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loto-FUsion of Uranium NuolGi With Emission of -Lgbt,, Long Range Partieless by B. P, Bann1k, Yu. WX RMSIANv thrioa-vo per.. Dok Ak Nauk SSM* al CLU,'1955, pp 9W-999. ABC Tr 2380 -)eientific - Nuclear PbYsics ab 56 MS/dex S/,~ 1,547 Elastic Scattering of 8.7-Bev Protons by Photo- emulsion Nuclei, by B. P. bEAUjkjk.V. G. Grishinp M. Ya. Danyah; V. B. Lyubimov, M. I. Podgoretaky, 5 pp. RUSSIAN per., Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XXXV11, NO 6(10;s 1960p PP 1575-1582. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JM Sci - Physics Vol XXXVII., (io), No 6 .Tul 6o 0& ji,3gative Kepartiole CapturO with the EassiOU Of by B,, D. K. IbPYI-6v& A. NOMMOv PPO -gim r; Dok Ak NWk SBSP Vol =0 No 6 RUBSIM9 1.957, I)o 939-9 Amer InSt Of PhYs sov Ph" - "Poklmy Vol 110 NO sci .TUU 58 "916SLy Of thq S&jgm* by A. C6 L, V. shimovo st sli, RUSSIMO, Us siol2aJ4 s4dg~*p CFSTI TT 6 UW Bamdk.ov* Iftlo SCUM Say 67 339s$77 Tw SIOLOON or THE MW malm (TAX" FWWWA PALL)p W A, 06 MMINDV* M P* P. TM"Wjt a ppe - RMANS. pats = TrAw OVM NoLnumlyAt ND 98, Im. ~*D- 4958) BorI13 Stepanovich Matveyer, L. G. Bannikov: 5 pp. . .1 ... ~-- . 3MMIN. 4YU1 MMkOvOkOgO ObShch 16PYtatelOY :7..,Lroda,, Vol IXV; No 1p Jan/Feb 1960., PP 1-47-150. ipm 6793 USSR 1w 7 luos Mongoliat V. Antelopcs,.~~ RUSSIOP perm UwAstm Hoolt. Ob,-;hcb Isp Prixt Vt,l pj$ lio 3t 1951p pp 40-411. UWA scicatific - Diolosy CTB)= the lateasity of 'airwionce iii a (~as T-,Iow by the 7barrvolectric A. 1. rsmnikov. per, L;-vo3,r 0t i M4, PP F-100225 (sF-1658) Rural Electrification in the adnese Pwple I s Repblic., by B. Baimikov, 10 pp. HMM., perk Tekhnilm v Sellskm Xhoz, No 2., 1961.. pp 88-92. im 4599 FE Chim ECpI 150 -,/Or may 61 (E;r, -1923) 13=11 Capacity Electric Paver Plants in the CPR, try R B. M. Bamikoyj 6 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Shorgokhoz za Rabezhom,, No 3.. 1961,, pp 36-38- ipra 4980 ABia - China 7 Ncon oct 61 M44" Autw4aft JA tbb- JOK CO)d "=to 1w Oo N, hu%MUMo &# So OSAMWO 3 No MBSZW,# pWt XWO I =14 NO JLO# %A- ova ~~ Scd - w i= 6g WOmO63 lhe ectVlex Autaration 0 Coke Productionp by .D. N. Pantmtev., L. S. 1341mlllk*Vlv 4 ppe RUSBUN# perp K*o I Xbft., No 8,v 1960, pp 26-31- CTRh scl msr 61 . 1,V1 ~Pf4,0;2,, 10 s..4i6i (W-1") BDA Revievs "ftotecUm of tM SQMW Me Rem or mikas DestActice." by 14. amtkm# V. Owddat 5 RMSIn't 00 pff.. voyemy .40stoup no 80 mmovp Aug 197T9 pp 6640. Iftlitw7 . Antlat4ofts chmical becterlolegUal defewe Sci - Obamistryp Anti- AM 12. jL cam Off-3000) Tbndonqies In Development of Mactria Equipwnt of Motor Vehicles., by S. F. Bandkov, 13 pp. MWTAN, per.. Za Rulem.. ND 1,, pp 25-26, 'No 2,, 