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(FJW 19001) Polish Me Rmicaves-Im Ore. ~KJIW-1814 Saretraki, . ~.,. -11, ~ P=IR, m=ocmvh,-FAmctA Xmlae-MW4 No Ip Se "0 Od 1"Is"IMm# Wj# 1949p of pp 22-26. mr - Poland Eton TI 119 Field SJ G ; 11111schki, E.; liheinwoid, 11, PE ,HSONALiTY FACTORS OF DENIONSTIIATWN LEADERS 1. Barelss, 0. Dl,.~ Perscentichkelt des BeispielabetriebsIeltet It. liruschka. E. order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-12119 Ill. Eheinwold. 11. Trans. uf liahunheim. Wue t tenbergische Lche Anstalt. 11.chschulv. At,beiten (%Veqt Cermany) 009-21 1962. %I it 629 L j J 4' 'A i Z. I ~k, ALI. L I RaAiatioa Initiation of ChMn Branched Reactions and Its Sensitization) by E, V--~~) L, I* Kartasheva,, P. N. Kamrov., M. A. Proakmixin, 14 pp. rpt PCLM,xpm., Large Radiation Sources in Industry, Vol I. IM Cmrerenm Proceedinp,, 8-12 ft 1959j, pp 409-421. 9080671 AM* HarwaU mpj&-695 -7, R-VV Sci S8961 The Action Of I-Fadiation an the Oxidation of Sexadecan , by M. A. Proalpriminj Ya. L. Dmelaitsky., E. V.--BareLko, A. T. Slepaem.. 1. 1. Malekhonovs, 4. .07). FUSSIM, thrice-mo pery DA Ak Mwk S8SRp Vol CXII, bro 5, Jan/Fbb 1957, pp Ctmn1tants Bureau .5-~ Sci - Chemistry Dec 57 Sensibilizatioa and Suppresuiou of Radox Reactiona Under Radiolysisp by M. A., Prookurniu,, Vo D. Orekhov., E. V, Barelkop 22 pp. FuU translationa RLESSIANg bks Conference on Peaceffta Uses of' Atomic Energy Academy of Sciences USMs 1-5 Jul 1935#'Session of thdpiv of Cbexdcul Sciences 3 B u GPO 259 -w"2! sto Sci Nual-ear-Ohyst" *87 rpts for $350-00 u*,,~ of es for th,~- Rndlsl).tion of the O=Idation of Banzene.. by M. A. 2,.' V. Bare3lm, L. 1. Y'extesheva, 4 pp. I - , per, Dok Ak Nm-u% SsIOR, Vol.CXXIO Tio 4~ RUSS= rn Consultants Bureau ~ L - SO-, :3 (2/7 7 ~,, wature of ~hc laGoiuble Froauct Porm*d in the RsLdio- lytic OxIdation of Benzeno in Water, by E. V. 1. Kartesbefty M. A. Proskurnin; MIAN, pa . Dok Ak rkuk SSM, Vol cx": PO ILY I RL r 19 7, io PP 74-77. Corm1tants bm-eau Sci - cb= *P Oct 58 71Y0 -V a 9 V CaModom ari6Mftd YOM MA Ctbw RUM by A. BUM2144 Fromp PWR palletft do Lorawtut T"Uls a* pftnoo.. No 74p 1958o IV 47m7lo ran-M Tr 4a9 62 61-14513 Barella, A. NOTES ON THE MEASUREMENT OF FABRIC REGU 1. Barella. A. LARITY. [19611 8p. [refs. omittedl. Order from SLA $ I . 10 61-14513 Trans. of (PlIndustrie Text[ilej (France) 1958. (v. 75 no. 8551 p. 119-122. DESCRIPTORS: *Textiles, Test methods, Threads, Production. (Materials --Textiles, TT, v. 6, no. 1) 6144514 Barella, A. