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,(nD 1670) Indonesian 3cowmic Potential and National Defeade, Iq Bfi-hruddint-10 Pull translation, MCMIAN.' 00 pw.. Tud No 20, Djakarta, May/Jun 1952,, pp 777-779. CIA/PDD/U-5590 n ludmrecic. Military Feb 54 . ragers on Viffercwtivl I-xioationso ilf . "- f~ I .5UrC I.h'UGVY# lySiS '441 "4a nral S. Wo VOldr.. 0t si, I . A. :~!v ,~~Ad~rjvn Auguste, AND MACHINE FOR CRINDiNG IT. SS4!p 62 (drawings ornitted). Order from INFMRV $10. 00 Trans. (tca only) at French patent 613.333. 1937. DESCRIPTORS: 6WIls, Design. Machines, *Grinders. (Machinery, Fabrications and iccessory Equipment. 77~ V. 9, no. 1) 63-12136 1. Sahuat4 A. A. 1l. Patent (France) 6 13 333 111 - INFOSERV, West Hartford. . cam #MCS d IlIkkal W*Im T9 ift - Tot; qrl p9 SOT= WOW *OwmtT a* "Kid -dd 9 Aq tflaDTAG(j WM 0% P" IWVTA =j ImmeftwiVs dTjD Xolnb V, Bench Vine Mox Adjustable to Desired Reiffit, by Adrien-Au,~pwte. fthumad 0- 4 pp. FFBMJP fttmt NO 1.019810549 US Dept of Cowwree ftteat Office Sei Lib [4- (a 'J Sci may 61 livmrlwl Illolutica or tba Diridlist ProbiBm Taplaw"a vqmtlcng b7 IN. S. BdmnlM. o r !MMANs per, Veata 1-"kow nly Sor lilt-!m Astr riz rl fro-50- 1959P pp 171-195. 179 or TIVY API/JfrJ C-M-3 T-557 -~- I ,.:. j. / - ~11 /?_i '.. 4 1 i9 60 3C-43$651 Of the Allichiet for 1'aplrucels k"Intlan, bY e3, .5 - On the OWatim MacbmAm of TiWdum, by "L D. 1. LAInUA. Ss H&L 9 PD. MOR RUMM, Fals - - iwv I memnovedawet Vol We No 2* DDC R&C-135 Sci - Phya Mar 64 252,975 J-3 A! StaistICS1 SO* Of tb* p fttwm $our FUL"s Wd mosmouc St a by J, W-we CHINUU,.Por, Ti.4mtiu Vol 90 no I* i"77P U=* NLL Raft 7773.723 L46S (90 6S-0) io-L sci-E sci Jul 66 3036916 of T) ur al Baibaeva, S. T., Smilp, Kh. V., and TonAlova, SF D. DETERMINATION OF METHYLOL GROUPS AND FORMALDEHYDE IN PHENOL-AND CRESOL- FORMALDEHYDE RESINS. Oct 62, 1000 wordo. Order from =5 $ 10. 00 TTIS-4025 Trans. of Lakokrasochnye Materialy [I Ikh Primeneniel (LISSR) 1962. no. 2, p. S2-54. DESCRIPTORS: $Phenol-formaldehyde resins, Creosote, Methyl radicals, Formaldehyde, Determination, Resins. 62-34400 1. Wbaeva, S. T. U. Smilga, Kh. V. Ill. Tomilovs, N. D. IV. TTIS-4025 ' V. Translation and Technical Information Services (Cc. Brit.) (Materials- -Plastics, TT, v. 9, no. 2) 63-10808 Wakova, Z. V., Rozhanskaya, P. M., and R09pW=11.. A. 1, Balbskova, Z. V. T'AE PROOUCTION OF STAPLE FIBER FROM 11, Rozbanskaya, F. M. SOLUTIONS OF TRIACETYL CELLULOSE IN Ill. Rogovin, Z. A. ACE'171C ACID. 1 June 62, Bp. 3 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-10808 Trans. of 1(himlicheskle] Volokna (USSR) 1961, no. 6, p. 46-48. DESCRIPTORS: *Fibers, Production, *Acetyl radicals, Cell ulose compounds, *Acetleacids, Mechanical propertieg, Fibers (Synthetic). )~ method for proJucing trincetate staple fiber from acetic acid solutions of cellulose triacetate was developed and the main process parameters were a%tablished. The relation between process parameters (Materials --Text Oes, 'IT, and the physical and mechanical properties of the fiber v. 9, no. 12) ,Nas examined. (Author) Cffkf of TuMcal Stntes Combiatible Shales, by F. 1P., Bai-ft M, M. Prigorovskiy, 10 0-.-- .~~Vj RMSUNI Geoloxichoskala ImelleMost' _i Kinerallnom S3yTr evaia Baza SSSR Mbscow-Lauingrad# 19398 vD 64 -66. Scientif Ic - Geophynics Sci Tr Center BT-1248 Jul 54 CTS 2he zleat=platlng oC Copper aud Cadmium on (m Solld Electrodes VaIng HI&b C=Mnt Densitle. by G. s, smavy==kDt N. ya, Bmuwmt 4 pp. RUSSIM~ part DDk Ak Nm* SSM.. Vol =Ix~, No 1959, Pp 841443. CB Sal oat 6o Os-/ -'Ibe Influence of Certain Orpnic Substances on the Electrodeposition of Cadmiums by 0. A. Emellyaneukos E. Ya. Balberova, V. P. Galuebkol 3 pp. 9LWAVAM.- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Kh1m.. Vol XXXII.. No 12, 1.959, pp 2668-2676. Cleaver-Hume Press Sai sep 6o A INIV NOW Ot UUMMUS 10 pg a bouvity at by J6 A. MMM*ba% 153 No R==j Up ftryl 11MOR go I no 11 -- MOLS 196L *m 64-lim raja fti No 64 Increnz,mr CaPper. 0'roduction, # the karaua!lh Vining and MetiLUuTgical C4mVinep b-y Do Kn - baxibulov G,, ii Kon-levp 2 pp. RLEZIAN, parg 'Tsvetnye HetaUy2 No 101,. 196,G., pp Ps Sol. J,.ug 61 The Mechanism of the Action.of Nompolar Reageuts in the Flotatih of Coal~ by V. I. Malik-"ikazyan: A, A,, Baichenko,, V. L. Rabotkin) A. No Gorban') 4 pp. AUSSrAff, per, Dok Ak Nauk Vol CXXVIS 90 21 pp 341-343. CB Sci Aug 6c) 1o2 / 7 -11f 63-12811 Baichikov, A. G_ Barmenkov, A. S., and Eroshin, --V=.. 1. flalchikov, A. G. MICROORGANISMS IN 'rm BIOSYNIMERS OF 11. 13armenkov, A. S. 11963118p. 111. E-roshin, V. K. Ordv r f rum ATS $ 21. 65 ATS-45P66R IV. ATS-45MR V. As,;ociated Technical Trans, of Nit:dlitsinska 'val Prounlyshlennost'l SSSR, Ser%iccs, Inc., 19591.v. 131no.;6, p. 1.5-31. Ea,;t Orange, N. j)j-'SCjffllj'0RS: *Steroids, 'Biosynthesis, -17, V. 9, no. 9) Qlk# al letb*A Str*as llinllnr rye Variety,,. Kamwlmia 5 + 6& by Erh. Baichurova. Iwswlpr,~~Sc'o%b i comno pp 55-57- Vol xylij no as Am 1950S USDA %mm 321. MSR Ecoumic - Agricult=e,, *,a Sciert-Lific - Bio."Logyj, rye SE.ITEE T by Ladovic Daic') A U. p.,"or, - ,U,~,Mjm, PC,r) aectrotehnic") Vol vii, No Bj.l(,.hare"st; 1959., PP 285-288. iPRS 2555 zour - Rumania Econ J,~ay IMMION W caw r#4Tw IN mm vlamps Or of, QAlQ4lku* C. otmw* a A# " Pp. MHANI m avim coolwilum M A IN 0t COOMT11t No ito, I^ ,Fwpk. on 17* scl o M rm 63 90#34 'rT-63-24264 Aalg& E. N. M17TRAL SOLUTION OF THE EQUATIONS OF EQUIL13RIUM FOR ANISOTROPIC AND 155aMOPIC BODIES Ingeborg, V. Baker, tr. 30 Aug 63 121p) l5refs RSIC-48; N63-23508. Order from OTS. SLA. or ETC $2.60 TT-63-24264 Trans. of Izvestlys Vysshlkh Uchebnykh Zovedenfl. 