1962., pp 18, 19. im 1485 UBSR va/ Econ 5at - Xlectricity "Tun 012 Ikeflex CbRupe j-4 the vesmis of the iveave Of tj)o amen intAutim and Aetivity of the MU ,in the &bowpU= Proweep by No Hamtko=4. Rmsiut b Vol 48, pwo ulqLzh ll~o 3s 19629 pp 4-26-68 4uno 68 The I*oMmce of AlUwafta Imitability for the DMIlOpMat of a P*91m AbsM#on- Rftatlon in Relation to thO Act Of lb"s W N, A* Bodkovas 6 pp. RWSZW yor ftsUa z1ow No Ima Vol No As .1959,9 pp XWO Ap~ 60 liz the &wWuzk Kmy by Usba the Fatwr4Ab&nm by A. To bamwv, bt; 25 Let SibinkoV Zcm-alnoao r-auchno- lag ",3U W563 Una, Madicim 74 r :90V 1956 am/dw T of C and Review of Maintenan~e and Repair of Electrical. Equip- ment in Metallurgical Plants, by S. Ye. Bannov. 8 -oD. RUSSIAN, bk., Remont Metallurgicheskikh 504 PP. Elektrooborudovaniya Zavodov,, Moscow, 1957., Effect of Reducibility of Self-Fluxing Sinter on Working of the Blast Furnace, by A. M, Banuykh,, M. A. G. Heyasov. RUSSIAN, per, Stal, Vol XV, Ho 11, 1955, pp 963-0. Brutcher Tr 4014 49.80 qj- SCI - "Ung.-L 6 1) )1/ 7 Mar 58 Study of Properties of Acid Stafates of Potasaim., 7. S. Bamykb nnl xp. E. viinymsky.. 4 pp. RUSSIO.. mo pers Zhur Obobah-Mbf Vol IM, No 4; lqw 1956" pp 95P. emsultants bz*uu Iki - Chmiatry Peb 1957 CM/dex 44 cW Uto A.4t OZ ZaUng 0-a "449 Absi~,iptflcn a GlIverose and Chlovidea Jr, tha 6=11 Intastinisg b:F 6 yp. WR Invin?, X. 'R, 3cabsnuua, V.:J. =XI, No l2s, 1957t, pp n76-ii8e. Forg=n 58 x The Complex Reflet, Nature of the Absorption Reaction Associated with the Act of Eating, by N. A. Bannikum, 8 p. RUSSM, perp Fiziolog Zhur SSSR, imeni.. 1. M. Sechenova, Vol XLV, No 5, 1959, PP 567-576. pp Sci JaD 60 ErSdIcatIN CC POM-and-hiout.h UmMe A Wbmo by M. B. AdjoM A. T. BawV. 13 Rusam, per, - 5, 1%46 IV 39,,39. 9225046 USDA TV V-194 Sd - B & m sci Nov 64 2681%8 17~wzs of Eradicating the FoOt-cnd-!t,-ath DiseRae 'f~'T ,.Azoobinf, in the Kr&sncyarok Territory, by A. T. p"lus-STAN., jn--r~ Iret-a-ringriya, ~;Gl XXXVIII, NO.8- 1c," 1, 9,096831 -80 2 ODA 'Die Use of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Grown in Chick Fibroblast Tissue Culture as Complement-Fi)dng Antigen, b-jr G. G. Bamova, 5 PP - RUSSM-1, per, Voprosy Vinisolog, Vol VI, No 2, 1061, I PP Soc 200;094 imr- 62 Growth of Cementite Particles During Tempering of Hardened Carbon Steel of Eutectoid Composition, by 0. A. ~~ykh) S. Modin) 10 pp. .. RUSSIM., per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR) Otdel Tekh Nauky metall. i Toplivo., No 2) 1962, PP 71-83. sic Sci N6v 62 216,,483 Scientiftc-Technical Conference on High-Strength metals$ Steelsp sad Alloyss by 0. A. Bomykhe 6 pp. - - RUSSIAN,, per, Wtallovedmiye i Teraicheskaya abrabotka Metallove No 90 19620 pp 62-63. 