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Nin-ttf7,7 ~)f th-- c).-L' .'supentenes, b P P, Sbcb,~-,,Ioira , A. A. Bulandirt; Bcgdan ova R WS: I LIN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CM, IX2 No 5, 3959, pp 1071-'~' CB Sci 4-2,17g cict 6o 7 rrilcal Study of the Active Centers of b-- P, "Brilandin, L. I. Klabunovskiy, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, F Vol MIX No I 3.959~ pp 102-104. CB E!ci 7 -5 Oct 60 -1 QrA .1 J. i-~-~cnium; Oy iax- 4 o-o, JLTj ncl, A , per t io5g; pp '105-798- Scl oct 60 !'reparation of Divinylbenzene by Catalytic Dehy- of fteo ~hylbemzene, by A. A, Balmdin, -au# Druaovp Go Sbu=ap Vo Xq Naru4 Selmovich, To K. IaYmvjMys# V. X. MikhMlovekiyp L A RUPLAN,, per,, Zhur Prik nim., Vol XM I j, No Up .1,9591 pp 2366-2570 CB Oct 60 Conf IgLtion-3 Relatimships Wrtng Stemospeciftu CatalWis, by A. Ao BP~Laqdiup Eo L iaai~=vskiy, .m. i. Potrov, RUSSIANp per# D* Ak nauk SSS-R. Vol CMII., No 3;, .PP 557-560- CB Sol o2 Au,g 6o flydrolytic Hydrogenation of Celluloae, by A. A. I,alandin, ff. A. Vasyuniaa, S V. Chepigop G. S Ilarysheva, 4 pp. IIUSSIAN; perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXVIII, No 5, 1959j, pp 941-944. CB Sci - Chea Plep 60 Ila 7, ~Vl c A. -Sorption -ion, b, thC-, LIN D'P-Uuju vu~ 113, !,~Ardas.10V9 J., A. Baland-in vol MnIV-r-T., C TI & '3, of 'Btitadiene by Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Dvttanu-Biitylene Mixtures in the Preoence of Water Vapor. by 0. K. Bogdanova, A. A. Balandin, A. P. Sbcheglova., 8 pD. 19USSU.N., p-er., Zbur Obsbeh Kbim, Vol XXIX, No 7, 1959, pp 22o4-2211. CB Sci iLug 6o Kinetio Determination of the Energies of the Bonds Formad by Hydrogen, Deuterium, Carbong Oxygen, and Nitrogen atoms with Zino Oxides by A. L, Balandin,.I. D. Rothdestvenskaya, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol =V,'Ro 4, 19600 pp Cleaver-Hume Press Sci Feb 61 of -S-',,--zyr2e3 and Ovptically ACfAim? Cntal,,v~--rz Prom i.iw. .36aadpaiut, of tile Yaltiplet TileOr" Of cat-~UysiGj by A. A. Balandin E. 1. -ocr, Zhur Fiz I'lim, Val Mill. NO 'L1, I C.;qO Selectivity of Actioa of'NieKel Deposited on Alumin= codde Catalymets, by N. V. Boruaova, A. A. Balandia., L. Kh. Freidlin.. 4 pp. RUSSIM, per, Zhur Obsbch,Khim,, Vol XXIX, No 5t 1959o pp 1409-1412. Consultants Bureau Sci jul 6o IMBIRT12 Poll', A~z ymjk~ 3.958~ Vol (WTITT, 740 1" ISLA 5Q-)-7437 6 U Fab 6-0 Voll 2,v Tt"u 10 ot' .-Trou-Chromium Catalysts in tion and Dehydration Reactions of lsopropyl Alcob.o,l, by A. A. Bal p.~J n~ et all. 1 Z U 3 D "U.