15trojivi'sivo) I Arkhitektura (USSR) 1958 [v. I no. 6, p. 17-27. 1. Baida, E, N. 11, RSIC-48 Ill. Army Missile Corninand, Redstone Arsenal. Ala. IV. N63 - 23,508 DESCRIPTORS: *Elasticity. Theory, *Anisotropy. 0160tr6plem, Solids, *Differential equations, Potential theory. (MecY,anics, TT, v. 11, no. 3) 011ki P1 Ttrh*ij WOOS Dissolution Kinetica of Vitreoua Arsenic Sulfidev In Dilute Alkali, by L.A. P~aidak ~ Z.U. Borisova et al, !i pp. 'RUSSUN, per,. Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol )0=, No 3, 1963: :pp 500-503. CB Sci may 64 256,926 Electrical Conductivity of the Selenium-Axsenib dystem -in the Glassy State) by L. A. Daidakov, Z. U. E.01-'isova, 8 pp. -~7~ RUSSX7,, per, Riur M Prik Rhim, Vol XXXIV, No 11, pp 2446-2454. CB sc-') Jul 62 205,175 7be RUTomomw in AnUswU gUwtwo Setym tbo cyt"l4sm" Afttaim of ma" uvw we 5"Stafts by L. A. Ul%wg a.. 1. Abelwa Z. A. A""roveo 1. V. ftpl lp"to Z. L. ftUftwev 4 pp. mmunp pwo D* At No* segas %I =avo lb 4,0 XI IMS pp 939-- Awr Imt at KaL 8d sat - KOX Pinsible Viral Itioloa of AmotropUc Lateral s:aerosis,, by L. A. Zilberj, Z, L. S&U-m~jp 9 pp. pum=p vas v0prow J-.# Vol Vs 2,962.0 19 5W-5wo In 4.8-63 1301 - Riol & led ad IAW 63 0.4 2 Um Xboat to Uvw A 0. A- Avgdx"�o lly -11:4k- 4 VOL so 1959f IV low Imt at jua ad got - Dia Be 59 FORECASTING VALUE OF CHARTS OF THE INTEGRATED PRESSURE DEVIATION FR%I NONAAL, BY M. H. BAI-DAL. RUSS)AN, PER, TRUDY A"-ATA KAZAM NAUCH ISSLED GIDROMET INST, NO XK 15, 196o, PP 73-7~- NLL M. 3745 SCI - GEOPHYS 0 C T 6 P 213,010 120-MIOD FrATM W ATNWMMC CINCLUTION in ot "am" cmam V11" rals w H. M. IIAIIDALO .ft- lWalms mmo TRW KAMM NWCHi= II'MOCTOM INST NA%ATAm, NO 40V 1950 IMP 73-81 - 1, WLL U. 3828 SO a GMPHYS lk, OCT 62 914,9766 TVE MICIPLES OF TW CWM KWRN- CIMUTION WTHOD OF L*GAVM FOREGMINQm BY M,,.N* RJUIANjo PERt TRW WW NMK&133= GIOROMMUM INST MX"TAt ND 400 19% Nu N- 38" I - GEWM Scl (X, r (a 214#767 R(aa#*Utup awmmmime the 4dMwl Rodoctiol oZ iron in Yx)ltm Omat by Ve V. Mldavo ijjj&~,3]Aj~j pgre IMg INZ Cbsrp-KA-A" ~40 is 19640 pi) 13-19. *"'Isl 6413 Meahanical Properties of Rocks at High Temperatures and Pressutes.. by B. V.-Zgdyuk. RUSSIAN, bk. It *CB a4th quarter of 1965 w:ty 65 Compression and Transport of Cotton in the Beae. by P. Baidyuk. RUSSIM, per Textil Inaya -ProwyablewO41LIbl. 9, No. 3, 39W PP 15-17 03MO/No-7586 I'D. 13 q - / 0 ~/t,, k Sci - Sep 67 339-816 Studles an 03ass SaWawo Using pgftoWt4Ve Hmphwwo by Rmst Boderp Peter Bmummmjo 21 yp* - ww" pro, Ourb6dMische Buldftj, Vol W=v go 3j, 1961a pp 146-M. SFA 61-W%3 Sol, VAr 62 1A P 0 71 Vol