9681627 FTDwTT-62e1889 sci-m/m may 63 ? a- qjr11 0-1 Cari~in Ragalaritiec; in the Formatiou oa: -Fhat~e ia Steel Iiith 18116 Cr an~' llisj~ 7, .n.. 3.1 im. 0, A. vidi RiSSIM, blk, Iazledovaniya po Zh9ivpmc)mym splavml moskva~ vol vT., ig6op PP 187-194. 9671465 IM TO FEM-1021/1 sci midmetal 175, 2d-j- 'fachrlical :md vle Irva PwL~ steol lujustry, by ciarnoi "'Ota. ~rik;U i,..AAcow. INTO Cl ,.-!Ar (DO--6776i Econcudes of rron and Steel in the U3M., by Mikolay Favlavic Viktor Borleovich BmIskiyr~,worigorlyevieb re" I Iz 2w pp. RUSIBUN,, bk, laronoWke Cherucy Motallurgil 1-960., o 183-23.5., JPRB 14147 ic,. - M. r, /Mt I W S q,,,5- cost ed &MAl"W A=Isl& in bon and sted fraftettwo tv N, P* Ivn9to XWWw bk# D�98kx obwaA- I 196L cim V, m;am- - t,)-) /) /.- (-, --)c "L" I 11, Sal/Wbav A SocUa S4d Al*%68 35ime study of the Technical 4nd Economic =211 Characteristics of Stainless Steel ProductiQ by V. A. Romanetsj, N. P. Dwinyi, et &I. RuSSIAN,, per,, is Vysob Ucheb Zaved Chern bbt No 3, 1963v pp 197-205. RB S168 Sci-Materials 0 Metallurgy July 65 ~2,3!5~ TWA" ProgrM Wd T"MM in go UtUtaIkUCU 09 Fudo at summewam"4y~ . a by A. A. PedOtOve NbEP&W=&J'4t 94 10;C R . Mr. LIM -AN&SMM a b%mL, ;g twi,96io Ipp =47M IM23673 Eli Gunglia ill %Jfe Centl'al Ileriv-Dwe 0-~' VI!v Vvj I 604-7U6, AL.-r o7 U 4 SO SR J-11!7/'6P 'low IX I - aza Kiliailovic Was Aa-rested, by Gojko Banovic, Kosta Stepanovic. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SERBM, np, Politika, 5 Aug 10,62 - Approx 5 Sep 1c,162, ai?Pro,:- 30 PP- O~JTRS/J= IIY-7234 12m, - YugosltLvia Pol - Bio~, Sep 062 08wral ugtkd tw i - Rindn' tbe 20werstaft 3tabluw of smautu cleadtai tw L. Sumo's IMW4, per# va vM 4hn IWv 0 93-M- *ACU SAO" ID 20=0T67 L. Bansagi SOL-9164tr Jkr 67 jkaadiLkov, V. M. and Abrrwnova, A. G. THE INTEARELATION OF PSYCHOCENIC AND SO- MATIC FACT)DRS IN THE PICTURE OF A PARAw NOID REACTION (0 Walmodeletvil Polkhogennykh I Somatogennykh Faktorov v Kartinye Paranoidnoi Re- aktsii) tr. by Eve Chinitz and R. S. Eineberger. [19611 [11~. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-15341 Trans. of Zhurnal Nevro~atologii I Psikhlatril (USSR) [1959, v. 59]p. 1001-t004. DESCRIPTORS: *Psychoses, *Psychosomatic med- icine, Blood sugar, Hypoglycernia, *Reaction (Psychology), Insulin, Shock therapy. 62-15341 1. Banschikov. V. M. 11. Ambrumova, A. G. (lk-havioraiSciences- -Psychology, Tr, v. B. no. 9)_ Office of Techalcal secdcos (BY-6503) Treatment of CerebrovascUar Diaeases With --!*nVRl Disorders With tha Usa of Now Drup, ,,y V. M._Banahchlkov, G. K. fteaeov, 46 pp. RWSIM, brochuar.. Lacbeniya NovyU Lekarstwennpal Orledstmd SoauUstyA ;L.ab'icavanti Golcmogo Mozaa I a Nith -.