-, M4-. Piz Xhim Vol X)MI!, ATS 61-12673 _A "la dinA-- A- Kukina, A. I., and Malakhova, - ye. X 1. Butyl sulfide--Decomposition CATALYTIC DECOMPOSITION OF Di-n-MML SUL- I . Balandinj A. A - FIDE ON a-Fe. (1960112p. 11. Kukina. A. 1. Order from ATS $16.60 ATS-95N47R III . Malakhova, Ye. A. IV. ATS-95N47R TrablS. Of *Z110r[w11J Fizficheskoyj Khinifiil (USSR) V . Associated Technical 1960, v. 34, no. 9, p. 2030-2046, Services, Inc., East Orange, N. (Chemistry- -Organic, '1717, v. 5, no. 7) 61-22001 Wandin, A. A.. Rabdefftirensbylt, I. D., aw Slinkin, A. A 1. Chrondum oxt&o,- EFFECT OF VARIOUS GAS TREATMENTS ON 71iE Catalytic properties CATALYTIC AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF A 2. Chromium oxides-- CHROMIMI OXIDE CATALYST. (196115p. Magnetic properties Order from ATS $7.45 ATS-38N48R I .Balandin, A. A. 11. Rozhdeatvenskaya, I. D. Trans. of Akad[enilya I Nauk SSSR. 14*Jady, 1960, Ill. Slinkin, A. A. v. 134, no. 1, p. 110-113. IV. ATS-38N48R V. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. omce *1 T."Cw swvf-. (Chemistry --Physical, TT. v. 5, no. 10) Oa The TbA=sa lcuizatioa of A"romm and Xydro- carbona In the Pivuenm of lbt&3'llc Catalystas by P* Go IN=Ovl A. A. Bal "di" MWDJ.. per., Dok Ak TkUk SM., Vol CM~ 90,111 190.. pp 727-730. cowuluate Bumau Sai - Cbsm MY 59 of the Catalytic De-hydro,,7:.MR-l;An-q of Hydrocarbons and Alcohols Over Ketallic Rhenium, by A. A. Waruhu.. E. 1. Karpeisks, ys, A. A. Tolsto~y-at6iii-)-g-W%' FUSSLAN, par, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXKIL No 2, 19582 pp 227,-L'30- CB Sci - Chem Oct 59 a the Aceltql~,nic Bond lu to vp- Lsthyleni-a Bond Over Ni&;ol by L. Mi. Fveidlln> A- 11, De--laadLI~ 1IT3slp.N. par., Do,-, AL, iiauk -s-SES111, Vol M- IN, ild 3 iq5q~ pl? 598gPOt-601. coasultaZIA;ez, Buzeaul, palt 'Tim GO Orrf e of Mtalllc j,crcjj_ng Djej:,gy Betveen the wAc catayste and Carbon, brY S.L. Kiyerpany A.A. Bc~!~~ 1~ PP. RI rz;SIPLII, per, Zhur FIZ falt", Vol X)OMII, No 9, 1959; PP Cleaver-Hum Press Available Br 5 LibrarY ci jun 6o 11-7 '~ 7.2 Effect of the bloleculw stvuctt= Of Ca A-lo&-tDi on t.13o Xtmticg of its Cam=icmt4-ou 3. Ccapsabou of Rezu-1ts for Verims i%lccbo2a,. by A. A. 0. K. F==., per.. It Ak HmA =p QW1 Valm Umix, ED _Ivor, pp M-915. Slei Ch= 116 Mv Therraokp~apbic Investigation of the Regeneration Of CEromiu:,-, Catalyst'.,. by T. V. Rode, A, A, nd! n; 6 pp. 0 IUSSDINI) per., 4,hur ObGhch YChim, Vol "'XV111, No ll~ 1958, pp 2909-2914. Conaultant'-s Bureatz Sci Dec Catvl~-Uc Properties of Cerium Dioxide in the Dehyri-d0deaation and DehydraTivn of Alcohols ancl in =1(A. Dehydrogeaatioa of Cyclohexane, by A. A. Tolotopyatova, A. A. Balandia. I?USSIIU,i, per) Zhar FIz lChim, Vol =I!, No 3, 1958) nr, 18-31-1841- ATS RJ-1903 Sci - Maen, 59 Catcviytic ~Pnrerttics of Tungotate Bromzc-3. i-rl, A. A. :Balandiplj. F. Sokolova,- 9 pp~ RUSSLAN, per) Iz Ah Nsuk SSM., Otdel Xhivi Nsuk~ NO 2. 