Vn, No 3 62-14863 13,ji r- F nst, Schefer, Werner, and Steinwehr lielmut Ernst v. CONCERNING THE COLORATION OF BORAX GLASSES I. Mer, E. BY IRON (Ubei die FUrbung von Boraxglttscrn durch- IT. Scliefer, W. Eisen). [19621 [151 p. (foreign text included) 15 refs. Ill. Steinwehr, 11. E. v. Order from S LA $ I ~ 60 62-14863 Trani. of Glastechnjischej Ber[ichtej (West Germany) 1956, v. 29, no. 6, p. 247-251. DESCRUTORS: *Glass, *Borax, *Iron, *Color, Spec- trographic analysis. The authors were able by meEal-addition to obtain pure ferro-harax glasses, and to demonstrate their ferri- freeoom chemically and optically. PrWuction and test- ing are describLd, and some spectral permeability curves are reproduced. The viswil color of the pure ferro-glasses was blue. (Author) (Mar.?rials- -Ceramics, 'M', v. 9, no. 1) Offka ol T"iwkal Serwkes Bleaching of Plant Mros With &AIus Ch2"Ite, by H. Bmier. kt OMAN$ perp W IPWAorsm .- -43--oredImSs Vol V21o No lo pp 8-220 ND 2p PP 49-55. I a- --m49 sci Aw. 59 '? 3-50 GE~~ I . (DC-3555" Ensuring a Steady Supply of. Electricity) by Jiri -~aicr' 5 PP. FCR CVF-ICM USE ONLY CZECB) Per., En %,0l XY xo 1) 1960) I'maue ergetika. IT 1-3 - Czechoslovakia, Ecoa - Fuels, power gay 60 Jt~ JMS 3280 COPYRIGRT Synthesis of Dinitro Ketones., by V. V. Perekalinp Nfia.-r) 3 PP. WMIM, mar, zhur Obwwh Khimo Vol Mo 5* 3,, 1960,, pp 943-944-6 CB Sci - Apr 61 / -,4 ":7, .: ~ -, ~ ~ oAjcWAtjej2 of the Iffect (if Body MICkMod Lu VAC va Da-sion sna Prof Illus of tm Kate Of ftdial- A,aiml Wdroturbim ftimij, by Ma Ta, Batore UML RUsslao par, Ignargamigh, Ila 7v 1958,9 99 16-:Wo DSIR LW M 1299 (7s. 6d.) 1301 mar 60 0~~, General PlOnO WadratlC GMV43~, ITY A M=33en; Vol crul., 3.9363 Coll Rm law Ctr G - 63 - an 641~- Factom AffeaUze tM iodnt mw tlowim atrescide w"~" wt"nx-- by A*A, AUw and V, 940-r-i ~ pp. MMU# ptw# A"cwt sorkap No U# Nov 3.90, pp 66-73.- MtldbL IWO ftwo Asgoe, m mw 6k 13 -5- ~~ 3 // alk tm uwm at vo Wfas-at mmustim an to mcauft or mietwilm 2n Now be T. x bodwo NOW4 ow. Sko Im va Ift ft it MOOS 0 hu Mm*. of r4p. To A AS lb 92 wm , A:or 70 ~ %- - ~ . U606M LlEmonitun ProCluction in Bleutron-Positron Scattering, b-,- V. H. IDEM V. S. Synlahh., -JS,SIAN,, per, 2lur Ekaper i Teorot Fiz, Ifol Ul., ..To 5, 1961~ ED 1576-1~81. AIP Sov Fhy5 - 713a 110i XIV) 110 5 sci A..Ur_ 62 2o6,582 so= Protdom RoW,*% Me Farmatbw of Jai= Welded Wftb Ulawmk Vantkx* by A. A. Alovg W. &Y.T. - ~ RUSgAN,, pa,, A "=o Svui*p No 11, 1963,, jFp W7L HB 6151 sci - bAlm Mar 64 250,766 Tittra-Tert.