-R-WAMM Kmmaherlymi; 196ox pp 3-37- JMB 14206 Sci - Med Y. ~tTmt 62 The Interrelation of Psychogm3le and Scmatic Fact in the Picture of a Pa,.wDld Reaction, by V, H. Banacblkov, A. G. Ambrumam, 10 pp. RUSSIM, pery Zbw Navrop&W I PsM Imem, S. B. Korsakova, pp 1001-1W4. Fm X4682 Bel - Mod jul 61 61-18495 Bansen, H. and Krebs. E. T11,E VALUATION OF THE CHARGE FOR THE I Bansen, H. PRODUCUON OP PIG IRON IN 71M BLAST- U Krebs, E. FURNACE. Rept. no. 192 of the Blast-Furnace III Title: Verein... CommiEtee of the Verein Deutscher EisenhUrtenleute. f 11611 29p. 1.3 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61-18495 T).ans. of Archiv Mr das EisenhUttenwesen (Germany) 15,40, v. 14, Sep, p, 91-103. D.'FSCIUVrORS: *Iron, *Blast furnaces, Production, C:)sts, *Iron industry, Cast iron. (Jnannounced) OFS" *I Tcw Cal $evvice& Now Ways of AvoldUg Neopmo1osses In Blast, Fumee mW opm Roartbo by goftwon. amwat par# stahl and z1gon't Vol IMS 1937,9 PP JMeber Tr 559 Scientific - Mlu/*%aU The Prodution of -Steel Fm Pig Iron and Semps, by R. kneas OMM perp Buhl mfi Bien# Tot Ulm, lo 13,p Ism. , RMabor Tr 1559 scleatiric - MiU/NOWN $3.40 SWriewes With 8tatImary mcd T:L]Ltuw Oi~i. ffeartb Furnaces With Mixed Gas fiestingp by 1. Bousno per, Stahl und Usmp VbI Us 1931a pp 909-995. 3ftUhff Tr 32 scientinc - KIR/me"Is $3.80 TW Correlation of the Reuw4rcm" Wltkk am U.StOrla" . POMW -an& Prodwtlft BoamcmW* by Migo mwen4 U VP. GUM# pw* Sti~a =a 31scup Vol LIXs No 27* 6 JU Iggs 3*., ST3 s,L.A. so 10/W6 fidieutific - Mmrals/wtals `horr J- - W I . - a py "lie yfelitcl. Homyltaic D4 %Illc by V. M. Danshchl !-cv, -Port"-O -iSSUIN, per.. 7,hur Nevropotalog i Psikb: Vol NX, No 1., 1:1,151, p 1". SLA 60-13 3710 V o3y TV, No 2 (FDD 20172) ' Ph"loicalwl Trendo In Ruselm PBYCWAtry, b B=shchg!g~ 50 pp. RUSSWP bUw per., S"r*petol. I - fttkblats Vol LMx go 7,0 Ymcc#,p Jul CTA/PDD/U-5625 UEM Sci - Vad mw 54 CTS , (NY-65;03) T,reatment of Gerebrovascul-ar Diseases 'With !4-trtta'l lArordorm With the Vae of &w anw, by V. V. Banahchikov, G. K. Marasov, 46 pp. RU3SM'I, brochueer, Lecbeniye Bovymi lekarztv,ennrd S14(adotyvai Sosudistykh ~y I ."aolctvanll Golovmgo Mozga I a Faikh NmmsbeviYami, 1960Y PP 3-37. im. iApo6 Sci - Wd atm 62 Artmrlooclaro-~Ic lFoychoaasi 01: volz~;'-BL 14tarature Published During 1940-195-6v by V. M. Benshchikov,o 0, V. ftoliarov. RUSSIO, per, Zbur Nwropatol Pslkblat,, Vol TMI, Moscow, 1991 PP 1044-1050- Nm 2T5 Sci - Mod Sep 58 Tbaropy in tbo )*IIUI Itoopitals of the USSR$ tvy v. ob A.M. RapMon , UWL pors.,Xovropatol I P411ch, rlyap Val XXP IQ 10 1"20 p 32. DBIR LUJ X,=7 sat - vAd mar 60 P~ychic Changes Induced by Cortisone and Adranocorticotropic 11o=one (AC11i), by