1959.. pp 21-4-224. ConGultants Bureau Sci - Chem ... Apr 6o Y. 1" 2 1,;7, of -i Wickel Catalpt Prepered by the Ejacci2pocitioa of i Double Magnesium Ilichel Por=te; yj L. ". Freidiinp A.A. Balmidint X.G..Rudnevap 60 pp I M5310, per, Iz Ak Vmukp WSIIp Vad*l Kbis Nauko Ila 4, 195-1, pp 4305-442. Co=ultamto Bureau' Scl - Chas [pay 1959 f 17,, ao 6 -1~1 ~va Catalysts. Ta,2 ZahydratiOn Ofn CyclchQY~- Radiosct~ .1y"algat"Z50 by gapasium ani p. Ddbrosa-T-"-ii-t fultbaileao, 4 py. p,jr,GjA,,,j, porp D.)X Alt Healk SSSR) Vol crd) No 3., 1956, PP 495A9" con,3ultants BLweau Sol sop 59 ~,, --, C, --4. 1, -alytic Alkylation of n -Butane by Ethylerie a,k-, up #i T,4xperatures and Pressurcs,~ by N. M. Nazarovap A. A ina L. Ma. Freydlin, 6 pp. .-, - Beru-N-A RMSUN, per, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR.. Vol CUI,, No 5s ,Lq~Sj, pp 865-868. 131A 59-3-0517 Sal - Ch 59 voi,aj No 2 l'ormUou of Carbon Dioxide lu Lhe Frepuratlou ot llutadieus.* I:rom Sutaue-;But-mm'KiXtu"8#- oy As At B. Noima$ 0. No BoSdasovs, - Go V Nuagu1jantst A. P. Sbr-beglova, ;. 1. Popov, 4 pp. RUSSUB, per, lz Ak Nauk BBSR,., Otddl 11du Nauk, Ito 3P 1957Y pp-270-273 consultants 90au -Cbam AT S' " z "33 *J4 59 ell ~r ~O / =act of the Holeall Structure of au Alcobiol on tan Xinetlcs of lu GCMUAACQ,- tion 2o c4-C Alc()bols, by 0. X. Bog&uxw*.. A. A. W"., A. 1. UcbqPM, 6 pp. " MMMITO rr. p It Ak Iftul SMj Mal Mda FAukp No 7,. 19572 PP 79.$-~,, Balaft act - Chem Killet-tIC6 Or the CaUlytlC Raftciglou of organic! o;-oxides av4 Hydroperoxides), CoMmIcatiOu I ify4roganation of m.a Dimethylbentyl Sydropero- x1da, Z-a-Dimthylueasyl ttbyl Peroxide, =d 3A.-TetrabyAg&I Xuph%byl Hydroyeruldep q A:.-A. Baj&v4jjk,, 1. Eft. ?"lilin, N.Y. Nikiforova, vy d RMISIO, perp la Ak Rauk.. &MR# Mel Xhim Nsuk.. 110 4, 1957, 99 443-450- Conmitants B=e.Au sci - Chem 5;7 gy MY 9P 59 The Eaergy of Boniing or a Nickel Catalyst with Oxygen, hy S.L. Kiperian, A.A. Balandin, O.R. . DavAova) 3 pp. wwom~ ". , BMW, per, Zz Ak Muk SSSR, Otdel Khitt Rauk,, NO 9, 1957) PP 1129-1131- - CousuLtants Bureau Sci - Cben Har 59 Sr7,, 1~6 Wfact of the Molecular Stracbm of an Alwhol on tb* Q=Ucs of Its DshydropmUon. Cammlco~tl=.I* Cg sa C Alcabolas, by 0. 1. B081=m, A. A,* iaczz A. P. shchgalova, .8 yv. b4~-Mt4vw F=10j, yw.. Iz Ak 00* SMp,Otd91 Mft Neut.. No Tj .1957p pq 787-794. Consultizu Barom SCI - Chm, ft 59 Thermoobotsical Detersinstion of Bond Norgies coommication 1. SU-0 BNA ftergles in-Tetra"thyl- oind Ttttaotbb 4. - I. XUtunov- ,.Iltino by A. A Balaafta 3 okly,' M. P. Kozlosj 0. D. Ulj==a,,Tppe HIM10, part Is Ak NaukSOSRO Otd*l MAn 'Fauk,, Nq 1, - 1958, pp 12- IT. Cowultants Bureau sci - Chem may 59 5(6; Usd of Wiocarbo f or Comparing the Rates Df Debydrogftmtion of Butane and Butens., by A. A. '9a-l&UUA' 0. K. BOOWWVR, G. V. IsagAiants.0, .X. B. Ney"DO 3. 