-Butorpilane, by M. 0. Voronkov, A. W. laz"ev, A. K. BsI&ozhin,,.4 pp. ROMIAN, mo per.. Zhur Obshch Khto SSSR., Vol XKVIp No 11, 1956, PP 3o72.3o74. cmMultants Bweau Sci - Chem Jul 58 67,6~76-' Labor Organization in Agricultural Cooperatives, by ~ ~ik Chang7yOng, 3 pp. KOREAN, per, Kyongje Chisik, No 5, 1962, pp 6-10. JPRS 15980 PE-Korea Econ Nov 62 :,- Study of Claortetrae~clina DruL;a by the Yethod of Countercurreat Distribution., by V. MI. Balkina; V. B. K=ha6in- R'USSLkN,, per: Antibiotiki, Val No 4, 1, -pp 31,4-.3.r) Mad 3ci %combo out a. 300% 14 Z. X, 14 -IL Boa% vp =-, Ift ar 67 ::"": 3 '~' ~.Q%A.IeF' ILI 1;46 Anoa J.-r-tion of the Counter- Carre&%, G:Lstribution_ Matbod. Part 1. A Simple Ritional for the El=sntary Cell of a Counter-Cu=ent Dictribution ADPaxatual by A. S. Khokhlov) V. M. bj--:o perk Zbvir Amp-1 In-Am. Vol, X1.7 No pp. Coaaultaatc; Bureau sci - chemistry &~P 57 ffoct of Sholtmtelts an the Soll of the Interstrip xemp by A. S. Balk*., 10 pp. 9078500 ',USSIWj pars Polem4wh Lee., 1955s PP 155-163. OTS 60.a%g PL-48o ;C1 - GeOplQrl3 sr.! No 260 TT-64-12541-1 (P. T129-T133) B&U.o, G. F. AGE CHARACTERISTICS AND VARIABILITY OF 1. Balko, G. F. ARTRRIM IN HUMAN CEREBRAL DURA MATER, 11. Feder4tion of American Isn/Feb 64. 5P Societies for Experi- Order from FASEB $Z 00 In Federation Proceedings mental Biology, Translation SLWement. T964, v. .23, no. 1. Washington, D. C. (p. TL29-TL33) Trans. of Arkhiv Anatomll, Gistologil I Embriologil (USS:4A) 1962, Y. 42, no, 6, P. Soff, OMMYTORS. *Aglug (Physiology), *Arteries, *14minges, Blood ciredation, Broln. 1980538 01014W ScIances-lbyslology, 77. V. 11. am 10) 1 Office 0i Technical go-ice. Tuo-Commuttator Itotuy ImpUtierj by 1. No chupiatova V. F. 9 pp - 0.=JAN. perp BlaMrichostvop No 13, 19581 pp 1-5. pp sci 3.wv 61 /J'4 ill/ "a- Workliag of tkw Blast FUrnace an OxygmMuricbed Blast,, b3:r A. A. Baikov,, M. A. ShELpovalov REISSIM., per, I!!G5Iq=df-r(bI it NO it 194k. Bruteber Tr No 1903 Brutcher Tr 11o 1881 (4.25) Tv"orking of the Briat Furnace of O:kygen-RrjrIched Blastj by A. A. Balkov.. A. A. PokhV113PI-VI P. L. ;Isz,itsa and S. V. Kaft-anov, 13 FUCIMAN, per,, Piclorod, Vol So ";,'1944p pp 26- SCI slit q-1910 Ooucerulng Pbase of Vernalization in Woody plants, by L. I. SergeYev, 0. 1 X. Baikovj, K* Ae Serseyeva, 4 pp. RMIMP pars Dok Ak Nauko OMP Vol CMP No 3# 1957j PP 510-- Amer lut of Biol Sol Sci - Biology Jul. 58 Polarization of Internal-Conversion Electrons Emitted after Beta Decay of Oriented Nualet, by T, s. Baikov, 6 pp. RUSSUN, per, Zhur Eksper I Teor-et Fizp Vol MIXP .No 3.1,9)., 196o, pp 624-632. AIP Soviet Phys - JI-ETT Vol X11" No )5~5- )3 may 61 imu TI-I r -Ef f ecti venea s, f or Briclrcs, by 5. 0. Ok--rblom, U7.1-CL IZZ o-D 33 viam.-ity Constant for Pol),mers of Vinyl- Ethers., Q-ho,~;4-a7luvSkiy, V. A. Gj.C6dYZhaVSIZ?'