V, M, Banshchikov, et al. IWSSIM,tper, Zhur Nevwtologii i Psikida i imeni -5. S. Korsakova, Nlo 58, 1958, pp 1269-1274. -45-64 (Lom) Jul 65 (FDD 20226) D"elopmat of the Tbo=7 of Neryum in tbe umap- by V. M. Saushobikovo, 88 pp... RMIMP nono7owhs Rawitt" ut V ~ ~ecbe~st"nnoy -3- so 980 29,0 MSR Sci 14F.4s nerviam MW 54 CTS Aj " I, j I Pataosium Metaphoaphalt-e by bkalln Of , 1,11, 11 futu .011 0 1 kc',alt Additiona. bv S. 1. Voltfkovic%,, T, A. Ban'- chikova., 7 ",p I~USMT,Aii, per,, i-aur Erik ilim, Vol. Mil, NO 5, .19'X)lp 941-91-7- Consultants Bl=au un, ~j ~79~6 m . momw imm "am" Ida ft"Mm MMUt IW T* Bmdkft 9e $="a is bdiket 10 we ,&W~p pwo fto FAMN UN& vu #t0 1b 16 ff 3090306 JUMMOON Z-1a; 13-1c,' 336#30D a" Aw . 961 4oft tw Y. awfishoo JAPARMp pwp Am Eaft Zomble Vol 64v No 6* 1961# yp 1061-1066* AU JS-V* Feb 69 373*8W NCH-200 943 - Field 7C gansho. Y. Sindd, S.; Salto, L . STUDIES ON THE CHELATED AZO-PIGMENTS DERIVED 1. SeizalnLro Aoki, FROM 2.4-DUIYDROXYQUINOLINE. 28 Apr 65, 15p Fuliflawa (Japan) (ft, omitted) 11refs. SA-KKZ-63-8-1. Orler from SA: $22.00 SA-KKZ-63-8-1 Trus. of KoUo KBg&ku Zasshi (Japao~ v63 n8 p1390-4 Iffo. A lit 8 CL id I ~tfilf 199 1 FAM rL MUM slumlo, Yoswel Sek*UCK Taw^ am S=*4 63-18741 WMAL 1. 7Uk C4Mr phtWo- SYMMM OF COMR PlfMLOCYAIAM SLL - cpnine sulftm FATE AND M PROMRUM 5 at Rwites of 1. ftn6o Y. Fbftt--)=k* orpudc [17p), erds It. SeUrichL T. Order h= SU $L 60 63-18741 M. Simow S. IV. TW& SbAffies.. TOM cc Kogyo Kapku Z&=M %W) 11%2] v. 65. um 1% p. 2D13-2DI7. DESCMME* -Djts, "palc$V=ta~ *Pkbok- memlftvudc cpalues CwmcQmpcwx14 smuwes l , colmpoun&6 Syndwals(che-lotrA ckwcmlpxopft- de% Rwdcal prqwxtla4 MoleeWar atricture, X-ray diffroedwaraly" Ukared Wbw wpper pbdodoc)=Ine ramas with umUbud wl- fitric acid In *dMble orpdc edvents ft &WfM LB selaratea 7be sWbt vu apprated In pure form by rea2ming dw ouNuric acid avadod to kt crystda. In ' 81flet W TicMksl Sankes (Chemletry--Orpnlc, rr. v. 10, m 11) (over) 1 63-1" Suzuki, Shigeru and others. Aft NYSOVOiF STRLA=RE TO CRY STALL IN E 1. Bansho, Y. TRANSFORMATION GROWTH IN MIXED K"ALO- H. Sizukl, & CYANINE PIGMENTS. PT. 3 of Pulialocyanine Organic Ul. Mtlw. FhdWocyardna Pigment Study. 119631 10P. 2 rds. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-16644 Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku Zasabd Qapan) 1962, v. 65, no. 12, P. 2ODS-2009. DESCRIPTORS: Oftftlocyanines, *Pigments, *Copper compounds, *Crystallization, OTransformatiou, Crystal structure, CoWlt compounds, Iron compounds, !"gan .Titanium cornpauWa, Chlorides. Crystals of metastable coW phthalocyanive un&Tgo crystalline transformation in an aromatic solvent and grow into stalile alongated'wedle crystals. In order to Improve this property, mixed pipmas were preipared (Physics-Solld State, TT, v. 10, no. 7) (over) an d f 10140 Antidiuretic' Substam in Bar Fat Bodleo# by W* Dwsen.9- 5 ppa H. (Mr=., per, I-lin vebwthro Vol =0 NO "2., 16 NOV 1953"- ~r'p -0 c?