1. Popov, 5 pp. RUSSUN, per, 1z Ak laukS86Rp Mel I Xhim ftuk~ to 10, 1938p pp 18-23 Cwwult=t* Bureau Sci - Cben Iky 59 bvestigation of tba Vapor-Phase Eodrolqaim of- Chlordbevzene tn' Preteme of A PhOSRmte catalystp 1. Irh. Freidlln, A.A. Balandinp O.A. Trldo=p pp. RISSIAN, per, Tz Ak ftuk G=j Mal Khim Nauk, No 11, 1957, Pp 1.32a-1332 cc=uitantc Buavau 59 3f feet of Fine Vibrational 1411ing on the Activity of I-Raney Nickel,, S.L. Kipeamp A.A.'Dalandin,, I.R. Davydom RUSSIAN,, pw,, Is Ak Nauk 680,, Otdol Vda lank,, No 120, 1957jp PP 1482-0 1463 comultauts Dwre" Bel - Chas may 59 0 w Dehydrogomtion Of Butane-Butone Mixtures XoirootigRted A " X. D. Key=, With the Aid of C14 A. A, BmlagL-tr K. Bogdanovam 0. V. I01"liantop A. F. Uphoglove., L. Popovp 10 pp. RUNIAM,, Derp It Ak Sauk 8W. Otdel Mda Sauk, Ro 2j. i957, Conoultanto Bureau sc~ - Chen May '59 0) Vapo'r-Pbase Eydrcil7sla of lkl6beasenes 07ar, a Prmted ftooAmte Cat*lpt,# by L. Sh. fteldlinp A. A. BilarAin., G. A. Frldmri, 5 pp. RUSSIAN., pat,,, It Ak Nank SM,, Otdol Ed= ftuk, No 2j 1958, pp 145-1-51. 301 - Chow May 59 Ude-of-Radio*on.for-the Investigation of the Macbm2ism of the Dehydra#ou of fthimol Onr, AluminAP(Ae A. balwAiN G.T. Isagal,"ate#. S. J,yu- 1. Dc-irse-utsev,, a. L VinogrWiow., 3 pp. n RMSM, per, Is Ak Nauk SWRO O%d*l Exim Neat No 2s 1956,, pp 233-235 Sci - Chan MY 59 q MmUcs of the CatalytIc ReductIon of Peroiddam aiA Rydrop~roxidag# Comawde ition 2. Wrogewtion of BewmQR Peroxide, tert- Butyl- ftroxyftatntep ApdmVeroxide, bjA. 4. Da'arAlup L. Xh. RUNTAN.. per# Xz Ak Nauk SM., Otdel Xbim Nauk, consultants Bureau 301 - Chen *7 59 Prepamtim of Zoopme by CktaWC of. Ia*paMM# by As At DON&M 09 1K. e,rA A. Pq Odwa)anj, 5 pp. XMUM,,. per.. -S* Ak W* BMI, Val qMp ft 2j, 1958# pp 297-300- Gal - Chem Apr 59 0% V. I., ft 5 A"oc bah Ir y-A- q/ 'd V / N, Feah"lom e4 the Xiwtlcai *? CateJytle Dehydropmttoa) byA, A. B&Umdln. AMSTAW# pors 2bur F" Mams. Vol No 19571., pa 745-70. Asom Ttah Swi ?J-139,6 Sol - Chan Apr 59 Al Rum a 141fil --dwm Now Om UU" ot PSGUO" ftstato lby A. As joilAklifty 40' so RWOUN.6 pwo Mw PRO NL% M x1mv -NO no Iwo'. gal - CM& Plkb 59 fate 2--i=iples of Struoture ami Energy Correspond- e,-.ce ia Enzymtic Catalysia, by A. A. PA2andlrl, !0 pp. RiPS-SIAN, per,, Biokhim. Vol go 3) 1958 74.) 415-4a6 Coneultants Bureau &A - ch=. Biol Var 59 3olective Flydnpoation of i4onosaacharidee awl POI.VbYdric Alcoholso by AcaAmmIclau A. A.~Bal- N. A. Vacytmimp 6 pp. RMIM, per Dok Ak Ikuk SM.. Vol CXVII, No I.- 1957j. pp & -F ~ 58 , - , . . . . . 1; -1 .- . ULyerc; III ~,,4tajyai3 and the Effect Thereof on Ener&T of ActiirxUon, by A. A. Ba3andin. RUSSIAlij per., Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol VNIlp 1954j pp 667-670, Consultants Customs Tr NT-193B pi - 00 Sci C"bem, Fh~T Mar 59 n,eperation of p.Xylylenendiamine by the Catalytic Reiduttion of TcrsPhtbA16nitrfl~j, by K. L. FriedlIny A. A. B&IsMin~, T. Sladkovs, 5 pp. RMSIAX,j Dok Ak Nauk. SSSR, Vol CXII) pp 880-MI.., 1957- su R-i650 - Chem Aug 58 BwA goorgIft and iftbu- catelyoup by A. A. Imin nu tr