- R, 1 5 PP, -Tz Ak 14auk ESSSIR; Otdel Kh-'jB -nawh., 110 ,;,1 1959~p pp 2203-2207. Sci oct S!D Un ,.rte 1=uni-,Ijy lanremental 'Mathoa of by VA Baikovskiy, 9 -,f luba InformaUon Transminsion, pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomat i Talemakh, Vol UI, No 3, 10160, pp 344-358. Instru Soo of kmar Doc 60 A S,~stljonarj Alretem- Cound Recordcr, PaUkuzov, Full tranulation. RUSIMUI., :perp Radio, ft 12; Dee 1951l I)p 53-;6. Ecu.iL=ie - Radio., loudepeenbr, recorder, 9 Scicati,L-lu. - Blectrouics,, recorder (BY-5475) lawmtlo Sopuators for Cooftunnp by Herbert ft 1 13 PP. Al 02MM,, per, Wto md Fornsebou., Vol IX, No 16$ Elep 1*.t pp %6-%9. JM 7* S&W - oermny - Edon ,a,7.:l mar 61 luidtatim at offoum or abet=" in Zdvlo-j 5~~ by gamr Boa. 16 19. INDMi, PWs, ?Adt TmffimltWUfO1Wb Vol 600 Ho 1-2a IMm lomm. JUSI Tf F-12#49 Ga;-b lk4-B&M I jlbV 6.9 395.,776 Sransmission of the Sensitivity to Tuberculin, by Ookarr. Baa,, 15 PP- : GMM, per, Z DmmitmWorach, vol IV) No 4~ .191o,, pp 47o-485. 'NIK 3-60-62 1~?qt 7/z/ Sci - Med -w 62 Stereochemistry of ConTlex laorgmic Compounds. )M11. Sterospecific Effects in Complex Ions, by E. J. Corey, J. CS Bailar. RUSSM4, per, Uspekh Kh1m,, No 7,, 1960, PP 913-- Cleaver-Hume Press ~ Sci may 61 / 5-:2 j 1? 23 / "a madbodum Of gricum aid the romdetswe cem-11:1, 3ArWAftMa3odZ#PmcCkft4Amt to DMWft 0--"4 IV Aaft Bd2W# 22Sp YMMO IWO BMW a, X&MA now 99 h92j& VA Up 106# Jb 10# 130-1324 Sci - wt am* 67 6 0 The structure of the Pit Membranes In the Tracheids of Conifers., by GERMAN., pw,, Hols Ala Rob- und Warkstoff., Vol XV, No 5., 1957p pp 210-M36, OSIRO 3639 Sei - Biol Feb 62 /,00/ , V/ 6 -4" mu, 1. W. THE STRW"H OF 7WE PIT MEWROES IN THE 1. 71de: Cooltwo TRACHEWS OF CONIFERS (Die Strukaw.der T*W- L 71de: 7hebW& membum bef do Tracbelden der Kodleren). 119631 1. *aft, L W. 19h 11 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-16SS4 Trans. of Holz do Rob- uad Wertstoff (Wes Gertnany) 1937, V. 15, M 3, P. 210-213. A' 347314 Awd" trou, to anti" hvw SLA " 38-730. ~ D&WRIFMR& *Traca, *Wood. *Ws (IllohiffA *Membranes (Ilkgop), Histology, Electron w1croewp The euvcttn of the pit W&Mbraws of owiferous trubelcim varies mar"y, w only to dwuvd tam but aLso In different puts at ft mom me, ad at dwes in neighbmtring trscbd& d a small s#n*k of W009L Tbew ranges d sumctwal varlablIfty dowrw cadul conswration in the interwocation or ekctrm On d TwAdod tw (B&okgtcd Science --boway, Tr. v. 106 m 7) (over) .Mig, Pearce. SOVIET NEUROLOGY UNDER THE SIXTH FIVE- YEAR PLAN: A DIGEST OF ITS PROGRAM AS PRESENTED BY PROFESSOR N: 1. GRASHCHENKOV. [ 19611 20p. Ordar from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-15617 Originally presented at the Plenum of the Directorate of the All-Union Society of Neuropathologista and Psychiatrists, S Feb 56 (pub. In Zhurnal Nevro- patclogil I Paikhiatrit (USSR) 1956, v. 56, no. 10, p. 765-777). 