, 9&r FiZ, Vol XXTTT, No 5; pp-585-590- Co.'Lumbia Tech Tr Aug 6o X., AbsorptiM SpeoUS ot Worlm in ANOLU *tal ablorid"I by R. L. . aarl=kiyo 6 yy - SWOUNS P*Vj, 19 Ak MUk 8Mp Ber PUS, Vol XXIp SO 20., 1957j, pp 23M-10 - Columbla Toob IWI - pays Ifeb 59 1.0., 1--fs Mw comp"Itlas Cbwm*t*Astias of the ?AM UrUm In ML&n%Ul by 2, 1. Beanw., R.I. ~~~ 22 pp. AMX48.0 paii ommup No 40 IVAS " 333-- 340. Geodwmiftl soasty w - Geoph" 4r 59 1 IS.100, ;7 0 3 The Ratio of 8v= and Odd Rem-Earth MAments in Various Minerals, by 2b* H. L. tansIdy? 4 pp. MUM& per, Dok Ak Au* S=j V01 CXXj 10 3j 195S.- PP 573-- constatwats Buren Sci - Chm Jun 59 617 Owntlou wd bdogica ftestra of Mb Ln Moly. Mme OwpowAso bY It. ~L. INUIUMMY as. ;L vainah"in, 10 pp, Mum, porp IB Ak N**Bmp sor na, Vol xuo No 10t. 195T# pp IOTAWC sci - aye J%b 59 D"ndence. of the 14bq AbsorptVa "tm Of AtQ" in c=punu an the Musater 42 Abe Jdadat by R. L. BarlWW# I-Alo V&l=htOlvt' X. I. Nututto 10 pp. RMDA,o Per) so 4 "" map ow rup va =F No .101, m7j, DP W14sal Tfth Sol - fts ftb 59 inmciear X-Ray Generator for Fluorescent Analysis oy K. 1. Narbutt, R. L. 1. S. Smirnova: 6 pp . RUSSIM, per,, Tz Ak Nauk MR. Ser Piz, Vol MY., No 4v 1960., PY 354-j6l- C711 Sci /5-7.v7 jun 61 The Fine Structure ot the X-fty Aboorptl6a Spectra of Several M atop by 1. B. BorovWdyv R. L. Barlmskiys 12 pp. RMSIMj parjo Iz Ak Ser ri 2A am Vol V, No 2,, 1953.$ pp 225-235* Sci Tr Center RT-2155 Scientific -Pbyelco CM 69/i= 55 Calculation of the Chwge of Atome in Molecules from the X Absorption Spectra,, by R,, L. Barinskiy, Ec Go Nadzhakov, 6 pp, RUSSIAN., per, Iz Ak flauk SSSR Ser Fiz vol Mv, lio 4, 1960, pp 407-t14. CTT sai j= 63. 7, quatitauve Of FAM zsrth namts in wwrals smA Conamtrates by a rluoneftut X-ray4beatal Jbtbods by Ro Tom bujuilwt 5 PPO RUMIMp perj Zswd Labjv Vol XW* Mo 5p 190s 6:L3-617'. v rc 06 rA Sol - winermu/atau ftb 59 r.,b6m,l t.saso4attm at ilsivil3w "Alow" Vhoato Cwtiap* br A* go ftUbafto toy (20 kv alp Is kov operati0a Of a *Mtruaga Froth sepsmtol~y by V. j. Bwisbv0UUP 5 w'-, msmy P"., M'j. Prw,., &-j g, *a) iv 1*0 46. 9200M f 4ow-ft-53V Sol - Bw jan 63 ovef lima ProtecUan In Owlters Aadmt A-Dombp ty KUJaWw bgrUic U pp. AMEMW SMMIANs pws VoJno-Tehnick:L P;mLdk . No 21) iq%.~ i=i to R-9-&-57*MM-, -IiiWrWde. 4 ID 2D39M Mur - Yugmlavla 01-7 MWtaz7 lrr Apr 1957 CM/dex The Use of a Centrifugal Field to Intensify the Separation of Mineralized Air Babbles From the F tation Pap., by V. 1. Barisbpolets, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Koks i Xhimiya, No 4. 