~ Itaientific - Biology, S 00 CTS/DXX (ST-1271) Tenth'Amiyarsary of tbia Mam Um SactaUst koteur Refto Movesms br Fenno !!!Lw#j 5 pp. iv.mwm, per, udid"baimt Val Xt so lop 1*p pip 402 291. aW 4333 Nil ub 61 li~at-ter Work and High Quality., by_A_. Ban 4 RWISIAN per,, Grazhdansfm,,ra Aviatsiyay 1,160 1958o PP 3-4. ATIC F-TS-9346/vu USSR Econ-Aviation X Artificially Ormm Kff2PO4 Crystals as Frequency : Stabilizers# by W. Bantle# 2 ply. MVWjp per, Iblv Phys Acta# Vol WIt 1943o pp 207-2D9. MA 57-2192 sci MY 58 ~ g 02 //~' j Filters of Exceptional Band Widths Obtained by Means of Grown Crystals, by W. P. Scherrer, 14 WRW or,, Schweiz Arch IN Wise u Tech,, Vol XI, o 6, SIA Tr 57-629 8ci - BlectrIcIty Aug 57 09 JVA Too 9-C dd 06%t 19 og tM= TOA tPU I TOTS %GdgU Wa ""d limsim .dd It 'tVM*9VM 'M *H A "TM =4 il=Mg Twr4uM ;o onme 9 04 X"A* vw tow "WT%Vuoa moorkell an " modw ramom 00 ;o QOOTMNOO Isotopic Exchange of the Chloride ion With Some Org c Chloro -Compounds., by A. N. Bant ,,ani I-- _ygh,,_ EX Ya. D. Zellvenskiy,, 3 PP. RUSSIAN., per, Zhur Fiz YJ3Jm,, 111oll, 1962, PP 57-62. Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd. Sci Nov 62 P161404 13 MEE (% M,' -3784) ,Saviriz of Raw Material to Roducc Cost P.:J.ccS in lAuriber Industry, by C. &,nanoil, S. Banu., 19 pp. RUM-ANTAN, p-er, Prableme 2conomice, Vol MLI: Tio -L~ :1.960, Bucbarest, --OP 18-33- JPRS 5101 IKE= - R=aania I - Conutrurz-bion 0 ikug 60 RodUctiM of HM5ln$ ConStMatiOn Cbsts.. by S. (Vk zkr$ 248) MEAZVJ,, per Problem Ecommicev Buebanst., pAr 19593 pp t;z- - . "AIFW am 2166 Maur - PAU=nie Reort MY 59 Application of PraclplWte E=bange Reactions in kia4tical Chemistry II Determination of Chloride Ion by Laszlo Erdey Eva Banyai, 17 pp. HUMARUN., per# Acta Chimica, Vol VIIIg 1955 PP 295 AW - MA 59-1r-652 Sei - Chem Sep 59 Application of Precipitatis BxcWuee Reaction in Axalytical Chemiu%xy Ip by_PL4_PLPy"8 Laszlo Erdeyp 13, RP - . . ... My4MIAll; Actu Chi-ii.ul Vc,.L V]:Il# 1>55* Py A-394. sLA 59-io656 So i - Chem Sep 59 ~ 0 1, P 1 )00 1 ? ~7 4~~ Advances in the Field of Phosphortitrile Polymers, by L A. Gribm, U. Ban-Yuan', 14 pp. IlLwasIAN, per, uspew Xhim, Vol XXX, no .1, 1961, 1 pp 3-30. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci /1,700, 96-j -, Dec 61 Tue organization of PrIvaft boatAMI I'A Cer.