62-15617 1. Bailey, P, 11. Graohchenkov, N. 1. III. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. DESCRIFTORS: ONeurology, Neuropsychiatry, Nervous system. 7b* Energy Spectrtm of Electrm3 in Lmg Chains Of Conjugated Bonds# by K. Bai-Lin. (HINEAGE, per, Sci~ntidSinica, Vol 10, No 6, pp 653-67T.--~ - NLL Ref: 5809.S1 1965 (TIL/T. 5487) Sci-Phys June 66 303-#272 63-1026,6 jLakitts, Eduards. THE SOUND IMPULSE OF A LIQUM SPARK. 1. BaWtIB, E. 14 Dec 621 12p. (figs, omItted) 15 refs. Order from SL A $1. 60 63-10266 Trans. of ZeiLsehrift fUr Angewandte Physik (West 7T- o '7 t~j Germany) 1957. Y. 9, no. 9, p. 429-434. DESCRIPTORS: 'Sparks, Liquids, *Sound transmlBsIM *Detonation waves. Measurement. *Piezoelectric transducers, Electric discharges. *Underwater sound. T1w eound waves whJch are produced by sparkover in water Investigated by means of a piezoelectric receiver. The properties of the receiving probe are discussed It could be shown that the electric voltage In the pl.ezocrystal caused by the sound wave is pro- portioncl to the mean elastic straln inside the probe. It was fowid that the pressure increase at the ft-ont of (PhysIcE;- -Acoustics, Tr, Y. 10, no. 2) (aver) mks of 7KbWW 3ff*" The sound eaoe l,,.vom a Spark Diaebwee in a riluid, by EducXdo BailitlS, 13 PP- Cm-W,AU. par, Z -Luer Angeuwdte Phpil~ -2~,,ftnzchlleulich Mktlemikt Voll IX~ No 09) 4v9-434.. 9072885 DRB Canada T 88 G Sc,; - pbYs Lrov C-0 The Principal Problems Posed by Rice Groving, aig Found in rrench ColonW Experlenccp by Be Baillaud.9 12 ppo FIUWCH,g manuscript. SLA 57-2865 S"I AM9 58 / /,, a ~- S J Pr-imry Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, by P. Soulieq R. Tricots J. di Matteop J. 33aillets qW. Silvestr9p 35 PP- MRMABSIFIED ----W ------- FRENCH,p per., Bull et Mem Soc Mod d. Hop Da Paris, Vol T Nod- N32 3,7 I I . sow Statistical Notes an tW 411adwas of Child- ren in Prmco,, by Do WdIUmU FRENQI,, part J, 2ELt4 A"p we 120 19sle ,pp 24-280 IAEW NIII 5-21-66 Sim 66 303cI64 ca=05 of OU04MS in 1958 at the NIttional Institution for Youag BUAd Persons of Paris* ~y P. saillwrt' M401, per, Mm 00culist. Vol 1920 No so 19590 ?p S62-5", lWi 101i 5-10-66 P Jun 66 303,7S3 Study of- Submicroacopic Precipitation in Retractory High HDVOStrength 80/20 Type Ni-Cr Alloyss by ~ ~iiie. Poulignier. MNCK, per, Rev Not, Vol LI,, No 3, 1953t pp 179-1910 Tr 586 (k 150o sci 0 Min/met Jan 58 A Bb* at -- - - -- ---- I % I I I ymnwtw AUCVS 4W US 80-M "d-SMOSWO IT* nmoss w# MR ft VIOL 510 X9%0 Ib 3* V 179490 KA ft~&--16254 Bel - Hats Jay 61 WOW (Dc-3Wl/P-6B) Wo Opposina Views on Dogmtiam and Sectarian- ismp by Henri Schwarzp Louis Bai4Qts-,3 PP. 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