MOUN,, tbrice-w pwo Dak A Nw* OMp Vol WUj So Iv P-65-r 4 ;e eel - chemistry Dea 56 cTo Ll l,"hemodywate Prapertles of Advaption Cmpl*xea In deterageneom Catal"Is. by A. A. Dalwdlu. !,.VBSVJ,p ;'no perv Dok A Nak S=p Vol umis, NO 10 1948P pp'3346 AM Tr 219 CIA/M/X-PT C.,~ p, /0-~A MM T-17-R ~ 1 '.7 S-ldientiflc - Cbmistry July CTS On the Values of Bond Enersies of Nickel Catalysts with Elegibuts of Organic j, by S. L -4 Kipezmanp As A* (pp. Malm, per# Do; At Kauk 880; Vol 11 ITT, No pp 335-338t Consultants Bureau Sci - Chm Aug 58 0 1. "'1 Effect o IWPUWA stowsat pnwaiw rxm OwOrtla pod"m at It"VOL an the ()lot= IMMUM JWWP by a& inesw* A. A. WADMAN at MAVP, assmv "". 3:9 Ak Muk W04 29 OUNI-Ma gm*p CD may 62 Mae" Kinctics o' 2-VirrylpyridilIc- I- dro-enation on a I - 0 INK L'aney li-ich 1 Ca4 7 I J-e 41-alyst, b,, A. A. Dalwi-]jji,, I. j. Drusov~ -,)J). 1- a IISSIP-i, per, Iz Al 1- wk SSSR, O'del Kit, Ehulc, CL 10,2)U"5-0 7M' U L L i,',. LeiGmumat ion of bond Energy With Catelyat, by it.. A. Tolatop va, L. Karpey&-aya, Bur!~Vnl A&M"ion arA Cat&Wls. Cmmmic4tion 1. LiQU14-ph"o N:&Qpmtioa of Mdete acd F=&rIO Aclfto W V* V. Potr:LbQw, A. A. Balwkdia,p M- L- jbi~dkol'v 7 PP. RUWM# per# U Ak buk gMs ot4ol Xhin ftvik,, No *bt PP Sol Apr 6o by iv- nj ~I-lv. ro a'-! S 3.49 'bola n-. ZT. of stem, by 11. A. SIMO%hOtOV'Lf 6 0 Tmaix, at 2.MtbylthjWbeD8 in ~.tbo A. pp. Vok Alt NRUIC WSR-1 Vol So 4p 1'958' conall'itants BWMU Sci - Cbm Jun 59 7 Lf On-the Stereoebemistry of CatalytiCGU4 Active Complexesj, by A. A.-Balandin; R. 1. Klabunov- stly.. 4 pp. I q.5 I MOSIAN$ W; Dok Ak Nauk SM.* Vol CMIm Ro 3P4 w 5B5-587- Consultanto Bureau sci - Chem Aug 58 to 9 0 17 Y rme ReWcAaaaUp Betn= AeUvOW a9d SULb=t* of Nickel-Aludm C&tLVBU =4 the Nwrostruatae of the Chrriarp by Lo Xha Wadllftj A- -A, bdudul wA others, 6 pp. RWOUNpri Is Ak *a* SM- Mel MU ft*,, q 9 , 1168) 1 Pp 923-90- Anew To&. Oem Sci - Chem may 59 on., V 1. so 6 '102 Ike Metics =d Sequmae O:r gyarogmtion of Bonds in peroyAde coq)mmde over a FlaMl Catayst,, by Ao As .-S. V. Nildforova, - L. lb. Fmidliny 6 pp,;- IMSIM., per ~ DDk A Nauk SM) Vol -CM., No 41 IL95TP Pp 649:652. coamlt=ts B=au Scl - Chemistry .kll 58 Rueties of Catalytic DdWdrogenmtj(m of Isopropyl Alcohol In Pmems of Trawition YAtimis Of the Fawth P*r:Lodj by A. A. Daandin w3d. P. Toteni, 4 pp. MOIANj, perj Dak Ak flauk SSM, Vol CXV, No 19,57., pp 727-730. Conoultents Bureau Sal - Chem Av.g 58 7,0~ Pz,esent State of the Catalyrds P--oblem nnd the Theoretical Basis of the Search for Catalyets, by A._A. Balandin., 14 pp, Full tmuslation. WKFSYAN~ bitso per Iz Alk Hankt Otdel Kbim Waukt No pp L4~;638. . M,- C 42.476 Conault'anta Durerw Scientific - Chemistry Mar 56 CTS/dex Catiaytic Hydrogenation. I. Kluctic EquatiOn of WrWnation and Dehydrogenstion Over Nickel Catalyst,, by A. A...Belandinp 25 yp. RMSIM., w