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE COEFFICIENTS OF 1. Barella, A. VARIATION OF DIFFERENT YARN PARAMETERS, (1961119p. [figs. refs. omitted[. Order from SLA $1.60 61-14514 Trans. of [1' Dndustrle Text[ilel (France) 1958 [v. 75. no. 8571 p, 267-272 and [no. 8581 p, 339-343, DESCRIPTORS: * Yhreads, Analvis. offivo of T*cwcl S*Mces (Materials- -Textiles, T-17, v. 6, no. 1)' 111f]LUMCO Of.TWIJA an woa Y&=' %y A- smsusip 10 IV- ulm"Umm 7jW=q Vuggtrlo 110 759. III, Ew - Fmce - fton Nov concepu Rau" to the Bdraeft of. Yarms by A. sumau. MWY,, pwo VWU Mut ftd&U do Fnwep VoL )MV, 1955, Pv k5-53- act Avg 59 3 P;J~ Evolution of the Methods of Keasuring the Iniformity of the Apparent Diameter of Threads,, by A. Barella. ITALIAN., per, Aim Textiles., So 3-9o 1956j, pp 62-77. INSDOO-T2098 Sci Au,g 58 S.:m6 61-14515 (3arella., A-, Audivert, R . and Viertel, L. APPLICATION OF THE MARGIN (RANGE) INTE- I - Barella, A. GRATOR TO THE STUDY OF YARN REGULARITY. 11. Audivert, R. (1961114p. ((r,!fs. 15 figs. omitted). [it. Viertel, L. Order from SLA $1.60 61-14515 Trans. of (I'llnJustrie Text1ile I (France) 1958 [v. 75. no. 8611 p. 577-585, DESCRIPTORS: *Threadi, Measurement, Olategrators, Quality control. Offito of T*v61cof Swv1c*% (Material-i-Textiles, rr. v. 6, no. 1) Theor:,~ of the I'Tari-riness of Yarns, by A, Pnxel I-P - T! .1771077-; Ir-greni erin TeKti.1 , No 120, -pp 21~6-20-' J. C-)7-10 1 -- ~Dc.,- ",q)-r t-~ 2 61-14046 Barella, Alberto. TINO PROCEDURFS FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF 1. Threads- -Measurement FABRIC EVENNESS AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS. 1. Barella, A. [19611 [71p. (S fig.. ornitted) 6 refs- 0:,-der from SLA mi$ 1. 90, ph$ 1. 80 61-14046 T=8. of Institut Textile do France. P~.. tim, 1953, no. 40, p. 63-74. Offles ~4 TwWcol Savi cat (Materials- -Textiles, TT, v. 5, no. 12) Bart,-11a,IMbLrto- 1 61-14516 NEW DATA ON THE PILOSITY COEFFICIENT OF 1. Title: Pilosity FIBERS. [1961) 6p. (I fig. omitted) 5 refs. 1. Barella, A. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-14516 Trans. of Inst[itut I Textile [del France. Bull[etin] 1954, no. 46, p. 69-75. a DESCRIPTORS: 'Fibers, Surface properties. Offica of T.d.1c.1 S.M-a T (Materials- 17, v. 6. nc,. 1~ .'Influence of the presence of colloidal silica on the Mechanical Properties of sized Cotton Yarns,, by Marin Miro Barella. 13 pp. PRENCH, per., "Influencia de la presencia de silice coloidal sobre las propeidades mecanicas de los hilos encolados de algodoWl. Dept of Modern Languages North C.-V*Glina State College Sci 'Feb 63 Tz'ddz' , CurrentB Generated in Solid Alternator Pole Pi^-ces by the Parasitic Rotating Fields of the Armattre Reaction, by Me G. Burello. FRE23TH, per, Hey C-an Elec, Nov 1955, Pp' 5-57- '4 570". ASLII-aR60 sci "'U8 58 11/1 j~ 't G-a the Motion of suspended Particles in a Turbulent Btreamp by 0. F. Bareablatt, RUSSIAN,, per,, Prik Matemat I Nokbg Val XVnq Mjj, PP P-71-274. SM M. 2758 Sai - Phys / JP0., 403 Z Jan 62 61-23311 Barenblatt, G. F. ON TIM MOflON OF SUSPENCED PAR71CLES IN A 1. Barenblatt, G. F. TURBULENT STREAM (0 Dvishenu Vsveshennykii IL DSIR LLU M.2758 Chastits v Turbulmnorn Potoke). [19611 13p. 14 refs. [DSIR I-LU] N1. 2758. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 61-23311 Um-dited trans. of Prikladnaya NLitematika i Ma