1960. Coal Mar Reaeareb Assoc Sci oct 6o A Poealbla Method at lb"BaguWtba Selective AbsMtton of Omm Pap by A NWIeIf by if Parits L. arosbayo, M, poasarstskly-b Rmw,p i, per# aLk AIL Vol AM 4A scleut1fic - Nucuar Pbpfto q '.ft5sureme-at of tbo Effective Crose Siection for the D(ton)He4 Raction in the DavUr= Naera Range 40-730 lwvp ty R. Mo B&Ubawv, to Yso Wttp Lo N%; xatsaurm,; x. m. Frank, 1. Va ShtraWlh, .10 ppi. RUSSIAN, per, Atomakya QnereiPs SuPPU it No 5; 1957o pp 57-70. crA 9033743 Camsultaztz Bureau - lbiclear Phyu soy 58 mtmaurammnta of the Yields ard Sffectiva Cross - S4ctiona of the D(trtx)H*4 aW D(dap) T Reactimm Using Thick T&,gata of Rtavy lee,; by S,, mw 130414barxW2 1. ya, Wit V. rauawcvq 1. M, rrmk9 11; V. P-WSIAN vdr AtamAys Zaarglyu,, SWpla No 5,, 1957v Pp 48-59- Hi 9033T43 CoraulUwta D=eau Sci - Ilm-Lear Mys N 77 l2vestments lu Udustry iu by laeksandar !~V,rjaLrbarovic. 11.1 C,ZMt=, pex,, Pwivveclai Pmejad, 24 mar 1962s -p 4. Fm Sm 3M jr,gi= - YugoalwTia Ham Aga" -3e,'- ;7 i-,iay 62 Can the Riflemen Carry a Lighter Load?, by Darjaudp 7 pp. FMCH, per, 1 Armee: Dec 1962, pp 49-577. Acsi 1-8286 ID 2224773 kfaw - Fmace EM P --n'4(j ~ 5'~ C) Aix 63 (DC-3601/25B) Ristorical Needs and lopmriabma, by Andm Barjcnet, 6 pp. Fmmcao perj cahi6ra au - - -.I- )I Vol Muli, So 1., 19610 pp :F*. 7 im *49e a WHur - Fmce . poi la /, 1~ 7ef Aug 61 at party and EconOllic -,ra,j onel 5 Ile 1.10 17're nP, ji'm 10383 1101 Peripherttl Strateay., by Vice Adm4ra3 P. Barjot# 5 pp. UxC3ASS1F1ED-'--'- FHMMI, memQs from vice Admira., varjot'. C-1W Desianatep Indian Ocean Stpategic Zom CocomAo Navy Tr 948/0N1 IA4 Worldwide Military ~ ~jr Political The! Japatoso Naval Air Strategyp by Vice PAmiral Piorre Barjotp 10 pp. =ABSTRIED MI tmnslation. FIRIEINCB.,~ mo per, La Revue Haritime., Sep 1952.. pp 1142- 13.62. Navy Tr 66oloNi n26 FE Japan KUMTy - Ban,.% air Oct, 5L-, (;70,/= ,q , .,~ -1,43 By& E~. and others. A ENT OF SURFACES CAPABLE OF UTI- I MME A LWNG THE SUN RAYS FOR THE PREPARATION OF WATER OR HOT SOLUTIONS (Agencemcnt dL Sur face Sucepilbles dVii1iser lea Rayons Solaircs pour )a Preparation d'Eau ou de Solutions Chau0co). JJ961] 4p. Order from AC $4.00 Trans. of French patent 763. 867, 1934. DESCRIPTORS: *Soldr energy, Water. Liquids. Heating, 15urface temperature. (Chemi stry- -Phys Ica], TT, Y. 7, no. 4) 62-12260 1. Pwrjot, R. H. Patent (France) 763 867 R[. Capelo, A., Hollywood, Calif. L M" of Twwt4 Um J!Li~t L S,, Ganson. IF, F. and Mcinier, N. A. TABLES OF THE SPEED OF SOUND IN SEA 1. Bark. L S. WATER. 1196211112p. a. Gansm F. F. Order from ATS $15. 