per Zhur Obahch KbLmp Vol XT; NO 7/80 194-5., pp 6D8-at Sci Trans Center BT-25M Ocientific: - Chemistry M3 75/Dec 55 Kinetics of Dehydrogmation of Alcobols Over Precipitated Copper Cot"t.. by A. A. Balandin, P. -Teten:L 6 pp. - RMSIANp per.. Dok Ak Vauk SSSR, Vol C1111p No 5,# 19517j, pp 1090-1093. Consultants Burem Sal - Chm iwa 58 70 BALANDINs A.A. Influence -of the rigturii of asbestos carrier on the activity of Platinm'6atalysts. CR LII, No 2,9 46., 139. Dehydrogenation of unsynmetridal diphenylethane, CR LIII, No 2, 462 127. on the Reaction of isotropic exchange in the hydrogeneation of benzene with denterium over platinum and chromium 6atalystej CR LIIIO Nik Bs 46j. 715. inci,..ples of the Chemistry of Razymes and Anti& tabolites from the Vievpoint of the Catalysis eary, by A. A. BalaWins 4 ppe . - 981rd., per, Dok A Nauk SWR., Vol vVq No 58 pp Consultants Bureau i - Chem g 58 Kisetics of the Dehydragemation of Isopropyl end Rtbyl AleoholA ov Nw2pnous Wdeo by A. A. Wmtonatovao A. A. SalAndia, E, M. lkdtriev IT pp, . f I WSSUNO pas Is Ak lbuk BOOR. ftftl Xhim Iffanks So no 1956.4 Vp conmatents Bureau sci - Chem J~m 58 Selective Acti= of Cat&yuts Prepared Frw I Mcbelous Odde Treated With Stnm Under V'ressure, by L. Kho Freidlin, A. A. Balandin, N. V. Borunova, 4 pp. - RUSSM, b1m Varp Izi 6=p- rowel Shia Hauk., ITo 1~ Jan/Peb 1956; pp 129711291 dtk %2767 Co reel 3. Coaoultants Bureau Sci - CbemIstry 371,foeA Aug 1956 M-echaaim of the DePRCUVation Of ViCIM]. CatAlYsta by Cte=m Under FMSS=e, by L. Rb. rav-idlin5 A. A. Balar~ -W, V. Bo--,.,,tmovn, A. T. Ao=omov,, S nun NrAttk,, No 8, Aus, 1.956y pp 91-3-0122. sci - Chemistry 310. 57 Catalytic Dewthylation ofo,.4picoline to P~ridine Under the Action of Water Vapor, by A. A. Balaudin, L. I. Sovalove, T. A. Slovokbotova, 5 pp. Dok Ak Nauk SSW, Vol CX, No 1, 1956) pp 79-8~-' -------- ,.ssoc Tech Sv 73H13R Sci - Chemistry Oct 57 ;~vd.-eopanatidrl Of ViTiptycew Dez'ivctivOOF by K1&buDOv9e&Y) 6 pp;~ Vol cl"~ Sop/oce, 1956 P, 571-574 Consultants Burzeu 11 " !. 'I,- all Ulth Pro"Vlen~j and m-Butans With Bylene at High Te%Veraturee wf! '?-~osureu, Vy L. 11-3~ FreidlD, , A. A. Dallad"dint- W. 14. itage-roya, 4 pp, RUSSM, thrice-mo per, D~k Ak Sauk SSSR, Vol CM, f55" 140 l.., PP 3.05-108- J1111kf" 0 Coneultents Bmsau Sci - Cbem Doc 57 g2w SequMee at -tbe MmUsaftm aZka Twk in CIGNMUcle RwAtlo= Varivatbw an IddW Cqftlyaft~ by A. AJNEMLO A. X P*30- MULMO 16 pp. RUN= no pw abobab we$ Vol xM$.No AW 10'9, pp M a Chemist" Fob.1"T OW/din' -)rj.. ? 2,. of JW,,~orbed Rolecules in a Uni-O Daycr on. ')Yidc- Catalvsts, by Ir. 1'.. vlc-g) A. A. BalanCin, M. P, Malmimow,., pi, - Pr-rj 1z Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdcl. lChim No 2, 1-959, PP 3063-364. Connultants Bureau Sci Arr f the 2.2-Dipbenyl-l- yc~rc.