=ay, by k, 4 Smshaf, 23 p-po par, gavue do la 9"igatiou Intelteure at ww""'O No Its 25 Sort# INII pp 69S-702* W A V, 109-0 7 -A ell (DC-5903/1.) To Raise the Crop Yield and to goou=imop IM 'by ~~Sg*A- Bagus JSM=j Otm-Wabi, 3 ipp - ap, Unou, 9 Apr 1961, p 9. J ~792 4/7 sep 61 4' 'DO-5332/4) Cultural Achievements During the Put Shree Years.. by ~~Djoh Glang) 5 VV. vwnumm, op, M= Dw, 1 i= 1961, p 6. im 8s56 FE - Vi at== SM / 6 /, S,-(' -~ ilug 61 A Fev Opinions on Axtintle Crltlclsm, by-,leg& Muh 01=gp Dong Real,, 10 yp. V RAN=,, per,, N&Uen Cdu Van Hoc,, No,n,, 1960, yp 1-9. i JPHS 4650 N. Fs - Vietum 514 hi~ soc 4 J~m 61 W-5= (017-D) RiCt4gry MA ft)CtlCnB Or US CatMI-1118terical- ftogmpblc Hemarch Coudeadon In North Vlwt~p by 15UPA DwP VIMWM* OPP TO Qmj, lb U7# HDOCIP 26 D" 1958# Bumij. pp 22s 23. J= 733-D 79 - North Vlatma, Soc - Research arpaintlen hn 59 0 On the Effect of Rate of Dofornation and Relaxation on ln+masl Friction In Alumin=,by Men Rhuu-i, Bao 6aWk1w, L. I- Vasillvevy 3 PP- RLED-1310., per, Dok Ak flault SSSR., Vol CXYXII, Fo 3o 1956, PP LW5-. Amer Itle't of phys Sov Phys - Doldady Vol lyl~ No I A.ui)roximatc Representations and Mctreml Problema of e=quasiconformal Mappings, by Cheng Bqp.7~ong, 10' 10 1) - CHEME, 13e.-, Acta Methernattica Sinicaj Vol XIV, ,,.,o 2., 1964, pp 2-12-PIT- Lmer I-lath Soc Vol V. Blo 2 Rermtory productsm yomuon of amts) Rlopp and Bal I p by A. Dmounp, Oxw-- , 29 pp. "JIL% POrp RNOYAMAZUv"Ongtructlon at Trav pwaj No 45Tj Oct 1953s PP PP 324-328; No 459, Dee 1953, PP 343-345. . MA Tr 57-618 J-a~ g d / Sci - Engineering Sep 57 Me Tequnlque of Retarding and AccelemUng the Setting of Flaoter., by A. Baoman. Pm=,, per., Ravto Deis Haterialux., No 497., 1957., pp h2-51. OBIRO 3630 1sci - Ugr / ~Iz , afe Apr 62 'a. A~Orkt vi t4 VJi ok- Art a /~3 open and Tvane- formw Sub~tAUaaft tV L. 9, BaprUdo=g ve L 'Answe 62 Ept RMWO, tke amw*ft" suwwz a a mmmo Vol 20 19591 PP 152-485- JPRS 48399 Z /V. t"I Sol-Enara Omw (no%-prop) Jul 69 396g405 Malysis of Uranim and Swrlm Couplm Ores by or Sol Gma AaUvitro by A. X. MMMP PWr, P/976, Proceedings of latermt Cmferenoo an PeaceM fteis of Atmic Awwa Bold at Geam 8-26 Aug 1955.t Vol VM. matermati cour -- in eT.A 3.-W.g.i6g ti J-6 Novel bullet for Avlatlonp Tanksp Autmobilesp Machine Gima; eta., by Lucien-Wemie-Era-U-Jesn- &tptlotej I p. PREZIO: Patent No 513*606- US Dept of Commerce Patent Office Sci Lib (Gift) SOL - Engineering Mar 1957 ON/dex Im 8xperiments an the-Top Blowing of Metal Baths, Based on Wdels, by V, I. Baptizmanskiy, RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vyssh Ucheb Zaved Chenxn Not, No 10, 1962, pp 31-41. HB S784 , Y.-Wm '2 il Z' 6 * ~ It Nov 63 TV- Atoda and IcaU R&Ui in Solutions at Righ TamperAtUrSS by'V. I. 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