50 ATS- 19P59R M. Meister. N. A. IV. ATS-19P39K Trans. of uni dent Iflod taim. [pub. byl)wsdemyot V. Associated Technical Sclences USSR, Inetilige of 008"okily, COMPMON &-tvicrs, Inc., I Center, 1962, 162p. E"Or"ge, N.' VEJCKVTOR& *Sa& wister, Water, *Sound truawfis- *ion, *Underwater fund tranamlaftion, Vvioefty, T"s. 20408 of the wlwitj cc &=a in am watcro tv 1. S. Dark. RUA=# bko F, mew 66 influc.r.ce of' -External oil the Development of Barhzgmn; 6 pp. in-teMal Beta-irradiation IrSiamationo by T. S. P-JSSTM_1--, blno Der, Patolo'gicheahal (-I- ElksperLmeutal Inay-- Terappiyan, Vol 11, Jan/Feb 3.958, pp 19-21. Fiziclcgi"m i Ho 1, Mosems, JM/HY-L-281 V-V cli-"ical and Hemmtological Charactericts of 'IT Ilerp-philUr, D, (Christr= Disease~'O by Z. S. Barkae,an. E - Ya. -ho-no-yevr.., N - M. Gorodetskaya, 6 pt~.~r, Probl(xz!y Gezatologii i Perelivnniyu Vol - IN: Uo 8o 1959o r,:,? 13-17- Pazg=v -on Pref;a Bei Ds~m or ~~ Douvotv at ft Fvw um 77 nda.- tl* MWwt aC qtracW*LU* =a UO pxowm cc ito mv*k*&m In alw"I~Vlop tv DO 6$ 2%1* imi TITI ~,e "a ilkv 63 rr-64-0065 P,jaakya A. 1. and Prokharova. A. M. 1"IM-M-ANSPLACENTAL SME-EFFECTS OF 1. Barkalaya, A. 1. TETRACYCLINES ON T14E RABBIT FETUS. 119631 H. Prokhorova, A. M. 'Sp Ul. ATS-56Q72R Order from ATS $6.95 ATS-56Q72R IV. A asoclated Technical Servims, Inc., Trans. of #A-Albiodki (VSSR) 1963, Y. 8, no. S. East Orange, N. J. 1). 72B-732, DESCRIFTORS: *Toxicity, *Plitcenta, Drugs, "Embryos, Rabbits, OretracycHnes, A f~lllological Sclencea-Pharmacology, TT, v. 11, no. 3) DM# ol Tteinkil krvkti 0 'IIY-635') Conference on Air CoMitiouing In Industrial and Community Buildings, by B. V. Darkalov, Ye. Ye. Karpis, 5 PP, RUSSLU,, per, Vodosaabzheniye, i Sanitarnaya Tekb, NO 31 1961: PP 391 110- JL'R8 9537 USSR Boon - Soc ju3. 61 KtnetLco of ASWOOWt%WW-&V- Acid Maltru4l- LAUSW FolpWIMUM CC AWV2A= Urwo- CWbMB,p bY L He BUIUUM# Vs lo GQldaaWUyp et al., 3 zoo HUMMS pary D* Ak am* sswp~ pbw4ml Chemlstryp Vol MVp 1b 4,, Mr. Ajp 1964., pp 8B3-W5- CB sci *q 65 /06 ~iirkalcwv Wldvdanskiy. tit i1. 6 63-17M L K and God'd-old' L M A V IN RADIATION KLYMERMATMK 1, Barkdow, L K July 63, 6p. S7 rde, R. Gd*ssM V. L Order from ICE Ln v. 3. am 3. $ILOD/year M. lonroodowl choullcol BNOWUU& Now Yet% Tram of 10dralicheskiyal Procabibwnwel omig 1962. am 12 hx 859-963). Awdwr trSnL is avallAble from M $L 3D as 63-2L657, JM4608, 34 Apr 63, 19p. DESCRWMR&- *Ny=rLudm Ffw radcals, 24722 9 *VWy $utics, Oftftdas sffocM lad-elan Raft- , don 6mist" owiled "ooftII& *"vim& Pwnhuy. Tr. T. 10, mm 7) &u d Tn"d vo ion ma abier )rta%Ac '"CM,