~,,yl Free Radical Frcsence of a Rhoclium catcayut, t)~~ A Baljmdin~ 1,11. L. Nhiflekallo It. V. z F aii: auL Otdel KM_ k, T,,z. 36 -162. .301 - Ct.)nsultants Durcau 7 Free Energy in the Adsorptional Dinplacement of L~.utene by Water From a Catalyst Surface., by A. A. F.alandin, 0. K. Bogdanova, A. Pa Shcheglova, 10 pp. Full translation. 4 RUSSIAN# bimo per,, 4 Ak_Aauk,, Otdel Khim Ketuk, NoZ, Jul/Aag 1955, pp 723-733. el-A- -b--41476 Consultants Bureau Sclqntific - Chemistry 32 It (0 a Mer 56 CTS/dex Differential Thermoeouple Method in Heterogeneous Gatalyalop by A* A. Balapffnv V. V. Patrikeyev, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, no per, Zhur Obahch Xhim.. Vol XIV., No 1/3 tW 1944, pp Scientific - Obomiatry Doe 55 CM/DFX Sai Tr Cotter ET .2656 4,F xz/ Preparation of Hewmethylenedisaine by the continumw Rydrogemation of AdIpoultrile on a Nickel Catalyst,, by L. K. Preidliaj A. A. Balandino K. 0. RuSnevs, T. A. Sladkovx# 15 I?P. RESSIMs pW.. Iz Ak pw* SsSR, otAel Xhim Nauk, PP 166-173j, 1957. sLA R-1619 Sci - Chem Aug 58 9 Ihe M:e,-,=l 101satl= of RYdrogm wd 63ftmtbm Im t4a Pmecaft of MetAl eatLlpt~sp by ~* 0. bumov, A, i. Wsnft, 5 pp. RM&W.. ror,,, D* At Nat* GM.0 jb2. mat. No 4p 1958: pp 727-7300 &000 Wath 7=ft Bel - Mom Apr 59 5. crtl cl w " / 7/ --- -P .,I Pc-t -,-r tha Mcthod of PreparnVon and -thZ a Carrior on the CatGly-,,Ic Actlvi-4.y of Chroilic, C- I-y A. To' stu LP - pya,LA)va, !~, A. Buli`slw~u, A. h, P'nAlwain, 10 lip. R-MSDE, M, '110 10, 1950" , PP 1265. D'irer.I"I Sci, - cheLidstry -Tan C),5 T, ,16 pr" grmrgyo H&at and gntropy of the AdsorptiOadl DjspjP.aoL=Dt of Alcojiols by Water from tho SurZact; of an Oxidu Catalysta by A. A. BalaOinj, 0. KO Bogdarkova., A. P,- Shchuglova, 4 pp. 2 RMS',MO rmr) DA Ak Whuh S.Mj Vol CXVIIIp &1 -.3 1958;1 pp 312-314. Conaultanta Bureau Sci - Ctam] Doc 58 T Me Catalytic Activity of Tuagaten Pentoxide, '05r A. A. Balandin, A - A - Tolztogyatova, V - StshizheMM-,-V~p. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, IrO.1 CWIV, No 3., (325-628.t 1960. CB Sci mm,y 6.L 31 6 0 0 The Effects of Specific 0~:seovs Treatment on the C&tAlvtic and Magnetic Properties of' Mrmde Oxide,, by A. A.. BaUndin I D. RoWeetvenskegs, A. A. Slldli~~14 p'p. RUSSIAN ., per., Dok Ak Nauk SM, vol axav.,.No 1., 396o, pp uo-u3. CB Sci may 61 12he C=biwd Debydration of Alcohols. in an Adscrbed Lapr on Alumim= Oxide Catal,,,mt--. by v. E. Vasse*erg. A. A-Buundin; IT. V. Pp. RUBEAr.,, 'Par, Tjok A jiwk SM, Vol CMIV,, No 2) 1960, pp CB Sai may 61 oaliydration and Tetralive Do- ilydrogepation Kinetics Upod Noodyaluo Oxis.10, *oy A. A. Tolstopyatova, A. A ~&Iawlia. S5SR, Ser Kula, No 1, Ajj ?pp 3-9. /'V AU:i 6 369,387 61-20387 Balandin, A. A. and Liberman. A. L~ KINEITICS OF DEHYDROGENAMN OF SECONDARY 1, BalarWin, A. A. BUWL ALCOHOL AND REVERSIBLE POISONING H. Liberman. A. L~ OF COPPER CATALYSTS. [19611 lp. Order from OTS or SLA $1, 10 61-20367 Abstract trane. of [Akademiya Nauk SSSR]. Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de I'Academle des Sciences de V U. R. S. S. 1940, v. 28, no, 9, P. 794- 799. DESCRIPTORS: *Butanols, Dehydrogenation, *Copper catalysts, Catalysts, Poisoning. (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 6, no. 12) Oka of T.6"ical SwAces of Cyclic iiytlraearl~oas /t-7 (AmLt&Se) ty 4661;S of "rj_ TIberzoeouple, by A. A. 62 iml. over ;.'alaaco largAiX ~or 1 ..... Awl 77, e1 ALI A1210-11 . C. F. citykrALLIzATioN OF CAS71NOS UNDER THE A(.'nON OF SONIC AND ULTRASONIC VIBRATIONS IN THE LIQUID METAL. Jan/Fab 61, 4400 words. Order from HD $9. so HB-4898 Trans. of Izvendlyal Vlysshtkhl Ulchebnykh] Z[avedenly]. Mashinostr[oyenlyel MR) 19M no. 4, p. 24-31. 61-12827 1. Castings- -Production 2. Metals--Crystalllzation Liquid metals-- Ultrasonic factors I .lWarxiin, C. F. U. HB-48" 111. Brutcher, Henry, Altadema. Callf. office of Td.1col Services (Macb' ry--Mamdacturing. Yr. v. 5. no. 8) cilfiti,tq~ u~~Cx coutrol1w, 1!4pld rlz,t-;O,) Of tile sl"Ma priacir-les to b1.1, 1962, 263 N',.""! 2-AV Baland" G. A., Uraleva. V. S.. and MRZ_rn~l, Z. D. FILTRA111,E rORNIS OF BRUCELLAE AND THE ANLML ORGANISM (Fil'travushchicsya Formy Bru,301. "'oobshchenla U, Mtruyushchlesya Formy ilruisell I Zhivotnyi OrganIM). Conswunication 2 on FiltraHe Forms of Brucellao. l1w,l) 29)p. 30 refs. Order [rorn OTS or SLA $Z60 62-1M rr~lnv, of [Gosudarstvennyl Nauchno-issledavatel'- 5 k11 ] Prorivo0umnyl Inscitur. Trudy (USSR) 1956 [v. 101 p. 317-332. OH'i"CRIFFORS: 41,11ruses, tarQcclla. Brucellosis Magocytosts, Leukocytea, Fil:rable forcas of brLICTIldt In (ho organism of w1vto inicu and guinea pigs ire capable of: (1) In- (Neilofical Sctc:ice,.--Nllcr&IoIogy. 7r, Y. 8, no. 3) (over) 1. Balandin, G. A. 11. Uraleva, Y. S. 111. Khakhlna, Z, D. IV. Ilde: viltrable... 0 3 of T.6nkul S.rvit's An M=4 Dlagwals -*of BrwxalosXo In Agacultural Anival In the Buis of a Sucambful amtrol bf 'ftt Infectim In Anim"s wA Mmp by G. ~ A. Balandins A. D. Triabim. RMIW.. bko -Pn# mallex-Sel.t-lakfto Mvotrath,, pp 3.14-w. ou um Sal - Kedlafm NOT 1956 cm/&= , A. andUralevs, V. S. ( 1 in , ,4 , 't Cl._ I(TrY OF TIIE FILTRABLE FORMSOP 1. Balandin, G. A. BRUCELLAE (I'll'truyushchletya Formy Brutseil. U, Uralevs. V. & S130bAhchente 111. Immunogennoot' Fil'truiruehchlithaytt Ill. Title: Filtrable Forin Bruteeil). Communication 3, in I'l h rAilt I . ~i tjj~ of Brucellac. (Mil(Rip. 9refa. order from OTS or SLA $1, 10 62-L5006 Trana. of [Goothisrsivennyl Nauchno-Iseledovaiel'skil Protivochumnyl trolitui. Trudy (USSR) 19M Iv. 101 p, 331-318. DN; (AMRS: *Viruses, SrucelLs, *Brucelloole YACCIM, 'Immunigatlon, Mice. In mice innculatrd a Ith the unautoclaved and 1W '"Viclayrd flitrehle forms of brucellse. a eorriewhal IsleeJ tesistai